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The objectives of this research are to find out the new portion of
family background and their impact in reading attitude of the
students from rural area. According to Shamoo and Resnik (2003)
various analytic procedures provide a means of making inductive
inferences from data and distinguishing the signal from the noise
present in the data.
Regarding to Gottschalk (1995) identifies three factors that can
affect the reliability of analyzed data as follow stability, or the
tendency for coders to consistently re-code the same data in the
same way over a period of time, reproducible, or the tendency for a
group of coders to classify the categories membership in the same
way and accuracy, or the extent to which the classification of a text
corresponds to a standard or norm statistically.
All the statistical test that has been chosen will verify using all the
research questions in this research.
a. What is the relationship of the parental encouragement on the reading attitude in
English of rural Malay students?
b. What is the relationship of attitude towards an English and reading attitude of rural
Malay students?
c. What is the relationship between the social economic status (SES) and the reading
attitude of rural Malay students?
d. What is the relationship between the accessibility of reading materials in English and
the reading attitude of rural Malay students?

4.1 Analyse the research

Getting the analysis become easier, the researcher analyzes
the research finding by approaching all the findings regarding to
research questions that been answered in the first place. There are
four research questions has been forwarding in this research.
Detailed discussion according to research questions so as not to
miss and make reader comfy to understand the research findings.
4.1.1 Research Question 1
What is the relationship of the parental encouragement on the
reading attitude in English of rural Malay students?
Assumptions for the test Pearson correlation coefficient, r: Samples
were randomly selected from the population and the scores for
each variable are independent of each other. Scores for each
variable is normally distributed in the population.
Ho :There was no significant difference between parental encouragement with the
reading attitude in English of rural Malay students.

: There is a correlation between parental encouragement with

the reading attitude in English of rural Malay students

If p < 0.01 : the Nul hypothesis will be rejected

If p > 0.01 ; the hypoyhesis failed to be rejected
4.2 Correlation Analysis

Table 4.2 Correlation between Parental Encouragement and

Reading Attitude.



Pearson Correlation

Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation







Sig. (2-tailed)




**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Regarding to the data, Null hypothesis will be rejected because p < 0.01
The data above means that there is a very weak negative relationship between
parental encouragement and reading attitude . These two variables means that
changes in one variable are weakly correlated with changes in the second variable.
In research example, Pearsons r is - 0.291. This figure is very close to 1. For this
reason, researcher can conclude that there is a very weak negative correlation
between parental encouragement and reading attitude. However, researcher cannot
make any other conclusions about this relationship, based on this figure.
The Sig. (2 tailed) in the table shown that 0.003 . This value is smaller than 0.01.
Because of this value, it can be conclude that there is no statistically significant
correlation between the two variables. That means, increases or decreases in one
variable do not significantly relate to increases or decreases in the second variable.
Furthermore, p < 0.01 so nul hypothesis will be rejected.
By referring to coefficient of non- determination the percentage of varians parental
encouragement and varians of reading attitude were not correlated.. It represented
by 1- r2.

r = - .029
1 r = 1- 0.84

r = - 0.29
= 0.159

15 % of the varians in parental encouragement did not correlated with the varians in
reading attitude.


This scatterplot graph does not seem to have a correlation . There is no pattern to
where the data points lie. They do not seem to go in any particular direction.
Therefore this data has a correlation value of - 0.03

4.1.2 Research Question 2

What is the relationship of sudents attitude towards an English and
reading attitude of English of rural Malay students ?
In this colleration, all the sampling has been chosen randomly. The scores for every
each variables which is normally scattered in the population.
Ho :There was no significant difference between students attitude towards an
English with the reading attitude in English of rural Malay students.

: There is a correlation between students attitude towards an

English with the reading attitude in English of rural Malay students

If p < 0.01 : the Nul hypothesis will be rejected
If p > 0.01 ; the hypoyhesis failed to be rejected
Table 4.3 Correlation between Students Attitude Towards an English with
Reading Attitude of Rural Malay students.

Pearson Correlation

Sig. (2-tailed)



Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)









**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Regarding to the data, Nul hypothesis will be rejected because p < .01
The data above means that there is a weak negative relationship between students
attitude towards an English with reading attitude . These two variables means that
changes in one variable are weakly correlated with changes in the second variable.
In research example, Pearsons r is - 0.459. This figure is very close to 1. For this
reason, researcher can conclude that there is a weak negative correlation between
students attitude towards an English with reading attitude. However, researcher
cannot make any other conclusions about this relationship, based on this figure.
The Sig. (2 tailed) in the table shown that 0.000 . This value is smaller than .01.
Because of this value, it can be concluded that there is no statistically significant
correlation between the two variables. That means, increases or decreases in one
variable do not significantly relate to increases or decreases in the second variable.
Furthermore, p < 0.01 so nul hypothesis will be rejected.
By referring to coefficient of non- determination the percentage varians of students
attitudes towards an English and varians of reading attitude were not correlated.. It
represented by 1- r.
r = -.459

r = -.459
1 r () = 1 0.210
= 0.79

79 % of the varians in students reading attitude towards an English did not correlated
with the varians in reading attitude.

The scatterplot graph does not seem to have a correlation at all. There is no pattern
to where the data points lie. The variables do not seem to go in any particular
direction. Therefore this data has a correlation value of 0.
4.1.3 Research Question 3
What is the relationship between the social economic
status (SES) with reading attitude in English of rural Malay
In assuming for statistical correlation, the sampling has been chosen randomly.
The scores for every each variables which is normally scattered in the population.
H : There is no significant difference between the social economis status (SES) with
reading attitude of rural Malay students.

H : There is a correlation between the social economis status (SES) with reading
attitude of rural Malay students.
If p < 0.01 : the Nul hypothesis will be rejected
If p > 0.01 ; the hypoyhesis failed to be rejected
Table 4.3 Correlation between the social economic status (SES) with reading
attitude of rural Malay students

Pearson Correlation

Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation






Sig. (2-tailed)




Regarding to the correlation data above, Null Hypothesis will be rejected because p
> 0.01. However, this correlation shows non linear relationship which is - . 083 that
can be concluded as having a very weak negative relationship. In a very weak
negative correlation, as the values of SES variables increase, the values of the
reading attitude variable decrease. Likewise, as the value of reading attitude
variables decreases, the value of SES variable increases.
The Significant (2 tailed) in the table shown as 0.410 . This value is bigger than .01.
Because of this value, it can be concluded that there is statistically significant
correlation between the two variables. That means, increases or decreases in one
variable do significantly relate to increases or decreases in the second variable.
Furthermore, p > 0.01 so nul hypothesis failed to be rejected.


This scatterplot shown a very weak negative correlation, but the data points are quite
tighter indicating a higher correlation. Thus this would probably have a value of
about -.08.
4.1.4 Reasearch Question 4
What is the relationship between the accessibility of reading materials in
English with the reading attitude of rural Malay students?
As far as a researcher corncern, statistical correlation of sampling has been choosen
at random. The scores for every each variables which is normally scattered in the
H : There is no significant difference between the accessibility with reading attitude
of rural Malay students.

H : There is a correlation between the accessibility with reading attitude of rural

Malay students.
If p < 0.01 : the Nul hypothesis will be rejected
If p > 0.01 ; the hypoyhesis failed to be rejected

Pearson Correlation

Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation






Sig. (2-tailed)




**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Regarding to the correlation data above, Null Hypothesis will be rejected

because p < 0.01. However, this correlation shows non linear relationship which is
- . 315 that can be concluded as having a very weak negative relationship. In a very
weak negative correlation, as the values of accescibility variables increase, the
values of the reading attitude variable decrease. Likewise, as the value of reading
attitude variables decreases, the value of accesibility variable increases.
The Significant (2 tailed) in the table shown as 0.001 . This value is smaller than .01
Because of this value, it can be concluded that there is no statistically significant
correlation between the two variables. That means, increases or decreases in one
variable do significantly relate to increases or decreases in the second variable.
However, p < 0.01 so nul hypothesis will be rejected.

By referring to coefficient of non- determination the percentage varians of students

attitudes towards an English and varians of reading attitude were not correlated.. It
represented by 1- r.
r = -.315

r = -.315
1 r () = 1 0.099
= 0.991

99 % of the varians in the accessibility of reading materials in English did not

correlated with the varians in reading attitude.

The scatterplot graph does not seem to have a correlation at all. There is no pattern to where
the data points lie. They do not seem to go in any particular direction. Therefore this data has
a correlation value of 0.00

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