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The Law of Chastity 173 189

According to our readings, "difficulty comes when you enter the battle
of temptation _________________."
Without a fixed plan According to our readings, "Satan knows that as long as you
____________________ you can resist him."
Can be led by the spirit
According to our readings, what does the First Presidency counsel
regarding intentionally exciting emotions feelings and emotions?
It is wrong, it is not only wise not to be immoral but it is a
fundamental commandment of god that he considers very
According to our readings, what is "the Lord's standard regarding
sexual purity"?
is clear and unchanging, do not have sexual relations before
marriage and be completely faithful to your spouse after
According to our readings, what does the First Presidency counsel
regarding passionate kissing?
Do not participate in it before marriage; dont do anything that
could lead to sexual transgression.
According to our readings, what are the dangers of sexual
It gives powerful rewards that can temporarily persuade us to
overlook the serious deficits in the overall relationship. It is
According to our readings, what did Elder Holland refer to as "drugstore
That the young woman must control the limits of intimacy in a
relationship because the man cannot control himself.
According to our readings, Elder Holland said we "will never be more
like God at any other time in this life than when" ______________.
We are expressing our power to procreate and have children.
According to our readings, the eternal importance of the law of chastity
can only be understood within the context of the plan of salvation.
According to our readings, what is one of the great ironies of eternity
related to the law of chastity?
Is that the adversary, who is so miserable because he has no
body, entices us to share in his misery by improperly using our
According to our readings, _____________ is to our spirit as pain is to our

10. Intimacy in Marriage

According to our readings, what is the 48 hour rule?
That if something happened you have 48 hours to bring it up, if
that time passes then it is not fair to bring it up.
According to our readings, we should end the activities of our day
before we are exhausted because ___________.
So that a husband and wife can retire and make sex a priority
time and not a time left over.
According to our readings, what does "burying weapons of war" have
to do with preparing for sexual intimacy?
It has to do with burying feelings, thoughts, words, and other
weapons that we might have that are preventing us from
having the sexual intimacy that we should be having.
According to our readings, how can focusing on "love-generating
images" prepare one for sexual intimacy?
Love-generating images are images that promote our feelings of
love and the way that we view our spouse. Focusing on those
images can help us feel the love that God has for them.
According to our readings, what are the four things we should know to
be sufficiently educated sexually? What are three means of receiving
that education?
1. The human sexual response, the mechanics and
2. Knowledge about your body and its sexual functioning
3. Knowledge about your spouses body and its sexual
4. General knowledge of the difference between men and
woman to promote understanding and empathy for ones
1. The lord
2. Books
3. From each other
According to our readings, the scriptures and prophets counsel us to be
virtuous not because romantic love is bad, but _____________.
Because romantic love is so good.
According to our readings, who should you not date?
Dont date someone you already know you should not marry.
According to our readings, equally as important as what you decide
when it comes to marital intimacy is ______________.
How you decide.
According to our readings, when it comes to how sexual decisions are
made, what is pre-eminent? What principles are subservient and why?
Equal partnership is pre-eminent, and presiding and nurturing
are subservient because even though roles may differ the overall

intention of marriage is to be equal partners.

According to our readings, when deciding what will be part of your
marital intimate behavior, besides deciding what you want, you should
consider _________________.
Why they want to do it.
According to our readings, what are the two sources or "lines" of
revelation and how do they inform sexual decision making?
Personal line and priesthood line, we must balance the way that
we make these decisions, the church will not give us specifics on
decisions we should make ourselves, they will give us correct
According to our readings, The Bible __Celebrates__ sex and its proper
use, presenting it as __God-created_, __God-ordained_, _Godblessed__."
According to our readings, what are the two reasons God implanted the
"physical magnetism" between the sexes?
Propagation of the human race, and to be able to show that kind
of love to our spouses.
According to our readings, people who's main motivation is physical
gratification become obsessed with achieving a sensation to the
exclusion of ______________________.
The emotion of love
According to our readings, some people cling to old stereotypes,
mistakenly perceiving what?
That women are less sexual than men.

11. Sanctity of Life

According to our readings, terminating the life of a developing baby
involves _______________________
Two individuals with separate bodies, brains, and hearts.
According to our readings, current church policy includes _______
possible exceptions to the prohibition on abortion.
Incest and if the baby cannot survive beyond birth.
According to our readings, it is not possible to be forgiven for the sin of

According to our readings, the First Presidency in True to the Faith asks
us to consider two things when making decisions about how many
children to have and when. What are they?

According to our readings, we can be in the world but not of the world
by ____________________
According to our readings, what question did President Kimball ask of
Elder Mason regarding beginning his family?
According to our readings, why did Elder Anderson bring up the
examples of Adam and Even / Lehi and Sarah / Mose's parents / Joseph
and Mary?
According to our readings, what did Elder Faust say brings the greatest
According to our readings, "Few concepts have more potential to
mislead us than the idea that ___________________"
According to our readings, "Tolerance does not require
12. Principles of Happiness in Family Life
According to our readings, what is the natural consequence when we
"obey the commandments of the Lord and serve His children
According to our readings, what was Elder Bednar's first suggestion for
how we can be more diligent and concerned at home?
According to our readings, what was Elder Bednar's second suggestion
for how we can be more diligent and concerned at home?
According to our readings, what was Elder Bednar's third suggestion for
how we can be more diligent and concerned at home?
According to our readings, "However worthy and appropriate other
demands or activities may be" what is the standard on whether we
should do them?
According to our readings, what did Elder Hales say was "the key to
strengthening our families"?
According to our readings, though parents should stay informed, they
should not pry into their children's on-line life.
According to our readings, what did Joseph say was calculated to lead
people to forsake sin?

According to our readings, what "could make it more likely that people
in the family would love and serve one another"?
According to our readings, Joseph Smith taught that we work by faith
when we ___________
13. By Divine Design - Partnership in Marriage
According to our readings, according to President Eyring, what is part
of the evidence of God's infinite love for us?
According to our readings, how does God suite the relief he offers to his
children in need?
According to our readings, President Packer said the virtues and
attributes upon which exaltation depends come equally to men and
According to our readings, Elder Maxwell taught that husbands and
wives must both be Christians and _____________
According to our readings, just because something is good to do
doesn't mean we should do it.
According to our readings, what do many "breadwinners" worry about?
According to our readings, President Hinckley plead with us to "work at
our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it
because ____________________"
According to our readings, where is happiness to be found according to
President Monson?
According to our readings, what did President Monson say was the
greatest deterrent to sin?
According to our readings, men and women "are enough different that
we would need to" _______________
14. Parenting Principles
According to our readings, if we would treasure motherhood in the
world to come, we must learn to ____________
According to our readings, what is "far more lasting, far more powerful,
far more influential than any earthly position or institution?
According to our readings, "Indeed, one of the greatest things a father
can do for his children is to" _______________
According to our readings, as a father, what is your most important and
sacred responsibility?
According to our readings, what did President Faust say was the
greatest challenge in the world?
According to our readings, what takes more intelligence, intuitive
understanding, humility, strength, wisdom, spirituality, perseverance,
and hard work than any other activity?
According to our readings, what is a consequence of the sacrifices
demanded of parents to meet the needs of their children?
According to our readings, what should be the overarching and
undergirding principle in disciplining our children?
According to our readings, what is the "pernicious philosophy" that
undermine a woman's moral influence?

According to our readings, Sister Burton said that a husband is most

attractive to his wife when he is _______________
15. Providing for Temporal Needs
According to our readings, what heading is included in the First
Presidency pamphlet "All is safely gathered in: Finances besides Paying
Tithes and Offerings/Avoiding Debt/Using a budget/Building a Reserve?
According to our readings, what are acceptable reasons for incurring
reasonable debt?
According to our readings, what basic commandment must we keep as
a provident provider?
According to our readings, what is a primary purpose of the law of
According to our readings, besides being better able to care for the
needs of others, what is the other reason given by the Church
Handbook for being self reliant?
According to our readings, we become more self-reliant by becoming
more reliant on God.
According to our readings, what is the key to spending less than we
According to our readings, what should take precedence over money
According to our readings, President Monson has counseled women to
focus her education in traditional home-making areas.
According to our readings, what "has a profound influence on the
educational choices" of children?
16. Promoting and Defending the Family
According to our readings, what lesson do we learn from how Christ
responded to his detractors ?
According to our readings, what is more regrettable than being
accused of not being Christian?
According to our readings, what does Sister Oscarson proclaim to be
the greatest honor and most elevated title and important role we can
seek for in life?
According to our readings, Elder Nelson taught that men and women
were created for ___________________
According to our readings, what did President Hunter promise those
who's life and faith is centered on Jesus Christ?
According to our readings, pressures to change marriage laws are
resulting in practices contrary to God's will.
According to our readings, until we have sufficient time and strength to
be healed of abuse, Christ invites us to _____________
According to our readings, what did Elder Scott ask us to realize if we
feel that we are not loved by Heavenly Father
According to our readings, we may need to challenge laws that would
impair our freedom to practice our faith.
According to our readings, many of our laws are based in "morality"

and arguing that you should not legislate morality would remove laws
necessary for civilization.

Additional Principles to Know From Class Discussion

to Prepare for Short Essay Section

Be able to differentiate an "adolescent" view/understanding of the law

of chastity with an "adult" view/understanding of the law of chastity.
Know the principles discussed in class that are important to having a
more mature and holistic understanding of the law of chastity, and
particularly regarding how principles of the law of consecration and the
concept of "spiritual ecology" relate to the law of chastity.
Be able to articulate the principles from Suzanne Lundquist's article,
"Chastity and the Environment," regarding how principles of chastity
govern relationship with self, with community, with the earth, and with
Be able to articulate how each of the key themes in Elder Holland's
address, "Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments," inform both our
understanding of the law of chastity and the experience of sexual
intimacy within marriage.
Be able to describe the concepts of "sexual stewardship" and "sexual
guardianship" and how they apply to sexual intimacy in marriage.
Be able to identify and describe both the four things we should know to
be sufficiently educated sexually and three of the means described for
how couples best go about getting educated.
Be able to identify and describe the eight practical steps Elder Hafen
addresses that guide romantic love in marriage.
Be able to describe all of the principles and processes of sexual
decision making, including the three levels of the "divine design," the
interdependent "triangle covenant," the role of "equal counsel" and
"equal consent," proper sources of revelation, and the four key
principles associated with sexual decision making. Be able to provide
listed examples of the most common questions young adults often
want to know the "Church's official stance," describe Elder Oak's
teaching about sources or "lines" of revelation, and understand when
each line might be most relevant to common questions. Be able to
describe the full process of sexual decision making in the context of
each of the examples of common questions given.
Be able to describe how the concepts described in Brene Brown's TED
lecture, and the definition of intimacy, relate to the description of
"Celestial sociality" described in D&C 76. Be able to describe the 11
different "means" of fostering intimacy and how they apply to
relationships in general, how a capacity for intimacy in all relationships
prepares us for a healthy marriage, and how they affect intimacy
(broadly as well as sexual intimacy specifically) in the marriage

Be able to describe the "first law of sex," the two "companion

principles" or "blades of scissors" relating to sexuality in marriage, and
how both of those principles are important to fostering healthy
sexuality in marriage.
Be able to describe the two contrasting views of sexuality, principles
within each, and the outcomes of each.
Be able to identify the nine principles upon which successful marriages
and families are established and maintained, as identified in the
Proclamation on the Family, and be able to discuss why each is
important to a successful marriage and family.
Be able to identify the Four Companion Principles of partnership in
marriage and describe how they are both distinct and similarly
important to a healthy marital partnership.
Be able to articulate how the ideas of equality in marital partnership
and divinely distinct parental stewardships work together.
Be able to describe why the First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve
Apostles have specifically issued a "call [for] responsible
citizens...everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain
and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society" as part
of the Proclamation on the Family, and what some of the ways are that
you can personally fulfill that call at this time in your life.

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