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Feature Article MIB: 1967- John A. Keel (Illustrated by Ken Meaux) peaking before a closed session of the Congress of Scientific Ufologists in New York in June, 1967, T warned that “Men In Black” incidents were on the increase and that we could probably expect to hear even more from these mystery men in the coming months. Later, in the pages of SAUCER NEWS, I “predicted” that more and more UFO researchers would be having direct personal experience with the UFO phenomenon and I stressed that further “sileneings™ wwere likely to occur. Now, as Al Smith used to say, let's take a look at the record. In the past year an almost staggering number of long-time ufologists have suddenly quit the scene. Some have stopped answering mail altogether and at least two refuse to even speak to, any of their old ufological friends on. the telephone, Four important UFO personalities have died. (Frank Edwards, of an apparent heart attack on June 24, 1967; Arthur Bryant, British contactee, of a brain tumor on June 24, 1967; Damon Runyon, Jr. of apparent suicide on April 14, 1968; and Dr. Olavo T. Fontes, famed Brazilian ufologist, of cancer on May 9, 1968.)* Whole regional UFO-investigating organizations “have collapsed and their leaders have publicly disavowed their interest in the phenomenon. Others are now living in bewildered fear, concerned over disappearing mail and perplexed by the antics of their telephones After fifteen years in the field, James Moseley has bowed out. ‘The main topic of discussion at the 1968 Congress of Scientific Ufologists, held in Cleveland, Ohio, was the “Men In Black”, Some researchers were claiming that they had been followed by black Cadillacs and had even been shot at. Unknowin intruders broke into motel rooms, automobiles, and private homes during this hectic year to steal only UFO research papers, documentation and photographs. ‘There were literally scores of these incidents. Some of the people who were trapped into these bizarre situations were newspapermen, writers, and independent researchers not known to the ufological mainstream. A UFO-chasing newsman in Philadelphia was reportedly shot at while ina laundromat. Another reporter in West Virginia was repeatedly harassed. Accounts of identical harassments came in from Canada to Mexico City, and even from Sweden and Germany. nce this article was written, Captain Robert E. Loftin (author of IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS) and Barney Hill (whose saucer contact was reported by John Fuller in INTERRUPTED JOURNEY) have both died. No place seemed safe The more responsible ufologists quietly reported their problems to their local police, telephone companies and the F.B.L Those who responded with panic and alarm found that the harassment was stepped up accordingly. Behind the scenes, both the F.B.L and the Air Foree wete soberly investigating these incidents. At least five well-known professional writers interested in UFO matters suffered harassment of all kinds, but chose to keep their problems to themselves Even TV producers, writers and personalities concerned with UFOs have admitted to me, in confidence, that they, too, have been undergoing all kinds of strange ‘ences. One changed his unlisted home phone number three times and still the harassment continued. Another had his phone taken out altogether: Those who have been on the outside of all this have read the various guarded reports with sareasm and disbelief. But it has all been horrifyingly real to the hard-working researchers who have been probing into strange and revealing cases in their own areas. The old speculations blaming “the government” for these abusive and senseless tacties have been proven invalid. It is abundantly clear that a mysterious third party is involved—a party who seems to be directly related to the UFO phenomenon itself. In my SAUCER NEWS piece last year I also promised that “answers are on the way.” A flood of books and heavily documented magazine articles, have appeared since then, all pointing to some disturbing truths Ivan Sanderson's wellinformed book, “UNINVITED GUESTS”, opened many doors of thought, and carried welkfounded speculations based upon his twenty years of direct experience with the phenomenon. Yet, incredibly, many self-styled ufologists merely glanced through it. Now Otto Binder hhas written a carefully researched paperback, “FLYING SAUCERS ARE WATCHING US”, which carries Sanderson’s hypotheses a step further. Brad Steiger and Joan Writenour have also made a valuable contribution with their magazine and paperback on “The ALLENDE LETTERS.” Coral Lorenzen’s “UFOs OVER THE AMERICAS” is another important addition to the wealth of literature now available, Tf you want to try to understand what is really going on, you must first shelve your personal beliefs and try to ase your conclusions upon the obvious implications in all of the events now taking place all over the world. The subject is most complicated. A simple and brief explanation is not possible. You must prepare yourself to understand the complex “Big Picture”; a knowledge of history is more important than a knowledge of astronomy. Seience has been stalemated for twenty years. This situation is beyond the reach of science. All mankind lies at the core of the mystery. Man’s past and his future are directly involved and will be effected—seriously effected. So try to broaden your general knowledge. Base your speculations upon. the available facts, not upon wishful thinking. ‘There has been entirely too much speculation in this field and not enough down-to-earth research. When you are finally on the right track you will know it. Your phone will start ringing—but there won't be anybody on the other end. Or there may come a soft rap on your door in the middle of the nighi. And then you'll howl with rage and indignition: "Why didn't somebody tell us that this is what it’s all about?” Somebody has been telling you-over and over again—but you haven't been listening.

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