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CNS Training

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Speed Training

The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) that
includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
comprising cranial nerves and spinal nerves. The brain comprises of two


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Cerebellum - coordinates muscles to allow precise movements

Diencephalon - contains two structures:
Thalamus - acts as a relay station for incoming sensory nerve
impulses, sending them on to the relevant areas of the brain for
Hypothalamus - keeps conditions inside your body constant e.g.
regulating your body temperature

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Sprint Training
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Receptor organs, which include the ears, eyes and muscles, collect
information (stimuli). The CNS then interprets this information and sends it
back to 'effector' organs which carry out the body's response to the stimuli.
Some actions are largely automatic, such as the stretch/reflex involved in the
leg muscles when jumping but others appear to be more interpreted by the
brain, like fatigue signals.

Research indicates that prolonged sports involvement influences the way the
CNS 'controls' muscular recruitment and patterning.


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Researchers from Finland (Eloranta 2003)

investigated the influence of
sports background on leg muscle coordination during concentric and drop
vertical jumps. They discovered that the CNS influenced the firing and
recruitment patterns of the sports participants' muscles and they attributed
these differences to the specifics of the individuals' sport and the effect years
of training had on the CNS.
They went on to conclude that, "Prolonged training in a specific sport will
cause the central nervous system to program muscle coordination according
to the demands of that sport" and also added, "the learned skill-reflex of the
CNS seems to interfere in the performance of another task".


Bompa (2005)
identifies two CNS processes as it relates to sports
performance - 'excitation' and 'inhibition'. The speed at which signals are sent
from the receptors to effectors, and back again, results in levels of excitation
or inhibition. For example, to move the body as fast as possible when

sprinting, the speed of signal transference through the CNS needs to also to
be as fast as possible. An athlete's receptors and effectors therefore need to
be optimally excited and uninhibited in order to result in the optimum
recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibre.
However, CNS fatigue will slow the speed of excitation, particularly within
fast-twitch fibres, which fatigue much more rapidly than slow-twitch fibres.
Consequently, Bompa believes exercises should only be performed as long as
'quickness' is possible.

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Potentiation involves the creation of a set of stimulatory circumstances within
the muscle firing complex that boost neural excitation, motor unit and muscle
fibre recruitment and reduce inhibition. Lifting weights before a plyometric
workout (complex training) has been shown to enhance the performance of
the plyometric activity. However, any potentiating activity must not fatigue
the CNS otherwise the reverse effect will be experienced.


Bompa's philosophy (Bompa 2005) with regards weight training to improve

explosive power is that repetitions are the key training variable. He
recommends a low number of repetitions (1 to 3), with loadings in excess of
90% of 1RM, in order to develop strength that will boost speed and power and
optimise the contribution of the CNS, with a recovery 6 minutes between sets.
These loadings create a higher level of excitation and receptor/effector
communication, more motor unit recruitment and greater neural stimulation.
These loadings and recoveries are also recommended on the basis of their
contribution to maximum power and strength expression, and also because
they do not produce a large increase in muscle mass, which could be
detrimental to an athlete's power to weight ratio.


Bompa (2005)
advocates 48 hours of recovery between high intensity CNS
workouts. He also recommends that on the same training day more of the
same training can be performed; this is in part due to the effect of
potentiation and also to create time, so that the next day can be used for CNS
recovery. For example, a sprinter could perform a sprint speed workout and
equally intense plyometrics on the same day. On the subsequent training day,
workout options would be selected so as not to challenge the CNS - e.g.
tempo runs (medium-paced runs that do not overly stress the anaerobic
system). Consideration needs to be given to the training conducted in the
preceding 24 hours.

Where speed and power are important components in an event or sport then
coaches and athletes need to plan CNS specific sessions into the their training
programmes. The training focus must be on the quality of execution
(quickness) of an exercise not the quantity.

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1. BOMPA, T. (2005) Periodisation Training for sports. 2nd ed. Human
2. ELORANTA, V. (2003) Influence of sports background on leg muscle
coordination in vertical jumps. ElectromyogrClin Neurophysiol, 43(3), p.
3. SHEPHERD, J. (2008) Brain over brawn - CNS training for enhanced
performance. Peak Performance, 261, p. 5-7


The information on this page is adapted from Shepherd (2008)

permission of Electric Word plc.

with the kind

If you quote information from this page in your work then the reference for
this page is:
MACKENZIE, B. (2000) CNS Training [WWW] Available from: [Accessed 21/10/2016]

The following Sports Coach pages provide additional information on this topic:

Articles on Physiology
Articles on Speed
Books on Physiology
Physiology - Neurological System

For further information on this topic see the following:
BEASHEL, P. and TAYLOR, J. (1996) Advanced Studies in Physical
Education and Sport. UK: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
BEASHEL, P. and TAYLOR, J. (1997) The World of Sport Examined. UK:
Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
BIZLEY, K. (1994) Examining Physical Education. Oxford; Heinemann
Educational Publishers
DAVIS, B. et al. (2000) Physical Education and the Study of Sport. UK:
Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
GALLIGAN, F. et al. (2000) Advanced PE for Edexcel. Oxford;
Heinemann Educational Publishers
McARDLE, W. et al. (2000) Essentials of Exercise Physiology. 2nd ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
CHU, D. (1996) Explosive Power and Strength. USA; Human Kinetics
Publishers, Inc.
DICK, F. (1987) Sprints and Relays. 5th Ed. UK; BAAB
McNAB, T. (1989) Speed. UK; BPCC Printec Ltd.
DINTIMAN, G. et al. (1998) Sports Speed. USA; Human Kinetics
Publishers, Inc.

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