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Corriendo la carrera de la vida / las aventuras con David

Curriculum Overview and Introduction

Making KidsGames 2008 the best it can be! In the KidsGames Curriculum Running
the Race of Life, you will see many
ideas for the look of the program, but
you can also adapt these ideas for
your culture and use ideas from your
volunteers. Let the creativity flow!

KidsGames is designed to be run every 2 years. In 2008 the KidsGames Curriculum is planned to run at the
same time as the Olympic Games in China. To add excitement to your KidsGames, why not try ideas like:

Build the Great Wall of China for your stage decoration. The children can decorate it with graffiti, art,

favorite Bible verses.

Have a Panda bear as a mascot for the children

Highlight a different country each time you meet and give statistics on their Olympic events. Find out if they

are doing KidsGames

Have different athletes come and teach the children about a sport that will be in the summer Olympic

Games. Give children the opportunity to practice that sport during the program.

Lots of fun games

What does a day look like during KidsGames?

KidsGames can be run as a 5 or 10-day program. You can run for a half or full day. Its your choice.
The curriculum is one element but it is surrounded by other things that will make each day special for the
children. These other elements can include:

High energy daily opening/closing session .

In this time, you can include .

the daily cheer (Shout It! in the curriculum)



an interview with a child

a visit to an Olympic country

a sports video

an interview with an athlete (there are interview questions in each program of the curriculum)
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Competition sports / creative arts. There needs to be a time where children have the chance to learn
some skills. What you offer depends on what volunteers you have.

Sport: children learn drills related to basketball, soccer or volleyball, and then play the game. Coaches

oversee each area. Competition events can be organized with other KidsGames partners.

Creative arts: you can offer creative arts such as, photography, dance, wood-working, or journalism. The list

is endless!

Fun Games. Relay races, water fun, and silly games can be used with the younger children.

Compassion project.
This is a project where children serve the community and at the same time, join children all over the world. Its
introduced in Program 3 or 4 in the curriculum. (For more information and ideas, please see the KidsGames
Compassion Manual). The project can be worked on daily, or just once during your program. As the children work on a
hands-on project and also learn about what it means to serve, they will discover that they can serve even as children.
Choose something in your community or in another country that will capture the childrens imaginations. It helps if the
children can visit the project if it is near, or if there are photos, or someone who can come and talk to you about the
project. Make the childrens contribution as practical as possible it is better that they make something or do
something rather than simply bringing money. Go to

Not enough time in a day?

You might look at the curriculum and wonder if you can get through it. We have designed it for about 90-120
minutes including the experiential games (Experience It!). To that you will add the special features mentioned in
the section above.
Heres some advice:
Keep the program moving (this requires good preparation). Children have short attention spans and are
easily distracted.

Drama and story-telling should take no more than 8-10 minutes, usually less.

Linking comments by the Announcer and Roger Runalot should be brief.

Share It! (small group discussion) can be as little as 5-10 minutes Choose from the list of activities that are

offered. Sometimes especially with older children it will go longer, because they are involved in an important
discussion. Make time to chat personally with children who show special interest.
Make some choices and adaptations. How might you do this?
Go through the program and make decisions about what is best for your group and what can be omitted. For example:

In many cases, we have given choices because we know that around the world, children live in different

circumstances. Choose those scenarios that suit your children.

You may choose either the David track or the Jesus track instead of both

Where there are two Share It sessions, you could combine both sessions and reduce the number of


You do not have to teach a new Lifebuilder every Program

So youve only got 5 days?

Perhaps you have limited time. We would suggest that the following Programs are the core ones. In them, you
will find the crucial aspects of the David story and of Jesus life and a clear outline of the Good News.
Program 2: Living Life to the Full Trusting God
Program 4: Living Life to the Full in an Unfair World Knowing God Cares
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Program 6: Living Life to the Full with Significance

Program 7: Living Life to the Full without Guilt
Program 10: Living Life to the Full
If you are adapting the curriculum to 5 days, then you will need to decide how you fill in the detail that is
necessary for the narrative to flow.

Too much to print?

The full curriculum and its appendices contain everything that is needed to implement the KidsGames curriculum.
However, this does not mean that every leader at every level needs the whole curriculum.
How can you minimize printing?
It is your announcer and main presenters who will need the whole program. We have produced short
outlines for each program which are contained in this introductory document. It may be that an outline of each lesson
is enough for most of your leaders. If some of your leaders are also responsible for a small group an outline of each
lesson and a copy of the Small Group Leaders Manual may be enough information for them to fulfill this role.
Read through each program well before you use them. Cut out those parts that you dont want to use.
Print only those sections that you will use.
For example:

Only those leaders who are involved in the drama or storytelling need the scripts

If your team is capable of writing its own scripts for drama and story-telling, then you dont need to print

Appendix C: Scripts at all.

If you have designated leaders who are responsible for games, they should decide which games they will

use. They can teach them to the rest of the team if necessary. Only they need to have those games printed out.

The Program made easy

In the program, you will find the following symbols




Experience It

The fun experiential activity that creates the teachable moment

Link It

A fun character who makes the first link between the experiential
game and the Bible

Discover It

Discovering what God says about the issue and the value as
demonstrated ion the lives of David and Jesus

Track It

Summary of the story do far

Live It

Leading the child to make personal application in character and

conduct (the main idea and core value)

Reinforce It

The Lifebuilder and the Athletes Interview that reinforce the main

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Shout It

This is a cheer that summarizes the main idea

Share It

Small Group discussion where children explore what difference this

can make to their lives

They dont always follow the same order but each of these will be present in each of the programs.

Experience It
Experiential learning through sports and games is at the heart of the KidsGames curriculum. These are not warmup games. They are an essential part of the learning process. It is the experience of playing that raises certain
emotions, questions, or issues in the childrens mind.
The debrief questions are essential. They help children to explore their experience and they form a bridge into
the Bible so that children discover that their own feelings and issues are found in Gods Word.

Link It
Roger Runalot is a high-energy character who appears in every program. He fulfils several purposes:


Participation - Roger jogs in and out amongst the children, involving them various ways.

Link: he is someone whose heroes are David and Jesus and so he forms the link between these
characters and the life of the child.

Discover It
This refers to the Bible input but it is not just about teaching the Bible lesson. It is about inviting children to
discover themselves in the Bible narrative. The Bible passages are presented in ways that help children to enter
the narrative in their imagination and to ask: What does this have to do with the way I live my life today? In this
way, they are pointed to the choice that they have to accept Jesus invitation to follow Him.
David and Jesus
In each program, youll find two Discover It tracks: the David story and the Jesus story.
Do you have to use both Bible characters?
Ideally, if you have the time, use the program as it is written.
If you do not have the time, then choose either the David track or the Jesus track. You will need to make
some adaptations.
If you live in circumstances where it is not so easy to speak overtly about Jesus, adapt the program using
the David narrative only.
Drama Bag
Material: 2 way stretch material.
Amount: Approximately twice the height of the person using the bag i.e. for the average adult you will need 3
Fold the length of material in half. Sew the two side seams. Sew the bottom seam (the opening of the drama bag)
approximately 20cm from each end (enough for a foot to be inserted into each corner. This will leave a big enough
opening for the person to get inside the bag.
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Place a foot into each corner of the bag (either side of the opening) and each hand into the top corners of the bag.
Best effect is when the feet remain stationary at all times with the arms, head and body moving according to the
actions of the story.
A range of different colored Drama Bags adds good effect when using multiple characters.

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Track It
Jigsaw Running Tracks
There are 3 running tracks that represent
races of life: Davids, Jesus and ours. They form a
summary each day, and help to build up the Big
Picture so that children can follow the progress of the
Each has its own starting line and each
track grows as pieces are added each day. Youll find
the pictures for each piece in Appendix A: Visuals.
Paste these onto large jigsaw pieces that you (or the
children) have made.
You can have the running tracks parallel
(underneath) each other or if you have the space,
stagger them to indicate a time line (David 1000 years
before Jesus; Jesus 2000 years before us).

Live It
This is the 3rd track: Us track.
Our story begins with the experiential games where the issues that are relevant to children are raised.
Throughout the Bible Discovery, children are encouraged to think about how the stories of David and Jesus raise
these same issues.
Live It is a time to start to directly address the way these issues can be dealt with in the lives of the children. This
is a time to remind the group of Gods love for them, His forgiveness and the promise of His presence through all
the issues in our lives.
Linking the 3 tracks
Every program needs to flow from one section to another. There are 2 people who
make this happen: Roger Runalot and the Announcer.
Each day, the program flows between the 3 tracks: from David to Jesus to Us.

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So that children can easily understand the flow, we have signaled each track with Scene Change with Sound
Sound Effects: Choose an appropriate short sound/piece
music/other effect that can be played each day to signal when the
program changes its focus from DAVID to JESUS to US. You can
create a different sound effect for each track or use the same one. It
be as simple as a whistle or crash of metal lids.

Scene Change:

Fix the letters D A V I D on separate cards at the back of




presentation area. This should take only a few seconds and children
be trained to be the scene changers. (If you have no wall, have
children run quickly onto the stage and hold up the letters until the
sound effects finish.)



When the track changes to Jesus, turn the letters around

show J E S U S. And when the track to US, remove 3 letters until

U S remain.

If you prefer, you can write the whole words: DAVID;

JESUS; US on separate sheets.


Use spotlights to create focus.

Share It
This is the most important time of the whole program! It is small group time. It allows children to reflect on
what they have seen, heard and experienced and it builds relationships. It gives leaders the opportunity to
observe children who need clarification, support, prayer or challenge. It gives children the opportunity to observe
followers of Jesus in action, to hear their stories and to ask questions. It is also a time when leaders can share
their own experiences.
Activity sheets are optional. They are not to be chores. They can serve a number of functions: fun, revision,
challenge. Their main role in KidsGames is to help you as a leader to get the small group discussion going.
Appendix E: Small Group Leaders Manual is a document that has been prepared especially for Small Group
Leaders. It provides information on the Theme, Value and Bible background for each of the ten programs,
considers issues each program may raise in the lives of the children and outlines the details of the Share It small
group activities. Photocopying this manual for Small Group Leaders is an alternative to providing copies of the
whole Program.

Shout It
Most sports events have their cheers or songs or anthems. We have created simple cheers that go with each
program so that by the end, the children should be able to say all 10 cheers together. They summarize the
most important things learnt and make them memorable. Use them throughout the whole day- - even as a
signal to change activity.
They are meant to be shouted. A leader says the first phrase; the children respond with the second. (Many of
you will be familiar with the cheer: God is good all the time all the time God is good; this is the same kind of
They are set to a very simple rhythm so use drums, actions, body percussion to make it more fun.
Cheers can also be used to bring the children back from an activity that has scattered them, as a group
management technique to bring the group back together; to create hype.
These cheers build up day by day. At the end of the KidsGames, children should be able to shout
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God has a purpose

For my life

Who do I trust?

My trusts in God!

When Im out

he brings me in!

Who cares?

Jesus cares!

What should I do?

Choose right!

Were all importantGod says so!

When Im forgiven

I am free/I have life

When I am afraid

I will trust in God

All the time

Gods our hope


Be a champion

Put God first!

Reinforce It
This usually has two aspects.
This is the memory verse, and they each contain truths that are foundational for life. Make them fun: use actions,
rhythm, song, visual aids, group competitions to imprint them into the childs memory.
You do not have to do a new Lifebuilder every day especially if your whole KidsGames is taking place in a week
or less. It is better to make sure that children know a few verses well than a lot of verses poorly.
Athletes Interview
An elite athlete who is a committed Christian has given answers to the relevant questions for each program. Go to
Appendix D for the interview and for ideas about how to use them as part of the KidsGames curriculum.

What kind of training and preparation will you need for your
KidsGames team?
As for any program that is put together for children, training is the key for success. Here are some key points for
each area but a deeper description is provided in the curriculum.
Opening and Closing Leaders As we begin or end the program each day have your leaders trained to lead the
children in a high energy, fun, creative time so the children cannot wait to come back the next day. The leaders
will need to know the songs you will be singing, the cheer for the day (included in the curriculum) and any other
elements you want to add.
Bible Discovery Team The opportunity of presenting the word of God to children is exciting! There are two keys
to maximizing the impact of Gods word in the lives of children.
The first key is REFLECTION. Read through and pray about the Bible passages you will be using. Allow God to
teach you first before you teach the children. When Gods word is alive in you, thats when you will be at your
most passionate and effective. Dont take shortcuts.
The second key is PRACTICE. Take time to rehearse timing, sound, stage presence, eye contact, and your visual
When you spend time to prepare this area, the children will benefit from a powerful time of discovering who God
Small Group Time Leaders In this vital part of KidsGames, relationships are built. Before you join your group,
be sure that you have also REFLECTED on Gods Word and PRACTISED the discussion starters. Know how to
ask open-ended questions that direct the children to how they can apply the truth to their life and build
relationships through sharing with each other during group activities (the curriculum has guidelines in the Share It
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section). The small group leaders are with the children in every area so training will need to be provided on
moving a group from place to place, how to handle a disruptive child, and what to do in case of injury.
Sport, Creative Art, Fun Games Leaders Each leader must know their timing and what the goal is for the
How much time will be given in warm up, teaching skill and then playing the game?
If it is in a creative art, what will be the final outcome? Will there be a final performance of the dance? Are you
going to display the photos at the end of the program? Will you make a newsletter with articles written by the
Dont forget that at transition times between activities, there is the opportunity for children to enjoy the cheer for
the day (Shout It).
Compassion Project Leader For this area, training needs to be provided once the project has been
determined for the event. See the KidsGames Compassion Manual for activities on compassion awareness and
Registration Team KidsGames is set up with a small group model so it is important to register your children
and put them in small groups. Your registration team will need to know how your program will be set up. Ideas for
this are; setting up by age group such as year 6 boys, year 6 girls and so on. Another idea is to name each group
so they can be identified with the leader. For instance, year 6 boy are the red bananas, year 6 girls are the green
apples and so on.
Once the event begins, the registration team will need to be trained on answering questions, greeting parents,
and making the children feel comfortable in attending KidsGames.
Other Teams: Snack Team, Set-up Team, Music Team

Make prayer a priority: before, during and after the program, mobilize people to pray for you all. During
the program, model prayer with children (remember to make it as simple as talking with my Friend) and encourage
them to pray silently or aloud (without pressure).
Make the Bible a priority: We have prepared this program with the assumption that in most cases, there
will not be enough Bibles for each child to be able to explore the text themselves. The biblical narratives are told
through story and drama. It is important that children know that these narratives come from the Bible. In small group
time please do all you can to ensure that there are Bibles for children to use (ask your local churches or Bible
distribution agencies for help). If you are in the ideal position of having enough Bibles, please encourage children to
play with the text and so become familiar with it:

Ask questions where they are able to find the answer in the text (you will find some of these in the


Read verses from the text and ask children what they think these verses mean

Read the passage and ask children such questions as:

What is God (or Jesus) like in this passage?
Is this how you would expect God to act?
Can you find yourself in this passage?
Why do you think God acts in this sort of way?
What might it be like to live with this God?

Make the children a priority: Children matter. Every person involved in KidsGames should model
this all the time.
We model this by our attitudes and actions that demonstrate that children are:

Treated with respect and dignity

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Listened to

Safe and cared for

Below are minimum standards of safety and care that should apply to your KidsGames. Please check the legal
requirements of your own national and local government and make sure you comply with these.
Leaders should:

Be aware that physical contact with a child may be misinterpreted.

Ensure that groups of girls and boys have a similar mix of leaders

Set by example, a high standard of conduct, behavior and dress

Implement highest standards of preparation and care in activities so that children are protected from
potential danger

Seek appropriate medical action if a child has suffered physical injury

Recognize that special care is needed at times when discussing sensitive issues with children

Respect a young persons right to privacy

You must never:


Make suggestive remarks or gestures

Show favoritism

Permit abusive peer activities

Have inappropriate physical or verbal contact with children

Some children will come to KidsGames never having experienced the level of love and respect they deserve.
Some hurts will be obvious: it is clear when some children are rejected by others; or perhaps you are running
KidsGames in a traumatized community where families are trying to cope with dislocation and pain.
But often, the pain is hidden. This is particularly true of situations of physical, emotional or sexual abuse. This
might range from bullying to incest. Such issues may be beyond your capacity to deal with please seek the
advice of an experienced person. Be very aware of the laws of your country about your responsibility in such
circumstances and act accordingly.
If a child confides in you:

Stay calm and listen

Reassure the child

Make a note of what was said

Talk through the situation with someone in a more senior position to you

Follow the procedures that your church or organization has set down

Comply strictly with legal requirements in your country

Pray for the child and, if appropriate, with the child

Do not:

Make promises about confidentiality

Attempt to deal with the problem directly

Make the child repeat the story unnecessarily

Enquire into details with leading questions

Jump to conclusions without checking the facts

Trivialize or exaggerate issues of childrens abuse

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Inviting children to respond to God

KidsGames is an outreach program in the context of relationships. As the program unfolds, children are building
up a picture of Jesus as the person who loves them and invites them to follow him. They come to understand that
it is his death and the forgiveness that flows from that, that has made it possible for them to join his team. They
come to know people who have done that. But information is not enough children need to be specifically
challenged to make a choice about Jesus. This does not mean that they should feel pressured into doing so
(choices so made are often not genuine). But it does mean that there are opportunities throughout the program
for children to say yes to Jesus. In this, we follow the example of Jesus who invited and challenged but never
pressured people.
Although this specific challenge is not made in every program, there should always be opportunity for children to
talk more about Jesus and that should be made clear in every session. Some children will tell a leader they want
to talk more. Others are less confident. For this reason, we suggest that from the beginning, you set aside a
special area where children know they are free to talk with a leader. This should be an open space (no closed
doors) and there should always be a couple of adults there to listen to the children. Have quiet activities for
children to engage in there children are more likely to talk if otherwise occupied. Where at all possible, talk to
children individually. Keep an eye out for children whose behavior of body language indicates that they might
want to know more about following Jesus even if they dont express it in words.
This curriculum takes a slow approach that builds up a childs picture of who God is, who Jesus is and who the
child is in relationship to them. It is slow because we are aware that many children will be unfamiliar with most or
all of this. But you will come to know the understanding that your children bring to the program, so if at any stage,
you think that the children you have a ready for a more direct challenge to respond to what God is saying, please
feel free to do so.
Counseling Children
If a child wants to have a personal conversation, dont assume that you know their motivation. Some want
attention; some want to talk about God; some are carrying heavy burdens. The first rule is: Listen. Let the
child set the agenda and the pace.
If you discover that the child is ready to know more about following Jesus, make sure that you are sensitive to the
culture, family and religion of the child and the demands that this might make on her. Follow these principles:

Let the child do the talking

Explore what she understands about:

God: his love and his holiness

Herself: her uniqueness and her sin that separates her from God

Jesus: his welcome and his forgiveness

What it means to follow Jesus: the cost of discipleship

How to respond: talking to God about accepting his invitation

Use the Bible the child needs to know that this is all grounded in Scripture. Use verses such as John
1:12, John 3:16,
Help the child to think about how he might continue to follow Jesus (clubs, churches, mailbox or website

Children with Special Needs

Encourage children with disabilities to participate fully in KidsGames. This can be done in a variety of ways. For

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 13

Make the different areas you use accessible to those with special needs. For example: use ramps or set up

chairs in such a way that wheelchairs can get through,

Recruit volunteers who can facilitate participation of children with specific needs. For example, have a

leader who knows sign language, or a leader who can help those that have a hard time writing or reading, or who have
learning difficulties.

Be willing to adapt games so that those with disabilities can be included.

Try to include those with disabilities in the dramas, role plays and discussions. Think it through and plan

ahead of time as you get to know the children and their abilities.
For other strategies for including children with disabilities in your KidsGames activities and for ideas on modifying
sports and games to make them suitable please see the KidsGames Disabilities Manual.

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A child says

The main idea

Sports experience

Through the life of David

Through the life of



How does a sense of

purpose contribute to

Shepherd to King:
David s apparently
insignificant early roles are
part of Gods bigger plan

Birth to baptism:
God declares the special
purpose that sets Jesus

What are you like? What are

your dreams?
How can you help others
know they are valuable?

Living life to the full


.. because I have


Whats life about ?

Im bored!

In Gods plan, everything

you do has value and

trusting God


I dont know how or In a world of conflicting

what to trust!
advice, you can trust

In a situation of fear or
confusion, how does
trust play a part?

Goliath: Davids trust in God is Calming the storm

tested as those around him
Jesus followers begin to
live in fear
learn that Jesus is no
ordinary person.

If God is our coach, how can

we recognize his voice?

belonging (to
the family of God)


I feel left out

God invites you to

belong to His family

How do we feel and

react if we are
excluded? Or included?

Saul turns against David:

David experiences first the
acceptance and later the
rejection of the King

Simon and the sinful

Jesus demonstrates His
heart for those who are

Are you in or out?

How can you be a bridge
builder who helps others feel
accepted? (Compassion

in an unfair
world, knowing
God cares


Its not fair

God understands the

pain of injustice, and
gives His people

When placed in an
unfair or challenging
situation, what keeps
you going?

David as an outlaw:
Hunted through no fault of his
own, David doesnt give up.
God is His support.

Jesus the refugee

A flashback to when
Jesus family fled to
Egypt. Imagine their

What are the choices we

have when life is unfair? How
can we keep going or help
others to do so?

making right

Choosing right

Its hard to do what When God to helps you

I know I should do make right choices, you
can build a better world

Under pressure, how

easy is it to resist the
temptation to break
rules or to play selfishly?

David and Saul in the cave:

Despite peer pressure, David
refuses to kill Gods anointed

Jesus heals Malchus

ear: Jesus shows Peter
and Malchus that
revenge and selfishness
are not the only options

How can we be concerned

with acting with justice and
mercy in obedience to God?
Steps to avoid acting in

.as an
important, valued


Im a nobody

To God, you are unique

and special

What difference does

one person make to the

David and Mephibosheth:

David honors a dead dog

Jesus welcomes children: Whats special about you?

Jesus does not evaluate How can you make others
people by importance
know they are important?

. free of guilt


I was wrong. what

can I do?

You dont have to live

with sin; God can forgive

How does it feel when

other players forgive

David and Bathsheba:

David receives forgiveness

The way into Gods


Will you choose to accept

Gods forgiveness through

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 15

you and set you free

your wrong and include


when he repents

Jesus death means that

we can be forgiven


.knowing God
is close


Im scared

Gods presence will

comfort you even when
you are very afraid

What difference does it

make to know the coach
is there in a frightening

Absaloms conspiracy:
When David flees in fear, he
remembers the words of hope
he wrote earlier (Psalm56:3)

Peters escape from

Alone in jail and awaiting
death, Peter is calm. The
believers pray.

How can we talk to God

when we are very afraid?
What promises does He give

with hope


Im sad

God sees your sadness.

His promises bring hope.

How do you find hope

when there seems no
easy way out?

Absaloms death:
Davids intense sadness is

God the Father

understands sadness: He
gave up His son for us.
Jesus now brings hope,
preparing heaven for us

It is natural to be sad in
some situations. But dont
lose sight of the hope that
Jesus resurrection brings!



Being a

I want to be the

The Holy Spirit can help

you be your best for God
and yourself

Davids last words to
Is there anything more
important than winning? Character is more important
than winning wars. Obey

Jesus last words to His

The promise of the power
of the Holy Spirit to build

What are the most important

things youve learned? How
can we share them with
others? Whats your choice
about Jesus?

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Program 1: Living Life to the Full Because I Have Purpose


Childs Issue: Whats life all about? Im bored!


What will you do?


Experience It

Choose 1 or more games from manual or appendices. Use the debrief

questions to raise issues of purpose and boredom.

Link It

Value: Purpose

Who will you need?

What do you need?


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Roger Runalot introduces himself as an athlete and introduces his heroes

(David and Jesus) people who ran a good race of life.


Runners costume, Fanfare sound effect

Discover It: David

1 Samuel 16:1 -17: 3

Mini dramas:
3 short dramas that focus on David as shepherd boy, chosen king and
younger brother.


Between 4 and 10
leaders for dramas

Make scene change cards

Decide sound effects
Prepare mini-dramas (practice and props)

Share It

Small groups to open up discussion and build relationships

Ask questions that focus on the apparent ordinariness of Davids life, his
low esteem within the family but the bigger picture of God s plan and
Davids commitment to Him.



Practice link and instructions

Small group leaders (as

many as possible)

Each leader prepares 8 strips of paper with a

question written on each.

Shout It

Cheer: God has a purpose For my life



Link it

Quiz to introduce Jesus (and to discover what how familiar children are
with his story.)

Roger Runalot

Discover It: Jesus

Matthew 1-3

Announcer uses a bag of household items to describe Jesus ordinary

family life.


Scene change cards and sound effect

A bag containing: stringed instrument, a
hammer, book and an electronic device
Practice storytelling
Voice effect (God)

Story-telling: Walk amongst the crowd of children and retell how God
declared who Jesus was at His baptism.
Track It

Jigsaw running tracks

Begin to build these with pictures that summarize Davids life and Jesus
life so far (Pictures 1-6).


Prepare jigsaw pieces (Appendix A)

Blu-tack or adhesive

Live It

Help children to apply the main idea to their lives. God knows all about


Scene change cards

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 17

us and has plans for us.

Sound effects

Track It

Begin to build the US running track.

(Pictures 7,8)


Prepare jigsaw pieces (Appendix A)

Blu-tack or adhesive

Reinforce it

Lifebuilder: Teach Colossians 3:23


Prepare visual aids

Athletes interview: act out the interview in Appendix D or interview a local

sports-person using the same questions.


Shorten the interview if necessary


Small groups: what makes me special?

Choose some or all of the following
Children identify their special gifts and write or draw these on a jigsaw
Discussion questions about our dreams and how people help us fulfill
Activity sheet


Small group leaders (as

many as possible)

Paper and pencils

Activity sheets

Share It

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 18

Program 2: Living Life to the Full Trusting God

Childs Issue: I dont know who or what to trust!

Value: Trust

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 19



What will you do?


Who will you need?

What do you need?

Experience It

Choose 1 or more games from manual or appendices. Use the

debrief questions to raise issues of trust and fear, trustworthiness
and confusion.


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Link It

Roger Runalot talks about how difficult it is to know whose voice to

listen to as an athlete and makes the link to David.


Runners costume; drinks table, Fanfare

sound effect

Discover It: David

1 Samuel 17: 22-50

Announcer reminds children that the last session finished with

David visiting his brothers in the army.
Drama: David that contrasts his trust with the fear and confusion of
those around him. Conclude with Davids words from Psalm 18:12.


Several leaders for

Scene change cards and sound effect

Prepare drama and Bible-reading
Prepare signs: TRUST GOD;

Track It

Add Picture 9 to Davids running track.


Prepare Jigsaw piece for running track

Blu-tack or adhesive

Share It

Small groups: Trusting in the midst of fear and confusion

Ask questions to help children think about Davids trust and Gods
trustworthiness. Share your own experiences.


Small group leaders

(as many as possible)

Prepare signs
Know the questions to begin discussion

Discover It: Jesus

Mark 4: 35-41

Roger enters wearing and carrying well-known brands of clothes

and equipment. He comment on Davids trust and makes a link to
Interactive story with sound effects: involve the children in the story
of Jesus calming the storm.

Roger Runalot
All the children

Brand-name items (see curriculum)

Scene change cards and sound effect
Practice storytelling

Link it

Roger comments on the fear of Jesus friends and the safety that
Jesus provided and poses the question: Who is Jesus?
He exits leaving the brand-name items on the table.

Roger Runalot

Track It

Add Picture 10 to the Jesus running track.

Invite responses about the reactions of Jesus followers to their
experience in the storm. Add a 2nd piece with the word


Prepare jigsaw piece (Appendix A) plus a

blank jigsaw piece
Blu-tack or adhesive

Live It/
Track It

Use the brand-name items that Roger left, to ask how we can know
who are what to trust when everyone says: You can trust us.
Point out that David and Jesus friends each discovered who they
could trust.
Add Pictures 11 and 12 to US track as the discussion continues.


Scene change cards and sound effect

Prepare jigsaw pieces for the US track
(see appendix A)

Shout It

Cheer: Who can we trust? Our trusts in God!

KidsGames Curriculum
Race of Life Introduction
and Overview Page 20
2 - Running the

Program 3: Living Life Belonging To The Family Of God


Childs Issue: I feel left out

Value: Belonging


What will you do?


Who will you need?

What do you need?

Experience It

Choose 1 or more games from manual or appendices. Use the

debrief questions to raise issues of exclusion and inclusion.


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Link It

Roger Runalot talks about the idea of feeling rejected and

disappointed, linking to Davids experiences.


Runners costume, Fanfare sound effect

Discover It: David

1 Samuel 18-20

Narrated Mime:
A mime that tells the story of David, Saul and Jonathon. It shows
David falling in and out of favor.


Between 3 leaders for

Scene change cards and sound effect

Practice drama

Track It

IN or OUT? Review the story using cards marked IN and OUT to

show Davids changing status in the story.
Add two more pieces on the David running track Pictures 13 and

3 leaders from drama.

Know review questions.

Bibles (if available)
Have IN and OUT cards prepared.
Prepare jigsaw pieces. (Pictures 13 &14)

Discover It: Jesus

Luke 7:36-50

Announcer shows how guests would be welcomed and accepted to

a party in Jesus time.


Scene change cards and sound effect

Closed shoes (running shoes), sandals,
dust/mud, bowl of water, towel, oil/water.
Write a script or prepare one from
Appendix C: Scripts.

Story-telling: Tell the story of Simon, Jesus and the woman.

Track It

Review the story of Simon, Jesus and the woman using the same
IN and OUT cards. Add two more pieces on the Jesus running
track Pictures 15 and 16.


Practice using the cards to describe the

Prepare jigsaw pieces (Pictures 15 & 16).

Reinforce It

Lifebuilder: Teach 1 John 3:1


Prepare Visual Aids hearts

Track It

Add Pictures 17 and 18 to the US track.


Prepare jigsaw pieces (Pictures 17 & 18)

Shout It

Cheer: When Im Out He brings me in


KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 21

Reinforce It

Athletes Interview: Act out the interview in Appendix D or interview

a local sports person using the same questions.


Shorten the interview if necessary


Live It

Announcer explanation of how God makes us feel included.


Scene change cards and sound effect

Have explanation and role play scenario/s

(add time
on Project

Small group leaders

(as many as possible)

IN and OUT cards for each group.

Picture/ word cards for Activity 2.
Activity sheets
Paper and pencils.
Additional card for bridge in Activity 3.
Resources for introducing Compassion

One Minute Role Plays: Compare describes one or both scenarios.

Share It

Small Group Time: Choose from one of the activities:

1. Discussing One Minute Role Play
2. Discussing what IN and OUT means in our lives.
3. Discuss being peacemakers reaching out to others, like Jesus
reached out to us.
4. Optional: Activity sheet
Introduce Million Hours Compassion Project

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 22

Program 4: Living Life to the Full in an Unfair WorldKnowing God Cares


Childs Issue: Its not fair

Value: Faithfulness; Perseverance


What will you do?


Who will you need?

What do you need?

Experience It

Choose 1 or more games from manual or appendices. Use the

debrief questions to raise issues of frustration, disappointment and


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Link It

Roger Runalot talks about when things a race results was unfair.
Announcer makes link to Davids story.

Roger, a second

2 x Runners costume
Fanfare sound effect
Finishing Line tape

Discover It: David

1 Samuel 21-23

Story-telling: David on the run

A leader playing David runs amongst the children describing the
unfair things that happen to him.

Leader dressed as
Leader inside the
Drama Bag

Lifebuilder Revision Discuss questions with children and practice

1 John 3:1.

Scene change cards and sound effect

Practice telling Davids story.
Props: Assorted Signposts
Sign for CHEER and BOO
Drama Bag Prop
Bibles (if available)

Discover It: Jesus

Luke 2-3

Announcer introduces story of Jesus early life.

Drama: Matthew 2:13-14a Mary and Joseph leave Bethlehem
and God is with them.
Announcer concludes and asks discussion questions.

Leaders for drama

Scene change cards and sound effect

Props: Drama Bag, signposts
Prepare discussion questions

Track It

Add Picture 19 to the Jesus track.

Add Picture 20 to the David track.


Prepare jigsaw pieces (Pictures 19, 20)

Live It

Announcer talks about how sin is what makes our world unfair
drawing a picture then spraying it with water to help illustrate this.


Scene change cards and sound effect

Water-based felt pen, water
Paper & easel or drawing board.

Track It

Announcer describes how we can respond when things are unfair.

Responses are on three large cards.
Add Picture 21 to the US track.

on Project


3 Large cards GIVE UP, ASK GOD FOR

Prepare jigsaw pieces (Pictures 21)


KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 23

(Optional: Compassion Project)

Reinforce It

(Optional: Compassion Project information)

Athletes Interview: Act out the interview in Appendix D or interview

a local sports person using the same questions.


Shorten the interview if necessary


Lifebuilder: teach 1 Peter 5:17


Props: Large stones, sack

Shout It

Cheer: Who cares? Jesus Cares!


Share It

Small Group Time:

Optional: complete activity sheet


Small group leaders

Prepare suggestions for role-plays

Activity sheet
Paper and pencils

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 24

Program 5: Living Life to the Full Making Right Choices


Childs Issue: Its hard to do what I know I should do

Value: Choosing Right


What will you do?


Who will you need?

What do you need?

Experience It

Choose 1 or more games from manual or appendices. Use the

debrief questions to raise issues of rule-breaking, retaliation and


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Link It

Roger Runalot talks making right choices even when there is an

easy option.


Runners costume, props


Discover It: David

1 Samuel 24

Announcer introduces interview drama


Leaders for drama

Scene change cards and sound effect

To Be Continued sign
Prepare interview drama or use Appendix C
Quiz questions
Watch or clock for timekeeper
Prepare jigsaw pieces for Pictures 22 & 23

Interview with King Saul (drama)

Quiz: Against the clock
Track It

Announcer places Pictures 22 and 23 on David running track


Shout It

Cheer: What should I do? . Choose right!


Discover It: Jesus

John 18:1-11
Luke 22:47-53

Leader/Announcer introduces Interview with Malchus drama.

Leaders for drama

Scene change cards and sound effect

Prepare interview drama or use the script in
Appendix C

Track It

Add Pictures 24, 25 and 26 to the Jesus track.


Prepare jigsaw pieces for pictures 24, 25 &


Live It

Announcer talks about our reactions in tough situations.


Scene change cards and sound effect

Cardboard stepping stones


Shorten the interview if necessary


Strategy: 6 steps to choosing right.

Reinforce it

Athletes Interview: Act out the interview in Appendix D or interview

a local sports person using the same questions.

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 25

Lifebuilder: Teach Micah 6:8b.



with memory verse on the back

Track It

Add three puzzles pieces to US track write phrases on pieces.


Prepare blank puzzles pieces


Share It

Small Group Discussion:

Thinking about JUSTICE talk about the scenario described
Thinking about MERCY think about ways to show kindness
Thinking about OBEDIENCE draw /make the 6 stepping stones


Small group leaders

Prepare questions
Material to draw/make stepping stones for
each child with an envelop
Activity sheet
Paper and pencils

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 26

Program 6:


Living Life to the Full as a Very Important Person Because God Values Me!
Value: Significance

Childs Issue: Im a nobody; no one notices me


What will you do?


Who will you need?

What do you need?

Experience It

Choose 1 or more games from manual or appendices. Use the

debrief questions to raise issues of significance and the difference
one person can make to a group.


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Link It

Roger Runalot talks about having someone value and believe in



Runners costume, props: photo

Fanfare sound effect

Discover It: David

2 Samuel 9

Announcer tells what happens next with David and Saul.


Leader/s for drama

Scene change cards and sound effect

Celebration/party items (balloons etc)
Prepare Mephibosheth story or use script
from Appendix C
Prepare Quiz questions

Huddle groups: what would you do?

Mephibosheth tells his story.
Track It

Announcer uses David Pictures 27 and 28 to talk about the

difference in how Mephibosheth saw himself and how David saw


Prepare jigsaw pieces for pictures 27 & 28

Share It

Our Importance Meter place the names of people from the story
and real life in order of importance.


Importance Meter
Name cards

Discover It: Jesus

Mark 10:13-16

Announcer explains second Importance Meter.

Tells story of Jesus arrest with discussion questions.


Scene change cards and sound effect

Second Importance Meter
Prepare how to tell story and discussion

Track It

Add Picture 29 to the Jesus track.


Prepare jigsaw pieces for picture 29

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 27

Reinforce It

Lifebuilder: Teach Mark 10:13.


People shaped cards

Second Importance Meter
Name Card

Shout It

Cheer: Were all important ..God says so!


Reinforce It

Athletes Interview: Act out the interview in Appendix D or interview

a local sports person using the same questions.


Prepare Athletes Interview

Live It

Discuss times when adults say to you Youre too young.

Discuss ways we can encourage others and show them they are


Scene change cards and sound effects

Track It

Place Picture 30 on the US track.


Prepare jigsaw puzzle piece for picture 30.

Share It

Small Group Activity Choose some or all of the activities listed.

Who is worth more?
Everyones important
Activity sheet (optional)


Small group leaders

Decide on activities and organize needed

props and material
Activity sheets
Paper and pencils

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 28

Program 7: Living Life to the Full Free Of Guilt


Childs Issue: I was wrong. But what can I do?

Value: Forgiveness


What will you do?


Who will you need?

What do you need?

Experience It

Choose 1 or more games from manual or appendices. Use the

debrief questions to raise issues breaking rules and experiences of


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Link It

Roger Runalot describes a time when he needed forgiveness.


Runners costume
Props: Box of medals

Discover It: David

2 Samuel 11-12

Announcer leads brainstorm activity identifying characteristics of

David. Other characteristics are added by the Announcer to link to
the next part of Davids story.
Newspaper reporter drama.


Leaders to be:
Reporter and King

Scene change cards and sound effects

Picture of King David (See Appendix A)
Prepare drama
Props: Newspaper with heading KING A
Props: Crown.

Track It

Add Pictures 31 and 32 to the David track.


Prepare jigsaw pieces for pictures 31 & 32

Live It

Read 2 Samuel 11:7-13 and discuss questions.


Prepare discussion questions
Scene change cards and sound effect

Reinforce It

Lifebuilder: Teach 1 John 1:9

Leaders (and/or
children) for skit

Prepare skit


Skit This drama shows what responses we may have when we

do wrong. Discuss these responses.
Shout It

Cheer: When Im forgiven I am free

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 29

Reinforce It

Athletes Interview: Act out the interview in Appendix D or interview

a local sports person using the same questions.


Prepare Athletes Interview

Discover It: Jesus

Luke 23-24:6

One minute quiz Children review the story of Simon and the



Scene change cards only

Prepare quiz questions
Prepare Why Jesus Died using the
material in Appendix C

Why Jesus died Discuss with children why Jesus died (See
Appendix C for ideas)
Track It

Add Picture 33 to the Jesus track with a finishing line. Also add
Picture 34.
Introduction of invitation to become part of Gods Family. What will
you do
Place Picture 35 on the US track.


Prepare puzzle pieces for pictures 33, 34 &

Finishing line rope

Share It

Small Group Discussion

Invitation to respond
Activity sheet (optional)


Small group leaders

Prepare Invitation to respond

Props: Mirror
Activity sheets
Paper and pencils

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 30

Program 8: Living Life to the Full Knowing God Is Close


Childs Issue: Im scared

Value: Reassurance; Courage


What will you do?


Who will you need?

What do you need?

Experience It

Choose 1 or more games from manual or appendices. Use the

debrief questions to raise issues of fear and reassurance.


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Link It

Roger Runalot talks about what it is like to be scared.


Runners costume

Discover It: Jesus

Acts 12:1-19

Announcer describes how Jesus is our invisible coach.

Leader for Drama bag

Scene change cards and sound effect

Drama bag

Bible-reading: dramatic reading of the passage Acts 12:1-19.

Children can out various parts also.
Track It

Add Picture 36 to the Jesus track.


Prepare jigsaw puzzle piece for picture 36

Share It

Large or small group discussion about the story of Peter and his

Leader or Small group


Prepare discussion questions

Live It

Leaders talks about our invisible chains. Use balloons and paper
chains to illustrate this.


Scene change cards and sound effect

Paper chains, pegs, balloons and
permanent pen
Prepare discussion

Leader for Drama bag

Choose song
CD player or computer to play music

Prayer Children can talk to God about their own frightening

experiences. Follow by bursting balloons and breaking chains.
Listen To It: (Optional) Listen to a song that talks about hope
coming out of tragedy.
Reinforce it

Lifebuilder: Teach Psalm 56:3


Long strips of paper, pens and glue/sticky


Athletes Interview: Act out the interview in Appendix D or interview

a local sports-person using the same questions


Prepare Athletes Interview

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 31

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 32

Shout It

Cheer: When I am afraid I will trust in God


Discover It: David

2 Samuel 15: 1
17:4, Psalm 56

Quick quiz to review the story of David so far.

Announcer talks about when David was scared using pretend
newspaper headlines. (Option have other leaders mime the story)
Follow with discussion questions.


Newspaper Seller
Leaders for the drama

Scene change cards and sound effect

Prepare quiz questions
Pretend newspaper headlines
Prepare discussion questions

Track It

Add Picture 37 onto Davids running track.

Add Picture 38 onto the US running track.


Prepare jigsaw pieces for pictures 37 & 38

Share It

Small Groups children explore Psalm 56, thinking about being

frightened and having hope because God is close.
Finish with prayer.


Small group leaders

Copies of Lessons 8 Worksheets with

Psalm 56 for each age group.
Paper and pens
Be familiar with small group activities.

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 33

Program 9: Living Life to the Full With Hope


Childs Issue: Im sad and feeling hopeless

Value: Hope


What will you do?


Who will you need?

What do you need?

Experience It

Choose one or more games from manual or appendices. Use the

debrief questions to consider how important a sense of hope is to
the enjoyment of the game.


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Link It

Roger Runalot talks about what it is like to lose hope.


Runners costume
Subdued Fanfare

Discover It: David

2 Samuel 18-19:4

Newspaper seller announces the victory of Davids army.

Discussion about Davids response. Leaders reads 2 Samuel
18:33 19:4

Newspaper seller

Scene change cards and sound effect


Discover It:
Jesus and David
John 14: 1 - 6

Two storytellers tells intertwining stories about a father and a son

one of David and Absalom, one of God and Jesus.


Storytellers 1and 2.
Leaders for drama

2 giant books
Scene change David/ Jesus cards
Props/objects for story (or use puzzle
Drama Bag

Lifebuilder: Teach John 11:25. Reinforce using the Hope Box

Jigsaw Puzzle activity


Hope Box containing envelopes with the

verse written out and cut into jigsaw pieces
(enough to give one to each group)

Athletes interview: Act out the interview in Appendix D or interview

a local sports-person using the same questions.


Prepare Athletes Interview

Shout It

Cheer: All the time God is our hope



Track It

Add Picture 39 to the David running track.


Announcer concludes with a reminder that Jesus is alive today.

Reinforce it

God is our hope All the

Prepare jigsaw pieces for pictures 39, 40

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 34

Add Picture 40 to the Jesus running track.

Read John 14: 1 2 and ask questions.
Add Picture 41 to the US running track.
Share It

and 41
Prepare discussion questions

Small Group Time.

Discussion about times when theyve felt sad at the loss of
someone you love. Use Bible passages to show that death is a
part of life, sadness is natural, Jesus brings hope and there are
people who they can talk to about how theyre feeling. For younger
children the Activity sheet invites them to draw what they think that
Heaven might be like as an introduction to a variation on the above
Hope Box the Bible offers us hope in times of sadness and loss.
Activity sheet (optional)


Small group leaders

(as many as possible)

Prepare discussion questions

Activity sheets
Hope Box with sweets small strips of paper
with Bible promises written
Paper and pens

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 35

Program 10: Living Life To The Full


Childs Issue: I want to be the best

Value: Being a Champion


What will you do?


Who will you need?

What do you need?

Experience It

Choose 1 or more games from manual or appendices. Use the

debrief questions to raise issues of character versus skill in being a


Sports/games leaders
All other leaders

Check equipment needed

Know the debrief questions

Link It

Roger Runalot talks about being a real champion by doing your

best and obeying the coach.


Runners costume and Fanfare

Props: Medals to wear around his neck

Shout It

Cheer: Be a champion . Put God first


Discover It: David

1 Kings 2:1-9

Decide how to review the story of the last nine programs. Choose
from the options listed.
Recall the story using the David running track pictures
Use the same pictures but run a quiz
Show items from a box relating each to part of the story
Use the story-telling script (Appendix C: Scripts)
As each episode of Davids story is told the children are to stand
and repeat the Shout It Chant for that part of the story.


Leader as David

Scene change cards and sound effect

Prepare review using either
David running track pictures or items
placed in a box

Track It

David puts a finishing line on his running track.

Leaders as David

Finishing line (piece of tape or string)

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 36

Shout It

Cheer: Be a champion . Put God first

Have the children repeat all the chants one after another use
rhythm, action


Reinforce It

Athletes Interview: Act out the interview in Appendix D or interview

a local sports-person using the same questions.


Prepare Athletes Interview

Lifebuilder: Teach John 10:10. Have the verse written on deflated

balloons hidden between pages of the Bible.


Balloons for Lifebuilder

Discover It: Jesus

John 10:10, Acts
John 14:15-19

Announcer reviews the pictures on the Jesus running track,

pointing out the differences between David and Jesus.
Announcer talks about the Holy Spirit and how he can help us be
real champions.
Final opportunity to invite children to accept Jesus as their friend
and coach.



Scene change cards and sound effect

Jesus running track or pictures from
Appendix A

Live It

Read and discuss Acts 1:8


Scene change cards and sound effect

Share It

Small Group Time

Activities to give children the idea of passing on the good news
indoor and outdoor activity suggestions.
Discussion what could we tell others about Jesus
Activity sheet making a poster
Track It Use Picture 42 to complete the US running track


Small group leaders

Equipment for running games

Prepare discussion questions
Activity sheets
Paper and pens
Prepare poster of picture 42

Finishing in

Look at the suggestions listed and consider ways you can

celebrate the time you have spent together.

All leaders

Prepare celebration

KidsGames Curriculum - Running the Race of Life Introduction and Overview Page 37

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