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Dominique St.

Abstract #3 ALSC
Association for Library Service to Children (2015). In Association for Library Service to
Children online site. Retrieved from
The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) is a division of the American l
Library Association (ALA) designated as an online resource for librarians, library staff,
educators, parents or guardians of primary school students.
The External Relationship section of this website provides information on how a
library can develop a successful relationship outside of the school campus with the surrounding
public libraries. For example, a portion within the External Relationship section entitled,
School/Public Library Cooperative Activities have selections of success programs in which the
interest of student learning and use of libraries is upheld. The Assignment Alert Program is one
of those examples. It is a community outreach program in which teachers can inform
surrounding libraries about upcoming assigned projects that require the use of the library. These
libraries in turn would be bettered prepared in supporting student needs. Parents and students can
also better prepare themselves by visiting the ALSC website under the Parents tab. It provides
links to childrens websites, games, puzzles and book lists that enhance and support student
learning. This section also provides parental information on how to safely navigate through the
Internet with their child and become familiar with the ever-changing technology lingo.
Librarians could benefit in being a member of this organization. They would have access
to vital professional development that could provide them with a variety of assistance and guide
them onto having the capabilities of generating an exemplary library. Information on becoming a
member and its attributes are available through out the website under the About ALSC,
Advocacy, Awards, Grants and Scholarships, Communications and Publications,
Conferences and Continuing Education, Get Involved, Initiatives, Membership in ALSC,
Online Learning and Professional Tools sections.
Reflection: As student of library sciences, I have developed an understanding of how important it
is to stay in touch with the changes libraries experience due to the advancements in technology.
Information is a click away not only for students that use the library but for librarians as well. It
would be an investment to become a member of a library organization such as ALSC. Librarians
are an essential tool that students have access to. We need to be prepared for these changes
headed in our direction. The website is a resource librarians should take
advantage of.
Competencies addressed:
Competency: 003: A: Uses effective decision making (e.g., synthesizing information from a
variety of sources) to develop and maintain an exemplary library program
Competency: 004: C: Applies effective leadership strategies within campus and district
administrative structures to promote library program goals.
Competency: 004: F: Establishes partnerships with businesses, learning institutions, global
communities, organizations and other libraries to strengthen programs and support campus goals.
Competency: 005: B: Understands the role of the school library program as a central element in
the intellectual life of the school.

Competency: 005: B: Understands the role of the school library program as a central element in
the intellectual life of the school.
Competency: 005: A: Understands the role of all types of libraries and information agencies in an
integrated learning environment.
Competency: 005: K: Demonstrates a commitment to the library profession (e.g., membership in
professional organizations, participation in continuing education, collaboration with other
information professionals).

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