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Jaime Delgado

EDU 214-1003
My Personal Essay
Being a teacher is the only career that interests me. It has and always will be my only
career option. My educational experiences have shaped me and my pursuit of this goal.
In my childhood, there were a few role models that steered me onto this path. My algebra
II teacher, Mr. Bowker, played a key role in developing my perception of the career. He was very
professional and honest with students and faculty. A trait that I admire is his clarity in explaining
concepts to students. I was among his top students, but still asked for help on a regular basis. His
input was easy to follow and well-paced. The material was never too fast or too slow. He taught
me the value of being a good professional. Everything from his knowledge of the subject, to his
attire exuded class. Another one of my role models was my US History teacher, Mr. Fogler.
Oddly enough, I took Foglers and Bowkers classes at the same time. Fogler was a little more
grounded in his methods. He would often converse with students during independent practice or
other activities. He was quite friendly and open with a lot of students. His interactions with the
class ranged from sports to politics in addition to the course material. The fact that he was also a
coach probably helped. There was no barrier whenever someone talked to him about something.
He was a lot less formal than most teachers and that led him to build more open relationships
with his students. His teaching methods were also effective. Instead of direct instruction, Fogler
opted for a more cooperative-based approach. Students would often be working in groups and/or
partners. There was a sense of camaraderie in that class. Tests and chapter assignments would be
worked on as groups. His teambuilding skills were necessary in setting this environment up.
Lastly, my HIST 101 professor, Mr. Alvarez, also helped me in solidifying my career choice. His
coverage of underrepresented groups inspired me to one day do the same. He helped me to

recognize that there are two narratives to history. His teaching of the course instilled a deep sense
of responsibility in me.
I feel that its my duty to teach history from a different perspective than is taught in
schools today. There are things that students need to know about this countrys past. Teachers are
responsible for making sure students are able to understand the material, but also that students
may better themselves by doing so. Regurgitating the stale narrative that they have probably
already been taught wont accomplish that. In order for students to truly understand how history
relates to the world around them they need a different perspective. Whether I fulfill this duty at
the high school or college level remains to be seen, but my students will certainly receive a
different perspective.
The only real concern I have with this profession is dealing with parents. My goal
involves tackling the master narrative of history. Doing so requires questioning of the status quo.
Many humans dont like it when things are shaken up; they are afraid of change. I fully
understand that taking such an approach to this subject may draw discomfort or opposition to me
or my methods. Parental scrutiny is an occupational hazard, though, and thus any potential
backlash should already be expected regardless of the course. I would hate for a positive studentteacher relationship to be curtailed by parent-teacher squabbles. Moreover, I will not accept any
depreciation of the profession. Teachers are already being underappreciated. Nobody needs
anyone saying it to his/her face. That would be the only qualm I have about my profession.
Teaching is a beautiful thing. I am but an example of the impact it can have on a human
being. I hope that the impressions I leave on students are similarly positive.

VARK Questionnaire Results

Visual 4
Aural 9
Read/Write 5
Kinesthetic 7

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