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Eden Studios, Inc.

is pleased to announce a new supplement

series called Eden Studios Presents (ESP). Focusing on a wide
variety of Unisystem materials, each book will be filled with
scenarios, archetypes, monsters, new and alternate rules, and
much, much more.
Volume 1 of the ESP series features:
New monsters by David F. Chapman for your Buffy or Angel RPG game.
L is for Liberty, a Terra Primate Apeworld by Dan Proctor.
An interview with Jason Vey, author of the upcoming AFMBE
supplement, Dungeons & Zombies.
Archetypes for any Unisystem game.
A Unisystem sci-fi setting by Andrew Peregrine
An intercepted phone conversation between David F. Chapman,
the Conspiracy X 2.0 Developer, and a mysterious Agent X.
Tigereye, a Conspiracy X scenario from Jason Little with notes
for both Unisystem and the original game mechanics.
A new monster for WitchCraft and Armageddon by Charlie Von Eschen.
Future issues will contain articles just as exciting as this first book. Prepare yourself for
scintillating scenarios, archetypes galore, previews of future products, handfuls of bad
guys, Chronicler and player tips, and even a multi-episode campaign!
Eden Studios views ESP as an ideal showcase for both new and known authors, giving
everyone the potential to be a part of the team! Eden realizes there are a great many
quality "unknowns" out there and wants to give them the opportunity to shine. Veteran
writers are also welcome, providing solid groundwork for gamers to use, spindle, and
mutilate. Whether you are a up-and-comer, an oldtimer, or just a fan, you'll find new and
interesting material in each book.

So, what are you waiting for?

$15.00 (U.S.)

ISBN 1-891153-94-3

Buffy the Vampire Slayer & 2004, ANGEL & 2004. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem Game System 2004 CJ Carella. The Unisystem is used under exclusive license.
2004 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.

Credits Table of Contents

Eden Studios
Volume 1

From the Editor

by Derek Stoelting

Cover Shot: A New Monster for WitchCraft Armageddon

by Charlie Von Eschen

Interview with Dungeons & Zombies Author Jason Vey

by Derek Stoelting

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk: A Cinematic Setting

by Andrew Peregrine

Conspiracy X 2.0 Interview with David F. Chapman



Tiger Eye: A Conspiracy X Scenario

by Jason Little


Slay-worthy: New Monsters for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
by David F. Chapman, with additional writing by Derek Stoelting


L is for Liberty: A Terra Primate Apeworld

by Dan Proctor, with additional writing by Derek Stoelting and Jason Vey


All Flesh Must Be Eaten by Andrew Ferguson
WitchCraft Armageddon by Derek Stoelting


Editing and Proofing

by Shari Hill, M. Alexander Jurkat, Derek Stoelting, Jason Vey
Cover Art
by Carlos Samuel Araya
Interior Art
by Travis Ingram and Ginger Kubic
Graphic Design and Art Direction
by George Vasilakos
Produced and Published by Eden Studios
6 Dogwood Lane, Loudonville, NY 12211

Buffy the Vampire Slayer & 2004, ANGEL & 2004. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem Game System 2004 CJ Carella. The Unisystem is used under exclusive license.
2004 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, except for review purposes.
Any similarity to characters, situations, institutions, corporations, etc. (without satirical intent) is strictly fictional
or coincidental. This book uses settings, characters and themes of a supernatural nature. All elements, mystical and
supernatural, are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Comments and questions can be directed via the Internet at
via e-mail to or via letter with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
First Printing, May 2004
Stock EDN5500

Volume 1

ISBN 1-891153-67-6

Printed in USA

Letter from the Editor

A Brief Note from Derek Stoelting,

Editor of Eden Studios Presents
Welcome to Eden Studios Presents!
ESP, as weve taken to calling it around the office, is Eden Studios latest endeavor to feed our ravenous
fans. Inside these very pages, you will find material for all of the Unisystem game lines. Future issues wont
be so grandiose in scale, but they will be just as entertaining, just as useful, and just as exciting to read.
This book may hit your friendly local game shops stands later than you expected. That, I will admit, is
my fault. I jumped head first into this project, not actually realizing how much work it would entail. When
I thought I had reached the midway point, I stepped back and looked at what I had.
At that point, I panicked. I found material that needed fixing: rewrite something here, send that out to
another editor to look at (thanks Jason, Shari, & Alex), cut that other thing out completely, and move this
other item to the next volume.
Thus, I dug in my heels and went back to work. Before I knew it, I missed my deadline. Then, it was the
week after the deadline. Then . . .
Throughout the process, I maintained the mantra of At the end of the day, is this the best material you
can create? George said that phrase to me one year at the Origins convention. We were discussing the
Origins Awards. One of Eden Studios books was up for an award. George reasoned that even if the book
didnt win the award it was up for, he knew which book was the best. As I sit here typing up this editorial
commentary, I look back on what Ive compiled. I look at the material from brand new, never before seen
authors. I look at material from authors that already have their foot in their door. I look at material from previously published authors. I look at the material that my fellow editors helped to produce.
And, I judge it the best material that could be produced for this book.
Weve got generic space material, Terra Primate material that can use the generic space material, an interview with Jason Vey, preview material for Con X Unisystem, a full-blown scenario for Con X featuring original and Unisystem rules, new zombies for AFMBE, stats for the creature on the cover, and new archetypes
for a handful of games.
Volume Two is nearing completion as I type this. Most of the authors have turned their work in early.
Some of the editing has begun. We are going a different route with Volume Two. Instead of trying to cover
ground for every single Unisystem game out there, we are narrowing our focus towards the undead. Thats
not to say everything in the book will be about vampires, vampyres, and zombies. However, the book will
spend a lot of time discussing them.
And, Volume Two will be done on time.
Remember, keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times, do not unbuckle your seatbelt until the
ride comes to a complete stop, and dont forget to send us feedback as you exit the ride!

Eden Studios Presents

Cover Shot: A New Monster

Cover Shot: A New Monster for

WitchCraft Armageddon
Bathsha are the Ethereals of Dementia.
Obsessions, codes of conduct, delusions, covetousness, and cruelty are their domain. Most often, the
Bathsha inhabit the Periphery in Hod, amplifying
dreamers obsessions so they spill over into the waking world. Infrequently, one of these dream denizens
finds its way to Malkuth by successfully inspiring a
dreamer to become its Chosen, or through a summoningintentionally or otherwise. Suddenly a
quiet neighbor begins a reign of terror.

Common Ethereal and Spirit

Bathsha share all basic Ethereal and spirit abilities
(see Book of Hod, p. 117; Armageddon, p. 297) with
some modifications noted below.

Buying into the Dream: A Bathsha who is

already influencing a Chosen may cause a nearby
target to become infected by the Chosens particular
dementia by spending two Essence per level of the
victims Willpower. Those under the effect of this
power find themselves agreeing with and desiring to
be a part of a Chosens mental landscape. This
power has a duration of one-half an hour per Success
level of the Willpower and Spiritus Task. A Simple
Willpower Test resists Buying into the Dream for all
character types. Victims who fail the Test will do
anything in their ability to make the world fit the
Chosens warped view. If a victim is afflicted by a
Mental Drawback that contradicts the Chosens
dementia, that Drawback is effectively reduced by
one level of severity.

Powers Special to Bathsha

Physical Manifestation: Bathsha manifest on
Malkuth by spending one Essence for every five
points of their Vital Essence. These entities appear
to arise from the victims of those they inspire, giving congratulations and rewards while spurring their
Chosen onward to greater feats. Bathsha usually
materialize as their Chosens perfect prey, idealized
in order to reaffirm the hunt or serve as the fruit of
the Chosens particular Amplified Obsession.
Amplify: Bathsha must spend one Essence point
per level of the targets Willpower to increase the
severity of each Mental Drawback afflicting their
Chosen. If this boost brings a Drawback to level
four, it becomes an overpowering Obsession for the
duration of the power (one hour per Success Level
of the Willpower and Spiritus Task). Amplify may
be resisted by Mundanes with a Difficult Willpower
Test. Gifted and Supernaturals resist with a Simple
Willpower Test. If a behavior-restricting Mental
Drawback, such as Honorable, has been Amplified
to level four, the Chosen seeks to impose that behavior on others, sometimes violently. Chosen with two
or more contradicting Mental Drawbacks raised to
such a high level flip-flop between them; he may
become a self-tortured coma victim or commit suicide due to their conflicting desires.

Volume 1

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Constitution: 6

Intelligence: 4
Perception: 6
Willpower: 5

Vital Essence: 54
Energy Essence: 51
Life Points (when manifested): 105
Spiritus: 5

Interview with a Zombie Master

Interview with a
Zombie Master
I recently had a chance to sit down and talk to
Jason Vey about his upcoming book Dungeons &
Zombies, working with Eden Studios, over-zealous
playtesters, and future work.
Tell me about D&Z. What were you trying to do
with it? Were you trying to emulate any particular aspect of fantasy roleplaying? Were you trying to avoid anything in fantasy roleplaying?
Settle in, because this is going to be a long answer.
D&Z actually came about in a strange way. Id done
up a piece for my website that contained fantasy
rules for the cinematic Unisystem, and they started
rolling really well. So well, in fact, that I started to
wonder if I could pitch them. Obviously, at the time,
there wasnt a non-licensed core book for the cinematic rules, so that wouldnt work. But, WitchCraft
seemed ideal for handling it. I e-mailed Alex Jurkat
asking if there was interest. His response was positive, but less-than-enthusiastic. He noted that trying
to compete with D&D was suicide unless you had a
really good gimmick. He was right.
Then, a couple of days later, I got another e-mail.
Seemed George Vasilakos had seen my rules online
and they wanted me to do a sourcebook for AFMBE.
Eden came up with the title Dungeons and Zombies.
It seemed comically appropriate. So, we set to work.
I wrote an outline, proposing four Deadworlds based
on themes that Alex suggested: Pulp (Conanesque),
Literary (Tolkienesque), Arthurian, and Oriental.
The Oriental one proved the most difficult, as I was
unable to access Enter the Zombie, due to Edens
desire to have people be able to play the supplement
if they owned only the core book.
When we started out, the mission statement was
pretty simple, though very difficult in the long run to
effectively achieve. This was not the definitive
Unisystem Fantasy Roleplaying Game. It was
another genre book for AFMBE, and had to be treated as such, while still filling the gap to satisfy those
whod been clamoring for Unisystem fantasy rules.
A tall order, but I think we pulled it off.

As for what we were and werent trying to emulate, I dont think we had any aspirations to make
this the Unisystem version of [insert roleplaying
game]. Other than the Deadworlds (whose influences are obvious), we mostly just tried not to make
it a direct D&D rip-off. It had to have its own flavor
and style, and had to be as open and customizable as
the rest of the Unisystem products. D&D influences
are there, to be sure. D&D set the standard, and was
the first fantasy roleplaying game. In any given fantasy game there are always going to be some elements that hearken back to that origin. But, overall I
think D&Z has a pretty unique feel.
I was in on the playtest of this book. It was very
hot and heavy at times. Do you think that affected the book?
Boy, thats an understatement. There were some
knock-down-drag-outs during playtest. But, in the
end it happened because everyone was so passionate
about the book. Everyone wanted it to be the best it
could be, and you cant go wrong with that kind of
enthusiasm. There were some requests for reprinted
material and details that there just isnt room for in a
sourcebook. I started to wish I had a whole core
book worth of space to work with after awhile! But,
in the end, it was those arguments, debates, and such

Eden Studios Presents

An Interview with a Zombie Master

that helped to shape the book into its final form. I

really do owe the playtesters a huge vote of thanks.
They were all great, and they all kept me on my toes
throughout. I think the book is much better off for it
in the end.
For those of us who want more than just hack
and slash, what can we look for in this book?
Its Unisystem. That means that hack and slash is
rarely your best bet, given just how deadly combat is
in the rules. Weve imported a slightly abbreviated
version of the magic system from WitchCraft and
Armageddon, which is very freeform and conducive
to creativity on the part of people playing magi.
Weve also gone out of our way to conceive of good,
epic stories for the Deadworlds. However, for those
of you who are into hack and slash, fear not. There are
a few optional rules suggestions and tweaks in there
to cater to your power-gaming needs as well (grin).
Whats your favorite part in this book?
I think the author bio is the best part.
Thats a joke, son.
Seriously, thats a really tough call. I like the
whole book. I dont know if we necessarily hit a
grand slam, but were most definitely bases-loaded
on it. As far as my favorite partId have to say that
the rules stuff in chapter 2 was great fun to come up
with, put together, and hammer out. As for the
Deadworlds, Dead Gods and Demon Lands is probably my favorite, because Ive always liked gritty,
pulp-style fantasy like Robert E. Howard, Fritz
Lieber, R.A. Salvatore, Weis and Hickman. You get
the idea.
You worked with Eden Studios new editor
Ross Isaacs on this book. How was working with
Well let me preface this by saying that I think Ross
is a very skilled editor. He can come off as a bit blunt
at first, but its because he doesnt have the time to
mince words. Hes a busy guy and an editor who
knows what he wants and expects from his writers,
and hes very specific in his comments and requests.
He was a consummate professional the entire time,

Volume 1

An Interview with a Zombie Master


and I appreciate that more than I can express. You

dont always get that in this industry. In fact, Id go
so far as to say it can be a rarity. I just hope he feels
the same way about me.
Did we butt heads? Once or twice, yeah. You have
to understand that writers and editors have a
love/hate relationship. We realize that we need each
other, but nobody likes to see their stuff cut up and
Ross knows his stuff, and Id happily work with
him again. I think Im a better writer for having
worked with himand Im not just saying that to
tow the company line. Its the Gods Honest Truth.
Ross was great to work with.
What other Eden Studios books have you contributed to?
Truthfully? None! This was my first project with
Eden, and it was hard work, but a blast. I really hope
to do more for Eden in the future.
What brought you to work with Eden Studios?
It was a combination of factors. Ive always been a
fan of C.J.s stuff; he and I seem to have strangely
similar mindsets as far as horror gaming and fiction
go. Ive never met C.J. face-to-face, and only spoken
to him briefly via e-mail or IM twice, but as far as his
writing goes, the guys brain works on a level that I
just grok. So when I found out that he was writing the
Buffy game, I had to check it out. Id been seeing
WitchCraft on the shelves in my FLGS for months
and been tempted to pick it up, but was worried about
getting burned by an impulse buy (which Im sure
youll agree can easily happen with core books).
Then, at Origins a few years ago, I had the opportunity to play in a WitchCraft game and demo Buffy,
and I was hooked immediately. At that con, my girlfriend and I purchased WitchCraft and AFMBE.
Since then, Ive gone on to buy every Unisystem
product I can get my hands on. I cant get enough.
When I started freelancing, I knew right away that
Eden was a company I wanted to write for, so I gave
it a shot, and thus far, its worked out pretty well.

Are there any future publications you are

working on for Eden Studios that you can tell us
Nope. I can tell you that I have a couple submissions and proposals inone for a new WitchCraft
Association, and one for another sourcebook for
AFMBE, but both are in limbo until I hear from
George, Alex, or Ross. I also intend to be a pretty
regular contributor to ESP. And hey, if theyve got
anything they want to throw my way, Im on board
in a New York minute.
What other roleplaying game material have
you written?
Truth be told, Im actually pretty new to the field.
Ive done an article for Palladium Books Rifter line
in issue 16, which I then expanded to a full sourcebook for their Nightbane roleplaying game (another
C.J. work, incidentally) called Shadows of Light. It
was advertised as the first new book for NB in four
years, but in actuality, I think it was closer to seven.
So, that was pretty cool. Ive got a number of different ideas swimming around in my head right now,
most of which will probably never see the light of
day, but Ive currently gone back to work on a novel
Im trying to finish. Hopefully, thatll see bookstore
shelves some day.

Eden Studios Presents

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

by Andrew Peregrine

Several recent television series have caused resurgence in the desire for a sci-fi game with a western
feel to it. Farscape and Firefly are two shows that
immediately come to mind. Inspired by these shows,
you may be wondering how to create a similar campaign world for yourself. Luckily, Eden Studios
Unisystem books are more than up to the task. This
article is a mixed bag of odds and ends that
Directors can utilize to create their own adventures
on the frontier of space.
For those of you unfamiliar with the science fictionwestern genre, we should take a moment to
paint you a picture of this campaign world style.
After all, how do you mix the low-tech world of the
western with the high-tech world of science fiction?
The best way to do it is by using supply and
demand. In such a world, technology is the preserve
of the rich and the privileged. This is not really
because it is expensive, but because owning it gives
you power. After all, if you and your people have
the laser guns and the others are using clubs, you
are going to win. So in the worlds ruled by the rich
and powerful, technology is plentiful and inexpensive. However, the further you are from civilization,
the more difficult such things become to acquire.
On the frontier of space, things look little different
from a frontier town in the 1800s. Moreover, just
like a frontier town, these places on the edge of civilization arent so law abiding. The rule of the gun
applies in most cases. If you have a ship you can get
work, but plenty of people will want to steal from

Characters, Attributes,
and Skills
In an atmosphere of betrayal and mistrust, there
are very few champions, and most folk start out with
the same chances in life. Therefore, we suggest the
following as a Character Type template. There is one
change to the usual rule though . . . points from
Drawbacks can be added to Attributes and Drama
Points, not just Qualities and Skills.

Volume 1

Cinematic Unisystem





Up to 15



Drama Points 15
For those using classic Unisystem rules,
the following Character Type can be used.
Classic Unisystem



Up to 10




purchased with

New and Adjusted Skills

Wild Card (Barter)
When things are scarce, real trade often reverts to
barter. Money in the frontier can often mean very little. Paper from some far-off government or bank is
no use when you need engine parts, food, and medical supplies. The people who need such things often
cant get enough cash together for them anyway.
Therefore, you need to come to some arrangement.
This skill allows you to haggle and horse trade with
dignity and style. While the Influence skill usually
governs this sort of thing, it is important enough here
to justify being a skill in its own right. It also includes
the ability to spot a bargain in the first place.
Using the Skill: Use Intelligence and Wild Card
(Barter) to see the worth of the goods on offer.
Sometimes hard bargaining requires the use of
Willpower. The Director may allow Perception and
Wild Card (Barter) to spot a potential bargain. Those
without Wild Card (Barter) use Influence 3.

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

Cinematic Unisystem
Skill Suggestions
Adjust the Crime Skill to cover electronic
lockpicking and security systems.
Change Getting Medieval to Old Style.
Change Gun Fu to Gun Play.
Change Kung Fu to Getting Personal.
You may also wish to add the following
Skills to your Wild Card Skill list.
Scripture Learning the holy books can be
mighty helpful to some folk.

Qualities & Drawbacks

Cooking there are no food replicators in

this universe.

Many of the Qualities and Drawbacks from published books work just fine for this genre. Some (like
Military Rank) may need a little adjustment for the
specifics of your world, but are otherwise the same.

Dancing some people aint no good at

performing, but do like a good hoedown.

In this setting, the Age Quality represents twenty

years, instead of one hundred years.

Fashion what the rich folk are wearing.

Gossip what the rich (or poor) folk are
talking about.
Gunsmith a man needs to know how to
make his firearms personal.
History - a specific hobby knowledge, like
important wars, people, or dinosaurs.
Literature you may be familiar with the
writing that educated people read.
Local Customs just in case kissing a girl
means you have to marry her.
Love Play the vertical bop and other
entertaining activities.
Pilot whether its steering boats, planes,
or space vessels, youll need this skill to stay
Ride - staying atop horses and keeping
them healthy.
Survival how to stay alive in the wilderness.
World Lore knowing a particular planet
very well.

Depending on your style, the languages in the setting can vary dramatically. You may wish to have
everyone speak the same language, say English.
Other Directors may prefer to have a larger variety
of spoken languages. For them, we recommend
using languages that were pseudo-common in the
Old West English, Chinese, and Spanish. We realize there are a whole slew of dialects associated with
Chinese and Spanish. Dont go worrying your pretty
head about that, its not worth fretting over. If you
need more than three languages, throw in French,
German, and Russian. That should cover it!

New Qualities and Drawbacks

Born with a Silver Spoon
3-point Quality
You have grown up among the rich and powerful,
with a proper education. Add +1 to one of your
mental attributes, as well as one point in a knowledge-related skill and one point in a science-related
skill to represent your education. You are also
aware of how to behave in more elegant social situations. This means you know how to act and fit in
at a high-class shindig, so add +1 to social rolls
when in a civilized area. Of course, not everyone on
the frontier is glad to see a person from the wealthy
planets. In some cases, there might be someone
who wants to teach the person with the silver spoon
a lesson . . . or two.
Cant Back Down
4-point Drawback
There are certain things in life you just cannot
ignore. Maybe its people talking about your ship, or
trying to make you drink to the health of the local
corrupt governor. Whatever it is, you will never
walk away from asking someone to explain her inex-

Eden Studios Presents

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

cusable opinionno matter how stupid or ill

advised it may be. Whether the person in question is
a star ship officer or the local drunkard, you cannot
leave it alone.

through your confounded brain. This can be as bad

as thinking a gun is actually a stick or that your traveling companions are old friends from school. You
may be able to overcome this flaw with the right

Class Arrogance
2- or 4-point Drawback
You are bigoted about social class in some manner. If you are rich, everything on the frontier seems
primitive and worthless to you. If you are poor, anyone with money is a wastrel and a loser. For two
points, this bigotry shows up in small and annoying
ways, which occasionally drops you into trouble.
For four points, your friends regularly drag you out
of bar fights.
9-point Quality
You trained as a courtesan, a high class and in
some parts, a well-respected form of prostitution.
You gain +1 to Dexterity and +2 to Perception. You
add +2 to rolls to influence folks. You also gain Wild
Card (Love Play) at +4. This represents your skill in
etiquette, ritual, and sensual arts. Your name may be
known to a variety of well-respected clients. These
clients may be happy to assist a lady in trouble or in
need of business. You may wish to take the
Attractiveness Quality as well. However, it is not
essential, as a courtesan is an educated entertainer,
and much more than a pretty face.
Dazed and Confused
2- or 6-point Drawback
The world is not the same for you as it is for
everyone else. Maybe you were born that way, or
suffered from terrible mental trauma as a child. For
two points, you are rather shy and withdrawn. You
suffer a 2 penalty to all social rolls. For six points,
you are almost in another world entirely. You suffer
4 to all social rolls and 2 to all perception rolls.
You tend to say strange things at odd moments, due
to your odd means of reasoning. In addition, at any
time the Director may tell you something completely different from what the Director tells the other
players. This represents how the world looks

Volume 1

Holy Man/Woman
4-point Quality
You are a priest, maybe a nun, or a missionary,
trained in the ways of your religion, and part of a
greater religious organization. It is your job to help
the souls of the needy in the universe, and out in the
frontier there are a lot of needy. You may also be
able to count on the help of the church organization
to which you belong, but the frontier is often further
away than their reach. You gain +1 Perception and
+3 total levels to any social-, knowledge-, or language-related skill. You suffer from the two-point
Non-combatant Drawback (for which you dont get
any points back). You gain only four character points
if you take the six-point version of that Drawback.
Most will treat you with a little more respect if you
advertise the fact you are a holy man. Then again,
some folks might take offense.
2-point/level Drawback
Bad people want you. Maybe you are a criminal, or
perhaps a runaway indentured worker. It could also
be that bad people want a quiet word with you. The
higher the Drawback the more time and effort they
will expend, or the more powerful they are, or both.
5-point Quality
You are a mercenary, always looking for a way to
earn more money. You might have some kind of
ethic you follow (which would make the Honorable
Drawback a good choice) or you might walk over
dead bodies, even your friends, to get what you want
(in which case the Covetous (Greed) Drawback
would be a good choice). You receive two free
points to place in any of your physical Attributes,
one point in a crime-related skill and two points to
your ability to use firearms.

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

Natural Leader

Reputation Good/Bad

5-point Quality

2-points/level Quality or Drawback

You have the ability to inspire people with your

leadership. Anyone following a plan you have conceived (under your orders) can choose one skill that
she will use while carrying out the plan. Any use of
this skill during the plan receives a +1 bonus.
2- or 6-points
You dont like getting into fights. Maybe you are
scared, or maybe you just dont like to hurt folks.
For two points, you just cannot throw the first
punch. You will not fight anyone who hasnt directly attempted to attack you. Hit by a grenade or other
area effect doesnt count as a reason to fight, unless
they throw it at you specifically. For six points, you
can never attack someone else, for any reason, even
self-defense. Maybe you made a vow or just loathe
physical violence. The Director may allow you to
overcome this with a Willpower Roll in extreme circumstances such as your mother will die if you
dont shoot the bad guy.
3-point Quality
You are stubborn as a mule. Add one to your
Willpower as you are very set in your ways and will
rarely change your mind.

You are known for something youve done (or are

thought to have done). If it is a good thing, this is a
Quality; if it aint so good, its a Drawback. The
higher the level, the more people know about this
reputation, or the bigger the rep is in a smaller area.
Note that among some criminals and bad folks, a bad
reputation can be an advantage.
3-point Quality
Whether its guns, people, or parts, youre the person that folks like for transporting it across restricted space. Not only do you know who has goods to
sell, you also know whos the most likely to purchase those goods. Your knowledge may be planetor system-based, depending on the scope of your
campaign. Work with your Director to narrow down
your field of employment.
Those with the Smuggler Quality may want to
also purchase another occupational Quality to use as
a cover.
You gain one level in Intelligence, four levels in
Contacts (may be split up into multiple Contacts),
and three levels of Hard to Kill. You also have three
levels of the Adversary (Law) Drawback and two
levels of the Hunted Drawback.
2-points/level Quality

Privileged Family Upbringing

4-point Quality
You grew up in the rich worlds, resulting in a good
family and breeding. Sometimes your family name
will get you help from others of your social class.
Your greater education gives you a +2 to any knowledge-related skill. You also gain one level of the
Resources Quality for no additional cost. You may
take this Quality with the Born with a Silver Spoon

You have a share in the ship the Cast owns. The

number of points in this Quality represents your
stake in the ships ownership. If you are the only
one, the ship actually belongs to you. Each level you
take in this quality grants one space ship character
point to spend on the ship.
Sweet Temperament
3-point Quality
You are just so darn nice and wholesome that folks
take kindly to you. Any time you want to influence
someone to help you with something or do you a


Eden Studios Presents

5-point/skill Quality
You are unnaturally good at a certain skill. You
gain a +1 bonus when you use it. In addition, you
can always make a roll for anything that may apply
to the skill, even if it is something you have no experience in doing. Your natural talent grants you a better intuition than most. You may also improve your
skill level to greater than any usual maximum your
Director may apply with experience points.
1- to 5-point Quality

Attribute scores. After all, the brain fiddlers need the

best clay to work with.
Sadly, acquiring such rare and potent abilities
comes with a price. Allow the player to take
Drawbacks as usual for his character, but focus on
ones like Dazed and Confused, Recurring
Nightmares, Emotional Problems, Mental
Problems, and Hunted. Playing it very strictly, you
may insist that characters must take a few of these
Drawbacks to balance out the fact that the character
has psychic powers.
When you have figured out how psychics work in
your game, there are plenty of powers in Unisystem
games for you to choose from, such as Psychic
Visions, Pyrokinesis, and Telepathy. You may even
invent new abilities, allow characters to improve
their abilities, or even gain new powers. You may
also allow other powers based on the Unisystem
versions of magic and demonic powers.

You own a piece of advanced technology. It could

be an advanced laser gun or maybe a piece of medical equipment. It could also be a vehicle like a
hover car. The cost depends of the item you choose.
Its all bought and legal, but that dont mean there
aint no critter gonna try and take it from you.

Psychic Abilities
Another set of abilities you may wish to include in
your game is psychic powers. They are a staple of science fiction, but not so much with the western. There
are plenty of ways this can work. You may decide that
psychic powers are common. In this case, you can
allow players to pick psychic qualities like Telepathy
and Telekinesis. On the other hand, if you decide such
powers are very rare, you could add a few points to
the cost or simply disallow certain powers and limit
the amount of levels the players may purchase.
However, psychic abilities need not be something
you are born with. You could assume anyone blessed
with such psychic power has had someone messing
about inside her brain. Likely candidates to perform
this insidious activity include the government and
corporations. Religious groups or fringe scientists
are other choices for developing psychic powers. If
this is the case, the experimental victims should have
a high Intelligence or Willpower Attribute. You may
allow them to use Quality points to raise their

Volume 1

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

favor you gain a +2 bonus. This bonus only applies

if you have not tried to fight or intimidate your target or anyone else around recently.

Cinematic Unisystem
Psychic Notes
If you are going with the rare and/or brain
rewired theory, you may wish to give psychics a
bit of extra luck now and again. You can do this
by letting them spend more than the usual number of Drama Points on mental actions, or by
giving them random bonuses whenever you see
fit. This is not too much of a bonus, as you can
apply random penalties and freeze their power
at any time within the dictates of your storyline
(or personal vindictiveness). Psychic power is a
capricious and little understood thing, never an
exact science. There may be other powers and
flaws that the character discovers because of the
rewiring in his brain, but well let you surprise
him with that!


Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

Current Unisystem rules for spacecraft do not
exist, and full rules for them could fill an entire
tome. However, as sci-fi just is not the same without
them, these basic rules should suffice. We are
assuming that for this game the Cast Members own
a ship. Probably nothing fancy, and even then it cost
them all they had. The ship is their lifeline and home
all in one. Without it they cannot work, without
work they starve. Each job they do must also take
into account that the ship needs upkeep and supplies.
Feel free to use the ship as a plot device whenever
you like. If you want them to go to a certain planet,
make sure a part of the engine blows out, a part that
can only be replaced where you want them to go.
Parts can also make great adventure hooks. They
may try to steal an upgrade from a technological
planet, or trade for what they want. Some people
may offer expensive parts as payment for services
rendered. Often a rare part is worth more than any
cash settlement. Parts are expensive after all, so feel
free to charge them a vast percentage of their profits
for supplies and repairs as well. However, do let
them hit pay dirt occasionally, otherwise, theyll all
settle down to a life of farming.
Spacecraft are created with space ship character
points, through the Spacecraft Quality. The total levels the players purchase in this Quality represent the
number of points they may spend on their ship. If a
character did not take the Spacecraft Quality, he has
no points to add and theoretically no say in where
they are spent. He also has no share in ownership of
the craft. The Spacecraft Quality points represent the


money each character invested in buying the ship in

the first place. Sometimes, these points do not represent a financial stake the character has in a ship, but
more of an emotional one. An engineer who rebuilt
the engines single-handedly could use the Spacecraft
Quality to represent his investment of time and love.

Ship Size
The first thing to spend points on is the size of the
ship. The size rating is (obviously) how big your
ship is. It also establishes a base number for many
other calculations about the ship, such as the crew
required and cargo space.
For every two full points of size the ship has, it
requires one Crew Unit. Each unit consists of one
operational crewman and one technical crewman.
Simply put, this means one pilot and one engineer.
On larger ships, the operational crew may also be
navigators, damage control officers, or operations
managers. Additional technical crew are usually just
more engineers. Ship Size 0 or below requires just
one crewman skilled in both disciplines. When
assigning points to the ships size, ensure that the
ship is small enough so that the players have enough
crew to fly it, and that it is big enough for them all
to live in it.
Any ship can comfortably house five people for
each point of the size rating. Housing means giving
everyone a room and carrying enough food for a
long trip for everyone. If things are desperate, a ship
can carry twice that many people if folks can stand
to double up, and eat a lot less. However, that will be
a very long trip for everyone involved.

Eden Studios Presents

There are more things on which to spend your

Spacecraft Quality points. You determine what the
players can buy. You may veto certain Qualities if
they do not fit the campaign world. You may also
rule the ship is not big enough for certain equipment.
For instance, a fully equipped medical center is
never going to fit onto a shuttle, no matter how many
points the players spend.

Spaceship Equipment
5-, 10-, or 15-point Quality

You have some form of weapon the pilot

can fire.


Pilot weapon and one gun turret.


Pilot weapon and 2 gun turrets.

Ship Size General Example


One/two-man shuttle (shuttle

pod on Star Trek)


Small five-man shuttle (shuttle

craft on Firefly)


Average cargo trader (Serenity

on Firefly; Millennium Falcon
in Star Wars)


Large freighter/attack ship

(Reaver Ship on Firefly;
Liberator on Blakes 7)

Very bad, blind as a bat most days

Stuff works

+4 Excellent Stuff
Variable Quality or Drawback

Very Slow Engine

Normal Engine


Fast Engine

Extra Cargo Space

1-point Quality


Variable Quality or Drawback

+2 Good Stuff
(Jubal Earlys ship on Firefly;
Slave 1 from Star Wars)


Sensors and Electronics

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

The amount of Cargo Units in a ship is equal to

twice the ships size. The cargo needs its space. You
should rate cargo in units based on its bulk.
Therefore, a unit of cows is not nearly as valuable as
a unit of diamonds. A unit of cows is probably just
one cow, whereas a unit of diamonds is a whole box
full. Obviously, the unit of diamonds is the better
deal, but finding a full cargo unit of such things is
very rare. However, if a man has a whole heap of
cows he needs moving and the characters have a
large cargo hold, the job is a good one. There is often
nothing to stop characters from taking on different
cargos at the same time though, if space is available.

Large cruiser (USS Enterprise

D in Star Trek)

Each point in this Quality allows you to take

another unit of cargo. You may not have a higher rating than 1.5 times your ships usual cargo unit rating.


Battle cruiser (Alliance cruiser

on Firefly; star destroyer on
Star Wars)

Hiding Places
3- or 7-point Quality
You have secret places to store cargo. For three
points, you can hide one unit of cargo. For seven
points, you can store two units of cargo.

Volume 1


Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

Medical Bay
Variable Quality or Drawback

Not even so much as a bed for the


You have a first aid kit here somewhere.


You have a medical room, with a bed and

a first aid kit.


You have a fully equipped medical bay.


High tech bay for multiple patients.

Stealth Technology
10-point Quality
You are not cloaked, but you can fool most sensors that your ship is not there. You are fine as long
as no one looks out of the window.
Emergency Measures
Variable Quality or Drawback

has any). The pilots of all opposing ships roll their

Wild Card (Pilot) skill to see who has the best position. The ships engines modify the roll according to
their cost. Whichever ship gets the highest roll is the
one in the best position, and gets to fire at its chosen
target. In turn, according to the result of their piloting skill roll, all gunners on all other ships get to roll
to hit their targets. Damage is applied. Then the Wild
Card (Pilot) skill is rolled again.
Shields are too high tech for a true western sci-fi
game. Therefore, whenever a ship takes fire, damage
occurs. Assume a ship can be hit as many times as it
has size points before things go badly wrong. For
each hit after that, a critical system fails. This
requires an engineer or technician to attempt a repair
roll to get it going again. However, if the same system takes damage a second time, the repair rolls suffer a -5 penalty. If the system is hit a third time, it is
irreparable without new parts, time, and a complete
overhaul in a spaceport. To see which system takes
damage, roll on the Ship Damage Table.


A couple of fire extinguishers, maybe

one space suit.

Extinguishers and suits for everyone.


As above, but also for guests.

Medical Facilities.


State of the art damage control and evacu

ation equipment (excellent fire suppression systems, safety back ups, materials
that dont burn or give off fumes when on
fire, fully equipped lifeboats with survival
rations, and plenty of space suits for everyone).

Drive Controls (Steering).

Weapons (or sensors if you are



Cargo space (destroys 1 cargo unit

rather than requires repair).

Crew Quarters (destroys random

possessions rather than requires


Food and Supplies storage (when

destroyed there are none left).

Ship Damage Table

Roll 1D10

Space Combat
A full system for actual space combat is again
beyond the scope of this article. The detail we have
provided for spacecraft is mainly to allow you to
describe the vehicle the characters use to get where
they are going. However, eventually they are going
to run into trouble.
During space combat, the pilot uses his Wild Card
(Pilot) skill to attempt evasive maneuvers. Gunners
use the appropriate skill (Gun Play or Wild Card
(Heavy Weapons)) to fire the ships weapons (if it


Life Support.

Once a ship has taken twice its size points in damage, it is no more than debris. At that point, the characters had better have space suits on.

Eden Studios Presents

Damage: 22

New Weapons
We could list all manner of equipment and
weapons. However, just a few will have to do you.
There are plenty of high tech devices in the Slayers
Handbook (for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer roleplaying game), Armageddon, and the Terra Primate
Apeopolis Apeworld that youll find useful. These
things should remain rare and valuable; you can create them as you need for plot devices and goodies for
villains. However, do remember that villains toys
have a habit of being stolen by Cast Members.
Consider yourself forewarned.
To keep you going, here are some quick suggestion for the sort of weapons you may allow in your
game. Damage is how much they hurt. Clip is the
number of shots they fire before needing to be
reloaded. Range is whether they use the pistol or
rifle distances.
Hand Laser/Blaster: This high-tech weapon sees
common use on rich planets. The weapon has only a
few shots but the ones it fires count. It essentially
fires explosive plasma, which packs quite a punch.
However, the range is short and it gets mighty hot if
Damage: 18

Clip: 6

Range: Pistol

Standard Peacemaker Pistol: These guns are

everywhere. They have a good range and are highly
accurate (unlike their original namesake). They are
also as cheap as the ammunition they require, making them the weapon of choice for the career mercenary. The guns fire bullets from a rotating cylinder
like a revolver, but they also store ammunition like
an automatic. This reduces reload time considerably.
Damage: 14

Clip: 12 Range: Pistol

Plasma Assault Rifle: This is a very nasty piece

of equipment. It fires bullets that are also sealed
plasma explosives, getting the best of both worlds. It
also has a large magazine, sights, and stabilizers. A
gun like this could easily becomes a mercenarys
favorite. Many people have names for theirs, like
Betsy for instance.
Damage: 30

Clip: 20 Range: Rifle

Happy Trails
So, there you have it, partner. While we could go
on for a lot longer, this should get you started on your
own wild west in space campaign. From here, there
is a wealth of adventure ideas if you know where to
look. Almost any science fiction game should generate ideas for adventure hooks that involve travelling
to other worlds. Once the characters get to those
other worlds, you can find things to keep them occupied in any good western game. Try to give every
aspect of life in the universe a western theme. Plates
and mugs are plain and functional, often made of
cheap metals like tin. Folks gather to eat at wooden
tables, even in a spacecraft. People in frontier worlds
are often prejudiced against outsiders who do not
share their ways. Community is important to everyone, whether a ships crew or a group of settlers.
Finally, hardship comes as standard in all but the
most privileged lives. Rich folk are somehow different and above the commoners. Those born into frontier life live in a world where people die of hunger
and want when crops fail or medicines are scarce.

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

Heavy Pistol: Some folks just got to have a bigger gun than anyone else.

This is the life the characters are trying to avoid.

Their ship gives them the chance to aim for something better than most other folks do. Life is hard for
them too, but if they are out in space, they have the
chance to forge their own destiny, and not fall prey
to the elements or the hardships of settler life. That
is all any of them really ask, the chance to make their
own lives.
Even if it takes a gun to let them keep flying.

Clip: 12 Range: Pistol

Volume 1


Spacefarers and Prairie Folk

Also check out:

Useful Resources
Roleplaying Games
Any Unisystem Corebook - for rules, equipment,
and a whole lot more.
Fistful O Zombies for genre, lingo, style, and
Slayers Handbook for its invaluable Wild West
Deadlands full of western adventure ideas.
GURPS Wild West and GURPS Space good general source material for both aspects of the game.
Traveller (in all its various forms) a good low
tech space game.

Outland - Sean Connery does Gary Cooper in this

version of High Noon in space.
Battle Beyond the Stars a not bad attempt to do
The Magnificent Seven in space.
Tombstone, Wyatt Earp, Young Guns (1&2) modern western movies with a less romantic idea
about the old west.
Farscape (all 4 seasons) which had its own
share of wild west style and frontier life amidst the
high tech.

Werewolf Wild West a good Wild West resource.

Shane - Any episode of this classic western will


Comics & Novels

Star Wars while it has a mix of genres, it is easy

to spot the western genre in the melee.

The Last Shot (4 issues and a preview) good

mixture of high tech manga and western.

Blazing Saddles & Carry on Cowboy western

themes, but mainly because they are funny.

The Saint of Killers (& Preacher) bad times in

the old west.

Firefly science fiction and western, consider it

essential viewing.
Living in Harmony - a western episode of The
Prisoner, useful for mind games.

Films & TV
Any western film will supply style that you can
apply to your game. Some (like Outland) are space
versions of old westerns, which help show how to
mix the two. Definitely watch Stagecoach, the John
Ford version with John Wayne! Actually, anything
directed by John Ford is good, as are most John
Wayne films. You may also want to look at anything
directed by Akira Kurasawa. Even though he made
Samurai films, he was heavily influenced by the
Hollywood western. His films Yojimbo and The
Seven Samurai became A Fistful of Dollars and The
Magnificent Seven respectively. Another film,
Rashomon, was made into a western staring William
Shatner! A look at Kurasawas films shows how to
use western themes in a very non-western story.


High Noon - Gary Cooper goes out to face the bad

guys alone.

A Fistful of Datas - Star Trek fun on the

holodeck with a western theme.

Eden Studios Presents

Life Points 26 Drama Points 10

Str 2
Dex 4
Con 2


Background on the Courtesan

Attractiveness +3 (3)
Courtesan (8)
Reputation (Good) 2 (4)
Resources (Wealthy) (3)

Class Arrogance (2)
Covetous (Mild Conspicuousness) (1)
Non-combatant (2)

Acrobatics 3
Art 2
Computer 1
Crime 0
Drive 0
Getting Personal 0
Gun Play 0
Influence 5
Knowledge 3
Languages 2
Medical 2
Mr. Fix-it 0
Notice 2
Old Style 1
Pilot 0
Science 0
Wild Card (Barter) 3
Wild Card (Love Play) 4

It takes more than beauty to impress the

Academy. A courtesan is no mere doxy or
strumpet. Sex is a small part of the job we
do. We are trained to be companions for
our clients - not playthings. As such, we
are educated to understand almost
every aspect of life, allowing us to
relate to our clients troubles, whether
physical or mental. We also learn how
they can be rested, calmed, excited, and
on occasion manipulated.
Unfortunately, the rich are concerned only
with money and their own meaningless
social games. Few see me as anything more
than a commodity to be bought and sold,
rather than a professional. Out here in the
frontier, Ill not find a man as dashing or
refined. Yet, I need not worry about the politics of the rich, either.

How dare you! No whore could charge the
sort of prices I do, or be worth every penny.

Roleplaying the
People come to you for the company of
a beautiful and educated companion. Sex
isnt always what is important, as you
offer an intimate way for a person to relax.
While you very much wish to fall in
love, you have been hurt before. One day,
you may learn that honor, honesty, and
bravery are just as attractive qualities, perhaps, more so.

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk Archetypes


Combat Maneuvers

Volume 1

Bonus Base Damage



Defense action
Stash, slab


Spacefarers and Prairie Folk Archetypes

Mercenary Gunslinger
Life Points 51 Drama Points 10
Str 4
Dex 5
Con 4


Background on the
Mercenary Gunslinger

Artist (2)
Hard to Kill 3 (3)
Mercenary (5)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Situational Awareness (2)

Cant Back Down (4)
Covetous (Serious Greed) (2)
Mental Problems (Mild Cruelty) (1)
Ornery (3)

My folks were the local law in our town.

They were saving up money so that I could
go off-world to college. I might have too,
except the Barlow gang came to town and
shot my parents dead. Ma and Pa had
put two of the gang in jail. Four
other Barlows busted them out and
they all came looking for revenge.
There was no warning. They just rode
into town one day and riddled the sheriff station with bullets. After I buried
them, I picked up a gun and went after
the gang, becoming a bounty hunter.
When I started doing the work, I
had high morals, but life has a way of
stealing your morals from you. Out on
the frontier, you do what work you can. I
didnt just run out and start killing folk,
these things take time. One day someone
gets in the way and you shoot him.
Eventually, you start reasoning that some
bad guys are better off dead. If someone
had done in the Barlow gang, my folks
would still be around today.

Acrobatics 3
Art 4
Computer 1
Crime 4
Drive 1
Getting Personal 4
Gun Play 5
Influence 0
Knowledge 0
Languages 0
Medical 1
Mr. Fix-it 1
Notice 4
Old Style 1
Science 0
Wild Card (Barter) 1
Wild Card (Pilot) 1

I hired onto this crappy ship with

this weird bunch of crewmates. The
Captain keeps giving me a fair share
of the proceeds, and I keep offering
my skills. Its a good arrangement,
no complications.

Im not all bad; I do good deeds
if the moneys right.

Combat Maneuvers
Bonus Base Damage
Hunting Rifle


Defense action

Eden Studios Presents

Str 2
Dex 4
Con 2


Background on the Pilot

I never did like being on the ground as a child.
When I was accepted into flight school, I was
completely amazed, yet disappointed at the
same time. Flight school was just too expensive and I was just a farm girl. I could never
attend, but when I wrote to the school to tell
them, they said I had enough talent to qualify for sponsorship.

Fast Reaction Time (2)

Good Luck 2 (2)
Spacecraft 1 (2)
Situational Awareness (2)
Sweet Temperament (3)
Talented (Pilot) (5)

Flight school was amazing, but the people were horrible. The rich kids didnt
liked being beaten by a farm girl. I qualified as a fighter pilot well ahead of the
others, but didnt take up the position
the military offered me. I knew the people
would be the same as those in flight
school, all money and fancy ways.

Honorable 2 (2)

Acrobatics 1
Art 0
Computer 2
Crime 0
Drive 3
Getting Personal 1
Gun Play 1
Influence 0
Knowledge 0
Languages 2
Medical 0
Mr. Fix-it 2
Notice 3
Old Style 0
Science 1
Wild Card (Pilot) 4

Sorry its a bumpy ride, Captain,
but asteroid storms on full burn are

Roleplaying the

Combat Maneuvers
Hand Blaster

Volume 1

Bonus Base Damage


You are a just a sweet girl who

just likes to fly. You have some
of the best training and recommendations that anyone could
want; you could have had your
pick of work. However,
you didnt want to be shoehorned into some military
hierarchy, or hang out with
jock pilots who thought
they were better than
everyone else. You just
need to fly, and this ship
and her crew let you do
that just fine.

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk Archetypes

Life Points 26 Drama Points 10

Defense action


Spacefarers and Prairie Folk Archetypes


Preacher Engineer
Life Points 30 Drama Points 10
Str 2
Dex 2
Con 3


Contacts (2)
Good Luck (2)
Holy Man (4)
Honorable (2)
Talented (Mr. Fix-it) (5)

Non-combatant (6)

Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computer 2
Crime 0
Drive 2
Getting Personal 1
Gun Play 0
Influence 2
Knowledge 3
Languages 2
Medical 0
Mr. Fix-it 4
Notice 3
Old Style 0
Science 1
Wild Card (Barter) 1
Wild Card (Pilot) 1
Wild Card (Scripture Learning) 3

Background on the Preacher

In the monastery, if a thing needed fixing,
you did it yourself or it stayed broken. We
offered services to local people as well, who
were very glad to have things fixed for the
cost of a simple meal.
Gold brought hundreds of company
men who threw everyone out of their
homes. Whole families were moved
off-world. I looked after the families
as best I could, but very few had any
more use for a preacher. Gradually
the community separated as work
was found. In time, my flock left me
behind. They say God provides. Well,
He doesnt put food in your mouth. I
needed work, and took it on the first
ship that would have me aboard.
Ive fallen in with a bunch of criminal. I wonder if I left God behind, or if
hes been following me all this time;
just waiting for me to turn round and
see him again.

No, prayer wont fix the engine; I
can do that without God. Im saving
my prayers for this ridiculous plan.

Roleplaying the
Preacher Engineer

You are not the typical preacher, or technician. You see people and engines in the same
light. You followed
what you thought God
wanted of you, and
things worked out.
Combat Maneuvers
God left you when
Bonus Base Damage Notes
you needed him

Defense action most, and you were

angry for a time.

Eden Studios Presents

Life Points 30 Drama Points 10

Str 2
Dex 4
Con 3


Attractiveness +2 (2)
Criminal (2)
Eidetic Memory (2)
Good Luck 5 (5)
Resources (Middle Class) (2)
Situational Awareness (2)

Covetous (Serious Greed) (2)
Conspicuousness) (2)
Mental Problems
Recklessness) (2)

Acrobatics 3
Art 1
Computer 1
Crime 4
Drive 1
Getting Personal 1
Gun Play 1
Influence 2
Knowledge 0
Languages 0
Medical 0
Mr Fix-it 0
Notice 3
Old Style 0
Science 0
Wild Card
(Barter) 2
Wild Card
(Card Games) 4
Wild Card
(Pilot) 1

Volume 1


Background on the Saloon Girl

When I was a little girl, I loved to dance.
Aunt Sally worked in a saloon, and
every now and then I could visit
her. Id sit quietly by the stage in
the evening and watch the dancing. Sure, it wasnt very proper,
and if Aunt Sally had told my
parents she let me watch Id
not have been allowed to visit
When I hit sixteen, I
joined up with a group of
travelling dancing girls. I love the life and
its taught me a few new skills. I learned
how to play a little poker. My innocent
routine lasts long enough to clean out a
table. There is always someplace to see,
always a saloon needing a dancing girl,
always a few marks drunk in the

Surely you kind gentlemen have
space in your game for me. Ive
always wanted to learn poker.

Roleplaying the
Saloon Girl
You are a bit of a wild child.
You love to dance and scam.
Life is out there for the taking,
and you want it all. You could
join a ship just to get to the
next job or stay to fleece
them of their cash. As
long as they can take you
somewhere new
Combat Maneuvers
and show you
Bonus Base Damage Notes
something you
havent experiDodge

Defense action
enced, you may
Holdout Gun
just stay and help
them out.
Spin Kick

Spacefarers and Prairie Folk Archetypes

Saloon Girl


Spacefarers and Prairie Folk Archetypes

Space Captain
Life Points 35 Drama Points 10
Str 2
Dex 3
Con 2

Background on the Space

I got off-planet the only way I could - I
joined the army. They gave me a gun and a ten
minute lesson on which way to point it. Then,
they sent me to hell. Survival rate on our
missions was only ten percent. Promotions
were quick in coming. I made sergeant in
a few months, and I always made sure at
least twenty percent of my people came
back with me.

Contacts (5)
Hard to Kill 3 (3)
Natural Leader (5)
Situational Awareness (2)
Spacecraft 5 (10)


One time I did my part, but the government didnt do theirs. It seems
that extraction was a bit too expensive for them to do right then. They
left us on a barren rock with only a
few rations and no medical aid.
When they finally arrived there
were only ten of us left, out of the
seventy that survived the fighting.

Cant Back Down (4)

Clown (1)
Emotional Problems
(Depression) (1)
Honorable (1)
Obligation (to his Crew)
(Important) (1)
Resources (Below Average) (2)

I went home, but home wasnt there

anymore. Id been away for ten years,
and Ma and Pa had died. I sold their
farm for a decent price, and spent it all
on a ship. I got together a crew, and we
take work where we can find it. Dont
much care what the work is, as long as
we can keep flying.

Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computer 0
Crime 3
Drive 0
Getting Personal 2
Gun Play 2
Influence 2
Knowledge 1
Languages 0
Medical 0
Mr Fix-it 2
Notice 3
Old Style 0
Science 0
Wild Card
(Barter) 3
Wild Card
(Pilot) 2



Heres the deal. Youre on my
crew and you do what I say. In return,
I make sure you come home.

Combat Maneuvers

Bonus Base Damage

Big Knife
Winchester Rifle



Defense action

Eden Studios Presents


1 match found. <Summary> available.
//Summary of tapped phone conversations using keywords Conspiracy X//
Dialogue recorded from phone conversation dated 01/01/04, between unknown contact [called X for the
<transcript>] and <David F. Chapman> [developer for the upcoming <Conspiracy X> project]. Aegis
Prime removed certain materials for security reasons and to fulfill confidentiality agreements.
//Transcript of conversation detailing forthcoming Conspiracy X project//
File number:
Date: 01/01/04
Transcripted: 01/04/04
Location: Norfolk, United Kingdom
Subjects: X and David F. Chapman [DFC]

Conspiracy X Interview

Conspiracy X Unisystem Interview

X: Are you sure this line is secure?

DFC: I checked it this morning. I havent been out of the
house long, they couldnt have
re-instigated a tap that quickly.

X: You remember what

happened to Georges files?
DFC: Thats because he was
too close to exposing the truth. The
NDD removed the files before he
could go public. What Im hoping to do
is to restore that information, and make
it available before the Black Book can
stop us.

X: How did you get involved?

DFC: It started years ago when I was running an independent comic publishing company.
A friend, J, contacted me knowing my interest in
gaming and a certain paranormal investigation TV
series that was running back then. From reading
the initial publication, I was hooked. I read every-

Volume 1


Conspiracy X Interview

thing that had been put into print, and I approached Eden
about a possible Conspiracy X comic series. However,
the independent comics market was on a decline and my
company went on hiatus. I maintained my contact with
Eden and started submitting material which lead to my
helping on Buffy, Fistful o Zombies and eventually project editing <Terra Primate>. Always in the back of my
mind was the world of Conspiracy X. There was just
something about it that seemed to ring so true. The
background was so detailed, I started to doubt its claims
as a work of fiction.

X: I know you cant tell me too much, but

what is the deal with the new edition? How did
that come about?
DFC: The core rulebook for Conspiracy X was running out of stock. Eden knew that eventually it would
have to go to reprint and the initial idea was to go to a
new edition. However, there was some debate regarding the system. Original fans of Conspiracy X voiced
their desire for a clean-up of the original rules, some
thought a change to d20 Modern would be the best way
to go, while others thought Unisystem would be the
logical choice. The original system was fine, although
it did face some criticisms. Yet, if it retained its original system, Conspiracy X would be the only game Eden
produces which isnt Unisystem or d20. Just when people were forgetting about the game, and after Id finished work on <Terra Primate>, I drafted a proposal to
Eden explaining how Conspiracy X could be converted
to Unisystem and retain everything that made the game
so popular. After a bit of adjustment, and knocking
some controversial ideas around, the project was greenlighted. It has taken some time to knock into shape,
after all, there were fourteen books to take into account,
many of which had rules that supersede their preceding
books. Character creation evolved from the corebook,
to Aegis Handbook to Sub Rosa, etc. All of this had to
be addressed as well as converted to Unisystem.

sive amount of information to take in. Professions,

pulling strings, masses of new Qualities and Drawbacks
and some skills had to be created to ensure the options
of the original game would remain. With Cell creation,
rules for game play and the basics of the setting, it was
hard to keep the core book from being even thicker than
<Armageddon>. <CJ> advised on some elements,
keeping Conspiracy X completely compatible with all of
the Unisystem games to date. In fact, the Sourcebooks
planned [see below] will directly address mixing the settings with that of <WitchCraft> [the Combine as part of
the conspiracy, the relationship between Seepage and
Essence] other full Unisystem games.

X: Wait a second! Seepage? What is this

DFC: Just about everyone has a smattering of psychic ability, like hunches or precognitive dreams. Most
people are unaware, but this psychic energy leaks out,
especially at times of fear or stress. The energy pools in
places strong in superstition or belief. This energy is
called Seepage. If enough of it gathers, it can become
sentient an malicious presence that can distort reality,
alter perceptions and corrupt the unprepared, mutating
them physically and twisting their minds. The skilled
can use these manifestations to their own end, although
they constantly risk corruption.

X: Okay, now back to what you were saying

about Unisystem games.
DFC: Fans of the other games will find plenty of
inspirational material in Conspiracy X, as well as a
myriad of new character options. Conspiracy X could
even be used to tie in with non-Unisystem games that
Eden produces, such as Odyssey Prime [ideas for
incorporating Aegis and the Saurian threat are provided in Odyssey Prime] or even Buffy [is the Initiative
part of the conspiracy?]

X: How has all the original material been

converted? Have there been many changes?

X: You said the basics of the setting? How

do you mean?

DFC: There have been a few changes, but the

essence, the background, has remained the same.
Although the system has changed, everything that was
possible in the original CX will be possible with the new
edition. The plan is for three initial books. The
Corebook will cover character creation, which is a mas-

DFC: One thing that was addressed was how much

a player should know. The corebook is basically a
players handbook, and we limited the amount of background the player would know about the conspiracies,
the aliens, and the paranormal. That is where the second two books will come in. The <Extraterrestrials

Eden Studios Presents

X: You said before, about the background

detail, how it didnt seem like fiction . . . whats
that all about? Is it true?
DFC: I cant say too much. It all started with
Roswell. A secret organization called <The Watch>
split into two warring factions. Both <Aegis> and
<The Black Book> think they are working to aid the
world. One hopes to rid the planet of the alien threat,
the other hopes to protect humanity by working with the
aliens. Agents work in secret to investigate paranormal
occurrences, alien sightings, or supernatural creatures.
Its not just the three alien races that threaten humanity,
theres the slow and relentless corruption from a malevolent supernatural force. Powerful psychic agents perform inhuman feats, while others cast dangerous spells
to try to protect an unsuspecting world. While I cant
say if its true or not, Ive always felt that Conspiracy X,
and other media such as The X-Files or Taken are just
the government preparing society for the inevitable.
When they finally reveal the knowledge that they have
been hiding from us for all these years, the world wont
scream in panic, as we will have been half expecting it.
The only thing we dont know is if the little grey men
will be Close Encounters peace and love, or Signs
and fighting them off with baseball bats. In CX, the
greys are far more dangerous than you could imagine,
something so totally alien in their thinking and they
are just one of the races that threaten and manipulate the
world. Then there are the inhuman predators that stalk
the night, creatures from our nightmares that encroach
into our reality . . . I can say no more.

X: How has the game converted? Will there

be a noticeable difference in game play?
DFC: There have been a few changes, but that is
mostly the result of the changing face of the world.
The government departments have undergone dramatic
restructuring since the publication of the original
books, and these changes had to be taken into account.
From the minor move of the ATF enforcement to the
major changes from the Department of Homeland
Security Act. However, the original game was an interesting hybrid. It encouraged secretive manipulations,
and fans have said that CX agents played smoking
man characters that use their influence to achieve their
objectives. On the other hand, the original game also
provided rules for cinematic gun-fu, despite how deadly armed combat was. The new edition again allows
for both types of play. The manipulation and pulling
strings remain, while the cinematic element can be
employed for those who enjoy suited agents engaging
in extreme martial arts and bullet-dodging gun-fu.
[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] derived from alien tech,
which allows an experimental few agents to

Conspiracy X Interview

Sourcebook> reproduces all of the information from

the races books, converts it to Unisystem and is for the
Chronicler only. The <Paranormal Sourcebook> will
detail psychic abilities, rituals, corruption, and cryptozoology. While enough of this is presented in the corebook to allow players and Chroniclers to play the game,
the wealth of material in these two sourcebooks will
take the game anywhere they can imagine. These will
be supplemented by the <Conspiracies Sourcebook>
which will take the conspiracy to whole new levels
with the

X: And the fans of the original game? What

about them?
DFC: All of the books will have conversion rules
to allow the easy transition from one system to the
other. I hope that with the publication of the new edition, interest will be restored in Conspiracy X with the
gamers and the demand will be there for some of the
information that has remained in the classified files
(such as Area 51, Terra Incognita, [XXXXXXXX] and
Extinction) to see public access (with conversion rules
for the original CX fans). This will all depend upon the
reaction to the new CX. The CX world is vast and
detailed, and there is a wealth of material that remains
to be seen. Unless, of course, someone takes it into
their hands to try to silence us . . . Wait a minute, did
you hear that?

X: What? I didnt hear anything

DFC: The clicks. There was noise on the line.
This isnt secure. Someone was listening to all this
[hangs up]

<end transcript>

Volume 1


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Tiger Eye
A Scenario for Conspiracy X
by Jason Little


large metropolitan area works best, but creative

Game Masters can easily modify this.

Adventure Background

In Chapter One: Mission Briefing, the agents

learn about Asklepios Corporation for the first time.
The parent Cell contact for this mission provides
background information on Asklepios Corporation,
including a recent press release and initial medical
findings based on their nanotechnology
curecode-named Project Panacea. The agents are
told about Davis, Davis & Goldstein, the law firm
handling the Asklepios Corporation account in the
United States, and are asked to plant bugs in the law
offices to learn more.

The agents are contacted by their parent Cell within Aegis to investigate rumors that a newer medical
research facility, the Asklepios Corporation, made a
major medical breakthrough. They claim to have a
new nanotechnology-based project that cures cancer.
Asklepios Corporation is a UK company that has
American lawyers brokering a deal for FDA
approval and nationwide testing to get their product
into the market as quickly as possible. The agents
soon learn that other powers are interested in this
technology, as well, and will stop at nothing to
acquire the cure. Can the agents keep the cure from
falling into the wrong handsand is this miracle
cure just too good to be true?
The agents discover a conspiracy brewing around
this medical breakthroughdubbed Project
Panacea. One of the American lawyers has been
approached with a business propositionsteal a
sample of Panacea and turn it over to Takei
Industries, a Japanese medical research facility, in
exchange for several million dollars. The Yakuza, a
Japanese organized crime syndicate, is secretly
behind the attempts to obtain Project Panacea. The
Yakuza have sent one of their own men to the United
States to keep an eye on things, a biologically
enhanced assassin known as Tiger Eye.
Ultimately, the agents learn that the Yakuza have a
large interest in Takei Industries. They have secretly
been developing a cancer-causing agent they intend
to use in their criminal enterprise. The discovery of
the Panacea technology spurred the Yakuza to
actionif they can control both the cause and the
cure for their biologically engineered strain of cancer, the potential for worldwide extortion and terrorism is overwhelming. The agents must discover the
conspiracy and stop those involved before a cancer
epidemic is unleashed upon an unsuspecting world.
This module uses New York City as the hub of
activity. Game Masters should feel free to adjust the
setting to fit the area where their campaign is set. A


In Chapter Two: Long Arm of the Law Firm,

the agents conduct research about Davis, Davis &
Goldstein as they hatch a plan to infiltrate the law
firm and set up surveillance. There are various roleplaying opportunities that allow access to the facility without raising too much suspicion. Fast-talking,
deception and subterfuge are the agents best
weapons, as direct conflict or violence sends the parties under investigation into hiding.
Chapter Three: The Junkyard Drop provides a
chance to gather intelligence on the law firm. The
agents learn that representatives from Asklepios
Corporation will be meeting with lawyers from
Davis, Davis, & Goldstein to hand over important
medical documents, research resultsand most
importantlyan actual sample of the Project
Panacea biotechnology. The agents instructions are
to stake out the meeting. There they discover that
other people are interested in the technology, and a
firefight erupts.
A dangerous adversary, known as Tiger Eye, interrupts the proceedings. The head of Asklepios
Corporation is murdered, and a fierce battle ensues
over the briefcase with the Panacea sample and medical research. The agents must decide whether to risk
their lives to secure the briefcase.
The mysterious stranger reveals himself to the
agents in Chapter Four: Taming the Tiger. The
Yakuza enforcer is sent to retrieve everything relat-

Eden Studios Presents

If Tiger Eye has the briefcase and the samples of

Project Panacea, the agents need to recover it immediately. If the agents hold the briefcase, Tiger Eye
hunts the agents down to obtain it. One way or the
other, the agents confront Tiger Eye in a deadly final

The meeting room is a large conference area with

jet-black furniture, paneling, and accessories. A
large, sleek table with a glass top sits in the center of
the room. A closed file folder rests on top of the
table. Enclosed is a copy of the Press Release from
Asklepios Corporation (see p. 44). Once all the
agents are in the meeting room, a video monitor set
into the wall crackles to life. The monitor reveals an
electronically masked silhouette of a mans face. A
deep, bass voice rumbles through speakers set in the
corners of the conference room.


Finally, in Chapter Five: Winding Down, the

agents decide the fate of Project Panaceawhether
the materials are returned to Asklepios Corporation,
destroyed, or handed over to Aegis. Their parent
Cell contact rewards them for their work, and the
agents earn well-deserved commendations

Please, take your seats. We have much to

discuss. As you know, each of you has performed valuable services for Aegis in the past.
We need your services again. I am the acting
contact for this Cell for the duration of this mission. You can call me Senior Agent Fetters.

The Appendix provides a detailed list of the key

characters involved in this adventure. This section
has all the information the Game Master needs to
bring these characters to lifeNPC backgrounds,
motivations, and relevant game statistics.

It has come to my attention that a medical

research facility in Europe has developed a
groundbreaking advancement in nanotechnology. The company, the Asklepios Corporation,
has submitted a patent for a new biological technology, dubbed Project Panacea. Among other
benefits, Panacea may hold the key to the cure
for cancer.

Chapter One:
Mission Briefing
While enjoying some time off after their previous
mission, the agents are contacted by their parent Cell
with instructions to travel to New York City to learn
more about a task Aegis would like them to perform.
Each agent is contacted secretly, with instructions to
meet this coming Friday at a large office building in
downtown Manhattan. Let the characters roleplay
briefly to make their plans for the trip or to make
excuses with their real life jobs for the sudden
Regardless, on Friday the agents enter a large
building in the center of the hustle and bustle of
Manhattan. They arrive on the 30th floor, speak
briefly with a secretary, and enter a meeting room
through a metal detector and down several long,
twisting corridors. If any of the agents are carrying
weapons, security guards politely ask them to turn
them over for the time being.

Volume 1

As you can imagine, if even a portion of this

is accurate, then we are on the verge of a medical revolution. Rumors persist that several parties are interested in acquiring this medical marvel for themselvesand you can be certain their
motives are less than humanitarian.

Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

ed to Project Panacea, and has ties to a Japanese firm

funding the Asklepios Corporation research. The
clues start to fall into place for the agents as they
realize a conspiracy exists between members of
Asklepios Corporation, Davis, Davis, & Goldstein
and Takei Industriesa nefarious plot to release a
bio-engineered pathogen that will cause cancer . . . a
cancer that only Takei Industries will have the cure
for, thanks to Project Panacea.

I have learned that Asklepios Corporation is

working with an American law firm to secure
domestic and international rights for pharmaceutical testing and distribution. The law firm,
Davis, Davis & Goldstein, happens to be right
here in New York City. At the end of next week,
high-level Asklepios Corporation executives
arrive to meet with their lawyers at Davis,
Davis, & Goldstein. Once there, they shall begin
the legal process of securing distribution rights.


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

This is where you come in. Your mission is

to gain access to the law offices of Davis, Davis
& Goldstein, and plant surveillance equipment.
We need to know more about the technology,
Asklepios Corporations plans here in the
States, and the exact role of the law firm in the
You have access to the resources here in this
office, and may use this as a base of operations
for your mission. However, secrecy and subtlety
are paramount. If members of either Asklepios
Corporation or the law firm grow suspicious, we
may not only lose our best chance to learn more
about them, but we may alert the other groups
interested in this technology.
We will meet in this conference room at
1900 hours each day this coming week for a status report. Now, you have the weekend to prepare yourselves. I suggest you get started.
With that, the person referring to himself as Agent
Fetters is willing to answer a few brief questions, but
remains tight-lipped about anything related to who is
funneling him orders. His answers are brief and perfunctory. Afterward, the video monitor blinks off.
The group should start investigating as soon as
possible. They undoubtedly have access to sophisticated computer equipment linked to the Internet,
large databases of technical, medical, and espionage-related information, and several government
agencies watch lists. A handful of other researchers
and assistants in the facility are available to assist
the agents in tracking down leads.

Research Topics
There are several topics for the agents to pursue. If
the agents head down a path not covered here, feel
free to either rein them in by revealing nothing relevant, or create red herrings by planting rumors about
possible links to Alien technology, former villains or
organizations they may have run into or other imaginary threats.

Agents can use either Computer Use or Research

to investigate and can work together to increase their
chances of success. Based on how the agents proceed
and the degree of success they achieve with each
piece of research, relay the information found below.
Asklepios Corporation
Learning about Asklepios Corporation is easy.
They have made huge medical advances in only a
few short years. There is substantial information
online and in medical journals.
Df2 Information
Dr. John Raffert founded Asklepios Corporation
seven years ago.
Dr. Raffert is well known and well respected in
the medical community for his tireless work on
cancer research over the years.
Asklepios Corporations headquarters are in
London, but research branches in France,
Germany, and Greece also exist.
Asklepios Corporation has had six pharmaceutical products approved for use throughout
Europe, all for the treatment of various common
Asklepios was the Greek God of Healing a fitting name for a medical research group. In fact,
the Sanctuary of Asklepios in Ancient Greece
was the greatest healing center in the world at
one time.
The dendrimer technology described in the press
release refers to innovative biochemical
research, the next evolutionary step of nanotechnologythis breakthrough is seen as providing
entirely new methods of medicinal treatment for
a variety of illnesses.
Df3 Information
Before breaking into the cluttered pharmaceutical
field, private donations and government grants
provided the majority of Asklepios research
Project Panacea is clearly the most medically
advanced project Asklepios Corporation has
ever accomplished.


Eden Studios Presents

Other research facilities have offered Dr.

Summers very lucrative positions, but he refuses
to leave Asklepios Corporation.

Davis, Davis & Goldstein

Learning about Davis, Davis & Goldstein is a bit
more difficult. They are a relatively small law firm
yet to make a big splash in the news with any of their

Df4 Information

Df2 Information

Takei Industries, a major medical facility in

Japan holding numerous contracts with the
Japanese government, has a recent history of
funding and research sharing with Asklepios

Davis, Davis & Goldstein has office space on the

33rd floor of a business building in midtown

The most aggressive leaps in technology have

occurred in the last year. It all started at roughly
the same time a Dr. Alex Gildon joined the
research team.
Agents achieving a Df4 success can also gain
access to a list of important people related to
Asklepios Corporation. A separate Df4
Computer Use or Research Test is required to
learn the specific information associated with
each person. See Appendix for more details.
Red Herring Information: Feel free to distribute
these notes to add confusion or misinformation to
the research, or if the agents wish to investigate less
reputable sources of information. This information is
also handy if an agent tests Luck and ends up with a
Bad Luck result.
Conspiracy web rings and message boards insist
that Asklepios Corporations success is due in
part to the application of Ancient Atlantean science (False).
A presumably high-ranking government official
has revealed to secret sources that the cancer cure
has been cultured from alien DNA harvested
after a UFO crash in Europe last spring (False).
Rumors that Takei Industries, the Japanese medical foundation working with Asklepios
Corporation, has ties to the Yakuza crime syndicate (True).
The largest private investment in Asklepios
Corporation is from Ronald Armitage, an incredibly wealthy Australian banker (True, but irrelevant).

Volume 1

The Senior Partners are Donald Davis, Jr.,

Donald Davis, Sr., and Richard Goldstein all
three have established reputations as excellent
The law firm specializes in providing international clients with the means to broker distribution rights within the U.S.
Df3 Information:
Donald Davis, Jr. is the point person on the
Asklepios Corporation account.
The Asklepios Corporation account would conceivably be the single largest account ever handled by Davis, Davis, & Goldstein and represents the potential for millions of dollars in revenue.
Agents achieving a Df3 success acquire a floor
plan of the law offices suite. See Chapter Two:
Long Arm of the Law Firm for more details.
Df4 Information:

Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

The project lead for Panacea is a well-respected

medical pioneer named Dr. Allan Summers.

Last year, Donald Davis, Jr. accumulated an

enormous gambling debtconflicting reports
put the amount anywhere between $500,000 and
$3 million.
Agents achieving a Df4 success can also gain
access to a list of important people related to
Davis, Davis & Goldstein. A separate Df4
Computer Use or Research Test is required to
learn the specific information associated with
each person. See Appendix for more details.


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Red Herring Information: Distribute these notes

to add confusion or misinformation to the research.
Agents investigating less reputable sources of information will also come across this information. This
information is also handy if an agent tests Luck and
ends up with a Bad Luck result.
Lisa Cushing, the office manager at the law firm,
is having an affair with Donald Davis, Jr. (False).
The law firm has strong ties to organized crime,
and helps the Mafia launder money (False).

Chapter Two:
Long Arm of the Law Firm
After conducting research, the agents should
begin their plans to infiltrate the Davis, Davis &
Goldstein law firm and plant the surveillance equipment. If the group does not have the proper surveillance equipment, Agent Fetters provides the group
with the following equipment:
One micro-transmitter. This small device is the
size of a videotape. It has a 100-hour battery life.
Place this within 100 meters of the surveillance
bugs to amplify their output and broadcast.
Six electronic ears. Each of these audio bugs is
slightly smaller than a dime. They are simple
microphone components with an internal battery
life of 100 hours. They collect a wide range of
audio frequencies, and can generally capture any
sound louder than a whisper within 10 meters.
Four electronic eyes. Each of these video bugs
is the size of a cigarette lighter. They are simple
fisheye lens video components with an internal
battery life of 100 hours. They record in full-color
and have an effective visual range of 20 meters.
The agents may contact Agent Fetters with
requests for additional surveillance equipment or
mission-specific gear. Agent Fetters denies all
weaponry requests. Fetters re-iterates the importance of secrecy and maintaining a low profile.
There are numerous methods of gaining entry into
the law firm to plant the bugs. Agents may come up


with several ideas that could all work. Reward the

agents creativity by adjusting the Difficulty of various Tests based on their planning. Outlined below
are several possible plans.
Disguise: The group could develop disguises
using the Disguise skill and create a reason for entering the office. They could pose as delivery men with
important packages to drop off, caterers bringing
lunch in for an important meeting, members of the
nightly cleaning crew there to vacuum and tidy up.
There are many possibilities using this approach.
If this is their approach, have a member of the
group attempt a Df3 Disguise Test to create believable disguises.
Covert Methods: The agents may decide to avoid
any personal contact whatsoever, trying to gain
access to the building after hours. There are service
elevators, HVAC ducts, stairwells, and many places
a creative agent to sneak.
If this is their approach, a Df4 Computer Use Test
allows access to the buildings structural layout,
security camera stations, and additional information.
Depending on how they apply this information and
their actual plans, a Df3 or Df4 Stealth Test may be
necessary to bypass security guards and surveillance
equipment. A Df3 Lockpicking Test allows access
into the main office space.
Leveraging Contacts: Another option is to leverage contacts the players know to help gain access.
Someone with a high-level media contact may try to
set up an interview with one of the lawyers, using
this opportunity to access the offices. Agents with
strong business contacts may decide to set up a
meeting with the lawyers to discuss a possible relationship with the firm (legitimate or otherwise).
This approach may require a Df2 or Df3 Forgery
Test to create documents, media passes or other items
to lend credibility to the agents cover story, unless
they can obtain real copes of such items. This method
allows agents a variety of roleplaying opportunities.
Psychic Abilities: Some agents may have psychic
abilities that could help. While several of these abilities are rather subtle, some are far more direct.
Telepaths or agents with Greater Bio PK may decide
to apply their psychic abilities to members of the law
firm. Telekinetic characters may try to insert the sur-

Eden Studios Presents

No one in the law firm has significant psychic

abilities to detect or resist those powers. Use the
standard rules for Psychic abilities from the
Conspiracy X rulebook to resolve these tests.

The Law Offices of Davis,

Davis & Goldstein
Through their research, the group most likely has
acquired a floor plan of the offices. If so, planning
will be much easier.
The firms office is located on the 33rd floor of a
50-story business building in midtown Manhattan.
The office takes up about one-third of the floor. The
office directly above them is a credit card collection
call center, and the office below them is a technical
recruiting firm. The law firm has been in this location for nearly 15 years, and building security knows
most of the lawyers and employees.
The building has a large main lobby with a security station operation 24/7. They have security cameras
in the main lobby, the elevators and the hallways of
each main floor, but not inside the individual businesses. Two security guards are on duty at all times in
the lobby, and two more make rounds through the
building. There is a parking complex with several
sublevels and enough space to accommodate 250
cars. 200 of the parking places are reserved for the
workers in the building. Fifty parking places are
available for visitors on the first sublevel. There are
two service elevators and two stairwells running from
the parking level to the main lobby.
Four elevators run from the lobby to the 25th
floor, and four other elevators run from the 26th
through the 50th floors. Two sets of stairwells, doubling as emergency exit paths, run the course of the
building. Among all the different businesses,
between 5,000-8,000 people work in the building
during the day; generally fewer than 1,000 work during off-peak hours.
Upon exiting an elevator on the 33rd floor, visitors
are immediately greeting by Lisa Cushing. A sitting
area, two rest rooms, and a utility closet are immediately to the left of the elevators. Behind the front
desk are a hallway leading perpendicular, and two

Volume 1

hallways running parallel away from her desk. The

perpendicular hallway leads to a break room and the
first of two reference libraries.
The hallway to Lisas right contains five associates offices, a supply room, and ends in a hallway
leading to the right. This hallway contains three
meeting rooms and leads to the hallway on Lisas
left hand side.
The hallway to Lisas left contains the offices of
Richard Goldstein, Donald Davis, Sr., Donald
Davis, Jr., a second research library, the combined
offices of Louis Armstead and Janet McCauley, the
combined offices of Jacob Richardson and Andrew
Stone, the emergency stairwell exit, a second set of
restrooms, and three associates offices.
General office information: The office contains
stylish art, comfortable furniture, and state-of-the-art
Front desk and reception area: Lisa Cushing,
the office manager, is always at the front desk during normal business hours. She is polite and courteous, but insists on seeing credentials or identification for anyone stating they are part of the media,
police, a delivery service, or anyone else she does
not know on sight.
Research Libraries A & B: Both libraries have
four computer stations with access to the Internet
and several legal databases, numerous shelves
stacked with legal books, and dozens of filing cabinets with reference documents and forms. Both
libraries also have laser printers linked to the network. All the computers in the office can print to one
of these two printers.

Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

veillance equipment remotely. There are simply too

many possibilities to cover here.

Offices for senior partners: These offices feature

luxurious hardwood floors, burnished wooden
desks, chairs and tasteful art. They are large, comfortable offices with high-end computers and
Internet access. There is a secure intranet to handle
office business, email, and internal communications.
Hacking into the network is a Df4 Computer
Programming Test if done from outside the offices,
or a Df3 Computer Programming Test if attempted from one of the computers inside the network.
Offices for junior partners and associates:
These offices feature functional wood desks, comfortable chairs and numerous filing cabinets. These


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

employees each have high-end computers with

Internet access. There is a secure intranet to handle
office business, email, and internal communications.
Hacking into the network is a Df4 Computer
Programming Test if done from outside the offices,
or a Df3 Computer Programming Test if attempted from one of the computers inside the network.
Meeting Rooms A, B & C: All three meeting
rooms feature large wooden tables and chairs to
comfortably seat up to twelve people. They have
state-of-the-art multimedia projection systems and
erasable marker boards which slide open to reveal a
projection screen. Potted plans, artwork, and a few
small desks fill out the meeting rooms.
Break Room: This large room features two long
cafeteria-style tables and chairs for up to twelve people. A refrigerator, microwave, and two vending
machines occupy the back wall. A large coffee
maker is always running, brewing regular and decaf
coffee for employees and visitors. There is a small
sink and cabinets housing napkins, utensils, mugs,
coffee refills, and other similar items.

The Inside Scoop

Assuming the agents used some creativity and tact,
they have little trouble getting inside the law offices
and planting the surveillance equipment. Do not forget about the daily updates with Agent Fettersthese
are opportunities to spur them into action, but to offer
suggestions if the agents seem stymied.
After completing this mission, they return to meet
with Agent Fetters. With the surveillance equipment
operational, the agents have gained access to some
important information. During one of the meetings,
Agent Fetters reveals that he pulled some strings and
received this information:
A small contingent of Asklepios Corporation
representatives will arrive in the U.S. on the following Tuesday.
Those attending are Dr. Allan Summers, Dr.
Alex Gildon, Stan Matthewson, James Kenichi
and Ken Kimuro. See Appendix for more information about these characters.


Dr. John Raffert will not arrive until Thursday

afternoon. He is finishing paperwork necessary for
transporting biological material internationally.
Donald Davis, Jr. and Dr. John Raffert have
referred to an off-site meeting to hand over
materials important to the application. Donald
Davis, Jr. has expressed concern that the law
offices may be too high profile and subject to
surveillance by third parties.
Agent Fetters believes this implies that a sample
of Project Panacea is coming to the U.S. for scientific analysis as part of the patent application
The drop off will be made Thursday at midnight
at an abandoned junkyard in Queens. Records
indicate the property belongs to a former client
of Davis, Davis & Goldstein.
Armed with this information, Agent Fetters gives
the agents their next assignment. The agents will
stake out the junkyard on Thursday and obtain visual and audio confirmation on the parties involved in
the drop, and ultimately acquire the Project Panacea

Chapter Three:
The Junkyard Drop
Once they receive orders from Agent Fetters, the
agents should start preparing for their next mission.
They have access through Agent Fetters to sophisticated surveillance equipment to monitor the drop.
Agent Fetters urges the agents to exercise a degree
of caution, but admits that obtaining the Project
Panacea sample is the single most important aspect
of the mission.
Depending on how long it took the agents to bug
the law offices, they may have nearly a week before
the drop takes place. This allows them to case the
junkyard or obtain a layout of it.
There are several ways to get this map. The agents
can pull up a plot plan online by making a Df3
Computer Use Test, or by going to city hall and asking for the building schematics. They can also simply drive by the facility and make their own observations.

Eden Studios Presents

If the agents do their own drive by surveillance of

the junkyard on the Tuesday or Wednesday before the
drop, a Df4 Perception Test reveals that a blue sedan
with rental tags is also slowly driving by the area. If
the agents drive by on more than one day, this
becomes a Df3 Perception Test, as they have a chance
to have seen the same car on more than one day.
This car has two Yakuza enforcers sizing up the
junkyard for the eventual firefight they know is
coming on Thursday. If the agents tail or pursue this
car, it leads to a small, rundown hotel a short distance from the junkyard. Seven Yakuza are at the
hotel, waiting for word from Ken Kimuro on the
details of the drop. They currently plan to drive into
the junkyard after everyone else, closing off the
entrance, and providing a getaway for Kimuro after
he grabs the sample.
If the agents are foolish enough to engage the full
complement of Yakuza, a firefight certainly breaks
out. Four of the Yakuza provide cover fire to allow
three of the members to leave through a back door in
the hotel. The Yakuza will fight to the death. See
Appendix 1 for statistics on the Yakuza Muscle.

Lay of the Land

The junkyard is a large land plot in a derelict section of town. Once a prosperous warehouse district,
there is little around. Abandoned warehouses litter
the area for several blocks around the junkyard. A
few demolished buildings dot the landscape. Very
little traffic passes through the area and few vagrants
or homeless bother with it. Rats and some loose dogs
are common, but otherwise it is a fairly quiet and
downtrodden section of town.
Seven-foot tall chain link fences surround the
junkyard, with rusted razor wire coiled along the
top. A heavy chain and lock run through the two
large swinging gates by the front of the junkyard,
where a worn sign reads Carters Junk and Scrap.
A smaller, similarly locked gate is along the back of
the junkyard. Both locks are still serviceable, and
Donald Davis, Jr. has the key.
The junkyard covers two acres of land. Piles of
cars fill the property. There is a single road wide
enough for vehicles to use. The road leads from the
front gate, past a small building, and then it winds its

Volume 1

way to the back gate. Cast Members and NPCs may

wander off the main road. This causes a slight risk of
injury from debris, unstable car piles, and rats.
A Df3 Lockpicking Test is required to open the
locks without destroying them. Characters can climb
the fence and avoid cutting themselves on the razor
wire with a Df4 Strength Test. Failure requires a
Luck Test. If the agent has Good Luck after failing
to climb, he suffers no damage. On a roll of Bad
Luck after failing to climb, the razor wire cuts them
for Fw2 damage. Any other result inflicts Fw1 damage. If the agents remove the razor wire, a Df3
Strength Test is needed to climb the fence.
The majority of the piles of junk are stacks of partially scrapped cars from 10 to 15 feet tall. There are
also many piles and heaps of tires, junked car parts
and miscellaneous scrap metal. Most of the stacks
and piles are stable. Characters should make Df3
Strength Tests to safely climb any of the piles.
A wide dirt path leads to an abandoned trailer resting on cement blocks, which used to function as the
office. It is currently empty and in poor repair.
Rickety wooden steps lead up to the trailer. The windows are broken and the furniture and fixtures inside
smashed, rusted and moldy. Rats infest most of the
trailer, as well as most of the junkyard.
If any of the characters are particularly attentive to
a nearby utility pole or the transformer, they have a
small chance of noticing something. A Df4
Perception Test reveals that attached to the very top
of the pole are metal and rope materials. A Df4
Intelligence Test will tell the agents it is a zip wire
harness. The zip wire harness is a combination of
repelling gear and a variety of ceramic or metal
loops used to quickly travel along wires or ropes.
Used properly, the zip wire harness would allow a
person to quickly zip along the telephone wires at
this utility pole to a point several blocks away.

Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Possible Confrontation

A Df5 Perception Test reveals that someone has

tampered with the transformer. Soldered to the side
is a small metal canister. Someone took care to make
this appear as if it belongs, but it is in far better
shape than the rest of the metal. Careful inspection
reveals three blocks of C4 explosive set with an
electronically controlled remote detonation
systemsomeone could trigger the explosives from
up to 150 meters away.


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

The Drop
As long as the agents use some caution to hide out
in the junkyard and wait for the drop, the evening
unfolds as outlined below. Ken Kimuro keeps to the
original plan even if he knows of the agents
At 11:45 PM, a black sedan with New York plates
pulls up to the junkyard. Donald Davis, Jr. gets out
of the vehicle and unlocks the front gate. The car
pulls up the path and turns around by the trailer.
Donald Davis, Jr. walks to the rear exit and unlocks
the chained door. He then returns to the car and
lights up a cigarette. The car engine is running and
the headlights shine. Two unfamiliar men are with
Donald Davis, but remain in the car.
At midnight, a dark green sedan with rental plates
pulls into the junkyard. Dr. Alex Summers, Dr. John
Raffert, and Stan Matthewson get out of the car. Dr.
Raffert has a large silver briefcase handcuffed to his
wrist. Dr. Raffert and Donald Davis, Jr. begin to talk.
Shortly after midnight, the blue sedan the agents
saw earlier approaches with its headlights turned off.
The car rolls just inside the front gate and idles there.
Three Japanese men in black trench coats emerge,
and a driver remains in the car. They stick to the
sides of the path, slowly moving up the path until
they are about twenty feet from the green sedan
belonging to the Asklepios Corporation people.
A Df3 Perception Test reveals that the men are
armed. One appears to have a submachine gun of
some sort under his coat, while the other two have
semiautomatic pistols. Df4 Perception Test reveals
the following information about the men:
All three men are missing the last knuckle on the
pinky finger of their right hand
All three men have tattoos covering the backs of
their hands and necks which continue until covered by their trench coats

At 12:10 AM, after several minutes of discussion,

Stan Mattewson pulls out a key ring and unlocks the
handcuff from Dr. Raffert. As soon as Dr. Raffert
removes the briefcase from his wrist and Stan
Matthewson takes a step toward Donald Davis, Jr.,
the agents can attempt a Df3 Perception Test to hear
a single pop.
A small red spot appears on Dr. Rafferts forehead,
and he falls to the ground. Tiger Eye used a highpowered rifle to shoot him. A Df4 Perception Test
allows the agents to take a guess at the source of the
shot based on a glimpse of muzzle flash or trajectory. Tiger Eye is perched on the top of the utility pole,
so adjust the difficulty of the roll based on the location of the agents. Also, note that Tiger Eye waits for
a clear shot to kill Dr. Rafferteven if the Agents
interrupt the meeting.
After the gunshot, the different groups react as follows:
Donald Davis, Jr. attempts to grab the case and
flee through the rear exit. If he is injured, he simply flees. Donald Davis has a rental car parked a
block away. He tries to make a run for the car
and return home, waiting for a call from his
Takei Industries contact.
The two men with Donald Davis, Jr. return to the
car and try to drive past everyone else to leave
through the frontramming the Yakuza car if
Stan Matthewson tends to Dr. Raffert. Once realizing Dr. Raffert is dead, Stan tries to recover the
case, return to the car, and leave through the
front entrance.
The Yakuza and Ken Kimuro try to acquire the
caseeven shooting Donald Davis, Jr. if necessarythen get into their car and flee. The
Yakuza start firing at the Asklepios Corporation
employees to provide cover for Ken Kimuro.
Tiger Eye will break down his rifle and waits to
see what happens. If the Yakuza acquire the case,
he uses his zip line to flee the scene. If the agents
or someone else gets the case, he attempts to
acquire the case and then tries to flee. With his
heightened agility and strength, he climbs down
from the utility pole, tries to acquire the case, and
then heads back up the utility pole. Tiger Eyes


Eden Studios Presents

This is a very volatile situation. The agents are in

serious danger if they dive into the midst of the firefight. Based on their reactions to the shooting and
the chaos that ensues, the agents may not try to
acquire the case immediately.

Getting a Glimpse of Tiger Eye

Whether or not the agents acquire the briefcase,
the Game Master should let Tiger Eye escape.
Displaying amazing physical prowess, his escape
is the first opportunity for characters to witness
proof that this unknown assassin is not a typical
Yakuza thug.
If he is involved in close combat, Tiger Eye strikes
hard and fast to incapacitate enemies. He uses simple
combos to knock opponents prone so he can move
quickly to escape. Due to his heightened strength, he
can easily jump over the fence of the junkyard with a
running start if he needs to. If using the zip line, he
flees the scene quickly to reach his motorcycle, hidden a block away beneath some trash cans.
If the agents pursue Tiger Eye, he uses a variety of
techniques to distract them. First, he detonates the
explosives attached to the transformer once he
reaches his motorcycle. If Tiger Eye must take
another avenue of escape, he detonates the explosives to provide a distraction.
Tiger Eye litters his path with caltrops when on
foot. Agents need to make a Df3 Agility Test every
six meters they follow Tiger Eye to avoid stepping on
the caltrops. The caltrops deal Fw1 damage. Driving
along the same path requires a Df4 Driving Test to
avoid running over the caltrops and popping the tires.

Volume 1

Chapter Four:
Taming the Tiger
Regardless of how the drop goes down, only two
outcomes exist. Either the agents acquired the briefcase or they did not. What happens in this chapter
hinges on who has the briefcase. In addition, now
that the agents have evidence of Yakuza involvement, they can learn more about why the Yakuza
want to obtain Project Panacea.

Yakuza Involvement
If the agents want to learn more about the
Yakuzas interest, their best bet is scouring the
Internet for information and tapping into international crime watch lists and databases. If the agents
have a few clues to cobble together for the search,
this is a Df3 Computer Use or Research Test. If the
agents are not sure what they should be looking for,
adjust this to a Df4 Test.
Government threat and organized crime watch
lists indicate the Yakuza have been involved in
funding the Japanese medical company Takei
Industriesthe same company involved in the
Asklepios Corporation research projects.
Aside from the public information on Takei
Industries and its contract with the Japanese government, sources inside Takei Industries have
allegedly leaked information that Takei has been
developing chemical and biological counter
weapons for the Japanese military for the last
several years.
Conspiracy theorists and terrorist watch lists
believe that Takei Industries has been secretly
developing an airborne pathogen which cause its
victims to develop cancerthe same type of cancer that the Panacea technology cures.

Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

primary escape route is to use the zip line harness

he installed earlier to travel from this utility pole
to another pole a block away where he will
descend and get onto a motorcycle.

The Yakuza see this as a lucrative

arrangementthey can generate incredible
demand for Project Panacea by deliberately
causing people to develop cancer, and being the
one and only source of the cure.


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

If the Agents Have the

Tiger Eye does not rest until he acquires the case.
Within two hours of the meeting, Tiger Eye contacts
the agents via their personal cell phones, pager, fax,
or other means. His message is simpleturn the
sample over or suffer the consequences.
Whether or not they hand the sample over to
Fetters, Tiger Eye stalks the agents. If they return to
their base of operations or retreat somewhere, let
them catch glimpses of a dark shadow on their trail.
Tiger Eye follows them on his motorcycle where
possible, or by foot if necessary.
If the agents refuse to turn over the sample, or
have already turned Panacea over to Agent Fetters,
Tiger Eye becomes desperate. He has rigged a bomb
using 10 blocks of C4 enough to decimate nearly a
city block. It is a similar bomb to the one used at the
junkyard, but with a far greater amount of C4. The
threat is real. Tiger Eye has attached the bomb to a
generator behind a local hospital, and threatens to
detonate the bomb unless the agents hand Panacea
over to him.
At this point, Tiger Eye risks anything to acquire
Panacea. He simply cannot fail the Yakuza again.
Should he not return to Japan with Panacea, he will
be forced to commit ritual suicide.
This works to the agents advantagethey can set
up a meeting for a drop-off where the group can confront Tiger Eye. Creative agents can set up all the
details of the drop themselves. Tiger Eye insists on
meeting somewhere within 150-200 meters of the
hospital where he has the bombhe suggests a park
across the street from the hospitals parking structure.
This should clue agents in that if he has the detonation device, the meet is somewhere close enough
to trigger the explosive if necessary. Tiger Eye has a
small electronic transmitter set up to remotely detonate the bombs. Due to the amount of metal casing
and other materials around the bomb, the transmitter
has an effective range just less than 200 meters.
The group has the flexibility to set the time and
nature of the drop off, and will be able to stake out
the hospital. If the group allows Tiger Eye to take
Panacea and leave, he rides off on his motorcycle
with the promises not to detonate the bomb. The fol-


lowing morning, one of the characters receives a

courier package with the cell phone and instructions
on where to find the bomb and how to disarm it.
If the group uses this as a lure to bring Tiger Eye
out into the open and dispose of him, they had best
do so quickly. Unless the agents can subdue or kill
Tiger Eye in two rounds of combat, he uses his cell
phone to detonate the bomb. While the drop-point is
just outside the blast radius, the blast destroys the
entire hospital. Casualties reach over 5,000 people.
In the ensuing chaos, Tiger Eye flees on his motorcycle after grabbing Panacea.
If the agents wish to turn over the Project Panacea
material to Agent Fetters, he recommends a blind
drop. If the agents argue against this, due to Tiger
Eyes involvement, Agent Fetters reluctantly agrees
to meet them at a location of their choosing.

If the Agents Do Not Have

the Briefcase
Things are considerably more difficult for the
agents if they do not have the brief case. Tiger Eye
makes plans to leave the country and to turn the case
over to the Yakuza. The agents have three days to
locate Tiger Eye before he drives to Baltimore, where
he will board a plane for Seattle and then to Japan.
Tiger Eye is waiting a few days for the heat to die
down. Security at all nearby airports are on a heightened alert, so he is working with his Yakuza contacts
to make travel plans. Tiger Eye is staying in a
YMCA in Manhattan to keep a low profile. He has
rigged a suitcase with special ceramic inserts and
paneling so he can transport the Panacea materials as
carry-on luggage without alerting security or triggering metal detectors.
The agents need to pull in every available resource
to track him down. This is an opportunity for some
creative roleplaying and strategizing. Possible
avenues to explore include the following:
Find surveillance footage. A bail bond and
check-cashing store a few blocks from the junkyard has video of a motorcycle speeding past
shortly after the explosion. The owner heard the
explosion and called 911 to alert the police.
Other businesses along his escape route may
hold additional information about the direction
he traveled.

Eden Studios Presents

Locate Ken Kimuro or Donald Davis, Jr. for

interrogation. This largely depends on whether
Ken or Donald survived the junkyard drop. If
Ken survived, he is trying to lay low, and checks
out of the Hilton hotel where he and the other
Asklepios Corporation folks are staying. If
Donald survived, he heads home to pick up a
suitcase and then flees to the airport heading for
the Cayman Islands.
Contact local airport employees or travel agencies
to determine if Tiger Eye is trying to leave the
country. Someone might be able to track down
travel plans to Japan, and the most likely exit point
from the United States would be the SeattleTacoma International Airport in Washington.
If the group fails to find Tiger Eye in three days, he
flees to Japan, and the group has virtually failed the
mission. In a matter of weeks, news media will begin
reporting mysterious outbreaks of cancer in Japan
and the Pacific Rim. This could lead to additional
adventures tracking down Tiger Eye across the
oceanbut that is left to the Game Master.

Chapter Five:
Winding Down
Once the group deals with Tiger Eye, their
involvement near an end. There are several factors to
consider when wrapping up the adventure.

experimental biological weaponryAegis operatives step in to help resolve things. Aegis secretly
works through political and military channels to
ensure Takei Industries will not be able to continue
developingor to releasetheir pathogen.
This is the opportunity for the Game Master to
decide whether or not to tie any loose threads from
the adventure into future plot points. The agents may
have made an enemy of the Yakuza, who could
become a recurring villain. The actions of the agents
link directly to the fates of Donald Davis, Jr. and
other important NPCs who survived this scenario. If
the agents saved the lives of Dr. Allan Summers,
Stan Matthewson, James Kenichi, or Donald Davis,
Jr., they have new contacts.

Rewards for a job well done

Aegis awards Downtime to the agents, once they
provide a final brief of events and submit reports to
Senior Agent Fetters. The base reward for the scenario is two weeks of Downtime. If the agents succeed in recovering Project Panacea and turn it over
to Aegis, grant an additional week of Downtime.
The Game Master should apply discretion and
adjust the Downtime based on how the agents performed. Were the agents creative? Did they work
well together? Was the mission a resounding success? Did the agents minimize civilian and collateral damage?
In addition to the Downtime, if Agent Fetters is
impressed with the agents work he offers valuable
resources to the agents to improve their cell. Using
his influence and contacts, Agent Fetters arranges
to provide the group with five Intelligence
Resource Points.

Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Track down eyewitnesses. A homeless man

named Jenkins sifts through garbage in the alley
where Tiger Eye kept his motorcycle. He saw
Tiger Eye make his escape, heading toward the
freeway, a few blocks awaywhich leads to

First is determining the ultimate fate of the

Panacea technology. If Tiger Eye escaped with the
samples, the previous chapter gives a glimpse of the
international terror resulting from the agents failure.
If the agents have control of Project Panacea, they
have to decide what to do with this medical
marvelturn it over to Agent Fetters and Aegis,
return the technology to Asklepios Corporation,
keep it for themselves, and so on.
As long as the agents disclose a reasonable
amount of information to Agent Fettersparticularly the clues tying Takei Industries to the Yakuza or

Volume 1


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Cast of Characters
Senior Agent Michael Fetters, Aegis Operative
Michael Fetters is a large, intimidating man in his
early 40s. He has closely cropped salt-and-pepper
hair and beard, and a steely gaze. Standing just over
six feet tall, he has a very muscular build. Agent
Fetters is very straightforward and no-nonsense in
his approach. He does not enjoy idle chitchat or joking around. Agent Fetters has been working for
Aegis in one capacity or another for nearly fifteen
years, and has seen things that would make lesser
men crumble.
The group never actually meets Agent Fetters in
this adventure. Agent Fetters handles all interactions
through scrambled video images and remote communications. However, his profile and information
are provided in case Game Masters wish to include
Agent Fetters in future scenarios.

The Yakuza
For the purposes of this adventure, the Yakuza
represent a powerful Japanese crime syndicate, similar in general ways to American organized crime
enterprises. The name evolved from a worthless
hand of cards (an 8, 9 and a 3, or Ya-Ku-Za) in the
Japanese version of Blackjack, called Oicho-Kabu.
The Yakuzas tattoos are well known. Originally, the
tattooing represented a visual record of an individuals achievementscriminal and otherwise.
Eventually, the tattoos became a symbol of patience
and endurance, as well as a designation of membership in a particular Yakuza clan or family.
The Yakuza are fiercely loyal to their clans, and
they exhibit a strong sense of honor within their
ranks. Failure to accomplish goals can have severe
repercussionsit is not unheard of for a Yakuza to
have a portion of a finger cut off because of disobedience or failure.
In the campaign world, the presence of the Yakuza
indicates a new threat to the agents. The Yakuza
organization is a formidable enemy, with inexhaustible resources and dangerous members who


work tirelessly to achieve their goals. This provides

an opportunity to create additional campaign hooks
and create a recurring cast of villains. If the agents
succeed in thwarting the Yakuzas goals, they doubtless gain the attention of this powerful group.
Typical Member, Yakuza Muscle
The agents may run into several Yakuza during the
mission. In general, these Yakuza are fairly seasoned
most have seen quite a bit of action. They sport the
distinctive tattoos along their arms, chest, and back
showing that they hold an average status level in the
gang. They wear long trench coats to keep their tattoos concealed when working, and sport sunglasses,
close cropped hair and a no-nonsense approach.
Most have knives in addition to their automatic pistols. One in every four Yakuza Muscle is equipped
with a submachine gun.
Str 4, Siz 3, Agl 3, Ref 3, Per 2, Wil 3, Int 2,
Luck 2/12
Skills: Brawling 2, Drive 2, Language (English)
1, Language (Japanese) 5, Melee (Knife) 2,
Small Arms (Pistol) 2, Stealth 1
Weapons: Knife (Fw3), Automatic Pistol
(Wn3), Submachine Gun (Wn3)
Tiger Eye, Yakuza Covert Operative
Tiger Eye is a Yakuza enforcer secretly working
for Takei Industries. His goal is to eliminate any
potential threats to the Yakuza bio-weaponry agenda
and secure the briefcase containing the Panacea
samples. Failure simply is not an option for him.
Years ago, he failed the Yakuza once, and lost the
last two knuckles on his right pinky finger.
Tiger Eye is a tall, wiry man with a genetically
enhanced body. He is in phenomenal shape, and his
strength, agility, and endurance are all above human
norms due to years of experimentation by Takei
Industries. Tiger Eyes has dark hair cut close to the
scalp, and a milky white scar cuts through his left
eyebrow. Aside from his forearms and head, nearly
every remaining inch of his body bears tattoos,
including a massive pouncing tiger that takes up his
entire back.

Eden Studios Presents

Tiger Eye has completely average Good Luck

his background provides him with attributes well
above average, so he does not need to rely on luck to
see him through. However, you will notice that Tiger
Eye has a rather high Bad Luck score. This reflects
the unpredictable and unstable genetic tampering
and biological manipulation that makes Tiger Eye
such an unique physical specimen.
Str 5, Siz 4, Agl 4, Ref 5, Per 4, Wil 3, Int 3,
Luck 4/12
Skills: Brawling 2, Demolitions 4, Drive (Car)
2, Drive (Motorcycle) 4, Escape 3, Gymnastics
4, Language (English) 2, Language (Japanese)
5, Martial Arts 4, Melee (Knife) 3, Shadow 3,
Small Arms (Pistol) 3, Small Arms (Rifle) 3,
Stealth 4, Thrown Weapons 3
Special Attributes: Ambidextrous, High Pain
Threshold, Physical Training
Weapons: Knife (Fw3), Sniper Rifle (Wn4)

Asklepios Corporation
Dr. John Raffert, CEO
Dr. Raffert is a slightly overweight man in his
late 50s. He has graying hair, a thick gray beard,
wears glasses, and walks with a cane. He has a
deep, rumbling voice and a very strong presence. It
is easy to see why he is the spokesperson for
Asklepios Corporation. Dr. Raffert is the winner of
several prestigious medical awards. The medical
community respects him. His intentions are pure
he truly wants to share this medical breakthrough
with the world.

Str 2, Siz 2, Agl 3, Ref 2, Per 3, Wil 4, Int 4,

Luck 2/12
Skills: Computer Use 2, Drive 2, First Aid 2,
Medical 2, Research 3, Science (Biology) 4,
Science (Chemistry) 3
Dr. Allan Summers, Scientist
Dr. Summers is a wisp of a man extremely gaunt,
with a palsied left hand. He is in his mid 50s and has
thinning hair and bad breath. Dr. Summers is the
brains behind the current dendrimer patent project,
code-named Panacea by the scientific team. He is
very protective of his work. Dr. Summers refuses to
leave Asklepios Corporation, even though he has
received offers of extremely lucrative positions with
competing companies. Takei Industries has offered
him a sizeable bonus for completion of the project.
He does not realize it is to ensure a cure is available
for the Takei plague.
Str 2, Siz 3, Agl 2, Ref 2, Per 4, Wil 3, Int 4,
Luck 2/12
Skills: Computer Use 2, Drive 2, First Aid 2,
Medical 3, Research 3, Science (Biology) 3,
Science (Chemistry) 3, Science (Zoology) 3
Dr. Alex Gildon, Scientist
Alex is a former scientist from Upjohn, LENS and
other research facilities. He stole research files and provided them to scientists working at Asklepios
Corporationone of the reasons Asklepios has made
such quick progress on their latest dendrimer technology. He is a scientific mercenary of sorts, and can be
bribed or coerced into helping the agents, if they can
determine his background and leverage that information. Alex is in his mid 40s, and his tastes are quite
expensivehe enjoys fine cigars and cognac, and he is
always dressed in the latest styles.

Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Tiger Eye uses stealth to keep himself hidden as

long as possible, then pounces when the opportunity
arises. For example, he hides at the junkyard, using
a long-range sniper rifle to eliminate the head of
Asklepios Corporation. When the time is right, he
moves in to acquire the briefcase and retreats using
his remarkable enhanced reflexes and acrobatics.

Str 3, Siz 3, Agl 3, Ref 3, Per 4, Wil 3, Int 4,

Luck 2/12
Skills: Computer Use 3, Computer
Programming 1, Drive 2, Forgery 2, Medical 2,
Research 2, Science (Biology) 3, Science
(Chemistry) 2

Volume 1


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Stan Matthewson, Security Officer

Stan is the no-nonsense head of security for
Asklepios Corporation. He is a stocky man in his
late 30s, sporting a broken nose and gnarled hands
signs of his former life as a professional rugby
player. He constantly smokes cigarettes, and is
never far from Dr. Rafferts side. While he is suspicious by nature, he follows Dr. Rafferts orders
within reason. His primary concern is the safety of
both Dr. Raffert and the briefcase he will sacrifice
his life to protect both.
Str 4, Siz 3, Agl 3, Ref 3, Per 4, Wil 3, Int 3,
Luck 2/12
Skills: Brawling 3, Drive 3, Melee (Club) 2,
Small Arms (Pistol) 3
Weapons: Police baton (Tw3), Automatic Pistol
James Kenichi, Japanese Businessman
James is a representative of Takei Industries,
traveling with the Asklepios Corporation officials
to ensure plans go well for his company. He wears
an eye patch over his left eye. James is in his mid
30s, and is always impeccably dressed. He speaks
flawless English, as well as Italian, French, and
German. James is a shrewd businessman who is far
more interested in how the proceedings will affect
Takei Industries than how they impact Asklepios
Corporation. He is unaware of Takei Industries true
Str 3, Siz 3, Agl 4, Ref 3, Per 3, Wil 4, Int 3,
Luck 3/11
Skills: Computer Use 3, Drive 2, Language
(English) 5, Language (Japanese) 5, Language
(Italian) 4, Language (German) 3, Research 1,
Science (Biology) 2
Ken Kimuro, Japanese Businessman

on Mr. Kenichi to make sure he doesnt catch on to

what is really going on and to eliminate him if he
ever does. Ken is a short, slender man with jet-black
hair and eyes. He wears a business suit that hangs
loosely from his small frame, but he moves with
grace and poise.
Str 3, Siz 3, Agl 4, Ref 3, Per 3, Wil 4, Int 3,
Luck 3/11
Skills: Computer Use 2, Cryptology 2, Drive 2,
Language (English) 1, Language (Japanese) 5,
Martial Arts 3, Melee (Knife) 2, Small Arms
(Pistol) 2, Stealth 1
Weapons: Knife (Fw3), Automatic Pistol
Thomas Silvers, International Law
Thomas Silvers is a solicitor working for
Asklepios Corporation out of London. Thomas is the
one who originally arranged for Asklepios
Corporation to work with Davis, Davis & Goldstein.
He attended Yale for a semester abroad, where he
met Donald Davis, Jr. He is a middle-aged man,
recently divorced, who is devoted to his work and
little else. Thomas does not know any of the details
about the project, only the legal requirements and
obstacles to getting worldwide distribution.
Roland Armitage, Asklepios Corporation
While not directly involved with the adventure or
with any of the plots, the agents may come across
information about Roland Armitage as a potential
red herring. Roland is a wealthy Australian banker
who has been subsidizing some of Asklepios
Corporations medical research. In fact, after Takei
Industries, Roland has provided the most funds to
the project. He has a seven-year old granddaughter,
Janice, who has Leukemia, and he hopes Asklepios
Corporation can find a cure.

Ken is Mr. Kenichis personal assistant. He makes

all travel and business arrangements for Mr.
Kenichi. Secretly, he knows all about Takeis plans,
and has been inserted by the Yakuza to keep an eye


Eden Studios Presents

Richard Goldstein, Senior Partner

Donald Davis, Jr., Junior Partner

While Richard is a senior partner in the firm, his

current workload does not include the Asklepios
Corporation account. Richard is a thin man in his
late 60s with thinning gray hair and a penchant for
bow ties. Currently, Richard is more a figurehead
and public voice for the firm than a practicing
lawyer. His wife Elizabeth recently passed away
from cancer, and he is pleased that his law firm may
play some small role in curing cancer through their
representation of the Asklepios Corporation.

Donald Donnie Davis, Jr. is in his mid 30s. He

looks and acts like a college-fraternity-boy-turned
lawyer. Donnie is outgoing and gregarious, and he is
always joking around. He is the lawyer currently
handling Asklepios Corporations patent application
process. Unknown to the other partners of the firm,
Donnie has some knowledge about what is really
going on; he was promised some serious cash incentives by Takei Industries to get the briefcase and
samples from Asklepios Corporation. Donnie set up
the meeting in the junkyard, which happened to
belong to a construction company he had represented several years ago that recently went out of business. He is a terrible gambler, and has accumulated
nearly three million dollars in gambling debts over
the last few years. He sees this payoff from Takei
Industries as a way to clear his debts.
Str 3, Siz 3, Agl 4, Ref 2, Per 4, Wil 3, Int 3,
Luck 3/11
Skills: Computer Use 3, Drive 2, Forgery 1,
Research 2, Small Arms (Pistol) 1
Weapons: Automatic Pistol (Wn3)
Donald Davis, Sr., Senior Partner
This man is all business. Donald Davis, Sr. is a
sharp man in his late 50s with gray hair and a thick
moustache. He is always well dressed and deals with
people in a very straightforward and direct manner.
He doesnt appreciate his sons humor or the way he
takes things so lightlybut is impressed that
Donnie, Jr. was able to secure the Asklepios
Corporation as a client . . . a client will generate considerable revenues for Davis, Davis & Goldstein.
Donald, Sr. is handling Asklepios Corporations U.S.
licensing arrangements.
Str 3, Siz 3, Agl 3, Ref 2, Per 3, Wil 3, Int 4,
Luck 2/12

Str 2, Siz 3, Agl 2, Ref 2, Per 3, Wil 4, Int 4,

Luck 2/12
Skills: Computer Use 1, Drive 2, Research 2,
Science (Psychology) 1
Lisa Cushing, Office Manager
Lisa is the office manager for the firm. She is an
attractive brunette in her early 30s. Lisa works at the
front desk, greeting visitors and working directly
with the partners personal secretaries to arrange
meetings, coordinate travel plans, and perform other
similar tasks.
Louis Armstead, Junior Partner
This 30-something lawyer got his law degree from
Stanford. Louis deals with international law and regulations for companies looking to do business in the
U.S. He has been with the firm for only a few
months, after coming from a competitor in New

Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Davis, Davis & Goldstein

Janet McCauley, Junior Partner

Janet is a working mother in her earl-40s. Her specialty is liability law for American companies that
have large production facilities overseas. She has
been a member of the firm for fifteen years, and is
likely to become a Senior Partner when Richard
Goldstein retires.

Skills: Computer Use 2, Drive 2, Research 2,

Science (Psychology) 1

Volume 1


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Jacob Richardson, Junior Partner

Jacob works with licensing and merchandising.
He is slightly overweight, in his 50s, and hides a
drinking problem from his partners. Jacob missed a
chance at Senior Partnership perhaps stemming
from a drunken run-in with Donald Davis, Sr. at a
firm holiday party in 1996, where Jacob accused
Donald, Sr. of nepotism.
Andrew Stone, Junior Partner
Andrew is a sharp-looking lawyer in his early 30s.
He is a legal whiz who has quickly risen up the
ranks. His expertise lies in marketing and advertising accountability Andrew looks over most client
business proposals dealing with sweepstakes and

NPC Character Stats

Yakuza Muscle
Strength 3
Constitution 2
Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2
Perception 3
Willpower 2
LPS 30
Spd 10
EPS 26
Essence 15
Brawling 3, Gambling 2, Guns
(Handguns) 3, Hand Weapon (Knife) 3, Pick
Pocket 1, Stealth 1
Gear: Brass Knuckles, Knife, Handgun

Unisystem Notes
The following notes and materials provide
Unisystem fans a look into the world of Conspiracy
X. These notes and materials will vary from the final
Unisystem version of Conspiracy X.

Difficulty Level Tests

While the Unisystem Corebook for Conspiracy X
is still in development, we thought we would provide some notes for Unisystem fans wishing to run
this game for their crew of players. Please bear in
mind that these are approximate conversions and not
the final word on the matter.
Notes for weapons are not included. Those statistics may be found in any Unisystem corebook.
Difficulty Modifier Conversion Table
Conspiracy X Test
Difficulty Levels

Task Roll Modifier








-2 cumulative

Ignore the rules of Good Luck and Bad Luck.


Tiger Eyes abilities are exclusive to him and

Takei Industries. Conspiracy X Unisystem does not
contain this power.

Tiger Eye
Strength 3
Constitution 3
Dexterity 5
Intelligence 3
Perception 3
Willpower 3
LPS 49/73
Spd 16/22
EPS 32/50
Essence 20/29
Qualities/Drawbacks: Fast Reaction Time,
Hard to Kill 5, Honorable 1, Notoriety,
Situational Awareness
Skills: Acrobatics 3, Demolitions 3, Dodge 4,
Drive (Motorcycle) 2, Guns (Handgun) 3, Guns
(Rifle) 5, Hand Weapon (Knife) 3, Martial Arts
2, Stealth 4, Tracking 4
Handgun, Knife, Leather Jacket,
Motorcycle, Sniper Rifle, Tools, Zip Harness
Powers: All physical Attributes may be boosted +3 levels for two minutes two times per day.
If a Task or Test is failed while using any physical Attribute, Tiger Eye loses the raised levels
of that Attribute and suffers a 1 to all actions
using that Attribute. These bonuses affect
Secondary Attributes and are the second number in his stat block.

Eden Studios Presents

Strength 2
Constitution 2
Dexterity 2
Intelligence 4
Perception 3
Willpower 2
LPS 26
Spd 8
EPS 23
Essence 15
Skills: Computers 2, Drive (Car) 1, Engineer
(Biological) 3, Engineer (Mechanical) 3,
Medicine 4, Science (Biochemistry) 5, Science
(Biotechnology) 5, Writing (Technical) 1

Stan Matthewson
Strength 4
Constitution 3
Dexterity 4
Intelligence 2
Perception 4
Willpower 3
LPS 48
Spd 10
EPS 35
Essence 20
Qualities/Drawbacks: Fast Reaction Time,
Hard to Kill 5 (5), Nerves of Steel (-3)
Skills: Brawl 4, Bureaucracy 2, Dodge 3, Drive
(Car) 1, Electronic Surveillance 3, Guns
(Handgun) 4, Guns (Rifle) 3, Guns (SMG) 2,
Hand Weapon (Knife) 2, Intimidation 2, Notice
4, Sport (Rugby) 3, Stealth 2

James Kenichi and Ken Kimuro

Donald Davis, Jr.

Strength 2
Constitution 3
Dexterity 4
Intelligence 5
Perception 3
Willpower 3
LPS 30
Spd 14
EPS 29
Essence 20
Qualities/Drawbacks: Charisma 3, Photographic
Memory, Reckless
Skills: Brawl 2, Bureaucracy 4, Dodge 1,
Driving (Car) 2, Guns (Handgun) 2, Haggling 2,
Research/Investigation 3, Smooth Talking 3,
Storytelling 3, Writing (Legal) 5
Gear: Handgun

Donald Davis, Sr. and

Richard Goldstein
Strength 2

Constitution 2

Dexterity 2

Intelligence 5

Perception 2

Willpower 2

LPS 26

Spd 8

EPS 23

Essence 15

Skills: Bureaucracy 5, Driving (Car) 1,

Haggling 4, Humanities (Law) 5, Humanities
(Sociology) 4,
Research/Investigation 4,
Smooth Talking 2, Writing (Legal) 5

Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X

Dr. John Raffert, Dr. Allen

Summers, and Dr. Alex Gildon

Strength 2
Constitution 2
Dexterity 3
Intelligence 3
Perception 2
Willpower 3
LPS 26
Spd 10
EPS 26
Essence 15
Skills: Bureaucracy 3, Computer Use 3, Drive
(Car) 2, Haggling 2, Humanities (Economics) 4,
Language (English) 5, Language (Italian) 4,
Language (German) 3, Research/Investigation
2, Science (Biology) 2

Volume 1


Tiger Eye A Scenario for Conspiracy X


LONDON -- Asklepios Pooled Development Research (NYS: ASKR) has submitted an application for its fourth patent from the United States Patent and Trademark
Office in the last 18 months. The proposed patent, tentatively dubbed Anionic/cationic dendrimer antimicrobial or antiparasitic compositions, has been submitted by the
Asklepios Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asklepios Pooled Development
This further consolidates Asklepios worldwide dendrimer/nanotechnology intellectual property. If Asklepios receives this fourth patent, it would trail only LENS
Industries (NYSX: LNS) of the United States for nanotechnology property patents.
LENS Industries currently has six such patents.
In addition to its own extensive intellectual property portfolio, Asklepios has exclusive commercialization rights to all future pharmaceutical applications arising from
any of its dendrimer patentsincluding applications based in the United States,
United Kingdom, and Japan.
Dr. Jonathon Raffert, CEO for Asklepios Pooled Development Research, remarked,
Asklepios continues to develop new applications for nanotechnology. Asklepios is a
leader in using new technology to paint a picture of hope for those suffering afflictions
before thought untreatable. Dr. Rafferts comments complement Asklepios latest
quarterly update, which shows impressive progress in medical research dealing with
the treatment of a wide variety of major diseases:
Prionic diseases
Colon, pancreatic, and liver cancers
Lung, breast, and prostrate cancers
Respiratory viruses and afflictions
Sexually transmitted diseases
Asklepios is engaged in discussions with potential license partners to develop and
commercialize Asklepios intellectual properties on a global scale. Dr. Raffert stated,
We are offering the opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to develop new and
improved drug treatments by introducing our proprietary dendrimer-based nanotechnology into their products. Together, we will ensure the future is a healthier place to
---- Associated Press NewsFAX Service 2004 ----


Eden Studios Presents

by David F. Chapman with additional writing by Derek Stoelting

Many who poured through the Buffy the Vampire
Slayer Corebook noticed that several monsters were
mentioned that did not have statistics. Well, we here
at Eden Studios Presents have heard your cries of
distress. We charged Dave F. Chapman with making
sure that we had material in this first issue to appease
your longings. He was even nice enough to include
page references for those of you that dont have
those pages memorized (shame on you!).
We hope you enjoy them and we look forward to
offering you more Slay-worthy material in the next
volume of ESP.

The Drahak
(see BtVS Corebook, p. 73)
The Drahak are a parasitic species of insect, tainted with demon presence centuries ago. These
insects can grow between 12-18 inches in length.
They sport four legs ending in small grabbing pincers and wings. Their clear carapaces reveal pale
and translucent innards, and are covered in an oily
residue that, while non-toxic, is really gross. They
inhabit humid areas, preferring swamps, lakeshores
or lagoons, but they happily spread to more inhabited areas if the weather is suitably sticky.

The Drahak feed mainly on sweat, craving the salty

liquid almost constantly. They feed off on animals
most of the time, but do not pass upon a chance to sup
from a sleeping human if the circumstances are right.
They only really become a threat in the summer
months. This is when they play out their bizarre
mating routine. Once the females eggs are fertilized, she finds a suitable host to act as an incubator
to her young. The male may even assist by distracting the target while the female attaches herself to its
back, stinging them repeatedly in the sweaty small
of the back (the easiest place to aim for). Each
sting fires up to a dozen tiny offspring just under
the skin.
The following day, each wound comes up as a
seeping sore, raised from the skin. If untreated, the
sore explodes within twelve days (doing 10 points
of damage), releasing the young. Treatment,
unfortunately, requires surgery to remove the
pouches, although there are tales of an arcane ritual that dispels them.

New Monsters for Buffy and Angel

New Monsters for the

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel RPGs

Name: Drahak
Motivation: Feed and reproduce
Critter Type: Demon/Insect hybrid
Attributes: Str 1, Dex 4, Con 2, Int 1, Per 3, Will 2
Ability Scores: Muscle 8, Combat 10, Brains 10
Life Points: 22
Drama Points: 1
Special Abilities: Flight
Score Damage

Defense action

Resisted by Dodge
Must Grapple first
Must Grapple first,
if damaged, target is
impregnated with evil
Drahak spawn!

Volume 1


New Monsters for Buffy and Angel

Name: Dimangi
Motivation: Stay Dimangi, avoid the weak form
Critter Type: Primal
Attributes: Str 6, Dex 5, Con 5, Int 3, Per 3, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 18, Combat 16, Brains 12
Life Points: 70
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Primal, Horn, Natural Armor
(AV 3)

Defense action

Resisted by Dodge
When in weak form, use Joe School stats from
the BtVS Corebook, p. 154.

(see BtVS Corebook, p. 100)
The Dimangi are a race of Primals, a proud but
violent people heralding from Africa. These Primals
are shape-shifters, whose forms are both human and
a vast upright rhino/humanoid. The curious thing
about the Dimangi is that the rhino-form is their
natural shape. Following a lunar cycle, similar to
the were-wolf, they transform for the three nights
surrounding the new moon into a human form
almost indistinguishable from Joe-average (maybe a
little heavy-set, usually with graying hair). In the
brutal world of the Dimangi, this is a time of great
weakness and vulnerability. At the end of this time
of weakness their skin turns grey and hardens, legs
become thicker, feet huge and heavy, and one or
more horns appear on the creatures transformed
snout, as they revert to their normal form.
Watchers have discovered that, in a similar way
that rituals, meditation, and arcane substances can
control the wolf-change in some Primals, the
Dimangi use a ritual to avoid turning human.
Unfortunately, one of the necessary components of
this ritual is a fresh human skull. The skull is
cleaned and ground into a thick white paste, mixed


with herbs and oils, then applied direct to the skin

for the duration of the lunar cycle.
Curiously, the Dimangi are allergic to silver, akin
to werewolves. Silver weapons inflict double normal damage (slashing and bullet weapons inflict
triple damage). They are less effective than normal
metal weapons, howeversubtract three points
from any damage rolled (before the multiplying
effect), to a minimum of one point of damage.

Cytorrakkian Demon
(see BtVS Corebook, p. 103)
The Cytorrakkian race hails from a volatile helldimensiona land of fiery pits, lava pools, and
burning rocks. Like the salamander of legend, they
were most at home there. They played in the fires,
swam in the lava, and slept on the rocks. That was,
until the fires went out. Whether the flames extinguished the raw fuel, or something put them out, no
one knows. Without their heat, the Cytorrakkian
demons needed to find a new home, and fast.
A few of the elder Cytorrakkians uncovered an
arcane ritual, scorched into the walls of a long forgotten temple. The ritual would open a rift between
worlds. Many saw this as the last hope for their peo-

Eden Studios Presents

ples, and en-masse they hurled themselves into the

portal. The portal was unstable, sending their race
into countless difference dimensions, some appearing in our world, all unable to control where or when
they emerged.
The Cytorrakkians that have made it to our world
are always cold. They shiver and complain about
the temperature most of the time, turning the heating
systems up to the maximum even in the heat of summer. While they do not take damage from the cold,

they are uncomfortable and can be easily repelled by

fire extinguishers and snowballs!
Cytorrakkians are usually tall and thin, almost
elfin, with brilliant red hair and eyes (most hide
these through contacts and hair-dye). Some turn to
arson, while rumors persist of a plot to increase the
heat from the suncreating the ultimate global
warming. Watchers investigating these claims have
found nothing to confirm them.

Name: Pus Monster

Motivation: Regain enough life-essence to be alive again.
Critter Type: Ectoplasmic Entity
Attributes: Str 2, Dex 1, Con 5, Int 1, Per 3, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 9, Brains 9
Life Points: 38
Drama Points: 2
Special Abilities: Life-Drain; damage immunity

Defense action

Resisted by Dodge
Life Drain
must Grapple first

Volume 1

New Monsters for Buffy and Angel

Name: Cytorrakkian Demon

Motivation: Heat
Critter Type: Demon
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 4, Con 3, Int 2, Per 3, Will 2
Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 14, Brains 11
Life Points: 45
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Resistance to Fire (immune to
all fire damage), Increased Life Points
Score Damage

Defense action

Resisted by Dodge


New Monsters for Buffy and Angel

A second rumor persists about Cytorrakkians. It

seems that the first Cytorrakkian spread a rumor that
his people possess a hidden weakness. Supposedly,
this weakness was written down in a book. No one
can find the weakness in all known texts related to
the Cytorrakkians. The reason for this is simple.
There is no hidden weakness. The Cytorrakkian
started the rumor merely to torment humans.

Pus Monsters
(see BtVS Corebook p. 144)
Pus Monsters, for want of a better name, are a side
effect of contact with the dead. A form of sentient and
mobile ectoplasm, they usually resemble a strange dollop of icky goo that has mysteriously sprouted a number of legs. They feed from the life-energy of living
creatures, hoping to gain some semblance of the life
the ectoplasm inherently remembers. Unfortunately, it
does this by landing on a living creature and literally
sucking the life force out of it.
With every ounce of energy it drains, it grows
marginally in size. There are reports of some entities being over seven feet tall in a gelatinous
humanoid form. Being composed of nothing more
than pus-like ectoplasm, they are immune to physical damage. Most physical attacks against Pus
Monsters result in a messy splash that has no effect.
They are dispelled by magic, frozen, or dissolved
and diluted in a vast amount of water (preferably salt
water), or evaporated if subjected to a superheated
For each 10 Life Points that the Puss Monsters
life-drain power draws from a victim, the creature
gains +1 permanent Life Points. Every 50 Life
Points drained, it gains +1 permanently to a physical
Attribute (Strength, Dexterity or Constitution).


Eden Studios Presents

by Daniel Proctor with additional writing by Derek Stoelting and Jason Vey

The Visitors
Two years ago, they arrived. They came in ships
several miles long. At first, they made no contact
with us, despite our governments repeated attempts
to engage them. Then, a week after their arrival, they
began broadcasting messages of peace and friendship. The messages arrived in every language spoken on Earth.
Two days later, transport ships began to arrive
planet side. Every major news station in every city
that received a transport ship was there the day they
arrived. They warned us that their appearance was
quite different from our own, but that we would recognize them. Everyone was shocked to discover that
the visitors were apes!
Our trust for the visitors grew with the realization
of our apparent distant relationship. We invited them
into our homes. We put them on our television programs. We even let them into the White House to
meet with the President of the United States of
No one remembers when the line was crossed. No
one remembers when they took over. No one
remembers when we tossed our liberty in the gutter.
Today, the Pithus, as they call themselves, control
the entire planet. Within six months of their arrival,
they began inviting our world leaders to visit their
ships. One by one, the Pithus used an advanced
brainwashing technique on those leaders. Upon their
return home, these leaders began to further the
Pithus cause.
The brainwashed politicians created new laws to
help our civil lives. Guns have become harder to
acquire. Reproducing now requires long hours in
lines, paperwork in triplicate, and a license. The
prices for both owning firearms and reproducing have
escalated three hundred percent. The Pithus are not
ignorant to the ways for money. The punishment is
harsh for those that break these new laws. The Pithus
take babies born without permits and raise them in
controlled communes. Life in prison or labor in the
factories plagues the owners of illegal firearms.

Volume 1

Politicians hail the new factories as a means to fix

unemployment. The factories have planned cities
built up around them. Advertisements on the television and in newspapers show people enjoying themselves and living well. Anyone wishing to work in
these new factories also lives in one of the new
cities. Whole families are moving to the burbs to
work in the factories of the future.
Slowly, the world is moving towards a one-world
government. The brainwashed world leaders are utilizing the United Nations as a tool to bring the citizens of the world together. . . to serve the Pithus.
Life for most people continues as it did before
their arrival. Retail stores have Christmas sales. Kids
go to school and then off to college. Television
broadcasts survival TV shows where the winners
receive a free trip to the mother ship of their choice.
Yet, there are those of us who know the truth. We
have decided to fight back. We leave our mark, a
spray-painted green L, wherever we strike.
The new factories are producing weapons and
machines for the Pithus war against their enemies.
Those families that move away to work in them are
never heard from again. We intend to change all
that, to change everything.

The Enemies of My
The Pithus told us an ecological disaster destroyed
their home planet. They found our planet to be similar to their own. They told us that they would trade
their technology for access to knowledge of our
Earth. In truth, they destroyed their planet with
infighting and hatred. The Pithus set out to find new
planets to inhabit. However, they soon discovered
that the universe was empty of other life. Through
their continued scientific endeavors, they discovered
a new form of space travel. They discovered the
secret of moving between parallel universes.

L is for Liberty A Terra Primate Apeworld

L is for Liberty
A Terra Primate Apeworld

With this knowledge, they quickly discovered that

they were the minority in the parallel universes.
Humans were far more common and those apes dis-


L is for Liberty A Terra Primate Apeworld

covered were often not evolved. Many of the

humans on other Earths fought against the Pithus
from the start of their relationship. This led to a policy of killing humans on sight.
The Pithus experimented upon the apes, monkeys,
and other primates found on parallel worlds. Over
the course of a few hundred years, the Pithus were
able to discover a means to evolve the degenerated
primates into fully functional Pithus. They used similar biotechnology to brainwash our leaders. No
human has made it aboard a mother ship and
returned unchanged. Until we can accomplish such a
mission, we may never know how they are accomplishing the brainwashing.
Close to a century ago, the Pithus discovered a universe where technologically advanced humans lived.
These humans proved to be a match for the Pithus in
a fight. Slowly, those humans began to discover the
truth of the Pithus. The information spurred the
humans to strive harder for victory. Over the past
three decades, they have begun to win the fight.
To further their ends, the Pithus have begun training humans to produce weapons and machines of
war for them. The Pithus hope to conquer this other
race of humans, and then destroy both them and us.
The Pithus fear us. They fear our ability to be what
they are, only better.
The Pithus have begun to wonder if these other
humans have not arrived on Earth to help us in our
fight against them. They have begun removing
humans from the upper ranks of the military and
many aspects of the police forces. Brute squads
work the streets of the major cities, putting down
any resistance with a heavy hand.

Though not strictly a particular Earth ape, the

alien apes most closely resemble gorillas. They are
densely muscled, tall, and fully bipedal, though they
have grasping feet like Earth gorillas.

Pithus Quality
8-point Quality
Attributes: Pithus add +5 to Strength, +2 to
Dexterity and +2 to Constitution, for a total Attribute
cost of nine points.
Qualities and Drawbacks: Pithus are very xenophobic, especially towards humans, for whom they
have Delusion (Prejudice) (-2). They have Fast
Reaction Time (2), but also cannot swim due to
Negative Buoyancy (-2).
Natural Attacks: Pithus have an innate bite attack
that inflicts one point of stabbing damage per
Strength level, for a cost of one point.

The Humans
Most humans in this Apeworld are just like you
and I. They are created using the Character Types in
Terra Primate. Physically, humans from parallel universes appear exactly as we do.

The Conquered Humans

These characters use the Character Types from
Terra Primate. Particularly good choices of abilities
include the Contacts Quality and the Surveillance,
Stealth, and Guns (Handgun) skills. All of these will
prove useful to a young Liberty fighter!

The Advanced Humans

The scope of technology available to Pithus and
Advanced Humans would take an article in itself to
describe. (If you want to see it, write us and well get
someone on it! ed.) We recommend giving them
laser or plasma weapons and your standard space
ships . . . whatever meets your needs. Terra Primate
has stats for a flying scooter, laser pistols, laser
rifles, and stun rods (see p. 185). If those stats are
not enough for you, check out the Spacefarers and
Prairie Folk article in this issue of Eden Studios
Presents for more ideas (see p. 7)!


The Apes

The advanced humans are from the Terran

Federation, an powerful space and interdimensionalfaring organization. These worlds contain not only
humans, but also biotechnologically evolved apes
from the Terran homeworld and other worlds. These
worlds live in peace with one another, much to the
disgust of the Pithus.
The Terran Federation has just recently discovered
our Earth. They are moving to bring their full might
to our universe to stop the Pithus.

Eden Studios Presents

5-point Quality
Advanced Humans gain +2 to Intelligence, +2 to
any Computer Skill, and +1 to Running (Distance).
They suffer from the Honorable (-1) Drawback and
Obsession (Destroy Pithus) (-2) Drawback.

Evolved Chimpanzee Quality

8-point Quality
Chimpanzees evolved on the Terran
Federations home world centuries ago. They are full
members of the Federation. Pithus consider Evolved
Chimpanzees second-class citizens, though not
slaves. Apply this Quality to play an Evolved
Attributes: Evolved Chimpanzees are physically
stronger, faster, and sturdier than humans. They
receive +3 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity, and +1 to
Constitution, for a total Attribute cost of six points.
Chimpanzees have Fast Reaction Time (2) and
Negative Buoyancy (-1).
Natural Attacks: They have a natural bite attack
that causes one point of stabbing damage per
Strength level, for a cost of one point.

Volume 1

Evolved Gorilla Quality

10-point Quality
Gorillas evolved on the Terran Federations
home world centuries ago. They are full members of
the Federation. Evolved Gorillas among the Pithus
are indistinguishable and use the same Quality.
Evolved Gorillas that operate in the Terran
Federation use the Pithus package, but without the
drawback of Delusion (Prejudice) (-2).

Evolved Orangutan Quality

6-point Quality
Orangutans also evolved on the Terran
Federations home world centuries ago. Like other
evolved apes, they are full members of the
Federation. Evolved Orangutans among the Pithus
are second-class citizens. Apply this Quality to play
an Evolved Orangutan.
Attributes: Evolved Orangutans are physically
stronger, faster, and sturdier than humans. They
receive +2 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity, and +2 to
Constitution, for a total Attribute cost of six points.
Qualities and Drawbacks: Evolved Orangutans
have Negative Buoyancy (-1).
Natural Attacks: They have a natural bite attack
that causes one point of stabbing damage per
Strength level, for a cost of one point.

L is for Liberty A Terra Primate Apeworld

Advanced Humans


L is for Liberty A Terra Primate Apeworld

Story Ideas

Terran Federation

L for Liberty!
In this setting, the Cast Members are native to our
Earth. The basics of the setting include setting up a
place to hide, finding weapons, and fighting the
Visiting the Visitors
In this story, the Cast Members decide to infiltrate
a mother ship. They discover that a transport ship is
due to land at a local college to collect students for a
trip to the mother ship. The Cast Members must find
a way to get on the passenger list. Do they fake credentials, kidnap students, and take their place, or
completely sabotage the situation by killed the
Pithus pilots and piloting the transport ship back to
the mother ship? Once on board the mother ship,
they can discover the means of brainwashing that the
Pithus use. They can also discover information about
the parallel universes.
Taking the Fight to Them
In this story, the Cast Members have decided to
infiltrate and destroy one of the factory communities. They must find a way to sneak into one of these
controlled cities. Will they sneak in or sign up for
factory duty? Once inside the city, the Cast Members
may discover what the factories produce. Will they
investigate further to try and discover the reason for
the weapons and machine parts production? Will the
Cast Members try to go public with the information?
How will they escape the heavily guarded city?
Fifth Columnists
In this story, the Cast Members are biotechnologically evolved Pithus who have decided to revolt
against the pure-breed Pithus. The Cast Members
need to gather intelligence, allies, and weapons. If
they can locate human resistance fighters, the Cast
Members may attempt to persuade the humans to
join forces with the Fifth Columnists! How will they
convince the Liberty fighters that the Cast Members
are good guys? After all, the evolved apes look and
act very similar to Pithus.

In this setting, the Cast Members portray humans

and evolved apes from the Terran Federation. The
basics of this setting include exploring our Earth,
helping to free its humans, and destroying the
Terran Freedom
The Cast Members are a Terran Federation scout
team moving through multiple universes cataloging
them and reporting any possible Pithus activity. On
their most recent venture, they came across our
Earth. When the Cast Members report to their superiors, they instruct the Cast Members to visit our
Earth to spy on the Pithus. Their superiors want
them to make contact with the humans and assist
them in fighting for their freedom.
I Spy
In this setting, the Cast Members portray evolved
apes. They must infiltrate the Pithus mother ships,
gather as much information as possible, and return to
the Terran Federation. Will the spies deviate from
their mission to help the native humans? Will they
discover who is leading the Fifth Columnists and
attempt to make contact? Do they risk romantic
affairs to gain access to high-level information?
Too Little, Too Late
A highly ranked Terran Federation general has
decided that there is no hope in saving our Earth. To
that end, he has decided to send ten teams to our
planet. Each of the ten teams carries with them a
nuclear device more powerful than anything we
have developed. Each team is to place themselves in
a major city and detonate their bombs at a set time.
The hope is that the bombs will defeat the Pithus by
removing their sources of raw materials.
The Cast Members work for an opposing general
who thinks there is still time for hope on Earth. He
sends out his own teams to try to stop the bomb
teams. The Cast Members must infiltrate a foreign
society, track down their counterparts, and put a stop
to the nefarious plan.

V (TV Miniseries) (2001) Published by Warner
Video on DVD.


Eden Studios Presents

Str 3
Dex 2
Con 3



LPS 49
EPS 29




Attractiveness -1 (-1)
Hard to Kill 5 (5)
Recurring Nightmares (-1)

Brawling 1
Demolitions 2
Dodge 2
Drive (Truck) 3
Engineer (Electrical) 3
Engineer (Mechanical) 3
First Aid 2
Hand Weapon (Club) 2
Hand Weapon (Knife) 1
Mechanic 4
Notice 3
Stealth 2
Surveillance 3

Knife, Pick-up Truck, Safety Glasses,
Steel Toe Boots, Various Tools

Volume 1

I remember when those beasts showed up. I

remember how they promised compassion, but
delivered hate. I remember what it was like to be
My town government folded in under twentyfour hours. Before anyone realized what had
happened, apes were replacing all of our
police. The factory I worked in soon had
ape advisors. Moreover, as if that wasnt
enough, we began constructing parts for
I kept my head low to avoid the
overseers attentions. Slowly, but
surely, I am sneaking out one
piece of every weapon we
design and build. Once I figure
out how to make them, Ill sell
them to the L fighters.
My children will know what
it means to be free.

No, no, no. The accelerator rods go in that box there.
Here, let me do it for you.

L is for Liberty A Terra Primate Apeworld

Human Factory Worker


L is for Liberty A Terra Primate Apeworld

Evolved Gorilla Spy

Str 8*
Dex 5*
Con 5*


LPS 62
EPS 53





Acute Senses (Sight) (2)
Charisma +3 (3)
Contacts (Various) 5 (5)
Fast Reaction Time*
Honorable -1 (-1)
Negative Buoyancy*
Secret (Spy) (-5)
Evolved Gorilla (10)

Brawling 3
Dodge 2
Drive (Car) 2
Electronic Surveillance 4
Escapism 3
Guns (Rifle) 3
Guns (Pistol) 2
Hand Weapon (Club) 2
Notice 4
Research/Investigation 3
Surveillance 4
Tracking 2

Handgun, Pithus Security Guard
Outfit, Security Baton, Spy Camera,
Vocal Recorder, Watch Radio

We discovered Earth 2a78 by accident. When we

figured out what was occurring, we sent a message
back to the Terran Federation, warning them of a
potentially new hostile Earth. A few of us stayed on
2a78 to keep an eye on the enemy.
Ive gone deep, hoping to find a way to
infiltrate my way to the top. So far, the
Pithus dont suspect me. I fear my ruse may
not last long. Its against my nature to torture and beat the humans.
Ive spent most of my time recording everything I can. Ive gained
access to their plans
for South America. I
know the flight patterns of the transporter
ships. I have names of
potential turncoats within
the Pithus society. I even managed to gain the security codes for
most of the local jails from my sergeant.
The rest of my cell is to contact me
once our back up arrives. I hope they
havent been captured or killed. Its
been a long time since Ive heard
from them.

Quickly, move! I know Im an
ape, but you must trust me. You
humans shouldnt be here when the
sergeant returns from his dinner
*includes points gained from
Evolved Gorilla template


Eden Studios Presents

Str 3
Dex 5
Con 3



LPS 49
EPS 41




Contacts 3 (3)
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Hard to Kill 5 (5)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Reckless (-2)
Secret (Liberty Fighter) (-5)
Situational Awareness (2)

Dodge 4
Drive (Car) 3
Guns (Assault Rifle) 5
Guns (Pistol) 3
Hand Weapon (Knife) 3
Martial Arts 5
Notice 4
Stealth 3
Streetwise 3
Throwing (Sphere) 2

Assault Rifle, 3 Defensive Grenades,
Knife, Leather Jacket, Night Ops
Clothing, Night Vision Goggles, 2
Pistols, Sedan

Volume 1

No ape is going to take my home from me. Who

do they think they are? They invade our planet,
steal our women, take our food, and expect us to
slave away for them. Not me. Im taking my planet
back from these invaders.
A group of us is holed up outside Albany.
Weve got a line of resources coming from
some folks living in the downtown district.
One of us goes into town each week to pick
up supplies. So far, no stinkin ape has
caught onto what were doing. We always
go in armed, though, just in case.
Last week, we killed an ape
security team. Theyve been doing
sweeps on the other side of town.
We figured hitting them there
would be good. Theyll think that
theres a Liberty team on that side
of town, while we continue to
operate on this side of town.

Take no prisoners! Kill all

L is for Liberty A Terra Primate Apeworld

Human Liberty Fighter


AFMBE Archetype

Haunted Army Chaplain

Str 3
Dex 3
Con 3


LPS 43
EPS 32



We were the first in.


Gift (5)
Hard to Kill 3 (3)
Increased Essence Pool (3)
Inspiration (5)
Recurring Nightmares (-1)

Brawling 2
Climbing 1
Dodge 2
First Aid 2
Guns (Assault Rifle) 3
Guns (Handgun) 3
Humanities (Theology) 3
Occult 1
Stealth 2
Storytelling 3
Survival 2

Divine Sight (5)
Visions (5)

Assault Rifle, Bible, Class III Vest
and Helmet, Handgun, Military

Nobody knew what we were facing, or if they

did, they werent telling. God knows, if theyd only
told us, wed have been better prepared.
A recon mission in Freedom Falls, Iowa. I
remember wondering why a chaplain would
be needed. Need to know was all the
answer I received.
A whole platoon gone. One hour. Thats all
it took. One hour. I am the last.
But I hear them still. The screams,
the accusations; they come to me at
night. I see them as I left them:
torn, bloodied and wailing.
Constantly. I havent slept since I
lost them, but what could I do?
And the day. They show me
things that should not be. In my
weakened state, I hear their
voices whispering, disconnected and chaotic. They reveal and
conceal what they know, they
mix reality and dream until I
cant tell whether Im dreaming or
By night, I feel the heavy press
of their rage, by day their whispers
and pleas for vengeance.
Im lost Lord.
Help me.
Help us all.

They say that war is hell, but its
nothing. Its nothing compared to


Eden Studios Presents

Str 2
Dex 2
Con 2


LPS 26
EPS 26





Artistic Talent (Singing) (3)
Contacts (Other Fans) 2 (2)
Delusions (Weird) (-3)
Obsession (Elvis) (-2)
Photographic Memory (2)

Beautician 2
Computers 2
Dancing 3
Dodge 2
Drive (Car) 2
First Aid 2
Guns (Handgun) 2
Haggling 2
History 1
Instruction 2
Myth & Legend 4
Notice 2
Play Instrument (Guitar) 3
Research/Investigation 1
Singing 3
Surveillance 2

I was there when it started. August 16th,

Graceland. The time and place of the Kings resurrection.
A crowd of us kept vigil by the graves in the
Meditation Garden. The earth began to move and
before we knew it, there He stood, growling His
trademark uuuh-huuh deep down in his
throat. He was magnificent. Hed lost a lot of
weight, of course, and looked kind of pale, but
that didnt matter.
We rushed to Him in our joy, and
thats when the screaming started.
Even as others were being drawn, I
felt a voice in my mind urging me to

AFMBE Archetype

Elvis Worshipper

I recognize it now, though; that

voice in my head. Ive heard it in
countless interviews and songs. He
speaks to me, guides and protects
Im not alone. There have always
been the faithful who never gave
up hope of His return.
But not like this, and not now!
He gives me purpose. He tells me
the risen one is a fake. Its not the
one we love. It is here to harm us, to
gather an army of the dead. It must
be destroyed. I cannot ignore His
voice or His calling!

Car, Clippings Album, Elvis
Biography, Elvis T-shirt, Handgun, Map
of Sightings, Walkman (and many, many
Elvis CDs)

Volume 1

Only Elvis music is supposed to

reach out and touch lives.


WitchCraft Armageddon Archetype

Necromancer Monster Hunter

Gifted Solitaire
Str 3
Dex 2
Con 3


LPS 29
EPS 32

Speed 10
Essence 15

When the Fuhrer called for all men to rise and

take their place in his new world-empire, you were
among the first to volunteer. You enlisted early, but
did not stay long. Your violent, explosive temper
kept you from the rapid promotion you felt
you so rightly deserved. Eventually, it took your
entire career from you.


Cruel (-3)
Emotional Problems
of Self-Control) (-1)
Essence Channeling 3 (6)
Gift (5)
(ex-Nazi SS Officer) (-3)
Zealot (-3)


Brawling 4
Dodge 2
Drive (Truck) 1
Guns (Handgun) 3
Guns (Rifle) 1
Hand Weapon (Knife) 3
Intimidation 4
Language (French) 3
Myth & Legend (Nazi Occult) 2
Notice 3
Occult 2
Research/Investigation 3
Stealth 2


You didnt have to go home disgraced and dishonored, however. The SS stepped in, calling you gifted and special. They
gave you another chance. Training
you in the mystic secrets they had uncovered, you
became one of the elite soldiers of
the Reich, striking down occult threats challenging
the Fatherland.
Slaying demons and stopping
insane magicians from summoning creatures
beyond their control was your life, but as the war
went on, you realized how precious your partner
had become to you. As soon as the war ended, the
two of you married. You now have a
son, gifted with the Sight.
You spend your days continuing to hunt
down rogue wizards left over from the
war. You wife insists on accompanying you, even going so far as to bring
your son along. Youre not sure what
bothers you more, his presence or his growing

No enemy, living or dead, Amerikaner or
Russen, shall be allowed to hurt the people of my

Necromancy Skill 4 (8)

Death Mastery 3 (9)
Death Speech 4 (12)

Handgun, Necronomicon, Rifle, SS Dagger


Eden Studios Presents

Lesser Supernatural Seeker of Knowledge Lone Wolf

Str 4
Dex 4
Con 4



LPS 70
EPS 63




Acute Senses (Sight) (2)
Attractiveness +2 (2)
Contacts (Various Occult) 5 (5)
Minority (Female) (-1)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Obsession (-2)
Photographic Memory (2)
Recurring Nightmares (-1)
Resistance (Pain) 1 (1)
Secret (ex-Nazi SS
Officer) (-3)
Secret (Nephilim) (-3)

Bureaucracy 2
Dodge 2
Guns (Handgun) 2
Hand Weapon (Knife) 1
Hand Weapon (Sword) 4
Language (French) 2
Language (Latin) 4
Myth and Legend
(Nazi Occult) 4
Notice 3
Occult 3
Research/Investigation 3
Stealth 2

Nephilim (24)

When you were young, men in black suits came

and took your from you mother. They raised you to
do one thing: kill wielders of magic and demons.
You learned that you had some strange immunity to
their attacks.
When Germany went to war, the men in
black suits assigned you to work with a passionate and dashing young necromancer.
Surviving the terror of war, the two of you
fell in love and married. You hoped the end
of the war would free you from this
lifestyle. However, your husband
chose to continue the fight against
evil. You discovered that the men in
black suits were no longer in control and you have even gone so far
as to kill a few of them in retribution.
You know what you are now,
and why
you under their control. You
still suffer nightmares of the tests they
made you undertake.
Your son is growing very quickly.
He is developing Seer Powers at a
very young age. Neither your husband nor you know how to raise a
child properly, let alone a child who
is developing these powers. You
hope that you make the right decisions for him.

WitchCraft Armageddon Archetype

Nephilim Monster Hunter

The oaffaca demons are
known for hiding amongst
trees. I suggest we check
out the forest on the edge
of town.

Handgun, Occult Reference Books,
Ritual SS Dagger, Sword

Volume 1


WitchCraft Armageddon Archetype

Str 4
Dex 4
Con 4



LPS 26
EPS 32


Your parents never have time for you. They are
always too busy hunting down fairy tales. So, you
act out the stories in your reading books. You fight
off dragons, elves, wendol, and even Loki himself.
Your parents never seem to notice, unless you get
hurt. But, youre tough, just like father.



Your powers confuse you. They seem to turn on

and off randomly. Sometimes, when you try to use
them, they dont work. Other times, they work too
well. Like the time you wanted the cheese the
French man was eating. You didnt really expect
him to give it all to you when you told him you
wanted a bite.

Gift (5)
Emotional Problems (Depression) (-2)
Minority (Child) (-1)
Old Soul 2 (8)
Reckless (-2)
Showoff (-2)
Status 2 (-2)

Sometimes, late at night, you sneak out of

your room and spy on your parents.
They never see you. Youve heard
them talk about men in black suits and
that your mother is afraid of them. Your
father seems afraid that they will
come and take you away. You
cant find a reference to them in
your book of myths. Until you figure out who they are, you plan to be
wary of all men wearing black suits.
Maybe they are Americans.

Acrobatics 2
Acting 2
Brawling 1
Climbing 2
Dodge 3
Notice 3
Language (French) 2
Myth & Legend (Norse) 2
Sleight of Hand 2
Stealth 2
Swimming 1
Throw (Sphere) 1

With a mighty swing of my axe, I shall
kill Grendel and save the kingdom!

Mindhands Art 2 (4)
Mindhands Strength 2 (6)
Mindtalk Art 2 (4)
Mindtalk Strength 2 (6)
Mindrule Art 3 (6)
Mindrule Strength 3 (9)

Book of Norse Myths, German Primer, Picture of
Family, Pocketful of Stones


Eden Studios Presents

WitchCraft Armageddon Archetype

Child Psychic
Gifted Solitaire Weird One


If you cant get enough of PVP and DORK TOWER...
Then IN THE PIT will make you climb to the rooftops and shout
For over twenty years, gamers have struggled to prove
that there is nothing evil, dangerous or odd about our hobby.
Now IN THE PIT is going to ruin everything.
Gaming humor may be a dead horse, but by God, we're going to beat it!
From the creative minds of Al Bruno and
George Vasilakos, IN THE PIT tells hysterical tales among the cluttered racks
and overpowering stench of the
Fanboyz game store. From the antics
of an insane group of gamers to the trials of wanna-be small game company
publishers to the game room known
only as The Pit, you wont want to
miss an issue. Story ideas for IN THE
PIT are yanked bodily from Mr.
Vasilakoss personal experience owning a game store and running Eden
Studios. Mr. Brunos dark and twisted imaginings scurry out from under
his own warped gaming group.
Many of these horror stories have
been posted on under the
pseudonym Ab3. These lurid
accounts are brought to visual life
by newcomer Jimmy Changa. Join
us as Eden Studios brings in a new
era of gaming comics.

In The Pit #1
ISBN 1-891153-52-8

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