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The repetition of elements to make an artwork seem active, and elicit a sort of vibration

so that a pattern will eventually emerge. RHYTHM

3. Art principle which is concerned with arranging the elements thus no part of the artwork
overpowers or outweighs any other parts. BALANCE

4. Art principle which involves adding some dramatic changes to avoid looking dull.
5. An art principle which pertains to the art of blending elements to create a calm, soothing
and restful appearance. HARMONY

6. The art of making an element in the artwork stand out. Can be created by contrast or by
changes in an element to gain the viewers attention. EMPHASIS
7. This art principle is concerned with the relationship of one to another thus creating a
whole. Includes size, color to create balance, emphasis and harmony. PROPORTION

8. This art principle is used to create the appearance and feeling of action. MOVEMENT
9. Which art element pertains to what the eyes can see when the light is reflected off an
object? COLOR

10. Which of the following is not considered as a way of using color in art? SOCIALIZED
11. Warm colors advance while cool colors are considered as ____ type. calm or soothing

12. According to Dudley, ____ is the simplest, most primitive and most universal means for
creating visual arts. LINE
13. According to Dudley, ____ is the simplest, most primitive and most universal means for
creating visual arts. LINE

14. This is a kind of line that refers to: Harsh, unpleasant, confusion, disturbance, battle, war,
death if they meet at sharp angles. DIAGONAL
15. This is the Distance between, around, below, above and within objects. SPACE

16. Refers to any person, object, scene or event described or represented in the work of art.
17. This category of arts appeal to the senses because of their exciting combination of
shapes and colors that fulfill an aesthetic need. EXPRESSIVE

18. Of all subjects, ______ are considered as one of the oldest. PAITING
19. When understanding the contents of artworks, there are 3 levels namely: factual,
conventional and __________ . SUBJECTIVE

20. When trying to understand the levels of meaning, this refers to the special meaning that
a certain object (or color) has for a particular culture or group of people. Usually referring
to commonly accepted symbolisms. CULTURE
21. According to a popular controversy, Juan Luna copied the style of ___________ ,
another famous Filipino painter. NOT FERDINAND AMORSOLO THE OTHER Felix
Resureccion Hidalgo

22. According to this theory, Art is a tool for artists to express themselves. SUBJECT selfexpression theory
23. Art is an activity of intentionally selecting combinations of movements, lines, colors,
sounds, and other materials in order to transmit to others the same felt emotion that one
has personally experienced. This statement was made by __________ . tolstoy

24. These are the materials used to create a work of art, and the categorization of art based
on the materials used (for example, painting [or more specifically, watercolor], drawing,
sculpture). MEDIUM

25. The guiding spirit that is thought to inspire artists; source of genius or inspiration.

26. When we talk about the nature of beauty, we generally divide into two, namely: objective
and _________ . SUBJECTIVE
27. The statement "Art appreciation is achieved because of frustrated desires" was stated by
________ . S. Freud

28. The view that the appreciation of art's beauty lies in its imitation of life and/or nature is
advanced by _________ .
29. Why is intuitionism not enough in appreciating and appraising the value of an artwork?
30. He believes that art appreciation is a two-way communication with an audience. Tolstoy
31. Which of the following is the first step in the process of art creation? IDEA

32. The three values of art are ______________ .

33. When we talk about functional artworks, we determine the function according to ______
34. Museo De La Salle's foremost function is ___________ . NOT RELIGIOUS
35. Which of the following is a form of termporal art? NOT SCULTPURE
36. Abstract artworks are labelled as works that set their audience free because
__________ .
37. Which of the following genre/ style makes use of fantasy and fiction? Art as surreal
38. When we view sculptures, there are 2 known perspectives namely ___________ .
39. The sculpture titled 'Pieta' has a __________ function. RELIGIOUS
40. Frida Kahlo is known to be a ________ painter. surrealist
41. Jan Van Eyck was born in the country of ___________ . NETHERLAND

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