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The most important modern commentaries are those of Ilgen, to ’ salute ’ David (ie., to recognise his suzeraiuty) and
D i e Geschichte Toby’s noch drej verschiedenen Oripinaien, denr to offer presents of silver, gold, and bronze, after David’s
Griexhischen, dem Lateinischen des H i e r -
21. Literature. o~zyint~s qnd eirzem Synkchen,. etc., 18co ; victory over Hadad-ezer. If the text is correct, Toi’s
Fritzsche in KGH, 1853 ; Wace in Speaker’s Hamath cannot be the great Syrian city of Hamath,
Comm. 1888; and Ziickler in h-GH, 1891. On the Ahikar whose king was too powerful to mind David, and indced
story &e the literature cited under A CHIACHARUS, especially was not one of David‘s neighbours, but a second Hamath,
T b Story of Ahikar j v o m the Syriac, Arabic, Amzenian,
Ethiofiic, Greek, asd Slavonic Versions, by F. C. Conybeare, on the W. of Zobah, which formed a state on the same
J. Rendel Harris, and Asnes Smith Lewis. Nestle, review of minute scale as Maacah (=Gcshur). So Winckler ( G I
The Story of Ahikar, E.r#. T 10 [1899] z - / 6 x ,and ‘ Zum Ruche 2209 J ) . More probably, however, both here and
Tobit,’ Sr#tsagintast2~d.:~n, 2 [18991 2 2 $ ; J. Rendel Harris,
‘ The Double Text of Tobit,’ Anzsr. /. Theol., July 1899, pp. wherever a Hamath is spoken of as on the border of
541.554 ; Moulton, ‘The Iranian Background of Tobit,’Exj. T , Israel, nnn ( M T Hamath) should be nip (Maacath).
March rgco, pp. 257.260. W. E. I t is, to s a y the least, uncertain which of the two Maacahs is
intended here (see MAACAH).T h e Hadad-ezer defeated by
TOCHEN (]ah; BOKKAP I , - X X A N [A], E N e E K E M David may have heen king of Zarephath (not ZOIIAH). I n
[ =‘n ]V?] and I€XefM. perhaps a doublet, [L]), avillage this case ‘Maacah’ may be another name for the territory of
in Judah assigned to SIMEON (5 Io), I Ch. 432. It corre- KEHonOTH (g.v.), and ‘yn will perhaps be a corrupt form of
sponds to the Ether of 11 Josh. 19 7, which is probably a
.&, T A L n l A I (9.u.). Cp, however, Driver and Eudde [ S B O r ]
on 2 S., l.c. T. K . C.
corruption of A T H A C I I(4.v.).
Ir. Josh. (Z.C.) @ B inserts 0 a h X a (var. in cursives Baaa 8aaA)- TOKHATH (no??, &4),2 Ch. 3422 ; see TIKVrZTII.
iz., Tochen -before wOcp-i.e., .Ether. Bennett ’(SBOT,
‘Josh.,’ Hebi) follows CBB, but the insertion must be due to a TOLA (l&, emha [BADFL]), b. Puah, b. Dodo,
later correction. i s perhaps a corruption of py. See an Issacharite. a deliverer of Israel. who dwelt, and
A T HACH. finally was buried, at Shamir in ‘mount Ephraim’ (Judg.
TOGARMAH (X?!?lb~, Gen. 10 3 [PI, elsewhere 10 I J ) ; the name also occurs with Pnvah, Job (or
?lplSn: B o p y a p a [BQDsilEL], Bepyapa [B in Ezek. 386; hut Jashub), and Shimron as a clan-name of lssachar (Gen.
B a r p y a p a in 2 i 14 ; Q in Ezek. and A everywhere except I Ch. 4613 : emhbN [I,] ; Nu. 2623 I Ch. 7 1 f: : BOhAEK,
16 Boppap] : Thogormair in Gen., elsewhere Thogorina, Pesh. eohs, ewhAel [El ; CP Tolaite, N u . IC., ewh&li
tizga?,&). [BAFL]). On these ‘minor judges’ in general, see
Togarmah appears in Gen. 1 0 3 I Ch. 1 6 as third son J U D G E S , § 9 ; and on the difficulties arising out of ( I )
of Gomer, son of Japheth ; also (as Beth-Togarmah) in the designation ‘son of Dodo,’ ( 2 ) the dcscription of
Ezek. 27 14 as a people trading with Tyre in horses and Tola’s home as in Mt. Ephraim, and (3) the reading
mules, and in 386 as representing the far north, and ~ a p r e(or K C C ~ ~ in
E ) eight minuscules which are, with
forming part, with Gorner, of the army of Gog. Josephus one exception, without the reference to Issachar, see
thought of the Phryzians, who were famous for their ISSACHAH, 2, 7 ; lastly, on the coincidence between
horses (Hom. IL 3185) ; the Armenians, however, in Tola, ‘crimson worm, cochineal,‘ and Puah ( n x i ~ )a,
later times claimed Haik the son of Thorgom for their plant from which a red dye was obtained, see Moore,
ancestor. The name has been identified by Delitzsch JudgeJ, 273 (cp N A M E S , § 68). All these questions are
and Halevy independently with Tel-garinimu, a city still open.
(mentioned by Sargon and Sennacherib) situated on T h e problems may seem small ; but they a r e not insignificant.
the border of Tahali (see TUBAL). That Z ( 5 ) had be- T o understand ‘Tola’ we must revise our notions respecting
come o in the document from which P drew, surprises Abimelech, Jair, and Jephthah, between whom ‘ Tola, h. Puah,
h. Dodo’ i s introduced. I n reality the three former heroes all
Schrader ( K A T ( * )8,;), nor can we blame him. The belong to the Jerahmeelite Negeb, Abimelech to Cusham (see
truth probably is thxt here, as elsewhere in Gen. 10, SHECHEM), Jair and Jephthah t o ‘ Ir-gil‘ad’ or ‘ Ir-jerahme’el.’l
corruption and reconstruction are jointly the causes of T h e personal names too have suffered change ; here the alteration
was to agreat extent caused by the wearing down o f the old names
the present form of the Table of Nations. ‘ Gomer ’ is in the mouth of the people. ‘Ahimelech,’ which, superficially
one of the current corruptions of ‘ Jerahmeel ’ ; .4shkenazregarded, appears to mean ‘the heaven-god i s father,’ may he
is a combination of Asshur and Kenaz; Riphath is a a modification of ‘Arab-Jerahmeel’; ‘Jair’ of ‘Jether,’ ‘Jeph-
corruption of Zarephath (the southern Zarephath), and thah’ of ‘Naphtoah.’z On the analogy of these and similar
restorations, we are methodically bound toread thus in Judg. 10 I,
Togarmah represents either Gomer simply or Beth-gomer ‘ Eshtaol, b. Ephrath, b. Dodi, h. Jerahmeel, a Zarhite ; he dwelt
( = Beth-jerahmeel). This throws light on Ezek. 27 14 in S H A n l r R (q.u.) in the highlands of Jerahmeel.’ The least
386. See CY&. Eib. obvious of these restorations is $irnwr (Eshtao1)for ysin (Tola).
See Del. Par. 246 ; Calwer Bi&-Lex. 906 ; Hal. RE/ 13 13;T h e entendation, which is a t a n y rate plausible, is suggested by
Lag. Arvzenische Strrd<en, 5 865. T. K . C .
the comhination of Zerah and S h a d in Nu. 26 13 (Gen. 46 IO).
Eahtaol-i.e., virtually Shaul-is, in fact, a N. Arabian clan-name
TOHU (Vlh), b. Zuph, a name in the genealogyof of the Negeb ;3 indeed, in I Ch. 2 53 the Eshtaolitesare expressly
connected with Kirjath-jearim-is. (asonecan nowsee), Kirjath-
Samuel ( I S. 1 I , m t ( E [U], eooy [AI, ewe [I2]), cor- jerahnleel. K a p r e or rap?< should, according to round method,
responding tO NAHATH (nn!; KbiNAfJ [B], K . N A e [XI. represent ni? (Kareah or Korah), and this i s probably the ex-
NA& [L] ; n&ith [Pesh.]) in I Ch. 626 [I.], and to pansion of a fragment of Jerahmeel, which came to be adopted a s
TOAH (nrn;O€I€=n’n [E], e O O Y € [A19 N A A e [L]; the name of one of the Jerahmeelite clans. Th:u Shcmer is a
N. Arabian clan-name could‘easily be shown a t length, but is
t i h u [Pesh.]; Tlt0h.u [Vg.] as in Sam.) in v. 34 [19]. plain enough from the combination of names in 2 Ch. 24 26 ( z K.
The second of these forms (nni)map have arisen out of nnn 12 21). T h a t there is a southern Ephraim (= Jerahmeel) has
by a scribe’s error. But this is not certain. for Nahath, been repeatedly maintained by the present writer (cp MICAH, I).
As to the historical kernel of Judg. 10 13, it is enough to remark
in Gen. 36 13. is the son of Re‘uel= Jerahmeel (Che. ). that, though genuine historical evidence is wanting, it is a t any
Most (e.,n, Klost., Dr., Bn., Ki.) adopt the form Tohu ; rate probable that king Saul was not the first meniber of the Snul-
but, o n the assumption that Znph is really an Ephrainlite clan to strike an effective blow for Israel and that the earliest
place-name, some prefer in? or n y (cp We. P r o l ( 4 ) achievements of this clan were not in Eenjimin hut in the Kvgeb.
The same emendation ( ~ for i i i,aw,) should possibly be
2 2 0 ; Marq. Fund. 12, and see T AHATH , E P H R A I M , made in Judg. 5 15 (see C r i f . Bib.). T. Ei. C.
§ 12). -___ ~-~ ___-___~~_~ ~ ~~

[The subject, though small, i s intricate, and the correct reading 1 ‘Kamon’ in Judg. 105 might come from ‘Mahanaim’ (cp
KAMON),hut also from ‘ Je+meel’ (which is moreover the
of the text can only be decided as a art of a larger inquiry,
which includes the question whether Eamuel was not really of
probable original of ‘ hlahanaim ’ and ‘ Karnaim ’). 7 9, . ~ in v
a Jerahmeelite family, helonging perhaps to Benjamite territory
I ? 7 can hardly in the present state of inquiry be regar&d other.
in the Negeb. Textual criticism, too, has to he practised com-
wise than as a corruption of ,yJ> 1-y. There seems t o the
prehensively. c p RAMATHAIM-ZOPH1M.-T. K. C.] present writer to he evidence of a southern Gilead (another name
for Terahmeel ?).
TO1 (’&+:eoyoy or eooy PI,
Bas1 [ALI, 2 S . 8 9 3 ), Z-Or, vice &sa, Naphtoah (cp Naphtubim) is a modification
or (.run.
B a h [BK], Booy [AI, 8ohb [L]; PuL of iphtah , cp Nathan and Ethan.
Eshtabl ’ is probably a modification of the clan-name Shaul ;
RingoftlremenofA7rtioch [Pesh.], I Ch. lSgf.), king of
the t is a transition-consonant-i.e. it facilitates the transition
Hamath, who sent his son Joram (or, as Ch., HADORAM) from o i e articulation to another (cp’Kon., Lehrg. 2 T, p. 472).
5129 5’30
TOLAD (l$n),I Ch.429; in Josh.1530 ELTOLAD. I date, so that we are often unable (for example) to
distinguish Christian from Jewish tombs. I t lies-indeed
cBA1)' 925=Ezra
in the very nature of the case that there should be
1024, TELEM.
difficulty in dating these; by reason of their very
TOLL (nyp, Ezra 420 ; nq!Q, Ezra 413 724). See simplicity they show no very characteristic architectural
-_ . TRADE;.~6 82 i f : ), (21.
T AXATION, f; 7 n. :. CD , , I forms by which their period could be fixed, and

- \ -

inscriptions, too, are almost wholly wanting. It is not

T .-
..-.. ( T O A M A N [A,),
I AL,V,"N.
I Esd, 28 RV=Ezra242,
possible therefore to describe the sepulchral stvles of the
various ages in the order of successive periods,-in
TOMBS.' As already observed (see DEAD, 5 I, other words to sketch the development and history of
col. 1041), the regular practice of the Hebrews was to this department of art. W e must rest content with
Religious bury their dead, the instalices in which describing the ancient sepulchres still extant, classifying
conceptions. they burned them being exceptional and them according to the differences they show and deduc-
extraordinary.2 The explanation is to ing from these the characteristic features of this class
be sought in the idea that the human soul remained of structure in the Hebrew domain.
even after death in some kind of connection with the The first generalisation which presents itself is that
body ; in the case of unburied persons, as long as the they are all of them rock-tombs, that is to say, hewn
body found no resting-place, the Soul also had none. out of the living rock. Nowhere do we find any trace
T h e spirits of such departed ones wander restlessly of built sepulchres. Of tombs above the level of the
about, and even in the world of the dead, in Sheol, ground-mausoleums in which the sarcophagus was
must hide themselves in holes and corners (Ezek. 3223 placed-no trace has reached us from ancient times nor
Is. 14 ' 5 , etc.). do we hear of any such, any more than we hear of
These views being held, one would expect to find the sarcophagi or coffins. With the Phoenicians, also,
Hebrews not only attaching great importance to burial tombs above the surface are the exception, not the rule;
but also giving special care to making their tombs as but they are frequent in Syria in the Hellenistic period
splendid and artistic as possible. It was by similar (cp, for example, the sepulchral towers of Palmyra).
views, in point of fact, that the Egyptians were led not I n so far as tombs above the surface occur in Palestine
only to preserve-one might almost say, for ever-the at all, they belong to the Hellenistic period ; and even
bodies of their dead by embalming them, but also to then the characteristic examples of this type of
build magnificent resting-places for them, dwellings sepulchre are not buildings, but are hewn out of the
resembling those of the living, and furnished with every- solid rock. The same holds good of the subterranean
thing in which the soul when in life took most delight. tombs. Nor does the O T contain any hint of built
Thus it was in the construction and adornment of its sepulchres though this has often been supp0sed.l This
tombs that the art of Egypt found its most welconle is connected with the physical character of the country ;
tasks and the widest field for its development. With the soft limestone of the mountains of Palestine pre-
the Israelites, however, the case was quite different. sented many natural caverns which in the early period
With them, apart from cases where Greek or Roman were used in the first instance as burial-places (see
influences interfered, the places of sepulture were always below). In particular, it was easily wrought, so that
of the simplest description, without any resort to the the excavation of vaults and chambers in it presented
arts of the painter or the sculptor. The cause of this no difficulty too great for the technical skill of the
is, naturally, to be sought in the first instance in the Israelites to overcome.
Hebrews' notorious deficiency in artistic endowment ; There are indeed in Palestine (as already indicated)
in none of the fine arts did they ever make any im- some examples of tombs above the surface. The best
portant contribution of their own. Cp COLOURS.§ I. known are those of the Valley of Kedron ; the so-called
I n the present case, however, we ought probably to Tomb of Absalom and the Pyramid of Zacharias.
take account also of the operation of a religious motive These two, however, show quite clearly in their ornalnen-
which prevented the Israelites, while borrowing from tation the influence of Greek and late-Egyptian art ;
the Phoenicians in other respects, to imitate them in the moreover, they too have been carved out of the living
architectural beauty and monumental grandeur of their rock, and their arrangement is so analogous to that
tombs. The religion of Yahwe from the outset set of the subterranean tombs as to make it quite clear
itself against every kind of worship of the dead with the that it has been copied from these.
utmost emphasis. A solitary exception would seem to he the so-called monolith
However we may explain it the fact is undeniable that of Siloam which, according to the unanimous judgment of
Yahwism had at times to contend with a very strong inclination archaeologists, dates hack to the r-exilic period ; hut this
towards this form of worship. This could not fail to have its great rock 'die ' of 6.10 metres in ength, 5.60 in breadth, and
influence on the outward form given to places of burial. Every- about 4 in height is also c u t out of the living rock. It hears
thing that was fitted to promote worship of the dead in any form evidence of Egyptian influence, hut on the other hand there is
mnst have been antipathetic to Yahwism. And as the worship no trace of the Greek style. Perrot and Chipiez, however ( H i s t .
of the dead on the one hand led directly to the sumptuous Of A r t in Jud. 1 2 7 - 3 ) ueqtion for weighty reasons whether
adornment of the places where they lay, so on the other hand this monument reall; wak %iginally and from the first intended
beauty and luxury displayed in these could not fail to promote as a tomb ; more probably its purpose was formerly quite
that form of worship. different (perhaps to serve as site for an altar) and the hurial
It was entirely in accordance with the spirit of chambers and niches within must have been excavated later.
Yahwism that the graves of the dead-though with all The which served for the Hebrew tomb was
reverent piety towards the dead, and notwithstanding unnlistakably the Phcenician not the Egyptain type,
the existence of the view stated above-were kept as 3. phaenician a'ike as regards sing1e sepulchres and
plain and simple as possible. models. collective groups. Here also a leading
The whole of Palestine is rich in ancient burying- characteristic of Phoenician architecture
places. It would be natural, therefore, to expect full comes into the (cP PH(IENrCIA, § :
2. subterranean and accurate information as to the the great part which is assigned to the ~rpendicubdr
ancient ~~b~~~ practice, -ibis ex- rock-wall. The individual tombs as well as the larger
sepulchres. pectation, however, is not fulfilled burial places were hewn by preference in steep rock-
those which are known to US are far from having been faces where natnre offered these. For this purpose
examined with respect to their origin and ready use was made of the walls of the caverns which
are of such frequent occurrence in Palestine and which
1 [For the various Hebrew and Greek terms see below, 8 9.1
2 [Recent investigations at Gezer seem to ;how that crema.
furnish natural (see &low). Thus
tion was regular among the earliest inhabitants of that district for example the hollow under the Haram of Hebron-
at least. But it is impossible to speak more decidedly until the
excavations are completed ; see PEFQ, 1g02, pp. 3 4 7 8 1 ' 1 On Job 3 1 5 , see below, t g [j].

5131 5x32
which has not as yet been explored with any detail-is troughs hewn out of the perpendicular rock-wall, I 5 ft.
a cave sepulchre. The finest example of a system of wide and of the length of the body, some 21 ff. above
rock-hewn sepulchres of the type indicated is supplied the level of the floor. These also are invariably arched.
by Petra, the ' City o f Tombs. ' There can be seen the They thus represent a combination of the shelf tomb
most magnificent tombs, series upon series, with with the sunken tomb : a shelf tomb is hewn into the
sumptuous portals, hewn at almost inaccessible heights rock-wall and in this shelf a sunken tomb or mould
in the perpendicular wall. These tombs, it is true, like a coffin is hollowed out.
belong all of them :o the later period, but thus they The observed departures from these four types are
bear witness merely to the persistent survival of the unimportant and in no case alter the fundamental type
practice. If no natxal rock wall was available, then but relate principally to the measurements. In the
such a wall was artificially made by excavating from KihRim double resting-places are met with, that is to say,
the surface downwards in a rocky bed a rectangular Rihim of twice the ordinary width in which two bodies
space with perpendicular walls. A quite characteristic could be laid side by side; down the middle runs a
example of this kind of burying-place is to be seen in little channel-like hollow about a handbreadth wide
the so-called ' Sepulchres of the Kings' at Jerusalem separating the two restir~g-places(see fig. I ) ; there are
(fig. I), though these also belong to the later period instances also of double benches for the reception of
(1st cent. A . D . ) . Here we find a great enclosure two bodies, though these are of rarer occurrence (see
(28 x 2 5 . 3 metres) excavated to a depth of 8 metres in fig. I H).
the solid rock, and reached from the surface by a wide In the trough-tomb class an interesting peculiarity is seen in
stair. The portal to the place of graves properly so- a tomb near Haifa Here the trough-tombs are not, as is
usually the caie like shelf-tombs hewn out lengthways along
called, is on the western wall (see below). the wall, hut lik; KJKim, at right angles to its surface. In this
On the other hand, no example has yet been found case also double tombs occur corresponding to the double kakjm
in Palestine of the shaft-tombs (tombs reached by a mentioned above ; a narrow d i t nearly I foot wide separates the
individual resting-places. Each pair of these is connected
narrow perpendicular shaft).l so frequently met with in breadthways by a semicircular arch.
Egypt and so characteristic for this branch of architec- The tombs jnst described were not simply hewn out
ture there. Yet it does not follow, of course, that this of the rock without further -
type of tomb was wholly unknown in Palestine in the
preparation. Even when it
was but one grave for a single person
olden time. 6. Form Of
that was in question, it was not the
As regards the form of sepulchre proper in Palestine, sepulchral practice to excavate in the rock-surface a
the Phcenician type is closely followed. The extant chambers hollow like the graves we use; by pre-
4. Form examples fall into four classes : ( I ) Pigeon- and groups ference a little subterranean chamber was
of tombs. hole tombs, usually called k i k i m , ~rect- of chambers. made. and the mave was made in the

angular recesses driven into the wall at right floor or in the wall as the case might be. At first sight
angles to the face, arid measuring about 5-6 ft. in length we might feel inclined to connect this general preference
by I* ft. in breadth and depth. Into these the body for subterranean sepulchral chambers with the original
was thrust lengthways. ( 2 ) Sunken tombs which like custom of using caves for purposes of burial. There
was yet another element, however, which contributed to
this result, namely the desire to keep the dead members
of a family, or clan, still united even in the grave. In
such a sepulchral chamber many graves of all the
different kinds could easily be brought together. Subse-
quent stages were the adding of a second chamber to
the first, or several chambers might be connected by
passages, or great subterranean constructions made.
Thus the places of burial fall into three distinct classes :
( I ) simple chambers for one body only which is buried
in a sunken tomb in the floor. These burial chambers
axe frequently unclosed. ( 2 ) Single chambers with
several graves of the different sorts mentioned, prrrticu-
larly k8kim and shelf tombs. ( 3 ) Larger complexes
embracing several chambers. Examples of all three
classes are numerous in Palestine. To the first class,
that of single chambers with only one grave, belong

FIG. pl plan of the tombs of the kings.

our modem graves were hewn out on the upper surface

of the rock and closed with a flat stone. ( 3 ) Shelf
tombs, that is to say benches or shelves on which the
bodies were laid. These shelves either ran at a height
of about 2 ft. round one or more walls of a sepulchral
chamber, or else were hewn lengthways as niches in the
rock wall (about 16 ft. square, and of the length
required for the body) ; in the latter case they were as FIG Z.-Plan of the tombs of the judges.
a rule provided with an arch above. (4) Trough tombs,
many of the tombs on the southern slope of the Valley
1 [Two examples of the shaft-type, however, have been found
of Hinnom. In agreement with the purpose they serve,
at Tell ej-Judeideh. A cylindrical shaft over z metres deep is these chambers are for the most part rather small.
hollowed in the rock, and at the bottom a small doorway leads Amongst these, on the side of the Hill of Evil Counsel,
to an irregular chamber about 7 . 8 0 metres by 1.50 (Rlks and are also some belonging to the second class : single
Macalister, PEF Exca:uationc, r898-1go0, p. 199f: ( I ~ o ? ) . ]
chambers with several graves. For a fuller account of
[2 With the post-biblical D'!iS (Dalman D'?El), are connected
these see Tobler (of. cit., I I below). Very instructive
the i * n ~ and
> iqnn3 of Nahatean and Palmyrene inscr. respec- examples of the third class of larger complexes are
tively; ultimately the word seems to come from the Ass.
kimah&u. For a discussion of other Nabatean terms, see D e found in the so-called Sepulchres of the Kings and of
Vogiie, 'Notes d'kpigraphie arame'enne,' 1 1 7 j fi, 1.As. the Judges in Jerusalem. Both examples indeed are of
(extrait), 1896.1 late date, but the Hellenistic influence (so far as it
appears at all) is shown only in the ornamentation, respects have the same characteristics as single graves.
particularly in the portal, not in the arrangement of the The sunken tomb is also, in the case of family hurying-
complex as a whole. The Sepulchres of the Kings places for the most part regarded as a sign o f a relatively
display best the quite regular type. From the porch late date. Until, however, all the known tombs shall
with a portal in Greek style a qnite low narrow passage have been systematically examined, this question ought
which was closed by a disk of stone leads into the not to be regarded as definitely settled. So also the
approximately cubical antechamber which has no graves. other questions as to the age of the shelf-, niche-, and
Opening out of this on three sides are the three shaft-tomb, and the frequency of their occurrence
sepulchral chambers proper-also approximately cubical, respectively at the different periods remain open.
with shelf and shaft tombs. Each of these chambers Of one form only, namely of the k#kRim, can it he
has a side-chamber also : of these two (fig. I G ) are at definitely affirmed that it was already extensively in use
a lower level and partly go under the principal chamber in the older period, as w-e can also say that the single
-plainly on account of the configuration of the site. chambers (mentioned above under 5 5 [ z ] ) are shown by
the excavations to be, properly speaking, the oldest, and
at all times the most usual type of tomb among the
Israelites. These kikim placed at right angles to the
wall surface, take up least room and permit the intro-
duction of a large number of bodies into one chamber.
This arrangement appears as that most commonly in use io
the Mishna also where it alone ismentioned and precise regula-
tions are laid ddwn as to its size and the like (8&i BathrZ, 6 8).
T h e sepulchral chamber (Q?p, nrd'ZrZh, see CAVES) has to b o
4 cubits in breadth and 6 in length ; the entrance is to be on the
short side; the other short side is to have two kikinr, each of
thelongersides three, makingeight in all. It need not, however
cause any surprise to discover that the sepulchres which hav;
been explored do not accurately answer these prescriptions (the
nearest approach to them is found in a tomb a t ed-Duweimeh
and another on the Hill of Evil Counsel) ; practical necessities
were stronger than prescriptions, and, in particular, the number
of resting-places in each tomb greatly vanes. In reality no rule
5 1.0 1p 30
is observable, but complete freedom prevails, as in the instances
already cited.

F IG. 3.-Plan of the tombs of the prophets.

That we may safely assume for the older period the
employment of large complexes is made evident by the
This difference of level in the various chambers is' the fact that the kings of Judah had two great burial-places
characteristic feature of the sepulchres of the Judges. of this description. In the first and oldest of these were
These (see fig. z ) are on two different levels and, besides, buried the kings down to Hezekiah's time : Manasseh
in the upper sepulchral chamber. above the graves on appears to have prepared a new sepulchre of the Kings
the ground level at a height of about 3 ft. from the ( z K. 418). We may safely suppose these tombs to
surface, there is a second set of chambers and graves. have been of great extent, yet simpler than those of
A complete departure from this regularity is shown in a very
later date, and without much elaboration of ornament.
interesting way by the so-called Sepulchres of the Prophets on Not each separate resting-place was closed, but only
the Mount of Olives which hitherto are quite &que among the entrance to the sepulchral chamber. The sunken
the tombs of Palestin;. They belong to the ancient-that is to 7, Protection tombs-on the surface of the ground
say, at least pre-Grecian- period, and exhibit no trace of
Hellenistic influence. Their original feature (see fig. 3) is that were doubtless as a rule covered with
instead of various chambers of square or rectangular plan
of ~ m b s . a flat stone, but the k#kim on the other
opening into each other, two semicircular passages round a hand were often left open. At the same time there was
rotunda are hewn out of the rock, and connected with one no special ditficulty in this case also in closing the
another and with the rotunda by means of ray-like passages
radiating from the rotunda. In the wall of the outermost entrance with a stone, and this may frequently have
passage are 27 kakim arranged in ray-fashion, hewn out of the been done. In the case of bench tombs, however,
solid rock. Connected with this passage moreover are two side- shutting up was impossible, for there the body,
chambers, also with klikim.
enveloped only in grave-clothes-coffins were not usual
The principal difference between single tombs and -was simply laid upon the shelf. All the more care-
- not so much in com-
family sepulchres is to be sought
fully therefore in these circumstances must the sepul-
6. beof parative size (for even the single tomb chral chambers have been closed and protected againit
can have its antechamber, etc., as well as the entrance of wild beasts. The passages to these
these Its chamber proper) as rather in the chambers are therefore for the most part very low and
_ - I

number and description of the separate resting-places. narrow, so that in entering one has to creep rather than
So far as we are at present in a position to judge, the walk. Even in the case of great sepulchres with fine
single tombs (i.e., tombs with room for one or at most large porches, as for example in the Sepulchre of the
two occupants) have either shelf or trough tombs, and Kings (see fig. I ) , the accesses are of this narrow sort.
according to the pretty generally accepted opinion of 'The external opening in such cases was closed either hy
Tobler, Mommert, and others, such tombs are to be a regular stone door turning on hinges, or-the more
regarded as ancient Jewish. On the other hand, frequent case-by a round stone disk which could b e
according to the same authorities the single burying. rolled and placed before the entrance. Such a disk
place with grave hollowed in the ground is not to be closed for example the entrance to the Sepulchres of the
' dated earlier than the beginning of the Christian era, Kings and is still preserved. For this puryose, naturally,
No instances are known of sepulchral chambers with large and heavy stones were employed, such as one man
only one or two Rihim. This is easily accounted for : alone could hardly move (cp Mt. 2760 : ' h e rollcd a
the use of this description of tomb, which demanded the great stone'). In order to ensure against slipping,
smallest amount of space, was only desirable or necessary another large stone, and doubtless also an underpin
where the problem was to provide a relatively large was frequently placed against the stone that properly
number of resting-places within the same sepulchre. In constituted the door (ZDZ'?7, 1878, pp. 11 f: 14 ;
the case of a single tomb even the smallest sepulchral 1890, P. 177).
chamber was always able to furnish room for a trough Such a method of closing.served to guard the tomb
or shelf tomb (or alternatively a sunken tomb). K5fiinz against the ravages of wild beasts, but not against
m e thus peculi'ar to family sepulchres, which in other human visitants. This last protection, however, was
5135 5'36
quite as necessary as the other. For nothing w3s so Nos. 6-8 are frequently used b y @ indiscriminately to translate
much dreaded as the desecration of the tomb by willul kP6er and k&Z?-cih.]
violators-a dread which is easily explained from what The data supplied establish before aught else the
has been said above ($ I ). And yet, it was not mere great importance that was attached to having the
plundering of the graves, which often contained things members of the same family united even after death in
of more or less vnlue, or yet injury to the bodies or a common tomb.
their disturbance (Jer. 81 z K. 2316) or even the total (Cp Gen. 15 15 2 S. 17 23 T K. 4 3 1 15824 22 51 z K. 1538, and
often.) Barzillai desires to die beside the grave of his father and
destruction of the tcmh, that was feared. For the mother (2 S. 19 38 [37]) ; David in his maq,aniinity causes the
Hebrews it was already a great and wicked outrage if a bones of Saul to be huried in the tomb of Saul’s father Kish
(2 S. 21 14) ; Nehemiah gives it as his reason for wishing to go
corpse not helonging to it was laid in a grave, the dead t o Jerusalem that the fathers are buried there (N eh. 2 5). Jacob
body of one who did not belong to the family. Against and Joseph lay upon their descendants a n oath that they will
such desecration at human hands full protection w a s bring their bones to the sepulchre of their fathers, in the cave of
certainly difticult. In some cases it was possible to hew Machpelah a t Hebron (Cen. 4720f: 4 9 2 9 8 5 0 ~ 5 ) . Hence P’:
constantly repeated phrair ‘ t o he gathered to one’s fathers
out the sepulchre at an inaccessible height on the steep (Gen.26 8 17 35 29 Nu.27 13 31 2 U t 32 50) with the corresponding
rock wall (Is. 2216). But generally speaking it was expression of Kings he slept with his fathers ’ (I K. 1431 158
found necessary to rely simply on the power of established 24 22 j r 2 K. 1.5 38, etc.), expressions both in the first instance to
custom which condemned any such wickedness in be understood literally of tbcir being gathered t o the sepulchre
of their ancestors.
the strongest possible way. In another direction
protection was sought by means of an inscription Not to be buried with one’s ancestors is a great hard-
invoking the severest (curses on any who should disturb ship, a punishment with which conspicuous offenders are
the repose of the sleeper or introduce a strange body threatened by God; as witness the case of the dis-
into. the grave.‘ obedient prophet ( I K. 1322). of Ahaz ( I K. 21 24), and
With the Phcenicians it was a frequent custom to others. Poor people, indeed, who had not the means t o
mark the site of a subterranean tomb by the erection of procure family graves of their own, strangers from a
8. a menlorial above ground. Various distance-pilgrims, for example-as also criminals, had
very interesting Phmnician monuments to be content to find a last resting-place in the comnion
of the kind are still exta.nt. On the other hand we have public burial-place ( z K. 2:3 6 Is. 53 9 Jer. 2 6 2 3 Mt. 277).
none that date from Old Hebrew times. and nowhere in In family tombs naturally none but members of the
the OT is any such practice indicated. The custom family came to be laid ; to bury in it a stranger who
existed indeed of piling a heap of stones over the body had no title to the privilege u-as equivalent to desecrat-
in cases where it had been simply covered wi& earth ; ing it (see above). At the same time, on this point the
the purpose of this, however, was merely to protect views of a later age seem to have grown laxer, and
froin wild beasts (cp z S. 18 17). The pillar in the Valley instances are not wanting in which a stranger was
of Kedron which Absalom raised for himself in his life- admitted to the family tomb. Biit it is always a great
time to keep his name in remembrance ( 2 S. 18 18) was sacrifice and a token of special esteem or regard for the
not strictly speaking a monument but rather a pillar deceased or for his people that is implied (Gen.236
I K. 1 3 3 0 8 2 Ch.2416 Mt.2760).
(rnn;>rihih)having a religious purpose.2 The memorial
also at the grave of the anonymous prophet spoken of These family tombs were made in the oldest times on
in z K. 2 3 1 7 may also have the same meaning. That the family property in the vicinity of the family abode, an
the Hebrews at a later date adopted foreign customs in arraugement which is easy to understand in view of the
this respect also is shown by what we read of the fact that community of iamily life was held to continue
magnificent mausoleum of the Maccabees at Modin after death.
( I Macc. 1 3 2 7 8 ) . See MODIN,5 3. Thus Samuel is huried beside his house in Ramah (I S. 25 x)
Joab in his own house in the wilderness of Judah ( I K. 2 34):
Hitherto little account has been taken of the notices T h e sepulchres of the kings of Judah lay quite close to the
of the subject contained in the OT. These also palace within the citadel in the immediateneighhourhood of t h e
leave us quite in the dark as to the form temple, as we see from Ezekiel’s sharp rebuke (cp Ezek. 43 7).
From Manasseh onwards, the kings were huried in the ‘Garden
9‘ E t T ’ a n d description of the sepulchres of the of Uzza‘(see UZZA ii.); the old burying-place was probably full,
Hebrews. but of course thenew one was made not far from the old. The
[The following Hebrew and Greek terms require ‘Garden of Uzra’ (if Uzza=Azariah) m y well have been a
mention :- garden laid out by that king within the citadel, and thus the
allusion may he to a palace built by Manasseh in the garden of
I . &%e~, l??, E V ‘grave,’ the commonest term, Gen.234, Uzza, in or near which be also prepared his burial-place.
etc. (Is. 22 16 with lsn, pre-supposing a rock -hewn sepulchre It will be readily understood, however, that this very
[Cp H A N DIC R A F T S , I ] ) ; Cp KIUKOTH-HATTAAVAH. soon became an impossibility in the towns, and that for
2. k c l r i ~ a k ,a?!?, E V ‘grave,’ Gen. 35 20, etc.
practical reasons the sepulchres had t o
3. g d G , O‘’??, Job 21 j 2 t (see BDR ; rop6r).
lo.of tombs. be placed outside the walls.
iiiim ( ‘I no. 1 in Is. 86 4) AV ‘ monuments,’ @ mrjhrrrov This became the case all the more an
~~. ~ ~- ~~~~~~

a burial cave, but R V ‘secret places’ is preferable. with a later age the idea of the impurity of sepulchres
d b f k , ni>?$, Job 3 1 5 t , ‘desolate’ (RV ‘waste ’) came into increasing prominence. The law of P enacts
‘places.’ Che. (Ex#. T, Apr. 1899) reads nil??, following that everyone who has come into contact with a dead
Hitz., Budde, Duhm, etc. who see a n allusion to the treasures body or with a bone of a man, or even with a grave,
in royal sepulchres. The h e w that the pyramids in particular shall be unclean for a period of seven days (Nu. 19 16).
are referred to, is maintained by Budde and Duhm, but contro-
verted b y Che. in Ex#o.iitor, 1897 6, 407. 01. and formerly Since, as remarked above (a
8), the underground
Che. read n i l n i ~ ‘palac(%s.’
, But the reference seems t o be to tombs of the Israelites were for the most part not
the splendour of the Sepulchre of the Kings (so a t least Budde, marked out by means of monuments above ground,
Che., etc., but not Di. Davidson). and it was not altogether easy at once to recognise
6. sd$os(iu Ecclus.SOrs=()l~~, a stone placed over a grave),
hft. 33 ’9 AV ‘ tomb’ (RV ‘sepulchre,’ and so E V in 2). 27), etc. from a safe distance a sepulchre or the entrance to one,
7. pvqpm2 hlk. 5 5 Lk. 8 27. the custom arose of white-washing afresh the stone at
Y , 23 29 K V (AV ‘sepulchre’), 2i52f:
8. ~ V ~ ~ E L OMt. (AV the door every spring. In this manner a grave was
‘grave ’), id. 6ua (in 606 AV ‘ sepulchre ’).
made recognisable from afar and the passer-by could
guard himself against defilement (Mt. 2327).
1 Cp, for example, the inscription in the Ermunazar Descriptions of particular tombs are to he met with in almost
sarcophagus, 1. 6, and various Nabatgan inscriptions (Euting all books of travel in Palestine. Of researches of scientific value
Nahaatiiiscke Inschrj/tpn am- ~ r a b i e n[Berlin, 18851,no. 2 ) ; 0; the mnst iniportant will he found in the
the inscription of Darius Hystaspis. Unfortunately no ancient 11.Literature. works named below. Titus l’obler, GoZwfha,
Hebrew tomb inscriptions have come down to US. 1851, and Zwei Blichr To#ogra&e mn
2 For ma$j2hZh (in Ph. ‘gravestone’) see col. 2975, and for Jerusalem, esp. 2 2 2 7 8 : Robinson, BR : Sepp, frwsalenr
~iyylin( p ) , 2 K. 23 17, etc. (RV ‘monument ’), col. 2978 (e). und dar ltcilige Land,(=)1873. esp. 2 ~ 7 3 ;8Karl Mommert.
5’37 5x38
Golgotha una’ das heihge Gra6 zu /erusaZenr (1900); The assume that a i m is an early corruption of l~on-i.e.,
Survey of Wesfern Palestine, 1881 j? Copious material is bipindu, or perhaps of *&pi?d?r (whence *&ipiddu,
also supplied by the journals devoted to Palestine exploration :
PEfiQSt. (1873j?), ZDPV(1878j?), Miftheiiungen u. Naclr- bipindu).
richfen d. Deuischen Pal.-Vereins (1895 ), Rmuc 6i6Zigur This is the name of a precious stone referred to in the Ass.
trzbzestrielZe ( 1 8 8 2 8 ) . For description o&he more important inscriptions (see Del. and Muss-Amolt s.v ) and explained
individual tombs see further Baedeker-Benzinger PaZ. (p. cxi.), there by a6an G&-i.e., not literally ‘isto; of fire,’ but ‘a
and for Phcenician and Syrian tombs de Vogue, ’Syri6 cenfrale flashing stone’=rsiE ,!;I ’&en ’&, in Ezek. 2814 (11 ?I??;
(1865), 1103-110 270.97. I. B. =‘precious stone,’ v. 13).1 Not only in Exodus and Ezekiel
but also in Gen. 2 12 (in the penultimate form of the text);2 id
TONGS (I) n!&Q, mPZ&i&iyim, Is.66, etc., EV Nu. 117, and in Is. 54 12 a thorough textual criticism permits us
rightly. See C OOKING UTENSILS, B 4, and C ANDLESTICK , to restore the word i)Dn (Ass. &&ndu). In the first of these
2. (2) XZQ, mu‘risiiri, Is. 44 12, AV wrongly. See AXE. passages, the statement, ‘there is bdellium and the onyx-stone ’
certainly misrepresents the writer’s meaning. As the text stoyd
a t a comparatively early period it must have referred rather to
TONGUES, CONFUSION OF. See BABEL, the &ipixdu and the S&m.3 In the second passage, we are
[TOWER OF]. bound to bold that the appearance (i9y) of the manna was
likened, not to any resinous substance like B DELLIUM (q.~.),
TONGUES, GIFT OF. See S PIRITUAL GIFTS. but to something which would a t once strike the imagination.
A precious stone like the hijindu satisfies this condition,4
TOPARCHY (TOTTAPXIA [AKC.a.V]), I Macc. 1 1 2 8 and we may plausibly adopt the view of @ that crystal is
AV, RV P KOVINCE (g.v. ). intended : the transparence of rock-crystal (see CRYSTAL) would
make it a n appropriate comparison. I n the third we can
hardly rest satisfied with the purely conjectural kendering
TOPAZ (Yl?2?, TOTTAZION). The precious stone ‘carbuncles’ for n i p *)IN ; experience of corruption elsewhere
called pitduh occurs in the list of stones on the high leads one to emend the first of these words into i y ~ (&@indu),
priest’s breastplate (Ex. 28 1 7 8 = 39 103 ); also in the list disregarding the second a s a corruption of a dittographed
(derived by an interpolator from that in Exodus) of the 1311 (see v. ma). Read, therefore, in Is. 54 12, ,]on’, -ppv>
gems with which the king of Tyre ( l i s ) or perhaps I and thy gates of Bipindu. It only remains to be added tha;
in Job28 19, dn-n:Q? also probably presents two corruptions
hJi+r (imn : see P ARADISE , 3 ) is said in a prophetic
-i.e., not onlyhas m u 3 come out of 113n, but WlD is a mutilated
poem to have been adorned in Eden (Ezek. 2813).
Lastly, a TOT&OV (EV ‘ topaz ’) is represented as one and corrupt form of @&dl) ‘and &aZmi; (see TARSHISH,
of the foundation-stones of the wall of the New Jerusalem STONE OF) where &almiSmay perhaps be the white sapphire
(Rev. 2120). a suitable ’stone to be combined with the hipindu whici
seems to be the rock-crystal (see above). If-this cdrrection
Strabo (16 770) describes the topaz as diaphanous and he accepted, together with the correction of v. 18a given under
emitting a gold-like light (XfBos . .. 6ra@av$s xpuuo- TARSHISH [STONE], 8 3, it will be plausible t D identify the
‘Edomite stone’ mentioned in 7,. 18a with the hipindu-stone
F&S ~ T O U T L X / ~ W V @yyos), not easily
1 . Topaz
of Strabo rnd seen in the daytime for it is outshone referred to in v. 19a. It is also a t any rate posgihle that the
lrijindu-stone should displace the very questionable ‘ apes and
( d ~ c p u v y e i ~ ay dt p ) , and as obtained peacocks ’ in I K. 10z z (see OPHIR).
Rev. 21 x ) only in the Ophiodes island off the R V w . ‘ topaz’ for tar5zJ in Cant. 5 14can hardly he justified,
except as a warning of the Revisers not to be sure that tnrsis‘is
Troglodytic coast of the Red Sea, about the latitude of rightly rendered ‘beryl. See BERYL, TARSHISH (STONE OF).
Berenice.l The monopoly was carefully guarded by the T. K. C.
Ptolemies. Pliny ( H N 378, cp 6 3 4 ) describes the stone TOPHEL ($&h;
TO@OA[BAL]), a locality near
as green, meaning doubtless olive green (e virenti the wilderness, mentioned with Laban, Hazeroth, and
genere), and calls the island Cytis or Topazus. This Di-zahab (Dt. 1I?). See SUPH,W ANDERINGS , 5 IO.
agrees with the Targum’s rendering N ~ TN ~ J ‘, yellow-
green gem,’ in Job 28 19, and with the phrase dip n???, TOPHET, TOPHETH (n@ln?),Is. 3 0 3 3 Jer. 731 etc.
‘p,itdZh of Ethiopia,’ in the (traditional) Hebrew text of The Aramaic connection (see MOLECH, § 3). rejected
this passage. by Delitzsch (Zsniah, E T , 240) has been brilliantly
The stone intended by the Greek geographers was defended by Robertson Smith (in RSW 377 n.). W e
almost certainly the transparent variety of olivine now must not, however, lay too much stress on the supposed
generally known as peridote, which is usually some description of a Topheth ( n n ~ n becomes in EV
shade of olive-pistachio or leek-green (on the yellow c Topheth’) in Is. 3033, for, as well as its context, it is

variety see CHRYSOLITE, TARSHISH [STONE]). The (not incurably) corrupt ; see Crit. Bi6., ad Zoc. The
topaz of modern mineralogists (yellow, blue, or colour- ancient etymologies (from qh, ‘ tympanum ‘ or nn5,
less) was unknown to the ancients. ‘ aperuit ’) need only bare mention. Cp MOLECH, 3.
This may no doubt be a correct identification of the T. K. C.
V Rev. 21 M.
T O T C ~ ~ L Oof It is much less certain whether TORCH (T&, Zuppid; AAMITAC), Nah. 24[s] Zech.
‘ topaz’ (explained as above) is the
Assyrirn right rendering of pitdZh. Is the
in theory more than a superficial con-
1 2 6 Jn. 1 8 3 ( A A M ~ A C ) . Cp LAMP. The military use
of torches was common in ancient warfare ; cp Statius,
The& iv. 6 .
jectuie,z based on the metathesis of On nil)?, p;Zadath, Nab. 2 3 141, see IRON, 5 2.
p and f ’F Can we give any satisfactory philological
account of pitdzh? A Sanskrit etymology (pit., TORMAH (ng7c; for @ see ARUMAH,and cp
yellowish, pale; von Bohlcn) is still to be found in Moore, ‘Judges,‘SBOT[Heb.]), mentioned in the story
some books of reference : but for such a case there of A BIMELECH ( g . ~ . ) ,Judg. 9 3 1 EVmg. Moore and
is no sure analogy ( n p m is surely not a Sanskr. Budde identify it with AKUMAH (4.v.).
loan-word ; see E MERALD ), and no tradition mentions Very possibly both ; I n i H (Arumah) and Tormah (7n.m) are
India as the home either of the T O T ~ { L O V or of the corruptions of 5xony.. Underlying the present story of Gideon
pi@%. Experience leads us to suspect that there may who was of Ophrah near Shechem (so Moore), there seems t:
have been an earlier tale with different geography. The dis-
be a transcriptional error, and if so it is reasonable to tricts of Ophrah and Cusham-jerahmeel were among those
look to Assyria for a word out of which moa may have which the ‘children of the East’ (or ‘rather [col. ‘719, n. 41 the
been corrupted. Using this key we may very plausibly Amalekites) devastated, and which Gideon set free from their
~ _ _ _ .

1 Cp Diod. Sic. 3 39 : AiOos 6ia+aLv6pevos ;arreprris, 3dAm 1 See C HERUB , col. 742, n. 2. The same transition from
aapsp+ppir K& Oavpaurfv ~ y ; ~ ~ p v urrp6uo+~v
ov rrapc,y6pevoF-‘ i ‘ hurning ’ to ‘ flashing ’ occurs in the use of hamritu, ( I ) to burn,
stone of a pleasing diaphanous [“glow~ng,”see L. and S.] char- (2) to flash. Cpbimtu, ‘bright, shining.’ See Del. Ass. HWB.
acter, someyhat like glass, and presenting a wonderful golden 2 For the most probable original form of the text, see PARA-
appearance. DISK, 8 5.
2 Precisely such a guess led to the renderin5 of 13 byroa&<‘ov Read onvni imnn im ow. CP GOLD,5 1 ; OI\.YX. 63, it
in Ps.119 127, unless indeed TOT. there IS a corruption of is true, gives id&, perhaps reading nipu instead of n h ~ .
aa5. But in 63 Cant. 5 TI, 13 is transliterated as $a<. [.e., for n h x ’y3 read i n n p 2 .
5139 5140
raids and hft. Jerahmeel (not Gilboa, see S AUL , S 4) was the A third word for ‘tower’ is ’?8, Arfizan, Is. 32 14 (RV ‘ watch-
placd where the hero encamped. Cusham-jerahmeel was the city
of which Abimelech made himself king, and Jerahmeel (or tower’), or ]’?? (Kr. ]?n?), Is. 23 13 (of siege-towers), and a
rather no doubt, some popular shortened form of it) was the fourth is fiq,nzri‘az, which unites the meanings of ‘fortress’
name bf the place (in the Jerahmeelite region) where Ahime.
lech resided when Zehul sent word to him of Gaal’s intrigues. and ‘refuge’ (Ps. 27 I 31 5 [4], etc.); see Del. on Ps. 31 5 [4].
c p SHECHEM. T O W N in EV sometimes corresponds to ( I ) l’‘ir $,
It is important to notice ( I ) that P knows of Gideoni (see CrTyFr.g., in ‘ unwalled town‘ (Dt. 3 5 R V w . ‘country
as a Benjamite name (Nu. 111, etc.), (2)that the list of town ’ ; Esth. 9 ~ g ) , or ‘town [RV city] in the country
David’s heroes ( z S. 2327) contains the name of Abiezer I S.27 j (nl,?:! ’ly nnfig); also to four of the terms [(z),
the Anathothite, and ( 3 ) that an Ophrah is known to (3), (4), (S)] also rendered V ILLAGE (q
have existed in the land of Benjamin ; Gideon was, upon
T O W N C L E R K (rpAMMATeyC), Acts 19 35. See
this theory, a hero of S. Palestine. Cp M EONENIM , E PHESUS , 8 2.
MOREH. T. K. C .
T R A C H O N I T I S . The name of the,region surround-
TORTOISE (Zy, G b ; o KPOKOAEIAOC o xep- ing and including the ‘Trachon, a remarkable
C A ~ O C; crocodilus).The Heb. word thus rendered by 1. N ~ m e . volcanic formation, beginning about 25 ni.
the AV in Lev. 11251. has been supposed by some to S. of Damascus, and 40 m. E. of the Sea of
mean a kind of crocodile (cp d Pesh., etc.), whilst, Galilee, mentioned in the Bible only once, Lk. 31 (74s
according to the Talmudists, it denoted a ‘toad.’ ‘IToupafar K U ~T ~ U X W ~ ~ T L ~ O Sas part of the
Most, however, take the word, like its Ar. equivalent ‘tetrarchy’ of Philip, one of the sons of Herod the
dabb, to mean some kind of L IZARD ( 4 . u . ) ; RV renders Great (see vol. z col. zo33f:, 2041f.). The word
G REAT L IZARD . itself is a derivative of Tpdxwv, the name given by the
The tortoise, which AV referred belongs to that grou pf Greeks to the ’ rough ’ and rugged areas, formed by lava
the Reptilia called the Zhelonia ’which is representecf in
Palestine by two specie; of land tArtoise and several aquatic. deposits, which are characteristic of the region S. and
Testudo ibera, the Mauritanian tortoide, is the commonest E. of Damascus (see Fischer’s Map of this district in
species; it is widely distributed independent of soil, and is ZDPY 12 [1889]H., 4 ) . Strabo (xvi.220) speaks of two
found from Mogador to Persia. I n S. Palestine its place is
taken by T.Zeithii, which prefers a sandy soil. The terrapins, ‘ hills ’ called Tpdxwves beyond Damascus (Sr+wsrv.rac
CZemmys carpica, var. rivulala, are frequent in the streams G’adrijs 6ui, hqbpevor hb+oor Tpdxwuer) : the more remote
and pools of Palestine, and Emys 0~6icularis,a synonym for and easternmost of these is the rugged basaltic area,
E . europea, is found in the lakes of Gennesaret and Hiileb. bare and uninhabited, now called Tuizil ej-SafZ (‘ the
T h e Egyptian soft tortoise, Trionyx triunguis= T. q y j t i a c u s ,
a n African species, has been taken in the Ligani and the Nahr- hills of stone ’), 55 m. SE. of Damascus : the other
el-Kelb. A. E. S.-S. A. C. is the nearer and better known ‘ Trachonitis ’ of Philip,
T O R T U R E ( E T Y M l l A N I C e H C A N ) , Heb. 1135. see corresponding to the modern f i j u ( i . e . , Zujuhh,
MACCABEES (S ECOND ), § 8. refuge, retreat), so called because, from its physical
character, it forms a natural fortress or retreat, where
TOU (Wh),I Ch. 189f:; in 2 S. 89 Tor. bandits could feel themselves secure, or which could be
TOW. ( I ) i’ll@S, piSteh, Is. 43 17, RV FLAX. (2) held by a small body of defenders against even a
nlbl, nr“dvcf&, Judg. 16 g Is. 131 ; J1J1, ‘ to shake,’ so ‘that determined invader.
which is shaken off’ from the flax (see BDB). The entire region S. and SE. of Damascus was once
T O W E R . The psalmists qompare God to a lofty, actively volcanic, and the SE. corner of the Leja is
impregiiable tower or fort ; Z4yQ, miig&b, and ilTlYP, contiguous to the NW. end of the IebeZ
m&zid&h,occur in combination, 183 [.I, also separately.
a’ Desrrip- Nuurdn range-called also now, from its
having been largely colonised by Druses
il.fisg.66 conveys the idea of height ; M&iddh that of
migrating from Lebanon, the Jebel ed-DMa-with its
ambush (David’s ngxp. EV ‘ hold,’ may have suggested
many conical peaks (Ps. 68 16f: [15f.]), the craters of
the application of the ‘termI ) . But the ordinary word extinct volcanoes ; and it is to the streams of basaltic
for tower ‘ is $;!n, migdd, an old Canaanitish term, lava, emitted in particular by the Ghurdrut el-k-ib-
also found as a loan-word in Egyptian (see MIGDOL, Ztyeh, and the neighbouring TeZZ Shi&in (see view in
and cp N AMES , § 106). Towers were used both for the Merrill, IS), at the NW. end of this range, that the
defence of cities (see FORTRESS, 5) and for the pro- Leja owes its origin. In shape, the Leja resembles
tection of flocks and vineyards (see CATTLE, § I , and roughly a pear ; it is about 25 m. long from N. to S.
cp ‘ tower of the watc:hmen,‘ z K. 179 ; ‘ tower of the and 19 m. broad from E. to W. ; and it embraces an
flock,‘Mic. 48, cp EDER). These protecting towers were area of some 350 sq. m. It rises to a height of from
probably adjoined by the rude houses of peasants, and 20 to 40 ft. above the surrounding plain, so that it
out of these groups of dwellings larger places would looks from a distance like a rocky coast ; its surface is
arise. rugged, and intersected by innumerable crevices and
The towers of Babel (Gen. 11 4), Penuel (Judg. 8 9 17) Shechem fissures. ‘ I n its outline or edge the bed is far from
(Judg. g q 6 8 ) , and Siloam (Lk. 134, &pyx) are kspecially being regular, but sends out at a multitude of points,
mentioned ; also in AV of 2 K. 5 a4, a tower which, from v. 8,
we might believe to he that of Samaria. But though 559,
black promontories of rock into the surrounding plain.
‘&W, will hear the meaning ‘tower ‘ in Is. 32 ‘4 (11 i”), the Through this rugged shore there are a few openings
primary sense of the word is ‘hill’ (lit. ‘swelling’). Hence
into the interior, hut for the most part it is impassable,
RV renders ‘hill.‘ The versions all render as if they read and roads had to be excavated to the towns situated
$$, ‘Zphel (c.g., Tg. ‘e?.7n$, ‘to a secret place’; Q cis io within it.’ The appearance of the Leja is very strange.
anorcrvdv). Pesh., however, implies ; 1 $k-!’K. Cp OPHEL. ‘ Its surface is black, and has the appearance of the sea
We also hear of a ‘tower of David ’ (Cant. 4 4) which may be a when it is in motion beneath a dark cloudy sky, and
slip for ‘ tower of Solomon ’ (cp I K. 72), and, i t least in the EV, when the waves are of good size, but without a n y
of the ‘ tower’ of SYENEm(q.v.),and cp MIGDOL. white crests of foam. Rut this sea of lava is motionless,

1 I n I Ch. 11 7 12 8 16, rue find l$p (EV ‘hold,’ except in 11 7, and its great waves are petrified. In the process of
where AV ‘castle,‘ R V ‘stronghold’); the ‘city of David’ is cooling the lava cracked, and in some cases the layers
meant, for which 2 S. 5 7 has ” p p (EV ‘strong hold ’). of great basalt blocks look as if they had been prepared
2 I t also exists in Tihvan (an ofkhootof Satean). and in M I :
and placed where they are by artificial means. In other
hut there is no trace<?-& in Ais&n.
3 T h e difficult phrase rendered in E V ‘as a besieged city’ 1 See Wetatein, Hauran, 6 8 ; Porter, Damarcus 321 x p J ;
(Is. l a ) means rather, as Hitz. and Ges. (Tkes.) suppose, a Burton and Drake, Unexplored Sylin (1872), 1 zo;-qo ; V.
watch-tower’(>irs) l + y =p q y j 5,ln). Nearlyso thinks Duhm. Oppenheim, Vom MitteZmeer zum Pers. G o y (1899), 1229.33
n u t this has no solid basis. Perhaps we shoud read n?VY 1.Y. (with photographs).
In 1838,6000nruses defendedit successfullyagainst Ibrahim
‘ a forsaken city,’ or the like (see ‘ Isaiah,’SBOT(Addenda). Pasha, who lost 20,000 men in the attempt to force it.
164 5141 5142

E,'.C'I'CLOPAE:IA 6,CLlCA 1333,

INDEX T O NAMES I N MAP (E-Z)-continuedfrom~€rstharfof Map

derb el-Haj, CD2-6
umm el-Jind, D6 (BETHGAMUL)
Jordan, A3-6
shari'at-el ManPdireh, AB4, 5 (GOLAN) Sa'sa', C2 (PHARPAR)
jebel el-MUi', D2 Sauwarah, E3 ( T R A C H O N ~5 S3),
Halbiin, D I ( HELBON)
Hamad, DE6
Hammath, Ag
el-Hammeh, Ag
Jurein, D4 (ASHTAROTH)

tell el-KBdi, A3
jebel K a f k f a , B6 (G ILEAD )
el-Mq'adiyeh, Aq (B ETHSAIDA )
el-Maj, DE I , z
el-Merkez. C4 (ASHTAROTH)
Miryamin, A6
L Semachonitis, A3
tUla eSh-SWb%t, E3
OF) i
H h , B3 jebel Kalamim, D i Mismiyeh, D3 (TRACHONITIS, 5 3) esh-Shari'a, A3, .4 (J ORDAN , $ I )
b F r el-Hariri, D4 Kanata, D j (TRACHONITIS, $ 4) jisr el-MujHrni, Ag (J ORDAN , 5 6)
N. el-H+bXni, Az (A IN , z ) KanawXt, E 4 Mujeidel, D4 (T RACHONITIS , 5 3)
jebel qh-Sheikh, Bz
tell e&-Sheikha, B3 J
5 2)
HX~bEyti,Az ( B A A L - H A M D N ) dqir K a n m , C I el-Mushennef. F4 (T RACHONITIS , 4 ) tell S h - m , E4 (TRACHONITIS,
Hauran, DE4, 5 w. el-Karn, BCI el-Muzeirib, Cg Shuhbah, E 4 ( TRACHONITIS, 5 3)
Hauran, DE4, 5 sheriiat el-Kebireh, As, 6 (J ORDAN , 5 I) Siisitha, A4, 5
jebel Haufin, E5 Kenath, E4 Nawa, C4 (PALSTINE, 5 12) Skiiyeh, Aq
el-Hazm, E3 (BASHAN, $3) K e d , Dg Nej-, Dq (T RACHONITIS , 5 3) es-SuwaS, Eg (T RACHONITIS , 5 3)
HebrHn, Eg (TRACHONITIS, 5 3) Kersa, A4 (GERASENES, C OUNTRY O F ) deir Nileh, E3 (T RACHONITIS , 9 3) jebel belrrd e+-Suwet, BC5
Herrnon, Bz urn K&., A s en-Nukia, BCz-4 ( DECAPOLIS)
HCyHt, E4 (BASHAN,5 3) ard el-Khanilfis, D3 T w t Fa& A6
Hiexomax, Ag (G ADARA ) Khisfin, B4 (C ASPHOR ) Palma, Aqueduct of, DES W Tabariyeh, A4, 5
Hippos, Ag (G ALILEE , S EA O F , 5 7 ) Khubab, C3 (BASHAN,$ 3) Pella, A6 lower wady et-Teim, Az (S YRIA , 5 5)
Hit, E4 (BASHAN. 5 3) Khiteh, D4 (T RACHONITIS , 5 3) Phaenae, D3 upper wady et-Teim, ABI, z (SYRIA,5 5)
kal'at e l - q q , Aq el-Kubbeh, D3 et-Tell, Aq
ard el-HSeh, A3 jebel el-Kuleib, Eg beit er e, Bg (E DREI ) j e M eth-Thelj, Ba '
bahret el-Htileh, A3 ( MEROM,W ATERS O F ) el-KunCfra, B4 Rhheyg, BI Sea of Tiberias, A4. 5
el-KunCtra, B3 er-Remtheh, Cg Tibneh, A6
'IlmL, D4 Kureim, D3 (T RACHONITIS , 3) Roman Road, DEz-6 Trachon, D4
Irbid, Bg Kureiyeh, Eg (T RACHONITIS , § 3) nahr e r - R u W , B4 (GOLAW) Trachonitis, D4
*Ire, Eg sheikh S d , C 4 (ASHTAROTH) Tsil, B4
Lebanon, A I Saheni el-JaulXn, B4 (G OLAN ) et-Turra, Bg
Jabesh, A6 el-Leja, D 3 (T RACHONITIS , 5 3) Sahn, D3 (T RACHONITIS , $ 3)
JaulBn, B3, 4 jebel LibnBn, AI Salcah, Fg Yarmiik, B4 (&LAN)
ej-JSdtir, C3 (GPWR) nahr L i t h i , A I , z (L EBANON , $ 6 ) Salchad, Fg
tell ej-Jtna, Eg tell e l - E z , Fg samakhv AS Zeiziin, Bg
beit Jenn, Bz (P HARPAR ) q - w a m t n , C3 jebel ez-Zumleh, Cg, 6 (BASHAN,5 I)
nahr ej-Jennsni, Bz ( P HARPAR ) kefr el-Ma, B4 (ALEMA)


Parewhses indicating orticks that refw to ticC place-names are in certain cases added to non-biblical names having no biblical equivalent. The alpAabctica1
arrangement usual& ignores pmJxes :ar@ ('land ' ), bahret ( Zake '), bcir ( ' house '), beldd ( towns '), &rb ( ' road ' ), &r ( monastery '), ed-, ej-, cr-, es-, esh-,
et-, e*- ( ' t h e ' ) , iklim ('district'), J. (jtbe2, 'mountain'), kal'at ('cast&'), kanrit ( ' c a n a l ' ) , kasr ('castle'),kcfr ('village'), metj ('meadow'),N. (nahr,
a river '), s . h i a t ( ' wateringplace:), slik (' market '), t d 2 ( I mound '), tullil mounds '), wmm ( ' mother'), W. (wddy, ' valky ').
( I

jebel el-'AEyeh, D3 tell el-Asfar, E3 Bosra, Eg (T RACHONITIS , 5 3) Edrei, C5

Abil, Bg tell el-'Ash2ir, F5 Bostrenus, AI 'Ediin, B6
Abila, C I tell el-Ash'ari, C4 ( BASHAN,$ 3 ) BurHk, D3 (T RACHONITIS , 5 3) w. el-EhrEr, BC4, 5 (ASHTAROTH)
Ahila, Bg tell 'Asht&, C4 (BASHAN,$ 3) Bureikeh, E4 (T RACHONITIS , 5 4) Ephron 2, Bg
Adra, Cg W r e t eL'Atebeh, E I , 2 B q r el-Hariri, D4 Ezra', D4 (BASHAN,5 3)
el-'i\fineh, Eg (T RACHONITIS , $ 4 ) 'Atil, 4 (T RACHONITIS , 3) Buthheh, E4
' A i b , Br Auranitis, DE4, 5 Fahl, TabakLt, A6
n a y el-'Ajam, CD2 (GOLAK) nahr el-A'waj, CD2 ( P H A R P A R ) Caesarea Paneas, A3 tell el-FXra, F 4
jebel 'Ajliin, B6 (JBZREEL) merj 'Ayiin, A2 (I J ON) Casphor, Cg el-Fijeh, C I (A BANA)
el-'& A4 (E LBALEH ) Filr. 4 (APHEK,3)
Alema, D4 B%ni@s, A3 (B AAL - GAD ) jebel e - p a h r , AB1 (L EBANON , 5 3) kanat Fir'aun, B j (C ONDUITS )
nahr el:AIkn, B4 (GOLAN) wady BaradH, C I (A BANA ) D h a , D4 (T RACHONITIS , 5 3)
mons Alsadamus, EFg s@ wLdy Barad%, C I (A BANA ) Damaxus, D I Gadara, Ag
&met el-'Aly&, D4 (T RACHONITIS , 5 3) nahr Barbar, Cz (PHARPAR) Dan, A3 Gerasa, A4 (GERASENES, C OUNTRY OF)
Aqueduct, Ancient, €45 n. el-BMik, A I (L EBANON , 5 6) Dathema, Cg k q r wHdy el-Ghafr, Bg
Aqueduct of Palma, DES Bashan, BC3, 4 Decapolis, A-Dg GharSret el-Kibliyeh, E 4 (T RACHONITIS ,
w. el-'Arab, Ag ( EPHRON) ard el-Bathaniyeh, EF3, 4 tell elfa'. E3 s4
el-A'raj, Aq (BETHSAIDA) el-Bafiha. Aq (G ALILEE , S EA O F , 5 3) Der'at. c g el-GhGr, As, 6 (J ORDAN )
Arbela, Bg iklim el-Belkn, Bz Dimashk, Dr Golan, B3, 4
nahr el-'Arni, BC2 ( P HARPAR ) Bosor, D4 jebel ed-Driiz, Eg. 6 (T RACHONITIS , $ z ) Golanitis, B3, 4

For continuation see back of other half Of Map.

la, __-
cases, the hillocks have split. lengthwise, or sometimes that, there being temporary barracks in the place, they
into separate portions ; and thus seams have been are not liable to have soldiers billeted upon them ; and
opened, forming great fissures and chasms which can- the inscription begins : ’IodXios Zarodpvtuos Qarvvuiors
not be crossed. Elsewhere again the lava bed has not ~ ~ T P O K W , L70;L ~ ~T p d x w v o s Xaipeiv. Two other
been broken into snch small hillocks, but has more the pvrpoxwpiai, or capital cities, of the Trachon are also
appearance of what we call a rolling prairie. There are known, viz. popeXa0. now Bureikeh (Wadd. 2396),
between the hillocks, and also in the rolling parts, many and Zorava, now Ezra‘ (Wadd. 2480, cp 2479).
intervals of soil, free from stones, which are of surpris- It must not, however, be supposed that such cities
ing fertility’ (Merrill, E. of Jordan, I I ~ . ) . The soil in are peculiar to the Leja. The entire region, including
these depressions is still cultivated in parts, and affords the slopes of the J. HaurBn, and the plains bordering
pasture for flocks : remains of ancient vineyards have on the Leja, is studded with deserted towns and villages,
also been found in them. At many points (idid. 14) testifying to a once’flourishing and prosperous civilisa-
there are copious springs, though not, apparently tion. Thus we have Hit, HEyBt, Butheneh, Shuka
(Rindfleisch, IS), in the interior. Besides the seams (Shakka, ZaKKaia), E. of the Leja ; Suleim, KanawBt,
and fissures that have been spoken of, there are also Si‘ (with an inscription on a statue erected to Herod
many caves, which have been occupied as dwellings. the Great: Wadd. 2364), ‘Atil, SuwPdB, Hebrsn,
Bands of robbers lurk in them at the present day (cp ‘Ire, Kureiyeh, and Salbad, with its great castle (see
how Porter was attacked, Damascus,P) 2 7 3 8 ) . Out- S A L C A H ), on the W . and SW. slopes of J. HaurHn;
laws from the settled portions of the country flee hither, the important city and fortress of Bo?‘%, 20 m. S. of
and are comparatively safe. In the vicinity of DBmH the Leja,’ described by Porter (173-189, 2 0 0 8 , 218-
(the highest point in the LejH) ’ so rough and rugged is 239, 2 4 8 8 ) and Merrill (32-58) ; Der‘Ht (see EDREI)
the country, so deep the gullies and ravines, and so 20 m. SW. of it ; as well as many other places (Wetz-
lofty the overhanging rocks, that the whole is a laby- stein says there are 300 on the E. and S. slopes of
rinth which none but the Arabs can penetrate ‘ (Porter, J. HaurBn alone). The general character of all these
283).’ deserted places is the same: the Leja supplied the
It is worthy of note how closely these descriptions building material ; and this determined the style of the
agree with Josephus. He says, in connection with the architecture. The dwellings are constructed of massive
order given by Augustus (see below, 5 4) to check the well-hewn blocks of black basaltic lava, with heavy
depredations of the Trachonites, how difficult it was to doors moving on pivots, outside staircases, galleries,
do this :- and roofs, all of the same material (see the descriptions
‘For they possessed neithercities nor fields but lived together just quoted, and the photographs in Heber- Percy,
with their cattle in subterranean retreats and caves. They had frontispiece’ 41’ 46’ 61’ 65’ 69’ etc’). Many Of
however constructed reservoirs for water and granaries for these cities are in such a good state of preservation that,
corn, a d being invisible could long resist a’foe. Theentrances
to the caves are narrow even for ersons entering one at a time as Wetzstein observes (49), it is difficult for the
whilst within they are incredibly yargeand madespacious. Th; traveller not to believe that they are inhabited, and to
ground above the dwellings is not high, but as it were a plain
The rocks are everywhere rugged and difficultto find a way expect, as he walks along the Streets, to see persons
amonz. excent when a &de ooints out the oaths: for even moving about the houses. The architecture of these
theseare not’straight, bEt hav; many winding;’ (Ani. xv. 10 I). desertgd sites (which include temples, theatres, aque-
But, though this was the character of the population ducts, reservoirs, churches, etc. ) is of the Grzco-Roman
of the Leia . in Tosephus’
- time, before long it changed period, and is such as to show that, between the first
(see 5 5) : civilisation entered, and ci‘;ies and the seventh century A. D., they were the home of a
3*Cities and were built, the remains of which are in thriving and wealthy population.
many cases standing to the uresent The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan followed b some
day. Thus on the N., just within &e Leja, &e have moderns as Porter, Akrrill, and Heber-Per&),identify ?mchon
Burlk (Porter,(2) 1 6 4 . 5 ) ; then (going southwards) with the ‘region of Argoh ’ (Dt. 8 4 qf:I K. 4 13). See, against
this view, ARGOBand BASHAN(col. 497), above ; also Driver on
on, or a little outside, the E. edge, eS-SuwHrah Dt.$ 4 5, and ‘Argob’ in Hastings’ DB.
(P. 169),el-Hum, and (inside the Leja) Sahr (Heber- Trachon, or the Trachonitis,2 is mentioned frequently
Percy, 31-39, 4 3 3 : p. 32 ‘the track to Sahr winds by Josephus, chiefly in connection with the predatory
amongst the fissures, gaps, holes, and waves of the 4. History. practices of its inhabitants. In 25 B.C.
lava, that now extends in a n undulating unbroken one Zenodorus, a bandit-chief, held, on
sheet for a few yards, and then is cracked and broken payment of tribute to Cleopatra, the former domain of
up into every conceivable form. Even the semblance Lysanias (see col. 2841); and he, to increase his
of a track soon faded away’), DEr Nileh ( H P 47), revenues, so encouraged the lawless Trachonites in
and Shuhbah. between the Leja and J. HaurBn their raids upon the people of Damascus, that the latter
(P. 1 9 0 8 ; H P 5 9 8 ); on the S., NejrHn and Busr appealed to Varro, the governor of Syria, to lay their
el-Hariri (P. 2 6 6 8 ) ; on the SW. Ezrd (P. 271 ; case before Augustus. Augustus sent back orders that
Merrill. 2 6 8 ) ; on the W., Kirateh, Mujeidel, Khubab this ‘ robbers’ nest ’ (Xnurljptov) should be destroyed ;
(Chabeb), and Kureim (P. 2 7 9 8 ; M. 24-32); on and Varro accordingly made an expedition against
the NW., Mismiyeh (M. 16-22, with illustration of them. Afterwards, in order more permanently t o
temple: the ruins, according to Porter, 284, are reduce them to order, Augustus placed the country
3 m. in circuit, and contain many buildings of consider- under the control of Herod the Great, who, with the
able size and beauty); and in the heart of the Leja, help of skilful gnides, successfully invaded it, and
DBma (or DBmet el-‘AlyB, Wetzst. 25), the largest secured, at least for the time, ’ peace and quietness for
town in the interior, with about 300 houses, mostly in the neighbouring people’ ( A n t . xvi. 101 cp 3 ; more
good preservation (Burckh. I I O ) . ~ briefly, BJi. 204). The Trachonites, however, dis-
Mismiyeh (the ancient Phrene) is interesting on satisfied with being obliged to a till the ground and live
account of an inscription found there by Burckhardt in quietly.’ and finding also that it rewarded their labours
1810 (TYuveL in Syria, 1822, p. 117 ; also Merrill, hut meagrely, took advantage of Herod’s absence in
p. 20, and Waddington, No. 2524), which demonstrates Rome (about g B.c.) to revolt, and resumed their raids
the identity of the Leja with the Trachon. Julius ’upon the more fertile territory of their neighbours.
Saturninus, consular legate of Syria, under Alex. Herod’s generals inflicted a defeat upon them ; but
Severus, issues a public notice informing the inhabitants about forty of the robber-chiefs escaped into ‘ Arabia’
1 The soil of HaurSn mrfside the Leja, it should he remarked, 1 Both Eus. (US268 269 298) and the Talm. (see Schiircr,fz)
is singularly rich and fertile (cp BASHAN, 5 2). 1353,)!( 1426) speak of Trachon as in the neighbourhood of, or
a See further the list of places in HaurSn (including the Leja), horderlng on BosrZ.
with explanatory remarks in ZDPY,1889, p. 278& a Josephu; uses both terms.
5743 5’44
( L e . Xabataea, S. of H:aurHn), whence they raided both formed part of the kingdom of Herod Agrippa 11. (Acts
Judaea and Coele-Syria. Herpd, upon his return to 25 1 3 f l ) , inscriptions and buildings dating from whose
Syria, finding himself unable to reach the robbers reign are numerous both in the Leja itself and in other
themselves, invaded Trachon and slew many of their parts of Haur5n.l The most important step in the
relations there, in retaliation for which they still more history of the civilisation of this entire district, however,
harassed and pillaged his territory (Ani.xvi. 91). In was taken in 106, when Trajan created it into the new
the end, Herod threw 2000 Idumzeans into Trachonitis province of ' Arabia,' with Bog% as its capital. Trajan's
(i6. 2), and placed a I3abylonian Jew named Zamaris, agent in accomplishing this was Cornelius Palnia,
a leader of mercenaries, in command of the surrounding governor of Syria from 104 to 108, whose work in bring-
districts. Zamaris built fortresses, and a village called ing an aqueduct into Kanata (now Kerak) is com-
Bathyra, and protected the Jews coming up from memorated in an inscription found at el-'Afineh (Wadd.
Babylon to attend the feasts in Jerusalem against the 2296-2297 ; cp 2301, 2305). It does not fall within the
Trachonite robbers. The consequence was that, till the scope of the present article to pursue the history further :
end of Herod's reign, the country around Trachonitis it may therefore suffice to remark generally that the direct
enjoyed tranquillity (Ani. xvii. 2 1-2). influence of the Romans began almost immediately to
Upon Herod's death, his son Philip ( 4 B.C.-34 A.D. ) make itself felt : roads and aqueducts were constructed ;
received, by his father's will, the ' tetrarchy' of during the second and third centuries basilicas, teniples,
Gaulanitis (Jaulan), Batanaea (the ' Bashan ' of the theatres, and other buildings rapidly multiplied ; in-
OTj, Truchonitis, and Auranitis ('Haurgn'), as well scriptions, sepulchral, dedicatory, architectural, become
as a part of the former domain of Zenodorus (Ant. more abundant ; and a new and unique civilisation,
xvii. 81 1 1 4 ; cp xviii. 46 5 4 BJxi. 63). Under Philip's externally Roman, but including within it a strange
just and gentle rule ( A n t .xviii. 46) the same tranquillity combination of Greek and Semitic elements, is the
was no doubt maintained; for Strabo, writing about result (see further details and references in GASm. H G
25 A . D ., says (xvi. 2 2 0 ) that since the robber bands 6248). A Roman road, it may be added, starting
under Zenodorus had keen put down, the country round from Damascus, runs through the Leja, passing
had, through the good government of the Romans, and Mismiyeh in the N., and Bureikeh in the S. ; and going
as a result of the security afforded by the garrisons on to Bo+, Philadelphia (Rabbath Ammon), Moab,
stationed in Syria, suffered far less from the raids of etc. (cp Rindfleisch, 2 4 ) .
the barbarians. After Philip's death ( 3 4 A.D.), as he Burckhardt, as cited above 18
(Hauran) r 1 0 8 (the Leja) .
left no sons, his tetrarchy was attached by Tiberim to J. G. Wetntein.. Keise6erirhj ibm Hauranh. die Trachonen:
the province of Syria (Ant.xviii.46). In 37 A. D ., 1860 (epoch-making) especially pp. 2 5 8
however, Caligula bestowed it upon Herod Agrippa I.
6. Litemture. Porter(=P, $3),E.i~~YearsinDamas~-us(2) f
hferrill(=M, $3). E. ofJordan, and Heber-
(Ant. xviii. 6 I O end; BJii.96), who held it-as an Percy ( = H P , ( 3). A Visit to Bashan a d Argu6, 1896, as
inscription commemorating his safe return from Rome referred to above ; the account of Stiihel's ' Reise with map in
( 4 1 A.D.foundat atel-Mushennef, shows(Wadd. 2211)-
ZDPV,1889,pp. 225.302 (important) 2; RindfleiGh, 'Die Land-
schaft Haursn in riimischer Zeit u. in der Gepenwart,'in ZDPV,
as far as the E. slopes of the Jebel ed-Driiz. The rule 1898,.pp. 1-58 (on the 'Leja, 5-7 14f: 17 24 4)
; v. Oppenheim;
of Agrippa seems to mark the beginning of a new ofi. ctt. 1 8 7 8 (chaps. S 5 on Haursn generally ; chap. 4 on the
stage in the civilisation of the entire district : Greek Druses). The standard authority on the archiirctrrre of HaurHn
is de Vogiie's fine work, Syrip Centraze, Architecture C i u i k
inscriptions now begin to multiply, and we have many et ReZigieusc du ie au vi& si2cZe (1867), containing 150 plates
records in stone o f the building of public edifices. with explanatory descriptions (though little relating specificall;
Agrippa I. died (Actsl223) in 4 4 A.D., and, as his son to the Leja); see more briefly GASm. FfG 6298
For inscriptions (from Haursn generally, as well as the Leja)
was still a minor, Trachon and the neighbouring parts see the works cited under BASHAN. S 5 ; and add Burton and
were administered by a procurator under the governor Drake, op. cif. 2 379-3". S. R. D.
of Syria. From 53 to' 100 the old tetrarchy of Philip


Introductory (S I). No trading classes; tribal monopolies Barter, standards of value (( 20).
Conditions of trade in W. Asia (S 2). ($8 12-16). Trade and Religion (99 21-24).
Varieties of soil and fertility ((1 3-6). Trade of W. Asia with India and Europe Syrian commerce and industry ; Amarna
Distribution of stones and metals (S 7). (S ~ 7 J f . Letters (SS 25-27).
Great empires and trade ; political effects Means of carriage by land and sea (D 19).
(§$ 8-11).
~ I

Natural lines of traffic ; E v t (B 28). Egypt to Syria (%32). Northern Syria (5 39).
Nile and Red Sea ; Indian cean (5 zgfi). Cross-routes : Desert of Tih, Negeb (D 33). Assyria and Babylonia (5 40).
Arabia (!j 31). Main and cross routes : Palestine (gg 34-

Periods (5 41). Early monarchy ; Saul to Solomon (89 48- Exile and Persian period (8s 5542).
Early traditions (S 42s) 50). Greek period (58 63-67).
Arrival in Palestine; trade under 'Judges' Aramzans; divided kingdom ($ 513). Roman Period (((68-73).
a§ 44-47). Eighth and seventh centuries ($ 53J)
... Antipater, Herod. and later (81 74-78).
In NT literature (99 79-81). .--'' ' '
General features (( 82). Detailed vocabulary ((i 83).
Bibliography (S 84). Maps : Trade-routes-i. Hither Asia (opp. col. SI&), ii. Palestine (opp. col. 5164).
When Israel settled in Palestine they came into touch .in Egypt or Babylonia, repeat themselves in Israel;
with lines and movements of commerce which had been indeed at some periods they are the only evidence we
extant throughout Western Asia from a remote
1 For a list of inscriptions naming Herodian kings, see Wadd.
antiquity. The economic development of the nation 2365 end.
1,Introductorp. -apart from their adoption of agri- 2 See also the ma of Hauran and Jebel, ed-Driiz accom
cultiire -consisted in their gradual ing Schnmacher's .sa,' siiiiche Basan in ZD>V SO Gj
67-227. I n both these maps, however, there is an error in lat.
engagement in this already ancient, elaborate, and and long. : Damascus is placed correct1 but by a fault in t h e
world-wide system. Many of its consequences, as seen triangulation the whole of HaurZn andYjurrounding parts are
have of the presence of commerce as a factor in the In exchange they would give dates,' curdled milk,
national life. It is, therefore, necessary to review the wool, occasionally cattle, honey, salt, alkali (obtained
rise, progress, and fashions of trade in W. Asia-with from the ashes of the Kilu and other plants),2 ' Mecca
its relations to religion-down till the end of the second balsam ' (B ALSAM ), and other medicinal herbs. Com-
millennium B. c . , or just as Israelite commerce began to merce between Syria and Egypt included oil, mastic
develop. (B ALM ), wool, etc. (EGYPT, § 8), and (later) Syrian
I. TRADE I N WESTERN ASIA manufactures ; whilst traffic between Babylonia and
Egypt was frequent even in pre-historic times (i6.
From the most remote epochs there were present 43). Trade in SALT (y...) was not only local-as
throuahont W. Asia the conditions not onlv of local from the salt-pans N. of Pelusiuni, in el-Jof, and else-
2, Conditions exchange, but also of a &de inter- where, or from the deposits at the S. end of the Dead
of trade. national commerce, viz. : ( a ) the Sea ;-probablyalso rock-salt was exported to a distance
ereat differences of soil, fertility. and as to-day : e & , from W. Kaseem in Arabia ( Palgrave,
animal and vegetable products (§§ 3-6) ; (6) the unequal Centr. and E. Arab. 180 red. 18831).
distribution of stones and metals (17) ; (e) the rise, at The most isolated of the fertile lands of W. Asia lie4
the two extremes of the region, of empires of vast wealth on the S. of Arabia under the monsoon rains. Arabia
and culture ($5 8-11); ( d ) the specialisation of commerce 5. The incense Felix (Ar. ' el-Yemen ' -i.e . , ' the
by particular tribes and nations (§§ 12-16); (e) the south') has ever been famous for
central position of W. Asia between the Indian Ocean countrgr. fertility, and was the seat of the
and the Mediterranean-India and Europe (§ 17J) ; Minzean and Sabzean civilisation (below, 5 14). Its
(f)the existence of natural lines of traffic both by land chief repute, however, was for frankincense (see F RANK -
and by sea (§$ 9, 2 8 8 ) ; (g)the development of the INCENSE, where its late appearance in the O T is noted,
means of carriage (§ 19); and ( h ) the rise of common and its probably earlier use in Egypt). Erman says
standards of value (I 20). T o our survey of these it is this was common under the Old Empire. Sprenger
necessary to add some consideration of (i) the relation calls the incense-country 'the heart of the commerce of
of commerce to religion (1 21-24); as well as a sketch the ancient world' (Geog. A&. Arab. 299). Theodore
of ( R ) those political movements which so powerfully Bent (Nineteenth Cent., Oct. 1895,pp. 5g5fi)describes
influenced the trade of Syria just before Israel settled in ' the actual libaniferons country,' Dhofar, as ' perhaps
Palestine (I§25-27), not now much bigger than the Isle of Wight,' and
( a ) W. Asia is unsurpassed in any quarter of the 'probably in ancient days not much more extensive.'
globe for its extraordinary contrasts of soil and fertility : It lies on the coast some 800 m. NE. from Aden,
3. soil and between the Syrian and the Arabian about half-way to Muscat. 9000 cwt. of the gum are
desert on the one hand, and the river- exported annually to Bombay. Other products are
valleys and deltas of Babylonia and cocoanuts and cocoanut fibre (not yet identified under
Egypt, with the garden lands of Syria and S. Arabia, any ancient Semitic name), myrrh, ghee, fruits, and
on the other ; whilst most of the ordinary contrasts vegetables. Pasturage is rich. Dates and weapons
-between sea-coast and Hinterland,' lowlands and are imported. There is a fine harbour, perhaps
highlands, with very different temperatures and soils, Moscha of the Perz$Zus (§ 32), and numerous Sabaean
pastoral and arable regions-were also present through- remains. Camels are the animals used for carrying
out. All these formed different grades and necessities of purposes; horses are unknown. Cp SEPHAR. On
human life, between which the currents of commerce another incense country see § 8.
were as inevitable as the winds which pass between At times primitive commerce in the necessaries of
spheres of differing temperature in the worlds atmo- life must have been enhanced by local famines, though
sphere. The various populations of W. Asia were in the less settled conditions of early history these would
dependent on each other for some of the barest necessaries result not so much in increased trade as in migrations
of life, as well as for most of its simpler comforts and of tribes. Such migrations, however, would also stinlu-
embellishments, and such dependence was the beginning late trade by communicating across the region a better
of trade. At the same time, we must be careful not to knowledge of its remoter parts, as well as familiarity
exaggerate either the amount of the trade, or its influence with the various routes thither. U'e shall see that most
on the minds of men at so early a period. Had of the great trading tribes had been immigrants to the
commerce then been a dominant feature of human life, districts which became the centres of their flourishing
we should have found more traces of its influence on commerce.
religion than we shall be able to discover ( § 21). The early distribution of woodland in W. Asia is
The elements of early commerce between the deserts uncertain ; but from Syria into Egypt, as well as from
and the fertile lands are easilv determined from the 6. Distribution the wooded districts of Palestine, not
4. Elements of conditions of to-day. There are still only to the treeless desert borders, but
nomads who live for months or even of timber. also to Babylonia, there was always
commerce' vears on milk and flesh (Palmer. Desert
some traffic in timber. Cedar was brought from ' the
of the Erodus), varied by dates from the oases in the West' to Babylonia in the reigns of Sargon I. and
centre of Arabia (Doughty, Ar. D e s . , passim). From Gudea (4th mill.), and rafts of other woods must have
the earliest times, however, the need of cereal foods descended the Euphrates and the Tigris.l Round the
must have drawn the Bedouins into commerce with the ~

agricultural populations ; and this need would increase Middle Empire the Egyptian weaponsmitbs carried their goods
with the settlement of nomads from the interior of on asse5 among the Asiatic nomads: W M M , As. u. Eur.
Arabia on the borders of fertility. From Syria, I, n. 2.
1 Still imported from Arabian oases to Baghdad, Damascus,
Mesopotamia, and Egypt the nomads would seek and Yemen (Palgrave, Cenfr. and East. Arabia [ed. ,8831,
grain, fruit (e.g., almonds), cloth, oil, and (after its 4- 149, 364); also from oases in Turkish Arabia to Bushire.
invention) pottery,' with (in course of time) weapons.2 Sge Consular Report on Trade and Commerce of the Persian
Gulf in 1901 by Lt.-Col. Kemball. Forder (With the Arabs in
Tent and Town, 119 [ I 021) describes caravans from Hauran
shifted unduly S. and W., so that Bosri is 32' 30' 5 N.,and 36" to Kaf taking wheat and garley to he hartered for salt and dates.
263' E., instead of, as it ought to be 2' 33F N. and 36" 32' E. H e reports among the industries of the Jaf saddle-bags, carpets,
(see MiVDPV, 1899,pp. 12-14). Tdikerror has been corrected ahhas and other clothing ; cp 145 : imports-coffee, cooking
in Fischer's Handkarte lion Pal. 189 and also in the map utensils, clothing from Damascus, etc.
in the present article (which is b a s e f u p o n the three maps 2 Cp ZDPY 20 89 for present export of alkali from steppes S.
named): of H a u r l n to the soap factories of NZblus.
1 As they do now from Gam and Damascus. 3 Lr+e in A n c Ec. (tr. by Tirard ; IS 4), p. 507.
2 To the early Egyptians the nomads were the people of the 4 Eg. under' Ur-nina of Lagash ( ~ A B Y L O N I A , 8 44); cp
boomerang. But the story of Senuhyt proves that during the Radau, kady Baby. Hisf. [I~oo], and Howorth, Eng. Hist.
5147 5148
Persian Gulf there is said to be no timber for ship- the building of storehouses beside the temples, and the
building. For the period between the Old and the construction of canals.
Middle Empire in Egypt see Erman, op. cit. 452. With the increase of wealth came the expansion and
( b ) The distribution of useful stones and metals consolidation of empire. It is not always possible to
through - W. Asia is now tolerably clear. The marble decide whether objects of foreign origin found in early
., of stones and alabaster found in early Babylonian
arrdmetals. deposits came from the Assyrian hills,
Egyptian or Babylonian remains were fruits of conquest
(spoil or tribute), or of trade, though probably they ai-e
the diorite from Arabia (BABYLONIA, mostly due to trade ; even where the records boast of
$5 18, ZI).’ The basalt of HaurHn must always, as tribute this is really the fruit of barter.l Even if any
to-day, have been wed for millstones for all Syria. of the early expeditions from Egypt and Babylonia were
Egypt was without copper, which it brought from Sinai for conquest (which is very doubtful ; see note), they
and the Lebanons (COPPER). Gudea imported copper found their motives in a previous trade; and they
from KimaS in N. Arabia (Hommel in Hastings’ BD would open up rontes and increase commerce. The
1 2 2 5 ; cp Gen. 1023, and see Eng. Hist. Rev. 1 7 2 2 1 ) . expeditions of Sargou I. and Gudea to ‘ the west’ for
Cyprus was a later source ; on bronze see below, 5 17. timber, and to Arabia for stone and metal (above 5 6f. )
Iron, copper, and lead were found in the hills W. of were repeated by other monarchs BA BABYLONIA, 5 1 5 ~;)
Nineveh (see A SSYRIA , 5 6), and iron in parts of Syria and the various conquests of, and immigrations into,
and Central and S. Arabia (Doughty, Ar. Des.). Iron, Babylonia by fresh tribes must have powerfully developed
however, except in Babylonia, does not appear till the trade. T o the NE. lay Elam, a seat of culture by the
close of our period (see I RON ). There was a little gold fourth millennium B.c., with avenues of traffic into
in the desert E. of Egypt and in Nubia (see EGYPT, 5 50) ; central and eastern Asia : and Elam overran Baby-
but its chief sources were in Arabia, on the E. of Sinai, lonia. Again, the Canaanite supremacy synchronised
and on the far S . coastz (see GOLD, OPHIR). Silver, with a growth of commerce especially under Ham-
which was rare in Egypt till 1600 B.c., came from Asia mnrHbi (see B ABYLONIA , § 5 4 3 ; though there was an
(EGYPT, $ 38). Precious stones (turquoises, etc.) were increase of trade preceding this, at Ur, 5 50 4 , ; while the
found in Sinai. C p STONES. The love of ornqment is rapid subjection of the Canaanite dynasty to a KaSSite
one of the earliest motives to barter among primitive is proof of the Iuxury consequent on commerce under
peoples, and we may :assume that traffic in metals and the former power. From Egypt expeditions were sent
jewels had begun in W. Asia even before the rise of in the earliest times to secure the copper and turquoise
the great civilisations in Egypt and Mesopotamia. mines of Sinai--e.g., Dyn. III., Zoser (E GYPT , 5 44);
( c ) It is, however, in the growth and organisation of Dyn. IV., Snefru(i) ($45 : about 3000 B. c. ; but acc. to FI.
these great civilisations that we must seek for the Petrie, 3998-3969 B .c.), and Hufu (Petrie, Hist. of
8. The great most powerful of the factors of ancient Egypt, 142) ; Dyn. V I . , Pepy I. the founder of Memphis
commerce. Trade always advances by proper’ (E GYPT , 5 47). There were also early expedi-
empires’ leaps and bounds where two great tions to Nnbia for gold, to the Sudan, the W. oases,
states face each other (cp the sudden increase between and above all down the Red Sea to Punt-either
the Hittites and Egypt after their treaty in the reign of Somali-land, or the coast between Suakim and Mas-
Ramses 11. [Erman. 5371). sowah).6 Erman (@. cit. 507) mentions the picture of
By the end of the fifth millennium B. c., both Baby- a native of Punt as early as Hufu (Dyn. IV. ) ; but the
lonia and Egypt possessed a developed civilisation, for 4 earliest recorded expedition to Punt ’ was under Assa,
the groMth of which we must assume many centuries Dyn. V. (E GYPT , 48, F1. Petrie, 100); Pepy I.
if not some millennia ((seeB ABYLONIA , 5 46) ; both had (Dyn. V l . ) sent to the SudBn and farther (EGYPT,
elaborate systems of writing, always a proof of and a 5 47); Sa+-ka-re‘ (Dyn. X I . ) by Koptos, KosEr, and
help to commerce. That between them there were the Red Sea to Punt : and several kings of Dyn. X I I . ,
close communications, is proved by the strong Baby- the Amenemha‘ts and Usertesens, to Nubia, the SudHn,
lonian elements in pre-historic Egyptian culture (see and Punt. Under this dynasty (2800 F1. Petrie,
EGYPT, 5 43). The rapid rise of their wealth, doubtless 2100 W M M ) trade flourished exceedingly. The Hyksos
largely due to discoveries of new sources of the precious migration and conquest of Egypt must have developed
metals, must have increased trade throughout W. Asia, her Asiatic commerce ; but this, especially with Syria,
and complicated it beyond previous conditions. The reached its height after the conquests of the New
monument (discovered at Susa by De Morgan) of ManiS- Empire. For lists of the many Syrian products intro-
tu-irba, ruler of Ki5 (4th mill. B .c.), records his pur- duced, see WMM. As. a. Eur. (chaps. 1, etc.), and
chase of lands, grain, wool, oil, copper, asses, and slaves, Ernian ( 5 1 6 8 ) , who remarks : ’ wealmost feel inclined
which were paid for i n silver ; and among the officials to maintain that really there was scarcely anything
mentioned are ‘ amariner,’ ‘scribe,’ ‘surveyors,’ ‘miller,’
‘jeweller.’ and ‘merchant‘ (Dam&ar).’ The growth of 1 See the instance given by Erman, 512; and cp Naville,
wealth hastens the demand, not only for articles of Deir el Bahari (Eg. Expl. Fund), Pt. III., I T . Referring to
the same expedition to Punt, W. E. Crum (Hastings’ DB
luxury, but also for better qualities of food-stuffs. For 16.506) says : Queen Ha’tSepsut’s ‘fleet had, like its predecessors
example, both the N i k and the Euphrates valley produce from the 6th dynastyonwards, solely a commercial object. S?,
dates; but if then, as at the present day, the Arabian too Budge Hist. of Eg. (1902) 4 IT 144 158. Similarly in
oases, including Sinai, produced a special quality of Baiylonia &der Gudea, who accoiding to Hommel (Hastings’
DB12254, did not conquer the distant regions, but by treaties
dates,4 these would be imported into Egypt and Baby- secured passage for his caravans with their products.
lonia then as now (see above, 5 4, third note). The 2 En;anna-tuma I. of Lag& imported cedar ‘from the
records of the kings of Lagag (B ABYLONIA , 5 44) report mountain ’ . Radau, 72.
3 See ado L. 1%’. King, Letters and Znscr. of&faamnrura6i
_______ about B.C. moo, ,i., Introd. and Text, iii.,,. Translation; and
Rev. 177. For Gudea’s imports see PSB.4 11, RPP) 2 7 5 8 , G . Nagel ‘Die Briefe H.’s an Sin-idinnam in Bcitr. z. Assyr.
and Rogers’ Hisf.1370. 4 4 3 4 8 with notes by F. Delitzsch 483A:
1 The diorite of Gudea and Ur-bau was brought from Magan 4 On the favourable position of Ur for commerce, on the
on the NE. coast of Arabia (Amiaud, RPP) 2 15 n. takes it to be Euphrates, near the W. Rummein (which connected it with
Sinai) ; but see note to E%g.Hisf. Rev. 17 211 for another source. Central Arabia), and with a road to Sinai, see Rogers, Hirf. of
2 Burton, Land of Midian. 2 Ch. 36, speaks of ‘gold of Bab. and Ass. 1 3 7 1 8
D-iiB, ’ which Glaaer (S.hizz~,2 347) identifies with el-Farwarri 5 So Naville ( D c i r rZBahari, Pt. 111. I I : Eg. Expl. Fund),
mentioned by Hamdsni; cp Sprenger,AZt. Arab. 49-63. Gudea who says that in any case Punt lay N. of the Straits of Bab-el-
brought gold-dust from NW. Arabia and KhZkh SE. of Medina Vandeb : ‘ not a definite territory,’ but a vague geographical
(Hommel in Hastings’ BD 1225 ; En<. Ffist. Rev. 17221). definition. Some include under the name both sides of the Red
3 Howorth, Eng. His.‘. Rev. 17 1 1 5 Sea. ‘The region which produces frankincense is situated in
4 The fine dates of el-Hasa (E. Arabia) are still exported-to t h e rojecting parts of Ethopia and lies inland (Le., from Adulis
Mosul, Bombay and Zan’zibar, Palgr. Cent. and E. Arab:, ed. on tge Red Sea) but is washed by the ocean on the other side ’ ;
1883, PP. 3% 383. Cosmas, Christ. Tojog. Bk. 11, ET by M‘Crindle, 51.
5149 5150
which the Egyptians of this period did not import from nearly 2000 years (cp Is.47); and it is possible that
Syria.’ Syrian slaves were a constant subject of traffic some memory of the city’s early fame as a gathering
(Erman, 517J, WMM, As. zl. Bur.). The New place for men of all tongues may lie behind the Hebrew
Empire also opened up Nuhia, and elaborated the story of the founding of Babel (Gen. 11). One has
trade with Punt, and that with Cyprus (see EGYPT, only to look at the map to see how much more advan-
Js 53-61). For the trade of Ramses 111. with fleets on
the Mediterranean and Red Sea see the Harris Papyrus
tageously Babylon lies for the trade through Elam into
Persia. than do the cities which preceded her in power.
(end) and the summary in Budge, HiFt. of Eg.5 q g j ? The rise of Assyria was doubtless aided by her com-
From the third millennium there is evidence of a mand, closer than that of Babylon, over the lines of
royal service of despatches into Asia (WMM, As. u. Bur. trade to the W.; the transference of the Assyrian

I J ); the regulation of imports by the
Security Egyptian government ; the making of
roads ; and the supply of desert routes-
capital from .4Sur to Calah and Nineveh was, in fact,
one from a less to a more suitable centre for commerce,
both with N. and W. These are but instances, which
e.$, that between Koptos on the- Nile and the Red Sea will doubtless be multiplied a s our knowledge of ancient
(below, J 29)-with water (by Mentohotep, Dyn. XI. history is .increased.
[Erman, 506]).l It was easy and safe for even in- Another phenomenon to be noted in the commercial
dividuals to travel to tribes as far as Edom and the development of the Great Empires-we shall find some-
‘ArBbah : witness the tale of Se-nuhyt, which, whether rl. Yercenaries : thing analogous in Israel-is the
historical or not (see EGYPT, col. 1z37), must have
been founded on a knowledge of the actual conditions royal traders. exchange of native militia, proper to
agricultural conditions of life, for a
of travel.2 In short, by the third millennium travel mercenary soldiery, -which generally followed a great
must have been frequent and tolerably secure (of course increase in trade. The soldiers of the Middle Empire
with interruptions) from the mouth of the Red Sea and in Egypt were such a militia; but after the great
the Sudan to the Euphrates; and the commercial growth of trade, especially with Asia under the
activity and wealth of Babylonia in at least the second dynasties of the New Empire, the Egyptian armies
half of that millennium, can hardly have failed to create were mainly composed of mercenaries (Erman, 542).
similar conditions for much of the rest of W. Asia. C p The same thing happened in Egypt under Psamelik.
§ 26, end. It happened also in Babylonia under ASur-bani-pal and
W e must not suppose, however, that all this pro- Nebuchadrezzar.
duced, even for intervals. anything like a parallel to Again, it is to be remarked that the initiative of the
what prevails in modern times, or even to what was great commercial expeditions from Babylonia and from
achieved under the Roman Empire. The roads of Egypt is recorded on the monuments as due not to
W . Asia were never so secure as under the Pax private enterprise, but tO the reigning monarch.’ This
Romana, nor were they so well laid down. In the is no pretence of royal arrogance or of the court scribe’s
period with which we deal there were frequent inter- flattery. We see the same motive at work in the
regna : the nomads of Arabia often burst the frontiers great explorations and commercial expeditions of the
of civilisation ; and even in peaceful times the well- Middle Ages from Spain and Portugal.
developed habits of traffic cannot have produced such ( d )The earliest societies of men did not contain a
order or sense of safety as we find at the beginning of special class or profession of traders; farmers and
the Christian era. la. No trading manufacturers exchanged their own
Before we pass from the influence of the great classes. goods. In the story of Se-nuhyt the
empires on commerce, three other phenomena require weaponsmith himself carries his goods
Trade and to be noticed. One is the effect of the to the Asiatic nomads. As we shall see (J Z I ) , trade did
10. exigencies of commerce in the transfer not exercise any influence on the formative period of the
political of political power within the empires religions of W. Asia; a proof that it was not then
from one site to another, and the rapid specialised as a separate vocation. There is no mention
growth of new capitals. Of this both Egypt and of trade in the proverbs of Ptal-hotep (from the 4th
Babylonia furnish instances. The centre of govern- n~i!l.), and when they appeared in Egypt ‘sailors,
ment in Egypt came down the Nile, from positions merchants, and interpreters of foreign origin were
commanding the highways to the S. and the Red Sea, to despised’ (EGYPT, 5 31.); that is to say, the special
Memphis3 a t the neck of the Delta, where great trade- class was a late and a foreign upstart in that civilisation.
routes converge from all quarters. W e find a similar The rise of international commerce, however, and
case under the New Empire, when the increase of trade the peculiar character of the deserts which separated
on the Syrian frontier drew, for a time, the centre of 13. Tribal the centres of civilisation favoured-in
the political power from Thebes into the Eastern Delta.4 monopolies~place of the growth of special classes of
On the Euphrates and Tigris the same causes worked traders within those centres-the gradual
in an opposite direction-upstream. The central posi- absorption of whole tribes outside them in the business
tion of U r with regard to commerce is well known; of trade and the carriage of goods. Especially was this
how elaborate that commerce was is proved by the the case with certain Arabian nomads, whose familiarity
titles of the third dynasty of Ur, and the number of with the desert and possession of the means of crossing
contract tablets from their time.5 The transference of it, furnished them with the price (in their trading services)
power from the lower Babylonian cities to Babylon for purchasing the products of civilisation. Thus, in the
itself and the independence of that great centre from OT. some of the earliest names for traders are tribal :
about 2400 B. c . , was Probably assisted by commercial Ishmaelite (Gen. 8 7 2 5 2 7 f: 391.-all J), Midianite (the
influences, for Babylon proved its fitness as a centre for parallel E passages; Gen. 3728a 3 6 ) , and (later) Canaan-
trade by the extraordinary persistence of its commerce ite, of which the first two were Arabian and the last the
and wealth, in spite of frequent political disasters, for inhabitants of that land which is well described as the
‘ bridge ’ between Egypt and Mesopotamia. This
1 Also ‘it is probable that %ti I. caused a series of water evidence is confirmed by the Egyptian records. Part
stations to be established from the Nile to Beerenice’ (Budge of the contempt of the Egyptians for traders was prob-
NESio); and Ramses 111. built a fortified well between Mt: ably due to the traders being foreigners. The Beni-
Casius and Raphia (f67Z 159) : on Ramses IV. did 18,.
2 Under Dyn. xii. : cp ‘Travels of an Egyptian’ undef Dyn. Hasan paintings represent thirty- seven Asiatics from
xix XX. ET in RP 2 r o 2 3 the desert, traders from near Sinai (see EGYPT, § 50:
$’under Menes, 4500 or 4 o a , B.c., and his successors : EGYPT,
t g 44, 47 : M EMPHIS . See also FI. Petrie, HE, vol. i. 1 Similarly the letters of Hammurabi (above, $ 8 n.) show
4 Cp Erman, 516. how that king personally superintends the i n f m l trade of
fi Cp for references Rogers, Hist. ofBab. a i d Assyr. 1377. Babylonia.
5151 5152
WMM, As. u. BUY.36). So. too, Hannu the leader taken the place which Babylonian held in Mi. Asia in
of the expedition to Punt under S'anh-ks-re' of the the fifteenth, and was used as far as Egypt as a com-
eleventhdynasty (E GYPT, § 48) appears to have a Semitic mercial tongue (\VA?M, As. u. Bur. 234). How long
name (cp, however, Ekman, 506). Thus, by the third and how far this commercial supremacy of the language
niillenniuni B.c.,the Semites from their central position lasted is proved by inscriptions in Teima and Kabatzean
betwcen the two most ancient civilisations, their com- towns up to 100 A.D. It was the Aramzan trade, from
inand of the lines of communication, and their frequent the Tigris to the Levant, which formed the temptation
migrations, had developed those habits of trading which to the Assyrian campaigns in the ninth and following
distinguish them to the present day.l Among the centuries (below, f 5 2 ) . Cp S YRIA , sf168
Semites, again, there were especially four families which The commercial influence of the Phcenicians appears
concentrated the racktl adaptableness and tenacity upon to have risen at an earlier period than that of the
commerce, and, not content with the share in that 16, Phcenicians. Aramaeans: but how early it is im-
which their central positions brought to them, devoted possible to say. The absence of all
themselves to the pursuit and organisation of many lines reflection of trade not only from the names of their
of traffic, till they developed. in the case of one of them earliest cities-these may have been named before the
at least, a wider commercial influence than the world Phoenician occupation '-but also from all except pre-
ever saw till the most recent epoch. These were the sumably late strata of their religion2 (see below, z z ) ,s
Minreans, the Aramaeans, the Phenicians, and the is significant. The coincidence between a great inRnx
Nabatzeans, of whom the first three had begun to of Canaanite population and religion into Babylonia
develop their commerce within our period-the hlinzeans (about 1500 B.C. ), and the rise of a ' Canaanite ' dynasty
and the Aranireans by land, the Phcenicians by sea. there, with a great increase of commerce and wealth, is
It is only upon indirect and somewhat precarious interesting as indicative of a racial capacity for trade.
evidence (summarked bv Weber. Arabien VOY ZsZuant. On the whole, however, we may assign the rise of the
14. Mi&ans, ~ 2 f l ) ~ ' t h ato
t the Minzan kingdom commerce of the Phoenicians to a period subsequent to
a date is assigned so earlv as the second their arrival on the coast between Lebanon and the
half of the second millenniuGi B. c. T h i centre of the Levant, somewhere in the third millennium B.C., and
Minrean power lay in the S. part of Arabia-not in the therefore subsequent to the appearance of international
incense- bearing regions of Kataban and Hadramdt commerce in W. Asia; and we may trace it to the
(above, f 5 ) , though it commanded these, and by its central position of that coast, to the mines and forests of
hold on the central Arabian routes (below, 5 3 1 ) and its the neighbourhood, and to the greater facility for traffic
colony in MuSr2.n or MuSri (ie., Midian) and north- by sea than by land, between the various Phcenician
aards (MIZRAIM, f 3 ) 3 possessed the Arabian land settlements. Probably the Phmnicians did not invent
traffic, and sent its (caravans by Ma'Hn and Petra to ships as the Greeks were led to suppose from their subse-
Gam. The capital was Karnawu, the Karna of quent supremacy in navigation ; for the first boats must
E r a t o ~ t h e n e sin
, ~immediate connection w-ith the ports have been invented by a people with long slow rivers.
of the S. coast. Thus Minzean trade extended at least But the Phoenicians. with their towns near to large
from the Indian Ocean to the Levant. But see 8 17. forests and disposed within a day's sail of each other on
After what has been said elsewhere (AKAM, A RAMAIC a coast full of obstacles for land traffic, must have been
L ANGUAGE : cp PHCENICIA, 5 7 ) it is only necessary to early forced to the improvement of the means of naviga-
16.Aramseans. say that in the second millennium B.C. tion ; whilst the harassing land march across the desert
we find the Aramzeans succeeding the to Egypt must have led to a speedy extension of that
Hittites in a country on the upper Euphrates which is navigation to the Egyptian delta. So great an adventure,
the meeting-ground ,of many trade-routes-from Syria, if it did not produce, amply proves the existence of,
Asia Minor, Armenia, and Babylonia (below, 5 39J). those qualities of hardihood and enterprise, u-hich were
They gradually extended over N. Syria, a land more to lift Phcenicia to the command of the world's trade.
suited for trade than for agriculture or i n d u s t r i e ~and ,~ The less adventurous E g y p t i a n ~who
, ~ had in the earlier
embraced Damascus, the principal Syrian ' harbour,' a periods of their history reached Punt by their own
depBt of the Arabian Desert (Hist. Geqy. 642J). The merchants, had left the trade through Nubia to negroes
earliest notices reveal Aranizeans as nomads, perhaps (Erman. 498) ; 4 and now might be easily tempted
traders. in Mesopotamia ; in Syria the small states they to resign a commerce which they disliked (§ 1 3 ) to the
founded round cities were such as those founded by other peaceful invaders of the Delta. The process may have
trading peoples. The strongest proof of their commerce been hastened during the Hyksos supremacy. In any
is the gradual spread of their dialect till it became the case, from the beginning of the second millennium R . C .
l i n u a f m n c n of W. Asia. In Babylonia it was spoken the trade of Egypt appears to have been in Phcenician
in daily life from ithe eleventh to the ninth century hands. In the fifteenth century, according to the
(IVi. Vb'lker Vorderasiens, 1 1 ) ; by the tenth it had Amarna Letters they had fleets of merchant ships, and
a fresco in a Theban tomb depicts them as importers
1 The Syrians depicted on the tomb of Hui, about r q m B . C .
(see Budge, H E 4 144), are traders. Cp Strabo xvi. 4 23 on the of goods from Asia (Budge, HE 4 163)
commercial qualities of the Arabs. ( e ) The ancient trade of W. Asia, however, was not
a None of the S. Arabian, so-called Himyaritic, inscriptions confined within that region. W. Asia lies between the
are dated before secoiid century B.C. For a detailed argument l,. Foreign Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean ;
against the high antiquity claimed for the Minzzan kingdom, see
Budge, HE 6, Preface, x v i 8 His conclusioii is that Glaser's trade: with both of which, the one by its regular winds
Inscr. 1155 belongs to the time of Gmbyses and that 'the the other by its islands, offer easy access
hfinzan kingdom cannot he shown to be older than the sixth India. to sources of wealth beyond them. In
century B.c.,' p. xxii.
3 The strong reasoning of Budge ( H E 6xxi 8 )against the later Phcenician and the Greek epochs of trade both
Winckler's frequent identification of the biblical Mizraim with seas were regularly navigated, and the far East united
the Arabian Rlugr is not conclusive against the existence of the with the far West ($5 63, 7 1 ) .
latter. For if, as generally admitted, Gharirat of Glaser's
Inscr. 1083 be Gaza. the Minaean caravans from S. Arabia would
scarcely pass throueh Egypt to Gam, or through Gaza to Egypt 1 Sidon, usually understood as ' Fishertown ' (%ut see PH(E-
(notwithstanding Budge's note on p. xxii). The mention of NICIA I 12) ' Tyre = rock ; Beyrout = springs etc. Contrast
Gaza, therefore, is, so far, evidence in favour of a N. Arabian the Philistin; Ashkelon and the Canaanite K h h - s e p h e r , the
Musri. Cp also S I M OO N , B 6. Even if the Mu+ ofthe Assyrian former of which certainly, and the latter possibly, has a com-
and.Min;ean inscriptions he proved to be Egypt, this only means mercial origin.
an extension of the Minzan trade. 2 The chief Phcenician aods do not differ from those of other
4 Or Karnana : Straho (xvi. 4 2 ) who mentions besides the Canaanites.
Sahreans at Mariaha, the Kattahanians at Tamna, the Chatrama- 3 Cp the commercial superiority of Syrians at the present day
titai at Sahata. t o Egyptians.
5 >%'Curdy,Hisf. P ~ o p hMon.
. 1155. 4 Cp inscription of Pepy of the sixth dynasty.

5153 5154
Whether in the period we are now treating there was (f)For the natural lines of traffic and trade-routes,
already a trade with India is a question to which we can see below, Part 11. of this article ($5 28-40).
get only probabilities in answer. It was quite possible. (9) The various means of carriage in the ancient
ThePeripZus of the Erythraean S e a l (1st Christian cent.) lays world having been for the most part dealt with else-
down the line of a coasting voyage along the S. of Arabia, across 19. lYIeans where, the treatment here may be brief.
the mouth of the Persian Gulf, and so (in the direction o pogite to Porternge, the employment of human
that taken by Nearchus, the admiral of Alexander) to txe Indus,
and thence down the Malabar coast. It adds (( 39), however, Of carriage' beings for the camage of burdens both
D 0
~ ~~~ ~ ~

that a speedier, though more dangerous, voyage may be made by for building purposes and for trade (as we find it still in
those who set out to sea from Arabia with the Monsoons 0.d Central Africa), was common in early Egypt according
T ~ V'IVBLLGYsc. ;q&w). These winds blow across the Indian
Ocean from the SW. from April to October, from the N E . from to the monuments. It was not altogether confined to
October to April, and make the voyage possible for vessels even local traffic. Under one of the Amenemha'ts (middle
of a primitive type. of 28th cent. according to F1. Petrie : but 2100 accord-
By the seventh century B. c., if not long before, there ing to W. M. Muller) zoo men with only 50 animals
was in India a developed and organised trade; great were employed for carrying stone through the desert.'
ships were already built, and long sea-voyages under- From the earliest times, however, the ass and the bullock
taken. From the very earliest times merchants had were in common use, and (especially the ass) consti-
been held in high repute (Lassen, Znd. A Iterthumskunde, tuted the principal means of conveyance. The ass was
2573576779). The island of Sokotra has a Sanscrit employed for distant desert journeyings ; cp the &ni-
name ( t b . 580). The Babylonian Nimrod epic reflects Hasan pictures (under the 12th dyn.). The camel was
a journey through Arabia to Sabaea ; and Sokotra has apparently unbred and unused even to a late date in
been suggested as the island which was its goal (Hommel, Egypt, but must have appeared early in Arabia. The
Hastings' D B 1216a). On the reliefs of Deir-el-Bahri, horse and the mule came much later ; the horse not till
Punt is pictured as a place of barter where several the time of the Hyksos and then, for long, only for
nationalities meet and deal with the Egyptians in differ- fighting and hunting; the mule from Pontus not till
ent sorts of goods. It is, therefore, more than possible towards 1000 B.C. (see Ass. C AMEL , H ORSE, MULE,
that Indian traders met those of W. Asia at the mouth C ATTLE , 5 8 ; B ABYLONIA , 5 5 ; E GYPT , 5 9). The
of the Red Sea and the ports of S . Arabia during our carrying power of these animals was increased by the
period. Weber indeed (Arad. nor ZsZmn, 22 ; cp 23) invention of pack-saddles, open litters (already during
calls the Minaeans the intermediaries of the Indian as well the 4th dyn.), sleighs or draw-boards, and carts-first
as of the S. Arabian trade, and dates the origin of this with solid, and then with spoked, wheels. A luxurious
trade before 1 3 0 0 B.C. (more than a millennium before chariot with horses appears in the Izdubar legend
the later Ptolemies). But see 5 14. It is remarkable that (Tab. 6) about zoo0 B.C. Still less, however, than at
no Indian faces or goods are found pictured on the reliefs the present day, were the wheeled vehicles suited for
of Deir-el-Bahri (Naville,op. cit. I Z ~ ?and the correspond- distant carriage, which was mainly performed on the
ing plates), nor have any Indian products been discovered backs of animals (C HARIOT , 5 2). There were practi-
in Egyptian remains. As for Babylonia, the earliest cally no international roads for carriages till the Persian
Sumerian deposits (BABYLONIA, 5 18) contain both ivory Empire. Carriage by water arose first in timber
ornaments and bronze. The ivory may have been rafts or constructions of reed coated with bitumen,
taken from elephants which were extant on the Euphrates on rivers, especially the Euphrates (B ABYLON , 5 6 ;
till towards the close of our e n a But for the tin, needed early legends). From these developed rowing and
to make the bronze, no source is known at that time sailing boats, with which ventures were made through
sxve India,3 and some have derived the Phenician name river-mouths into the sea ; and so arose coasting voyages
for the metal from the S a n ~ c r i t . ~This, however, is a in the Persian Gulf, the Levant, and the Red Sea (S H IP ).
precarious ground on which to found a conclusion with By the time of Thutmosis I. (about 1560 B.c.) and
regard to so early an epoch ; for reasons for the opposite Queen Ha'tSepsut (E GYPT , 5 53) the Egyptians had
view-that there was no sea-trade between W. Asia and developed elaborate ships with oars, rigging, and sails
India till the seventh century B.C.-see INDIA and for the Punt voyages (cp SHIP). The ships of this (18th)
O PHIR . 5 2 ; cp also Sprenger, AZt. Geog. Arab., $5 51- dynasty were not mere fighting galleys ; they were trans-
60, 139. We must not forget the possibility of land- ports carrying considerable cargoes (Naville, Tem$Ze of
trade between Babylonia and India through Elam and Deir e l Bahari, 3, with plates).
Persia5 ( h ) Early trade consisted of barter, in which various
As for the trade of W. Asia with Europe in this era, communities or states of culture exchanged the neces-
that is much less problematical. Cyprus, which lies in ao. Barter saries or embellishments of life. a When
18. with sight of the Syrian coast (HG, pp. zz 1 3 5 ) , a superior civilisation met an inferior it
Europe. y reached by some of the earliest Baby- value. paid for solid goods, as at the present day,
with gaudy trinkets and ornaments, as for instance
nian monarchs ; and in the course of the
second millennium B. c. was in frequent communication the Egyptians in their commerce with the negro and
both with Egypt and with Syria (Budge, HE 4 167J ) ; other tribes whom they met in Punt (Naville, op. cit. ).
and Cyprus can hardly ever have been out of touch Gradually, however, there arose common measures of
with the islands to the W . Evidence of an extremely value: e.g., cattle, slaves, or metals, especially the
early knowledge of Europe in Egypt is given in WMM, precious metal^.^ As among other early races orna-
As. u. Eur. ch. 28.6
1 For porterage in Babylonia, cp a letter of Hammurabi,
1 TIepirrAovo $9 'EpvBpSs BaAdvqo. Anonymous, but attri- Bcitr. e. Assyriologie, 4 474.
buted to an author named ' A p p ~ a v 6 ~Gcogr.
. Grr~ciMinoyes by 2 In the East barter has always survived alongside well-
C . Miiller, ed. Paris, 1882,vol. i. 257fl, cp p. xcv. developed systems of money and finance. Cp under Cambyses
2' Thotmes 111. killed elephants on the Euphrates: Naville, Beitr. e. ~ s g v r4. 429.5 9. Palgrave (Central an? E . A&
o j . cit. 17 ; Budge, HE44048. ed. 1883, p. 368) found barter more common throughout
3 The islands of the Persian Gulf were visited by Babylonians
at a very early period ; and thence the coasting (?) voyage to
Arabia .. . among the villagers, and even the poorer towns-
men, than purchase.'
India was not difficult. 8 For an account of curious methods of barter in this region
4 GStz Dit Verkehrswege im Dienste des WeZthandeZs, 1 0 3 in Greek times, cp Cosmas Indic., Christ. T o j u p . , Bk. II., E T
A? This' is not certain : CD 0. Schrader. Handelweschichte. by M'Crindle, 5 2
4 In the 4th mill. silver was used as currency in Babylonia.
Cp above, 5 8, on Maniz-tu-irba. In the time of Hammurahi
hoth barter and money were extant : cp his letters-above, $ 8,
fifth note. For electron in Egypt and silver see EGYPT, 38,
NipPur, 2 133J) some evidence of trac and n. 2, col. 1229.
was found in remains of the fourteenth century B.C. ; cp Budge, 6 Babelon Les Origines de In Monnaic; W. W. Carlile,
HE41683 177. The EvoI. o)Modevn Money, Pt. 11. especially chap. 2.
5'55 5'56
ments and the material for ornament displaced the useful gave the conquest and tribute ( ; . e . , as we have seen,
metals and other commodities as the favourite media § 8 n. 3,the trade) of that distant land to his own people,
of exchange and standards of value. In aid of this, and was thanked by them for help in the exploration
there was not only the common and universal passion and opening up of roads (Naville, Dei? el Bahari, pt.
for ornament, but also its convenience for honrding,' iii. 14, 193). We may assume that other nations of
the family's wealth being most easily 'saved' in the W. Asia when they took to trade also dedicated it each
form of its women's ornaments, even after money to their own tribal deity. But once this was done, the
proper came into existence; and in W . Asia the reaction upon their conceptions of their deity must have
process would be further hastened by the prevailing been one of the most Eonsiderable
custom of purchasing a wife, for an instance of which 23. Reaction forces in the transformation of the
in Israel, cp Gen. 24, and see below, 43. These of trade
primitive ' moneys,' however, were not always actually on religion. primitive religions. The deity, origin-
ally local and identified with purely
given in exchange for goods; but the value of the local phenomena (PHCENICIA, 11), must, when carrieh
goods exchanged was reckoned in terms of them. For abroad by his people, have expanded in their belief to an
this usage in the case of copper wire2 see Erman identification with the principal cosmic forces, especially
( 4 9 4 8 ) , and later of silver and gold, EGYPT: $j 38. those of the sea and the heavens. It may, therefore,
Stamped weights of the precious metals were in early be to trade that the religions of W. Asia partly owe the
use in Babylonia; but money proper appears in w. association of their gods with the stars-always the
Asia first in the Persian period. For further details guides of travellers-as well as their identification with
see MONEY, and the articles and books quoted there. the natural forces, or even with the gods, of distant
(i) The most interesting of all the questions arising lands.' But besides thus enhancing the power of native
in connection with ithe commerce of W. Asia during I
deities, the foreign trade of their worshippers brought
21. Trade and this early period is that of its relations back the cults of other gods. This is very evident in
religion. to religion. So far as is known to the Egypt. X number of instances are given by Erman.
present writer there exists no adeauate Usertesen 111. (Dyn. xii.) dedicated a temple on the
ti-eatment of thi;, nor even a full appreciation df its S. frontier to the Nubian god, and only in the second
significance. The hint has already been given (@ 12,16) place to Hnum the Egyptian ( 5 0 0 ) ; Besa, honoured
that trade appears to have exercised no influence on the by the New Empire ' as a protecting genius,' probably
human mind during the formative period of the different owed ' his introduction to Egypt to this (incense) trade '
religions. In Egypt and Babylonia, or among the (514); and consequent upon the great increase of Asiatic
Syrian and other Semites, there were gods who reflected commerce under the eighteenth and the nineteenth
or sympathised with every other human activity. The dynasty a number of Syrian divinities were admitted to
memory of the various peoples went back to divine the Egyptian pantheon (517). Similarly there was an
or semi-divine king!<, lawgivers, physicians, teachers, export of the gods of W. Asia to Europe by Cyprus :
hunters, and fishers ( P H ~ N I C §I A , artisans (cp the
IZ), ' merchants of Citium brought the cult of their goddess
Egyptian Ptah and the attribution of the invention with them to Athens' (P HCENICIA , 11), and the general
of pottery and metal-working to various gods), and influence of Phoenician traders on the religion and
musicians. But, except for certain isolated and ap- mythology of Greece is notorious. Again, gatherings
parently late instances, to be noted presently (5 z z ) , there 24. sanctuaries to religious centres, great or small,
seems to have been no god or hero who was a trader. have always been convenient for trade
This cannot have been due to dislike of trading habits, and markets. -as u-e see even in medizeval and
such as prevailed in Egyptian society (0 13); for the modern times. Stated and famous markets grew about
want was not confined to Egypt ; nor was it due to any the sanctuaries of W. Asia and festivals became fairs.
of the moral objections to trade, which are so common Where trade, as in N. Syria and Arabia, had to pass
in modern times. There is only one explanation : in through many tribal territories, treaties were necessary
the formative period of the religions of W. Asia, and were accompanied by religious rites at border (or
commerce was not yet specialised as a separate vocation3 other) sanctuaries, at which it would be natural to ex-
(§ 12). Perhaps thme most striking proof of its want of change goods. In our period and that which followed
religious influence a t an early period is found among it, Babylon, Carchemish, Bethel, Sinai (perhaps), Mecca,
the Phcenicians. Their most ancient deities were practi- and various Egyptian towns are instances. Exchanges
cally identical with those of the general were effected under religious direction; it was the
22. In
Canaanite stock (Pietschmann, Gcsch. der interest of the guardians of the sanctuaries to prescribe
Phcenicia9 Phon. 190). When at last the Phcenicians forms, and fees to the temple were ~ h a r g e d . ~The
Egypt* took to the sea they invoked for their new supervision hy priests of Babylonian commerce is evident
occupation the blessing of their accustomed deities, and from a multitude of contract tablets ; and the rise of
principally of the various local forms of 'Astart. The priestly families and castes to kingly power, both in
other divine beings, who appear connected with Babylonia and in Egypt, was made possible by the
Phoenician ships, and in later times were credited with wealth which accrued to them from their direction of
the discovery of navigation, the Kabiri, were of commerce.
secondary rank in the Phcenician pantheon, and had Before we proceed to Israelite commerce one other
been originally connected with the mining and working study is necessary. W e have seen that during the
of metals ( I b . 188, 1.90 ; but see PHCENICIA, § 11, col. New Empire and especially under the
3774, with footnote). The legends which attribute 25.
eighteenth and nineteenth dynasties there
distant travels to the Tyrian Herakles and divers gods was a great increase of trade between Syria and Egypt,
are of late origin (Pietsch. 191). The only other in which Syrian products and manufactures played a
possible instance of a trading Canaanite deity is that very important part (above, § 8). We are now to
concealed under the ambiguous name '13013 (P HCENICIA . examine the details of this, happening as it did on the
s 12, I SSACHAR . $8 3, 6). Similarly in Egypt the eve of Israel's settlement in Palestine. The first evidence
expeditions to Punt under the eighteenth dynasty were
commended to the patronage of Anion of Thebes, who 1 For an identification of Hathor with the deity of the anti
3r incense of Punt, see Naville, ob. cif. 20.
1 Carlile o#. cit. 2 For another cp ISSACHAK, $ 2 ; Dt. 33 18
2 As in 'Calahar and other parts of Africa, probably for 3 WRS, ReL keem. 441.
ornament. Carlile op. c i f . 240. 4 Delitzsch in a note to No. 28 of Nagel's translation of
8 For 2n illustration of the very opposite take Buddhism, Hammurabi's letters to Sin-idinnam (Bcitr. z. ASS^. 4458 493)
which was a merchant religion par excellence ; there are few iflustrates the Babylonian custom of making valuations 'before
parables 91 birth-storks in which a Buddhist merchant does God'-;.e., in presence of the priests-and compares Ex. 216
not figure ; J R A S , 1902, p. 387. 2 2 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~
5157 5158
is found in the records of Thutmosis 111. (1503-144g).~oils, wine, woollen cloths, and embroideries. The
Coats of mail do not appear in his reign till he takes characteristics of Syrian clothing as depicted on the
zoo from the Canaanites at the sack of Megiddo. The monuments were embroidery, tassels, and fringes. There
Syrian chariots are the finer, and generally Syrian is an extremely interesting account of an expedition
artisans appear more skilful and artistic than those of sent about I IOO B. c. by Her-heru of dynasty twenty-one
Egypt. Large numbers of them are transported to to Lebanon for cedar in one of the Golenischeff Papyri
Egypt. In the same reign there are records of importa- (Recueil de Tmv. 21 7 4 8 ; cp WMM, As. u. Eur. 395 ;
tions of grain into Egypt ; these cannot all have been Budge, f l f i 6 1 3 8 ) .
tribute (above, § 8 n. 3); also of oil, wine, honey, 11. T RADE ROUTES I N w.' ASIA
dates, incense, timber for masts and beams, and cattle.
It is in the period after Thutmosis III., however, that W e may now indicate the physical facilities for com-
we obtain our fullest evidence of the commercial condi- merce in W. Asia, and trace the main lines of trade and
tion of Syria before Israel entered it. The cross routes by land and sea. On the
26* 28. Lines of
Amarna Letters (1400 onwards) reveal, trade : Egypt. map the eye at once marks the follow-
if by no mnre than the cuneiform script ing natural directions of traffic : two
in which they are written, the already prolonged and long and navigable rivers, the Nile and the Euphrates ;
close commercial intercourse between Babylonia and two long narrow seas with more or less harboured
Egypt across Syria. Their contents are still more sig- coasts, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf; whilst froin
nificant.z The kings of Babylonia and Egypt propose the most westerly point touched by the Euphrates, a
a n exchange of the products of their lands. Gold is fertile and well-populated country, passable on several
sent from Egypt to Babylonia, ' painted wood,' golden lines through Syria, stretches to the Nile Delta, with
and wooden images, and oil. From Babylonia to Egypt one break of desert about six or seven days' march
come manufactured gold, precious stones, lapis lazuli, from Gaza to Pelusium. Inside all these lie the great
enamel, skins, wooden chariots, horses, and slaves. Arabian deserts, isolating the fertile Arabia Felix from
Some of these, of course, pass as presents between the W. Asia ; but even across these deserts, lines of oases
kings : but that they are also articles of commerce is and valleys, in which, though there is no cultivation, water
proved by the complaint of one of the Babylonian kings is procurable, render passage possible by land from the
that his merchants (dam-gam, danz-karu or famkarza : Indian Ocean to the Levant. The many routes created
c p Del. Ass. H WB, Aram. taggzr, whence Arab. tdsir, along and across these natural lines we shall take in
trrggdir) had been plundered in the territories of the order as they lie from the south northward, and we shall
Pharaoh. Letters from AlaSia, either Cyprus (Winckler) include the directions of traffic with India.
o r the extreme N. of the Syrian coast (Petrie, WMM), Egypt's inland trade, and her traffic with Nubia. the
tell of the exportation from that country of copper, SudBn, and farther south, went up the Nile by YCbu
bronze, ivory, ship-furniture, and horses to Egypt, and (Elephantine, ' ivory island ') and Suenet (Syene,
the receipt of silver, oil, a n d oxen. Merchants go from AswHn: 'commerce,' Erman, Op. cit. 498J), at
AlaHia to Egypt by ship ; a writer begs the king of Egypt which exchanges were made with the barbarians. ' It
not to allow them to be injured by his tax-gatherers (no. is difficult,' says Erman (479), ' to find a word in the
29). The king of Ala& complains of the Lnkki, a pirate language which nieans to tmvel; the terms used were
people who disturb the Mediterranean, and invade his &nt=to go up stream, and &&=to go down stream.'
land (28). A prince of N. Syria sends slaves and begs The river flow northwards ; but, as if in compensation.
for gold (36). The letters from Egyptian tributaries the prevailing winds are in the opposite direction.
and officials in Palestine, during its invasion by the From Memphis by the Fayoum, or from the present
Hatti and Habiri, ask for wheat from Egypt for be- Assiont and other Nile- ports, caravans reached the
sieged towns and districts that have not been able to western oases ( h o t s from Eg. uab=station).
grow their own corn (cp the story of Jacob and Joseph); So far as concerned the trade with Punt, the Nile
or report the sending of timber, oil (cp Hos. 122 [ I ]), and the Red Sea, running nearly parallel for some
honey, cattle, and slaves. One letter (122)asks for 29. Nile and thousands of miles, and at one point only
myrrh as a medicine. Another (124),but obscurely, 90 m. apart, wonderfully supplemented
Red sea. each other's defects. As on the Nile,
speaks of purple (?). Abd-hiba of Jerusalem complains
that he cannot prevent the plundering of the King of the prevailing winds in the Red Sea are from the north :
Egypt's caravans in Ajalon (180). Horses and asses in the upper half the N. wind seldom flags, and the
are supplied to travellers (SI), and provisions to the Gulf of Suez is often stormy. The Egyptians, therefore,
royal caravans (242)and troops (264,270). One letter divided their route from the Delta to Punt and back
reports payment of ' 300 pieces of silver to the Habiri, again between the river and the sea. Their trafic
besides the 1000 into the hand of the king's officer' southward was borne on the Nile' as far as Koptos,2
(280). We read of no passage of glass either way, and then struck E. over the desert about 90 m. to
though glass had been known in Egypt from 3300 B. C. Sauu. at the mouth of the W. a little to the
and was also made in Phcenicia from an early date. It N. both of the later Greek harbour Leukos Limen,4
was immediately after the period of the Tell-el-Amarna and the modern el-KosEr (Erman, 586).
Letters-ie., in the fourteenth century B.C. -that
KadaSman-Harbe (B ABYLONIA , § 57) of Babylon, being 1 Naville (o$. c i f . 16) points out that the pictures of Ha't-
Zepsut's Punt expedition on Deir-el-Babri, which show the
shut off from Harran and the upper Euphrates by Punt goods arriving at Thebes by ship, suggest that there was
Assyria, opened a direct route across the desert to 'an arm of the Nile in communication with the Red Sea,' at
Phcenicia (Wi. Politische En&m'ckeZ. Ba6. u. Assyr. that time ; and that the same ships carried cargo all the way.
But the picture may only intend the short passage from Koptos
15). to Thehes.
Egyptian records confirm the frequent importation of a To-day not Kaft (Koptog) hut the neighhouring Keneh is
27. Other slaves from Syria into Egypt, where the the starting-plac; for el-Ko$r.
J The way is almost waterless (cp above, 9), but the
Egyptian girls were prized in the harems, and, in present writer knows it for only a day E. from Keneh. This
records. addition to articles mentioned in the Amarna
Letters, indicate that Syrian pottery and
road was supplied with reservoirs by many Pharaohs (above,
$35 Q 19 n.). It was much used for trade in the reign of Xerxes
metal work were prized ; also ointments for embalming, (Budge, H E 7 75) and in Roman times. It is of interest that in
1801 Major General Baird and his army took 16 days from
1 WMM As. u. Eu7.24; Flinders Petrie, H E 2 1 4 6 s el-Kodr to Keneh (Anderson, Journ. of Secr. Exjed. to
2 The foilowing facts are taken from the German translation Medif. and Ei., London, 1802, p . 357).
'(with transliteration of the original into Roman characters) by .I Also called Myos Hormos by the Pe~&+lus, r , and b Straho
Hugo U'inckler, Die Thonfafeln Don Tell PI-Amama Berlin, (xvi. 424 xvii. 1 4 9 , apparently through confusion wit1 Myos
1896: for some corrections see Knudtzon in Beif7. eur Hormos on the Gulf of Suez. Cp Agatharchides, De Mu+
Assyriolopk, iv. 2 3. E7yth7, in Geogr. Gr. Min. 1 1 6 7 8 wlth Tab. VI. in Atlas.
5159 5160

Aden, C4 (T RADE , 5) Hii'il, C3 (T RADE , 5 50) Memphis, B3 (E GYPT , 5 47 ; T RADE , 8 IO) Rhagae, D2
Adulis, B4 ( T RADE , 5 29) Haleb, Bz Mew, Ea (T RADE , 5 58) er-RiiId, C3
'Alpha, B3 ( E LATH ) HamadHn, Cz (T RADE , 5 58) Meshed, Dz
Alexandria, Bz (E CYPT , 5 72) Hamath, Bz (T RADE , 5 39) Moscha, Dp (T RADE , 30) Sabbatha, C4
'Aneyzah, C3 (T RADE , 5 31) Hebron, Bz Miiltan, Fz Samarkand, Ez (T RADE , 3 58)
.4ntioch, Bz (T RADE , 5 80) Hecatornpylos, Dz (T RADE , 5 58) Mu+vwa', B4 (T RADE , 5 8) Samosata, Bz (C APPADOCIA ; T RADE , 5 69)
Astarabad, Dz Hediyah, B3 Muskat, D3 (T RADE , 5 5 ) Sank. C4 (HADORAM)
Herat, Ez (T RADE , 5 5 8 ) Muza, C4 (T RADE , 5 z g ) Seleucia, Cz
Babylon, Cz Hermuz, D3 Myos Hormos (A LEXANDRIA , 5 I ; T RADE , Sokotra, D4
BaghdHd, Cz ( B ABEL , 5 7) el-Hijr (T RADE , 5 31) $29) es-Soleyil, C4
Balkh, Ez HofhQf, C3 Suppara, F3
Baroch, F3 Susa, Cz (CURUS, 5 I ; T RADE , 5 58)
Nag=, C4
el-Basra, Cz (B ABYLONIA , 5 14) Syagros Prom., D4 (T RADE , 5 30)
Berenike. B3 (T RADE , 5 29)
Ispahan, Dz (T RADE , 5 58) R. Nerbudda, F3
Nineveh, Cz
Boys: Bz ( B A S H A N5, 3) Nishapur, Dz e!-TH'if, C3 ( N AZIRITE , 5 z )
Jiddah, B3 (T RADE , 5 ag)
BukhHra, Ez Nisibis, Cz (D ISPERSION , 6 ; T RADE, 5 40) Tanna, F4
Jerusalem, Bz
Tarsus, Bz
Calicut, F4 el-Jbf, Bz (I SHMAEL)
Okelis, C4 (T RADE , 5 ag) Tebriz, Cz
Charax, Cz ( T RADE , §S 63, 69) Teirna, B3 (MIDIAN; T RADE , 5 31)
G. of 'Oman, D3
Kabtil, Ea
Ormuz, D3 Thebes, B3 (E GYPT , $9 56f:)
Damascus, Bz
Kaf, Bz Thomna, C4
Fofar, D4 ( T R A D E , 5 5) Kane. C4 Tiflis, C I
Katif, C3 Palmyra, Bz 5
(ARAMAIC LANGUAGE, 2 ; Tiphs&, B~ pRADE, 5 39)
Edessa, Bz (A RAMAIC , 5 11)
Kheybar, B3 T RADE ) Trapezus, Br
Math, B3
Erzeroum, Cz
Koptos, B3 (E GYPT , 5 1 4 : T RADE , 5 29) Peshawar, Fa . Trebizond BI (T RADE , 5 6g)
el-KoZeir, B3 (T RADE , 8 8, 2 9 ) Petra, Bz (T RADE , $? 14) Tyre, Bz (T RADE , 5 70)
Phasis, C I
Garad, C3
MdHn, Bz (T RADE , 5 14) Ptolemais Theron, B4
Gaza, Bz (T RADE , 5 70) Yenbd, B3
Gerra, D3 (T RADE , 5 31) Mariaba, C4
Mecca, B3 (G AZELLE ) Rabbah, Bz (MOAB, 5 9) Zeugma (S YRIA , 56 T RADE , 5 69)
Hadrarn6t, c 4 , D4 (HAZARI\IAVETH) el-Medina, B3 ( T R A D E , 5 31) Regma, D3 Zofar, D4
Other harbours on the S. coast of the Red Sea were Rlyos strikes N E . by 'Aneyzal and the Lower Kaseem to Basra on
Hormos a t the mouth of the Gulf of Suez about IZO m. from the the Euphrates) and Hijr (Egra),m where it divided into one N&.
Nile,l probably used in the early perioh for sea traffic, more by el-Teirna (Thairna), round the northern Neffid and along the
frequent than the land traffic, with Sinai ; the Ptolemaic Bere- WLdy Sirhan to Bogra for Damascus3 (or to 'radmor), a i d
nike due E. from Syene hut usually reached by caravan from another NNW. to Ma%, Petra, and Gaw; with a branch
Koptos-twelve days' journey according to Pliny (HN, 6 26); doubtless to Elah on the Gulf of 'Akabah. A Minaean inscrip-
Ptolemais (47;" OqpSv ~ a h o u p i v q: Prripl. B 3) near the modem tion (Glaser, 1155; Halevy. 535) mentions a caravan route
itlassowah ; Adulis2 (id. § 4), etc. ; with Muza and Okelis on from Ma'an to Ragmat, probably the O T R AA M A H (p.~.), either
the Arabian coast j J s t inside the Straits of LXib-el-Mandeh '1'~ypa on the Persian Gulf or the seat of the ' Y a p p a v ~ r o i
,(id.$5 2 1 8 2 5 ~ 9 . of Strabo (xvi. 4 24) near Yariaba in Sabaea. From Gerra
If we reckon by the voyages of A r a b d h o w ~ it, ~would (Ger'a), on the Persian Gulf, one route swung round by 'Oman
to the incense country on the S. coast ; another crossed proh-
take the Egyptian ships about a month to sail from ably by el-HaSa Nejd, and Lower Kaseem to Kheybar and
el-I$ost.r to the Straits of BBb-el-Mandeb. Pliny (Z.C.) 'leyma for Syrii (or from Kaseem crossed more directly hy
gives thirty days from Rerenike to Okelis, but Hero- Hl'il and el-JBf to Ma%; Palgrave [p. 21 gives the distance
from the JBf to Ma'ln a t zoo m. as the crow flies). Forder (145)
dotus (211)only forty for the voyage down the whole gives the present population of the JGf a t 40,000 (!). The towii is
Red S e a J a
z m. long, m. wide; three rainfalls annually; water-supply
In the Indian Ocean the routes down the E. coast of good from deep springs ; warm sulphur springs ; clothing,
Africa and up the Arabian coast were known and cooking-utensils, coffee, etc., hy caravan from Mecca, Baghdad,
and Damascus. Another route across N. Arahia, probably
30. I n d i ~mapped in Greek times. For the African used by Babylonian expeditions to Musri and Sinai, led from
coast see the Atlas to Geozr. Gr. Min. xii. the Euphrates to the JBf and so by Ma'& to 'Akabah ; hut the
Ocean. The Arabian coast route i s described longer route given ahove-B~n-'Aneyza-Teyma-'Akabah-
was easier and less dangerous. On the S., easy routes connected
in the PeripZus. From Okelis to Arabia Felix (Aden), the interior of the Min;ean territory with the ports on the Ked
to Moscha (Zofzir) and the Syagros promontory Sea and the Indian Ocean. So much for Arabia.
(RHs Fertak) would take at least a month, with probably W e have now to trace the routes from Egypt across
twenty days more to the mouth of the Persian Gulf. Syria towards Damascus-for the
Thus the whole voyage from 'Akabah or Suez to the 32. Egypt Of these there are in
mouth of the Persian Gulf cannot have occupied less through Syria. the Euphrates:
main four.
than three months. Thence to the mouth of the Indus I. E. of Jordan.-The first, from the E. westward,
and down the Malabar coast the ports and distances left the Delta by Suez for Nakhl, on the plateau pf TIh,
are described in the Periplus. For the voyage direct and thence reached Elath at the head of the Gulf of
from Okelis, ' a d primum emporium Indize, Muzirim,' 'Akabah,4 where it joined the routes S. and E. through
Pliny ( H N 6 2 6 )gives forty days, and adds that a ship Arabia. From 'Akabah it turned up the W . el-Ithni to
leaving Berenike about the end of July reached Muziris the E. of Edom (Israel's track) and struck Ma'an (where
about the middle of October, and leaving again in the it crossed the route Mecca to Petra). From Ma'Xn it
end of December or January returned to Egypt within is ten journeys to Damascus (Doughty, Ar. Des. 148) ;
the year. The coasting voyage from Babylonia down the present Hajj route keeps to the E. of Moab, to
the Persian Gulf, and so to the Indus, may be followed avoid the deep cafions (for routes through Moab, see
in the PenPZus (@ 35fl), or in Arrian's Hist. Indica MOAB,5 8 ) to Kal'at ez-Zerk&,on the upper waters of
(IS 2 0 f l ) . G the ZerkH, the biblical Jabbok. Thence it holds due
Coming now to Arabia, we find in the Minaean N. to Rimtheh and el-Muzerib, thence upon the west of
31. arabia. inscriptions hints, and in the Greek the Lej& to Damascus. An older branch struck from
geographers data, of the long trade the Zerk2 NE. to Bosra (to which other routes came
routes, which traversed the peninsula up from Arabia), Kanatha, and so by the E. of the
Sprenger (Alte G e q w Arab. chap. 2) describes nine of these Leja to Damascus.
routes, with Ptolemy's map of A k h i a ; and Wiistenfeld (Die won 2. Up the 'ArZBah.-The second route, frcm Elath to
Mpdina ausZaux HaqWstrassen, and Die Strasse won B a y a
rrach Me&ka; Giitt. 1862 and 1867 with maps) has laid down Damascus, followed the great trench of the 'ArBbah by
the routes in the I
S.half of Arahia from the data of the Arabian the foot of Mt. Seir to the Dead Sea, and then up its
geographers. west coast and the Jordan valley. This has great disad-
The principal roads were those by which frankincense vantages in heat and want of water ; but the traffic
was brought to Syria and Mesopotamia from the along it (at least as far as the Dead Sea) was consider-
Sabzean country. . able in the early Mohammedan period, and the same
Pliny ( H N 1 2 33 Cd. Delph.) gives the distance from Thomna
to Gaza as sixty-five daily marches for camels.? T h e route stretch of it may have been used by Jewish trade with
held to Mecca, from remote antiquity a great centre of trade. Blath in the days of the kings.
There it divided. One hranch turned N E . through Nejd (a 3. By Hebron.-A third line of road from Egypt
present pilgrim-route) and again divided, one arm E. through through Syria-perhaps that called the way of SHL~R
el-Hasa to the ancient Gerra, or other port on the Bahrein Gulf,s
the other NE. towards Basrah. The main branch from Mecca (4.z.. Gen. 167)-started from the middle of the
continued N. to Medinah (whence a tolerably watered road Isthmus, struck E. through the desert till it crossed
Jebel MaghHrah,5 turned N. round J. Held, crossed
1 At Keneh. For the route, past granite and p r p h y
quarries with Greek and Roman remains. see Baedekcr's 8 g . x W. el-'Arish (from which onwards there are not a few
348. Myos Hormos. now Abu Sar el-Kibli, lay in the lat. of wells and waterpits), passed el-Birein, Ruhaibeh, and
Manfaluc, and from there or Assid: was ahout 1 5 0 m. distant. K h a l q a to Beersheba and Hebron (P ALESTINE , 5 20).
2 Or A d d 6 (near .4nnesley Bay) the port for Axum, I Z O m.
distant ; in the Gk. period the market for trade with Central
4. By maritime pZain.-The fourth route left the
Africa. 'much freoumted hv traders from Alexandria and the Delta at Pelusium or some station near the present
Elanit& gulf '-Cosnias Indicopleustes, Christ. T u p u p . (6th el-Kantara on the canal, for Rhinokolura (el-'Arish),
cent.), Bk. 11. E T by M'Crindle, 54. Raphia, and Gaza-six to seven marches from the
3 Cp Burton Pi/grinare to Al-Med. andMecca chap. 11.
4 This appeirs also to have been the datum of 'kmosthenes Delta.6 Thence by Ashdod up the Maritime Plain.
the Ptolemaic admiral, in Pliny, HiV633 ed. Delph., wher;
for guatridui read gxadraginfa dierum. I So Doughty. For the mercantile qualities of the inhahit-
5 Muziris, on the Malabar coact, either Calicut, or more onts, see Palgrave, 117(Oneyza ; v. Oppenheim [2 541, 'Oneze).
probably, Manxalore ; see the Periplus and Ptolemy. For 2 Or Medain Salih.
voyages to different ports in India, cp Sprenger, A&. Geu,. 3 Palgrave. A description of the route between the Jbf and
Arab. 9 8 8 BoSra, along the W. SirhPn is given by Forder (WifhArabs zn
6 Geogr. G r . Min., ed. Miiller, Paris, 1882, vol. i., 2 8 4 8 Tent and Tmn, chaps. 5-8). I t is apparently sb davs from
3 3 2 s with Tahh. XI. and XII1.-XV. h e J6f to Ithera; thence four hours to-Kaf. thence 6 davs to
7 Palgrave (144) gives his day's march ac twelve to fourteen 3rman, thence I to Bosra.
hours, a t about 5 m. a n hour, ' t h e ordinary pace of a riding 4 Palmer, Desert of d e Exodus; Trumhull, Kadesh Barnea;
camel.' This seems even for such rather much, and freight :onsult Palmer also for routes from Suez to Sinai.
camels certainly go more slowly. 5 To the N. of Jebel Yeleg : see Drake Holland's Map,
8 Palgrave (369) gives the time for the Persian pilgrims from PEFQ 1884 p. 4.
Ahu-Shahr (Bushire) across the gulf and through Nejd to 6 NLpoleoh G74prre JOricnt: Campagnes a"&g$fe et de
Mecca as two months. Syrie, vol. ii.'; Wittmann's Trawls, 128 j ? Archduke Sal-
5161 5162
These four roads from Egypt to Syria were crossed by nub and ‘Ar‘Hrah, the road divides into two, one N. of
others from Arabia to the Levant and S. Palestine. Beersheba to Gaza, the other by Kh. el-Milh to Hebron.
33. Cross- The direction of these, across the By this road from Ma‘Hn to the Negeb pilgrims and
routes: Tih, desert of Tih and the Negeb, must supplies from Gaza and Hebron meet the Hajj at
have varied according to season and Ma‘Hn, and it is probable that from Hebron to ‘Aiu
rainfall. This desert, so important el-Weibeh and thence down the ‘Arabah the same road
both in the wanderings and in the trade of Israel, is in carried the trade of the kings of Israel to Elath or
the main a high, hard plateau, the Plateau of Tih, Ezion-geber.
bearing short, irregular ranges of hills, and is niostly 3. Finally, there was a less important line of traffic
barren. but its valleys contain alluvial soil. The rainfall from Gaza along the S. frontier of Palestine and round
in January and February is considerable, and then there the S. end of the Dead Sea to Kerak.
is much grass. Perennial springs are infrequent ; but For the main and cross routes through Palestine
in the longer wHdies water can nearly always be had by 34. Palestine. itself, see P ALESTINE , § 20, to which
digging. Horses may he taken everywhere, provided may be added the following :-
camels accompany them with water-skins for the long I. From Dead Sen.-The great ‘Arabah road and
intervals between wells (Wilson, PEFQ, 1887,pp. 3 8 8 ) . the salt deposits at the S. end of the Dead Sea were
The ruins of vineyards and villages, with forts, in the connected with Jerusalem hy a route through el-Milh and
N ECEB (4.w.) prove that it was once easy of traverse. Hebron, by another which left the Dead Sea at Engedi
The most inaccessible portion is immediately W. of the and deployed np the W. HuSHsah to Jebel Fureidis
‘Arabah and S. of the Palestine frontier-some 60 m. (Herodiuni), or crossed W. Ghuweir and ascending
N. and S. by 50 E. and W. - steep ridges, the W. J e r f h struck NW. to Jerusalem. The second of
v m e of the wildest of the Arabs of this region, the these is a very bad road. To-day the salt-carners, in
AzZzimeh. This part throws the roads between Pales- preference to both, follow the Dead Sea coast to a
tine and the Red Sea to the W. and E. of itself. These point N. of Engedi before striking up to Jerusalem.
naturally bend to the best sources of water, of which we 2. Across W. range.-N. of the Dead Sea the routes
may note the following :--‘Ain el-Weibeh’ in the Arabah, across the W. range were two :$+st, that mentioned in
about 80 m. from Elath. and 30 from the Dead Sea ; PALESTINE, § 20, by the Beth-horons, past the great
15 m. N., ‘Ain Hasb ; S. of the ‘Azaziineh country, sanctuary and market at Bethel, down to Jericho ; ‘Ain
well-watered wHdies round the famous ‘Ain Kadis ed-Dilk on one branch of this route is probably a
(K ADESH , I ) ; hut this district is so shut off by Jehel Philistine station (D AGON , Docus) of the days when the
Magrah and other hills that it is not visited by Philistines commanded the traffic on this line (it was
through roads ; wells a t Hathirah, Birein, el-‘Aujeh, and also used by the Crusaders, who did not hold Gaza,
elsewhere afford a well-watered line of travel N. and for their traffic with Moah. Edom. and ‘Akaba ; Key,
S . on which most of the routes converge; N. of the Les Colonies Franyucs dans Zes XZZ. et XZZZ. Sit?cZes:
‘AzHzimeh country, ‘fin el-Mureidhah, W . el-Yemen, ch. 9 ) ; second, the road which, ascending NW. from
and Kurnub. Taking these facts with the evidence of Jaffa, crosses the watershed at Shechem in the pass
the ancient geographers and of travellers like Robinson, between Ebal and Gerizim, and descends the wHdies el-
Palmer, Clay Trumbull, Holland, and Wilson, we can KerEid and FHri‘ah to the ford at ed-DHmieh. That the
determine the following lines of traffic across the desert trading Philistines also used this route is certified by
of Tih and the Negeh. the presence to the E. of Shechem of a Beit Dejan-
I. The chief line of traftic is that which from the i.e., Beth-Dagon. So also Vespasian marched (B/
head of the Gulf of ‘Akabah strikes NW. over the iv. 81).
plateau of Tih to the conspicuow mountain ‘ArHif Carmel was turned by four routes N. from Sharon.
e ~ N % k a hand, ~ bending N. coincides near Birein with (,I ,) The most westerly follows the coast ; it connected
the trunk road from the middle of the Isthmns of Suez 36. Sharon to the Phoenician settlements S. and N.
to Hebron. It leaves the trunk road again near of Carmel, and in later times Caesarea
Ruhaibeh and strikes NW. on Gaza. For camels it
Eadraelon. with Ptolemais. ( 2 ) A road leaves
is about eight days’ journey by this route from ‘Akabah the K. end of Sharon and strikes N.’by Subbarin and
to Gaza. To the E. of the S. half of it, hut coinciding E. of Carmel to TeIl KeimCin; it is the shortest line
with its N. half, are several pilgrim routes between from Egypt to the Phcenician cities. ( 3 ) Another
Sinai and Gaza much used in the Middle Ages ;4 it is leaves Sharon at Kh. es-Sumrah, strikes NE. up the
ten days from St. Catherine’s Convent to Gaza.5 W. ‘Arah to ‘Ah Ibrahini and enters Esdraelon at
2. The route from Ma‘Hn and Petra to the Negeb Lejjfin (Megiddo), from which roads branch to Naza-
?ds by Petra and the W. el-Abyad, crosses the reth, Tiherias, and, by Jezreel, to Beth-shan and the
Arabah NW. to ‘Ain el-Weibeh, and thence strikes Jordan. (4)The fourth leaves Sharon by the W. Abu
up through the hills by several branches, the best Nbr, emerges on the plain of Dothan, and enters
known being that which leaves the ‘Arabah a little to Esdraelon at Jenin (En-gannim) ; for the Jordan valley
the N. of ‘Ain el-Weibeh, passes ‘Ain el-Mureidhah and the road to Damascus across IJaurHn it is shorter .
and ‘Ain el-Khuran to the great mountain barrier, than the route by LejjCin (cp Gem 3825). On these
pierced by the Nakb el-Yemen, Nakb es-Sufah (thought roads and their significance see HG 1 5 0 8
by some to be ZEPHATH or H ORMAH , through which The valleys of S. Galilee, disposed E. and W., carried
Israel attempted Palestine from the S., Nu. 1445 213 some of the most famous roads of Palestine. These
Dt. 144 Judg. 1 1 7 ) and Nakh es-Sufey.6 Still another 36. s. Galilee. started from Akko ( PTOLEMAIS). ( I )
pass to the W. of Nakb el-Yemen is said to carry a road One struck SE. bv another Beth-
to Gaza. On the high region to the N. of these passes Dagon,3 clinibed to Sepphoris, passed nenr Nazareth,
the routes reunite, and, passing a little to the E. of Kur- and descended by the W. esh-Sharr8r to the Jordan a t
the Roman bridge, Jisr el-MujHmi‘, the main Roman
vator, Die Karawanemtrasse von &. rrach Syr. (Prague, road to the trans- Jordanic provinces. ( 2 ) Another
1879; E T London 1881).
1 Robiison BR h 5 8 0 8 crossed by the valley N. of Sepphoris and descended
2 V. RaumLr, PaZasiina, 4 8 0 8 ; Clay Trumbull, Kadesh on Tiberias. (3) Another climbed E. probably by
Barnea, 207 etc. W. Wasriyeh, held along the foot of Upper Galilee to
3 Another branch strike3 from ‘Akabah up the ‘Arabah, Ramah, from which one hranch descended to join a
ascends the plateau hy the W. el-Beyineh and joins the main
road near W. el Ghudnghid (Robinson), S. of J. ‘Arnlf en- 1 The biblical Tamar. See 5 50.
Nakah. 2 So too, perhaps, ran one of the Roman roads between
‘For a list see Robinson BR 1 $ 6 1 8 Hebron and Elath.
Felix Fabri Euagaior&um and other mediaeval travellers. 3 Dok of the Crusading Chronicles (e.e., L’Estoire de Za
6 Large Map)to Clay Trumdull’s Kariesh Barnea. Guerve Sainte, 1897,11. 3987, 4071); now Tell Da’ouk or Dauk.
5163 5’64
Walker &Cockerell sc.
N. and S. trunk road at Capernaum, whilst a second for trade through Elam with the interior of Asia has
proceeded by Safed to the present Bridge of the already been noticed. For the land routes from India
Daughters of Jacob across Jordan. These are probably to Babylon, see Lassen, Zndische A Zferthumskunde,
the roads reflected in the parables of Jesus ( H G 4 2 5 8 ) . 2 5 2 9 ; for the ancient sea route, Arriau's * I Y & K ~55
The most northerly is the most natural (or easiest) 208 For both under Babylonians, Persians, Greeks,
route for traffic 'from the sea-coast to Damascus and Romans, see below, $5 56, 58, 63, 71.
More difficult roads, however, crossed the highlands 111. HISTORY OF T RADE I N ISRAEL
behind Phcenicia :-(I) from Tyre, by Burj el-Alawei In Part I. ($I 1-27)we have surveyed the vast and
3,. Tyre and through the valley near Abrikha (where intricate system of commerce which prevailed throughout
pavement is still found) down to the 41. Periods. W. Asia by the close of the second millen-
sidon. N. of Rubb ThelHthin, across the nium B.C. Ontheirsettlement in Palestine,
HHSbHny to BBniHs ; (2) from Tyre, or (3)from Sidon, between 1300 and 1150 B . c . , Israel came into contact
to the elbow of the Litany and so down to the HSbHny with this system upon two of its most ancient and
bridge and BBniBs. The importance of these roads is crowded pathways through Syria : between the Euphrates
testified by the lines of crusading castles upon them. and the Nile, and between Arabia and the Levant.
On the E. of Jordan (N. of Moab) the cross-routes Before we follow the details of their gradual engage-
are best illustrated by the Dosition of the cities of ment in this system, we have to examine ( I) the tradi-
38, E.ofJofdan. DECAPOLIS ( P . v . ) . From the Jordan tions which they brought with them, or adopted from
opposite Scvthouolis (Bethshani start the Canaanites, in order to discover what reflection of
three roads :-(I)one'to the S.*by Pella (with a vaAation trade these may contain ( 5 42 5). We shall then
a little to the N.) and thence SE. over the hills of ($5 4 4 8 ) treat of the history of Israel's own trade under
Gilead (by the lost Dion) to Gerasa and Philadelphia ( 2 ) the Judges (§ 46J) ; (3)the early monarchy (Saul
(with branches). ( 2 ) A second climbed to Gadara, to Solomon, 48-51) ; (4)the divided kingdom till the
and thence along the ridge to Abila of the Decapolis, end of the ninth century (5s 51-53); (5) the eighth and
and by Abila to Kanatha or by Edrei to Bosra and seventh centuries till the fall of Jerusalem in 586 (5s
Jebel HaurBn. (3)A third climbed from the E. coast 53-57) ; (6)the exilic and Persian Period till 332 B.C.
of the Lake of Galilee by Hippos (Siisiya opposite (5s 58-62); (7) the Greek Period (1 63-67); and (8)
Tiberias) and crossed JaulHn and HaurHn by Naw-a the Roman Period till the destruction of Jerusalem
(with variants) to Damascus. T o the N. of these ran by Titus (§§ 68-81).
other two : ( 4 ) from the Bridge of the Daughters of It is interesting that the earliest Hebrew traditions of
Jacob by el-Kuneitrah, and (5) from BHniLs by Kefr primitive man are-with a few doubtful exceptions-as
Hawar-both to Damascus. 42. Earls destitute of references to trade, as we have
The lines of trade through N. Syria from Damascus traditions. found those in W. Asia in general to be.
and Phcenicia to the Euphrates are determined by the According to J E passages in the early
desert, the long parallel lines of hills, chapters of Genesis, the founders of civilisation were
39. N.
and the Orontes valley. The shortest hunters, shepherds, tillers of the soil, inventors of
route from Damascus to Mesopotamia is NE. by the weapons and musical instruments, and builders of cities.
Palmyra or T ADMOR oasis ; but its difficulties, due There is no recognition of a special class of merchants ;
to the want of water and the wild character of the nor is there any reflection of such in Israel's earliest
nomads, diverted the main volume of traffic through conceptions of the Deity. This agrees with the results
the settled country to the E. of Jebel AnSaiya Here of an examination of other religions ($5 23-27), Certain
the road from Damascus struck due N. on the E. of of the stories, however, appear to take for granted the
Anti-libanus, by Riblah, Hemessa (Horns), Hadrach, existence of commerce among early men. As in early
to Hamath (Hamat). where it was joined by a road Egypt the weaponsmith himself carried his goods abroad
from the Phoenician coast u p the Leontes and down the for sale (§ IZ), so the Kain of Gen. 4, perhaps the
Orontes valleys. From Hamath the routes were two : 'forger,' is the founder of the first city-ie., market or
one NE. to Tiphsah (Thapsacus), the ford,' on the ceutre of trade (see CAINITES, § 5 $)-and it is
Euphrates; the other, and more frequent, N. by possible to trace the mixed story of the Kairi of Gen. 4
Halwan (Haleh, Aleppo) and Arpad (Tell Arfad) to -an agricultnrist who became a wanderer-to (among
Carchemish (Jergbis), a great sanctuary and market.l other sources) an attempt to describe the origin of
From this rafts descended the Euphrates to Babylon, commerce ; for, except for commerce, agriculturists d o
and a road travelled E. by HARANrq.v.1 -- - IHarrKnn).
,. not take to travel (but see CAIN for other explanations).
40, assyrb : again a famous sanctuary and market, Again, some reflection of Babylon's early position as a
and Nisibis (Nasibin) to the Tigris at world market has already ( 5 I O ) been suggested in the
Babylonia. Nineveh. On Carchemish and Harran story of the tower of Babel. Whatever significance in
converged routes from Asia Minor and Armenia ; upon this respect we assign to such traditions-the very
Nineveh from Armenia by the Upper Tigris and from doubtful exceptions alluded to above-we may see in
the Caspian by the Greater ZBb and other valleys. the fate imputed to Babylon a symptom of that horror
On the Mesopotamian routes with their extensions into of building and of cities which marks the unsophisticated
Asia Minor, Persia, and farther E., see below §§ 58 nomad, and is observable among the desert-bred portions
(Persian Imperial roads), 63 (Greek), and 69 (Roman). of Israel to a comparatively late period (e.& in Amos).
The Euphrates is navigable for 1200 m. from its mouth, The tales of the fathers of Israel assign to the people
and is said to be, as high up as its junction with the an Aramaean origin-that is to say, among a people, and
KhBbClr, 18 ft. deep, a depth that sometimes falls, 43.patriarchs. in a land in which trade flourished
lobier down its course, with the dissipation.of its waters, from an early period (§ 16). N O
to 12 ft. (Rogers, Nist. of Bab. and Ass. 1271 8 ) . mercantile pursuits are imputed to the patriarchs by
The Tigris, much more rapid, and of more uncertain the J E passages ; but these take for granted the exist-
volume, is less fitted for navigation ; but to-day small ence in their days of a developed commerce (e.g.,Gen.
steamers proceed as far up as Baghdad, and boats even 20 16, ' 1000silver pieces' ; 24 22. ' shekels ' as weights ;
to M6yd (Nineveh).2 The convenience of Babylonia and the position of the a cities of the plain ' on a well-
known knot of traffic at the S. end of the Dead Sea ;
1 See map to ASSYRIA between cols. 352 and 353. cp the importance of Zoar as a trading centre in early
2 From Masul to BaihdZd. by raft down the Tigris, takes Mohammedan and crusading times : MOAB, 9)-an
from five to s& days according to the state of the river: from assumption which the data given in Part I. (esp. $§
Baghdad to Masul a caravan takes twenty to twenty-two days
(The Pioneer, M a y 29, 1902). 2-20) assure us is not anachronistic. A price paid to
5167 5168
Abraham is estimated in the most primitive forms of commerce. The possession of old Canaanite sanctuaries
currency, cattle and slaves (,Gen. 20 14 ; cp 31 77, on the cross-routes would carry with it the superiority
perhaps as blackmail). A wife is purchased wlth of the markets connected with them (5 24) ; thus we find
precious metals, in the form of ornaments (24) ; a kid Ephraim at Shechem?or the neighbouringGilga1 (Juleijil),
is given as a hnrlot':; wage (3817) ; and silver is paid Benjamin at Bethel, and Judah at Hebron-one of the
by Jacobs sons for corn in Egypt, and also by the great markets for the desert. But other tribes gradually
Egyptians till it fails, when the price is paid first in settled across the chief lines of through traffic-Issachar,
cattle and then in land (47148): Thus the JE stories Zebulun, and D a n ; and these are the only tribes to
of the Patriarchs present us with instances of practically whom any portion of O T literature that can be called
every stage in the primitive evolution of money. early. appears to assign any international trade.
The passage of Israel northwards to Palestine Issacbar, on Esdraelon, is described as the guardian
brought them along and across ancient and much- of some great fair (Dt. 3318 f: : I SSACHAR, 2):
44, Arrival frequented lines of commerce (§§ 31-34), and Zebulun farther W. as commanding the coast-
whilst the traditions of their early con- trade (Gen. 49 73 Dt. 35 19 ; Z EBULUN ) : while some
of Israel. quests and settlements in Palestine relate interpret Deborah's reference to Dan of their con-
their inheritance of the fruits of the rich Babylonian- nection at Laish with Sidon (cp D AN , § 3). However
Egyptian trade which, as we have seen (§$ 25 27), that may be, Dan's position there commanded one
filled Syria on the eve of their arrival. Cp ' the goodly great line of traffic N. and S. and another E. and W.
Babylonish mantle,' ' zoo shekels of silver,' and ' the Further. it is interesting that some of the battles and
gold ingot of 50 shekels ' among the spoil of Jericho expeditions under the Judges were on the line of these
(Josh. 7 21, J E ) , and the Dt. tradition that besides the and other ancient lines of traffic-Esdraelon, Dan,
fruits of the long-developed agriculture of Palestine the Jericho ( 3nz), and theroute from Jordan into Arabia,
incoming Israelites inherited ' houses full of all goods ' Succoth, Jogbehah, on which it is Ishmaelites with
(Dt. 6 I O J Josh. 2413 Neh. 9.5). ear-rings of gold (in other words traders) whom
Yet these accounts abstain from asserting that Israel Gideon defeats (8 : cp v. 24). There is, too, a possible
at the same time entered on the carrying trade of mention of pearls (nryo>n,ZJ.26 ; cp Moore's note, p. 233).
Canaan. Isrdel was confined to the as well as one of purple (?). In 10 12 are mentioned the
46' Distance hills. None of the tribes reached the Maonites, probably the Minzans: even if we should
from sea' sea coast except Asher, and the probably read with &$Midian, it is traders who are meant.
sarcastic reference in Deborih's song (Judg. 5 ;7) to h& Along with these, the reference to the disturbance of
' creeks ' (AV ' breaches ') is borne out by the harbour- travel in the land in Judg. 5 (v.6f:) must not be over-
less character of the coast between Accho (held by the looked. It is interesting to note the distinction already
Phcenicians) and KSLS en-NHkCirah. The fact is that, observed between trading and non-trading communities
down almost the entire length of Israel's history, a belt in the case of Laish ( 1 8 7 ) . Laish on a small scale
of foreign territory separated the people from the sea : illustrated the military carelessness which rendered (..E. )
nor did the spectacle of the sea, breaking on what was the great trading dynasties of Babylonia so easy a prey
generally a lee shore, and entirely without natural to the nomadic hordes who conquered them.
harbours, excite any temptation to reach it. The first The elements of trade in the period of the Judges
coast town taken by Israel was Joppa, and that not till must have been simple ; still, we are not warranted by
144 B.C. In Hebrew literature down to exilic times the data in minimising them. Salt would
and even later, the sea is only used ( I ) for the W. 47* The, come from the Dead Sea, and asphalt ; fish
horizon, ( 2 )as a symbol of arrogance against God (Is. 'Judges* from the coast towns. That the useful metals
17 Z Z $ and Pss.), and ( 3 ) as a means to attempt came from the outside is clear both from their absence
escape from him (Am. 9 3 ; Jonah). The word for from Israel's earlier possessions and from the Philistine
harbour in (the late) Ps. 107 30 is a general term for policy ( I S.1319) of banishing from among them the
' refuge ' : in Hebrew there is no word for ' port ,' and the smiths. That is to say, metal-work was not familiar to
later Jews had to borrow one from the Greeks-Limen the Israelites themselves ; it was probably pursued. a s
(see H G ch. 7). El-en if Ps. 107 refers to Israelites, in so many parts of Syria and Arabia at the present
it describes merchants, not sailors. It is remarkable day, by certain nomadic families. A little gold, prob-
that even to this day Jews, who have risen to eminence ably in the shape of small rings and other ornaments,
in every other department of the life of nations among would be bought from the Arabian caravans (Judg. 8
whom they have settled, have never been known to and 10 as above) ; and silver pieces are mentioned
fame as admirals or .ship-captains, and are very seldom (94 1 6 5 17z$ I O ). In exchange, the Hebrews could
found a s sailors (so far a s the present writer knows, give their surplus wool and oil, figs, raisins, and perhaps
only in the Black Sea.).l wine (Judg. 9 13 ; cp the early use of the phrase ' every
Inland waters.-As for inland waters : the Dead Sea man under his own vine and fig tree' : I K. 55).l
was not navigated till the time of the Romans ; there But the foreign character of the international trade of
were only fishing boars on the Lake of Galilee ;a and on this period is seen in the use of gentilic names for
the Jordan only a ferry ( 2 S . 19 19 [IS]) or two [cp FORD]. merchants alluded to above (5 13) and in the meaning
Boats on the Jordan are not mentioned till the Talmud. of the earliest Hebrew terms for trader (,no and ~ J Y =
Early Israel was not so wholly shut off from the lines traveller) .z
of land traffic which traverse Palestine. The Canaan- It is usually assumed by modern writers that Solomon
46. Land ites contlnued to hold positions command- was the real father of trade in Israel ; yet the conditions,
ing these-like B e t h ~ h a nand
, ~ even others actual symptoms, and consequences of a
traffic. (sometimes in a line) across the Western 48.
monarchy. considerable commerce are present from
Range (Gezer, Gibeon, Jerusalem) ; while the Philistines the very beginning of the monarchy-
entered on possession of Gaza and the S . end of the which by all W. Asian analogies, would itself be suffi-
maritime plain. Still the connubium which Israel cient proof of the organisation and rapid increase of
indulged in with Canaanites (Judg. 35f: ' substantially Israel's trade. The Philistines not only held the main
J,' Moore) and Philistines (Samson) certainly proves line of commerce between Egypt and Phcenicia-
1 Jos. (87 iii. 92) mentions Jewish pirates at Joppa. There Babylonia : their encounters with Israel at Michmash
was a Jewish naval officer in the U.S. civil war; Sjectator, and Gilboa (cp Bet Dejan E. of Shechem, and Dagon
Jan. 3, 1903. near Jericho, 34) appear to imply a struggle for the
a And in Greek times galleys. Cp the galley on some of the
coins of Gadara. 1 C Buhl, Die socialen YevkZZtnFrSeder lsvaehten 12.
S The list in Judg. 1 c:ontainsa number of towns on the main a &,e the sanctuary as the treasury, and the hire' of mer-
routes. cenaries (Judg. 9 4).
5'69 5170
cross-routes to the E. as well. In connection with kept in mind that the king of all Israel could always
Saul's earlier successes over the Philistines on one of these pay in the assurance of security for the Arabian
routes, David's praise of him, that ' h e brought up Phcenician traffic across his dominions, and that when
adorning of gold on the garments' of the daughters of this service, and Israel's surplus corn and oil ( I K.
Israel ( 2 S. 124) is very significant. 5 2 5 [II] : zo,ooo kor of wheat and 20,ooo bath of oil
In W. Asia the rise of a power like David's always annually to Hiram) and perhaps wool, failed to meet the
means an intentional increase of commerce, of which a value of the timber and other imports from Phcenicia.
very good illustration is found in Palgrave's description Solomon paid the balance in land ( I K. 911 8). Buhl
of the policy of Tela1 ibn-Rasheed of Hay& who by (77) thinks it doubtful that the expeditions to Ophir
the security of his dominions and the surrounding desert, were undertaken for trade. But for what else
by liberal offers to merchants at a distance, and the could they have been undertaken ? Early Egyptian
introduction of good commercial families, created a and Babylonian expeditions to distant lands had
considerable external trade among his people (Central no other aim (J 8, third note). W e have seen that
and E. Arab., 93 IIZ 133 [ed. 18831). David united, some products of Europe were in Babylonian shops by
pacified, and partly organised all Israel ; finally threw 1400 B.C. ; the Phcenician ships may have carried these
off the Philistine yoke (and perhaps carried his power or others to Ophir. There were also Syrian dates, and
into Philistia itself) ; subdued the Canaanites who had corn, the Syrian woven robes, the Tyrian purple, and
hitherto held several of the towns in Hebrew territory ; Phcenician modifications of Babylonian and Egyptian
and founded a capital whose population must (as Buhl art, weapons and perhaps silver ; whilst we have also
points out, p. 16) have been dependent on commerce seen (J 2 0 ) that the early Egyptians exchanged trinkets
for their livelihood. He stamped shekels used in (as civilised peoples do to this day among barbarian
weighing ( 2 S. 1426), which we may take as evidence of tribes) for the valuable products which they found in
other regulations of commerce. The considerable the markets of Punt. Solomon's servants may have
number of foreign names among his servants is partly done the same with the unsophisticated natives of
significant of trade; but if they were all military Ophir ; and we have seen that dates and weapons are
mercenaries, we have seen (J 11) that in W. Asia the still imported to the S. coast of Arabia (J 5). I K.
substitution of such for a native militia (A RMY , J 4)- 1028f. records Solomon's trade in horses. The text
and this is the first appearance of mercenary troops in restored from 6' is to he read : ' The export of horses
Israel (yet cp Judg. 94)-was always the consequence of for Solomon was out of MuSri and Kue : the dealers of
an increase of trade. David subdued Moab, Ammon, the king brought them out of Kue for a price.' Musr is
and Edom (with command of the SE. trade routes) ; the N. Syrian state of that name (MIZRAIM,z a ) ; Kue
extended his influence as far N. as Hamath (D AV ID , is Cilicia (see C ILICIA , J z ) . Horses came from N. to S.
7-9) ; and made an alliance with Hiram of Tyre, in W. Asia : probably first from Asia Minor into Syria.
with whose help he built a royal house of stone and The Hebrew text which introduces them to Palestinefrom
cedar. On these data, some of which are conclusive, Egypt, is impossible : horses were not indigenous in
we may assume that in David's reign trade in the real Egypt nor were the pastures there sufficient for breeding
sense of the word had already begun to grow in Israel. and rearing them for export. Yet notice the reference
It was under Solomon, however, that, as in the in Dt. 17 16 which implies that some horses came to Israel
building of the temple so in the organisation of a con- from Egypt. I K. 1015 (see Benzinger, for the correct
siderLblecommerce, the full consequences bO. Duties, etc. text) states that Solomon derived part
trade. of David's pdlicy were first realised. The of his wealth from tolls levied on the
mixed and much edited records of the transit trade between Arabia and the Levant.* If I S.
reign of SOLOMON [ 4 . v . ] have behind all their later 8 1 5 8 be, as is probable, of post-Solomonic date, and
additions the facts, not only of an increase of wealth in therefore reflect the evils of a monarchy already experi-
Israel ( I K. 3 13), which was comparatively enormous, enced, it is notable that nothing is said, aniong the
but also of foreign enterprises and of internal provisions taxes imposed on native ZsraeZites, of one imposed for
for trade which can alone account for such increase. trade. But this will only mean that, RS in early Egypt
David's alliance and commerce with Hiram of Tyre were (J 11) and partly in Hgyil, when Palgrave was there in
continued. Whatever historical value be assigned to 1863, the trade of Israel was directly carried on by the
the story of the Queen of Sheba's visit to Jerusalem king himself through his servants : it was not private
(I K.101-q), there is at the bottom of it at least the enterprise but part of the royal administration (cp I K.
fact of a land trade with the S. of Arabia : whilst the 10 28 ' the dealers of the king '). Further, Solomon is
inherent probability of the record of voyages down the said to have ' built' or fortified cities on trade routes
Red Sea (on the state of the text of I K.928 1011 see (917J) :, ' Gezer, Beth-horon the nether, Baalath, and
Benzinger) is obvious from Solomon's position between Tamar in the wilderness, and all the store-cities ('72
Phcenicia and Arabia and the command which his nii?pFD ; cp CITY Lf], STORE-CITIES) which Solomon
father's conquest of Edom gave him of the route to had:' T AMAR ( 4 . v . ) is most probably Tamara to the
Elath. Without Solomon's aid the Phcenicians could S . of Judah, on the route to Petra or Elath. Other
not have voyaged from the Gulf of 'Akaba to Ophir. signs of Solomon's far-spread commercial influence are
That the sailors and ships are described as Phcenician, his alliance with Egypt, which carried with it the
not Israelite, proves that the story has not been at least possession of Gezer that commands more than one line
wholly idealised by later writers. If Ophir, as is most of traffic ( 3 189 17f. ) ; the description of his dominion
probable, lay on the S. coast of i\rabia (see OPHIR),'three as stretching from Tiphsah ( ' the crossing') on the N.
months would amply suffice for the voyage there, and Euphrates, to Gaza ( 4 24 [5 4]), with dominion over all
the expedition would be back within a year ; the datum the kings beyond the river, which can only mean com-
of the record that a voyage was made only every third mercial influence ; and the datum ' the entering in of
year is another syniptom of the absence of exaggeration. Hamath' (865)--i.e., the issue from Israel between the
It is, indeed, a difficulty with many scholars that the Lebanons towards the most iniportant mart in N. Syria.
small kingdom of Israel had too little to furnish in There is no allusion to trade in Solomon's prayer to Yahwe
exchange for the vast and valuable imports described as
coming from Ophir ; and the reporters are at a loss to 1 After Wi. A T Unters. 1 6 8 8 . ; cp MIZRAIM, # 2 a ; H ORSE
name the gifts from Solomon to the Queen of Sheba in 5 I (5); and, on the other side, C HARIOT , 4, col. 726 n. 1.
I 0 81.
K. 1 0 2 8 3 see also Crif. Bib., and cp SOI.OMON,
return for hers to him (I K. 1013). But it must be 2 [Kittel also touches the M T ; but, like Benzinger, he may
1 The most recent proposal for Ophir is the Malay peninsula,
appear to some to be almost too moderate. Cp SOLOMON, S 7,
on 'the singular statement' in I K.1014$, and Crif. Bib.
where there are ancient and deserted gold mines. See T h Pilot,
Oct. 1902.
That 2x should be read instead of J.31 is undeniable (Che.1.1
5171 5172
(ch. 8) ; but in the exigencies of foreign trade, and the (over Babylonia), to the borders of Egypt and into
introduction of guilds or groups of foreign merchantmen Arabia, all before the end of the eighth century ; and
we may see the cause of the multiplication of altars by 670 Esarhaddon had taken Memphis. Thus, for
to strange gods in Jerusalem, especially Phmnician, the first time since the fifteenth century, W . Asia lay
Moabite, and Ammonite (2 K. 2313). With this com- under one political power, yet the S n p a f r a n c a which
pare the universal custom illustrated in 21-24. [Cp prevailed throughout was not that of her conquerors
S OLOMON, 4, 8f.l but of the Aranizans (I 15). For the internal business
In David's and Solomon's time the land trade of of Assyria at this time, see Johns, Ass. Deeds and Docu-
N. Svria as far S. as Damascus was already in the ments (Camb. 1901): a large collection chiefly of seventh
hands of the Aramseans (aswe have seen, century; also R P 1 1 3 9 8 7 1 1 1 8
61: The IS), a people still in their early vigour The advance of Assyria in the ninth century enabled
~ a m r e a nand s . therefore unlikelv to rest content N. Israel not only to recover her lost territories from
under the commercial supremacy which, as we saw 63.Eighth Aram, but also, along with Judah, to
above (3 49, on I K.424 and 865). Solomon had revive her trade and c x r y it, through the
established as far as Hamath and the Euphrates. It
century* long contemporary reigns of Jeroboani 11.
was, therefore, from the .Aramaeans that the first blow and Uzziah, to a pitch of wealth and luxury which the
came to Solomon's wide empire (1123) ; and this Hebrews had not before reached. The economic
happened even before he had passed away. The difference between the time of Elisha (died about 797)
disruption of the kingdom after his death would cause a and Amos (3. cir. 755)is vast ; and the annals of the
further shrinkage of Hebrew trade from its distant two kingdoms in the interval enable us to explain it.
extremities, as well a s lead to a severe competition Aniaziah of Jndah had once more defeated Edom
between Israel and Juclah for the possession of so much ( 2 K. 1 4 7 ) ; and Jeroboam 11. restored N. Israel's
of it as crossed Palestine. In this the N. kingdom had influence from the entering in of Hamath to the Dead
all the advantage : in its neighbourhood to Aram and Sea and in Damascus (142528). Uzziah took Gath
Phaenicia, the possession of Gilead and of all the routes ( z Ch. 2 6 6 ) , subdued the Arabians of Gur-Baal and the
across W. Palestine-even that by Ajalon, Beth-horon, Meunim (v.7), fortified the roads on the S. frontier of
and Bethel, which lay just within its S. frontier. Judah (v.IO),and held Elath ( 2K. 1422). The Hebrew
Bethel and Dan, and even Jericho, with entrance to prophets from Amos onward bear witness to an extra-
Moab and the SE. routes, were thus in its possession. ordinary increase of trade, and to the tempers which
Against all this Juda.h, already impoverished by the grow with it. There is in all of them proof of the wMen-
invasion of Shishak, had almost nothing to offer ; and ing geographical knowledge and acquaintance with the
Baasha of Israel sought by the building of Ramah to internal life of other peoples which commerce brings.
create a blockade against his southern neighbours Amos himself was probably a wool-seller a s well as a
( 1 5 1 6 , f ) . It was Judahs constant effort to push this wool-grower, and, Judsean as he was, learned the state
frontier N. beyond Bethel (see H G , ch. 12, ' The History of the N. kingdom by his journeys to its markets,
of a Frontier '). During peace with Israel Jehoshaphat especially Bethel.' He condemns its covetousness and
attempted to resume Solomon's trade with Ophir ; but zeal for trade, which threatened the new moons and
his ships were wrecked at Ezion-geber (224148). These snbbaths instituted among the people when they were
commercial ambitions had been started by Omri's almost purely agricultural (84f. ). Hosea calls Israel
commercial alliances with Tyre (in connection with a very ' Canaanite '-i.e., ' trader ' (12 7 ; cp 7 8 8 I O ) ;
which the capital of N. Israel was removed across the and Isaiah's references show that Judah was not in this
watershed to Shomeron, on the W. esh-Sha'ir, with its respect much behind her sister : Judah is ' filled from
issue to the coast [lB24]; the site was purchased by the East and strikes hands with the children of strangers '
Omri for two talents of silver), and with Damascus ( 2 6 ) , 'full of silver and gold, neither is there any end
( 2 0 3 4 l ) ; and bnt for Jehoshaphat's misfortune the of their treasures; their land d S 0 is full of horses
extent of Solomon's trade from the N. Euphrates to neither is there any end of their. chariots ' ( 7 ) ; ' ships
the mouth of the Ked Sea might have been recovered. of Tarshish' are mentioned among the triumphs of
In 2 K.517 mules, hitherto described only as used in their civilisation (16) ; caravans are described ( 3 0 6 ) ;
riding ( 2 S. 1S g , etc.), are mentioned as beasts of burden. yet, in conformity with what we have seen in other
The revolution of Jehu meant the triumph of the nations, trade is not noticed among the principal
Puritan party i n Israel, who detested the foreign professions of the national life (31-3). Besides the
idolatries which the commercial alliances of Omri's texts already quoted (there are others : e.g., Am. 44J
dynasty had introduced ; and Israel's trade must have Hos. 128) indicative of an increase of wealth, there are
shrunk with Jehu and then collapsed under the weight others which speak of the popular enterprise in building
of the Aramzan invasions, which, with the instincts -always a sure proof of commercial prosperity (Am.
of that race, followed the great lines of traffic by Dothan 315 511 Hos. 814 Is. 215 910[g], etc. ; cp 2 Ch. 26gf.).
( 2 K. 613), and Aphek in Sharon ( I K. 202630 2 K. The (foreign?) name armon (P ALACE , I [SI). hitherto
1 3 1 7 ) , to Philistia ( 2 K.1217), and even included a used of royal castles, is applied to private dwellings
siege of Samaria itself ( 2 K. 6 2 4 3 ) . (Bk. of Twelve Prophets, i. p. 33, n. 3); and the
Meantime the Assyrians were gradually robbing the builder's plummet is used as a religious figure (Am. 7 7f..
Aramaeans of the trade through N. Svria. Ramman- cp Is. 28 16 30 1 3 ) . Again, the old agricultural economy
(Adad)-nirari 111. (see ASSYRIA. 32) is disturbed; farmers give place on their ancestral
had reached the Mediterranean and lands to a new class of rich men, who can only have
of besiec!ed Damascus bv the end of the been created by trade ; and the rural districts are partly
ninth century. His successor opened the roads towards depopulated (Is. 5 8 3 Mic. 21-5 9). The sins of trade :
the Caspian and h8n. Nineveh's central position had covetousness, false weights, and the oppression of
already made her the political capital ( § I O ) : by 850 debtors and of the poor, are frequently castigated (Am.
B. C. Syria was, therefore, now in communication with 2 6 4 1 8 4 3 Hos. 127 Is. 3 5 1 5 523 Mic. 2 and 3). In
Central Asia, under the shield of one political power- certain passages, particularly in Amos and Micah, such
the invariable cause of a great increase of commerce. condemnation of the trading classes is no doubt partly
Tiglath-pileser 111. ( 7 4 5 8 ) and his successors were to due to the conservative zeal of the desert shepherd and
confirm and extend this empire to the Persian Gulf agriculturist, against the growth of a new economy.2
But in Isaiah this is associated with a real sympathy with
1 Aram's right to bazaars in Samaria, and Israel's in
Damascus. We see from this that a conqueror earned the 1 See GASm. Book of the TweZve Projkets 179.
claim to the active and foremost part in trade between himself It is from the shepherd village of BethlLhem that Micah
and his rival. predicts the coming of Israel's saviour (5 I [ 2 ] f i ) .
165 5173 5'74
the serviceableness of commerce, and appreciation of Black Sea and the Caspian in the N. to Egypt and
its bigness and even of its serviceableness to religion : Phut (or Punt) in the S.' Tarshish sent silver, iron,
cp Isaiah on Cush (ch. 18), on Egypt (19), and tin, and lead ( 1 2 ) ; Greece, coloured stuffs ( 7 ) ; the
especially on Tyre (23) ' whose merchants are princes, isles of the Levant, inlaid ivory (6) and ivory and ebony
whose traffickers are the honourable of the earth ' (v. E), articles (from Rodan= Rhodes, IS). From Ionia and
and who, although likened to a harlot in commerce Tubal-Meshech came slaves and copper vessels (13);
with all the kingdoms of the earth, may yet bring her from Beth-Togarmah, probably Armenia, horses and
merchandise and hire as holiness to the God of Israel. mules (14). Egypt furnished fine embroidered linen (7).
The public works of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah Cypresses and cedar were to hand in the Lebanons (s),
indicate considerable wealth and activity ; but it must and oaks in Bashan (6). The Arameans, in command
54. seventh have been under Manasseh that Judah of the land trade immediately behind Phcenicia, brought
' first benefited commercially by the great a great variety of goods : carbuncles, purple, embroidery,
extension of the Assyrian empire (see fine linen, pearls (from the Persian Gulf) and jasper
above, § 52), and the comparative security of trade (16: seeToy's note, SBOT; S ST ONES, 21)-evidently
from the Caspian and Persian Gulf to the Red Sea and thewealth of the Babylonian markets-with Helbonwine,
Memphis under one power. The Assyrian influence white wool and other wares from Damascus (18). From
upon the ritual, and probably the literature, of Israel Israel came only natural products : wheat, spicery,
under Manasseh, is significant of close and frequent wax (MINNITH,PANNAG), honey, oil. and balm (17).
intercourse with Mesopotamia. Zephaniah describes Arabia supplied wrought-iron, cassia, and calamus from
the Phcenician quarter in Jerusalem, the Fish Gate, UZAL (19); saddle cloths from D EDAN ( 2 0 ) ; lambs,
and a new or second city (M AKTESH . M ISHNEH ). Cp rams, and goats from K EDAR ( 2 1 ) ; the best spices,
the multiplication of gates on the walls (JERUSALEM, precious stones, and gold from Sheba and R AAMAH (22).
$3 233 ). The most conclusive proof, however, of an The trading centres on the N. Euphrates (where it
increase of trade in Judah during the eighth and the begins to he navigable), H ARRAN and E DEN (4q.v.
seventh century is found in a comparison of the Book of round Birejik between Edessa and 'Ain-tab), Assyria
the Covenant with the Deuteronomic code. The Book of itself, and Canneh or C ALNO , and C HILMAD in
the Covenant makes no provision for trade.' Deutero- Babylonia, furnished dyed mantles, and stuffs with
nomy contains a considerable number of regulations. skeins of wool (? 23f.). The shipbuilders and sailors
To begin with, there are the regulations necessitated by were native Phcenicians (8f. 11) ; but Tyre had also a
the main Deuteronomic law, the centralisation of mercenary army (cp $111, 48)-Ethiopians (read 013 for
worship at Jerusalem (142 4 8 ) , which must have meant m g , P ARAS ), Lybians, and men of Phnt ( I O ) . It is an
a great increase of trade in that city at the seasons of the imposing catalogue, and worthy of the enthusiasm of
three annual festivals (ZJ. 26). Pilgrims from a distance the prophet : the fruit of centuries of enterprise and
had to turn some of their goods into money before organisation for Assyrian trade ; see Johns, 0.8. cit.
leaving home, and purchase at Jerusalem the materials The destruction which Ezekiel beheld as imminent
for sacrifice. Then there are regulations for debt (15 I ) ; on Tyre. fell immediately. In 572, after a siege of
interest may be taken from a foreigner but not from a thirteen years, Nebuchadrezzar took the
fellow-Israelite (2320 [I~]J ). International banking is island city (cp N EBUCHADREZZAR ,
provided for ( 1 5 6 J ) ; and among the divine blessings re2zu* TYRE).It was the final triumph of
to he bestowed upon the people in reward for their a policy sustained through many annual campaigns
obedience to the Law is one, that they shall lend to to the Levant, designed to divert the rich trade with
many nations but not borrow-as it is phrased, they the E. from the Red Sea and the Arabian land-routes
shall be ' the head and not the tail' in their trade to the Persian Gulf and the Euphrates. Proofs of
(28125,cp 43J). Hebrews are not to become objects this are found not only in Nebuchadrezzar's own
of the natinn's slave trade (247) ; and the enfranchise- annals, but also in the Greek accounts of great works
ment of any that have fallen through debt into slavery in Babylonia which are most probably attributed
is provided for (1512). Unjust weights and measures to the son of Nabopolassar. Famous as a soldier,
are condemned (2513-16). Hired labourers must not Nebuchadrezzar was still more eminent as a builder
be oppressed ( 2 4 1 4 8 ) . Most significant of the extreme and organiser: his peaceful labours bulk in his own
contrasts between wealth and poverty which the trade records over his military expeditions. He cleared the
of the eighth and seventh centuries has produced are mouths of the two great streams of Babylonia into the
the regulations for the treatment of the poor (151-11). Persian Gulf, and deepened their channels, so that they
The king is not to multiply horses or silver and gold were still navigable for sea-going vessels in the Greek
(1716f.), another echo of the prophetic teaching. Yet period. Arrian (Anad. Alex. 5 7 ) reports that the ships
indicative as all these laws are (when contrasted with of the 'Gerrhaeans (from the Arabian coast of the Gulf)
their absence from the Book of the Covenant) of the sailed up the Tigris as far as Opis : and Gotz ( Vmkefws-
commercial development of Israel, it is remarkable that wege. 151) is justified in assigning the measures which
no money dues are yet prescribed for the priests (181-8) made this possible, as uell as the founding of Derodotis,
nor are fines permitted in expiation of murder ( 1 9 1 8 a port at the mouth of the Euphrates, to Nebuchadrezzar.
21 1-9). The two great rivers were connected by a system of
T o the pre-exilic period, though written after the fall canals which in Xenophon's time (Anab. 2 4 ) were still
of Jerusalem, belongs Ezekiel's description of Tyrian navigable by great grain-ships ; the largest, the Nahar
56. Ezekiel,s commerce (26 8).It opens (262) Malka, is sfill in use. By campaigns against ' Kedar
with an interesting epithet of the and the kingdoms of H AZOR [ ~ . z J . ] (Jer. ' 49 z 8 ) ,
Tyre, etc. Judaean capital as the 'gate of the Nebuchadrezzar ensured the security of the desert
peoples,' justified by the fact that the pre-exilic Judah routes S . of Babylonia ; and he himself on one occasion
lay, as we have seen, across the nearest path of the used the short but difficult road from Syria to Babylon
Phcenician trade with Arabia, over which Manasseh, as by Tadmor. Yet, these Arabian campaigns must have
the tributary of Assyria, may well have held a supremacy
which Josiah, in part at least, continued. According to 1 In the close of the seventh and opening ofthe eight centuries
Ezekiel Phcenician trade extended from Tarshish (27 12) the trade ofEgypt both internaland foreign wasvery prosperous,
especially under bsamegik Necho II., ipries (Hophra), and
and the coasts of Greece (Elishah, v. 7) in the W. to Amasis 11. Coincident dith this was the usual increase of
Sheba (d. 2 2 ) in the E., and from Tubal-Meshech (cp mercenaries. Greek commerce, which had founded Milesion
the Moschi and Tibareni of Herod. 394) between the about 7 m (Hall, Oldest Civilisation of Greece, 271) took a firm
hold of the Delta. Amasis II., besides encouraging theGreeks,
1 In the Book of the Covenant there are laws of deposit (22 7). entered into a close alliance with Cyrene. Cp Herodotns, 2 182.
and of the lending of money (22 25) Fines are paid in shekels. a Cp saddle-bags exported from el-Jbf to-day ; 8 4, third note.
5'75 5176
had as their end not so much the use of the desert Buhl, Soc. Verhaltn. 88,n. I). Whether few or many
routes (except perhaps to Egypt) as the diversion of the returned when Cyrus opened the way (see DISPERSION,
Arabian and eastern traffic up the Gulf to the Euphrates, § s), those who remained in Babylon were the prosperous
and so to the Levant, whose coasts were now an and wealthy (Zech.6108). They must have been
integral part of the Babylonian empire. We have seen introduced to the thorough Babylonian methods of
the Gerrhzan ships far up the Tigris : they brought doing business, though it is striking that (as u-e shall
incense for the temples in Babylon.' But sea-trade see, 5 60) the Priestly Code bears no reflection of the
with India may also have been at this time in full Babylonian subjection of coinnierce in its smallest
course; it has to be noticed, however, that no S ILK details to priestly regulations, nor of the temples as
(p...) is mentioned in the commercial lists of the period.2 registering, banking, and appraising centres (Johns,
From India, then, to Tarshish, and from Egypt to o j . cit. 3254). New horizons, however, appear in
Central Asia (through Persia and the Medes), the trade Hebrew literature; and the Jews' knowledge of the
of the world now centred in Babylon. Hence the vast world was immensely widened (G EOGRAPHY , 18).
increase of the city's size aud wealth so wonderful to With the rise of the Persian empire all these processes,
the Greek writers (Herod. 1 1 7 8 8 ; Diod. Sic. 22). The from Babylon a s the centre, were quickened and ex-
esilic passage Jer. 50 mentions its ' storehouses ' ( 3 . 26) ; 68. tended (D ISPERSION , - $ 6). The con-
its ' mingled people ' and ' treasures ' (37) ; and Is. 47
' those that have trafficked with thee from thy youth. =: quests of Cyrus in Asia, 3nd of Cambyses
empire. in Africa. were thorouehlv orpanised by
Throughout these prophecies there is the same imputa- themselves and their successors and-cgefly-by Darics
tion of ' wisdom ' and ' enchantments ' and ' sorceries,' Hystaspis before 515. The empire was divided into
which we find imputed, by Israel to other commercial provinces and the policy was to connect these by as
peoples-the sons of the East,' the Edomites, and the speedy means of conveyance as were possible. Some
Philistines. The recent discovery and deciphering of of the ancient lines of traffic were made into solid roads,
Babylonian documents from the end of the Habylonian capable of carrying two- and four-wheeled carriages,
period and the beginning of the Persian have revealed and new lines were opened up, especially through Iran
an organisation of commerce so thorough that J. Kohler to Eastern and Central Asia. The greatest of all. the
justly declares it to exhibit the greatest similarity to the roads for which we have now exact data was that from
conditions of modern banking and exchange, and to Susa the capital to Sardis ; see the careful survey and
have been the origin of the commercial system which argument of Gotz (Die Verkehrswege. 165-184). H e
has descended to modern times through the Greeks and reckons the distance at sixty-five daily stages, which
Romans (Beitr. a. Assvr. 4 430). He has given in the with eight days of rest on the way occupied seventy-
volume just cited a nuinber of interesting instances (in three days in all.
addition to those given in Kohler and Speiser, A u s dem The road led NW. from Susa, past the now deserted Nineveh
Bn6y.l. HechtsZebcn, etc., and Bab. V e y t y Z p ) . There crossed the N. stretches of the Tigris and the Euphrates (th:
latter a little to the N. of the later S k o s a t a ) and so through
were banks and banking firms (the most famous of Cilicia by Ancyra to Sardis, whence it was a short journey
which was the house of Egibi-cp RP 11). ' Anwei- either to Smyrna or Ephesus.
sungen ('assignments,' ' bills of exchange ' ) und Zahlung Another road from Susa led N. by Echatana (HamadBn) to
des Angewiesenen an den Anweisungsempfanger waren Rhagae (close to TeherBn) where in the ninth century after
Christ, lay the Levant market fir Chinese silk;1 thence to
dns tagliche Brod des Babyl. Verkehrs.' Money was Hekatonpylos 2 (probably the present Shahrud : Gotz) where it
paid into the agencies of a bank, and by its head office divided into one branch hy Magaris (Merv) to Marakanda
or other agencies paid out again to the assignee, exactly [Samarcand) the capital of So diana, and another to Herat.
A third road from Susa lef E. to Persepolis and Aspadana
n s by our system of cheques. Discount was known. [Ispahan). Susa was, ofcourse, directly connected with Babylon
Property was pledged. In cases of sale or debt surety- from which the land road up the Euphrates was freshly laid
ships were accepted (again cp Johns, op. cit.). Sales down and furnished with bridges over the canals.
were made on approval. Partnerships were formed Greek sources (Xenophon and Herodotus) give us
between freemen, and between freemen and slaves-ie., for the first time exact data for this ancient line of
between capital and labour. Money was still reckoned traffic between Babylon and the Gulf of Issus (above,
by weight. The depreciation in use of metal-pieces s It was 8 days from Babylon to Hit thence
39J ).
was understood and accounted for (cp Hrozny, ' Zum 20 to the mouth of
Geldwesen der Babylonier,' Beitr. a. A s s y ~ 45468
. ). the H5bhBr thence 5 to Tiphsah or ?hapsacus (Rakka) where
the Foad &ossed to the S. hankof the Euphrates, thence to
.4t the heart of this commercial empire the best part Balk 3, to Aleppo 3 and to the coast 4, or 43 in all (not 73:
of the Jewish people--including its industrial classes Gijtz, 190)from Bab;lon to the coast.
8,. Jews in ( ' craftsmen and smiths ' : z K. 24 14)- From the coast the Phoenicians, according to Marinus
were established, and probably found a sf Tyre (Gotz, 190). carried their goods to Hierapolis
large number of their own race already :Bambyke) near the Euphrates, and thence direct to
intimate with, and benefiting by, the trade of the land Ecbatana and Hekatonpylos for the Central Asian
(see D ISPERSION , 0 4). They must have taken the markets. There was also a road from the Gulf of Issus
advice of Jeremiah to settle into the life of their new to Tarsus ( 12 days) ; thence through Cilicia to Iconium
surroundings, their comparative independence in which [see further Ramsay, Hist. Geog. of A s i a Minor).
his letter takes for granted (Jer. 2 9 4 8 ) . 3 That many Persian roads were, according to the Greeks, well
of them became engaged in Babylonian commerce supplied with stations, furnished with horses and khans
needs no argument. After fifty years the great prophet b r travellers (Herod. 5 52 898), and with a government
who arose to announce to them their return, not only jervice of swift couriers (Id. and Xen. Cyrop. 8 1 8 ) , ~
promised the restoration of their command of the trade which is said to have accomplished the distance between
from Egypt and Arabi,a (Is. 45 14, cp D. 3), but seems to h s a and Babylon in a day and a half, and that between
have found it difficult to tear them from the profitable Susa and Sardis in I O (Gotz, 198). C p Esth. 3 1 3 814.
conditions of Babylonian life (cp his many calls ' to go Whilst the Persians thus organised and accelerated the
forth,' and in particular his appeal 552 : 'Wherefore and-traffic, they suffered the water-traffic. developed
do ye weigh your money for that which is not bread >y Nebuchadrezzar ( 5 6 3 ) , to fall into disuse. Nebu-
and your earnings for that which satisfieth not' ; cp :hadremar's port at the mouth of the Persian gulf
1 Herod. 1183 reckons the amount used annually at the chief iecayed, and it is even doubtful whether the Peripbs
temple of Babylon at 1000 talents.
2 The earliest mention of silk appears to be by Aristotle in 1 Heid, Gesch. deslevnntelrandel irn Mittelalter, Stuttgart,
the beginning of the fourth century. 8 g, i. p. z : in French (much enlarged) 1885-1886.
3 Cp the present writer's 'Is. 40-46' 57 8 ; Nikel Die Up to Hekatonpylos it was good for'carriages, GStz, 186.
Wiederherstellung des judisch. Gemeinwesens narh' dem Cp dyyppedsw in NT from iwapos, Herod. S 98, a Persian
babyZ. E d , 1900. vord = courier.
5177 5178
of Skylax (Geogr. GY. &‘in. 1, ed. Muller) round Arabia bours opened to their eyes, indulged vaster hopes than
to the Red Sea occurred as asserted in the time of ever of the mastery of the world’s trade. Not only
Darius (thirty months is the time assigned to it). See would the wealth of Arabia return to them (Is. 6 0 6 f . :
Gotz, 2 0 3 8 Darius attempted, without success, to Midian, Sheba, Kedar, Nebaioth) ; the new coasts ,of
carry out the plan, which Necho 11. is said to have the West should send them tribute (Sf: ) ; from foreigners
initiated, of connecting the Ked Sea with the Nile and the sons of the Diaspora alike (9-17). It is remark-
(Herod. 2 158 442)’ Further, we have under the Persian .able that in this passage Jerusalem, the mother of far-
kings the first appearance in W. Asia of MONEY (9.n.) scattered and wealthy sons, is represented, not in her
in the true sense (see also WEIGHTS A N D MEASURES). inland, secluded position, but as standing on the sea.
The present writer has purchased several darics and shore, the abundance of the seas and the wealth of the
also silver coins of Sidon under Artaxerxes Ochus which nations drifting to her feet (605 ; cp G. A. Smith, Bk.
were found in N. Palestine. of Zsaiah, ZZ.). Contrast the picture given above,
The trade of Syria must have enormously benefited 5 45. So much had the Persian roads and Phcenician
by all this policy of the Persian kings ; not only in the ships achieved in the scattering of trading Jews, and
69. Post-exilic security ensured-though this was not the widening of the mercantile hopes of the people.
perfect (cp the note of Ezra on the On Is. 65 11 see F ORTUNE .
Jerusalem. iournev from Babvlonia to Terusalem : At this point we may conveniently take the attitude
> , ~ ,
Ezra 8 ZIJ 31)-but also in the means taken by the to trade of the Priestly Narrative and Code. Between
satrap of Memphis for furnishing the desert route these two in this respect there is a dis-
60.code. tinction. Whilst P s stories of primitive
between Gaza and the Delta with water (Herod. iii. 46).
Incorporated in the Persian empire, and still without man are as destitute of any reflection of
rivals in the Delta, the Phcenician ports continued to trade as those in J E ( § 42),its narratives of the patri-
flourish (cp their coinage of Aradus and Sidon under archs contain more allusions to commerce than J E does.
Persia; Head, Hist. Num. 666, 671). Damascus Abraham, bargaining in the usual oriental fashion,l
and Gaza flourished with them; but Gotz (164) is buys Machpelah for 400 silver shekels (Gen. 2315f.) ;
wrong in adding to this list Jerusalem, to which we Hebron is thus pictured as it always was-a market and
now turn. The destruction in 586 had rednced Jeru- ‘ harbour‘ for the nomads to the south. The treaty with
salem and her people to the ‘ off-scouring and refuse in Hamor (3488) covers settlement, connubium, and
the midst of the peoples ’ (Lam. 345). Her ‘ breach commerce-the last definitely stated (nu.IO 21). The
was great like the sea ’ (213) ; the luxury of former days distances of the marches in the wilderness are suitably
had become starvation ( 4 7 8 ,etc.); the people had to given, not in the daily stages achieved by traders, but
buy even their wood and water (56, cp vu. g 13). The in those (4to 6 or 7 m.) of nomad camps (Xu. 33).
Edomites and Arabians recovered the transit trade. The rich offerings for the tabernacle imply a people of
The exiles who returned in 537 were a weak and starve- far trade as well as one skilled in handiwork (Ex. 253-7,
ling community. The statement that they bought for etc. ; cp the oblations of the princes in Nu. 7). Incense
the temple timber from the Tyrians who brought it to is for the first time mentioned in the Hebrew ritual (Ex.
Joppa in return for meat, drink, and oil (Ezra 37) 3 0 z z g etc.: cp Jer. 6 2 0 ) ; along with sweet calamus
belongs to the less authentic portion of the Book of (R EED ), myrrh, C INNAMON , storax (?), O NYCHA , G AL-
Ezra, and seems a reflection of Solomon’s trade. It is BANUM. On the other hand, the Priestly Law is very
difficult to see how the hunger-bitten colony raised wine meagre in references to trade ; puzzlingly so in contrast
and oil for export. Haggai and Zechariah tell a with Deuteronomy (above, 5 54),when we consider the
different story. There was no hire for man or beast intervening residence in Babylon. The laws against
(Zech. 810); no thrift (Hag. 16); a blight lay upon fraud in money matters, loans, and deposits (Lev. 6 1 8 ) ,
agriculture (ib. TI). The silver and gold were still in and false measures and balances (19358). are similar to
the hands of YahwA (28), and other nations had not yet the warnings of post-exilic prophecy. There are laws
brought their ‘ desirable things.’ Timber for building for the selling of land (2514f: 238), against interest
the temple was hewn by the Jews themselves in the (v,36), and concerning foreign and native slaves (a.39 :
neighbouring hill-country (1 8). What gold and silver H ; cp Dt. 238). No ransom is allowed for the life of
arrived in Jerusalem came as contributions from rich a murderer (Nu.3531). On transactions necessitated by
exiles in Babylon (Zech. 6 9 8 ) . Agriculture was only the restorations of the Jubilee Year, see Jos. Ant. iii.
partially resumed ; its prosperity was still, after twenty 123. But these are almost all that have to do with
years, a thing of promise (Zech. 310). In Malachi commerce. Unlike those of Deuteronomy, the blessings
there is no reflection of trade. The connubium practised and curses pronounced in connection with the Law
with the surrounding heathen and semi-heathen implies, contain no reference to trade (Lev. 26). The priests
of course, a certain amount of local traffic ; and this value land (etc.) used for sacred purposes ( 2 7 ); but their
would gradually increase with the resumption of Jewish revenues, nnlike those of Babylon and Egypt, appear
life in ‘ the cities of the Negeb’ (Neh. 11). Nehemiah to include none derived from trade (Nu. 18). The
pictures corn, wine, grapes, figs, etc., brought into religious feasts (Lev. 2 5 s ) are purely agricultural ; there
Jerusalem from the country (13158),and fish sold by is no inclusion of the directions for farmers at a distance
the Tyrians ( 7 6 ) ; on the Sabbath the gates have to be selling their produce and buying material for sacrifice at
closed against these traders ( 2 0 ) . But there was no the central sanctuary, such as we saw in Deuteronomy
through traffic, as in olden times. ’ Indeed, according to (I 54). On the whole, the comparative silence of the
Ezra 420, one of the objections made by the enemies of Priestly Code as to trade is to be explained either by
the Jews against rebuilding Jerusalem was that it would the effort of the compilers to hold themselves to the
resume the customs and toll which were formerly im- wilderness conditions, or else by the sadly diminished
posed by Jewish kings and made them great-a very trade of the post-exilic Jews as compared with the com-
interesting glimpse into the pre-exilic trade of Judah. merce which Aourished in the deuteronomic period.
The Jews were themselves subject to the general imposts On the monetary standards of P. see S HEKEL ,
of the Persian kings (Ezra 413 20 Neh. 54) who, however, § 3f.
in pursuance of their usual policy, exempted from duty The Book of Joel (about 400 R. C. ) reflects a purely
the goods required for the temple (Ezra 7 24 ; see EZRA- 1 Forder (With Am6s in Tent and Tmun, 219 ) illustrates
N EH ., § 5. col. 1480). In spite of their poverty the the details of Abraham’s pnrchase. ‘In buying c i d from the
Jews, with the new horizons which the exile and the Arabs some such terms as the following are used :-“A buys
increased extent of the trade of their Phcenician neigh- from B land in such a place, also all that can be seen o n the
land, trees, and stones, also all that sha!l be found under the
1 On the various canals and attempted canals with this aim, ground.” This custom makes Abraham’s action very under-
see Budge, HE6 m g f : 763f. standable.’
5x79 5180
agricultural community with no resources when their girdles made by her household to the Canaanite-ie.,
81. Other harvests fail. Their children are the Phoenician pedlar or trader-a glimpse into the honie-
victims of the Phcenician slave-trade to industries of Israel (3113f: 18 24).
post-exi1ic Ionia (3[4]6): they shall have revenge By the end of the Persian period (about 340) the trade
literature' some day in selling Phoenicians to Sheba. of the civilised world reached the following limits. In
Instead of commanding the transit trade, Jerusalem is un- 6a. Summary the east the Persian roads were in com-
willin4 overrun with foreigners (314117). Cp Zech. end of Persian munication with India, and it is ex-
1421;'io more a trafficker in the house of vahw8.' W e tremely probable that the Chinese silk,
have here traces of the feeling against association with epoch. ' Seric stuff,' which the Greeks found in
foreigners, which the new legalism continued to enforce 325 in Afghanistan, was already there. The Arabian
through subsequent centuries, and which must have land routes were still regularly used. C INNAMON came
seriously hampered any revival of trade in Judah. from the east beyond Media, and G ALBANUM from
Compare the account which Palgrave gives of the effect Persia (?). In the south the Egyptians, if it is not certain
of the WahHbi religious rigour on commerce. that they had circumnavigated Africa (in Necho's time),
Of course, there were other tempers in post-exilic were at least in communication with the E. coast of
Judaism. and these appear in the Wisdom literature. Africa (so much basis must we allow to the story),
With all its reproof of greed of gain (119,etc.), the traded with Nubia, with the W. oases, and Cyrene.
Prologue to Proverbs employs the methods and tempers Egypt began to send large supplies of corn across the
of commerce to illustrate the ideal of man's search for, Mediterranean (Diod. Sic. xiv.794). In the N. the
and intercourse with, Wisdom (314 8 2 8 1 8 8 ; cp Greeks had opened up the Black S e a ; in the W. and
2323). Like so much else in the Books of Wisdom, NW. the Phoenicians had long exploited the mines
this also reappears in the parables of Jesus (below, 5 79). of eastern Spain and the Rhone region with its com-
The temptress in Prov. 7 is the wife of a merchantman munications with N. Gaul and perhaps Britain. They
on a long journey ; it is interesting that, at the present had also penetrated the Atlantic, whilst Carthage had
day, among the Syrians of Lebanon, such immoralities reached Lake Tchad and the Niger. Massilia was a
are almost entirely confined to the wives of men trading flourishing depBt, soon to send out Pytheas (about 300
abroad. W e see in this another cause of the dislike of B.C.) to the sonrces of amber round the Baltic (cp
conservatives in Israel to trade ; cp Pr. 27 8 : ' as a bird A MBER , 5 3), and to the N. of Scotland (for the truth of
wandering from her nest, so is a man that wandereth the tale see Gotz. 291). How far across this enormous
from his place.' There is also in the Prologue the sphere of communication Jews were scattered it is im-
strong warning against suretyship (618). But its possible to say -probably everywhere in the Persian
most striking feature is the recognition of the highest empire as traders and settlers, and in Greece, Italy, and
divine Wisdom as identical with that which appears in Carthage as slaves (cp Joel, as cited in beginning of
the common ways, bazaars, traffic, and concourse of 61), some of whom might regain their freedom,
men. and, like their kind, take up some form of industry or
In Job the references to trade are very few. T h e commerce. Except in the Semitic names of slaves, and
land of Uz is on the path of the men of Sheba ; they in a tale told by Aristotle, and reported by Claudius of
are represented as marauders (115). Mention is made Soli (Jos. c. A$. 1 2 2 ; cp Fmg. Hist. Grec., ed. Muller,
of desert-journeys of the caravans of Teyma, and the 2323), Jews do not appear in Greek literature before
companies of Sheba ( 6 ~ 8 J ) of ; the Egyptian ships of the very end of the fourth century B.C.
reed ( 9 26) ; of (gold of) Ophir and silver as the reward With the conquests of Alexander the Great a new
of righteousness ( 2 2 2 4 2816 ; contrast 31 24); of beryl, epoch began in the trade of the world. The land-traffic
sapphire, gold, glass, coral, crystal, pearls, and the
topaz of Ethiopia ( 2 8 1 6 8 ; see STONES, PRECIOUS)- 63. succB880rs.which
the Persians had developed was
sustained and their roads extended
an interesting list of what, at the time the book was eastward. There was little change in
written, were regarded as precious metals and stones ; the lines of traffic ; but new cities were founded upon
and in 2 8 1 8 there is the vivid picture of mining, and them--e.g., L AODICEA ; and both Alexander and the
in 21 29 a n appeal to the wide experience of travellers. Diadochoi increased the speed of marching (Gotz, 191,
As a whole the book shows a knowledge of the far etc.). The Persian neglect of the rivers ( 5 58) was
world and its wonders, only to be derived from the rectified ; Alexander cleared the Tigris of its dams and
situation of the writer on the line of a widespread com- weirs, founded a new port at its mouth, Alexandria,
merce. later Charnx. and redug the canals. The foundation
In Ecclesiastes there is hardly any allusion to trade of Seleucia on the Tigris was a great blow to Babylon,
among all the ambitions and labours of men : but see which began to decay. For reasons why the Tigris dis-
28 : ' I gathered silver and gold and the peculiar property placed the Euphrates as a line of route, see Gotz, 411
of kings and princes I made for myself. ' j? 0.n sea the changes were enormous. Hitherto the
Apart from the prologue, the Book of Proverbs prob- Phcenicians had encountered powers whose resources
ably reflects the life of many centuries in Israel; yet were confined to the land, to whom their sea-power was
even here the possible references to trade are pro- indispensable, and by the growth of whose empires the
portionately few : warnings . against suretyship (1115 trade and wealth of Tyre and Sidon only the more in-
1718 2016 2226 2713). false balances(l11 1611,weights creased. But the Greeks were a people who were of
and balances are the work of Yahw8, 20 IO 23), bad ways equal maritime capacity with themselves, and had long
of gain ( I l l s ) , greed of gain (1527 ; it brings bad luck been preparing for the mastery of oriental trade by
to a house : yra pja i j v a my ; -282022 zs), the withhold- their occupation of the sea-boards of Asia Minor, and
ing of corn (from the market?) (1126), and sluggishness their settlements in the Delta,' who had fleets, and
in bnsiriess (2213 : the reference is to the bazaars) ; some knew how to found new harbours and establish colonies.
satire on oriental methods of bargaining (2014),notes Alexander rivalled his land march to the Indus by the
on the helplessness of the debtor (227). on wealth from naval expedition which he sent back from there up the
wisdom in trade (244), and on the deep contrasts Persian Gulf, thereby reopening (if not for the first time
between rich and poor and the woefulness of poverty founding) direct maritime communication between India
which appear only in commercial communities ( 1 9 4 7 and Babylonia ( G e o p . GY. Mia. ed. Muller, I).
227, etc.). 2610 is an obscure verse on hiring. The It was, however, his foundation of the Egyptian Alex-
picture of the strong woman portrays her searching for andria which made the greatest change, and in this Tyre
wool and flax ; she is like ' a merchant ship that bringeth and Sidon found their first successful rival. For with
.goods from afar ' ; ' she perceives that her merchandise
1 There were Greek mercenaries soldiers and scribes in Egypt
( a y ) is profitable ' and she delivers the linen and the under Psarneiik, and Greek settleAents anh trade since Amasis.
5181 518a
the exploration of the Red Sea, already intended by tests of the Diadochoi must at first have ruined trade
Alexander and carried out by Ptolemy II., and the Soon we find Jewish settlers
founding of new harbours-at Arsinoe near Suez, Leukos 65. Jewish in Syria.
receiving civil rights from the Ptolemies
Limen near eI-KoSEr, Berenike, and others (see above, trade. in Alexandria and from the Seleucids in
§ 29),there was opened a new route (or an old one was re- Antioch and other N. Syrian cities. These settlers were
opened) to s. Arabia and India which must have drawn probably for the most part merchants. There was con-
away some proportion of the land-traffic through Arabia stant intercourse between Jerusalem and Egypt and N.
and the sea-traffic up the Persian Gulf, on which Tyre Syria-both Greek powers bade for Jewish friendship by
and Sidon depended.’ The Greeks had now a line of granting at various times remission of dues on goods
their own from Europe to HindostHn all the way on sea into Jerusalem (e.g., Jos. A n f .xii. 33), or by regulating
except for the small stretch of land-traffic through what trade to suit Jewish religious laws (idid. 4). T h e
was now a Greek kingdom. Alexandria was its main financial abilities of individual Hebrews found individual
depdt and exchange ; and in proportion as Alexandria opportunity in the farming of the Syrian taxes for the
flourished Tyre and Sidon grew less. The doom, there- Greek kings and were great enough to form almost
fore, which Zech. 9 I 8 saw imminent upon Hamath, legendary stories (id. 4 7 ; cp Schiirer, E T , ii. 1160).
Hadrach, Damascus, Tyre, and Sidon was pregnant Thus the nation grew in affluence (Jos. Ant. xii. 4 I O ) .
with more than the merely military overthrow which Ecclesiasticus finds it necessary to make many warnings
is all that the writer seems to perceive in it. As the against fraud in trade (especially 2 6 2 0 8 , cp 3711 and
Seleucid power grew, the Phcenician ports and Damascus 7 1 5 ; 813 2 9 4 8 1 4 8 4118 423). Thencame the over-
found themselves threatened by northern in addition to throw of Jerusalem by Antiochus Epiphanes (169 B.C.),
their southern rivals. The growth of ANTIOCH (4.v. ) has and the bitter struggles of the Maccabees during which,
always meant the diminution of Damascus (HG 643, at first, Jew-ish trade must have been utterly destroyed.
647, and article ‘Antioch’ by the present writer in W e read of merchants (probably Phoenician) accompany-
Hastings’ DB); and the new Seleucid ports in N. Syria ing Syrian troops against Judaea to purchase the captives
must have diverted the Euphrates trade from Tyre and ( A n i . xii. 73). The friendliness of the Nabataeans to
Sidon. The usual result of a wealthy commerce appears the Jews is noted twice (idid. xii. 8 3 xiii. 12). In the
in the large mercenary armies of the Seleucids (e.g., Jos. 66. Maccabees. campaigns of Judas and Jonathan the
Ant. xii. 10 I, and other passages). regard paid to lines of trade and con-
One of the earliest of the Seleucid campaigns was spicuous centres upon them is manifest : the wonder is
that undertaken in “ 912 B . C . and reDeated later against that it has not been noticed. Bacchides fortified Jericho,
64. Nabatsans. the NABATBANS(9.”., cp SchiirTGVZ Bethhoron, Emmaus (xiii. 13); then Jonathan garrisoned
I aDD. who had.become uossessed of Michmash (6); the three toparchies which Demetrius the
the seats of the Eddnhes, and had alread; filled Petra younger presented to the Jews were all necessary to the
with wealth derived from the transit trade. The new command of trade : they were accompanied by remission
Red Sea commerce did not wholly destroy the land- of dues on saltpits, etc. ; as soon as Jonathan cleared
traffic in Arabia ; and the Nabataeans-successors both Judaea of the Syrians he took Ashdod and made treaties
to the Aramaeans, whose language (though themselves with Ashkelon and Gaza ( 5 5 ) . Then he turned against
Arabs) they adopted, and to the Edomites-made them- the Ammonites and the Nabataeans, while Simon fortified
selves masters of all the routes from Teyma and Egra a line of places as far as Ashkelon, and broke to the sea
(MedHin +lib) (the S. limit of their inscriptions) to at Joppa (510). How much this meant for the com-
the Persian Gulf, Babylon, Damascus, Gaza, Elath, and mercial ambitions of the little Jewish state is seen in the
Egypt (5s 29-33). But they had also industries of their eulogy on Simon, I Macc. 145 : ‘ With all his glory he
own. The first appearance of SE. Palestine in Greek took Joppa for a haven, and made an entrance to the
letters is made by the Dead Sea as a source of asphalt ; isles of the sea.’ At last Judah had a port. Beside it
and it is to the Nabataeans that Diodorus Siculus ( 2 4 8 ) the small river harbour of Jamnia ( J ABNEEL ) u a s also
ascribes the collection of asphalt and its conveyance to occupied, and Gezer fortified in connection with both.
Egypt. The Seleucid campaign of 312 had had.for one The increased wealth brought about by these means is
of its aims the possession of the Dead Sea and its asphalt seen in the rebuilding of Jerusalem which foll6wed (Ant.
(Diod. 1 9 1 ~ ) .The N a b a k a n s must also have grown xiii. 510). In 142 B.C. Simon set Judaea free from
dates, and, when they came into possession of HaurHn, Seleucid tribute, and commercial documents were dated
wheat sufficient for export. These with camels, the from that year ( 6 7 ) . Jewish coinage began. The
Arabian incense, coral and pearls from the Gulf, alkali, campaigns of Judas into Gilead had not been so successful
medicinal herbs, and what proportion of goods from in restoring communication between the Jewish settle-
Africa they were able to draw to Elath, would form ments there and Judaea-he had to bring the Jews away
their exports to the W. Their port for this was the with him ( I Macc. 5)-whilst between Galilee and Judaja
hArbour of Gaza, with perhaps Anthedon-other new lay Samaria (Ant.xiii. 1028) which John Hyrcanus
rivals to Tyre and Sidon. The Nabataeans were land subdued, and opened the way to the S. desert routes
traders; but three of their inscriptions from the first by Hebron through the subjection of the Idumaeans
decade of the Christian era have been found in Puteoli (xiii. 9 I ) . When Simon appealed to the Romans it is
and Rome (CISPt. 11. vol. i., Nos. 157-159). significant that he asked for the restoration of ‘ Joppa,
These then were the new commercial currents within the havens, Gezer, and the springs (? of Jordan)’ (idid.
which the Jews lay during the Greek period. The con- 2 ) . During the subsequent years of peace John amassed
an immense sum of money (ibid. 10I ) ; in so barren a
1 For Ptolemy 1 1 . ’ ~policy in regard to trade, and the trading land as Judah it must have come from trade and dues
expeditions he sent see the inscription on the ‘Stone of Pithom
in Naville The .?fom-cit, of Pifhom efc., also L 12 of the on trade. Josephus reports as much as 3000 talents
Phil= insAiption of the same king (translated by Budge, H E in money, deposited in the tombs of David ( B l i . 2 5 ) .
7 z o g f i : ) . The trade of Egypt was very prosperous under the Tombs were a usual place of deposit. Aristobulus added
Ptolemies and the consequence is seen in the apparently part of the Iturzean country ( A n t . xiii. 113) with the
inexhaustible wealth of that royal house. Their mercenary
armies were always easily raised : their expenditure on build- entrance to the Hamath route (cp HG 414,n. 4) ; but
ings was enormous. Of late years a considerable number of it is in the campaigns of Alexander Jannaeus that we
commercial documents of the Ptolemaic and Early Roman see most proof of commercial ambitions. He took
period have been discovered in Egypt. Those given by Messrs.
Grenfell and Hunt (Tke Oxyrhynchus Papyli, pts. i. and ii. ; Gadara (?), Raphia, Anthedon, Gaza (which was dis-
Faydm Tom= and their Pa##.; etc.) comprise appeals for appointed in help from its NabatEan ally Aretas ; Ant.
justice again?[ trade defaulters, bankers’ receipts, acknow- xiii. 133). Moab, and Gilead (but had to give them
ledgements of loans, declarations of sales, and registrations of
contracts sales, loans mortgages etc.-for which registration back to the Nabatzeans ; 141). held Samaria (154)with
there weie special offidals in each nome. its command of routes to the coast, and made a treaty
5183 5184
with the Nabataeans (15 2 ) . The lines of positions held etc. From Asia Minor to the Persian Gulf the lines
by Jannzeus as laid down by Josephus are very signifi- were little altered from those of the Greek period ( 5 69).
cant ; first along the coast from Rhinokolura to Straton's The Euphrates was bridged at Samosata, and there was
Tower (afterwards Caesarea) and them through Esdraelon a bridge of boats at Zeugma (Sir) (Tac. Ann.1212).
from Mt. Carmel by 'Tabor and Bethshan to Gadara From the Euphrates as from Byzantium the Pontus was
with a number of cities E. of Jordan (154). Both he more easily reached. Antioch grew in influence a s a
and his widow aimed at Damascus (163). Later, the knot of trade-routes 1 The road by Palmyra to the
Nabatzans retaliated by a siege of Jerusalem (xiv. 21) ; Euphrates was more frequently used. Charax was still
Josephus describes them as ' no very warlike people' the port on the Persian Gulf. The distances were
(idid. 3). All the later Hasmonzean kings1 had approximately these :-
mercenaries in their army-another sure proof of their From Tarsus to Antioch 5 to 7 days ; thence to Zeugma 6 ;
thence to Seleucia (Ctesiphon the Parthian capital) 23 or 24;
commerce. then to Charax 13 ; Seleucia t o Artaxata (for Ce:itral Asia) over
Meantime Jewish settlements abroad increased in all 32 ; to Trapezus (Trebizond) over 40; from Antioch by Emesa
the great towns ; but they do not appear to have excited (Horn$)to Palmyra g days ; thence to the Euphrates at Circesium
67. Jews and remark from the greatness of their 5 or 6 (to Vologesias, lower down the river, 16, and thence
to Charax 29 or 30) ; Antioch to Damascus 7 to 9 ; thence to
areeks. trade. Their business, except in the Palmyra 5 or 6 ; Bosra to Charax across the desert 5 to 6 weeks ;
case of a few prominent individuals, Damascus to Petra days to Gaza 7(at least) ; Petra t o Gaza not
must have been petty and parasitic. The Nabatzeans el at?^
less than 5 . to 3 or ; and to Leuke Koine II or 12. Gam
to Pelusiuk was 6 or 7 days (Gotz 5); Pelusium to Alexandria,
appear better known to the Greeks, whose earliest notices 5 or 6 by land, I to 2 by sea ; Alexandria to ' Babylon ' (later
of the Jews are confined to their hatred of men (Posi- Cairo) 4, to Arsinoe (Suez) 6, to Cyrene 20.2
donius of Apamea, born about 135 B. c., Fr. Hist. G r . , In Syria and Palestine the ancient routes were
ed. Muller : through Diod. Sic. 34, f r . I ; Apollonius followed with no important variations ; and here we
Molon a teacher of Cicero, Fr. Hist. Gr. 111 213; cp Eus. must remember that, with the possible exceptions of a
Prep. Evang. 9 19). Apollonius also charges them with few short stretches in the neighbourhood of the Coloniae
making no useful invention (quoted by Jos. c. Ap. 215). and other centres, none of the characteristic Roman
With the civil rights granted to them in so many large roads were laid down till the times of the Antonines,
cities (Jos. Ant. xii. 32, etc.), however, they must have nor, so far as the present writer has been able to
risen to considerable commercial power, especially in examine them, was the structure consistently so perfect
Antioch, Alexandria, and Cyrene (for the last cp Strabo as in the Roman roads of Italy and the W. (for these
quoted by Jos. Ant. xiv. 72). The Jews of Asia Minor latter, see Gotz, 3 2 2 5 ; and Skeel, 45). Along these
deposited in Cos 800 talents, about ~ 2 9 2 . 0 0 0 (see roads an imperial service of post-horses and carriages
Reinach's n. 2 on p. 91 of his Testes d'aufeurs Grecs was developed by Augustus; later known as the
et Ronz. relnfzys nu /udaisme). cursus publicus,' which civil officials, returning or
We now pass to the last of our periods-the Roman. emigrating veterans, and of the soldiery all who carried
The effects of Roman policy on the trade of the world special passes, had the right to use. Each of the
were more revolutionary than those of mansiones or chief stations was supplied with an inn,*
68. Roman
period: Rome. any of the empires which preceded stables, and about forty horses ; the intermediate rnutu-
them, and may be summed up under tiones had about twenty (Gotz, 3 3 6 8 ; cp Skeel, 4 8 ) .
the following five heads :-- The variety, capacity, and speed of wheeled vehicles
(i. ) The centre of trade was shifted from W. Asia to was greatly increased ; and it is to the Romans that we
the other end of the Mediterranean and fixed at Rome. owe the first real development of the carriage of goods
This was rendered inevitable : politically by Rome's on wheels, though pack animals, camels, mules, asses,
rank as the capital of the Roman state ; commercially and even oxen, were still generally used (cp Jos. Vi#.
by the Phcenician and Greek exploitation during the 2126). Horses, mules (cp Horace's journey to Brun-
previous periods of the W. Mediterranean, N. Africa, disium. Sat. Is), and asses were employed for riding.
Spain. and Gaul; geographically by the position of On the breeding of horses, for different purposes, the
Rome well down the great Italian promontory, which Romans bestowed great care. The security of the
runs so far out upon the Mediterranean, with its attend- roads was a constant matter of trouble to the pro-
ant isle a day's sail from N. Africa, and its SE. cape a vincial governors. In semi-independent principalities
few hours from Greece. Even in Republican times (as we shall see under the Herods, 75). brigandage
Rome's central character had been assured both by the was alwavs more rife : but even under uurelv I , Roman
roads which gathered to her from all parts of the pknin- government it frequently reappeared. Yet, on the
sula, and by the sea-traffic which filled her harbour of whole, the security of land-travel at the beginning of
Ostia or came up the 'Tiber to herself (even triremes and the empire had immensely improved: cp Strabo,
penteremes reached the city under the Republic, and vi. 4 2 ; Pliny, HN27 I , who calls the ' immensa R'omanae
under Augustus ships of 78 tons ; Gotz, 319). pacis majestas,' 'velut alteram lucem . . .
(ii.) Above all the nations which preceded them, the humanis.'
Romans excelled in the making of long lines of firm (iii.) At sea the greatest change was the reduction of
69, Roman roads-first in Italy, towards Gaul, and the whole of the Mediterranean under one political
Spain, and then, as their empire extended, Then followed its clearance of
roads, to the middle of Scotland in the N., and 70. Mediter- ppwer.
pirates, first by Pompey and then by
to the farthest borders of Mesopotamia and the Arabian raneaa Augustus (who also cleared the Red
province. By CEesar's time sixteen paved roads led into Sea from the same pest). The consequence was an
Rome-the oldest the Via Appia S. by Capua with enormous increase of the Mediterranean traffic, which
branches to PUTEOLI (APPII F ORUM , T HREE T AVERNS ), is described by many writers of the period in glowing
R HEGIUM (4s.), and Rrundisium. From Dyrrhachium terms (Juvenal, 1 4 2 7 8 8 , 'the sea as thronged as the
(another branch from Apollonia) the great route to the land ' ; Philo, De Lcg. 21 : ' filled with merchantmen ').
E. made for THESSALONICA with a continuation to Perhaps the most significant illustration is found in the
Byzantium. For the Roman system of roads through contrast between the Hasmonaean princes, who, till
Asia Minor from Byzantium, Ephesus, and Smyrna, see after Jannzeus, never set foot on shipboard, and the
Ramsay, Hist. Gtog. As. Min. and the summary with
map in Miss Skeel's Travel in First Century after Christ 1 Josephus (Byiii. 24) reckons it the third city of the Roman
(Cambr. 1901); also A SIA , C APPADOCIA , C ILICIA , a Calculated from the Antonine Itinerary and the Peutinger
EPHESWS,G ALATIA , LAODICEA, PHRYGIA, S MYRNA, Table ; G6tz, 424fl gives slightly different calculations. Titus
took only 5 days to march from Pelusium to Gaza ; BJiv. 11 5.
1 Josephns (?,Ti. 2 5) says that John Hyrcanus w a s the first to 3 For inns, used mostly by poorer travellers, see Jos. Ani
have mercenaries. xvi. 5 I .
51% 5186
Herods who were constantly passing to and from Italy. Erythrzean Sea, 1st cent. ; Ptolemy, fl. circa 140).
See below, 75. But this applies only to the summer But even though the discovery of the ' monsoons ' was
season; ships were laid up (even in the middle'of a attributed to Hippalus, of the tinie of Augustus, we must
voyage) froni November to iMarch. Philo (De Leg, 29) not suppose that t k s e had not been employed by navi-
explains the exceptional character of a winter voyage
(cp Jos. Ant. xvi. 2 I ) . ~ The size of the ships was con-
gators in earlier periods (above, 17). The E. coast of
Africa was known as far as Madagascar. The way to
siderably, and their speed somewhat, developed. War- India was fairly opened up (Horace, E$$. i. 145J).
vessels and the lighter (mostly private) passenger ships Ceylon had been known before the geographer Pom-
carried many oars ; cargo-transports had but a few oars, ponius Mela (about 150 B.c.), and now, with its
chiefly to turn the head of the ship in its tacking, and markets for the farther E., became quite familiar
depended on sails. They also carried passengers : (Strabo, 21, Ptol. 7 3 ) ; an embassy came from it to
Josephus went to Rome in a ship with 600 souls on board Claudius (Plin. HNvi. 245). The time required from
(Vit.3) ; and over zoo were reckoned on Paul's ship the Malabar coast to Alexandria was go days. The
(Acts 2737 ; see, however, S HIP, § 8). For a further Tiber and the Indus were thus less than 34 months
description see Skeel, 81& distant. Pliny ( H N l Y 4 1 ) estimates that every year
The three principal ports on the Mediterranean were 'India, Seres, peninsulaque,'-Le., Arabia-withdraw
Rome (with Ostia and Puteoli, the latter the goal of the from the Empire ~oo,ooo,ooo sestertii (about A885.416).
grain ships from Egypt), Alexandria,2 and Carthage. When Strabo went up the Nile with Elius Gallus he
Smyrna with the Asia Minor trade, as well as some from learned that 120 ships left Myos Hormos (? Leukos
Central Asia, came next. Delos was the great centre Limen; see 5 29, n. 4) for India, as contrasted with
of the slave trade ; Strabo (xiv. 5 2 ) mentions 10,ooo ' extremely few under the Ptolemies ' ( G e o p . ii. 5 12).
slaves there. Rhodes maintained the flourishing con- Yet these regular voyages did not destroy the Arabian
dition ascribed to it by Ezekiel (2715): it lay on the land-traffic. For reasons for this (eg.,the preference
Alexandria-Byzantium-BlackSea line. THESSALONICA of the age for land-routes and the loss to the value of
( 4 . v . ) had grown since the time of Alexander, and now incense and spices when on the sea), cp Gotz, 4 3 6 8
increased through its connection with Dyrrhachium. We are now able to appreciate the growth, under the
Byzantium commanded the Black Sea, though much Romans, of Alexandria. The bulk of the Indian trade
of the traffic from the E. portion of this went by land passed through its warehouses, as well as that from inner
across Asia Minor. Corinth and Athens rather fell Africa. Besides its exports of Egyptian grain, paper,
behind ; but Corinth grew again under Trajan. On linen, and glass to Rome, it sent proportional quantities
the Syrian coast Berytus, a colonia of Augustus, grew (except of grain) to Syria, especially to Antioch, and in
into prominence (see below, 75); PTOLEMAIS (9.v.) times of famine supplied Syria with food-stuffs. These
became the chief port for Rome-especially for the were also brought thitiisr froni Cyprus.l
soldiery, but also for commerce; and Herod founded (v.) The civilised world found itself for the first time
Czesarea (75); Gaza and, to a lesser degree, Anthedon under a common system of law-administered with
still flourished with the Nabatzean trade from the far ,3. Law, western consistency ; and even a maritime
E. The importance of Tyre and Sidon was, therefore,
relatively (though not absolutely) diminished.
Strabo (iii. 25 x. 45,etc.), Pliny ( H N 1529 191,etc.),
lzr$ie, law began to exist. With the law there
spread a common coinage. Less extensive
was the use of the Latin language. Except
Acts (20-28), Lucian ( N a v i s I-6),and others, furnish in the names of the coins, official designations, and a
us with data as to the time occupied by Mediterranean few other terms, it did not in W. Asia displace Greek ;
voyages. If we take the sea from W. to E., from Gades the PeripZus is written in Greek, the harbours on the
to Ostia was 7 days, from Carthage 2 to 3,from Puteoli Red Sea continue to have Greek names. W e shall see
to Alexandria g days, from Athens to Smyrna z t . These a similar state of affairs among the Jews.
may be taken as express or even 6record' voyages. Thus though the Romans, unlike the Phcenicians,
For cargo boats with favourable winds we may add and the Greeks, did not increase the bounds of the
25 to 50 p.c. Even when storms did not intervene, it 73. s u m m ~known world, for they were not ex-
must have taken the grain ships of Alexandria well on plorers, they reduced it to peace, and
to a fortnight to reach Puteoli. From Cyprus to Tyre Rome* bv this and their thorough- administra-
and Sidon (to judge from the voyages of mediaeval tion of every department of life, enormously increased
galleys) 24 hours would suffice ; the Syrian ports were its commerce and wealth. The life of the world is
mostly within 12 hours of each other. But the un- everywhere found in the most rapid circulation, against
certainties were great. Herod sailing from Alexandria the throng and change of which voices from an older
to Pamphylia was driven by a storm, with loss of the day appeal in vain. The mixture of nationalities on all
ship's cargo, to Rhodes, where he built a three-decked the main lines and centres is bewildering. Wealth and
ship and sailed to Brundisium for Rome (Jos. Ant. luxury increase by leaps and bounds.
xiv. 133). Lucian, who reached Cyprus from -4lexandria The Roman arms came into touch with the Jews on
in 7 days, took 63 more (having been driven to Sidon) the arrival of Pompey at Damascus 64-63 B.C. Among
to reach the Piraeus (Nuvig. 1-6). For winds on ,4. Bntipater. the first results were several which are
the Mediterranean, see Pliny, N N 2 iqfi ; Smyth's properly commercial. The Greek cities
Mediter. 2 3 0 8 E. of Jordan had been founded on the main trade
(iv.) The trade down the Red Sea and across the routes with a connection by Scythopolis with the sea.
Indian Ocean was immensely increased ; and indeed Under Roman protectiop they were able for the first
it is to this period that we owe the first time to carry out a trade-league, such as was already
?l. Trade approximately exact data with regard to' instanced by Greek cities in Europe. See DECAPOLIS,
with it (Strabo, 60 B.C. to about 21 A.D.; Pliny $5 rf. Pompey also appears to have been attracted by
senior, 23-79 A . D . , and the anonymous Per@lus of the the trade of the Nabataeans (Jos. Ani. xiv. 3 3 J ) ,
with whom, as we have seen, the western world was
1 Cp Jos. B'vii. 1 3 (last clause). already more familiar than it was with the Jews. An
2 Cp i6id. iv. 10 5. See, too, The Meditmanean by expedition to Petra ended in a treaty with the Nabataeans
Admiral Smyth (London, 1854),pp. 27 46. (ibid. 51). Josephus (ibid. 41) also notes already the
3 This was partly due, of course, to the obstructions to trade
raised upon the Mesopotamian and Persian Gulf route to India palms and balsam of Jericho. Gabinius rebuilt cities
by the rise of the Parthian empire and its frequent wars witd Dn trade line? which had been destroj-ed (53). T h e
Rome. Had the Seleucids continued to hold all Mesopotamia policy of Antipater (cp HEROD, FAMILY OF, 5 2 )
the trade down the Red Sea in the Ptolemaic period, and th;
consequept wealth of the Ptolemies, could not have been so 1 The Crusaders also used Cyprus as a base of supplies;
great aj It was. L'Esfoirc de la Guerre Saintr, z i o o f l a 3 6 7 8 .
5x67 5188
included treaties with Nabatzans, Gaza, and Ashkelon but also for seed for the peasants on the occasion of a
( 1 3 J 7 3). and he supplied the army of Gabinius with famine (92). While, no doubt, his policy increased
corn, weapons, and money (62, cp 51). The wealth the trade of his dominions, he milst at the same time
not only of the temple, through the contributions from have hampered trade by his growing exactions. On
Jews of the Diaspora, but also of Jerusalem and J u d z a this Josephus speaks cautiously but emphatically
as a whole, was considerable (7rf: with quot. from (xvi.54); cp the complaint of the Jewish embassy
Strabo). A limited freedom from taxes was granted to Augustus after the accession of Archelaus (xvii. 1 1 2 ) '
to the Jews ( 8 j 1 0 6 ; cp ~ O I O ) ,and Hyrcanus was and the many seditions both in Herod's life-time and
allowed the dues 011 corn (20,675 modii every year) later (1048).
exported through Joppa to Phmnicia ( 1 0 6 ) . The Commercial events and processes under the Roman
Senate restored to the Jews possessions taken Erom procurators, or under the descendants of Herod (see
them by the Phcenicians (106). -76, Procuratore, HEROD, F AMILY OF. $5 6-13),'do
Herods earliest efforts (cp HEROD, FAMILY OF, not call for special mention, beyond
55 3-5) as governor of Galilee were directed towards ~.
these facts. Herod Antipas by his
domains in Perea was brought into special relations
the dispersion of brigands (92 154) who
75. made the conveyance of even the neces- with the Nabataeans and the Decapolis ; and his build-
saries of life a difficulty ( 1 6 2 ) . From the first Herod ing of Tiberias must have increased the traffic of
continued, and after each of his reverses he renewed, Galilee. The policy of Agrippa I. was milder towards
the policy of his father. When he songht a loan, it the Jews than that of Herod; his revenues were
was to the Nabataeans that he turned (141; BJi.14 I ) : about three-fourths of Herod's (xix. 82). He sailed
he sought their friendship; but on the extension of from Anthedon for Alexandria, and thence to Puteoli
his power E. of Jordan, he and they became bitter (xviii. 63). The completion of the works on the temple
rivals (xvi. 92). When Antony had given Cleopatra created a large number of unemployed for whom
the revenues of Jericho, Herod farmed them for her work had to be found (xx. 97)-a striking instance
(xv. 42). He got the coast-towns from Czsar, with of the complications brought into Jewish life by the
Gadara, Hippos, and Saniaria (all trade centres, 7 3 ) ; Hellenic policy of the Herods. Josephus gives an
and having fortified and embellished Samaria, he created, interesting account of the trade, wealth, and finance of
25 m. distant from it at Straton's Tower, CESAREA the Babylonian Jews (xviii. 9 ; xx. 23). Queen Helenaof
(9.".), the one real port between the Delta and Ptole- Adiabene brought food from Egypt and Cyprus for
mais (85 96). Thus the line across the Saniarian Judzea during a famine (25). As the troubles with
mountains was in his hands; at its farther end lay Rome drew to a head (from 60 A . D . ) , brigandage in-
Phasaelis (and in the next reign Archelais) with palm- creased (54 85 9 3 8 , etc.).
groves reaching to Jericho, and easy fords across As to the conditions of Syrian trade in the first
Jordan, commanded probably by the fortress Alex- Christian century, we may say, in general, that it
andrium (Jos. AJi. 6 5 ; Strabo, xvi. 2 41 ; cp HG suffered everywhere for periods, and in
352f). Further, Herod built ANTIPATRIS (on the line
Czsarea-Jerusalem as well as on the inland route N. trade. some of the more desert parts always, from
robbers;2 and that, besides the exactions
and S. over the maritime plain) (xvi. 52), and greatly noted, it was greatly hampered, especially among the
improved the fertility of the Jordan valley (ibid.). The Jews of Judrea, by the strictness of the Law, and
trade of W. Palestine, at least S . of Carmel, thus lay above all by the provisions relating to the Sabbath and
in his hands; at Gadara. and Hippos, and Jericho he to things clean and unclean (for a list of these
intercepted the trade of E. Palestine, but there his hold see Schiirer, G J V , ET, ii. 2 9 6 8 , 106fi). The
was precarious and femporary ; whilst at Gam he held Sabbath prohibitions reflect almost wholly an agri-
the tolls for Arabia via Petra, and for Egypt. Herod cultural people ; yet those against writing and carrying
mightily increased his opportunities, both of wealth and putting a value on anything on the Sabbath
and of expense, by his many voyages to the W. (see (ibid. 102) must have made trade on that day ini-
above, 5 70) : ( a )to Rome, Ant.xiv. 1 4 2 8 , and back possible except by desperate subterfuges. The laws
to Ptolemais, 151 ; ( b ) to Italy for his sons, xvi. 1 2 ; against unclean things affected trade more deeply ; for
( 6 ) to Ionia to M. Agrippa, 21 ; i d ) by Rhodes, Cos, trade everywhere brought Jews, in any large ways of
Lesbos, Byzantium. to Sinope, to Agrippa, returning doing business, into contact with the Greeks and other
through .4sia Minor 1.0 Ephesus and thence by Samos ' in foreigners. In spite of themselves, however, Hellenism
a few days to Czsarea,' 22-4 ; ( e ) to Italy to accuse his poured into their life through commercial channels.
sons, and back by ' Eleusa,' off Cilicia, and Zephyrium, For the very large list of trading terms and names
4 1 $ , BJ i. 2 3 4 ; (f)to Italy ( ? A n t . xvi.91) ; (g)to of objects of trade borrowed by the mixed Hebrew
Berytus to the trial of his sons and back to Czsarea of the time from the Greek language, see Schiirer.
(xvi. 11 2 8).Hemd was able to estimate the re- GJV, ET, ii. 1 3 3 f. 3 6 8 Inns, different names for
sources of his countrymen of the Diaspora, and no dealers, foreign provisions and materials for dress,
doubt to draw upon these in return for services some raw stuffs, and vessels for eating, carrying, etc.,
rendered them (e.g.,xvi. 5 3 ) . H e also received, among are Greek. So with some of the coins: the*rest are
other imperial donations, the revenues of copper mines Roman (P ENNY , etc. ) ; but the superscription-for the
in Cyprus ( 4 5 ) . But, on the whole, as Josephus points Greek cities had their own coinage with Czssar's iniage-
out (54), Herods expenditure constantly exceeded his was mostly in Greek. The large number of very small
income. He would send money and provisions for the coins in use (ibid.) betrays the great poverty of the bulk
imperial armies, and provide water (no doubt with the of the population. Yet, here and there, very rich
help of the Nabatzans) on the desert marches between individuals outside the official classes were found (.g.,
Egypt and Palestine (xv. 67). and an auxiliary2 regiment Ant. xiv. 13 5).
[e.g.,xv. 93). His lavish gifts to foreign cities resemble It is easy to form an idea of the objects of trade.
the donations of a n American millionaire (xvi. 53). At 7L1.Objects The transit trade from Arabia to the
home, besides rebuilding the temple in eighteen months
(xv. 11 I), and constructing other public edifices on a oftrade. Levant, and from Egypt to N. Syrin,
avoided Judzea (hence the ambition of the
western scale (81, etc.), he had to bring corn from Herods for coast-towns from Gaza northward), but was
Egypt, not only for bread for the cities of Jerusalem,
1 He embellished foreign cities at the expense of his own;
1 Cp the large sums obtained later by the Pseudo-Alexander and ' filled the nation with poverty.
from ews in Crete and Melos (Ant. 17 12). 9 Under the procuratorship of Cumanus they seized the
2 Iferod's foreign mercenaries are frequently mentioned ; c.g., furniture of ' a servant of Czcsar' on the Beth-horon Road (BJ
BJi.183. ii. 12 a ; cp 13 3 6).
5'89 5190
frequent and heavy across Galilee, especially between of appreciation of the bigness of its methods and of the
Ptolemais and the Greek cities beyond Jordan. brave tempers required in it (Mt. 1 3 4 5 f . , Lk. 1 6 9 8 ) .
Josephus (Vit.26) describes the wife of Ptoleniy, the He frequently likens to its pursuit the search after the
king's procurator, as crossing Esdraelon with ' 4 mules' true riches. At the same time his warnings are many
lading of garments and other furniture ' ; a ' weight of against covetousness and the temper of the trading
silver not small,' and ' 500 pieces of gold.' Palestine Gentiles. Galilee was a place where a man might gain
continued to export from the Jordan valley dates and the whole world and lose his own soul. The temple
the balsam of Jericho (the passages already cited from courts had become a fraudulent market-the house of
Jos. A n t . ; Diod. Sic. 1 1 48u ; 1998 4 ; Dioscorides 118; God a den of thieves.
Plin. 12 25 ; Thepphr. Hist. Plant. 9 6). Whether the On the social life of the early Christian societies see
flax of Beth-shan, later so famous ( ' Totius Orbis Descr.' C OMMUNITY OF GOODS, D EACON , etc. The progress
in GeogT. GY. Min., ed. Muller, 2 5 1 3 8 ) , was already A,,ts arrdof the new faith was along the lines of
grown there is uncertain. Wheat and oil were also
exported to Phoenicia; but, lavish as Josephus describes Epistleas trade and in the great trade centres-
the fertility and agriculture of Galilee to have been, it D AMASCUS , the cities of ASIA M INOR , THESSALONICA,
was not thence but from Egypt and elsewhere that C ORINTH , ROME. Paul worked at his own trade (Acts
Judzea brought her food and seed in times of famine. 183 20338), and other commercial pursuits are men-
In 66 A.D. John of Gischala had the monopoly of tioned among the early Christians ('Erastus the
exporting oil from Galilee, by which he made great treasurer of the city,' Rom. 1623 ; ' Alexander the
sums of money (BJii. 21 2 ) . Josephus mentions artificial coppersmith,' 2 Tim. 414 ; Zenas ' the lawyer, ' Tit.
snow (Bjiii. 107). There was also exportation of 3 1 3 ; 'Simon a tanner,' Acts 943 ; Lydia ' a seller of
pickled fish from the Lake of Galilee, as far as Italy purple,' 1 6 1 4 ; Aquila and Priscilla, like Paul, tent-
(Strabo, xvi. 245). Taricheze, the chief port on the makers, 183). The Apostolic letters, however, con-
Lake, means ' pickling-places ' ; Josephus describes it tain, besides the general warnings against covetousness,
as full of artizans and of materials for shipbuilding (BY extremely few references to trade, either for illustration
iii. 10 6). The temple of Jerusalem was, even on or warning :-Jas. 4 1 3 8 , 5 1 3 I Thess. 2.9 2 Thess.
ordinary days, an immense centre of trade; incense, 3 8 (Paul's own example of industry) I Thess.411
spices,2 priests' garments, and the supplies for the 2 Thess. 39 8 (exhortations to do your own business
daily sacrifices (cp Schiir. Hist. ii. 1269 298) alone necessi-
tated enormous markets, largely in the hands of the
and to work with your hands ... that ye may
walk honestly towards them that are without and
priesthood (Keim, Lzye of Yesus, ET, 5 117 f:). T h e may have need of nothing') Rom. 1 3 7 8 (taxes, and
temple-finances-not only the sacred revenues but also debt) I C o r . 7 3 0 ('those that buy as though they pos-
private deposits 4-were managed by special officials sessed not'). The fewness of such references is the
(Schiir. id. 261). All this business was heightened more conspicuous when the many passages on the
enormously at the time of the great festivals-when relations of masters and slaves are contrasted with it.
food (largely pickled fish from the Lake of Galilee and The lifting of the burdensome law from the lives of
the Levant) had to be supplied for the incoming multi- the Jewish converts to the new faith must have given
tudes; and no doubt much private business also was them fresh advantages in trade ; cp Peter's vision at
transacted. Among the traders of Jerusalem, Josephus Joppa,' in which the sheet, let down from heaven, full
enumerates those in wool, brass, cloth ( B l v . S I ) , timber of things clean and unclean, has been compared to
(ii. 1 9 4), and all kinds of artisans. the sails of the merchant ships in the roads visible
In the N T there is a considerable reflection of all this from the Joppa house-tops (see HG141$), 'What
life. The Gospels, relating large catches of fish in God hath cleansed call not thou common' (Acts
79. Trade in the Lake, which must in that climate 1098:). W e may take for granted that the rise of
been immediately cured, are curiously Christianity had far-reaching economic effects-e.g.,
the Gospels. silent about the conveyance of the fish
upon the fortunes of certain trades (cp the outcry of
for this purpose by the Jewish fisherman to the Greek the Ephesus silversmiths, Acts 19 24 X), and still
curer. But of other business, so thriving in Galilee, more deeply-as in parts of India to-day where a
they give us many glimpses. One of the disciples keeps rise in wages has been known to follow the adoption of
toll on the transit-trade at Capernaum (Mt. 9 9 ) . Many the new faith-upon the wage-earning slaves and
of the hearers of Jesus are publicans (P UBLICAN ). freedmen.
Zacchzeus was probably farmer of the state revenues of In the Book of Revelation the peculiar traders of
the balsam gardens of Jericho. The use of the objects, LAODICEA ( p . v . )are referred to. On the mark, the
means, and tempers of trade by Jesus is very instruc- 81. Book of name of the beast, which gave license
tive (cp above, on Proverbs, 61). The parables to buy and sell ( 1 3 1 7 ) , see the com-
reflect the roads and journeys, mostly of Galilee but mentaries. In the picture of Rome,
also of Judzea : a merchant seeking goodly pearls ; a Babylon the Great, as in the prophet's account of her
Samaritan traveller, rescuing a Jew fallen among thieves, namesake of old, her vast trade is included : Rev. 1 8 3 ,
and paying for him at an inn ; the prosperous farmer ' the merchants of the earth waxed rich by the power of
and his new barns; the woman with her little store her luxury' ; ZI. 11, ' the merchants of the earth weep and
of silver ; the rich man and his steward ; the farming mourn over her, for no man buyeth their cargo.' Then
of estates to husbandmen by absentee landlords ; and follows a list of her imports. Compared with those
other of the economic relations of the time. In the assigned to Tyre and Babylon by the prophets, there is
light of what we have seen in previous periods nothing new except S ILK (q.ZI. ) ; but note the emphasis
(I§ 11 48J), it is interesting that the Parable of the in ZI. 13 on 'bodies and souls of men.' Rome's fall
Pounds imputes trade to kings through their servants. means the destruction of commerce and industry
From the early Pharaohs to the Herods trade had always [ 1 8 1 5 - q ) . With this acknowledgement of Rome as the
been a royal business. And the teaching Of Jesus is full :entre of the worlds trade, we may finish our survey of
the Roman period. In the prophecy of her fall there
1 Also BJi. 6 6 ; cp Hor. E). ii. 2 1e4. For the farming of the may be traced a just sense of the precariousness of her
groves by the Romans see W. Pressel's Priscilla an SaKna. :ommercial, apart from her political, position. Less than
a ' Sweet-smelling sAices with which the sea replenished it ' :
B l v . 5 4. There were thirteen kinds. 1 couple of centuries saw the gradual disappearance of
-3 B j i i . 3 3 vi. 5 2. ier trade to other positions naturally more fitted to
4 Such are mentioned in B j i . 139 iv. 5 1 , etc. There were
also the public treasures (cp 8 66) held in the royal palace (BJ
ittract it.
i. 139, iv. 34), where also business contracts were deposited
(ii. 176). 1 For a description of Joppa, see Jos. BJiii. 9 3.
5'9' 5r9=
IV. TERMINOLOGY I N OT (eXsvcrav); inZepb.111 ip!? DY!?? is probably used of the
mercantile portion of Jerusalem generally(@ rr& b AabcXavaav) :
An account of the terminology of trade among the in Ezek. 16 29 (eom.) and 17 4 (@BO Xavaav, @ A X U A G Q ~ V )
Israelites will complete our survey, . by. giving
- - a number Chaldea is called a ‘ land of j y 3 p ’-i.e., ‘trade.’ (Cp CANAAN,
of names both of agents and pro- 8 2, col. 639 [and on the text-critical questions arising out of the
passages referred to, cp Crit. Bib.].)
trade in OT. cesses not touched on in the pre- 2. mZddnim, D ’ n n for midyanim, O?‘:l Midianites, Gen.
fo ceding history. The appended list
37 28 36, and
is as nearly as pos.sible exhaustive so far the OT is
3. yiZnZ’Zim, n’&F@:, ‘ Ishmaelites’(Gen. 3725 39 I), may
concerned. It ought to be noted that a great many
also (as we can see from a careful observation of these passages)
of the terms and phrases given are used only metaphori- have heen used in the sense of traders. On the other hand there
cally ; yet, in the case of nearly all of these, the meta- is no provable connection (tempting a s it might be to suppose
phorical (generally a religious) use implies a previous one) betwegn 2 7 in ~ its sense ‘ t o do trade’ (see below) and lly
direct employment in common life. The list presents ‘Arabians.
many points of historical interest of which the following (a) Names f o r Traders and T r a d e i n General.- For
may be summarised by way of preface to it. theSe the Hebrews used four terms, the radical meaning
i. The OT terms are all Semitic. Down to the of all of which was the same : viz., ‘ to go about ’ :-
Greek period there are in fact no others-none of Tnn, ~ I T ,i?n and iqw. Of these the first three when
Egyptian and none of Persian or Indian origin. This applied to trading are practically synonymous.
is the more striking in that so many of the names of
I . s+r, i n n (cp Assyr. sa&&% ‘ t o turn round ’ ; Syr. ‘ to go
articles and objects which trade introduced into the ahout as a beggar’ : in M H ‘ to go ahout as a pedlar ’), in the
Hebrew vocabulary are Egyptian or Persian-plants, OT used exclusively (with metaphorical applications) of travel-
raw materials, gal-ments, etc. ; and that from their ling, making circuirs or tours, for trade : Gk. 2prropdedlar by
Persian masters Israel also adopted a number of political which @ renders’it.1 Gen. 42 34 (JE) of the right to trade in
Egypt granted by Joseph to his brethren, Gen. 3410, 21 (P?):
terms. That none of the agents or processes of trade ??l!D ‘traverse, or trade in, it ’--Le., the land. Jer. 14 18: meta-
even in the Babylonian and Persian periods are of non- phorical of prophet and priest, ‘trafficking’ (@ &opav’&pau).
Semitic origin is clear proof that till the advent of the T h e pt. s@Zr (lnb) is one of the usual terms for ‘merchant,’ 03
Greeks the trade of W. Asia remained in Semitic hands &~lropos. Gen. 37 28 (JE) ‘ men, Midianites, merchants.’ I K.
(witness the dislike of the Egyptians to trade, § 12)and 1028 (I1 z Ch. 116) ?&? ’1“: either thekraeliteagentsthrough
that all the foreign commerce of Israel was achieved whom Solomon did trade with the N. Syrian Musri and KuC or
through Semitic tribes or nations who spoke a Semitic (more probably) horse-dealers of those lands who traded with his
tongue ; further ev.idence that the non-Semitic PHILIS- agents : cp Is. 47 15 7 p n b not ‘thy native merchants’ but those
TINES ( p . ~, . 5 J :I, with whom the early Hebrews did (foreigners) who trade with thee,’ Babylon (cp 03). Ez. 27 3 4 :
so much trade, had adopted ‘ the lip of Canaan.’ As. ‘ t h e merfhants among the peoples ; 58 13 : the merchants of
soon as the Greeks come to Syria we perceive a change : Tarshish ; z Ch. 9 14 : ‘the chapmen and merchants.’ Other
phrases :-Ez. 27 21 : ‘ the merchants of thy hand’ ; Gen. 23 16
the purely Semitic words for trade and trader are
(P): ‘money current with the merchants’ (lflbi lab rp); cp
displaced in M H b’y Greek terms ; and there is a great
KESITAH ; Prov. 31 14 : 1 n i D (sic) ‘a merchant-ship ’ ; Is.
influx of Greek names for specialised forms of trading,
2 3 2 : ‘the merchants (@ pc~af36hor)of Sidon that pass over
and for the articles and objects of trade (see above,
the sea.’ The fem. pt. sa&&eth (nlvb) is used of cities, etc.-
177 ; also H ELLENISM. 5). Tarshish, Aram, Damascus-trading with Tyre ; Ez. 27 12 16 18.
ii. The O T terms all belong to the common Semitic
Derivatives :-(u) lo!: Is. 233 18 ; 45 14 RV ‘ mart’ and
stock and are native to Hebrew except in the case of
‘merchandise,‘ but (cp the parallel ]>nv in 2318) more
a small number borrowed from the Assyrian probably
probably ‘profit,’ cp Prov. 3 14, 31 18.2 For tll;.+r ( T D ~ in
through the Aramzan (e.g., mn, ]?I), and these are
constr.), I K. 10 15, taken by the lexicons a s a separate word,
chiefly in P and the post-exilic writings. Of course, Klost. reads l ? e p (6) si&ri/~ (n!hD), ‘trade,’ is used collec-
some others may be of Phenician or Arainzean origin ; tively of ‘ traders ‘ : Ez. 27 15.
but this it is impos!;ible to prove.
2. r/ikaZ,!?31(cp 511 ‘to march ’ or ‘go ahout ’ :h a m . a>$?,
iii. There is clear evidence in the OT terminology of
Syr. rukkda, ‘travelling merchant,’ ‘pedlar ‘)is also used in the
a gradual growth and organisation of commerce in O T of trade exclusively. The pt. rdki2 is synonymous with
Israel. For ( a ) the number of terms, and the frequency s8[z2r,but, except in I K. 10 15, is found onlyin later writers: 3 Ez.
of the instances of teach increases from Dt. onwards and 174 : ‘a city of merchants’ (D.>?l l’Y)-i.e., Babylon ; 27 13 15
rapidly in P and .Ezra-Neh. (6) Especially are there 17 22-24 (of various nations trading with Tyre); Cant. 36,
more words for ‘ property,’ ‘ wealth,‘ ‘ substance,’ or at ‘powder of the merchant’. Neh. 3 31f: : ‘the house of the
least these occur more frequently ; (c) terms of general Nethinim and of the merchhnts’ : this was opposite the Gate
Ham-Miphkadh (see J ERUSALEM , 8 24 [IO]). The fem. pt. r8.W
significance ( n y , ip, and the like) have specially com- Zeth is used in Ezek. 2720 (of Dedan) 23 (collectively of five
mercial meanings attached to them in the later writings ; peoples : omit NlW h;l). Although the root $31 (like $11) was
( d ) the shades of meaning increase in the case of some
used as in h:=slander (cp M H n h ) in a had sense, there
words, or the various processes (cp ‘ valuation ’ and the
is no reason for supposing that any derogatory meaning was
like) are carefully differentiated; ( e ) the mention of intended by its employment for trading. Deriv. :-(a) rFkuZkih
deposits of money becomes more frequent; (f) old ‘trade’ : Ez. 2B 12, 28 5 16 18. (6) marh8leth ‘market’ : Ez:
processes of a primitive type are displaced by more 27 24 (hut see Cornill).
formal and by written deeds ; cp the sale of land in
3. tzir, 1tp1 (Assyr. f&u ‘ to turn’ reJ. Ar. tEra ‘to go
about ’)is used in the O T in Kal of exploring land, Nu. i 3 z etc. ;
Ruth 4 with that in Jer. 32 ; (9) and yet in spite of all
this, Hebrew trade remains somewhat simple ; there is,
in Hiph. of exploringor
. - suyinn,
.. Tudn.- 12?(1). Cu SPIES. T h e

pt. kal in the phrase D%? is used of traders parallel with

e.g., no mention in the OT of a trading company.
The Hebrew names for trade, traders, and merchants, P’>!i, I K. 1015,and with D’,o:b, 2 Ch. 9 14.

and for the various Drocesses and conceptions included 4. lrv, Targ. ‘ t o run ’ (Ass. . W u ‘ t o go about’ ; Ar. sdra
‘to go ahout ’ esp. in trading c a r a v k ) . Is. 57 9 : ‘ thou dids;
83. Detailed under trade are as follows :- travel with ointment (hut see ‘ Isaiah,’ SBU I”, note to Is. 5 i 9,
( a ) National names specialised to mean where existence of the verb la^ is denied) ; Ez. 27 25 : ‘ ships of
v o c a b u l ~ tradt,,s.
. 1
I. KZna‘dni, m? !%’ ‘Canaanite’ or ‘Phcenician,‘ means
1 [On I K. 1028, cp MIZRAIM,8 2 a ; also’througbout cp
‘trader ’ in Job 40 3d [416], Prov. 31 24 @ut @ @orvixov, Xava- Crit. Bi6.1
valoors). There is a plural form with suff. ?’p? in Is. 23 8 : and 2 Similarly in modern E. Syriac 6 6 z d r means both ‘trade ’ and
in Zech. 11 7, 11 ?>>yiJ is, aftere, to be read wjyj> with the ‘profits’ : Maclean, Dict. of Yernac. Syr. [19or].
same sense. In Hos. 128 North Israel is described as a 1 ~ 3 3 3 [On the difficult phrase in I K. 10 15 cp S OLOMON, 8 IO
SPICE MERCHANTS ; on Neh. 33rf: M ERCHANT 2 and Am=;
Journ. of The02 July 1901 (I NLthinim’=‘E’thktes,’ and
1 These have heen alluded to already, 5 13. r6kilim= Jerahm2ehm) ; see also Crit. Bi6.1
5x93 5194
Tarshish were $:Cii$,’ RV ‘thy caravans,’ hut Cornill reads placed in the hand’ or ‘trust’ of another, is translated by E V
$3nle, ‘ served thee.’ ‘ bargain ’ : @ rrorvovia.l (4) n’ribhd7, 12;. ‘affair,’ in Ruth 47
With these we may take the following terms signifying in sense of transaction ; l?+ o.!?, ‘to ? confirm any transac-
way or going as applied to trade or business. tion.’ (5) This confirmation, in cases in which the object bought
and sold could not be handed over, appears to have been symbol-
( I ) ddrek, 711. Is. 58 13, ‘1ai$’!= to do hnsines ; ised hy the seller drawing off his shoe or sandal, i y ? ?!$, Ruth,
(2) hdlikrilr, n ? h , ‘caravan’(butperhapsmetaph.: lit. ‘going’; 47f:; cp Dt. 2 5 9 8 ; where it symbolises the giving up of one’s
also procession) : of Sheba, Job 6 19 ; cp Bihl. Aram. $h, ‘ way. right; WRS K B . 269. Cp R UTH, S H O E ; also, for a similar
money,’ toll, Ezra 4 13, etc. action among the Arabs Burton Land of Midian 2 1 9 7 . and
Goldziher, Adhand. z. Arab. Phkol. 147 (quoted b; Buhl: Die
(3) ‘cirZ&ah,n@, ‘ caravan ’ always of merchants, Gen. 31 25, socid. VerhZlfnissederZsvaelifen,94, n. 2): The antithesis ‘t:
or of mercantile tribes ; Is. 21 13 : Dedan ; Job 6 18f: : Tema. take possession ’ was syAbolised by ‘throwing one’s shoe over
’ c h i & , nlk, the pt. is used of travellers in general : Jer. 9 I [2] the qhject, Pss. 6010[81 108 10[91. (6) tb‘ridrik, nlqyn, ‘attesta-
tion, Ruth 47. (7) In J e r . 3 2 9 X we find another mode of
n n l k 11ig (but Giesebrecht after @ $lgN [cp also Crif. Bi6.]), conveyance (which probably displaced the primitive one just
a ‘caravanserai.’ nill!=provision for journey: YDl and yDD noticed). A deed of sale (nlpf3;r pa)was signed by the buyer
refer to the journeys of nomads’ camps (cp TENT, $ 2); he lp& y l i D , and witnesses ;ere called who also signed. T h e
who prepares the camping ground, the quarter-master, i& deed was in two copies, one sealed (om?), and one open
“cup, Jer. 51 59. [But see SERAIAH, 4.1 (‘h$?),and placed in an earthen vessel ; cp Johns, op. L i t . 34.
( c ) Merchants’ Qua&?-s. -Travelling merchants took ‘The terms and conditions of the sale’ (?)=n‘(?r[;r] aL!p?
up their quarters in special parts of the towns to which (8) ‘ They strike hands,’ Is. 2 6, ?p’?Fl ; espec. if wit; Hi. and
they took their goods. Du. we read ~3 for 1 i i q . But see Che. SBOT ‘ Isaiah,’ and
hri@fh, nih!p, ‘streets’ or ‘bazaars,’ were what Ben-hadad‘s Ges.-Buhl, Lex.(lz) S . D . pab.
3. Buying and selling. The commonest words are kdnrih.
father was allowed by treaty to build in Samaria and Ahab in
P m a s c u s ( I K. 2034), probably for their merchants ; cp the ?Jp, and makar, 132, Is. 24 2 ; iJiB8 .?lip,‘like buyer like
bakers’ street’ in Jerusalem, Jer. 3721. The MAKTESH(pa. seller’ ; Ezek. 7 12, cp Zech. 115. (I) kinah, lit. ‘to make, or
cp also JERUSALEM, col. 2424) appears to have heeen a quarte; obtain,’ is applied to purchasing either with ID??, Ani. 8 6 Is.
of the city where the p * j y 1 ~or ‘merchants’ 0 resided (Zeph. 4324, or alone, Gen. 39 I , @ ~ K ~ ~ U C Z(JE) T O ; 2 S. 12 3 Jer. 13 I
111). For ‘the house of the merchants ’ see above under p * $ ~ l ‘ 19 I 32 7 8 15 43 Gen. 49 30 50 13 (both P). Also in a more
for the fish-, sheep-, and horse-gates see JERUSAL)EY, s 24. coll.’ general sense of purcha5ing a Hebrew slave through his falling
2424 3 For ,market see n$?n ’
above (6 2 [a]) ; for caravan- into one’s debt ; Ex. 21 z (JE). Also metaphorically; Ex. 15 16
serai, O’mk @, see b (3). Is. 1111, etc. ; kbneh, ‘the buyer,’ Is. 242 Ezek. 7 12, is used
( d ) Trading Companies.-There is no mention of also as owner Is. 1-, Bib. Aram. N J ~‘ t o buy,’ Ezra 7 17.
Deriv.:-(a) &neh,>but only in sense of ‘ property,’ cattle(Ex.
these in the OT; but wecanhardlydoubt that theyexisted. 1026, etc.) or land (Gen. 49 32, K ~ U L S ) ; cp C ATTLE , 8 8 end.
(I) @6er, 127, ‘a company of priests for robbery,’ Hos. 6 9 ; $4) mi&nah, besides meaning ‘possession ’ is used for ‘ sale ’ ;
‘ a house held by a number of people,’ Pr. 219 25.2, (but Dn 1SD =deed of sale, Jer. 32 I I ~ ;.or object sold 182 n?p,
Gk. and Toy read 2m). (2) ?za66dr, lzn, ‘a guild’ or ‘society’ ‘a puichased slave,’ Gen. 17 12f: 23 (cipyup6vqros), Ex. 12 44 ;
of fishermen, Job 40 30 [416], (cp Phcen. 137 and Assyr. e6m, ‘ a or ‘purchase-price,’ Lev. 2516 ( & K ~ U L S(all ) P); also qD.
comrade’).l (3) mi*d&h, np??p, lit. ‘family,’ or ‘clan ’ ; hut ni!?!, Lev. 2551, ‘the money for which he was bought’ (&py+ov
‘a guild’ of scribes, I Ch. 2 55 ; ‘of linen workers,’ 4 21. mjs r p d u e o r a h + ) . (c) kinyrin, ‘property ’ in widest sense ;
( e ) Yayious Processes included under Trade. i9Dz ];I?, ‘the produce of his money * (Evarr)ros dpyvpiou), Lev.
I . Barter and exchange. ( I ) 14, ‘to give one thing for 22 11 (Pk).
another,’Joe14[3] 3(3 before the object taken in exchange; cp (2) mrikar, ‘ t o sell,’ with pretii: of selling persons ; Gen.
Lam.1 II), Ezek.271;($ before the object given in exchange), 16 31 15 (JE), @ rCsparw ; of selling a bride ; so also the Aram.
mikar, or men and women as slaves, Gen. 37 27f: (@ &ro%&opc),
(? before both objects), ;4 (without ; both objects in the acc.); and Ex. 21 7 (JE), Ps. 105 17 Ezra 74 ; cattle, Ex. 21 37 [221]
cp Dt.1425, ‘togive for money‘: 18?3;Ps.155, ‘forinterest’: (JE), Lev.2727 (@ rpa&jumar, P); land, Lev.2523 34 (etc., P).
birthright Gen. 25 31 (JE) ; land, Ezek. 7 1 2 3 , or any property’
(2) The antithesis of p! is ,lei; and so in Neh. 10 32, Lev. 25 25)27, or any wares, Neh. 13 16. So generally, m8k2;
nincn (Ba. ”@,lit. ‘things t o be taken,’ are ‘wares for sale ’; ‘ seller,’ Is. 24 2. The same general sense attaches to 132 in
Phcen MH and‘ Ansyr.; in the latter damguru or tamkam
cp Talmud nzn or nFp, buying’ or ‘article bought.’ Syr. f&gdrd,?= merchant ’ Del. Ass. HWB, 222. Derivv. : I
(3) iqn, ‘to exchange’, doesnot appear in the O T in the sense (a) mdker, ‘price’ or ‘ valud,’ Nu. 20 19 (JE) ; cp Pr. 31 IO ; also
of barter(Lev. 21 TO 33 the substitution of one beast for another ; wares’ or ‘things for sale,’ Neh. 13 16. (b) mimkdr, ‘act of
Ezek. 48 14, of one pie:e ofland for another); yet the fact that the sale ’ ; Lev. 25 27, @ spPu~rs,29 50, etc. ; 33 (nil “n= house that
Syr. mar means ‘to import victuals’ proves that a t one time was sold ’), or ‘ thing sold,’ 25 25 Ezek. 7 13 ; or ‘ wares for sale ’=
among the Aramreans it was used in the sense ‘to barter.’ 13D Neh. 1320. (3) &&ah, ;nj ‘to buy,’ Dt. 26, pe‘rppr
Deriv. a?np, ‘exchange,’ Ru. 47, Job 28 17 ; ‘the thing ex- A4~$ru0e, Hos. 3 2 Job 6 27, to mike merchandise of a friend
changed,’ Lev. 27 IO 33 (P) ; ‘gain ’ or ‘ profit ’ as a result of or ‘haggle,’ 4030 [416] with $$!. Acc.toTalm. X.haSh.,kirah
trade, Job 2018; also compensation,’ 1531. was used on the coast, Levy, NHWB 2323; Ar. kara=
(4) Nor does ‘to exchange,’ appear in the O T for barter ;
to hire, kirri, ‘wage.’ (4) mZbtir, l’np, ‘price’ or ‘payment,
yet is used twice : Nu. 18 21 31 (P) in the sense of ‘returns,’
2 S. 24 14 I K. 10 28, l’np? ; I K. 21 2, l’nn qDp ; CP Pr. 17 16
‘rewards for’ service rendered : and Hoffmann (Ph6niz.
Inschriften, 2 0 ) gives &q as = equivalent (in exchange) ; 27 26; also ‘ wage,’ Dt. 23 19 [IS] Mi. 3 I I ;6 the phrase c’?? d7
(Bloch, Ph&. Gloss.) <payment,’ ‘n o$&, ‘to reward.’ Op’?.’vf3?, ‘ thou hast not gone high with their price,’ Ps. 44 13;
(5) usually ‘to pledge ’ (see below, 3 [SI), is used in Ezek. Pr. 22 16 appears to hare a different sense. Assyr. ma&u, cy
?7927 as=‘to exchange.’ I n pther Sem. languages it is to Del. Prol. 93, Ass.HWB 400, 404, from malufm, ‘ to be opposite
furnish security,’ or ‘to pledge. The original meaning seems -i.e., mutual. alone means price, Gen. 31 15, ‘ the money
to be to mix or ‘mingle,’ as in NT, Aram., Syr., and Heb. paid for us.’ ( 5 ) mdhar, ‘to buy a wife,‘ @ + F ~ v L E ~ , ; Ex.
Hithpael; yet thismay be a secondary meaning, through ‘having 22 15 [r6]. Deriv. mbhar, ‘price of a wife,’ Aram. malrQrd,
intercoursewith. Deriv. >:!In, sg. and pl. ‘wares.’ (6) I t is $yr. mahrd, Ar. mahr (MARRIAGE 5 I). (6) &&ar, 13w,
to buy corn’ ; Gen. 41 57 42 5 47 ;4, @ &yop<erv, 422, @
possible that the difficult ] i 3 y (see below, 7 181) in Ezek. 27
rpiadBr; ‘ t o buy victuals,’ with ‘akel (s?k), Gen. 427 IO, etc.,
means ‘ exchange.’
z. Bargain, contract, etc. (I) The very wide use of 6 i f h , Dt.26. Hi. ‘ t o sell corn,’ @ ;&Aer, Gen.426(@ ;pnoAPv
n v , to express a ‘covenant’ between men (see C OVENANT), ~psopnicuOat) Am. 8 5 3 ; with 5?k, Dt. 2 28, @ L a o 8 i q . (7)
and its application in Job 4028 14141 to an engagement @dah, 318, ‘to buy free’ or ‘ransom,’ @ Aurp60, Ex.5420
between master and servant, are evidence of the probability of 13 (P)’ Dt. 7:. etc., A r . f a d r i , Assyr. $add, ‘to buy
its employment for business contracts;z (2) &dzrifh,nm, is used ”
$! %th. td ‘pay. Derivatives $idyam, .n, ptdriyim,
in Is. 28 18 as a synonym for n’??; cp n’ln in Levy, NHWB.
‘ransom money.’ (8)gri’al, h, ‘to redeem.‘ Barth, Efym.
(3) tZirimcfhy d , 1; n Q ? h ,Lev. 521 [621 (P), lit. ‘something
Sf.18, gives Ar. 3Yrilat, ‘price.’ Derivative gt’tildlr, usually

1 In M H the root is used apparently only of societies for 1 in M H is ‘to appraise,’ ‘value.’
religion or learning. See further H ANDICRAFTS col. 1955. 2‘[So Jensen Z A 6 34 for another view of the derivation of
2 Yet in M H it seems t o be used only in a theblogical sense. the Syriac see h6ld. in 8Caenkel’s Arm8i1. Fremdw. 181fJ
5195 5196
‘redemption,’ but also, Ler. 25 j ~ ‘the , sum paid.’ Q T& hhpa. yithfln Eccles. 13, etc., ‘profit,’ in general, M H yuthrun ; (6)
y8&r, “profit,’ Eccles. 68 T I ; (c) mbthrir, ‘profit,’ PI. 1423 of
(9) kdjher, 1?2, ‘quit-money,’ @ A ~ T ~ o v .(IO) Bibl. h a m .
z&n, 131, ‘ t o buy,’ is used metaphorically, Dan. 2 8 ; found
Iabour, 21 5. (3) lWy, to be rich.’ Deriv. 1WY >e!, ‘ t o make
also in MH, Targums p b . , Palm., and Syr. Supposed to be riches,’ Jer. 17 11.1 (4)hdn, ]rn, ‘riches,’ ‘goods,’ Ezek. 27 12
fro” Assyr. zibbn?tu, balance ’ (see Ges.-Bu.). Ar. farnun, 18 33 and PI. (5) &dyil, 5:0, ‘substance’ or ‘wealth,’ ‘n nosty,
‘ price ’ ‘ value ’ (Spiro, AY. Eng. Yocab.). Dt. 8 17f: Ezek. 28 4 (6) ~“hrisisim,O’D?l, wealth ’ of various
4. Hiring, lending ledging. sorts, Josh. 22 8 (D), 2 Ch. 111f: See CATTLE, 8 8, end. (7)
(I) jrikar l ~ b .’Po
, hire,’ with 3 pretii &rdo4uBar), rdkaS, 0j i , ‘ to gather,’ and YZkzG, ‘ substance ’ or ‘ goods,’ in
mercenary iroops, Judg. 9 4 2 S. 106 I Ch. 196f: 2 Ch. 256; a general ; Gen. 12 5, @ T& 3rrripXpvTa a 3 G v 8ua Bmmjuauro, and
priest, Judg. 18 4 ; a workman, Is. 46 6 2 Ch. 24 12 ; a husband; frequently elsewhere in P, also in Ezra and C h Of the royal
Gen. 3016; cp Pr. 26 IO [Heb.]. Ar. S a k a r a = ‘ t o thank.
Derivatives :-(u) tdker, ‘ wage,’ Pr. 11a& l ? W ‘VY, ‘ makers of property, I Ch. 27 37 28 I 2 Ch. 31 3 35 7. (8) ‘ii2Z6an, iigy, in
wages,’ Is. 19 IO. (t.)&ikrir, the conmoner word for ‘wage,’ Q Ezek. 27 12 14 etc. means wares,’ but in v. 27 it is parallel t o
p ~ u 0 6 ~ Gen.
. 3028 32f: 31 8, etc. (JE); Ezek. 29 18 (metaph.); han. Hoffm. P h h Znsrhr. 15 gives the original meaning a s
‘hire,’ for a n article, Ex.2214 [I)] (JE); for man and beast, ‘produce’ or ‘results of trade,’ from 37y=>ry. T h e Assyr.
Zech. 8 IO. (c) drikir, ‘let on hire’ ; cattle, Ex. 22 14 [15] ; ed6u is ‘ t o leave over,’ uzu6(6)rr, ‘a payment.’ See also above,
persons, Ex. 12 45 Lev. 22 I O 25 50 (all P), Dt. 15 18 24 14 Mal. under log, a;??, l’p,7!?DF, pn?. (9) bri?n‘, yX3, lit.
3 5 Job 14 6, etc. ; mercenaries, Jer. 46 21. Note that the hirer ‘ t o break off,’ ‘take unjustly,’ Pr. 1 1 9 1527 Ezek. 22 12 27, Pi.
asks the servant what his wage will be, Gen. 29 15 3028. et.the ‘to finish ’ a work, Is. 10 12, etc. Deriv. &!sa‘, generally of
master changes the wages, 31 7 41. T h e wages are here)iT kind. ‘violent’ or ‘unjust gain,’ Judg. 5 19, taken i& war, I S . 8 3 (e
(d) maf&ireth ‘ wage,’ Gen. 29 1 5 31 7 41 (JE), @ pru0B6r ; Gs u v v r e h d a s , E V ‘lucre’), Ezek. 22 27 (RV ‘dishonest gain’),
Ruth 2 12 (metaph.); cp Ass. iSkar, Johns, o j . cit. 360. Other
words for wage are,6b‘aZ, $ph, @uZZah, >$e?. Pr. 1527, cp Is. 57 17 Ezek. 22 13. But ‘profit’ in general,
Gen. 37 26 (JE), Q Xpiucpov. Cp above, 5 61. (IO) ‘b&’&, pWY,
(2) hiwrih, >I$, ‘to borrow,’ Gavi<err, >fs?, ‘to lend,’ Dt. ‘unjust gain,’ Eccles. 77.
28 12 Is. 24 2 ; a$p ,l$?, Pr. 22 7, etc., Ex. 22 24 [25] ( J E 8. Value, valuation, etc.
[Z:&ZV~+V]), Ps. 3’121 1125 ( I L X ~ ~ VNeh. ) 54. I n M H a)!, (a) Prepositions.+i) pretii, in the givingof one thing ‘for’
= lend ’; Ar. Zuzvri, ‘ t o delay payment of debt.’ (3) mi&&, another. (2) ‘ ~ 3 3,9 5 , *a-sy, ‘according to the number’ or ‘the
ad,, and ~ ~ I S. 1 22,2 Is. 24 2, etc., ‘ t o lend,’ Is. 24 2 Jer. rate of.’ (3) 3,35 ‘for’ areward, Is. 5 23 ; cp >?)!, Pss. 40 16 704.
15 ~ o D t24 . II Neh. 5 7 ~ o ( w i t hP,DB),II (withothergoods). T h e
Phiin. 3py, ‘profit,’ ‘reward.’ (4) l?lpz,Am. 26.
pf.KaZ= ‘creditor,’Ex. 2224[251(JE with badsignification). @
d G a v e r u i r (in Ex. ~ a T e m i y m v ) . Ar. n u d a . The use of the (6) Verbs, nouns, adjectives.-(x) ‘E&, TlJ, to compare,’
Aram., Syr., and A.r. cognates and the Heh. use of Kal (once also to equal in value’ ; Job 28 17 19. Hi. ‘ to tax,’ 2 K. 23 35,
Lam. 3 17), Niph., and Hiph. in the meaning ‘10 forget,’ proves ‘ t o value’ (8 &cpoypir#quav), Lev. 278 12 14, Q3 rLp+rerat.
the origin to lie in delaying payment. Yet Ass ifz‘;<i=‘to take,’ Deriv.:--‘Prek ‘valuation,’ for purposes ofroyal taxation, 2 K.
Johns 36 I O & Derivatives:-(a) n G , ‘debt,’ 2K. 47, 703s 23 35 (03 mv&qurr), or for priestly sacrifices and fine:, Lev.
T ~ K O V Fuov. (b)maEri,‘usury,’acc. after ~ d jNeh. , 5 15 18 25 1661 2 7 2 8 12 16f: Nu. 18 16 (@ 7 ~ ~ UuvrLpqUrr,
5 7 ; cp I O ; 6 ,
‘deht’or ‘exactionofdeht.’ :(4) h d , ‘to borrow.’ (5) l , a p> etc.); ‘ the sum a t which a thing is valued,’ Lev. 27 13 18 23 27
1 / : 7)
(@ rrpd, W U T ~ , L ~ U L S ) ; this is also rendered by ply qD;, ZN.
Ezek. 18 17, etc., ‘to lend on interest.’ (6) n m n n?), parallel
15 19, and by S l y itDJp, v. 23. Note that the valuation was
phrase, Ezek. 188, etc. On borrowing and lending, see L AW
A N D JUSTICE, 16. (7) ~ 3 y(8) , $ j n , Ass. &ubuZu=‘interest,’ made a t the sanctuary; cp above, 5 24 n. (2) sillah, 7 s ~
(9) 337 ‘ t o pledge.’ See PLEDGE (IO) ypn, ,Niph., is :t (only in Pu‘al), ‘ t o weigh,’ rightly rendered ‘to value,’ by E V
pletlg; oneself as, security for another by striking hands, Job 28 16 19. (3) gridal, h:, constr. with ;zYF,‘ t o he worthy in
Job li 3. mine eyes’ (EV ‘much set by’), I S. 2624 parallel to i,y in 71.21
5. Debt.
( I ) 436, 3j7, ‘debt,’ v k . l8,7$Co. 2id), Syr. hau6Hhd,
(edpfyahv‘v0q); gida‘ZZwas probahlyused of ‘settinga high value
Ar. &riba, ‘ t o be in debt ; cp Pi. to make guilty,’ Dan. 1 IO. on’ anything, cp JobT17. (4) yri&ar, lg;, ‘ t o h e valuable’ or
(2) N f g , Neh. 1032 I311 ; (3) R$$g, Dt. 2410 Pr. 22 26 ; (4) ‘dear,’ I S . 2621 (Q &TL,,LOF); also ‘ t o he valuedat. Derivv.:-
yFkar, ‘price,‘ Zech. 1113, O?$Jg ‘~12; 1Wt lea, yri&ri~,
@, Dt.152, ‘debt’; ”D \p, ‘creditor.’
6. Payment, reckoning, etc. ‘valuable,’ ‘dear,’ and yakkir. (5) rri&c&,pin;, ‘far,’ is used
(I) Sri&ul, $d, lit. ‘toweigh,’Ezra825f:zg, so‘topay’with metaphorically in PI. 31 IO of value ; E V ‘farabove rubies.’ (6)
I D ? , Ex. 22 16 [17l (JE) ; Gen. 23 16 (P), z S. 18 12 Is. 55 2 er ma$nrrid, ?PI?, anything ‘desirable ’ ; pl. applied to ‘costly
829 ; with 1?$-1851,I K. 20 39 ; or with l?$, Zech. 11 12. <,V things,‘ Hos. 96, silver, Is. 64 IO[II] Joel 41.31 5 aCh. 3619 Lam.
1Io-all of the costly vessels and treawres of the temple.
is used with ‘7; sp, ’52 h(of persons), and 5p (of treasuries, in la!, ‘costly,stone,’ PI. 178. (8) ran, in pl. ’costly things (72
Estb. 47). Phcen. $70, ‘a-weight,’ Aram. $?n, Ass. TakbZu, Pr. 3 15 8 11 ; n > ’ ?:, ‘precious stones,’ IS. 54 12. (9) niiy?,
‘to weigh,’-the last also ‘ t o pay.’ See MONEY, SHEKEL, ‘costly things,’ Gen. 24 53 (JE), but Q &pa, Ezra 1 6 (8
W EIGHTS AWD MEASURES. (2) nasi’, ~ i y l is , used poetically &viots) 2 Ch. 21 3 (6&ha) 32 23 (8%para). See also above,
of weighing, Job 6 2. (3) ne$$& (yan in Niph.), of ‘the reckon- under l‘n?
ing’ of money, 2 K. 22 7. (4) mrimZh, ?in, ‘ to count’ is used of
money, 2K.12 11. Deriv. MANEH(q (f)Custums, dues, t d 2 , etc.
D D ~ ,‘ t o count ’ (Ex. 124) ,is used commercially in the deriv.
niiksrih, ’ sum ’ or ’value, Lev. 27 23. Del. (Ass. HWB, ( I ) I n Gen. 43 1 1 (JE), Israel commands his sons, going to
407) gives iniksad a s ‘toll’ or ‘duty.’ Heh. mdkes is used buy corn in Egypt, ‘to take a min&&, >?ip, or ‘present’ to
only of tribute to Yahwb, Nu. 3128 3741.1 (6) sE#har, the governor of the land. elsewhere mint& is applied to
IDD, may have been used of the counting of money; cp Is. sacrificial ‘offering’ and iolitical ‘tribute ; see SACRIFICE,
33 18. ( 7 ) X G m ,&$, lit. ‘fulfil,’ is used of ‘repayment’ of debt, $ 30. (2) middrih, a?;, Heh. of ‘tribute’ or ‘tax’ to the
- 2 K. 4 7 ; Ass. suZunzu=‘topay.’ ( 8 ) O n ~ d s e p L , ~ D ~ , s e e M oking, ~ ~ ~ ,Neh. 5 4 ; Bibl. Aram. Z:? or R 4 p , Ezra 4 13 20 7 24,
SILVER. I t isusedin thesenseof ‘price,’ ?$ ; ID?, Gen. 2313 ‘dues’ or ‘customs,’ cp 68. This term is said to be borrowed
from Assyr. mardatiu ‘ tribute,’ from nada?, ‘to give’ (Del.
(P) ; cp above under >$a. (9) &Zsigrik, ?I:*@?, see KESITAH. Ass. H W B , SI), bu; cp naditu, ‘deposit, ‘treasure.’ (3)
(IO) Kihhar, 1zp see TALENT. (11) ’Zgarrik (3$$), in constr.
before qpz, I S. 2 36, is usually taken after Q (bPoAo3
&pyuplov) and Tp. as ‘a small coin’; but S y ~ , a g @ r f r i ‘, p a y
Bibl. Aram. Ezra 4 I 20 7 24 ‘customs’ or ‘dues.’
Assyr. bizfad, ‘tax.’ (4) hdlrik, Bibl. ;ram. Ezra, id. ‘way-
money,’ ‘ toll.’ See further, T AXATION, 5 7 n.
men1 ’ and Ar. ’ a g p r , ‘to let ’ or ‘ t o hire, ugra, ‘wages.
(12) ’efhnan, ppH, usually of a ‘harlot’s’ wage, but applied (g)Deposit, banking, hoarding, efc. See DEPOSIT,
in Is. 23 18 to the profits of Tvre’s trade ; perhaps metaphorical, etc.
but the original general meaning of the word makes it possible
that the commercial application of it was direct. I n Ezek. 16 41
( I ) i>&\ . pi, ‘to give to keep’ money, tools, garments,
the tribute which Israel pays to foreign idols or nations (?). For or any beast, Ex.226-IZ [7-131. (E). (2) pri&d, 111,9,
other terms see above, under Buying and Selling, 3. store’ or ‘deposit,’ 2 K. 524 of money, etc. Hi. ‘to lay u p ’ a
7. Profit, gain, etc. roll or baggage, ‘ t o commit’ people to any one, ‘ t o muster.
Ho. ‘ t o be deposited’ of money or other property, Lev. 523
(I) ha*Zl(Hiph. of iy.), ‘ t o profit,’ in a general sense, Job 21.15 [641 (P). Deriv. PikkEdan ‘store’ of corn Gen. 41 36 (JE),
35 3 ; except (perhaps) in Is. 47 12 it is not used of commercial
profit. (2) 733, ‘ t o he over.’ Derivv.:+all late words), (a)
‘ deiosit ’ of money 0; othe; property, Lev. i 21 23 [G 2 ( P ) ;
1 [In Aram. nrakmd, ‘tribute,’ mik&sd, ‘tax-collector.’]
d r r a p a f h j y (3) np&?, Lev. 5 21 [6 21, is ‘ trust ‘ or ‘deposit ’ (I) $N, a,wir(d ‘ t o heap up ’), I K. 7 51, etc., and l$N n’z
parallel to {ll??;see above e 2 (3). (4) In the east the hoarding 62th ’a@, Neh. 1039 [38] Dan. 12, with which
of money is common and in Heb. this is watmcjn, lit. ‘place (2) 2hJJ n.8, hjth ntkathah (2 K. 2013=Is. 392) is clearly a
where one hides’ or ‘hoards,’ Jer. 418, pits for ‘storing’ corn, s y y m (EV, by, guess, the house of his precious things ’ ;
oil, honey (cp Ar. ghabcig-hib); Gen. 4323 (JE), ’money’ (e o K O S m S veXwBa [in 2 K. n j s irmip~rosa h o S KO.; 70; Y. L, ki
Bquaupo6s), cp Pr. 2 4 Job 321. i i D p is one old derivation of
Is. - r a N*l). Ntk8th is possibly an Assyrian loan-word; b f f
M AMMON (q.v. 8 4 3) recentlyfavoured by Deissmann. Banking nakamti= treasure-house, Del. Prol. 141 ; ZDMG 40 731 ; c p
is not mentioned in’OT where one individual lends money to Haupt, Z A 2 266, who plausibly reads l$J? n’2=bit nakavdfi
another. But we saw h t in the Roman period the temple
contained, besides thesacred revenues, sumsdeposked by private (for nakamciti, plur.). Very possibly too the same word should
individuals (5 78) ; cp the gate HAMMIPHKAD, close to Temple. be read in Nah. 2 g [IO] (i.e., p@ for n p , E V a store ‘).
See also Johns, 0). cit. 3254.
(3) $722, ganzak ( I Cb. 2 3 1 r t ; { a ~ p[BAa?, see Sw.],
( h ) Various other t e r m . ciao@qK& [Ll) like the N H l ~ j perhaps l Pers. origin with
( I ) ‘Ebad, i l y , ‘to work’ (used frequently (a)of cultivation, the addition df 0. Pers. ak (LLg. &s. Abh. 27). T h e simpler
$6) of serving a s slave, (c) of working by means of another ; form occurs in Ezra6 I N:!l?, girrmyyd, E V ‘treasures,’ or in
9 l;? , 25 39, (P), Jer. 22 13, etc.) is not applied in the O T
Lev. combination with n q in Ezra517 720 E V ‘treasure house’
to commercial business, nor is the deriv. ‘iibddEh(all other kinds (@BA &’a; @L in 5 17 7 29 ya<o+uAl~r&: but it is used alone
of work). Bibl. Aram. ‘rihidci is ‘work,‘ Ezra 4 24, etc. ; and in the last-mentioned sense in Esth. 3 9 4 7 1 (ya{o+uh&rov,
state ‘business,’ Dan. 2 49 3 12. d h a [BNAL]) a usage which is paralleled by Gk. e u a u p 6 8
(2) maZ‘EkEh, 3&9, ‘work ’ or ‘ business ’ (lit. ‘mission ’), 4reahure storelhouse casket etc.).
Gen. 39 I r Ex. 20 gf: (JE) cstr. with nby, cp Neh. 2 16. of (4) KOp)8au&, Mt. ~ $ (cp 6 j o s . BJ, ii. 9 4); see CORBAN.
handiwork, Jer.183 zK.12 LZ[II]; ofthesuperintendentsofrAya1 (5) a ~ o + u h L ~ r o wI, Macc. 3 28 14 49 2 Macc. 3 6 8 4 42 5 18
treasures, Esth. 3 9 9 3 ; also of worked articles, Lev. 1348 ; ’13 ~ Lk. 21 I Jn. 8 20 ; see T EMPLE , S 36 (a).
Mk. 1 9 4 43
ljy, ‘leather-work,’ in Ex. 22 7 IO [8 111, ‘goods ’ ‘possessions.’ TREE OF KNOWLEDGE (nuq;l yy), Gen. 2 9 , and
Besides the works cited in the coiir5e of ;he article, the
student may consult on (a)the trade of the Jews, Herzfeld, TREE OF LIFE (D”n;? ?&?),Gen. 2 9 ; see P ARADISE,
Handelsgesch. der Juden (not seen) ; the 5 11. TREES, SACRED. See N ATURE-W ORSHIP,
84. Literature. brief summaries in Benzinger and Nowack‘s § If:
manuals of Hebrew Archzology ; Bennett
art. ‘Trade’ in Hactings’ DB: several works given under DIS!
PERSION. (6) for the Persian and Greek periods, Kennell’s
. 2 S. 20 15, RV rampart.’
._, htV, See
lllustrat. of Hist. of Exfied. of Cyrus, etc. (1816) ; Sayce’s FORTRESS, I 5.
Herodotus. (c) for the Roman period, Bergier, Hist. des Grands 2. hQ,makciZ, I S. 26 5 7 ; and 3. & pmakaW, I S.
Chemins de l’,!?m#. Romain (1728) ; Mommsen’s History and 1720. See C AMP , I I.
Prm. of the Roman Empire: Mahaffy, GK. World under 4. O’x, g&m, 2 K. 3 16 RV, AV ‘ditches.’ See C ONDUITS,
Roman Sway: Hausrath, N T Zeitgesch. ; Ramsay, St. Paul
the TraveZler and Rorxnn Citizen. Consult also Tozer Hisf. I I(3, 5).
ofAncient Geog. See W W. Hunter, Hist. of British >nZia, 5. i&+, fzcilrih, I K. 1 8 3 2 8 , 2 K. 1817 2020 Is. 7 3 36n
vol. i. G. A. S. Ezek. 31 4 Job 38 25. See CONDUITS, $ 2.
TRADITION ( n a p a h o c i c ) , Mt. 15 2 etc. See 6. ply,, Is.52, ‘made a trench’ RV, AV ‘fenced.‘ See
7. ,&a$, Lk.1943, R V ‘bank,’ RVmg. ‘palisade.’ Cp
TRAGACANTH (nkh?) Gen. 3725 RVmg- See SIEGE, 5 2.
TRANCE (I) Nu. 24 4 AV, and (2) Acts 10 IO
( r j u r a m s ) ; see PROPHECY, 8 19 6. TRESSES (n’p??),Cant. 7 5 [6], RV. SeeGALLERY.

word, but not used of change of place, m 7 1 2 1227, also in are :
2 Macc. 1124 t]. See ENOCH, 8 I.
I. R?F, massdh, Job923. Cp MASSAH.
TRANSLATIONS OF SCRIPTURE. See TEXT If2, b$zan, Ezek. 21 13; see BDB ; but also Toy(adloc.),
AN D VERSIONS. who follows R V ‘for there is a trial,’ and refers to Jer. 20 IP
TREASURE CITIES (nb?pp yg),EX. 1 II AV, RV Ps. 66 10 139 23 Is. 29 16 ; add Ps.17 3, n>n>,;GoKipauar.
3. qlx, <adpwuas, Ps. 17 3.
STORE C ITIES (q.v . ) [A I) ; cp CITY. 4 and 5. ~ o K + $ 2 Cor.82, R V ‘proof [of affliction],’ and
TREASURER. The word renders : G O K ~ ~ C O WI, Pet. 1 7 Jas. 1 3 (AV here ‘trying,’ R V in both
passages ‘proof’); cp Ps. 173, QSodpauag(in$ But is GoK;piou
I. Adenom. verb of @ar, l$K, ‘treasure,‘in Neh. 1313. See really a substantive,? In the Greek Egyptian papyri ~ O K ~ ~ iLsO S
TREASURE-HOUSE, I. ‘ an adj. =‘genuine. Deissmann (Neue Bibelstudien, 88) pro-
2. sdktn, j?b, Is. 22 15 ; see SHEBNA.
poses to ado t this sense here-< that which is genuine in your
faith ’. cp a Eor. 88, ~b 6 s 3pn6pas &yLaqs ~ V ~ ~ U L O W .
3. gizbcir, l?!.’, Ezra18 (raupapqwou [Bl, yap& [AI, yav- 6 Lnd 7, m i p a , Heb.1136, and msrpaup&, I Pet.412
CappaFou [L]), aud in plur. Bibl. Aram. ib. 7 21 (yL3a15.1). T h e (CP 1 6 3 ) :
word IS of Persian origin (~an&5ava),and if a current restora- On ‘trial’ in the sense of a legal process (a sense not found in
tion of a passage in an Egyptian-Aramaic papyrus be adopted, EV) see L AW , $10, GOVERNMENT, P, 16 etc. For the ‘trial ‘ of
the first part of the word 133 1 had already become Aramaised Jesussee, further, PROCURATOR, R OMAN EMPIRE, 8 5, SYN-
EDRIUII, 0 3 8
by a t least the fourth century B.C. ( C I S 2 no. 149 A, 1. 3).
According to Meyer(Entst. 23), Ges.-Buhl(L;x.P3)), and others,
the word is identical with :-
TRIANGLE (ts’+k&),
I S. 186, RVmg. See MESIC.

4. T h e plur. @ZhZrayyZ,. N:???!, Dan. 3 zf: ? but yap- (e

§ 3 (4).
Gapqvovs, Symm. in Syr. Hex.). Soalso Bludau (AZex.Uebersetz. TRIBES I
Dan. 98) who, moreover, takes the presupposed original ~ > i > i >
to be a gloss to ~ - 7 3 n(cp
l C OUNSELLOR , 2). An alternative view, TRIBES OF ISRAEL
that of Graetz, which is favoured by Bevan (Cotrrm. 79). treats
the wordas purely a scribe’s error for ~ 1 x 1 2 (cp C OUNSELLOR , Words (S I). Lists : order (I 9 ~ 3 .
3), chiefly on the ground that the word recurs in the similar but Clans (S 2). Current theories ($8 11-13).
much smaller lists of officials in Dan. 327 68. I t is more Tribes (8 3). Criticism (6 14).
plausible, perhaps, to suggest, with S. A. Cook, that ~ ’ 1 2 1 ~ Number and origin ($5 4-8). Conclusion (I 15).
(the true meaning of which is quite obscure) IS a corruption of The we1.I-established Hebrew words for ‘ tribe ’ are
the perfectly intelligible H*y,ni. [See also Crit. Bib.]
5. oixov6por, Rom. 1623 RV, AV C HAMBERLAIN (g.V.). ftbt??, Bqv, and ma&& ?lpp
(see ROD, STAFF), to
TREASURE HOUSE, TREASURY, occur as the 1. words. which
corresponds in d and in
the NT.
rendering of several Hebrew and Greek terms.
1 Cp TREASURY, (3). 1 Apparently also in Erek. 27 24, see CHEST (2).
5199 52-

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