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In this file you have definitions of a selection of words from each topic. Remember that you
have to study and to know the correct definition for each one.
For each test you will have glossary questions from each topic in which you should know well.



.-CONSTITUTION: The main laws of a state that explain: the way of the state, its structure, rights and the citizens
.-LIMITED SUFFRAGE: A way to vote and elect representatives of Parliament in which the citizens only vote because
they have a certain amount of money or contribute to paying the states taxes.
.-UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE: A way to vote and elect representatives of Parliament in which all citizens, that are old
enough, vote without any other restrictions.
.-POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY: principle of a state government under which the power belongs to the town. Normally
the town choses the representatives for Parliament.
.-SEPARATION OF POWERS: principle of the government under which the real power is established into three basic
principles: to make laws, practice laws (make sure they care carried out) and judge the level of progress. These
powers are legislative, executive and judicial. This principle was made by Montesquieu in the 18th century.
.-STATE GENERALS: was the assembly in Old France where the representatives from the three classes met (nobility,
clergy and peasants)
.-CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY: The first phase of the French Revolution which aimed to write a constitution (The
Constitution of 1791) which would establish national sovereignty, the division of powers and the census suffrage in
Europe for the first time.
.-CONVENTION: The third phase in the French Revolution. The Radical stage in which the Republic was proclaimed
after executing Louis XVI It was also known as the Age of Terror.
.-DIRECTORY: One of the last phases of the French Revolution. The Girondins fought against the Convention and the
power was passed to five members.
.-CONSULATE: the final period of the French Revolution in which Napoleon fought and established a government of
three members, naming himself First Consul and Consul for life.
.-GIRONDINS: A modern political group during the French Revolution which had a revolutionary ideological way of
thinking. They were bourgeois in the business world.
.-JACOBINS: a radical political group during the French Revolution that had a revolutionary ideological was of
.-NATION: A group of people which lived in a place and the people had the power to govern directly or through
representatives (Popular Sovereignty).

.- COUNTRY: a territory inhabited by a people

.- ESTADO: A political organization from a territory that has its own government and laws. It is limited by border
and there live one or many nationalities.
.- NATIONALISM: Political ideology, which began in the 19th century, it was influenced by Romanticism and
defended by the bourgeoisie, which stated that every nation should be able to have a state.
.- LIBERALISM: Political ideology, which began in the 19th century, defending the bourgeoisie, which supported the
existence of a Constitution, defending individuals rights (property, thoughts, business, printing)

.- INDEPENDENCE WAR: The war that was fought in Spain between 1808 and 1814 against the Spanish territory
occupied by Napoleons army. (France)
.- TEATRY OF FONTAINEBLEAU: Treaty signed in 1807 between Spain and France so French army could cross over
Spain with the intention to invade Portugal which was an ally of Great Britain. This treaty was used for the French
to occupy Spain.
.- MOTN DE ARANJUEZ: A popular uprising against politics conducted by Godoy, an Alliance with France. Godoy led
to the fall from power and the renunciation of Charles IV in favor of his son Fernando VII.
.- BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR: The Navy Battle which happened in 1805, on the Gulf of Cadiz, near the cape of
Trafalgar, between the British Army and Spanish-French Army. The French-Spanish were defeated by Admiral
Nelson. This meant the destruction of the Spanish Army.
.- CONSTITUTION OF CADIZ: Constitution (fundamental law) approved in Cadiz by Parliament on March 19, 1812. It
was the first Spanish constitution and it was established at the end of the Old Regime in Spain.
.- BATTLE OF BAILN: The battle waged in 1808 near to Bailn (Jan) between the French and Spanish troops. It was
the first defeat of the French Army.
.- PRONUNCIAMIENTO / STATEMENT: An action taken by the military that often developed during the XIX century,
when the military declared their opposition to the existing government and demanded a change.The statement of
Riego was the first irrigation in 1820, against the Absolutist government of Fernando VII.
.- SLICA LAW: Traditional law from the Bourbons dynasty, in which women could not reign (rule in power).

.- CARLIST WAR: Civil wars in Spain during the 19th century between liberals and absolutists. The Carlists
supported the management of authority and traditional laws.
.- CONFISCATION: together with the expropriation laws the ecclesiastical goods and municipals that were produced
in Spain during the 19th century. (Mendizbal; Madoz) and were looking to send to public auctions to make money
for the state.
.- CARLISTS: Followers of Carlism. Traditionalist ideology and had opposing views as Liberals during the 19 th century
and part of the 20th century. They had a big part in the history and politics in Spain.
.- LIBERALS: supporters of Liberalism and who opposed Absolutism.
.- REGENT: A person who controls the title of the King because he is underage. Example: Espartero, a general who
reigned for a period of time while Isabel II was underage
.- THE GLORIOUS REVOLUTION: The uprising against Isabel II in 1868. Admiral Topete took a military coup in Cadiz
which was the origin of this revolution that ended (temporarily) the reign of the Bourbons in Spain
.- THE FIRST REPUBLIC: The period in Spains history from 1873 to 1874. Upon surrender to the throne of Amadeo I,
the First Republic was proclaimed. They had serious problems, especially cantonalism that would eventually end
this Republic
.- OLIGARCHY: Power of few. In politics it refers to a few people or small groups of people preventing power from the
majority of the population at this time.
.- DISASTER OF 98: When Spain lost the colonies of: Cuba; Puerto Rico; Philippines and some islands in the Pacific.

.- TURNISMO: The turnover of power from the Liberal Party, whose spokesperson was Sagasta to the Conservative
Party whose leader was Cnovas, during the Restoration
.- CACIQUISMO: Political system that existed in Spain during the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th
century in which the locals wanted power over the leaders or more influencial people, who decided or influenced
the votes of the citizens.
.- RIGGING: A way to falsify electoral votes, which consisted of adding in more votes from the citizens that had
rights to vote, during the polls.
.- MODERNISM: art at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, it consisted of using
elements inspired by nature, dominated by a curved line.
.- BOURBON RESTORATION: A period in Spains history from 1876 to 1931, in this period the Bourbon dynasty was
returned power in person, from Alfonso XII. It was characterized by political stability; the political turnismo and the
electoral falsification.
.-REGENERATIONISM: Cultural movement that was developed in Spain due to the Disaster of 98; worried about
the past social and political situations in Spain. They decided it was necessary to change and better the Spanish
society and economy, especially education.

.- IMPERIALISM: A historical period at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century The great
European powers (the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, as well as the United States and Japan) launched the
conquest of territories in Africa and Asia. These countries needed raw materials and markets for their industries.
.- COLONIALISM: was the process to the establishment, maintenance, acquisition and expansion of colonies in one
territory by people from another territory. Its goal was exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one; the use of
the weaker country's resources to strengthen and enrich the stronger country. This process especially occurred to
the end of the 19th century in the world.
.-COLONY: a territory that was controlled by a power (metropoly) in which removed raw materials and sold the
products in their industry. During this time, there were three kinds of colonies: DE POBLAMIENTO (intended to be
populated by the population that was overcrowding the territory). DE EXPLOTACIN (aimed to obtain raw materials
and/or serve the products in the market). PROTECTORADO (territory in which the goverment was left to govern the
local government, but it was controlled by the metropoly)
.-METROPOLY: power (state) that controlled the economy, politics and/or culture of a colony.
.- TRIPLE ALIANZA: a military alliance formed by Germany; Austria-Hungary; and Italy, before World War I, with the
objective to fight against the Triple Entente
.- TRIPLE ENTENTE: a military alliance formed by Russia; France and Great Britian, before World War I, with the
objective to fight against the Triple Alliance
.- NEUTRAL: a country or states in which did not intervene in a war or conflict
.- MILITARISM: a policitcal principle characterized by collecting weapons in anticipation of an armed conflict
.- NATIONALISM: political ideology that defended the idea that every nation should have their own state. In some
cases it defended the principle that one country was better than another. It caused many wars and conflicts in the
history of humanity
.- BALKAN CRISIS: The faceoff between Austro-Hungary and Russia in the beginning of the 20 th century over control
of the Balkan and which started World War I.
.- TRENCH WARFARE: a way of fighting characterized during World War I, it consists of the soldiers digging gullies
below the ground and that is where they fought.
.- TEATRY OF VERSALLES: peace treaty that ended World War I, signed in 1919. It said that Germany was at fault for
the war in which they lost territories and had to pay war damages.
.- RUSSIAN REVOLUTION: revolution against the Russian Czar government that ended in 1917 with the triumph of
the Bolsheviks (communists) led by Lenin and it was the start of communism in Russia.
.- BLOSHEVIKS: Russian Socialist-communists whose leader was Lenin and took power in Russia by establishing a
communist state
.- EXPRESSIONISM: Pictorial movement in the 20th century characterized by the use of color, its objective was to
show emotions of the paintings

.- ROARING TWENTIES: A period of great economic prosperity which occured during the 20s in the previous
century, characaterized by new forms of consumption and a fast increase in the economy.
.- GREAT DEPRESSION: Intense economic crisis which affected the whole world and developed at the en of the 20s
in the previous century. It resulted in an overproduction of goods, a decrease in consumption and the fall of the
New York Stock Exchange.
.- NEW DEAL: Together with the economic measures carried out in the United States by Roosevelt with the intention
to solve the problems that caused the Great Depression. These measures were based on which the State should
take on public works (construction) that would give the unemployed people jobs.
.-TOTALITARISM: System of government opposite of the Democratic Party, based on the existence of only one
political party and most importantly prohibition, as well as the manipulation of the public opinion, the use of force
and violence in politics.
.- FASCISM: Political Ideology opposite of the Communist Party; developed by Mussolini in Italy. It defended ultranationalism, the hatred of the Lefts ideas and especially Communism and the indoctrination of the young and the
.- NAZISMO: Political Ideology developed by Hitler in Germany which imitated Italian Fascism, but with a racist
component against the Jews and those considered inferior races.
.- STALISM: Communist Totalitarism, the main leader was Stalin, who established a dictatorship in the URSS, based
on planning the economy, the collectivization of the countryside and the persecution of all of the other regimes.

.- TRAGIC WEEK: events in which occurred in the summer of 1909 in Barcelona due to the negativity of soldiers who
were being sent to the Morrocan War. It caused riots in the city that were harshly suppressed by the army
.- THE DICTATORSHIP OF PRIMO DE RIVERA : period of dictatorial rule in Spain from 1923 to 1929
.- THE SECOND REPUBLIC: a period in Spains history between 1931 and 1936, after municipal elections and the
abandonment of the throne of King Alfonso XIII, the Second Republic was declared.
.- LEFT-WING GOVERNMENTS: First part of the Second Republic (1931-1933) in which they tried to perform various
legislative reforms.
.- RIGHT-WING GOVERNMENTS: Second part of the Second Republic (1934-1936) in which conservative parties
.- THE POPULAR FRONT GOVERNMENT: a group of Left-wing supporters in which won the elections during the
Second Republic in 1936
.- THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR: A conflict in Spain between 1936 and 1939, caused by the coup led by General Franco
and other generals against the Second Republic Government. In this conflict, supporters of the Republic and antiRepublican fought (Nationals). They beat the Nationals and began a period of dictatorship that will last until 1975.

.- AXIS : a military Alliance formed by Germany, Italy and Japan during the Second World War

.- ALLIED: an Alliance formed by Great Britain, France, USSR and the United States during the Second World War,
they opposed the Axis
.- HOLOCAUST: When the Nazis tried to exterminate the Jewish population in the occupied territories during the
Second World War
.- COLD WAR: period between 1959 and 19_____(approximately) in which the superpowers (USSR and United
States) didnt fight directly against each other but in conflicts like the war with Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan.
.- DESCOLONISATION: a process developed after the end of the Second World War, in which the former colonial
powers gave independence to its former colonies.

.- THE IRON CURTAIN: the division between countries which happened after the Second World War, USSR occupied
and controlled the countries of Eastern Europe (Poland, Czeckoslovakia, Hungary) establishing totalitarian
communist regimes. The USA controlled the countries of Western Europe (West Germany, Austria, Holand)
establishing democratic states.

.- MALVINAS WAR: a war that broke out in 1982; Argentina versus the United Kingdom for the control of control of
the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic
.- EEC: European Economic Community (group of countries: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland
and Luxembourg) created in 1957 with the goal of eliminating trade barriers among the countries that formed it,
this was the beginning of the European Union
.- CRISIS OF OIL 1973: economic crisis produced by the price increase of gasoline.
.- ULSTER CONFLICT: conflict between the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland

.- U.N: International organization whose aim is to ensure peace and international cooperation. Headquarters are in
New York and currently consists of 192 countries.
.- DERECHO DE VETO: faculty who are permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations, which
can block (deny) any resolution even though the other members are in favor.
.- BLUE BERET: armed force of the United Nations that can intervene, by UN mandate, to try to avoid any conflict.
.- E.E.C: European Economic Community, forerunner (highest) of the European Union (Common Market),
established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957, which aimed at the establishment of a single market in Europe that
favored the exchange of goods, services and people.
.- E.U: European Union, created in 1992 by the Treaty of Maastricht, currently composed of 28 states and has
created a political, social and economic union, even with the creation of a single currency (Euro)
.- STRUCTURAL FUNDS: money provided by the European Union to the poorest countries of the Union, with the aim
of promoting economic development.

.- MOVIMIENTO NACIONAL: single party during the Franco dictatorship that controlled power and government in
Spain (after a union was formed called the Phalange party and the traditionalists (Carlist))
.- AUTARQUA: economic system based on "self-reliance" avoiding trade with other countries and try to develop its
own country. It was developed in Spain during the first years of the international isolation due to Franco's
dictatorship. In Spain, it led to a period of scarcity (little) of food and goods (postwar).
.- TRANSICIN DEMOCRTICA: period in the history of Spain from 1975 (death of Franco) until the adoption of the
Constitution of 1978, which changed from a dictatorship to a democratic state.

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