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An Encapsulated View of the Best from Christian Publishers


XI stian

S Volume 1 . Issue 12


Dr. Richard Averbeck

Dr. Bill Bright

Dr. Paul Cedar

Mr. Dave Coleman

Dr. Larry Crabb

A Quick Focus
Mr. Roger Cross
The Book's Purpose
Rev. Samuel Farina
Underscore the fact that God
Dr. Kenneth O. Gangel
wants His people to have a
Rev. Lud Golz working knowledge of Bible
Dr. Howard G. Hendricks
Mr. Olan Hendrix Discuss 20 reasons for
Dr. David Jeremiah
believing that the Rapture
and Tribulation could occur
Rev. Knute Larson by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
during our generation Published by Tyndale House Publishers
Dr. John C. Maxwell
Urge unbelievers to accept Christ's followers need to live with expec-
Dr. Bruce McNicol
Jesus as Savior before He tancy~ready for the Lord to return at any moment
Mr. Dean Merrill returns to Rapture His church. And those who are not
believers must be prepared to endure the wrath
Mrs. Elisa Morgan Encourage believers in their of God during the Tribulation. CB
Dr. Ray Ortlund faith as they look forward to
Christ's triumphal return
Dr. Luis Palau Ten Main Points

Dr. Gilbert A. Peterson The Book's Message These Are the Times of the Signs ........................... 2
Rev. Wes Roberts For more than 1,900 years, God has Israel: The Focus of the World .............................. 3
largely refrained from intervening in the The Great Apostasy .............................................. 3
Mr. Jim Warren affairs of men. While He has performed Snatched Away! ................................................... 4
miracles and operated in the lives of be-
Dr. Rick Warren
lievers, He has seldom acted in ways ob- The Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast ............... 4
vious enough to convince skeptics of His The Glorious Appearing of Christ ........................... 5
existence. The Millennium and the Last Rebellion .................... 5
David A. Martin
But this pattern is about to change~as The Great White Throne Judgment ......................... 6
we enter what the Bible calls the "time of
John S. Martin, III
the end." As soon as Christ returns to take Satan, the Antichrist, the Beast, and False Prophet .. 6
Editor His people to heaven, God's work will be The Two Witnesses, 144,000 Witnesses, Martyrs,
and the Unredeemed ............................................. 7
Michael J. Chiapperino powerfully evident to those who remain.


A study of prophetic
literature from the first
century through the present day
reveals that Christians have often
predicted that the Second Coming
would occur during their lifetimes.
Christ's disciples
asked Him how they
would recognize the
end of the age, and the Lord revealed
some events that would signal His
Look for God's guidance.
He is eager to lead us and
Some have set dates~and have proven return. direct us to the truth.
to be an embarrassment to the church.
But this propensity to focus on The Sign Avoid immorality.
Christ's return has not been all bad. of Deception Lust and sin impair the
History shows that whenever the reasoning of the mind.
church has lived as though the Lord "Take heed that no one deceives
were returning soon, her members you. For many will come in My Witness to others about
have tended to live for God passion- name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' your faith.
ately~evangelizing the lost with a Sharing your faith strengthens
and will deceive many." it, while offering help and hope
sense of urgency.
Matthew 24:5. to hurting people.
"The fires of revival that have come
and gone throughout church his- False teachers and deceivers will Walk in the Spirit.
tory have often been associated lure people to embrace false doctrines, Ephesians 5:17-21 indicates
with the Second Coming teachings, distort Scriptural teachings, destroy that God wants us to invite
including the ‘signs of the times.’" lives, and irreparably damage bib- the Holy Spirit to operate in
lical faith. our lives. If we will allow Him
God undoubtedly wants His to, the Spirit will sensitize us
people to understand Bible prophecy. to truth and error.
Otherwise he would not have caused “Deception will
the writers of His inspired Word to continue to increase
devote almost one-third of its teach- as the end times The Signs
ings to it. The Old Testament in-
cludes about 100 prophecies about
approach. Consequently of Wars,
Christ's first coming~and Scriptures it is imperative Famines, and
include almost 500 references to His that God’s people be
Second Coming. well-informed about
what the future holds for About 15,000 wars have been
Under the inspiration of the recorded throughout human
Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul taught this world so they can history, but the 20th century
freely and openly about the Second avoid being deceived.” has been dramatically more
Coming, the Rapture, the Antichrist, bloody than those that came
the wrath to come, and other future before it.
events. One of the very first epistles
Paul wrote, 1 Thessalonians, records "Far more people have died in
these teachings. Following these steps will help be- wars during the past hundred
Jesus noted that "signs of the lievers prevent and combat deception: years than in all the centuries
times" should have predicted His before. And the wars just keep
Know the Bible. proliferating."
first coming to the people of His day. Understand what it prophesies
He rebuked them for not heeding about the future. Embracing the In Matthew 24:7-8, Christ iden-
the signs, calling them a "wicked truth is the best way to withstand tified a specific type of war: a war
and perverse generation" (Matthew Satan's deceptions. started by two nations, with each
16:3). side promptly joined by surround-
Test the spirits. ing countries.
Likewise, our generation has Question whether or not new
been given signs. It behooves us teachings align with Scripture. "For nation will rise against nation,
to know them and heed them. Know that most false teachers and kingdom against kingdom. And
"Never in history have so many have a faulty view of Jesus; they there will be famines, pestilences, and
legitimate signs of Christ's return do not recognize His virgin birth, earthquakes in various places. All
existed." sinless life, death, and resurrection. these are the beginning of sorrows."

"When you see a war started by Israel:

two single nations that is soon
joined by kingdoms of the world~
followed by unprecedented
famines, pestilence, and multiple
earthquakes at the same time~ Nearly every night "Israel and her Arab neighbors,
you have the sign." the evening news focuses on a little who comprise only one one-thou-
country with a population of five sandth of the world's population,
We believe that World War I million in the Middle East~Israel. are the center of the world's stage-
was the kind of war described in China, with a population of 1.2 just as the Bible said they would
Matthew 24:7-8. It started in June billion and Mexico City, one of the be in the end times.
of 1914 when a Serbian zealot shot largest cities in the world, seldom
the Archduke of Austria. A month get the kind of coverage given to Jesus also prophesied about
later Austria declared war on Serbia~ Israel. Israel's re-emerging prominence on
and all but seven nations soon joined the national scene in His parable of
the conflict. There were 53 million This interest in Israel is hardly the fig tree (Matthew 24:32-34):
troops involved, and 13 million died. surprising, given the fact that both "Assuredly, I say to you, this gener-
Hebrew and Christian prophets had ation will by no means pass away
Following the war, flu epidemics a great deal to say about Israel and until all these things are fulfilled."
took more lives than were lost on Jerusalem and their importance in
the end times. The "generation" to which Christ
the battlefields. In some parts of the alludes must be one of these four:
world, the after-effects of the war God's regathering of the Jewish
caused famines and malnutrition. The generation that lived during
people back to Israel is a clear sign His lifetime
of the end times. Jesus prophesied
So three parts of Christ's prophecy that Jerusalem would be defeated The generation that saw
were fulfilled at the beginning of by the Gentiles until the times of World War I
the 20th century: a unique kind the Gentiles are fulfilled (Luke The generation that saw Israel
of war, famines, and plagues. 21:24). The times of the Gentiles become a nation
began in 606 BC with the Babylon- The generation that lived through
The final condition of Christ's ian captivity. It will continue through
prophecy is multiple earthquakes the Six Day War.
the end of the Tribulation and the
occurring simultaneously. Many coming of Christ. While it is unwise to be dogmatic
significant earthquakes have oc- about these things, we believe that
curred since World War I. In fact, Clearly, the Jewish capture of this reference to "this generation"
the only known multiple earth- Jerusalem in 1967 during the Six refers to the one that saw Israel be-
quakes in history have been recorded Day War is a significant fulfillment come a state. CB
since World War I. of Bible prophecy. S

The Beginning
of Sorrow
In Christ's prophecy, he used the
term "beginning of sorrow," one
Hebrew scholars used to describe
The Apostle Paul predicted that a time would
a woman in labor. Typically, a woman come when men and women would turn away from the faith. In 2 Thessa-
experiences mild contractions~ lonians 2:1-3, Paul says Christ will return only after a full-scale rebellion
spaced out over a period of time~ occurs. The Greek word apostasia, the source word for the English term
before labor intensifies. apostasy, means a defection from truth. This word "points to a deliberate
abandonment of a former professed position."
We believe that World War I "Before Christ returns, many who were once trusted with the truth
was the first birth pain and that in will depart from it."
the 80 years since, the pains have
become more consistent and pro- They will embrace the teaching of demons, speak lies, and suffer
nounced as many other signs have seared consciences. Appealing to people's fleshly desires, false teachers
become evident. C will lure people away from the truths of the Bible.
SB The seven churches described in Revelation 2-3 offer a glimpse of the
church throughout history, each representing a different era. The Laodicean
church, the final one mentioned (Revelation 3:15-18), is a description of
the church just prior to the Rapture. continued on page 4


Historical and biblical records
reveal that this church relied on its
Jesus Christ but never saw a soul
transformed from darkness to THE
wealth; it enjoyed fine buildings.
While other churches at the time
were busy with evangelistic out-
reaches, the Laodicean church
Undoubtedly, there is a holy
remnant of believers committed
did not.
"The church of the last days was
to obedience, holy living, and
aggressive evangelism. But the
church at large is plagued by
neither zealous for good works
nor lifeless. Instead it was indiff-
erent. It claimed to represent
apostasy and inactivity.
The Rapture of the church is surely one of the most
Jesus warned in Matthew
24:21 that prior to His Second Coming,
the world would experience "great trib-

thrilling events prophesied in the Bible. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 outlines ulation, such as has not been since the
how the Rapture will unfold. beginning of the world until this time,
no, nor ever shall be." Old Testament
1. The Lord will descend from heaven with a shout, accompanied by the prophets like Jeremiah, Daniel, Isaiah,
voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God. and Obadiah forecasted a time of great
2. Christians who have died will rise first. turmoil and destruction upon the earth.
3. Christians who are alive will be caught up in the clouds. Daniel predicted that the Tribulation
4. Believers will meet the Lord in the air and ascend into heaven. will last seven years (Daniel 9:24-27).
5. Christians will remain with the Lord forever.
A careful study of the 300-plus Scriptures about the Second Coming Neither Christians nor unbelievers
reveals that it will be divided into two parts. The first will be the Rapture, grasp the depth of suffering that will
when Christ will usher the church into heaven. The second will be the be packed into those seven years. Dur-
glorious appearing, when He will return to earth after the Tribulation to ing this time, the four horsemen of the
set up the Millennial Kingdom. Apocalypse will wipe out 25 percent of
the world's population; a global war
will kill one-third of the world's remain-
Belief in an imminent Rapture ing population, and there will be a soul
motivates us to whole-hearted harvest so great that no one will be able

consecration, holy living, and to count how many will be saved during
passionate evangelism. that period.
During this time, the Antichrist will
Scholars debate the timing of the Rapture. Some think it will happen dominate the earth. He will have the
before the Tribulation (the "Pre-Trib" position); others believe it will be power to inscribe a mark on the fore-
in the middle of the Tribulation ("Mid-Trib"); and others think it will occur heads or hands of the world's people.
right after the Tribulation ("Post-Trib"). Revelation 13:13 says that midway
through the Tribulation, people will be
We believe that Scriptures indicate that the Rapture will occur before forced to bow down to worship the
the Tribulation~for four reasons: Beast and to receive a mark. All those
1. The Lord Himself promised to deliver us (Revelation 3:10). without the mark will be killed.
2. The church is to be delivered from the wrath to come (1 Thessalonians
1:10). Present-day Christians who are
3. Christians are not appointed to wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9). concerned about accidentally taking
4. The church is absent in Revelation 4-18. the mark or being forced to take it need
In God's providence, He has designed Bible prophecy so that the Rapture not be alarmed. They will have been
has appeared imminent to Christians of every generation. Belief in an immi- raptured into heaven before the Tribu-
nent Rapture motivates us to whole-hearted consecration, holy living, and lation takes place. But those who are
passionate evangelism. left behind must not take the mark.
The Bible clearly teaches that once the
mark is taken, it is an irreversible de-
Published by Christian Book Summaries, Inc., 4654 Winery Way, Gahanna, Ohio
43230-4231, March 2000. Published monthly. Subscription $59.95 in the
cision, an unpardonable sin.
United States; $64.95 in Canada; and, by airmail, $79.95 in all other countries.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Christian Book Summaries,
1550 Lewis Center Rd., Suite G, Lewis Center, OH 43035-9925
THE TRIBULATION continued Amillennialism is the belief
that there is no future Millen-
"It appears that receiving the mark God's mercy to be exhibited~since un- nium, but that prophecy will be
of the Beast is an unpardonable sin- told millions will have an opportunity fulfilled in eternity. This belief
which is why we should warn the to accept Christ as Savior. They will crept into the church after Augus-
unsaved never to consider taking that recognize that although they missed tine introduced the practice of
mark or worshiping the Antichrist." the Rapture, God is still calling them spiritualizing or allegorizing the
to repentance. The harvest during the Bible. This opened the door for
The Tribulation will be a time of Tribulation could number in the billions. pagan doctrines to infiltrate the
judgment for those who have rejected church and encouraged practices
Christ as Savior; it will force men and Far from being a divine display of that led to the Dark Ages.
women to make a definitive choice be- meanness to mankind, the Tribulation
tween God and the Antichrist; and it demonstrates beyond all doubt that
will eventually end with Christ's estab- Postmillennialism teaches
our holy God is a God who loves be- that the church will evangelize
lishment of a thousand year reign of yond all human reckoning. He is not
peace on earth. the world, making it
willing that any should perish, but that progressively better until it
all should come to Christ. C ushers in the Kingdom of God.
While this will be a period of wrath SB
and judgment, it will also be a time for This belief was popularized by
the 17th century Anglican

named Daniel Whitby. Only a

few groups still cling to this

THE belief, including those known as


GLORIOUS MILLENNIUM Premillenialists believe that

the Second Coming of Christ
will occur before the Millennium
unfolds. From the days of the

APPEARING AND THE apostles until the fourth century,

this was the predominant church

OF CHRIST LAST During the Millennial reign,

both Christians and non-Christ-
ians will live and populate the

earth. According to Isaiah 65:20,
At the Second Coming of during this time everyone will

Christ, Jesus will come back to judge have a long lifespan, but it appears
His enemies and to rule over the earth to us that non-Christians who
for a thousand years. There are 318 Before the Millennial reign refuse to accept Christ by the
New Testament references to Jesus' of Christ begins, Jesus must rid the time they are 100 years old will
world of Satan, the author of devilish
return to earth. In Titus 2:13, it is called die. The world will have an enor-
the "glorious appearing." This Glorious mischief on the earth. The Apostle mous population by the end of
Appearing will end Satan's Tribulation John says that an angel will descend the Millennium.
deception of mankind, and this will from heaven with the key to the bottom-
usher in Christ's peace on earth. less pit. He will lay hold of Satan, bind As astonishing as it may seem,
him with a chain and cast him into the at the end of Christ's thousand
In Matthew 24 Jesus compares His pit. The angel will then place a seal year reign, unredeemed people
glorious appearing to the way lightning over his jail cell so he will no longer will rebel against His Lordship
come from the east to the west. deceive the nations. and try to attack Jerusalem.
Revelation 20:7-9 says that at
The glorious appearing will: At this point, the Millennium will this time, Satan will be released
begin, and Christ will rule for a thou- from prison and go out to deceive
Be public and obvious; there will sand years. We have no doubt that this the nations of the world. When
be no hiding it. will be a thousand-year reign because Satan is free, the unsaved will
Occur immediately after the the Bible mentions it repeatedly. Reve- reveal the wickedness in their
Tribulation. lation 20, for example, discusses it six hearts and will join forces with
times. Satan against God.
Be accompanied by the mourning Throughout history there have been continued on page 6
of sadness by the Jewish nation three competing views of the Millennium.
(Zechariah 12:10-12). C


THE MILLENNIUM continued from page 5 of Paul, who wrote in 1 Corinthians Although he was created as "the
15:26, "The last enemy that will anointed cherub who covers," (Ezekiel
"All it takes for the wicked hearts be destroyed is death." 28:14), he lusted after glory and
of the unredeemed to be exposed wanted to take the place of God in
is the release of the deceiver from Who can ponder the White heaven. Much of the horror of the
his thousand year imprisonment. Throne Judgment for long without Tribulation is the result of the devil's
To that point millions of men and being terrified? Those thrown into desire to supplant God and to be wor-
women probably will have con- the lake of fire will face torment and shiped as God. Satan, of course, is
cealed their true spiritual alle- separation from God forever. behind the pagan religions of the
giance from public view. But when world.
the devil is released, the desperate Why does God describe these
wickedness of their hearts sudden- events? Due to His love and mercy, Jesus calls Satan a "liar and the
ly becomes obvious." He will offer every person a chance father of lies" and describes him as
to repent, to escape this ultimate a murderer. In addition, the Bible
Revelation 20 says this army will judgment. No Christian will have tells us that he holds the power of
be like the sand of the sea as they to stand before God at the White death and roams the world seeking
attempt to surround Jerusalem for Throne Judgment. This place will whom he may devour. The enemy
the attack. However, there will be be reserved for those who reject is called the "great red dragon," the
no real battle. God will rain fire from Christ as Savior. "old serpent," "devil," and "Satan,"
heaven to devour the entire army. which means adversary~the enemy
In a ball of celestial flame, the re- Christians will enter into eternal of God's people, in Revelation 12.
bellion will be ended. Once and for happiness and contentment with Satan is also called the "prince of
all, human wickedness will be wiped Jesus in heaven. Revelation 21 and the power of the air," an "angel of
out of existence. 22 describe what believers can ex- light," and "the ruler of this world."
At the end of this time, God pect in heaven. This passage tells us While he is an immensely power-
will seize Satan and throw him into that heaven is a place where there ful being, Satan is not God's equal.
the lake of fire, where the beast and will be no more tears, no diseases, He is a created being like all others~
false prophet will be tortured for no sin, and no night. Believers will and is below God in power and might.
eternity. C enjoy never-ending fellowship with Satan created an angelic uprising in
SB God. heaven and brought a third of the
angels with him when he was thrown
With all of this ahead of us, it out of heaven. These fallen angels

THE GREAT is difficult to comprehend why any-

one would deliberately choose to
miss it. Yet many will. C
or demons serve Satan today, and
they will serve a strategic role in the
Tribulation judgments. Not only

WHITE THRONE will there be a battle on earth, but

God's angels and Satan's demons
will wage war in heaven as well.

JUDGMENT SATAN, THE During the Tribulation, Satan

will indwell the Antichrist. Through
the "Beast," Satan will receive the

Revelation 20:11-15
describes the White Throne Judg-
ment that will take place after Satan
worship after which he has always
lusted. Satan will try to complete
what he started through Hitler's

is defeated. At this judgment, God
opens two books. According to the
Apostle John, one book contains
things written about the lives of
holocaust. He will try to decimate
the Jewish people, but he will be
supernaturally prevented from doing
so. God's people will protect Israel,
everyone on earth. Each person will
be judged according to what is writ-
ten in this book. The other is the
then Satan will go off to make war
against Christians (Revelation 12:14-

Book of Life. If a person's name is
not found in that book, he will be
cast into the lake of fire.
Satan is the original
"The Antichrist is scheduled to be
the last ruler of this world~just
before Jesus comes. While the un-
After the judgment takes place, sinner. He is an immensely powerful, redeemed people of the world will
one final event will occur: Death malevolent spirit who lives to de- fall down to worship him during
and Hades will be cast into the lake ceive and murder mankind. He will the second half of the Tribulation,
of fire. This is called the second do whatever it takes to usurp the by the end of the Tribulation only
death. This will fulfill the prophecy worship and glory due to God alone. one name will be worshiped: Jesus
Christ, the King of kings and Lord
THE BEAST AND FALSE PROPHET continued from page 6
The Antichrist is described in 2
Thessalonians 2:3 as a "man of per-
dition," a man doomed to destruction.
In Daniel 11, we are given a view
into the future and a description of
the Antichrist. According to Daniel's
prophetic vision, the Antichrist will:
Magnify himself above every
Two of the most colorful characters in the
Blaspheme God; Bible are the supernatural prophets described in Revelation 11:3-4. God
Place his confidence in calls them his "two witnesses." He will give them power to prophesy for
military strength; 1,260 days. Dressed in sackcloth, these two witnesses will duplicate the
Brutalize those he conquers; very miracles that Moses and Elijah performed. They will call down fire
from heaven and keep it from raining. They will also have power to turn
Control the world's finances. water into blood and to strike the earth with plagues. These two, plus the
The Antichrist will deceive many~ 144,000 witnesses, will provide the Jewish people with an understanding
relying on supernatural signs and of the gospel.
wonders (2 Thessalonians 2). He While God empowers them to preach during the Tribulation, they will
will will also sit in the Temple and become the mortal enemies of the Antichrist. For reasons known only to
declare himself to be God. God, He will allow the Antichrist to overcome and kill these two men.
The Apostle John makes it clear Once they are killed, the people will be forbidden to bury them. They
in Revelation that the term "Beast" will lie in the street for three and a half days, and their corpses will be
is another name for the Antichrist. viewed by millions around the world.
The Beast will receive a fatal wound, Until recently, aside from supernatural means, it would have been high-
but he will supernaturally rise from ly unlikely for this prophecy to be fulfilled. But today's cable, satellite,
the dead. As a result of this resurrec- and internet services could enable millions of people throughout the
tion, many will marvel at him and world to see the dead bodies of these prophets on their television and
trust him as the leader of the world. computer screens almost instantly.
Revelation also describes a man The two prophets, however, will not remain dead. According to Reve-
called the False Prophet who will lation 11:11-13, God will bring them back to life. After they are brought
serve as the Antichrist's associate in to life, great fear will fall upon the people, and God will call them into
preparing the world to accept the heaven. At that same hour, there will be a great earthquake in Jerusalem,
Antichrist's rule. The False Prophet, and 7,000 men will be killed. Frightened, the rest will give glory to God.
says John in Revelation 13:11-14,
will enjoy incredible power. He will Far from being an example of God's cruelty to men, these events will
be able to make fire come down from be examples of God's great mercy to mankind. He intends these judgments
heaven. His miracles will convince and trials to cause people of the world to repent and turn to Him. He takes
people to worship the Beast. no pleasure in the death of the wicked; He desires that all turn from their
sins to worship Him.
Revelation describes a time~
probably in the middle of the Tribu- Before the world is plunged into plagues and disasters by one of the
lation~when the False Prophet will final judgments of God during the Tribulation, He will raise up an army
build a great image of the Antichrist of 144,000 Jewish Christian evangelists who will spread throughout the
and people from all over the world world to preach the Gospel. Every one of these servants of God will have
will be forced to worship it. The a "seal" on his forehead. While no one knows what the seal actually will
image will be given the power to be, it is likely to be a visible sign.
breathe and speak. Their preaching will be so powerful that it will result in the conversion
For centuries, this prophecy has of a "great multitude" which no one will be able to number.
puzzled Bible scholars. But now, for The Bible does not tell us much about what will happen to those who
the first time in history, the prospect accept Christ during the Tribulation, but what it does say is both chilling
of a lifelike robot communicating and thrilling. The books of Daniel and Revelation describe how Satan will
with people groups all over the world wage war upon Christians during this time.
is not so far-fetched. Modern techno- John tells us in Revelation 3:7 that "It was granted to him [the Anti-
logy can now supply robotics, voice- christ] to make war with the saints." In other words, the Antichrist will
activation, and satellite communi- do nothing without God's permission. God will have ultimate control
cations that make this prophecy of every event.
more fathomable than ever. C continued on page 8
TWO WITNESSES continued from page 7
Christ’s Return is
The Bible tells us that those who Nearer Than Ever
die in Christ during the Tribulation



will be blessed by God. In fact, God Although no one can know the


day or hour that Christ will return,



will avenge their deaths. As the slain

martyrs cry out in heaven, "How long, we believe the people of this genera-
O Lord, holy and true, until You tion have more reason than ever to
think Christ will come in their life-
judge and avenge our blood on those
who dwell on the earth?" (Revelation time. When a person examines the
6:10). God's response is that they "signs of the times," it is evident that Volume 1, Number 12
must wait a while longer, but He does His return is near.
promise to avenge their deaths. "I have been studying prophecy for David A. Martin
many years [over fifty], and while John S. Martin, III
On the other hand, those who re- I do not believe it is possible to set
ject Christ during this time will face dates for the Lord's return, I do Editor
unparalleled suffering. Any rational sense in the world today an un- Michael J. Chiapperino
person would think that during the precedented time of world crises
Tribulation, every sane person will that can be interpreted as being Christian Book Summaries is published
by Christian Book Summaries, Inc., 947
humble himself and call upon God preparatory for the coming of the East Johnstown Rd., Suite 116, Gahanna,
for mercy. But a careful analysis indi- Lord. If there ever was a time when Ohio 43230. U.S. Copyright C 2000 by
cates that only one-fourth of the Christians should live every day Christian Book Summaries, Inc.
world's population will turn to Christ as though Christ could come at All rights reserved. Reproduction in any
during this period. The rest will re- any time, it is today." form without the copyright owner's
fuse to repent. They will continue to ~Dr. John Walvoord written permission is prohibited.
pit their wills against God~and receive The story is told of a little girl The mission of Christian Book Summaries
a righteous judgment as a result. who had trouble sleeping one night. is to enhance the ministry of thinking
Her bedroom was upstairs and her Christians by providing thorough and
During the Tribulation, the world parents were downstairs. After she readable summaries of noteworthy books
will be plagued by sinfulness as never asked for a glass of water and then from Christian publishers.
before. Jesus warned us in Luke a cookie, her parents threatened to
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There is little doubt that we are been. In light of this fact, we need to The authors: Dr. Tim LaHaye is president
living in an age of scoffers. Never have live each day as though Christ will and founder of Family Life Seminars. A for-
they grown so bold and blatant. Not come at any moment. No generation mer pastor and a lifelong student of prophecy,
content to pursue their own lusts, they LaHaye is well-known for his best-selling
of Christians has ever had more Spirit Controlled Temperament. He and his
work tirelessly to pull others into their reason than ours to believe He is wife, Beverly, live in Southern California.
Sodom-and-Gomorrah lifestyles. returning soon! C Jerry B. Jenkins, writer-at-large for the Moody
SB Bible Institute, is the author of more than
100 books, including many well-known
sports biographies. Four of his books have
Coming Next Month: been national best-sellers. He and his wife,
Dianna, live in Colorado Springs.
THE TEN WORDS THAT CAN CHANGE A NATION Are We Living in the End Times? By Tim
by Rob Schenck LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, copyright C
(Albury Press) 1999 by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.
Summarized by permission of the publisher,
THE MURDER OF JESUS Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, IL.
by John MacArthur 372 pages. $19.99. ISBN 0-8423-0098-8.
This book is available at most bookstores,
TIME FOR TRUTH at any online bookseller (such as Amazon.
by Os Guinness com or or by calling Tyndale
(Baker) House Publishers direct at 1-800-323-9400.

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