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// Example macro tool based on the BigCursorTool

// example available on the ImageJ web site at
// Author: Gilles Carpentier, Faculte des Sciences et
// Technologies, Universite Paris 12 Val de Marne, France
// The example image at "
// shows how this full size cursor can be used to "multipoint " a panel of 4
// microscopic images of the same field in fluorescence mode. The example panel
// contains a triple lableling of cloned myoblast cells (mouse). From the left t
o right; the red
// channel (red fluorescence), the green channel (green fluorescence), the blue
// (blue fluorescence,hoechst), and the composite images of the three channels.
// Cell culture and immunochemistry; Juliette peltzer.
// Images from the courtasy of Dr angelica Keller.
// The number of cursors can be changed by double clicking on
// the tool icon and the cursor coordinates and section are displayed
// when the "1" key is pressed on the numeric keypad.
var nCursors = 4; // maximum of 4
var x, y, unit, quadrantx, xlocation, ylocation;
var pw, ph, unit;
// This macro runs when the user clicks and drags on the image.
macro "MultiCursor Tool -C00cL08f8L515eLb1be" {
getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags);
w = getWidth(); h = getHeight();
xinit = getWidth/nCursors; // width of the sub-images of the panel
yinit = getHeight; // height of the sub-images of the panel
spacer = 0; //size of the white spacer of the subimages in the panel
h=yinit; // height of the polygone forming cursor
px = newArray(19);
py = newArray(19);
x2=x; y2=y;
getVoxelSize(pw, ph, pd, unit);
while (flags&16!=0) {
getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags);
if (x<0) x=0;
if (x > w) x=w-1;
// determination of the sub-image in which is the cursor at a given ti
me (quadrant):
// used to deduce the x cursor coordinates reported to the origin of t
he sub-images.
for (a =0; a<4; a ++) {
quadrant=((a*xinit) + (a*spacer));
if (x >= (quadrant) && x < ((quadrant)+xinit + spacer))
xlocation=(x- ((quadrantx-1)*(xinit)) -((quadrantx-1)* spacer));
x = xlocation;
if (xlocation > (xinit-1))
x=xlocation - (xlocation-(xinit-1));
ylocation = y;
if (ylocation > (yinit-1))
y=ylocation - (ylocation-(yinit-1));
if (ylocation < 0) y=0;
if (x!=x2 || y!=y2) {
px[0]=0; py[0]=y;
px[1]=w; py[1]=y;
px[2]=((3*xinit)+(3*spacer)+x); py[2]=y;
px[3]=((3*xinit)+(3*spacer)+x); py[3]=0;
px[4]=((3*xinit)+(3*spacer)+x); py[4]=h;
px[5]=((3*xinit)+(3*spacer)+x); py[5]=y;
px[6]=((2*xinit)+(2*spacer)+x); py[6]=y;
px[7]=((2*xinit)+(2*spacer)+x); py[7]=0;
px[8]=((2*xinit)+(2*spacer)+x); py[8]=h;
px[9]=((2*xinit)+(2*spacer)+x); py[9]=y;
px[10]=(xinit+spacer+x); py[10]=y;
px[11]=(xinit+spacer+x); py[11]=0;
px[12]=(xinit+spacer+x); py[12]=h;
px[13]=(xinit+spacer+x); py[13]=y;
px[14]=x; py[14]=y;
px[15]=x; py[15]=0;
px[16]=x; py[16]=h;
px[17]=x; py[17]=y;
px[18]=0; py[18]=y;
makeSelection("polgon", px, py);
showStatus(d2s(x*pw,2)+", "+d2s(y*ph,2)+ " " +unit);
x2=x; y2=y;
// This macro runs when the user double clicks on the tool
// icon or selects "MultiCursor Tool Options" from the
// Plugins>Macros menu.
// The name of this macro must be the same as the name of the
// tool (without the hex icon description) followed by " Options".
macro "MultiCursor Tool Options" {
nCursors = getNumber("Number of Cursors (1-4): ", nCursors);
if (nCursors<1) nCursors = 1;
if (nCursors>4) nCursors = 4;
// This macro runs when the user selects "Display Coordinates"
// from the Plugins>Macros menu or when the user presses the
// "1" key on the numeric keypad.
macro "Display Coordinates [N1]" {
showMessage("MultiCursor ", "X Coordinate: "+x*pw
+"\nY Coordinate: "+y*ph
+"\nUnit: "+unit
+"\nSection: "+quadrantx);

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