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1. How to think systematically?

Sastroasmoro, Sudigdo dan Sofyan Islamil. 2002. Dasar-Dasar Penelitian Metodologi

Khusus. Jakarta: Sagung Seto
2. What is the definition of deduktif and induktif thinking?


3. What is the function of ontology, epistemiology and axiology?

Platform Ontological about the object studied science. This means that every science
must have a clear research paper objects. Due to the diversification of science occurs on
the basis of specifications science object of study, then each disciplines have different
ontologies foundation.
Platform Epistemology means used to assess or examine so that the knowledge gained.
In general, the scientific method is basically for all disciplines, namely in the form of
process of induction-deduction-verification as described above.
Platform Axiology associated with the use of such knowledge in order to meet human
needs. In other words, what can be contributed to the development of science knowledge
to the development of science and divide improving the quality of human life.

Metode Penelitian Kesehatan, Dr. Soekidjo Notoatmojo

4. How to be scientific approaches?
In order for a health problem can be appointed to study the problem required some conditions
to be met, which is capable like, interesting, giving something new, ethical, and relevant. The
fifth case was formulated by Hulley and Cummings as Finer:
F-Feasible available research subject, available funds, tools and expertise available time.
I-Interesting problem should be of interest to researchers.
N-Novel propose something new, refute or confirm the prior art, complete or develop the
results of previous studies.
E-Etical not conflict with ethics.
R-Relevant relevant for the development of science, relevant to patient management or
health policy, relevant as a basis for further research.
Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian Klinis ed 2, Prof. DR. Dr.sudigdo sastroasmoro, Sp.A(K)
5. How to make formulation of the problem and the condition and background of content
Terms formulation of the problem:

Created in interrogative sentence

specific Characteristically
In one questions that find the relationship between variables are variables hanger only
in the sense that if independent variables more than one research question should be
If you need to specify where the main questions and supplementary questions

Metode Penelitian Kesehatan, Dr. Soekidjo Notoatmojo

6. How to formulate the purpose?
Terms formulation of objectives

Created in sentences news

Consistent with research questions. Neither of the number and sequence
The specific Characteristically
If there are additional questions for the general and specific objectives and additional
If more than one independent variable, the purpose of research should be united
When the dependent variable poly- then research purposes should be separated

Metode Penelitian Kesehatan, Dr. Soekidjo Notoatmojo

7. What is the definition and purpose of research?
Research is a scientific activity that is carried out to find and develop and test the truth of a
matter or knowledge in order to seek solutions or solving the problem.

To find the theory, the concept, the argument / new generalizations about health or
To repair / modification theory, system / program health care or medicine.
To strengthen the theory, concept or generalization that already exist.

METODOLOGI PENELITIAN KESEHATAN. Dr. Soekidjo Notoatmodjo. Rineka Cipta. 2005

8. What are the characteristic have to be owned by the researchers?
The success of research activities carried out largely depends on the attitude and way of
thinking researcher
THINKING good for be a researchers needed three ways of thinking, namely:

Think skeptical
What is meant by this is that the researchers Sikao always inquire evidence (facts) that
can support a statement

Analytical Thinking
By this we mean that researchers should always analyze every statement or issue

Think critically
Researchers must base its opinion on the mind and logic, as well as considering things
objectively based on data and analysis of common sense

ATTITUDE-POSITION OTHER besides being and scientific thinking, a researcher must

also meet other requirements:


A researcher who either have competence (ability); means capable of conducting research
using methods and techniques specific research

A good researcher be objective means can separate personal opinion with fact

Does not include its own desires into the data

Researchers work using facts

Researchers willing to provide evidence of research and are ready to accept the opinion of
others about his research

Watik Pratiknya. 2003. Dasar-Dasar Metodologi Penelitian Kedokteran & Kesehatan.

9. What is the criteria of title in KTI?
Membuat judul usulan penelitian bukan hal yang mudah. Judul penelitian memerlukan
beberapa persyaratan, yakni:

Harus menggambarkan keseluruhan isi rencana penelitian.

Ditulis dalam kalimat atau frase yang sederhana dan tidak terlalu panjang, meski tidak
dapat ditentukan batas jumlah katanya. Mungkin sifat atau isi penelitian memerlukan
judul panjang; apabila perlu dapat disertakan subjudul.
Tidak menggunakan singkatan, kecuali yang baku.
Judul seringkali bukan berupa kalimat lengkap, namun hanya merupakan label saja.

Sudigdo Sastroasmoro. 2011. Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian Klinis. Agung Seto: Jakarta.
10. How many chapter and contents of each chapters?
Format Umum Penulisan KTI

Bagian Permulaan

Halaman Sampul


Jenis laporan (KTI, skripsi, tesis, disertasi)

Nama, NIM Mahasiswa

Lambang Institusi

Nama Lengkap Universitas

Halaman logo

Halaman Judul (sama dengan halaman sampul)

Penulisan judul jika lebih dari 1 baris maka ditulis seperti piramida terbalik

Halaman Persetujuan

Persetujuan Pembimbing

Pengesahan untuk para penguji

Kata Pengantar

Ucapan Terimakasih


Daftar Isi

Daftar tabel, gambar dan lampiran

Bagian Isi


Latar belakang pengambilan topik

Perumusan masalah


Manfaat Penelitian

Kerangka Teori/Tinjauan Pustaka

Kerangka Konsep

Diagram kerangka konsep


Defenisi operasional

Metodologi Penelitian

Rancangan/desain penelitian


Pengambilan sampel

Cara pengolahan data

Hasil Penelitian

Penguraian hasil penelitian


Mebahas hasil penelelitian berdasarkan tinjauan kepustakaan yang

telah dibuat


11. what is the contents of chapter 1 and the definition?
CHAPTER 1 Introduction: background of the problem, formulation of the problem, the
purpose of the study, the benefits of research.

Background problem: contains a description relating to the issues raised as well as an

explanation of why the issue is deemed interesting and important to investigate
background has four aspects: a problem, a big problem, the chronology of the problem,
the completion of the research efforts that still need to be verified.
Formulation of the problem: specifically explained the problem to be investigated and
stated in question form
The sentence blamed a variable or question the relationship between two or more
Background formulated specific and more localized.

Objective: to answer the problem statement

that goal to be achieved, there can be divided into two:

a general purpose is still common
an special purpose the purpose of which contain more detailed or specific
measurements big variable and the dependent variable.
The benefits of research:
- The theoretical benefits for the development of science.
- The practical benefits for solving practical problems.

Watik Pratiknya. 2003. Dasar-Dasar Metodologi Penelitian Kedokteran & Kesehatan.

12. what is the benefit of research?

Can be used to describe the state or health situation of individuals, groups or

Can be used to describe the ability of resources and the possibility of these resources, to
support the development, health services planned.
Can be used as a diagnostic tool in the search for causes of health problems or failures
that occur in the health care system.
Can be used as a means to prepare a policy in the development strategy of health care
Can describe capabilities in financing, equipment, debriefing and workforce both in
quantity and quality to support the health care system.

METODOLOGI PENELITIAN KESEHATAN. Dr. Soekidjo Notoatmodjo. Rineka Cipta. 2005

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