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Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 2
Download ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Network Setup......................................................................................................................................... 5
Openfiler Installation............................................................................................................................... 5
Assigning Static IP Network ..................................................................................................................... 7
Connecting to Openfiler .......................................................................................................................... 9
Administration Guide Reference ........................................................................................................... 11
Shutdown Openfiler Server .................................................................................................................. 12
 Bare minimum screenshots are used, that means just the required screenshot was taken to
keep the article short
 Step by step installation process to install Openfiler Open Source Storage on Oracle Virtual
Box 5
 This is normally a bare metal installation. Even the official documentation does not show
examples of installation. In case you do not have separate dedicated machine, and want to
explore then follow the steps (install Oracle Virtual Box on your PC)
 There are huge benefits to explore this product. The first time I experienced this great
product was in 2009 for Oracle RAC 10g Installation. This is considered as the best Open
Source product
 This article uses the Oracle Virtual Box Network for assigning Static IP and this article is also
connected to my previous VMware vSphere and Oracle VM Server articles


 Right click on 'Administration Guide' to open in a new tab of your browser. Save it for further

 This is a Linux based product, that's why you see 'x86_64' ISO Image
 It's not available for Windows based systems
 Increase the size to 10 GB disk space. Assigning the default 8 GB disk space leads to extra
work with partition layout, which takes much time
 So, the safe thing is assigning 10GB disk space and installer creates a default layout for us

 If you have enough video memory, assign it enough

 It is optional, but do allocate enough graphic memory, say between 16 – 32 MB Memory
 Attach the ISO file that you downloaded from the official Website

Network Setup
 Expand “advanced” and select a ‘Server type Adapter’
 The default is actually a ‘Desktop Adapter’ assigned by Oracle Virtual Box

Openfiler Installation

 Press 'Enter' key to start the installation process

 Select the keyboard type of your choice and press 'Next' button

 Because this disk space has nothing saved on it is safe to select 'Yes'

 Put a 'Check' and click on 'Next' button

 It is safe to select 'Yes'

 Leave the free space out or assign, for example, to 'swap', if you want. Leaving out the free
space as it is does not stop our installation

 The default boot loader 'EXTLINUX' was selected and pressed on 'Next'

Assigning Static IP Network

 Click on 'Edit' to assign the below IP and related information. The IP was
preferred because the '' and '' were assigned to other server
systems that will be connected to this storage server
 When you press 'OK' you will be presented with the below screen
 My storage server was named as given below
 The Gateway and DNS are the default Oracle Virtual Box network

 Select the time zone. In my case it was GMT+1

 When the installation is completed you should see the below message

Connecting to Openfiler

 The account 'root' is actually not used for administering the storage server, but 'openfiler'
 The details can be checked as by opening the "/etc/password" file with an editor or 'cat or
more or less' commands

 The 'Administration Guide' informs us with the below information

 Open a browser and type the IP with https and port number
 In my case Openfiler server was with this IP
 The default password for the user "openfiler" is "password,"

Administration Guide Reference

 When you open the administration guide for the first time it is expanded. Collapse the tree
to see all the contents and navigate to each topic of your choice
 Below we check what happens if we login with the username 'root'
Shutdown Openfiler Server
 Like any Linux based server you can shut it down using 'init' command

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