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Conteste a TODAS las preguntas de tipo test NICAMENTE en la hoja de lectura ptica.
Entregue NICAMENTE la hoja de lectura ptica y LA HOJA con las DOS composiciones
escritas (Writing)
No olvide escribir sus datos personales en AMBAS HOJAS.
El examen escrito se califica sobre un total de 10 puntos. La parte de opcin mltiple vale 5
puntos y la parte de redaccin vale 5 puntos. Para aprobar el examen se ha de conseguir un
mnimo de 3 puntos en la opcin mltiple y obtener un mnimo de 3 puntos en las redacciones.
Ambas partes han de ser superadas necesariamente. En la parte de opcin mltiple, cada acierto
vale 0,20 puntos y cada error penaliza -0,06 puntos. Las preguntas sin contestar no computan.
No use lpiz. Use bolgrafo azul o negro.
NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS:______________________________________________________
DNI: __________________-_____

NMERO DE TELFONO: _____________________

CENTRO ASOCIADO:_________________________________________________________

PART 1: READING. Read the following texts and choose the most suitable answer below.
Text 1: Add some of these healthy foods to your diet to help prevent cancer and keep other
diseases at bay.
Garlic contains sulfur compounds that may stimulate the immune systems natural (1) _______
against cancer, and may have the potential to reduce tumor growth. Studies suggest that garlic
can reduce the incidence of stomach cancer by as much as a factor of 12!
Broccoli is a cancer-preventing superfood, one you (2) _______ eat frequently. But take note: A
Spanish study found that microwaving broccoli destroys 97% of the vegetables cancer-protective
flavonoids. So steam it, eat it raw as a snack, or add it to soups and salads.
Brazil nuts are a rich (3) _______ of selenium, a trace mineral that convinces cancer cells to
commit suicide and helps cells repair their DNA. A Harvard study of more than 1,000 men with
prostate cancer found those with the highest blood levels of selenium were 48% less likely to
develop advanced disease over 13 years than men with the lowest levels. And a dramatic five-year
study conducted at Cornell University and the University of Arizona showed that 200 micrograms
of selenium daily (the amount in 2 Brazil nuts) resulted in 63% fewer prostate tumors, 58% fewer
colorectal cancers, 46% fewer lung malignancies, and a 39% overall (4) _______ in cancer
A daily dose of citrus fruits may cut the risk of mouth, throat, and stomach cancers by half,
Australian researchers (5) _______.
Blueberries rank number one in terms of their antioxidant power. Antioxidants neutralize free
radicals, which are unstable compounds that can damage cells and lead to (6) _______ including

Artichokes are a (7) _______ source of Silymarin, an antioxidant that may help prevent skin
cancer. To eat these delicious veggies, peel off the tough outer leaves on the bottom, slice the
bottom, and cut off the spiky top. Then boil or steam until tender, about 30-45 minutes. Drain. Dip
each leaf in a vinaigrette or garlic mayonnaise, then gently tear the fibrous covering off with your
front teeth, working your way inward to the tender heart. Once there, gently scoop the bristles from
the middle of the heart, dip in a little butter or lemon juice, and enjoy.
Australian researchers found that people (8) _______ ate four or more servings of fish per week
were nearly one-third less likely to develop the blood cancers leukemia, myeloma, and nonHodgkins lymphoma. Other studies show a link between eating fatty fish (salmon, mackerel,
halibut, sardines, and tuna, as well as shrimp and scallops) (9) _______ a reduced risk of
endometrial cancer in women.
Kiwi is a little hand grenade of cancer-fighting antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein,
and copper. You can (10) _______ rub a couple of cut kiwifruit on a low-fat cut of meat as a
A diet high in onions may reduce the risk of prostate cancer 50 percent. But the effects are
strongest (11) _______ theyre eaten raw or lightly cooked. So try scallions, Vidalia onions,
shallots, or chives for a milder taste.
More than 4,000 women followed the Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil, the diet with
nuts, or a low-fat diet in a new JAMA: Internal Medicine study. In five years, women on the
Mediterranean diet with olive oil had a 68% lower risk of breast cancer than those on the low-fat
diet. The nut group had an (12) _______ lower risk. Women with the lowest risk ate about four
tablespoons of olive oil per day.
Source: Reader's Digest Editors































looked for





































as well

















Text 2: Single Motherhood, in Decline Over All, Rises for Women 35 and Older.
Single parenthood was on a mysterious and alarming rise, becoming a huge problem,
according to a 2013 article in the Atlantic. The lawyer defending bans between same-sex couples
before the Supreme Court last month argued that out-of-wedlock* births were growing rapidly.

In fact, the birthrate for unmarried mothers, which had been steadily increasing since the early
1980s, peaked in 2008 and has declined 14 percent since, more than the decline for all women.
The recent declines were sharpest among teenagers; black and Hispanic women; and those
without a college degree all of whom have typically had the highest rates of single motherhood
according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics.
There was only one group of unmarried women for whom the birthrate increased in recent years:
those 35 and older. In many cases, they are having babies outside of marriage by choice, with
more resources and education than the typical single mother.
They are still a small minority. But if these trends continue, single motherhood could become less
of a sign of family instability. It could increasingly become one of the new ways people are
choosing to form families, in an era when both marriage and divorce are declining.
I dont think people realize that there are a lot of older women now who are having babies
deliberately, single mothers by choice, said Isabel Sawhill, a senior fellow at the Brookings
Institution and author of Generation Unbound: Drifting Into Sex and Parenthood Without
In many cases, these women carefully planned to have children without a partner, she said. In
others, they are living with a partner but not married, a pattern that is common in parts of Europe.
58% of out-of-wedlock births in the United States are to couples that live together, up from 41
percent in 2002, according to the government data.
Despite recent declines, single motherhood is still quite common: 40% of births in the United
States are to unmarried women, and they are still more likely to be young, black or Latina and
without a college degree. Some researchers who study the issue say that the recent slowdown
might indicate that non-marital births have reached their long-term level.
Some researchers and marriage advocates say the prevalence of single-parent families could
have long-term negative effects. These families are more likely than two-parent ones to live in
poverty. And children in low-income, single-parent households achieve lower levels of education
and income over all, particularly boys.
The birthrate generally declines during recessions, and a large part of the recent decline in single
motherhood is because the number of babies born over all has fallen, as people have chosen to
delay childbearing until they are more economically stable.
But that does not explain the decline in out-of-wedlock births. As the economy has recovered,
births among married women have increased again, but not among unmarried women. And some
declines, as with teen pregnancy, started well before the recession.
June Carbone, a law professor at the University of Minnesota, sees the overall dip partly as a
continuation of the trend of a decline in marriage because of the diminishing economic prospects
for men. At first, women decided they didnt need to marry to have a child, and now they might be
deciding not to have a child at all.
In the 90s, I think the anti-abortion sentiment coincided with giving up on men youre not going
to meet a guy worth marrying, you dont have to have a shotgun marriage, said Ms. Carbone, who
co-wrote Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family. She said, My
hunch** is that the other shoe has dropped and people are just not having the kids.
That pattern is most common among less educated women. During the recession, the decline in
single motherhood was entirely attributable to women without college degrees, according to
census data analyzed by Philip Cohen, a sociologist at University of Maryland who writes a blog
called Family Inequality.
These are women for whom the hardships of single motherhood are most acute, Mr. Cohen said.
This could be deliberate planning, or it could reflect relationship problems or economic stress
undermining their family plans.

Source: New York Times, May 2015.

*Out-of-wedlock = without being married

**hunch = feeling

13. The meaning of the title of this article states that:

a. Single motherhood is in decline and women 35 and above are on the rise.
b. While single motherhood is decreasing in general, it is increasing for women under 35.
c. There seems to be an increase in the amount of single motherhood who are 35 and above.
14. According to data from the National Center for Health Statistics, in 2008:
a. The birthrate for unmarried mothers was at its highest point in the early 1980s.
b. The birthrate for unmarried mothers was at its lowest point in 2008.
c. The birthrate for unmarried mothers was at its highest point in 2008.
15. According to the text, in recent years:
a. The only group in which birthrate increased for unmarried women was 35 and below.
b. The only group in which birthrate increased for unmarried women was 35 and above.
c. Unmarried women chose to have babies because they were 35 and older.
16. According to the text, if trends continue:
a. Both marriage and divorce will disappear shortly.
b. Single motherhood could become one of the ways to form families.
c. Single motherhood is nowadays the main solution to marriage and divorce declining.
17. According to Isabel Sawhill:
a. Older women now prefer to have babies without a partner.
b. Older women are now choosing to have babies with a partner.
c. Older women are now becoming single mothers because they have no choice.
18. According to the text, 40% of births in the United States:
a. Are to single mothers, except young, black, Latina or without a college degree.
b. Are to unmarried women, especially young, black, Latina or without a college degree.
c. Both, a) and b), are correct.
19. According to the text which of the following is true:
a. Only single mother birthrates decline in economic crisis.
b. Economic recessions explain the fall in single mother birthrates.
c. The overall birthrate decline doesnt explain single mother birthrate decline.
20. According to the author of the blog Family Inequality:
a. During the recession, women with college degrees avoided being mothers.
b. During the recession, women without college degrees were all single mothers.
c. There seems to be a pattern during recessions for uneducated women.

PART 2: USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the right option.

21. Lisa encouraged _________ the new job.
a. That Fred should take
b. Fred to take
c. To Fred to take
22. Oh dear! You have red bloodshot eyes. I think you _________ a doctor look at them.
a. Should have
b. Need have
c. Should have got
23. I _________ one of my special desserts for dinner, if you like.
a. Make
b. m going to make
c. ll make
24. _________ has improved enormously, he is giving a concert tonight.
a. Evans guitar playing
b. Evan guitar playing
c. The guitar playing of Evan
25. I dont know about your daughter but my little kids _________ to the zoo.
a. Were enjoyed taken
b. Enjoyed being taken
c. Enjoyed taking

PART 3: WRITING. You have to do both exercises, A and B.

Exercise A:
A friend of yours is very sick and you want to buy a pet for him/her. Write an e-mail to a
relative explaining your friends situation, explain what you have seen on the internet and
ask for advice. 175 to 200 words.
Exercise B:
Choose ONE of the topics below and write a well-structured essay of about 175 to 200
words. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling.
Topic 1: What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone?
Topic 2: Is this country (or your country) totally fair and equal to women and men?

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