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Employee Satisfaction
Employee satisfaction is essential to the success of any business. A high rate of employee
contentedness is directly related to a lower turnover rate. Thus, keeping employees satisfied
with their careers should be a major priority for every employer. While this is a well known
fact in management practices, economic downturns like the current one seem to cause
employers to ignore it. There are numerous reasons why employees can become discouraged
with their jobs and resign, including high stress, lack of communication within the company,
lack of recognition, or limited opportunity for growth. Management should actively seek to
improve these factors if they hope to lower their turnover rate. Even in an economic
downturn, turnover is an expense best avoided

Objectives of the Study:

To identify the values that support creativity and innovation in the organization.
To focus on knowing trust relationship among the employees.
To give feasible suggestion regarding improvement of the employee satisfaction
Levels at LEPRA Society.
To know the welfare measures and living environment provided for the Employees.
To identify the conditions in which the individuals are most likely to use intuition in

The importance of Employee satisfaction:

An employee who has no interest in his or her field, or the position in which he or she begins
in a job, may initially put forth his or her best effort. However, this employee will often
become bored with the work because there is no intrinsic motivation to succeed. Finding the
daily job mundane reduces the individuals desire to show up to work and to do the job well.
In this case, the employee may continue to come to work, but his or her efforts will be
minimal. In contrast, an employee may be entirely too overwhelmed to handle the position;
the responsibilities may prove to be too demanding. In an instance like this, the employee
will search for another position that offers the financial security he or she needs with job

characteristics that challenge them appropriately; thus increasing the initial companys
turnover rate (Koslowsky & Krausz, 2002).

The Sources and Effect of Stress:

Stress is one of the leading causes of employees discontentment with their job. Branham
(2005) asserts that, it seems clear that one quarter to one half of all workers are feeling some
level of dysfunction due to stress, which is undoubtedly having a negative impact on their
productivity and the probability that they will stay with their employers. Stress can have
many causes, including when companies cannot, or will not, supply the tools necessary to
produce or work efficiently while on the job. This produces higher stress levels because these
workers are expected to perform at certain rates, yet they are unable to do so. This results in
lower productivity and higher turnover because quotas cannot be met by the employees on
staff. Knowing that management is able to provide the tools essential for the position is
crucial to the employee trusting the intentions of their employer. Another source of stress is
the now common practice of employers which attempts to cut costs by eliminating positions
and disbursing the workload to other employees. The issue that arises is that tasks will not be
performed effectively or efficiently because the employees become more concerned with
having an overbearing workload. Consequently, the efforts of these employees fail to reach
their own, or their employers, standards. These actions, and employee responses to them,
result in employees who attempt to finish incomplete work assignments during personal time,
such as lunch breaks, in an effort to keep their jobs (Branham, 2005). When a company
expects their employees to perform
Outside normal working hours, it detracts from those employees relaxation time. Personal
time is essential in maintaining relationships, personal wellbeing, and sanity. The extra strain
of needing to finish an unreasonable amount of work to keep the job dramatically increases
employee anxiety. Employees that struggle to finish their tasks become less likely to attempt
advancement and more likely to begin the search for a new job elsewhere. Those who do not
attempt to complete all of the assignments are eventually terminated. The termination of
some employees also causes stress to the remaining employees. Those remaining begin to
wonder whether they are going to be the next people on the chopping block. The excessive
strain can have a very detrimental effect. Employers that are untrustworthy are a burden to
their employees and may cause stress. Distrust can result from a variety of situations

(Branham, 2005). Harassment, in any form, may cause a new level of stress for the employee.
It becomes increasingly difficult to do a
respectable job at work when one is consistently faced with an uncomfortable working
environment. This anxiety is caused by trying to avoid troublesome confrontations and
situations. Workers may agonize about the consequences they would face if the harassment
were to be reported, as well as the repercussions of not reporting it.

Other Sources of Employee Dissatisfaction:

Dissatisfaction with the job may come from sources other than stress or poor fit between
employee and job. Employers that are deemed unethical by their workers may be viewed as
such because they appear to care exclusively about company revenues, rather than the
employees that are working for them. This perception of an employer may lead to job
dissatisfaction, and raise the companys turnover rate. Dissatisfaction may also arise, with the
same result in turnover, when the work environment fails to have any flexibility or any source
of amusement for the employees; the tone of the business will become stressful or tedious
(Kaye & Jordan-Evans, 1999). Lack of communication in the workforce is a major
contributor to dissatisfaction. This is usually the result of managerial staff that is isolated and
does not know how to relate to their employees on a personal or professional level (Branham,
2005). Bad communication leaves employees feeling disconnected from the organization.
This is detrimental to the wellbeing of the company because when an employee feels
neglected, he or she will tend to perform at a lower level. This employee becomes unsure of
his or her position within the company, and wonders what his or her purpose is within the
workplace. Employees may be unaware of how their performance measures up to that of their
co-workers and have no sense of how they can improve.
Without communication, it becomes difficult for employees to make any progress in their
efficiency. Employees want to know that their employers recognize their achievements in the
workplace. They need to feel appreciated, as workers and as people (Branham, 2005). Often
companies become more focused on production and revenues, rather than with their own
employees, or even their customers. In the case of employees, the employees may rarely be
praised for the quality of their performance. If a company does performance appraisals, the
results may be given in such a harsh tone that, rather than motivating an employee, it
intimidates and an employee may feel uncomfortable in the workplace, rather than
encouraged to achieve more. It may be common for upper management in some workplaces,

to take the ideas of lower level employees lightly, which leaves these employees feeling
neglected and worthless. It becomes difficult for workers to see a bright future while working
for the company. If an employee fails to see a future with the company, why would they work
to produce results? Those employees who do work well to support the company may not be
compensated for their efforts. Employers that choose to under-compensate know that these
employees will work hard for minimal pay, and these employers will compensate accordingly
(Timpe, 1986). At the same time, the same employers will pay more to other employees who
are not willing to work for minimal compensation. This compensation disparity leads to
dissatisfaction because eventually the hard worker will notice that he or she is not being
compensated fairly for the amount of work they are doing, and will begin searching for
another company that will appreciate his or her labor.33 Finally, failure to provide employees
with opportunities to grow within the company results in employee frustration. Barriers
within the company may prevent some employees from reaching their full potential
(Branham, 2005). Such barriers may include favoritism of certain employees or company
policies requiring hiring from outside the company. Glass ceilings for minority employees
may also cause difficulty in advancement. Organizations that do not provide sufficient
training opportunities for employees are also doing themselves a disservice. These
organizations are missing out on employees that are dedicated to their companies and
knowledgeable in their fields, and with sufficient training, have the potential to do well in
higher positions.

Why Should an Employer Care?

It is important that employers care about the happiness of their employees. Recent statistics
show that throughout their careers, American workers hold an average of eight jobs (Rudman,
2003). The rate of turnover because employees are unhappy is alarming. Even is an economic
downturn, employers must spend an enormous amount of money recruiting new employees,
going through the hiring process, and finally training new employees. Dissatisfaction has
many negative side effects for the company, while satisfaction results in a much better
retention rate. The effects of dissatisfaction that results in an employees withdrawal from job
and company can range from mild to severe. Tardiness, in showing up for work and coming
back from breaks, shows a lack of interest by the employee for his or her responsibilities.
This may escalate to the employee not showing up to work entirely. Some less obvious signs
of withdrawal from the job include: taking care of personal matters while at work, playing

games, engaging in non-work related talk, spending time on social networks, and diminishing
job performance. These withdrawal behaviors, when evidence of dissatisfaction, may end
with an employee leaving the workplace; the heuristic model posits that thinking of quitting
is the most probable outcome of job dissatisfaction (Kieslowski & Krausz, 2002). Therefore,
withdrawal will lead either to the employee voluntarily leaving the organization or being
terminated for unprofessional behavior.
Happiness in the workplace leads to much higher levels of productivity. It increases employee
morale; therefore employees are more willing to work harder to improve the company and its
According to Branham (2005),
Gallup studies show that businesses with higher employee satisfaction also have:
86% higher customer ratings
76% more success in lowering turnover
70% higher profitability
44% higher profitability
78% better safety records.
Companies need good, knowledgeable employees. If these employees are not treated fairly,
they are going to take advantage of other job offers that will provide more stability, more
benefits, and more compensation.

What Should the Employer Do?

The employer has a responsibility to ensure the satisfaction of all of its employees. There are
many precautions that managers can take to make certain that they are meeting the working
needs of their employees. Employers also should be more cautious during the hiring process.
Having multiple people interviewing final candidates will help ensure that the employee will
work well with the company. During interviews, employers should ask questions relating to
the type of work that the potential employee enjoys doing. It is imperative to match the
personal characteristics and values of the employee with the organization. Employers should
prepare for the interview by doing a job assessment to see what skills are necessary for the
position, then testing applicants to see if they have the ability to be trained to the position and
have the skills and knowledge that correspond with the job description (Kaye & JordanEvans, 1999). It is critical that during this phase, the employer give an accurate description of
the job to candidates so they can prepare for the challenges ahead. Managers must learn to

communicate better with lower level employees. Connection to the company gives staff a
better feeling of belonging and worth. Supervisors should set an example by promoting
friendly relationships with the staff so the work environment is healthier (Kaye & JordanEvans, 1999). They need to learn to listen to
the employees when they have a concern or a question about the work that they are doing or
the direction that the company is taking. It is imperative that managers show respect for all
employees, their opinions, and their work. Managers need to convey a good understanding of
the mission and goals that the company is trying to attain so that the staff recognizes what the
organization is working toward. Clarification, of the expectations associated with different
positions, assists employees in comprehending their direct relationship with the company and
how their work affects that of others. Performance reviews are a good managerial tool
because they give administrators an idea of those employees that are contributing to the
organizations success and those who need to work harder (Branham, 2005). It also offers
employees the ability to gauge their performance. Often, employees will think that they are
performing better or worse than their managers perceive their work to be. The performance
review presents the perfect time to bring together these different perspectives, to correct
negative behavior, and to reward productivity. Providing employees with the opportunity for
growth is also a major contributor to satisfaction. Because performing the same job becomes
uninteresting, it is important to challenge employees with work that they can accomplish but
stretches their abilities (Timpe, 1986). It is a good opportunity to see the abilities of lower
level employees. Giving employees new projects or goals allows them to become creative
and skilled in new areas. This broadens their knowledge while they become a more valuable
asset to the company. Lateral movement does not change the status of the employee, but
helps them learn more about different aspects of the company. Doing another job entirely
gives the employee a change of pace and direction. The employee may find that they enjoy a
different branch of the workforce better than the one previously held. Recognition of an
employees hard work is essential to his or her satisfaction in the workplace (Kaye & JordanEvans, 1999). Letting employees in on the decision making processes gives those employees
a feeling that their opinions are respected and that they hold a place of importance within the
company. Pay is a huge motivator for many employees. Making the
Connection between money and performance motivates employees to be more productive and
to go the extra mile (Timpe, 1986). Caring about employees on a personal level is important
as well. Let them know that the work that they do, the lives that they lead, also are of benefit
to the

Company. The employer can make sure that employees are aware of their achievements.
These employers can show appreciation for those achievements. Conversely, employers
should take notice when employees become overwhelmed and attempt to alleviate the daily
burden by adding more help when it is obviously needed.

Sources of Employee satisfaction:

1. Job
2. Salary & benefits
3. Career development
4. Supervision
5. Working conditions
6. Team work
Management should have a positive effect on, and seek to support the happiness of, the firms
employees. Reasons for this are not solely to benefit the employees as companies also stand
to gain from employee satisfaction. In an economic environment like the current one,
employers often disregard the costs associated with unhappy employees, seemingly believing
that these employees are stuck in their current positions and will tolerate unpleasant working
environments. This, however, is not the case. Many reasons for employee dissatisfaction are
well within the control of the firm and good management practices will enable a company to
diminish, or remove, those reasons. Satisfied employees will work harder for the company
and plan to stay at the company, ultimately reducing that companys labour costs




According to Nancy C. Morse (1997) Satisfaction refers to the level of fulfilment of
ones needs, wants and desire. Satisfaction depends basically upon what an individual
wants from the world, and what he gets. Employee satisfaction is a measure of how
happy workers are with their job and working environment.
It is sure that there may be many factors affecting the organizational effectiveness and
one of them is the employee satisfaction.
Employees are more loyal and productive when they are satisfied Hunter & Tietyen,
(1997), and these satisfied employees affect the customer satisfaction and
organizational productivity, Potter field, (1999).There is no limit for the employees to
reach the full satisfaction and it may vary from employee to employee. Sometimes
they need to change their behaviours in order to execute their duties more effectively
to gain greater job satisfaction, Miller, (2006). Having good relationships with the
colleagues, high salary, good working conditions, training and education
opportunities, career developments or any other benefits may be related with the
increasing of employee satisfaction
Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are
happy, contended and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures
support that employee satisfaction is a factor in
employee motivation, employee goal achievement and positive employee morale in
the work place. Susan M.Heath field (About.Com). Cranny, Smith & stone (1992)
defined ES as the combination of affective reactions to
the differential perceptions of what he/she wants to receive compared with he/she
actually receives. According to Moyes, Shao & Newsome (2008) the employee
satisfaction may be described as how pleased an employee is


with his or her position of employment. As Spector (1997) defined job satisfaction as
all the feelings that a given individual has about his/her job and its various aspects.
Employee satisfaction is a comprehensive term that comprises job satisfaction of
employees and their satisfaction overall with companies policies, company





A company empowered by one mission to place itself on the world map. An

enterprise propelled by one force-that synergizes its energies to charter unexplored
markets. Organizations fuelled by one dream-to transform competition into

ZEE LABORATORIES was incepted in 1994 and maintaining its benign presence ever
since. ZEE started its first manufacturing unit at Karnal city in Haryana state of INDIA
situated at just 150 Km. away from Delhi International Airport, broadly connected with
National Highway No. 1. The factory is spread over a large area of around 6000 Square meter
out of which 50% is covered area with two floors. Company started its second unit in the year
2005 in the tax free industrial zone of Himachal Pradesh at 'Paonta' Sahib with the latest and
well equipped 'technology' which is further 125 kms. away from its Karnal unit. The factory
is spread cover a large area of around 7500 square meter out of which 60% is covered area
with two floors. Company started its third unit in the year 2009 in the tax free industrial zone

of Himachal Pradesh at 'Paonta' Sahib with the latest and well equipped technology as per
USFDA & European GMP Standards. The factory is spread over a large area of around
10,000 square meter out of which 60% is covered area with three floors in which company
has added separate manufacturing facilities for Oncology Drugs (Anti-Cancer drugs) . The
Company also started it's Fourth unit in the year 2009 in the tax free industrial zone of
Himachal Pradesh at 'Paonta' Sahib with the latest and well equipped technology. The factory
is spread over a large area of around 5,000 square meter out of which 60% is covered area
with two floors and dedicated to exclusive manufacturing of Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals

ZEE LABORATORIES is manufacturing, marketing and exporting pharmaceutical

formulations of a wide range of TABLETS : Beta Lactum, Non Beta Lactum, Hormonal,
Sustained Released, Delayed Released, Uncoated, Film Coated & Enteric Coated.
CAPSULES : Beta Lactum, Non Beta Lactum, Control Released pellets capsules, iron &
Multi vitamin pellet capsules. LIQUID ORALS : Tonics Syrups, Suspension, Elixirs, Cough
Syrups. DRY POWDER : Dry Syrups, ORS Powder, Protein Powders, Dusting Powder.
OINTMENTS : Ointments, Creams & Gel EXTERNAL PREPARATIONS : Lotions,
Emulsions, Shampoo, Face Wash. LIQUID INJECTABLES : Vials, Ampoules, Hormonal
injectables. DRY POWDER INJECTABLES : Beta Lactum, Non Beta Lactum Dry
Injections. EYE, EAR AND NASAL DROPS Company is also involved in the manufacture
of COSMETICS and HERBAL Preparations. COSMETICS: Creams, Soaps, Lotions,
Emulsions, Dusting Powder, Shampoos, Pastes. HERBAL PREPARATIONS: Tablets,
Capsules, Liquids, Ointments, creams, Tooth Paste, Oils, Malt. ZEE LABORATORIES is
marketing throughout India through their franchisee network which is spread all over the
country Company has its own marketing network for their OTC Products which is spread all
over the country with more than 100 marketing personnels. Company is exporting to more
than 25 countries directly and company is having its own marketing network in 5 countries.
Company is also engaged with various Institutions and Govt. Business throughout the
country and abroad. In pursuit of excellence, the group is forging ahead with its expertise and
experience, constantly laying emphasis on customer satisfaction and confidence through
Quality control and quality assurance. A competent, dedicated and dynamic team of
professionals are responsible for its aggressive growth and company will cross the turnover
of USD 25 million in the current financial year. The company is accredited with ISO

9001:2000 and WHO-GMP & cGMP certifications. Our mission is to be the leading company
in our field of activity, service, excellence and global expansion through quality
measure. ZEE LABORATORIES has it's own Marketing, Multi Speciality Divisions
namely Lanark Laboratories, Klokter Lifesciences, Axyzen Lifesciences, Bionext,
Wel'n'drugs, de'venture, Medibruck and Grentek. Apart from these, company is also having
its speciality divisions namely Oreva, Biorome Dermacare (Dermacare Division), Concord
Psychocare (Psychiatric Division) Zee Herbals, Vetlife (Veterinary Division) and Altrex
(Ophthalmic Division), Nuways (Anti Cancer Division).


We have a challenging and inspiring mission to improve the quality of human life by
enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer
Dual strategic priorities: Since 1994, we have focused our business around the delivery of
dual strategic priorities, which aim to increase growth, reduce risk and improve our long-term
financial performance
Grow a diversified global business: We expect to generate future sales growth by
strengthening our core pharmaceuticals business and supplementing it with increased
presence in growth areas in emerging markets
Deliver more products of value: We expect to increase our presence in different
therapeutic segments delivering more products of value for the healthcare of ailing humanity
in the global pharmaceuticals market
Our Plan: Drive growth in the pharmaceutical business in emerging markets Fulfill the
potential of Emerging Markets




To be a leader in the Pharmaceutical industry.


To be a profitable company with a steady growth in earnings.


To set an example as a socially responsible company.


To diversify in health care related areas.


To strive for excellence and continuous improvement in all spheres.


To improve the quality of life of people by providing better services and quality



ZEE LABORATORIES is having their own marketing network throughout the country from
Leh Laddakh to Andeman & Nicobar islands. Company is having their marketing network in
all of the states and all Union territories of India. Company has formed its marketing network
by appointing marketing distributors/franchisees with monopoly rights (state wise or region
wise). The company is providing all types of promotional inputs and marketing support to
their franchisees.


ZEE LABORATORIES has rapidly expanded in different countries with-in a decade. The
ZEE LABORATORIES Products are extensively marketed and promoted internationally in








INSTITUTIONAL BUSINESS:ZEE has presence in the various institutions and government departments in INDIA, SRI
LANKA & MAURITIUS and is approved and registered with INDIAN RAILWAYS IN
The main government and institutional sector to which ZEE is supplying are

State Pharmaceutical Corporation of Sri Lanka

Ministry of Health, Mauritius

ESI Corporation of India

Indian Army

Government Medical Stores Depot.

Indian Railways.

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Municipal Corporation of Delhi.

United Nations Operations Procurement Services.

JIPMER, Puducherry

NIMHNS, Bangalore

Bombay Municipal Corporation

Govt. of Haryana

Govt. of Himachal Pradesh

Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir

Govt. of Assam

Govt. of Uttar Pradesh

Govt. of Maharashtra

Govt. of Andaman & Nicobar Islands

RMSCL, Rajasthan

KMSCL, Kerala

DHS, Orissa

DHS, Delhi

Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi

Ram Manohar Lohiya Hospital, New Delhi

TNMSC, Tamil Nadu

State Health Society, Bihar


Govt. of West Bengal

Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

Govt. of Jharkhand
ZEE participates regulary in various government and semi government tenders in India and


2013 - Zee Laboratories is awarded by Quality Products by His Excellency The
President of India Mr. Pranab Mukharjee

2013 - Zee Laboratories is awarded "Buisness Wizard of India" by Chief Minister of




Human Resource Department
The basic function of the human resource department in the modern corporate world is
knowledge management. The HR department strives to maintain cohesiveness among
employees. It also ensures interdepartmental cooperation in achieving targets. The appraisal
system is also taken care by this department. The HR department delves deep into the
employees psyche to analyze the positives and negatives of each employee, so that a proper
system of delegation and / or empowerment can be evolved.

Finance Department
The finance department takes care of the regular financial needs of the company it ensures
proper allocation of funds and takes care of the working capital requirements. It verifies
capital raised by different departments and sends them for approval to the higher authorities.

Stores Department
The function of this department is to provide adequate and proper storage and preservation of
various items to meet the demand of various other departments by proper issues and
maintaining accounts of consumption. It also keeps a track of stock accumulation and
abnormal consumption.

Erection and Fabrication Department

As the name suggests, this department identifies new projects and helps in erecting them.
This department also undertakes major modifications of equipment.

SAP Department
SAP department helps to integrate the entire enterprise starting from the supplier to the
customer, covering financial and human resources. This will enable the enterprise to increase
productivity by reducing costs. It also ensures a single solution to the information needs of
the whole organization.


Production Department
As a part of their on going commitment to produce hi-tech quality drugs and pharmaceuticals
that take care of the specific needs of markets around the world, Zee Laboratories Limited
has increased the investment in the production department. It is the most important
department of the company and has the following objectives:
1. Improving volume of production.
2. Reducing rejection rate.
3. Maintaining rework rate.

Engineering Department
This department undertakes building, construction and maintenance. Maintaining service
facilities such as water, gas, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, painting and plumbing are
some of the other areas dealt by this department. This department also helps in maintaining
electrical equipments such as generators, transformers, telephone system and electrical

Purchase Department
The purchase department provides material to the factory without which the wheels of
machines cannot move. The various functions performed by this department include:
Securing good vendor performance, including prompt deliveries of supplies of acceptable
1. To develop satisfactory sources of supply and maintaining good relationships with the
2. To pay reasonably low prices.

Quality Control/Quality Assurance Department

The purpose of QC & QA departments is to ensure that the desired quality standard is
achieved. It also ensures that the processing or fabrication of material conforms to the
specific characteristics selected, to assure that the resulting product will in fact perform its
intended function.


ZEEs therapeutic width covers five of the top six categories including Anti-infective,
Gastrointestinal, Nutritionals, Cardiovascular, Central Nervous System, Respiratory,
Dermatological and others.





For Organization:
Consciously and continually aiming to improve the quality of working life as means
of increasing motivation and improving results. This survey involves increasing
sense of employee satisfaction obtain from their work, so far as possible, reducing
monotony, increasing variety and responsibility and avoiding placing people under
too much stress.
The critical success factor of organization.
The opportunity and threats facing by organization in terms of rate and direction of
growth quantified wherever possible.
Organization can shapes the progression of growth.
Continuous change and launch organizational initiatives that will have the greatest
Workers can facilitate high standards and a safe and nurturing environment.
It is useful for organization to know how employees view the workplace, pay, and
benefits their supervision.
To reduce the barriers between communication.
For the improvement of the organization, survey can provide the data for future
policies and strategies.

For Employees:
Individual within an organization can get opportunity to improve.
To recognized the need of employees for providing training program.

Due to lack of facilities provided by organization, people are not working efficiently
and it has indirect affect on their performance and outcome, so assessing their
needs, working conditions, providing learning and development opportunities,
helping skill development through training interventions and planning




At the ZEE LABORATOIRES KARNAL plant there are so many restriction &
protocols due to security & privacy reason. I did not get the permission to visit every
area of the company, so I was not able to take the opinion of some departments
Many employees did not respond for the survey due to fear of HR department.
Some employees refuse to give answers by giving the reason that they have not the

Due to work load of employees they take so much time to feel the survey form.

We find that employees have the fear of HR so I could not mentioned their age &
name in the survey form.




The research is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. In it we study
the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem
along with logic behind them.


Source of data: - Collected through questionnaires.

Data collection Method:1. Prepared questionnaires by me so that I can easily get the information
from the respondents.
2. The questionnaires was designed in 5 levels
a. Poor Satisfaction
b. Need to improve
c. Seldom satisfaction
d. Great Satisfaction
e. Extremely Delighted

Field work & Experience:- The field of work in survey are not in any
particular department but, I complete my survey by contacting the different
employees from different departments.

Sample Size- 50




From the Survey of the 50 employees of the ZEE LABORATOIRES I found that,

Out of the 50 employees , 9 employees are extremely delighted with their working
life in ZEE LABORATOIRES, 19 employees are grate satisfied, 10 employees feel
seldom satisfaction while 7 employees are think that it need to improve and 5
employees are poor satisfied with their working life in the organization.


Out of the 50 employees , 9 employees are extremely delighted that they are able to
balance their personnel life with working life, 15 employees are grate satisfied, 16
employees feel seldom satisfaction while 7 employees are think that it need to
improve and 3 employees are poor satisfied.


Out of the 50 employees , 9 employees are extremely delighted with understanding

of rules, responsibility & authority at ZEE LABORATOIRES , 18 employees are
grate satisfied, 11 employees feel seldom satisfaction while 3 employees are think
that it need to improve and 9 employees are poor satisfied.


Out of the 50 employees , 9 employees are extremely delighted that they are able to
understand the HR & welfare policy , 15 employees are grate satisfied,10employees
feel seldom satisfaction while 10 employees are think that it need to improve and 6
employees are poor satisfied. I found that many employees are not able to
understand the HR & welfare policy.


Out of the 50 employees , 6 employees are extremely delighted with understanding

of the Vision statement of the company , 17 employees are grate satisfied, 12
employees feel seldom satisfaction while 8 employees are think that it need to
improve and 7 employees are poor satisfied.


Out of the 50 employees , 18 employees are extremely delighted, 11 employees are

grate satisfied, 9 employees feel seldom satisfaction while 9 employees are think

that it need to improve and 3 employees are poor satisfied with the physical
condition of workplace.


Out of the 50 employees , 8 employees are extremely delighted with co-operation

between the departments, 23 employees are grate satisfied, 10 employees feel
seldom satisfaction while 6 employees are think that it need to improve and 3
employees are poor satisfied. Here, I found that most of the employees are satisfied
with the co-ordination between departments.


Out of the 50 employees , 11 employees are extremely delighted with their

interpersonal relationship with their peers & superior, 17 employees are grate
satisfied, 11 employees feel seld-om satisfaction while 11 employees are think that it
need to improve and none of the

employees are poor satisfied. I found that

interpersonal relationship between employees are very piece full


Out of the 50 employees , 15employees are extremely delighted that they are able
to see their career path in ZEE LABORATOIRES, 14 employees are grate satisfied,
11 employees feel seldom satisfaction while 10 employees are think that it need to
improve and none of the employee are poor satisfied. I found that most of the
employees are able to see their career path at ZEE LABORATOIRES.

10. Out of the 50 employees , 16 employees think that their plan to work with ZEE
LABORATOIRES is depends upon their personal growth, 9 employees wants to
work with ZEE LABORATOIRES till their retirement, 5 employees wants to work
for 11 years or more than it, out of 50, 3 employees like to work for 7-10 years with
ZEE LABORATOIRES, 7 employees for 4-6 years, 9 employees for 1-3 years while
only 1 employee wants to work with ZEE LABORATOIRES for less than a year.


Out of the 50 employees , 12 employees are extremely delighted that company

makes good use of employees skill, 22 employees are grate satisfied, 11 employees
feel seldom satisfaction while 4 employees are think that it need to improve and only
one employee feel poor satisfaction.


12. Out of the 50 employees , 10 employees are extremely delighted with freedom to
do job in their own method, 18 employees are grate satisfied, 11 employees feel
seldom satisfaction while 9 employees are think that it need to improve and 2
employees are poor satisfied. I found that most of the employees are satisfied with
the freedom to do job in their own way to do job in better way.

13. Out of the 50 employees , 16 employees are extremely delighted with the quality of
Training given by the ZEE LABORATOIRES, 17 employees are grate satisfied, 8
employees feel seldom satisfaction while 8 employees are think that it need to
improve and 1 employees are poor satisfied.
14. Out of the 50 employees , 18 employees are extremely delighted with the chance to
learn something new, 19 employees are grate satisfied, 8 employees feel seldom
satisfaction while 4 employees are think that it need to improve and 1 employees are
poor satisfied.

15. Out of the 50 employees , 13 employees are extremely delighted with the way
superior gets their view and use in key decision, 17 employees are grate satisfied, 7
employees feel seldom satisfaction while 9 employees are think that it need to
improve and 4 employees are poor satisfied.
16. Out of the 50 employees , 10 employees are extremely delighted with the level of
stress laid by the superior or management, 18 employees are grate satisfied, 14
employees feel seldom satisfaction while 6 employees are think that it need to
improve and 2 employees are poor satisfied.

17. Out of the 50 employees , 13 nemployees are extremely delighted with the way by
which management solve the problem of employees, 23 employees are grate
satisfied, 6 employees feel seldom satisfaction while 6 employees are think that it
need to improve and 2 employees are poor satisfied. I found that most of the


employees are satisfied with the way by which management solve the employees
18. Out of the 50 employees , 16 employees are extremely delighted with the safety
provided by the company, 17 employees are grate satisfied, 9 employees feel seldom
satisfaction while 6 employees are think that it need to improve and 2 employees
are poor satisfied with the safety provided by the company.

19. Out of the 50 employees ,18 employees are extremely delighted with the way
employees skills match with job, 26 employees are grate satisfied, 3 employees feel
seldom satisfaction while 3 employees are think that it need to improve and no one
employees are poor satisfied.
20. Out of the 50 employees, 8 employees think that they feel more satisfaction if
company allow mobile phone inside the plant, other 9 employees said that company
should arrange yearly picnic, 24 employees said that company should provide the
variety & high quality of food while 9 employees feel more satisfaction if company
provide vehicle for interior movement.


Major Factors Which Lead To Satisfaction among the

Employees of Zee Laboratories Ltd
A. Major factors which lead to dissatisfaction among the employees of ZEE

Poor canteen facility & low quality of food

Merit base promotion

Higher work load

Poor understanding of HR policy

B. Major factors which lead to satisfaction among the employees of ZEE


Good relation between superior & subordinate

Co-operation between different departments.

The way of solving the problems of employees by HR

Welfare activity

Safety measures

Safety measures provided by the company

Physical condition of workplace

Able to see their career path



1) Satisfaction level regarding working lifes in an

Frequency of Per.



Poor Satisfaction


Need to Improve
Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted

Figure 1



Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding working
life in the organization. 10% of employees are poor satisfied,14% of employees believe
that it needs to improve,20% of the employees are seldom satisfied, while 38% of the
employees are Greatly satisfied and 18% of the employees are extremely satisfied.


2) Ability to balance work with their personal life

Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction



Need to Improve
Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted

Figure 2

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the
balance in their personal & professional life. 6% of employees are poor satisfied, 14% of
employees believe that it needs to improve, 32% of the employees are seldom satisfied,

30% of the employees are Greatly satisfied and 18 % of the employees are

extremely satisfied.


3) Level of understanding of rules, responsibility & authority

in organisation.

Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction



Need to Improve
Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted

Figure 3

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the
understanding of role, responsibility & authority in the organisation. 18% of employees
are poor satisfied, 6%of employees believe that it needs to improve,22 % of the employees

are seldom satisfied, while 36% of the employees are Greatly satisfied and 18% of the
employees are extremely satisfied.

4) Level of understanding of HR and welfare policy

Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction


Need to Improve


Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction


Extremely Delighted

Figure 4

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding
understanding of HR & Welfare policy. 12% of employees are poor satisfied, 20% of
employees believe that it needs to improve, 20% of the employees are seldom satisfied,
while 30% of the employees are Greatly satisfied and

18% of the employees are

extremely satisfied.



5) Level of understanding of vision statement

Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction


Need to Improve


Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction


Extremely Delighted

Figure 5

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the level
of understanding of Vision statement of the company. 14% of employees are poor
satisfied, 16% of employees believe that it needs to improve, 24% of the employees are
seldom satisfied, while 34% of the employees are Greatly satisfied and 12% of the
employees are extremely satisfied.


6) Level of satisfaction regarding the physical condition of

workplace & space.

Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction


Need to Improve
Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted


Figure 6

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the
Physical condition of workplace. 9% of employees are poor satisfied, 18% of employees
believe that it needs to improve, 18% of the employees are seldom satisfied, while 22% of
the employees are Greatly satisfied and 36% of the employees are extremely satisfied.


7) Satisfaction level regarding co-operation between

different departments

Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction
16.00 6.0012.00

Need to Improve
Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted

Figure 7

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the cooperation between departments. 6% of employees are poor satisfied,12% of employees
believe that it needs to improve,20% of the employees are seldom satisfied, while 46% of
the employees are Greatly satisfied and 16% of the employees are extremely satisfied.


8) Satisfaction level regarding interpersonal relationship

with peers, superiors & subordinate

Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction


Need to Improve
Seldom Satisfaction



Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted

Figure 8

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the interpersonal relationship with peers & subordinates. 22% of employees believe that it needs to
improve, 22% of the employees are seldom satisfied, while 34% of the employees are
greatly satisfied and 22% of the employees are extremely satisfied.


9) The career path that respondent are able to see in the


Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction


Need to Improve
Seldom Satisfaction


Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted

Figure 9

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the career
path that theyre able to see at ZEE LABORATOIRES. 20% of employees believe that it
needs to improve,22% of the employees are seldom satisfied, while 28% of the employees
are Greatly satisfied and 30% of the employees are extremely satisfied.


10) The level of stress laid by the superior or the


Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction




Need to Improve
Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted

Figure 16

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the level
of stress laid by the superior. 4% of employees are poor satisfied, 12% of employees
believe that it needs to improve, 28% of the employees are seldom satisfied, while 36% of
the employees are Greatly satisfied and 20% of the employees are extremely satisfied.


11) The way by which management solve the problem of


Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction



Need to Improve
Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted


Figure 17

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the way
by which management solve the employees problem. 4% of employees are poor satisfied,
12% of employees believe that it needs to improve, 12% of the employees are seldom
satisfied, while 46% of the employees are Greatly satisfied and 26% of the employees are
extremely satisfied.


12) Satisfaction regarding safety provided by the company.

Frequency of Per.
Poor Satisfaction


Need to Improve


Seldom Satisfaction
Great Satisfaction
Extremely Delighted


Figure 18

Above table & chart is showing the level of satisfaction of employees regarding the safety
provided by the company. 4% of employees are poor satisfied, 12% of employees believe
that it needs to improve, 18% of the employees are seldom satisfied, while 34% of the
employees are Greatly satisfied and 32% of the employees are extremely satisfied.




Company should give the guidance regarding employees role, responsibility &
Company should modify their HR & welfare policy that all employee can
understand easily.
Organization should implement the Job rotation after giving proper guidance &
arrangement regarding job.
The freedom for taking the decisions should be increased in the case of
management level of employees because some time quick decisions are necessary
for handling the situation.
The quality of the food of the ZEE LABORATOIRES KARNAL is not so good so
company should modify their canteen facility because during the survey I found
that most of the employees are dissatisfy with the canteen food quality.
The level of security checking is so high at ZEE LABORATOIRES so it should
be decreased at some requires level because outsiders & company employees also
very highly dissatisfied with it.




After preparing report on Employee satisfaction among the employees, I learn lots of things
about it and how it is important to the organization. there are easy & systematic system for all
activities related to work & their human relations are very good in nature & organization
culture is very much inspirational. All employees should be supportive & enthusiastic about
the organization growth.
So lastly all my best wishes for a better future.





P.Subba Rao: Essentials of Human Resources Management and

Industrial Relation, Himalaya Publishing house Edition 2006.

Ashwathappa: Human Resources and Personal Management

Himalaya Publishing house Edition 2005.

L.M.Prasad : Human Resources Management

Sultan Chand & Sons Edition 2006.

V.S.P.Rao : Human Resources Management

Himalaya Publishing house Edition 2006.

Web Sites






*Poor satisfaction, **Need to improve, ***Seldom satisfaction, **** Great
satisfaction, *****Extremely Delighted
Rate your Answer with star as above denoted

Satisfaction level of working lifes in an organization.

Ability to balance work with their personal life.


Level of understanding of role, responsibility & authority in an organization.

Level of understanding the HR & welfare policy.
Level of understanding of vision statement.
Level of Satisfaction regarding the Physical condition of workplace like space, storage & hygiene.
Satisfaction level regarding co-operation between different departments.
Satisfaction regarding the inter-personal relationship with peers, superior & subordinate.
The career path that respondent are able to see in the organization.

Plan to work with ZEE LABORATOIRES in future. (Make a tick mark in front of your answer)
<1 year
1-3 year.
4-6 year
7-10 year
>=11 year
Till Retirement
Depend upon personnel growth
11 Level of which company makes good use of employees skill & talent.

The freedom to try employees own method to do a job in better way.


Quality of training given by the ZEE LABORATOIRES to trainee.


The chances to learning something new.


The way superior gets respondents view & take it when making key decision.


The level of stress laid by the superior or the management.


The way by which management solve the employees problem.


Satisfaction regarding the Safety provided by the company.


The way employees skill match with the job.

List of facility which you (employee) feel that it will help you to increase the satisfaction level.


Man movement vehicle within the plant

Allowing Mobile phone in co.


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