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9th Grade: Romeo and Juliet Introduction

GUIDING QUESTION: How can teen-agers in todays world possibly connect to teen-agers written into
the plot of a play set in the late 1500s?
Research Questions:
1. In your own words, define drama.
Drama is the back stabbing of people, family, and/or friends causing conflict and
emotionalizing in multiple ways.
2. What different types of drama are there? Understand the differences in each of these by
defining them in your own words.
Tragedy, Comedy, and Melodrama
Tragedy: sad or devastating events
Tragicomedy: devastating made happy
Comedy: meant to make laughter
Melodrama: the buildup before something happens
3. Research 8 major elements found in a drama. List these.
Stage Craft
4. What is the name of the famous theater that is linked to William Shakespeare?
The Old Globe
5. Research the answer to question #4. In your own words write a paragraph where you clearly
describe it.
The Old Globe Theatre was built in 1599; was destroyed by fire in June 29th, 1613. The
second Globe Theatre was rebuilt in June 1614. It was shut down by ordinance issued on
September 6th, 1642. It was later on Reconstructed, which opened in 1997, and about
750 feet from the second and original. It was a three stories with an open way
Amphitheatre, that can hold 300 spectators, and with a diameter of 100 feet. The whole
building was a polygon with 20 sides. The base was called the Pit where the people
could watch.
6. Give me one year that Shakespeare lived.
7. What is an apothecary? What is the modern-day term for this career?
Pharmacist, a person who prepared and sold drugs and medicines.
8. What one term fits the following definitions: 1. someone who does not practice what they
preach 2. someone who pretends to have virtues / qualities that he or she does not have?
(food for thought: have you ever known anyone like this???? no need to answer!)
Hypocrite, a dreamer
9. What literary term fits the following definition: a character in a story who is opposite or in
contrast to another character based on personality, actions, qualities, etc.?

10.Hmmmmm! Consider the answer to #9. What might an author hope to achieve by using this
literary device in a story? To make the story line Interesting and give it drama.
11.What is the main difference between the following termsclearly define: soliloquy and
monologue? Soliloquy is more of a narrator (an off screen voice), and Monologue is a character
(an on screen voice) Monologue is a long speech by one actor in a play or movie, as a part of
theatrical or broadcast program. Soliloquy is an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by
oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play.
12.What is the setting of the play Romeo and Juliet. (time and place) How many days does the
play Romeo and Juliet actually cover?
It is in Verona, Italy in the 1300s
It takes 5 days Sunday to Thrusday

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