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CD ESN ‘Swoosh 9.” ano Consolidation worksheets sLechnology, Unit 4 AA. Find 14 words related to the topic technology in the word search below. Write them in the list below. (v => \ Note the words may also be read backwards!) Words: B. Now complete the gaps with a word in the word search above. 1. |used to have a small alovely ________ but it was too slow so last weekend | bought 2. They say that nowadays you're having a bad day when your connection is slow. 3. Most people nowadays have afancy___ instead of a regular___ 4, Even my mother thinks that landlines are __ ___ nowadays. 5. Does anyone know who invented the oa for it? - beam and has the 6. I've just downloaded a new _ to listen to music on my mobile with my 7. Teacher, can | please bring my —___ to class tomorrow for our presentation. It’s much lighter than my portable computer and it has the latest __ technology. Now rewrite the sentences in exercise B so that they are true for you. 285 em © © © © Inventorsfandlinventions) Unit 4 286 A. Link the famous inventors below to their famous inventions. Go online if you need help. - Thomas Edison (1847-1931) C) |. telephone . Ken Kutaragi [1950-present] (> car }. The Wright brothers QO . Mp3 player . Benjamin Franklin (1705-1790) (_) . electricity . Karl Benz [1844-1929} ) . the steam engine . Charles Babbage (1791-1871) . first powered aircraft . Karlheinz Brandenburg (1954- present) |. motion picture camera + first . James Watt [1736-1819] lightbulb . Alexander Bell (1847-1922) 2) i. first Playstation 10, Tim Berners-Lee (1955-present)(_) j. first mechanical computer |. the http protocol for the Internet B. Classify the inventions below with an adjective in the box. If you are not sure of the meaning, look up the word in a(n} (online) dictionary. Television Mobile Car Camera iPod | Playstation Lightbulb = 7 = I= C. Famous facts: complete each gap with an appropriate word. 2 Ani _ is defined as a device, method or process resulting from a lot of studying and experimenting, 2. Inventors need togetap to protect their inventions. 3. Most often inventions are created due to a specific ____ 4 Someofthee _ inventions are the spear, knife and arrow. 5. Thomas Edison is one of manyf _____ inventors. D. Complete the following sentences so that they are true for you. 1. My favourite invention of all times is the 2. An invention that | simply cannot live without is __ ss 3. [really wish that someone would invent — because 4. The silliest invention that | know of is__seeing that —

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