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Lesson Plan

Lesson Objectives

1. Compas
2. The Journal slides
3. Hand out journal template

1. Student will be able to identify cardinal

directions (N, E, S, W)
2. Student will be able to writing a journal.
3. Students will work in a group for a camp,
sharing information to write a journal.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

1. Remind students about the last lesson about Reading a Map. Ask them some
questions about the previous lesson. (they must be able to read a map, understand the
symbols on the map in the previous lesson.)
2. Show students the compas and ask if they know what it is for. Ask students if they
know where and when it is for.
3. Discuss about The Cardinal Direction; North, East, South, West and give simple
example to make them understand (the sun rises in the west and sets in the east).
4. Ask them about the adventure, trip and camping. Ask them if they know some journal
or trip book. Give them a famous book as example; Finn's adventure, Naked traveller,
etc. Explain that this kind of book is just like a journal.
5. Explain that today the students will learn about the journal. Explain that they will
have camping and must writing a journal next week and presentation about it.
Instruct and Model

1. Show slides of Parts of a Journal. Explain for each slides (included benefit to writing
a journal, parts of a journal, types of journal, etc)
2. Hand out the journal template and ask students to compare with the slides that they
have learned before.
3. Ask students to write on the form for every parts of the journal, ask them what type of
the journal it is.
Guided Practice

1. Ask the students to writing journal from the hand out journal template.
2. (Less-guide practice) Put the students into a groups and ask them to discuss their
Independent Practice

Students will have camping and writing a journal's group and private journal.


Summative Assessment: (The journal will be part of an presentation the students will have
over the next few lessons.)
1. Write a journal while camping.
2. Final presentation
Formative Assessment:
1. Put the students into a groups and ask them to compare their journal.
2. Put the students into a groups and ask them to discuss about the journal they made.

For this lesson plan I suggest teacher to show how to use the compass and give the example to
remember that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. I also suggest to mix the students in a
group, make sure that each group have a good person to identify, a good person to writing and a
good person for presentation. And I suggest to have a game Searching Treasure in camp and
give a simple map and draw the cardinal direction, so the students will practice it in real activity
and also practice the previous lesson about reading a map.

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