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Nur Nabellah Binti Mohd Husaini

Juwati Binti Abdul Ghafar
This action research was carried out to improve Year 5 pupils use of article a and an by using
The Adventure of Article Tangle (TAAT) method. Two participants were selected among Year 5
pupils that had the problem of using correct article a and an in English Language. This study
was conducted with the use of teaching aids designed for the teaching articles, which is, Article
Tangle. While the instrument used in this study are Article Tests, observation and questionnaire. I
introduced TAAT method to help participants remembered the articles rules easily. I documented
participants answer and comments throughout the intervention. The findings showed that all
participants had been able to improve their ability in using the article a and an correctly.
Analysis of Article Tests, observation log and questionnaire form showed a massive increase of
participants achievement in using the correct articles. Both participants gained confidence to
complete tasks by their own without having scared of making mistakes. TAAT method was able to
improve students understanding of this difficult area and guide them to a more accurate usage of
the English article system. TAAT method can be the tool to enhance pupils use of articles a and
an if it could integrated with ICT. It easily could help teachers to prepare the materials in a short
time period.
Keywords : Articles, Article Tangle, test, observations, questionnaire

Kajian ini dijalankan bagi meningkatkan penggunaan article a dan an bagi murid Tahun 5
dengan menggunakan teknik The Adventure of Article Tangle (TAAT). Dua peserta kajian telah
dipilih dalam kalangan murid Tahun 5 yang mempunyai masalah penggunaan article a dan an
dengan betul dalam subjek Inggeris. Kajian ini telah dijalankan dengan bantuan mengajar, iaitu,
Article Tangle. Manakala instrumen untuk yang telah digunakan untuk mengumpul data adalah,
ujian, pemerhatian dan soal selidik. Saya telah memperkenalkan kaedah TAAT untuk membantu
para murid untuk mengingati peraturan articles dengan mudah. Saya telah merekod jawapan
dan komen murid sepanjang proses intervensi dijalankan. Keputusan menunjukkan semua
peserta kajian telah berjaya meningkatkan kemahiran mereka dalam menggunakan article a
dan an dengan betul. Analisis dari ujian article, pemerhatian dan soal selidik mendapati
peningkatan pencapaian yang besar dari peserta-peserta kajian dalam menggunakan article
dengan betul. Kedua-dua peserta meperoleh keyakinan dalam melengkapkan tugasan-tugasan
mereka sendiri tanpa perlu takut untuk membuat kesalahan. TAAT juga membantu murid
meningkatkan kefahaman mereka dalam aspek yang sukar dan menjadi petunjuk untuk mereka
lebih teliti dalam menggunakan sistem article. Kaedah TAAT mampu menjadi satu alat yang
dapat membantu pelajar menggunakan articles a dan an dengan betul jika dapat
diintegrasikan dengan ICT. Ia dapat membantu guru untuk menyediakan bahan dengan lebih
mudah pada waktu yang singkat.
Kata Kunci : Article, Article Tangle, ujian, pemerhatian, soal selidik.

In almost any piece of writing submitted by a non-native speaker of English, three things
will often indicate that the writer is working in a second language: the choice of tense
and aspect, the subject and verb agreements, and the use of articles (the, a, an). While
verb problems can largely be overcome and the mistakes in agreements eliminated by
careful proofreading, but the problems with articles frequently remain. Since articles rank
among the five most common words in the English language (Sinclair, 1991, cited in
Master, 2002, p.332), errors in this area are highly noticeable to native speakers.
Articles in English are one of the key indicators of native speaker competence,
and the ease with which native speakers use articles can lead them to ignore the
complexities of the system and often be unaware of their importance to English syntax
(Lipski, 2004, p.13). Hewson (2000,p.132) has called the English article system a
psychomechanism, through which native speakers use articles correctly but
unconsciously. Since errors in the use of articles generally do not impede
communication, many learners may feel that the effort involved in learning the system
correctly is not proportionate to the benefits accrued (Master, 2002, p.216).
Throughout my previous practicum experiences, I had identified Year 5 pupils
were unable to differentiate the indefinite article, a and an, such as a hour and a
apple. They simply put a or an in specific sentences according to their own
preferences. Most of the pupils assumed that grammar was the most boring lesson in
English subject; studying grammar was just to repeat structures, usages for these
structures and vocabulary, and then, practice with exercises.
I had used three methods for collecting preliminary data, which were,
observations, document analysis and diagnostic test. Observation describes the
process of watching the children in our care, listening to them and taking note of what
we see and hear (Douglass, 2011). Observations were done throughout each session of
the intervention. While the second method which was document analysis. It was done by
analyzing pupils previous written material in their workbook, such as in writing and
grammar book. The third method was by conducting a diagnostic test to test pupils prior
knowledge of a topic. Diagnostic tests aim to "trick" students, or rather to reveal whether
they hold common misconceptions about a subject (Cook, 2013).

The focus of my researchs issues is generally on grammar skills which covers
the pupils ability to use indefinite Article. An article is a short word that refers to and
introduces a noun. A noun is a person, place, thing or idea 'a' and 'an' are indefinite
articles, which mean that they refer to, or introduce, an unspecified noun (Cumming,
2007). The issue was identified based on previous experience in school, as I often found
that many of them are still unable to use the correct indefinite Article while writing and
speaking in English. Terry (2011) considered that, teacher should focused on how to
identify and work with their pupils learning problems, as if they go unidentified and
unaddressed, pupils may spend their school years either feeling stupid, struggling with
their schoolwork, or disliking school.

A research objective is a clear, concise, declarative statement, which provides

direction to investigate the variables. Generally, research objective focus on the ways to
measure the variables, such as to identify or describe them. The specification of
research questions (i.e., what is to be studied) and research objectives (i.e., how to
conduct the study) is an extremely important part of any research project.
a) Research General Objectives

To improve the grammar skill of year 5 pupils

b) Specific Research Objectives


To improve students use of Article A and An using The Adventure of Article

Tangle (TAAT) method.
To examine whether The Adventure of Article Tangle (TAAT) method helps to
improve students usage of Article A and An.

c) Specific Research Questions


Can The Adventure of Article Tangle (TAAT) improve students use of Article A
and An?
To what extend can the The Adventure of Article Tangle (TAAT) help to improve
the students usage of Article A and An?

Two research participants were selected out of 38 pupils from Year 5 Jujur for
which they were detected to have problems in using articles correctly. Researcher had
studied and analyzed this issue based on the tests that had been carried out.
Participant A is a male. He was a moderate level of pupil compare to the other
participants. In learning English Language, he sometimes gave his best to participate in
classroom activities, such as giving his answers on certain questions, or completing his
task. While Participant B is a female, she had the same problem in mastering the usage
of Articles. She was a very passive and timid pupil in the classroom. She rarely spoke in
the class, and only spoke with a low voice when the teacher asked her.


The intervention created in this study was designed to improve pupils usage of
article a and an. All participants indicated that thinking through possibilities had helped
them to understand the usage better. The results of the action research confirmed this.
The intervention session was planned to be conducted in three stages. Stage 1
consisted of two activities, named Lets Begin! and second activity called as Choose
Me!. The first activity was intended to give brief explanation about the articles rules and
was continued with gap-filling exercise, which contained 10 different questions for each
participant. Next, for Stage 2, participants were going through two activities that required
them to compete. Ice-Cream Race also known as a maze in the shape of ice-cream,
was a ticket to participants in order for them to move to the next step, which was called
Space Race. Participants needed to pay in order to get their Space Race sheet that

they got in Ice-Cream Race activity. Each of them needed to find as many words as
they could that begins with article a or an. Stage 3 required participants to apply
indefinite articles in writing skills based on Lost in Space Tangle activity. Participants
were showed three different storyline that needed them to fill in the blank with correct
indefinite article in answers sheet given.
This research was conducted by using three data collection method, which were
test, questionnaire and observation. The tests were conducted at the end of Stage 1
and Stage 3 session. The purpose of this test was also to measure participants
achievement during and after the intervention took place. Questionnaires were used to
measure attitudes, facts, or values held by individuals. The implemented questionnaires
were implemented using dual language, which were Malay Language and English
Language. Participants needed to answer these instruments in Stage 1 and at the end of
Stage 3. The third method was observation. It allowed the researcher to collect
information about participants by viewing their actions and behaviors in their natural
surroundings. Observations were conducted gradually throughout each three stages in
order to detect any changes of behaviour or moral etiquette.
In terms of analyzing collected data, I had used three techniques. To evaluate
tests data, I had organized all the needed data presented in table form. It helped me to
identify the different total of marks as well as to compare the marks between both
participants. Meanwhile, results from questionnaires were assessed using close-ended
method, where participants needed to tick (/) in column YES or NO. Through the
intervention process, an observation log with the helped of coding system were used
by the researcher to analyze the data.
To validate the collected result which had been analyzed, I had conducted the
instrument using triangulation method. It was done by using three data collection method
in order to ensure the findings were accurate, as well as to form a proven result. The
research result for each method also must be synchronized to get a valid result. For
example, I had used coding to validate the observation logs in order to get a lawful
researchs result.


A data analysis had been done in order to answer research questions. The data
scored from the assessment sheet given to the participants was analyzed. The result
obtained showed that the participants had great improvement in using correct and
appropriate indefinite articles. Participant A was able to improve the results percentage
from 45% into 96%, while Participant B was capable to get 100% in the last test of
intervention. Meanwhile, the findings of questionnaires also gave a good impression
towards the intervention. Both participants agreed that this intervention, which was TAAT
method, had helped them in improving the usage of indefinite articles compare to
learning through explanation by the teacher. All in all, the researcher could deduce that
these questionnaires solidified the data obtained through the test as described before.
Observation is, in some part, an intuitive process that allows individuals to collect
information about others by viewing their actions and behaviors in their natural
surroundings (Haile, 2008). Overall, participants had displayed a positive respond
towards the intervention by showing an excitement, engaged in activities and also
projected their confidence throughout the intervention process.

Based on the action research that had been conducted, it appears that The
Adventure of Article Tangle (TAAT) method was very helpful and efficient. Through the
analysis of data obtained, it can be concluded that the findings of the study showed a
positive increase among the participants based on the collected instruments. The results
in research findings also indicate that participants had not only identified the correct
article, but had correctly identified where an article was needed. In other words, they had
established that a singular countable noun requires an article, and had then chosen that
article correctly. The findings also proved that participants agreed that the use of
teaching materials benefits the classroom dynamics, gaining pupils attention and
increasing their motivation. They seemed to be more engaged and relax and it was
reflected in their attitude, as they seemed more confident when completing the tasks and
interacting with the researcher. They have felt more motivated and more confident to
express themselves orally. Interventions have helped them to memorize the indefinite
articles rules.


The use of Article Tangle in teaching articles would be more effective if the
intervention could be done continuously throughout the year of study, in order to get
more valid and reliable result. Thus, more nouns can be introduced to the pupils to help
them to remember the rules of indefinite articles as well as able to differentiate the usage
of a and an effectively. In addition, it also recommended repeating each step in the
intervention for several times depending on the pupils ability. Therefore, drilling process
will occur and the rules of articles will remain stored in pupils mind. In line with the
development of technology, the intervention can be produces online, such as ice-cream
race would be more. By using online application, teachers can make it easy for them to
prepare it rather than cutting and pasting the paper onto the manila card to be cut into
the cards sizes. Theres a whole lot of teaching material to wade through online, but its
worth it for those additions that make teachers lessons more engaging


Cumming, A. (2007). Writing expertise and second language proficiency. Language

Learning, 42: 157-82.
Cook, J. (2013, September 4). Demand Media Inc. Retrieved August 16, 2016, from
eHow Education :
Douglass Cook, Lesley Farmer. (2011). Using Qualitative Methods in Action Research;
How Librarian Can Get To The Why Data. USA: American Library Assosiation.
Haile, S. (2008). Comperatives Study of Grammar Teaching Methods. Addis Ababa
University: Institute of Language Studies.
Hewson, J. (2000) Article and Noun in English. The Hague: Mouton.
Lipski, J.M. (2004) On the use of the indefinite article. Hispania, 61, 105-109.
Master, P. (2002) Information structure and English article pedagogy. System, 30, 331348.
Terry M., B. (2011). Why is it important to identify if a child has a Learning Difficulty? | Retrieved 29 February 2016, from

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