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Aloe vera
How to Grow
Here is how to grow aloe vera properly.
1. Sunlight
Aloe vera is a plant that needs a lot of sunlight.
However, avoid too intense sunlight as it can damage the leaves.
Dark brown or orange spots on the leaves is a sign of aloe vera in the sun too much.
If it is severe, the leaves will turn orange scaly and fully. To avoid this, place the aloe vera
in the shade with direct sunlight.
2. Soil and Fertilizer
Aloe vera plant soil must be ensured quite dry (not wet soil). If possible, mix the soil with
sand, pumice, and perlite.
In addition to the right soil, fertilizer application is also required, especially if the aloe vera
seems to grow less fertile.
3. Watering
Aloe vera has fleshy leaves that enables them to save water. Therefore, aloe vera requires
only minimal amounts of water.
The amount of excess water would only cause the plant to rot. Water the aloe vera visible
only when the soil is dry.
4. Changing Pot
Healthy Aloe vera has a rapid growth rate and soon had many buds. If the plant has grown
up so that the pot is not enough anymore, then it's time for you to replace it with a new pot.
Do not let new shoots grow beyond 10 cm because it will suck the energy from the parent
tree. Therefore, immediately separate shoots that have been measuring 10 cm and planted
in a separate pot.
When choosing a pot, select the width instead of the inside because aloe vera does not
have long roots.
Pot the width will accommodate the growth of leaves and shoots.
For the cultivation of aloe in the pot so that the maximum leaf growth over dilakuakn need
special care and intensive. The most important thing in this crop planting is appropriate
irrigation, we must understand that Aloe Vera is a cactus plant. The cactus is a succulent
plant which means it can store water in its trunk


Jasmine flower plant
red rock (fragments)
The first should we provide is the planting medium
Prepare the red rocks (fragments) that are intended to bind water in the bottom of the pot.
a. General mixture; 1/3 sand, 1/3 soil and 1/3 manure
b. Mixture to the dry type; sand part, and part of manure.
c. And a mixture of types of moisture; is soil and manure.
Mixed with ideal soil, with the following conditions:
And if it is available as above eating the media is ready for planting
then the next step is how to grow jasmine in pots, in this case requires great care and
that jasmine flowers can grow well, follow the stages and observe the following way:
Choose tananam pot and plant growth media according to which we will potkan. pots
should also be adjusted to where and how the pot is placed. when the pot and make sure
the media is prepared pots have drainage holes are pretty. choose a plastic polybag
seedlings jasmine and torn with caution so as not to damage the roots, then save the seeds
in the middle of the pot and then piled seeds with a mixture of soil and manure.
fill approximately 1/3 medium pot. then the input, try home media attached to the plant is
still there, so that the plants do not experience stress when moving and adapting to a new
try planting media, press and media slowly with the thumb so that the plant can stand firm.
pots do dition to the brim, leaving about 2 cm from the lips of the pot so easy when
after dipotkan plants, wash plants to taste. outer wall and the bottom of the pot is cleaned
of dirt and planting medium is still attached before placed at the desired place, but are
attempting save the first place that is moist, but no sun for a few days to accelerate growth
of the.


Orchid Flower
1. Planting
Orchid plants are usually grown in a growth medium pot. In the growth medium, there are
a variety of materials in the form of a special material that has been designed for orchids.
Among these are: charcoal or firewood, coconut shell, broken bricks or tiles, and coconut
2. Maintenance
In the maintenance phase of how to grow orchids consists of fertilizing, watering, and pest
and disease control.
a. Fertilization
The process of fertilization of orchids can be done by using chemical fertilizers or manure.
Fertilization with chemical fertilizers is done by comparing how seedlings or mid-size with
a different ratio. For comparison seedlings comparison of K, P, K, is 60:30:10. Here
nitrogen in order to form a more given more protein compounds useful for the growth of
orchids danperkembangan. While the mid-size ratio of K, P, K, is 30: 30: 30.Untuk
fertilization using the manure can be done with the dirt goats, horses, buffaloes, and cows.
Besides contains various elements needed for plant, animal manure also help once for
water storage, especially in the dry season.
Significantly chemical fertilizer application does little to accelerate the growth of orchids.
This is because the chemical fertilizers have substituted the various elements needed


Bahan :
Bunga Anggrek
1. Penanaman
Tanaman anggrek biasanya ditanam di dalam pot yang merupakan media pertumbuhan.
Dalam media pertumbuhan ini terdapat berbagai bahan yang berupa materi khusus yang
telah didesain untuk tanaman anggrek. Di antaranya, yaitu:arang atau kayu bakar, kulit
kelapa, pecahan batu bata atau genting, dan sabut kelapa.
2. Pemeliharaan
Pada tahap pemeliharaan dari cara menanam bunga anggrek terdiri dari pemupukan,
penyiraman,serta pengendalian hama dan penyakit.
a. Pemupukan
Proses pemupukan tanaman anggrek dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pupuk kimia
atau pupuk kandang. Pemupukan dengan pupuk kimia dilakukan dengan perbandingan
cara seedlings atau mid-size dengan perbandingan berbeda. Untuk seedlings
perbandingannya perbandingan K, P, K, adalah 60:30:10. Disini unsur nitrogen lebih
banyak diberikan agar membentuk senyawa protein lebih banyak yang berguna bagi
pertumbuhan danperkembangan anggrek. Sedangkan secara mid-size perbandingan K, P,
K, adalah 30:30:30.Untuk pemupukan menggunakan pupuk kandang dapat dilakukan
dengan pemberian kotoran kambing, kuda, kerbau, dan sapi. Selain mengandung berbagai
macam unsur yang dibutuhkan tanaman, pupuk kandang juga membantu sekali untuk
penyimpanan air, khususnya di musim kemarau.
Secara signifikan pemberian pupuk kimia memang sedikit dapat mempercepat
pertumbuhan tanaman anggrek. Hal ini karena dalam pupuk kimia telah disubtitusi
berbagai unsur yang dibutuhkan.

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