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// comment

/* multi line comment */

#include <iostream>
#include <vector> <string> <fstream>
using namespace std; // to replace std:cout
int main(){
cout // or std::cout
cout << "Hello World" << endl; // similar to system.out.println
return 0; // always end in return 0
g++ -std=c++11 ctut.cpp // compile
./a.out // run
variables and data types
start with letter, contain letters, numbers, and _
const doubleb PI = 3.1415926535; // constant cannot be changed uppercase name
char myGrade = 'A'; // one byte
bool isHappy = true; // or false
int myAge = 39;
float favNum = 3.141592; // accurate up to 6 decimal places
double otherfavNum = 1.6180339887; // accurate up to 16 digits
cout << "Favorite Number" << favNum << endl; // Favorite Number3.14159

other types include

short int : at least 16 bits
long int : at least 32 bits
long long int : at least 64 bits
unsigned int : same size as signed version
long double : not less then double

cout << "Size of int " << sizeof(myAge)

<< endl; // tells how many bytes an int is // can do for char, bool, flo
at, double
int largestInt = 2147483647;
cout << "Largest int " << largestInt << endl; // 2147483647
int largestInt = 2147483648;
cout << "Largest int " << largestInt << endl; // -2147483648 // out of bounds of
data type
+ - * / % ++ -cout << "5 + 2 = " << 5+2 << endl; // 5 + 2 = 7
int five = 5;












five += 6; five = five + 6;

order of operations
* and / before + and cout << "4 / 5 = " << 4 / 5 << endl; // 0
cout << "4 / 5 = " << (float) 4 / 5 << endl; // cast to see decimal points 0.8
casts: (float) (int) (double)
if statements
comparison operators: == != > < >= <=
logical operators: && || !
int age = 70;
int ageAtLastExam = 16;
bool isNotIntoxicated = true;
if((age >= 1) && (age < 16)){
cout << "You can't drive" << endl;
} else if(! isNotIntoxicated){
cout << "You can't drive" << endl;
} else if(age >= 80 && ((age > 100 || ((age - ageAtLastExam) > 5))) {
cout << "You can't drive" << endl;
} else {
cout << "You can drive" << endl;

// limited number of possible options

int greetngOption = 2;
case 1 : // if value of greetingOption is 1
cout << "bonjour" << endl;
break; // end switch statement, if don't do this checks other options
case 2 : // if value of greetingOption is 2
cout << "Hola" << endl;
case 3 : // if value of greetingOption is 3
cout << "Hallo" << endl;
default :
cout << "Hello" << endl; // default statement if no other match
// prints out Hola
ternary operator

variable = (condition) ? true : false

int largestNum = (5>2) ? 5 : 2;
int myFavNums[5];
int badNums[5] = {4, 13, 14, 24, 34};
cout << "Bad Number 1: " << badNums[0] << endl; // 4
multi dimensional arrays
char myName[5][5] = {{'D', 'e', 'r', 'e', 'k'},
{'B', 'a', 'n', 'a', 's'}};
cout << "2nd letter in 2nd array " << myName[1][1] << endl; // a
myName[0][2] = 'e'; // first array, 3rd letter
cout << "New Value " << myName[0][2] << endl; // e
for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++){
cout << i << endl;
// print 1 2 3 4...
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++){ // two arrays
for(int k = 0; k <5; k++){ // 5 places in arrays
cout << myName[j][k];
cout << endl;
// prints Deeek Banas
while loops
int randNum = (rand() % 100)

return 0;

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