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Social Responsibility

JJT Task 1
Social Responsibility
Develop a social responsibility strategy for your chosen client which includes the following components:
A1. Environmental considerations and recommendations (planet)
This strategic plan for Wide River Community College District promotes a college wide mission for implementing substantial effort to reduce our
environmental impact on the planet, on our neighborhoods, and on our college campuses. Wide River Community College District chooses to
promote sustainability in action by reaching, teaching and practicing the suggestions outlined in this strategic plan for a higher quality of living,
while ensuring a healthier environment today with greater possibilities for the next generation.
Promote the use of alternative forms of transportation for students and faculty:
Ride sharing/carpooling
Taking the bus
Impact: Through the student services department, the Associated Students at Wide River City College (ASWRCC) make it possible for full time
students to ride the bus for free with a Go Pass. Using alternative methods of transportation supports reduction of greenhouse emissions, which
are mostly a mix of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. Reducing these emissions will be contributing to better air
quality, helping to make our neighborhoods a healthier place to live, work, and play; with less traffic congestion, recovering air quality, and less
financial stress for both students and faculty.
Promote and establish efficient ways of energy saving control methods for use on the college campuses:
When natural sunlight can be used instead of artificial lighting, open the shades and/or windows.

Instruct students, faculty, and staff to turn off lights when not in use.
Keep a maintenance log for servicing and changing the air filters of heating and cooling systems on campus.
Turn thermostat off when buildings are not occupied.
Impact: Using energy more efficiently will reduce the cost of utilities and help deter the emissions of greenhouse gases creating a healthier
learning environment. Savings earned from actively endorsing and practicing these small changes can be turned into extra money for the use of
going green upgrades and for using energy saving devices.
Promote, reach, and teach employees, faculty and students the implementation of water management district wide:
Maintain natural landscapes with minimum use of water by planting indigenous and/or self-sustaining sceneries.
Know and record water meters for every building on campus.
Develop a maintenance plan to locate and fix leaky faucets and/or toilets.
Replace any water using fixtures with water saving, environmentally friendly upgrades.
Impact: Self-regulating water usage is crucial to the sustainability of the planet. Controlling the water flow and implementing water usage habits is
beneficial to cutting costs and for preserving and sustain fresh water supply. Develop a water management plan for college consumption through
research and the presently functioning resource use. Graph improvement and post results for outreach support and to facilitate a plan for unified
water sustainability management.
Promote waste and material recycling; properly dispose of prospective ecological toxic waste:
Know or learn the environmental waste laws for each city and/or congressional district the college campuses are located on.
Toxic potential technical waste should be disposed of at an pre-determined authorized designation.
Reduce the use of paper by scanning files; go paperless; communicate through email; recycle junk mail.
Properly label trash bins for trash only; label a list of acceptable items for recycle bins.

Impact: Recycling and the reduction of waste reduces the need for energy. By using less energy, fewer fossil fuels are burned, reducing the carbon
dioxide that is released into the air. This makes for a cleaner atmosphere, improved respiratory function, and promotes a healthy environment. By
cashing in on old technological equipment at an authorized dealer, new, energy saving computers and advanced technological gadgets can be
A2. Ethical leadership considerations and recommendations (people)
The strategic plan for Wide River Community College District promotes a college wide mission for implementing and maintaining ethical and
moral standards and social responsibility from internal and external stakeholders in our neighborhoods and on our college campuses. Wide River
Community College District chooses to promote social responsibility in action by reaching, teaching and practicing the guidelines outlined in this
portion of the strategic plan for a higher quality of working, volunteering, and abiding fundamental laws while supporting diversity.
Wide River Community College Districts vision and values are expressed orally and tangibly (employee handbook) to every employee during
the hiring orientation.
Faculty, staff, and administration add to the compilation of the vision and values of Wide River Community College District within their
departmental discipline and exemplify them in everyday practices.
Evaluations, career progression, and promotions are weighed on both the integration of social responsibility at every level; morals, ethics,
environment responsibility and the incorporation of performance standards displayed by the employee.
The College is earnestly engaged in the professional growth of its employees by taking an active role in contributing to their development
through in house workshops. This includes educating faculty about environmental issues at every discipline so that they can teach the students the
importance of reversing carbon footprints.
Impact: Understanding the ethical leadership and social responsibility expectations of Wide River Community College District by their staff,
administration, and faculty promotes self-control and responsibility for ones own actions, and holds everyone (especially management and
administration) to the same standard. Results can be advantageous to the college and the community or damaging to the college and community
according to the choices, actions, and activities individuals chose to participate.

Wide River Community College District is student centered and committed to the academic, social, ethical, and environmental growth of
domestic and international student populations at each campus. It is the ambition of the college to instruct the students the importance of the
consequences if the academic and social responsibility duty each human being has is not incorporated in everyday life.
The College makes every effort to educate students as to the academic, social and diverse impact they potentially own as a young adult at this
college and beyond.
Wide River Community College District encourages student innovation and creative development by emphasizing greater environmental
awareness, social and academic responsibilities, and college citizenship.
The college offers to every student ethical, political, and social responsibility accomplishments through student government, academic senate,
and a platform on institutional college effectiveness and the Board of Trustees. This improves the communication connection of students and
administration and faculty.
Impact: As stewards and educators of Wide River Community College District, the administration, faculty, and staff are committed to the
philosophy of social responsibility and benefits of academic performance. The social impact students will make on the community and/or the
planet is partly in our hands, or at least implied hypothetically. The college makes ready the superlative resources for social responsibility through
student body clubs, student government, and student committees for causes; effective education techniques with social accountability through
World Affairs Council, NAFSA (International Educators Association), forums, and presentations with the anticipation that student performance
results will increase the success of the college, the environment, society, and the planet.
The College does not support or interact with any organization that violates or degrades basic human rights or the integrity of human rights.
Wide River Community College District is actively engaged in the community, providing students and staff with opportunities to volunteer at
socially responsible events, fundraise for Associated Students Wide River City College clubs and organizations, and/or engage in the preservation
and rich history of the city through government resources and grants.
Communication is always open and current between the Wide River Community College District and the community in which it resides.
Residents of the city are elected to the Districts Board of Trustees.
Wide River Community College District respects the diversity of people, the economic status, social and political positions, and cultural climate
in which the college thrives.

Impact: Socially responsible ethics abound through societal, professional, and character value traits throughout the community population, and
make up and influence student performance. Partnership with the city is an avenue whereby encouragement and ethical reasoning can further
enhance the strategic role the college plays in social responsibility and ethics within the city.
A3. Organizational viability considerations and recommendations (profitability)
Typically, organizational viability is measured by the financial sustainability and/or profitability of the organization; in educational circles
profitability is essential to the learning outcomes, retention, and success of the student population. The composite dimension of any colleges
strategic plan doesnt work without excellent faculty, committed administration, and student centered staff.
Core Conceptions:
Wide River City College must provide tangible evidence of the resources being transported into the community to justify adequate monetary
support for government funding.
Wide River City College welcomes a diverse population of student body made up of international students from 50 different countries that help
expand the minds of American students understanding of global awareness and increase knowledge and consideration of ethnic, religious,
economic, political, historical and cultural dimensions of the world.
In todays global climate Wide River City College must equip the student population with sustainable global knowledge for fluid interaction and
challenges that will arise from dealing in a global minded 21st century marketplace, while maintaining a level of discernment and sensitivity to our
international neighbors. This can be implemented by a study abroad exchange program available to all students through Fulbright scholarships.
Impact: The city and college receive benefits in the form of resources provided through graduating students who bring academic, social and
economic value to the community by working, playing, and supporting the economic growth of the community. The community also benefits from
international students by means of economic resources from the retail purchasing, apartment/house renting, and social and religious worshipping
exchanges in the community. Wide River Community College must have a good relationship with the superintendent of schools and the county
board of education to push through legislation for more funding while establishing opportunities for young people today.
Identity and Image
Official logos identify both visual and perceived images of a product or an entity at first mention or thought. Logos represent every conceivable
positive or negative bit of information floating around in ones mind, and why it is a duty to manage and protect this important asset carefully.
Logos represent the sphere of influence an institution possesses, and its ability to separate itself from other similar institutions.

The necessity for standards at a community college are extremely important for the mindset of the students, employees, and faculty. Establishing
up front what kind of behavior is expected should be thoroughly explained in the orientation process for both students and employees. Ethics,
values, and morals should be expected from every stakeholder.
Forming and dealing with human diversity and/or sensitivities is not easily accomplished, and the process can and should be ongoing. Wide
River Community College was established in 1916 and already has a well-known element tied to the name; but inconsistent messages being
presently sent out via the Wide River Community College employees or the present dysfunction of the administration can damage nearly 100 years
of notoriety by an unfortunate string of bad press.
Impact: Consistent messages of outreach, support, and passion for education will greatly build a perception and fortification of a unified image to
our college brand and/or logo. As a public institution, the very essence of Wide River Community Colleges identity influences decisions made by
community and international stakeholders. In turn, those choices create a major difference to our accreditation and to the significance we portray
as a viable choice for higher education. It would be prudent during this tumultuous decline in administration credibility to hold employees
accountable for their actions; the higher the job title, the higher the expectations are.
Stakeholder Value
Every interaction between students and/or community is an opportunity to establish value and credibility as an educational public institution to
the stakeholders. The colleges reputation as an influential educational facility is a result of everything culminated, from the way we teach to the
way we accommodate our students.
A healthy, educated individual is of great value and an important commodity that needs to be recognized and addressed by the legislative
government effectively enough to promote better pathways for the average student to succeed in a community college or a university.
The communitys most valuable asset is an educated college graduate. An educated graduate fills jobs that require skillsets of many different
disciplines, especially in todays workforce with changes in technology and the people needed to work the technology should be made available to
all stakeholders. Consistent and identifiable accessible resources ought to be available and offered for further advancement of the student.
Impact: A healthy environment of educational shifting partnered with family, political and community organizations, educational specific
foundations (ie. Bill and Melinda Gates), consortiums developed between community colleges and/or universities; these are all necessary steps in
creating better pathways for all stakeholders who will one day be contributing to the economic and social base of the community, the environment,
and the world.
Success and Survival

It is crucial for students entering college for the first time to make individual and social adjustments to ensure college success. This takes the
support of family, faculty and staff to help students balance the burdens of school, work, and home, and other adjustments that need to be made for
financial and stress management success.
Engaging in college life will be a tremendous help in balancing academic and social opportunities. Building personal confidence and trust will
help strengthen the community colleges challenges of growth and development along with greater competence in the adjustments of being a young
adult in a college atmosphere.
Equal opportunity for the advancement of every student who has the desire for academic advancement, including those students who are
physically or mentally handicapped; the blind, deaf and disabled; the Veterans; the poor; the American dream divided into equal participation
equal promise and equal quality education for all.
Impact: Recognizing that the global marketplace is narrowing the gap, and deepening the demand for a new kind of knowledge and skillsets from
the workforce; educational institutions must shift the curriculum and educational determinants needed for transitioning away from the industrial
era into the technological era. Pursuing this change of course will require the support of the community, as well as other educational resources, and
the professional growth of the institution to implement the changes. These are ambitious and challengeable goals, but necessary for the survival
and sustainability of the planet as a whole.
4A. Legal and regulatory considerations and recommendations:
Legal, ethical, and social responsibility
Wide River City College is held to the standard of trust, good faith, ethics and integrity for the care and education of our students by the
community, the Superintendent of schools and the Board of Education. In an attempt to continually fulfill the values bestowed upon us, the
ongoing and ever-growing implementation of social responsibility and environmental good will is a top priority for the college. The college
population is committed to the application of the global environmental goals by partnering with the International Sustainability Organization
(ISO). With the endorsement and backing of the Board of Trustees and the Administration, Wide River City College has acquired adequate
resources and support for the educating and administering compliance for environmental sustainment. The task is to eliminate harmful effects on
the environment caused by the educational and social activities we take for granted in our everyday routines. With the financial allocation of the
state budget, and the backing of the college and the colleges resources, responsibilities should be given out to the appropriate people and approved
by the Board of Trustees.
Impact: Enlisting a task force for compliance of environmental issues will have a major effect on air quality, the initiating of self-regulated water
conservation, the responsible disposal of waste materials, the self-awareness of preserving the environment by not littering, and by recognizing

and respecting nature, and the wildlife that lives there. This will promote better citizenship, more responsible employees and students, and a
cleaner eco-friendly community and college.
Individual social responsibility
As members of the community and college our students and faculty can implement awareness training that will have a trickledown effect on the
community. To thrive as a community, and on a larger scale, a global community we must take responsibility for our duties as a part of humanity,
living on a planet that we are beneficiaries for. As part of humanity we must take care of the children, the older folks, and the impoverished.
Volunteer whenever possible in the community. It is an act of goodwill, and might be beneficial for improving your social life, and your contacts.
Attend the city council meetings, especially when your district is being affected by an environmental issue. Take part in the educational Parents
Teachers Association (PTA) and volunteer for field trips, or become a helper in a childs room. Always act inside the sphere of integrity, honesty,
and ethics. These are qualities of a leader, an example to your peers and children, and ultimately to yourself.
Impact: Ultimately the socially responsible will include a larger group of people than it has at present. While the proposed recommendations above
will help to improve global responsibilities, both socially and environmentally, there is so much more to accomplish that it seems sometimes to be
an overwhelming task. We must rely on the basic fundamental acts of charity, kindness, volunteerism, honesty in dealing with others, respect for
diversity. Individual social responsibility is tremendously important. Baby steps of implementation will soon become great strides of
Socially responsible organizational sustainability:
Establishing guidelines must be implemented by first doing a complete examination of the campuses open space and the present state of the
buildings on campus. The college can get information and guidelines from the (2014) Environmental assessment of sites and organizations
(EASO) and HB 206 Initial Environmental Review (handbook). This will enable a starting point for the tasks that need to be accomplished before
bringing our college campus into compliance with global environmental standards, and for provisional incentive aimed at continuous maintenance
and ongoing improvement.
Impact: The external collective influences of acting socially responsible as an organization will provide incentive for proper efforts into addressing
or readdressing environmental methods and a structured, updated plan for sustainability by the Mayors office. Acting responsibly will speak to
any needed changes in the way large and small businesses are run inside of the community, and even into the domestic way we are adopting the
methods of going green into our homes. The serious effort given to promote environmental issues and social responsibility at all levels of society
needs to be maintained as a number one priority.

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