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Introduction to Nuclear Engineering by Lamarsh exercise

The isotopic abundance of naturally occurring hydrogen is as follows:
1H 99.985 atom %
2H 0.015 atom%
When H2 gas is formed from naturally occurring hydrogen, what percentages of the
molecules have molecular weights of approximately 2, 3 and 4?
P(1,1H2) = P(1H)P(1H)
= 0.99985 99.985 %
= 99.97000225 %

in H2=2

P(1,2H2) = 2P(1H)P(2H)
= 2 0.99985 0.015 %
= .0299955 %

in H2= 3

P(2,2H2) = P(2H)P(2H)
= 0.00015 0.015 %
= 2.25 10-6 %

in H2=4

H= 2 atoms

H = 2 atoms , 2H=1 atoms

H=2 atoms

(Note: P denotes probability of occurence)

The Earth's mass is about 5.972 * 10^24 Kg

The density of a nuclei is about 4 * 10^17 kg/m^3
If we divide these we get the volume of the earth at the density of a nucleus:
5.972 * 10^24 / 4 * 10^17 = 14,930,000 cubic meters
Compare that to the earths actual volume of 1.08 * 10^21 cubic meters
We know that the volume of a sphere is 4/3 * pi * r^3 where r is the radius. Let's calculate the
radius of the earth at the density of a nucleus:
4/3 * pi * r^3 = 14,930,000
r^3 = 14,930,000 * (3/4) / pi = 3,564,275
r = 3,564,274^(1/3) = 153 meters

The earth would have a radius of only 153 meters if it had the density of a nucleus. That is less
than the distance of 2 football fields.

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