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Experiment No.

6A: Determination of the Molar Volume of a Gas and the Universal Gas Constant
Jeremy Senver A. Hombre, Merrene Bright D. Judan
Chem 14.1, MAB3, Dmitri Leo Cordova
April 25, 2016
I. Abstract
This paper describes the processes involved in the determination of the molar volume of a gas and the
universal gas constant. In the experiment, the volume occupied by one mole of gas was determined. The gas was
generated by allowing a known mass (and thus a known number of moles) of magnesium (Mg) ribbon to react
with hydrochloric acid (HCl) according to the equation:
Mg(s) + 2 HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
Direct and indirect measurements were made to determine the volume, temperature, pressure, and the number of
moles of hydrogen gas (H2). The universal gas constant can then be determined from the ideal gas equation: PV
= nRT. From the calculated volume of R, which is 8.2517 kPaL/molK, the molar volume of the gas at standard
temperature and pressure (STP) can be determined using the Ideal Gas Equation, which is 22.24 L/mol.
II. Keywords
Ideal Gas Law, Universal Gas Constant, Molar Volume, Kinetic Molecular Theory
III. Introduction
Gas is a state of matter in which a
substance possesses perfect molecular mobility and
the property of indefinite shape, volume and
expansion (Chang, 2010). Gases differ significantly
from solids and liquids in several respects. For
example, a gas expands spontaneously to fill its
container. Consequently, the volume of a gas equals
the volume of its container. Gases are also highly
compressible: When pressure is applied to a gas, its
volume readily decreases. Solids and liquids, on the
other hand, do not expand to fill their containers and
are not readily compressible. Regardless of their
identities and relative proportions, two or more
gases form a homogenous mixture.
These characteristics arise among gases
because molecules are relatively far apart. In any
given volume of air, for example, the molecules take
up only about 0.1% of the total volume with the rest
being empty space. Thus, each molecule behaves
largely as though the others were not present. As a
result, different gases behave similarly even though
they are made up of different molecules. (Brown,
The Kinetic Molecular Theory is used to
describe the behavior of gases, which states:
A gas is composed of a very large number
of extremely small particles in constant,
random, straight-line motion.
Molecules of a gas are separated by great
distances. The gas is mostly empty space.
Molecules collide only fleetingly with one
another and with the walls of their container,

and most of the time molecules are not

There are assumed to be no forces between
molecules except very briefly during
collisions. That is, each molecule acts
independently of all the others and is
unaffected by their presence, except during
Individual molecules may gain or lose
energy as a result of collisions. In a
collection of molecules at constant
temperature, however, the total energy
remains constant.

This theory aided in the formulation of the

Ideal Gas Law, which states that the pressure (P) of
the gas multiplied to its volume (V) is equal to the
number of moles of gas (n) multiplied to the
universal gas constant (R) and temperature (T) in
Kelvin. Mathematically, it is summarized as:
PV = nRT
In reality, however, we need to take into
account the changes in volume and pressure, due to
intermolecular forces and finite molecular volumes of
gases. We can then rewrite the Ideal Gas Equation
as follows:
(P + an2/V2)(V nb) = nRT
This is called the van der Waals equation in which a
and b are the correction factors, the values of which
are experimentally determined for each gas.

Experiment 6A: Determination of the Molar Volume of a Gas and the Universal Gas Constant

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Experiment 6A aims to determine the value

of the universal gas constant using the Ideal Gas
Law equation and the molar volume of one mole of a
gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP).
Both determinations will make use of the data to be
obtained from the reaction of a piece of magnesium
(Mg) ribbon and hydrochloric acid (HCl), according
to the reaction:
Mg(s) + 2 HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
The ideal gas equation summarizes the
other gas laws: Boyles Law, Charless Law, Gay
Lussacs Law, and Avogadros Law.
Boyles Law states that gas pressure is
inversely proportional to the volume, given
that the temperature is held constant.
Mathematically, it is described as: P1V1 =
P2V2, where the subscript indicates the initial
and final states of the gas. This applies to all
succeeding laws.
Charles Law states that the volume of the
gas is directly proportional to its
temperature, given that the pressure is held
constant. Mathematically, it is described as:
V1/T1 = V2/T2.
Gay Lussacs Law states that the pressure
of the gas is directly proportional to its
temperature, given that the volume is held
constant. Mathematically, it is described as:
P1/T1 = P2/T2.
Avogadros Law states that number of moles
is directly proportional to the gas volume,
given that the pressure and temperature are
held constant. Mathematically, it is
expressed as: V1/n1 = V2/n2

constant called the universal gas constant and is

equal to the theoretical value of 0.08206
Latm/Kmol. The determination of the values for the
universal gas constant and the molar volume of the
gas is significant to the study of gases because it
relates all the variables in the equation and it allows
the units among the variables to cancel out correctly.
IV. Methodology
A 400-mL beaker was three-fourths filled
with tap water at room temperature. Then, an
approximately 20-cm magnesium (Mg) ribbon was
weighed. Three 0.4-cm Mg ribbon was then cut from
the pre-weighed 20-cm Mg ribbon. The masses of
each ribbon were calculated using the recorded
weight of the 20-cm Mg ribbon.
One of the ends of the paper clip was
unbent and pierced into the narrower end of the cork
stopper. The Mg ribbon was inserted in and held in
place, at about 2-3 cm from the cork, by the bent
portion of the paper clip.
Then, 3 mL of 3 M HCl was poured into a
clean and dry 10-mL graduated cylinder. By means
of a plastic wash bottle, water was added to the
graduated cylinder until it was completely full. The
cork assembly was now inserted into the graduated
cylinder, ensuring that the water escapes through
the hole in the stopper. Then, the graduated cylinder
was inverted with one finger placed over the hole in
the stopper and immediately lowered into the beaker
of water. The evidence of reaction was recorded
after being observed.

The Ideal Gas Law implies that different

gases will have identical volumes as long as the
other variables are held constant. In order to avoid
differences in computed values, it has been agreed
to use the conditions of STP, where temperature is
273.15 K and pressure is 1 atm. From this, we can
compute for the molar volume of any gas, which is
22.43 L/mol.
Finally, this study is significant because the
Ideal Gas Law allows for an accurate description of
the behavior of real gases at low pressures and at
temperatures which are high relative to the boiling
point. The equation describes the relationship
among the four variables: P (pressure in
atmospheres), V (volume in liters), T (temperature in
Kelvin), and n (number of moles), which are four
measurable properties that can be used to describe
a gas. The R in the equation is a proportionality

Figure 1. Set-up for the experiment

When the reaction was completed, the

system was allowed to stand for 2-3 minutes,
tapping the sides of the cylinder to dislodge gas

Experiment 6A: Determination of the Molar Volume of a Gas and the Universal Gas Constant

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bubbles. It was made sure that all pieces of

magnesium reacted. To make the levels of water
inside and outside the cylinder were nearly even, the
position of the graduated cylinder was adjusted. This
is to ensure that the total pressure inside the
cylinder is the same as the barometric pressure. The
gas volume was recorded to the nearest 0.01 mL.
The experiment was repeated twice more,
rinsing the cylinder, beaker, paper clip and cork
stopper thoroughly between trials. The diluted
hydrochloric acid (HCl) was neutralized with sodium
bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and was flushed down the
V. Results
Table 1 shows the standard value for
pressure and the measured value for temperature.
Table 1: Obtained Values for Temperature and Pressure of
the Gas

Atmospheric pressure
(mmHg and kPa)
Temperature of water in
beaker (C and K)
Vapor pressure of water
measured at indicated
Corrected pressure of
gas in cylinder

760 mmHg or
101.325 kPa
30C or 303.15 K
4.2455 kPa
97.0625 kPa

Table 2 shows other necessary values

obtained in the three trials conducted, such as mass
and of Mg ribbon, and the volume and number of
moles of the gas. The values obtained are rounded
off until four significant digits
Table 2: Obtained Values for Volume, Mass, and Number of
Moles of the Gas in Three Trials

Volume of
gas (L)
Mass of
20-cm Mg
ribbon (g)
Mass of
0.4-cm Mg
reacted (g)
Moles of
Mg used
Moles of H2

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3








2.651 10-4

2.651 10-4

Ratio of
volume of
to moles of





Table 3 shows the universal gas constant,

R, in two units, kPaL/molK and atmL/molK,
obtained from the information gathered through
direct and indirect determinations. The values
obtained are rounded off until five significant digits.
Table 3: Obtained Values for the Universal Gas Constant in
Different Units


Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3










Table 4 shows the actual accepted values of

universal gas constant, R, in two units, kPaV/nT and
atmL/molK. The values are in four significant digits.
Table 4: Actual Values for the Universal Gas Constant in
Different Units



VI. Discussion
The ideal gas law gives an accurate
description of the behavior of gases at low pressure
and high temperature; it assumes that molecules
have no intermolecular forces and do not occupy
volume since under those conditions, the molecular
density is low. The molecules are too far apart to
feel attractive forces exerted by other molecules.
Furthermore, since the molecules are far apart, the
volume occupied by the molecules is negligible
compared to the total volume.
The R in the Ideal Gas Law is a
proportionality constant called the gas constant and
has an accepted value of 0.08206 L-atm/K-mol.
Based on this, the ideal gas law reveals that
different gases will occupy the same volume given
that they have the same number of moles at same
pressure and temperature. Under the conditions of
STP, standard temperature of 273.15 K and a
pressure of 1 atm, one mole sample of any gas
would occupy 22.4 L. This is known as the molar
volume of gas at STP. Therefore, changing the

Experiment 6A: Determination of the Molar Volume of a Gas and the Universal Gas Constant

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temperature or pressure would cause a change in

the molar volume of gas.
In the experiment, hydrogen (H2) gas was
generated by the single displacement reaction of
magnesium (Mg) with hydrochloric acid (HCl):

The temperature was indirectly measured by

recording the temperature of the water near the
mouth of the graduated cylinder, which is found to
be at 30 C or 303.15 K. By assuming that the
temperature of the gas and the liquid around it is the
same, it is expected that there will be little deviations
from the actual value.

Mg(s) + 2 HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

Before going through the experiment proper,
the disposal procedures are worth mentioning. At
the end of each trial, the corrosive aqueous solution
of hydrochloric acid (HCl) was made to react with
sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) to produce a sodium
chloride (NaCl) and water (H2O). The evolution of
gas is also due to the formation of carbon dioxide
(CO2), as gas. It was done so as to neutralize the
corrosive mixture so that it could be disposed of
easily into the sink. The reaction can be summarized
as follows:
NaHCO3(s) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

On the other hand, the pressure and the

moles of hydrogen gas can only be determined
indirectly based on other values initially given. The
pressure of the gas can be obtained by subtracting
the vapor pressure of water at 25C, which is 4.2455
kPa, from the atmospheric pressure, which is
101.308 kPa.
Pgas = 101.308 kPa 4.2455 kPa = 97.0625 kPa
This is consistent with Daltons Law of Partial
Pressure which states that "the total pressure of a
mixture of gases equals the sum of the pressures
that each would exert if it were present alone."
Adding the partial pressures, that is, the pressure of
the gas and the vapor pressure of water, we get the
value of atmospheric pressure.
Moreover, the number of moles of the gas
can be easily determined using stoichiometry. Based
on the reaction above, the number of moles of Mg
that reacted with HCl will produce the same number
of moles of H2. To get the moles of H2, we divide the
mass of magnesium (Mg) by its molar mass, then we
multiply the mole ratio of H2 and Mg which is just 1.
0.006444 g Mg

Figure 2. Neutralization of HCl and NaHCO3

In order to calculate the universal gas

constant, we need to experimentally determine the
values for pressure (in kilopascals), volume (in
liters), number of moles and the temperature (in
Kelvin) of the H2 gas.
When the reaction of Mg and HCl was
completed, the volume was recorded through the
graduations in the cylinder and the average value
was found out to be 0.006833 L. The volume of the
hydrogen gas in the three trials may vary depending
on the amount of the reactants. Only a small piece
of Mg ribbon was allowed to react since there is a
possibility that the reaction will run out of HCl, thus,
not consuming the magnesium (Mg) entirely. This
may lead to errors and deviations from the actual
value of R.

1 mol Mg
24.305 g Mg

1 mol H2
1 mol Mg

= 2.651306316 10-4 mol H2

After getting all the needed values for the
variables, we then calculate R based on the formula,
R = PV/nT
P = 97.0625 kPa = 1.00 atm
V = 0.006833 L
n = 2.651306316 10-4 mol
T = 303.15
Substituting the average values for all the trials, we
get the experimental universal gas constant, which
is 8.251737706117 kPaL/molK. Using 1.00 atm for
pressure, we get 0.085014683386 atmL/molK.
The experimental value (EV) is of course
different from the actual theoretical value (TV).

Experiment 6A: Determination of the Molar Volume of a Gas and the Universal Gas Constant

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Therefore, it is appropriate to know the percent

% error = (EV TV)/TV 100
EV = 8.2517 kPaL/molK
TV = 8.314 kPaL/molK
We get the percent error in the experiment to be
approximately -0.75%. The negative sign indicates
that the experimental value is less than the actual
The R and other values obtained can be
substituted in the ideal gas equations to get the
molar volume of the gas, which is the volume that a
sample of one mole of gas will occupy at STP.

moles produced by gas and the weight and number

of moles of magnesium (Mg) that reacted. According
to the ideal gas equation, PV = nRT, P is the
pressure in atmospheres (atm), V is the volume in
liters, n is the number of moles in the sample and T
is temperature in Kelvin. The R in the equation is the
universal gas constant and it is equal to 0.08206
Latm/molK. From the data gathered, the universal
gas constants experimental value has a percent
error of -0.75% in which the experimental value is
less as compared to the actual value. The molar
volume of the gas has a percent error of -0.85%.
For this experiment, the use of a more
accurate setup and proper techniques is
recommended in order to avoid deviation from the
theoretical value and possible experimental errors.
VIII. References

V = nRT/P
n = 1 mol
R = 8.2517 kPaL/molK
T = 273.15 K
P = 101.325 kPa
Substituting these values, we get 22.24 L for the
molar volume of the gas, which is a little lower than
the actual value of 22.43 L. It has a percent error of 0.85%.
Both the calculated value of R and the molar
volume were lower than the accepted constant,
which points to a possible lack of equalization of the
system either before the experiment was started or
when the reaction was completed. In equalization,
the level of the water inside the tube must be the
same as the level of water outside the tube. This is
done to ensure that the pressure of hydrogen (and
water vapor) is equal to the atmospheric pressure.
Experimental errors are also caused when
trapped air bubbles did not get to the other gas and
when test tube is not immediately placed upside
down in the beaker at the start of the reaction. Using
magnesium with black oxide on the surface that is
not fully removed, placing relatively high amount of
magnesium ribbon, varying volume of air, and
absorption of HCl of H2O solution by the cork
stopper, and using indirect techniques for measuring
temperature and assuming values for pressure can
also promote further errors.

Brown, T. L. [et al.]. (2012). Chemistry: The central

science (12th ed.). USA: Pearson Education
Chang, R. (2010). Chemistry (10th ed.). NY:
McGraw-Hill Companies.
Petrucci, R. H. [et al.]. (2011). General chemistry:
Principles and modern applications (10th
ed.). Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Canada Inc.

I hereby certify that I have given substantial

contribution to this report.

Jeremy Senver A. Hombre

Merrene Bright D. Judan

VII. Conclusions and Recommendations

The determination of the molar volume of a
gas and the universal gas constant is affected by
different several factors such as volume, number of
Experiment 6A: Determination of the Molar Volume of a Gas and the Universal Gas Constant

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