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Week 1

Went over the syllabus (what do we cover, how do we communicate with each other,
course and assigment mechanics)

Did the list server presentation (needs to break into "what is a list server" vs "how to use"
our server.

Should I make a PPT presentation out of the syllabus?

Week 2

Roster -- some names goofed up

Will use your roster email address for MSDNAA
MSDNAA and other Perqs

Any asst. problems?

Additions to the left side

What have we covered?
Background survey

Privacy presentation

Survey design

What is a blog?

Did not get to survey mechanics

Gave them two weeks to do the survey mechanics assignment and warned them to start
thinking of a survey idea.

Showed blog post on concept videos and Knowledge Navigator

Week 3

Notes from Week 2: added long tail slide to blog presentation, forgot to show the day
class Knowledge Navigator

AM class: Look at the video on the mechanics of using Survey Gizmo

Computer components (in tcp/ip)

Operating systems (did not get to it in AM)

Internet writing

Internet reading

Short documents

Survey mechanics – do on your own

Week 4

Show slow and fast play video choice.

Go over survey mechanics assignment (which type was each question)?

Exchange blog post summary assignments in class and grade them:

1. Did they cover all the points the assignment asked for?
2. Is each sentence grammatical and free of spelling errors?
3. Is each sentence necessary? Do you see how it fits in the document?
4. In one sentence, what is the post about?
5. Was this summary better, about the same, or worse than yours?

Have you started creating your images?

Blog post on pioneers:

▬ example of a real list server that is used for discussion, not marketing
▬ give you a sense of the way the Net was born: informal, practical, experimental
▬ note the email list has archives

Operating systems (in the AM class. PM covered the week before)

Google Doc presentation

Retrieving a Web page

Week 5

Did you get some neat images?mar 22 at 11

Were you able to use Google docs?

Google doc vs Word (compile on board)
(Forgot to do this in the AM class)

Conversational writing
Presentation: Image characteristics
Presentation: Images and information
Intro to connectivity

Give them time to work on blogs if it permits.

Could go over the latest blog post

Bug them on flickr
Did they compare the fast and slow versions?
Week 6

Will have exam in 2 weeks

How did blog and connectivity thing go?
Image processing series.

Week 7

Information in a picture and text.

URL abbreviation. (In context of discussion of links to their blogs on the class roster).
Midterm review.
Catch up on blogs – consulting offer.

Week 8

Image compression and loss of information

Connectivity overview
HTML attributes
No image compression assignment
Go over home connectivity results – speeds (on server) and costs.
Went over the export/import of data to Google Docs spreadsheet.

RSS subscription assignment

Collaborative writing assignment

Image encoding
Information in text
Presentation on home connectivity.
Image processing copying and examples (presentation skills – handout not complete).
Start on collaboration – writing, matrix, licklider, audio of conference comment, ??
Image compression
RSS – subscription

Wiki skills

Asst – subscribe to my Twitter and blog feeds via RSS

May 11 – last day to turn stuff in

Webclientsandservers: Popular Web client and server programs

Many kinds of server: Variety of clients and servers
Retrieve compound documents

 Cost of home information in Connectivity (3/9)(14)

 Sharing images on Flickr in Network applications (3/9)(15)
 Conversation using a blog comment in Network applications (3/16)(17)
 Photo for your blog in image processing ()(16)
 Image processing practice image processing ()(17)

PARC history of PC and server (incomplete)

Week 6

Home connectivity presentation

Collaborative writing presentation

Search stuff
Search: How search works
Search ranking: How to get a high rank
Home connectivity

Home connectivity assignment

Compare external and internal IP addresses – what is going on?

Blog post – your short docs on best class and on good blog post

Server history


Web clients and servers

Describe a blog post for , eg, Policy

Group writing – write the class note for presentation XXX

Apple ipad 499$ With HD Playback & HD youtube:

various product guys -- particularly the user interface:
Google (Apple ipad 499$)

Jobs, ipad and ibook:;n-video

03/02/2010 06:37 AM 3,070,976 communicationcharacteristics.ppt

03/02/2010 06:16 AM 2,759,680 firsthtml.ppt
03/01/2010 08:46 AM 71,680 template.ppt
03/01/2010 12:30 PM 167,424 textinformation.ppt
02/28/2010 07:07 AM 3,771,904 computercomponents.ppt
02/28/2010 10:19 AM 194,560 IPaddresses.ppt
02/28/2010 01:59 PM 325,120 connectivityoverview2.ppt
02/27/2010 03:25 PM 360,448 domainnamesystem.ppt
02/26/2010 06:13 PM 3,323,392 writingconversation4.ppt
02/26/2010 09:53 PM 2,341,376 paintdotnetsession.ppt
02/26/2010 09:53 AM 1,221,632 howtodoimages.ppt
02/26/2010 09:46 PM 2,002,432 paintdotnet.ppt
02/24/2010 08:36 AM 21,580,288 search.ppt
02/24/2010 06:44 PM 3,499,008 imageprocessing.ppt
02/24/2010 12:59 PM 312,832 imagecopy.ppt
02/24/2010 08:32 AM 719,360 searchengineranking.ppt
02/24/2010 06:46 PM 2,656,256 paintdotnetsessionbak.ppt
02/23/2010 06:14 PM 1,438,208 retrievecompoundpages.ppt
02/23/2010 03:24 PM 8,447,488 imageintro.ppt
02/23/2010 02:59 PM 3,076,096 imageexamples.ppt
02/23/2010 03:52 PM 2,588,160 imageinformation.ppt
02/22/2010 05:33 PM 1,726,976 satellite.ppt
02/21/2010 05:04 AM 1,158,656 operatingsystems.ppt
02/20/2010 04:51 PM 803,328 webclientsandservers.ppt
02/20/2010 04:50 PM 8,690,176 xeroxparc.ppt
02/20/2010 02:52 PM 1,562,624 manykindsofserver.ppt
02/15/2010 10:33 PM 646,656 internetreading.ppt
02/12/2010 12:21 AM 8,735,232 Internet writing.ppt
02/10/2010 10:21 AM 58,368 readingzen.ppt
02/07/2010 06:08 AM 48,128 nextgenerationhtmlandbrowserextensions.ppt
02/06/2010 12:41 PM 678,400 grosscontprod.ppt
02/03/2010 08:21 AM 443,904 backgroundsurvey.ppt
02/03/2010 11:03 AM 72,704 whatisalistserver.ppt
02/01/2010 01:04 PM 4,627,968 netvsstandalone.ppt
01/30/2010 01:27 PM 315,904 listserver.ppt
01/30/2010 02:04 PM 610,816 blogapplicationsandimplications.ppt
01/29/2010 05:57 AM 304,640 operatingsystem.ppt
01/07/2010 07:07 PM 210,944 netvsstanaloneoldxxx.ppt

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