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Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Period: __________

Accelerated Reader Nine-Weekly Student Choice Project

Each grading period, you will be required to complete a project on ONE of your AR books. This project will be 30 points.

You can choose what project you would like to complete each grading period.
o That means you can only complete each project ONE time.
Your project can be completed electronically OR using paper the old-fashioned way. It
will be your choice.
o You can use PowerPoint, Prezi, Word, or any other method to complete
this assignment. Be creative!
Requirements for each project and bookmarks will always be located in the back of
the classroom.
o It will be your responsibility to select your project and gather your materials
each grading period.

Choice #1
Nonfiction Informational Book Project (20 points)
Create a cereal box based on a non-fiction book you have read. This includes writing a
summary, identifying key vocabulary words, and making connections to text.
-----------------------------------------------------------Elements of Literature Bookmark (10 points)
Elements of Literature Skill Focus: Authors Message, Conflict, Character

Choice #3
Student Reading, Vocabulary, and Summary Log (20 points)
Set four weekly reading goals and track your progress. While doing so, you will identify
key vocabulary words in your AR book and practice writing a summary of what you have
read each week. Can be used for a fiction or non-fiction book.
-----------------------------------------------------------Elements of Literature Bookmark (10 points)
Elements of Literature Skill Focus: Point of View, Setting, Tone, Exposition

Projects must be submitted within the due date window below.

o Projects cannot be submitted after.
First Nine Weeks: Friday, October 21, 2016
Second Nine Weeks: Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Third Nine Weeks: Wednesday, March 16, 2017
Fourth Nine Weeks: Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Your project will be graded using the rubric on the back.
o 20 points will be for your project.
o 10 points will be for your completed skill bookmark.

Choice #2
Book Recommendation Poster Assignment (20 points)
Choose one of your AR books that you would definitely recommend to your classmates by
creating a book recommendation poster. This project will include a project plan rough draft,
a blurb about your book, and visuals that relate to the book. Can be used for a fiction or

non-fiction book.
-----------------------------------------------------------Elements of Literature Bookmark (10 points)
Elements of Literature Skill Focus: Authors Style, Imagery, Figurative Language
Choice #4
Elements of Fiction Illustrated Plot Diagram (20 points)
Using pictures and words, create a plot diagram depicting the major events over the
course of your book. Your plot diagram must include: exposition, point of view, setting,
rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
-----------------------------------------------------------Elements of Literature Bookmark (10 points)
Elements of Literature Skill Focus: Authors Message, Character, Style, Conflict

Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Period: __________

Accelerated Reader Nine-Weekly Student Choice Project

Grading Rubric
5 Points

A MODEL project

4 Points

What is expected
3 Points

Almost what is
2 Points

Sort of what is
1 Point

Not what is
0 Points

Does NOT meet


All of the requirements are evident and exceeded

The product is very neatly done and extremely well organized
The product is complete, detailed, and evidence-based
Completed on time

All of the requirements are evident and met

The product is neatly done and organized
The product is complete and detailed
Completed on time

Almost all requirements are evidence (maybe 1 or 2 missing)

The product is done and organized
The product is complete but may lack detail
Completed on time

Most requirements are evident (3 or 4 missing)

The product is sort of organized
The product is incomplete, but attempts a completion are evident
Completed on time

Many of the requirements are not present

The product is very poorly done and/or poorly organized
The product is incomplete
May no be completed on time

Cannot be scored or no product was submitted


All four quadrants of the bookmark are answered
AND text evidence has been provided.
o Quadrant #1- ________/2
o Quadrant #1- ________/2
o Quadrant #1- ________/2
o Quadrant #1- ________/2
All literary terms have been defined.
o _________/2

Total Score=________/10
Accelerated Reader Student Choice Project

Total Score _________ Xs 4=________/20


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