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Techniques for

Reversing Reversals:
Suggestions for
Instructing Students
who Reverse Letters
in Written Work
by Carolyn Ito
Students with disabilities often reverse letters (e.g.,
write d for b, make s, e, N, h, or p backwards) and
transpose words (e.g., saw for was or dog for god) in
their writing. When working with a student with
disabilities who makes reversals, the student's
developmental age must be considered. It is common
for normally developing students to make reversals
in their writing through first and into second grade.
Students with disabilities may reverse letters well
past second grade or past age 7 to 8. The following
techniques are offered for assisting students to write
without reversals when reversals persist past the
student's developmentally appropriate stage.
The common reversals are b for d, d for b, backward
s, h, n, p, q and the diagonals on capital N, Z.
Some professionals in the field suggest teaching
cursive writing to students with persistent reversal

problems. Reversals are harder to make in cursive.

Persistent reversals probably stem from the student's
poorly established laterally, that is the concept of left
and right in the world about the student. In addition
to paper/pencil tasks, the student needs instruction
that will enable him/her to distinguish and label
objects in the environment as being on the right, left,
in front of, behind, next to, etc. the student. This
instruction can be accomplished through games that
involve directionality. The student may need
additional instruction in body concept also.
The following techniques are suggested for
"reversing reversals" through writing instruction
Thumbs Up When a student makes a b/d reversal,
ask the student to put up his/her thumbs. Balling the
fingers together with the thumbs extending upward
does this. The two hands are pushed together with
the "balls" touching and the thumbs on each end.
The visual of the bed made by putting the thumbs up
helps to show the shape of the letters b and d. In
addition, for students who have the auditory
discrimination skills to hear the sounds, the b is first,
the d last, corresponding to the initial and final
consonant sounds of b and d in the word bed.
Thumbs down can assist with distinguishing the p
from the q (visual only, not auditory).
Clay Tray Use children's clay to line a shallow
rectangular shaped box. The size of the box depends
on whether you are working on single letters, words,
or sentences. The student uses a broken pencil or
item of similar size and strength to drag the letters
through the clay. The kinesthetic feedback coupled
with auditory guidance from the teacher adds an
additional modality. Encourage the student to

verbalize the steps for forming the letter.

Tactile Impressions Tactile impressions of
troublesome letters can be made quickly and
cheaply. Obtain medium grade sandpaper or
screening. Tape the sandpaper/screening to heavy
cardboard. Lay a piece of writing paper on the
sandpaper/screen. Using a waxy crayon, draw the
letter(s). The student then has a model to trace for
tactile input. The rough side of masonite board also
provides a good surface for making tactile letters.
Whole troublesome words may also be traced (e.g.,
was, saw, dog, etc.).
Chalkboard Exercises Writing on the chalkboard is
helpful because it involves large arm movements and
work can easily be erased. Be sure to include verbal
prompts as letters are formed. For instance, in
making the letter b, you might say, "First the bat,
then the ball on the right." A small group of students
can work under the direction of the teacher or
assistant on this activity. Students also can work in
pairs, with the one who does not reverse guiding the
one who does.
Harwell, J. (1989). Complete learning disabilities
handbook: Ready-to-use techniques for teaching
learning-handicapped students. New York: The
Center for Applied Research in Education.
Grinnell, P. (1988). Teaching the learning disabled: A
cognitive developmental approach. Boston: Allyn and
Bacon, Inc.
Lerner, J. (1993). Learning disabilities: Theories,
diagnosis & teaching strategies, 6th Edition. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Company.
Mercer, C. (1997). Students with learning disabilities,

5th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

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