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Crime rate is increasing day by day.

If you simply read a newspaper, you are likely to see

that there are news about people committing crime from robbery to homicide. Crime is a serious
issue to everyone because it affects all of us. To get to the bottom of this issue, we have to find
out what is contributing to crime. Why do people commit crime? Studies showed that people
commit crime for several reasons and some place the reasons for crimes on biological, others on
sociological and psychological.
One of the criminology theory about why people commit crime is due to the biological
reasons. Studies based on biological criminology shows that they have found that people who
have abnormal brain composition might have times where they have some sort of rage which
will hard to control. Usually, people decide whether to commit a crime or not by personal choice
which is also known as rational choice. But those people rage easily and so they cant make the
choice, they just go ahead and do it.
Furthermore, there are also criminology theory regarding the general cause of people
committing crime due to sociological reasons. Nowadays a lots of crimes are socially oriented.
Sociological criminology theory shows that one might just have the urge to do something that
society considers to be bad so that they could show their rebellious side or others might just want
to do it because of their status in society. As a results, this will make the growth of vulnerability
grow and at the end, force many of the lower class to interact in crimes in order for them to
better themselves and get money in order to meet their economic needs. Another sociological
theory shows that if you hang out with a bunch of criminal then you would probably commit
crimes yourself. This is because you follow the footsteps of those criminal. Sociological crime
mainly contribute to the crime rate because it is the origin of crime. It makes sense because if
there no one committing crime, then there will be no such thing as monkey see, monkey do.

Like the other theory for criminology stated above, psychological criminology based on
the psychology theory by Sigmund Freud, people have three divisions of personality which is the
id, ego and also superego. Id division is actually the pleasure principle which people do stuff if it
brings the feeling of goodness to that person while superego is the good side of the person. The
ego is the between the two sides which must make a decision out of those two. This theory is like
the angel and devil in cartoons. Therefore this shows that people decide whether to commit crime
or not by their personal choice. Commonly, we learn behaviors after we see the same behaviors
done by adults. This situation is related to Albert Banduras classic study in observational
learning. People commit crime because they are copying the action they see from the adults.
Hence they also commit crimes themselves. Therefore adults should control their behavior to
avoid children to copy their action.
In conclusion, there are a lot of kinds of theories that cause someone to commit crime but I
agree on that crimes committed are choice theory. Even though the crime rates are reducing,
society cannot completely stop the crime rates because no matter how much we try, evil is
always going to exist and nothing is going to change that. Even though committing crimes can
help someone to be rich faster than working but it will bring a lot of consequences to those
themselves and to other people as well. Therefore, they should make the choice to become
something of themselves rather than taking the easy way out.

k. ciccarelli, saundra, and j. noland white. Psychology. 4th ed. Pearson, 2015. Print.

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