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May 15, 2007 by trimudilah


Most of the Muslims to get used to read a letter Yasin, both at night
Friday (Friday before the preacher climbed the pulpit, extra-eds), when
initiate or close council study groups, while there or after death and
at other events they deem important.

Yasin letter so often used as reading material in various meetings and

opportunity, so impressive, it is only the Qur'an contains a letter Yasin
only. And most people read it because it tempted by fadhilah
Yasin letter or primacy of the many ahadith they heard,
or according to information from their teachers.

The Qur'an is the revealed God is composed of 30 chapters. All letters

of Al-Fatiha to An-Nas, clearly has the virtue that each race
Islam shall mengamalkannya. It is therefore recommended that people
Islam continues to read the Qur'an. And if you should be able menghatamkan
Al-Qur'an once every week or ten days, or twenty days
khatam once or once a month. [Hadith Bukhari, Muslim and

Before continuing the discussion, which need to kept in mind and remember
from the writings of
This is to discuss this issue does not mean banning or author
Yasin forbidden to read the letter.

As the letters Qur'an others, we should also note Yasin

read. But here the author only wanted to explain their mistake
which relies on fadhilah and the primacy of the letter to Muhammad Yasin
Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Moreover, to assert that there is no benchmark of the Prophet peace and

'Alaihi wa sallam Yasin read every Friday night, each starting
or close council of science, when and after death, and others.

Hopefully the following information does not make a broken spirit, but
instead motivated to read and memorize the entire contents of the Qur'an and


Most Muslims read the letter Yasin because-as noted in

top-fadhilah and rewards provided for those who read it.
However, after the author conducted a study and research on
hadiths that explain fadhilah letter Yasin, the author found all
Is weak.

It should be stressed here, if it was upright hujjah and then we do not

may lie in the name of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
threat is Hell. [Hadith Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad and

Hadith Da'eef and Maudhu '

The hadiths which are all Da'eef (weak) and / or maudhu '(false)
which form the basis of fadhilah Yasin letter are as

[1]. "Meaning: Who is reading the letter Yasin in one night, then
when he woke up the morning of his sins forgiven and who read the letter
Ad-Dukhan on Friday night when he woke up the morning forgiven
sin. " [Ibn al-Maudhu'at Jauzi 1 / 247]

Description: This hadith False

Ibn Jauzi said, this hadith is the vanity of all his way, not
there originally. Daruquthni said Imam Muhammad bin Zakaria, who is in
isnaad this hadith hadeeth is falsified builders. [Check: Al-Maudhu'at,
Ibn Jauzi, I/246-247, Mizanul I'tidal III/549, Mizan Lisanul V/168,
Al-Fawaidul Majmua'ah pp. No. 268. 944]

[2]. "Meaning: Who is reading the letter Yasin at night because

seek pleasure of Allah, Allah will forgive his sins. "

Description: This hadith weak.

Reported by Thabrani in his book Mu'jamul Ausath and As-Shaghir
from Abu Hurairah, but in no narrator Aghlab sanadnya bin Tamim. Word
Imam Bukhari, he munkarul hadith. Ma'in IBN said, he does not nothing
(Not strong). [Check: Mizanul I'tidal I :273-274 and Lisanul Mizan I:

[3]. "Meaning: Who is reading the letter Yasin constantly at each

night, then he died so he suffered martyrdom. "

Description: This hadith forgery.

This hadeeth was narrated by Thabrani in Mu'jam Shaghir from Anas, but
in sanadnya there Sa'id ibn Musa al-Azdy, he is a liar and accused
by the hadeeth of Ibn Hibban often falsified. [Check: Tuhfatudz Dzakirin,
pp. 340, Mizanul I'tidal II: 159-160, Lisanul Mizan III: 44-45].

[4]. "Meaning: Who is reading the letter Yasin at the beginning of the
afternoon (morning
days) it will release all of his business. "
Description: This hadith weak.
He narrated by Ad-Darimi from the path of Al-Walid Syuja '. Atha 'ibn Abi
Rabah, the carrier had not seen this hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam. Because he was born around 24h and died in 114H. [Check:
Sunan Ad-Darimi 2:457, Misykatul Mashabih, takhrij No. 2177, Mizanul I'tidal
III: 70 and Taqribut Tahdzib II: 22]

[5]. "Meaning: Who is reading the letter Yasin once, as if he

read the Qur'an twice. " [Hadith History Syu'abul Bayhaqi in Faith].

Description: This hadith forgery.

[See Da'eef Jamiush Shaghir, No. 5801 by Sheikh Al-Albani]

[6]. "Meaning: Who is reading the letter Yasin once, as if he

read the Qur'an ten times ". [Hadith Bayhaqi in Syu'abul History

Description: This hadith forgery.

[See Da'eef Jami'ush Shagir, No. 5798 by Sheikh Al-Albani]

[7]. "Which means: Verily all things have a heart and liver
(Core) that the Qur'an is Yasin letter. Anyone who read that God
will give a reward for reading it like a reward to read Al-Quran
ten times. "

Description: This hadith forgery.

This hadeeth was narrated by al-Tirmidhi (No. 3048) and Ad-Darimi 2:456. In
Muqatil includes bin Sulaiman. Ibn Abi Hatim's father said: I
This hadith found in earlier books compiled by Muqatil bin Sulaiman.
And this is a false hadith, have no basis. (Check: Genealogy Hadith
Da'eef No. 169, pp. 202-203) Imam Waqi 'said: He is a handyman falsely.
Said Imam Nisaa'i: Muqatil bin Sulaiman often lie. [Check: Mizanul
I'tidal IV: 173]

[8]. "Meaning: Who is reading the letter Yasin in the morning it will be
made easy (for him) that day until evening affairs. And anyone who read it
in the early evening (late afternoon) will be eased concern that night until
morning ".

Description: This hadith weak.

This hadeeth was narrated by Ad-Darimi 2:457 from Amr ibn Zararah path. In
isnaad hadith have Syahr bin Hausyab. Ibn Hajar said: He is much
memursalkan hadith and many wrong. [Check: Taqrib I: 355, Mizanul
I'tidal II: 283]

[9]. "Which means: Recite Yasin letter to the person who will die between
You. "
Description: This hadith weak.
Among these is the hadeeth narrated by Ibn Abi 'Abd al Muttalib (4:74 CET.
India), Abu Dawood No. 3121. This hadith is weak because Abu Uthman,
narrators of this hadith is a majhul (unknown), thus
also with his father. This hadeeth was also mudtharib (jiggle sanadnya / no

[10]. "It means: No one will die, then read on Yasin

side (that is NAZA ') but Allah will ease (death
it) on it. "

Description: This hadith forgery.

This hadeeth was narrated by Abu Nu'aim in the book Akhbaru Ashbahan I:
In this hadith there isnaad Marwan ibn Salim Al Jazari. Imam Ahmad and
Nisaa'i said, he can not be trusted. Imam Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Hatim
said, he munkarul hadith. Said Abu 'Arubah Al Harrani, he often
fabricate hadeeth. [Check: Mizanul I'tidal IV: 90-91]


Abdullah bin Mubarak said: I heavily suspect that people zindiq

(Pretending to Islam) is what has made it narrations
(Fadhilah hadeeth about certain papers). And Ibn Qayyim
Al-Jauziyah said: All the hadith which says, anyone reading
This letter will be given a reward such and such HADITS ABOUT ALL THAT
IS FALSE. Those who fabricate hadiths that
has to admit his own. They said, our goal to make ahaadeeth
fake is so busy with men (read certain letters from
Al-Qur'an) and keep them away from the contents of the Qur'an others, also
books other than the Qur'an. [Check: Al-Saheeh Manarul Munffish
Wadh-Da'eef, pp. 113-115]


Thus it is clear that hadit-hadeeth about the virtue fadhilah and

Yasin letter, all WEAK and FALSE. Therefore, the hadiths
can not be used to express virtue hujjah this letter
and other letters, and can not be well to define the reward
or elimination of sin for those who read this letter. Indeed there
saheeh hadeeth about the virtues of surah Al-Quran Yasin other than letters,
but did not mention the reward.
Excerpted from the book titled "Translations Majmu 'Sharif (The Way to
happiness glory of the world & akherat)"

Du'a virtue Akasah

1. Anyone who read or write (stored at his home), God willing, he will be
forgiven by Allah SWT to all her sins.

2. Whoever reads it, God willing, will dilapangkan rizkinya, protected homes
from fire danger, because Allah SWT is always merahmatiNya.

3. When traveling can read this prayer, God willing, safe from harm.

4. When you have a lot of debt, read this prayer with istiqomah, God willing,
given the easy / way to repay their debts.

5. And if there is a madman, possessed, heat pain, then read this prayer, God
willing, be healed by the permission of Allah.

NB: the Temple after the temple in the full meaning of this prayer and touch
the heart. Name and Nature of glorifying God of glory, and ask forgiveness to
God for various kinds of sins that may have a lot to us whether or not we know
we know.

Suggestion: Read this prayer once a day in istiqomah, and prove himself in
mercy and grace of God for the mengamalkannya.

Translations Du'a Akasah

By Asma 'Allah, Most Gracious and Most Pengasih.Ya God, ordain shalawat and
salutations upon our master Muhammad, the Family and shahabat-shahabat

By Asma 'Allah is the light shining above the ray, Praise be to God the Creator
and lower nur Torah on Mount Thurdi written in the book, Praise be to Allah
Who Called kemulyaan rich and majesty that is known and the happy and
grateful and all that hard Praise be to Allah Who created the heavens and the
earth and made darkness and light, then those who disbelieve in their Lord and
turn away.

Kaf Ha Yes 'Ain Shaad, Ha Mim' Ain Sin Qaf, is only Thee we worship and
begging for help, O the Living Essence Portrait Sturdy, God is merciful to His
servant gave Rizki to anyone as he wanted, He is very strong and noble, O
Essence Yang sufficient all things, and I cukupilah palingkanlah me everything
is good with your power, that Thou has power over everything.

O Allah, the One Who many gift and Yang are always met, your good deeds,
Rizki giver servants on every state of His servant, O Creator Essence the first
time with no through examples, O the One who was durable, that will not
perish, save us from Kufr and lost with: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur
Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if Kufr / feeling indecisive and reluctant entry in my faith in Thee is I

do not understand or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila
ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if kufr into keislamanku unto Thee when I do not understand, or

understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad
ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if a sense of uncertainly and doubt into the ketauhidanku against you,
while I do not know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La
ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if a sense of smug, arrogant, showing off 'and sum'ah / effacing and
lacking in charity actions for you and enter into my heart when I do not know
or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Prophet
Muhammad SAW.

O Allah, if the nature of lies, slanderer, liar pitting and running on my mouth
when I do not know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La
ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if it occurred in my heart a sense of anxiety when I do not know or

understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad
ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if the sense of resemblance and neglect into ma'rifatku Thee was I did
not understand or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if taste nifak, sins great and small into my heart so I repented and
surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if the nature of riya 'into a charity actions and my words were I do
not understand or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, the crimes that I have is I do not know or know, so I repented and
surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.
O God, the good qualities that you want me, then I'm gratefa illallah
Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O God, the things which thou didst ordain for me, then I'm not happy or not
menerimakannya is I do not know, or know, then bertaubatlah surrender to me
and say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, pleasures which thou hast given me, and I was wrong to use, you're
insubordinate I do not know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to
say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, pleasures which thou hast kuasakan me, then I'm not grateful to you
I do not know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O God, goodness which You have bestowed kindness to me and I do not

compliment, when I do not know or know, so I repented and surrendered to
say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, thinking that you create in your power to me, then I close my eyes,
while I know it or not, so I repented and surrendered himself to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O God, acts which I do throughout my life, then you are not pleased, while I
understand it or not, so I repented and surrendered himself to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O God, Thou charitable actions which shorten in-please expect your blessings,
while I do not know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La
ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if I depend on you in addition to face-weary exhaustion, while I do

not know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if I begged for help to other than Thee, in accidents and hazards,
while I do not know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La
ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O God, who has affairs with grace baguskan Thou and Thou my vision is
wrong, is I do not understand or understand, so I repented and surrendered to
say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, if I tegelincir deviate from the straight path (shirat), because it

appealed to other than you, is I do not know or understand, so I repented and
surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW.

O Allah, the Living erect sturdy, Yang has a lot of mercy and grace, a lot of
give and owner of the kingdom, no other God but Thee, Glory to Thee, that I
have wronged themselves, (the word of God):

"And We granted and We saved him from trouble, so we save the believers"

Zakariya when calling on his god, my Lord:

"Do not you just leave me alone, Thou art the best inheritance."

O God, with La ila ha illallah rights and dignity, the right chair and
keluasannya, rights' Throne and its glory, the right of the Pen and running, and
guard the rights Lauh Mahfudh-guard, the right Scale (Mizan) and two eyes,
right Shirat and gentleness, Gabriel rights and fairness, rights and compassion
Mikail, Israfil rights and trumpet, Azrael and election rights, the right Ridlwan
and paradise, Malik and hellish rights, rights of Adam and the election, and
election rights as khalilullah Abraham, Isaac and religious rights, rights Isma'il
and slaughter, the right Ya'kub and grief, Joseph and terasingnya rights,
property rights and the verses of Moses, Aaron rights and dignity, rights and
authority, Hud, Saleh and his camel rights, rights of Lot and his thinking, the
right of Jonah and his invitation, Danial and kerahmatnya rights, rights of
Zakariya and holiness, Isa and her mental rights and the rights of Muhammad
who was chosen as her lover and with syafa'at 'Udhmanya SAW.

O Allah, the Living, there is no other God but Thee, Glory to Thee, behold, I
am of those who wronged themselves, (the Word of God); Then we grant it
and save him from trouble, so we save those who believe. There is no other
God except Allah, in Him I bertawakkal, He administrators' the Great Throne.
Allah is sufficient to me, the best Protector, and Auxiliary Officers. There is no
power except with the help of Allah the Most High and Supreme.

Our Lord, grant us good in the world and akherat, and save us from the
torment of hell fire. Shalawat God ordain to the best of creatures, the light 'His
throne is our master, prophet and intercessor for us Muhammad SAW, his
family and his companions all the blessings Essence, O most merciful. Amin
(May Allah grant us this permohona, O the One who was taking care of the

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Excerpted from the book titled "Translations Majmu 'Sharif (The

Way to happiness glory of the world &amp; akherat)&quot; <br>
<br>Du&#39;a virtue Akasah <br> <br>1. Anyone who read or write (stored
at his home), God willing, he will be forgiven by Allah SWT to all her sins.
<br> <br>2. Whoever reads it, God willing, will dilapangkan rizkinya,
protected homes from fire danger, because Allah SWT is always merahmatiNya.
<br> <br>3. When traveling can read this prayer, God willing, safe from harm.
<br> <br>4. When you have a lot of debt, read this prayer with istiqomah,
God willing, given the easy / way to repay their debts. <br> <br>5. And if
there is a madman, possessed, heat pain, then read this prayer, God willing, be
healed by the permission of Allah. <br> <br>NB: the Temple after the temple
in the full meaning of this prayer and touch the heart. Name and Nature of
glorifying God of glory, and ask forgiveness to God for various kinds of sins
that may have a lot to us whether or not we know we know. <br>
<br>Suggestion: Read this prayer once a day in istiqomah, and prove himself
in mercy and grace of God for the mengamalkannya. <br> <br> <br> <br>
<br> <br>Translations Du&#39;a Akasah <br> <br> <br>By Asma
&#39;Allah, Most Gracious and Most Pengasih.Ya God, ordain shalawat and
salutations upon our master Muhammad, the Family and shahabat-shahabat
him. <br> <br>By Asma &#39;Allah is the light shining above the ray, Praise
be to God the Creator and lower nur Torah on Mount Thurdi written in the
book, Praise be to Allah Who Called kemulyaan rich and majesty that is known
and the happy and grateful and all that hard Praise be to Allah Who created
the heavens and the earth and made darkness and light, then those who
disbelieve in their Lord and turn away. <br> <br>Kaf Ha Yes &#39;Ain Shaad,
Ha Mim&#39; Ain Sin Qaf, is only Thee we worship and begging for help, O the
Living Essence Portrait Sturdy, God is merciful to His servant gave Rizki to
anyone as he wanted, He is very strong and noble, O Essence Yang sufficient
all things, and I cukupilah palingkanlah me everything is good with your power,
that Thou has power over everything. <br> <br>O Allah, the One Who many
gift and Yang are always met, your good deeds, Rizki giver servants on every
state of His servant, O Creator Essence the first time with no through
examples, O the One who was durable, that will not perish, save us from Kufr
and lost with: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O
Allah, if Kufr / feeling indecisive and reluctant entry in my faith in Thee is I do
not understand or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, if kufr into
keislamanku unto Thee when I do not understand, or understand, so I
repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah
SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, if a sense of uncertainly and doubt into the
ketauhidanku against you, while I do not know or understand, so I repented
and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br>
<br> O Allah, if a sense of smug, arrogant, showing off &#39;and
sum&#39;ah / effacing and lacking in charity actions for you and enter into my
heart when I do not know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to
say: La ila ha illallah Prophet Muhammad SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, if the
nature of lies, slanderer, liar pitting and running on my mouth when I do not
know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah
Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, if it occurred in my heart a
sense of anxiety when I do not know or understand, so I repented and
surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br>
<br> O Allah, if the sense of resemblance and neglect into ma&#39;rifatku
Thee was I did not understand or understand, so I repented and surrendered
to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, if
taste nifak, sins great and small into my heart so I repented and surrendered
to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, if
the nature of riya &#39;into a charity actions and my words were I do not
understand or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, the crimes that I
have is I do not know or know, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O God, the good qualities
that you want me, then I&#39;m grateful I can not not know or know, so I
repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah
SAW. <br> <br> O God, the things which thou didst ordain for me, then
I&#39;m not happy or not menerimakannya is I do not know, or know, then
bertaubatlah surrender to me and say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur
Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, pleasures which thou hast given me, and
I was wrong to use, you&#39;re insubordinate I do not know or understand,
so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur
Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, pleasures which thou hast kuasakan me,
then I&#39;m not grateful to you I do not know or understand, so I repented
and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br>
<br> O God, goodness which You have bestowed kindness to me and I do not
compliment, when I do not know or know, so I repented and surrendered to
say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O Allah,
thinking that you create in your power to me, then I close my eyes, while I
know it or not, so I repented and surrendered himself to say: La ila ha illallah
Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O God, acts which I do throughout
my life, then you are not pleased, while I understand it or not, so I repented
and surrendered himself to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah
SAW. <br> <br> O God, Thou charitable actions which shorten in-please
expect your blessings, while I do not know or understand, so I repented and
surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br>
<br> O Allah, if I depend on you in addition to face-weary exhaustion, while I
do not know or understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha
illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, if I begged for help
to other than Thee, in accidents and hazards, while I do not know or
understand, so I repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad
ur Rasulullah SAW. <br> <br> O God, who has affairs with grace baguskan
Thou and Thou my vision is wrong, is I do not understand or understand, so I
repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah
SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, if I tegelincir deviate from the straight path (shirat),
because it appealed to other than you, is I do not know or understand, so I
repented and surrendered to say: La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah
SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, the Living erect sturdy, Yang has a lot of mercy and
grace, a lot of give and owner of the kingdom, no other God but Thee, Glory to
Thee, that I have wronged themselves, (the word of God): <br>
<br>&quot;And We granted and We saved him from trouble, so we save the
believers&quot; <br> <br>Zakariya when calling on his god, my Lord: <br>
<br>&quot;Do not you just leave me alone, Thou art the best
inheritance.&quot; <br> <br> O God, with La ila ha illallah rights and dignity,
the right chair and keluasannya, rights&#39; Throne and its glory, the right of
the Pen and running, and guard the rights Lauh Mahfudh-guard, the right Scale
(Mizan) and two eyes, right Shirat and gentleness, Gabriel rights and fairness,
rights and compassion Mikail, Israfil rights and trumpet, Azrael and election
rights, the right Ridlwan and paradise, Malik and hellish rights, rights of Adam
and the election, and election rights as khalilullah Abraham, Isaac and religious
rights, rights Isma&#39;il and slaughter, the right Ya&#39;kub and grief,
Joseph and terasingnya rights, property rights and the verses of Moses, Aaron
rights and dignity, rights and authority, Hud, Saleh and his camel rights, rights
of Lot and his thinking, the right of Jonah and his invitation, Danial and
kerahmatnya rights, rights of Zakariya and holiness, Isa and her mental rights
and the rights of Muhammad who was chosen as her lover and with
syafa&#39;at &#39;Udhmanya SAW. <br> <br> O Allah, the Living, there is
no other God but Thee, Glory to Thee, behold, I am of those who wronged
themselves, (the Word of God); Then we grant it and save him from trouble,
so we save those who believe. There is no other God except Allah, in Him I
bertawakkal, He administrators&#39; the Great Throne. Allah is sufficient to
me, the best Protector, and Auxiliary Officers. There is no power except with
the help of Allah the Most High and Supreme. <br> <br> Our Lord, grant us
good in the world and akherat, and save us from the torment of hell fire.
Shalawat God ordain to the best of creatures, the light &#39;His throne is our
master, prophet and intercessor for us Muhammad SAW, his family and his
companions all the blessings Essence, O most merciful. Amin (May Allah grant
us this permohona, O the One who was taking care of the universe). <br>
<br> <br> <br>

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