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76,000,000,000,000 trillion years ago simple molecules were planted here.

and electrical sparks caused the formation of complex molecules. For billions of
years, life continued to consist of no more than simple cells (algae, bacteria,
amoeba, fungi) with intelligence.
II) 24,000,000,000 billion years ago, Nibiru along with the 4 winds of the Ninga
Fleet from Maldek crashed into Tiamat.
a) Troglodytes/Maldekians crashed down on the planet and lived in the seas. Thei
r home base being Bammi under the Bermuda Triangle in kingdoms called Yams.
b) The development of protozoa, from the Greek proto-first + Zoia-animal.
i) Amoeba
the first single-celled animal and the simplest of protozoa, which is
a small mass of transparent protoplasm with no definite shape nor a cell wall. F
ound in water or moist soil and reproduce asexually.
ii) Fungi

arose from Amoeba and live as parasites and reproduce sexually or asex

iii) Bacteria
one celled intelligent organism responsible for the first plant li
fe that help and/or hurt humans, animals, and plants. It can cause diseases or h
elp humans digest food or even have no effect at all. Originated in the water.
iv) Algae also a one celled intelligent organism responsible for the first plant
life. Algae accounts for 90% of the world s photosynthesis and have bodies compos
ed of a single cell. Originated in the water.
v) Archaea tough little microbes that live in boiling water thriving on carbon d
ioxide and tremendous water pressure. From Greek archaea ancient. Their genetic
code is different from anything biologist had seen. They live without sunlight.
When the usual organisms start dying, these start singing.
vi) Metazoans
meta-change + zoa-animal, developed millions of years after that.
They are composed of specialized cells grouped to form tissues, organs, and syst
ems, much like animals today. Over a period of 19,000,000 million years, these a
nimals evolved into man, many types of animals and dragons called terrible lizar
ds or Dinosours.
III) 570,000,000 million years ago 225,000,000 million years ago Paleozoic Era.
The development of first fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and land plants.
a) 500,000,000 million years ago, the appearance of water vertabrates.
i) Amphibians (amphi-both,two + bios-life = double life). They split into 2 grou
ps 20,000,000 million years later. They began to compete for supremecy. Later, t
hey split in different directions.
(1) Diapsid
the aggressive species, had 2 holes, 2 openings in the skull which e
volved into all modern reptilians, such as turtles, crocodiles.
(2) Synapsid the passive species, had a single hole in the back o0f their skulls
, which evolved into all proto-mamals such as Dimetrodon, Armadillo, whale, dogs
, cows, humans, and all other mammals that evolved in this line. Proto-mammals c
hanged from reptilian to mammalian and took possesion of the land masses for 50,
000,000 million years and dominated the planet.
(a) Dimetrodon a warm-blooded reptile that lived about 60-300 huundred million y
ears ago at the end of the Paleozoic(paleo-ancient +zoa-animal) Era. The first t
o ever inhabit the land.

IV) 225,000,000 million years ago

65,000,000 million years ago Mesozoic Era, con
sidered the age of Dinosours. Dinosours which were of the Diapsids took control
and pushed the proto-mammals to the brink of extinction which caused them to bec
ome nocturnal hunters. Their brains grew as they mutated and during this time is
when Extra-terrestrial beings stepped in and breeded.
a) Greys and Maldekians are responsible for most of the Dinosours.
i) Hypsilophodon (hypsos-high + phodon) evolved from the Ramardian grey seed dur
ing the Jurassic period. They were herbivores eating plants and fruits extractin
g the needed chlorine.
ii) Tyrannosaurus Rex evolved from the Reptilian seed of extraterrestrials. They
were part reptilian and part dinosaur.
b) 100,000,000 million years ago, the apperance of land vertabrates.
V) 45-50 million years ago - common ancestor of monkeys, apes and humans appeare
d in Africa
VI) 25 20,000,000 million years ago - a precursor of the great apes branched off
of the primate line. Proconsul early ape found on the island in Lake Victoria
VII) 17,250,000 million years ago - First Meteorite shower to replenish the plan
et. Large meat-eating Dinosaurs were eating everything.
VIII) 14,000,000 million years ago - Ramapithicus, the frist erect ape or man-li
ke primate
IX) 4.5 million - Ardipithicus Ramidus: Discovered by Tim White, Berhane Asfaw a
nd Gen Suwa in 1992 & 93 at Aramis in Ethiopia
X) 4.1 million - Australopithicus Anamensis: Discovered by Kamoya Kimeu in 1994
at Kanapoi in Kenya. It is the oldest known evidence for huminoid bipedalism.
XI) 4.0 million - Australopithicus Anamensis: Discovered by Bryan Patterson in 1
965 at Kanapoi in Kenya
XII) 3.4 million - Australopithicus Afarensis: Discovered by Donald Johanson in
1973 at Hadar in Ethiopia
XIII) 3.2 million years ago
a) Australopithicus Afarensis(Lucy): Discovered by Donald Johanson and Tom Gray
in 1974 at Hadar in Ethiopia. She was about 25 yrs old
b) Australopithicus Africanus(Taung Child) - Discovered by Raymond Dart in 1924
at Taung in South Africa.
XIV) 2,250,000 yrs ago - Most of pre-historic man and dinosaurs were destroyed.
Pygmies, Watusies, and Hindus were suvivors. Pygmies who mixed with agreeable Ru
mardians and the Watusi who mixed with disagreeable Reptilians were led into she
lters beneath the earth.
XV) 300,000 thousand years ago, Mitochandria Eve which is the common ancestor an
d co-insides with the first appearance of Homo Sapiens. Mitochandria exists in t
he mother s cell, but outside the nucleus. It does not mix with the fathers DNA an
d is passed on unaltered from mother to daughter. This proves that the first per
son to walk the planet was a female.
XVI) 10,000 yrs ago - Annunaqi came to the Sumerians

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