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Theories on Disasters and Armageddon

or what to expect/prepare for in

1. Asteroid Impact - An asteroid roughly 2 miles in size would be possibly equi
valent to 30,000 atom bombs. What's this mean? Well if it hit land an area the s
ize of the state of Texas would be wiped off the map and the earth would go thre
w major changes such as earthquakes. Changes that could cause dust, particles, r
ocks, to be thrown into the air causing a nuclear winter which generally crops w
ould die and eventually most if not all humans. The other theory is that if it h
it the ocean there would be tidal wave 5000 feet high and everything on land wou
ld be washed away as the first one would hit traveling 3000 mph it would be foll
owed by many smaller waves and tsunamis destroying all coastal cities and probab
ly sweep over most countries such as Europe.
2. Virus & Deadly Diseases - New strings of bacteria always arise and so do viru
ses that did not exist years ago. Medical science may not be able to cure these
in time and we can be wiped out in a matter of days if one arose. They could be
man made and happen to spread, alien virus from other worlds, a meteor could hav
e bacteria. The plague killed 1000s before we were able to find a cure and the s
ame with dozens of other diseases that exist today. But what if we could not sto
p a virus then what would we do?
3. Super Volcanoes - Only a few volcanoes like this have ever erupted scientist
say and its possible this contributed to the extinction of most of the dinosaurs
. Some volcanoes can erupt for months if not years but imagine having a few of t
hese happen at the same time. One volcano that went off covered almost half of t
he world with ash and smoke if for months a series of these occurred yes nuclear
winter would happen we would starve, freeze and most would perish.
The volcano Krakatoa is located on Rakata, an island in the Sunda Strait between
Java and Sumatra, Indonesia. Its eruption in 1883 was one of the most catastrop
hic ever witnessed in recorded history. Until recently, its only known previous
eruption was a moderate one in 1680. On the afternoon of Aug. 26, 1883, the firs
t of a series of increasingly violent explosions occurred. A black cloud of ash
rose 17 miles (27 kilometers) above Krakatoa. On the morning of the next day, tr
emendous explosions were heard 2,200 miles (3,540 kilometers) away in Australia.
Ash was propelled to a height of 50 miles (80 kilometers), blocking the sun and
plunging the surrounding region into darkness for two and a half days.
The drifting dust caused spectacular red sunsets throughout the following year.
Pressure waves in the atmosphere were recorded around the Earth, and tsunamis, o
r tidal waves, reached as far away as Hawaii and South America. The greatest wav
e reached a height of 120 feet (36 meters) and took 36,000 lives in the coastal
towns of nearby Java and Sumatra. Near the volcano masses of floating pumice pro
duced from lava cooled in the sea were thick enough to halt traveling ships. Eve
rything on the nearby islands was buried under a thick layer of sterile ash. Pla
nt and animal life did not begin to re-establish itself to any degree for five y
ears. The volcano was quiet until 1927, when sporadic weaker eruptions began. Th
ese tremors have continued into the 1990s.
4. Pole Shift - This is a simple concept the earths axis get thrown off. If this
would occur oceans would shift, tremors would happen, land would move, rise up.
The North Pole could end up being the equator. This is said to happen every so
many 1000 or million years and it has been proven it could occur. What can cause
it? The planets aligning or something in earths orbit like our moon, a disaster
that cause the earths weight to shift perhaps a asteroid impact. Many planets s
hift poles it could be a slow change or sudden there is many earth changes to sh
ow that this may be already happening.
5. Solar Flare - We are talking about a mega flare one that could swallow earth
in heat and fire beyond living temperatures. Back in august 2001 we had a large
explosion or flare occur although it did not turn out to be as extreme as scient
ist thought this flare would be but some minor changes did occur and the effects
that occurred on closer planets to the sun did face some disaster on the surfac
6. Large Scale War - What I mean by this is man destroying himself by simply mis
using weapons in war such as a nuclear war which if misused could radiate our wa
ter supply, eliminate cities, cause nuclear storms traveling in the atmosphere.
Scientist I have read somewhere now have an atom bomb that could possible wipe o
ut a state. Super neutron bombs. Also lets not forget bio weapons. There is enou
gh cyanide and nerve gas to kill the world and all the people in it if it was un
7. Alien Invasion - At anytime far advanced species from other galaxies, worlds,
planets could invade earth. Why because they might need nourishment, resources,
perhaps they seek power. This is possible with many abductions and UFOS sightin
gs we are not alone out there and we must wonder if ever an invasion will take p
lace to wipe mankind off the earth.
8. Death Of The Sun - Even though we got millions of years before this occurs ou
r sun is more then halfway through its life span. Before it burns out though it
will become a red giant this definitely would consume earth and even mars. All o
f earth would burn up.
9. Moon Collision - Although signs show the moon is not going anywhere but rathe
r pulling away if the moon were to collide with our planet it probably would cau
se earth to drift far off into space or even into our sun. The moon is only 239,
000 miles away which is equivalent to 80 times the length of the United States.
10. Poles Melting - If all the ice melted in the world more then half of the wor
ld would be under water except for the highest mountains. Global warming is star
ting to be a concern. No ice means rise in oceans and just a little bit of ice c
an cause water levels to rise 20 feet that's a lot considering Florida would be
under water.
12. Over population And Use of Resources - If we are over populated we will cons
ume all our natural resources and food quicker then we can produce it eventually
this will lead to famine, disease, high crime, death etc.
14. Loss of Atmosphere- If were to lose our atmosphere that protects us the sun
could be deadly and of course it also would not trap the suns heat at night and
we would either cook or freeze. The atmosphere is starting to lose its elements
this could be caused by all the factories, chemtrails in the skies or use of che
micals over the years.
15.Higher Power - A new and unseen force perhaps and old one such as god that ca
n create and destroy perhaps there is a god that can do this and perhaps one day
he shall see fit to end mankind and start anew and this does not have to do wit
h religion or aliens but rather a power we believe or do not believe in without
16. Massive landslides - If a continent were to sink it would cause tidal waves
that could be 100s if not 1000s of feet in height. Something that large scale wo
uld kill anything in its path.

We're not sure if or when it will happen, but we've a good idea what the consequ
ences will be. A giant wave will sweep across the Atlantic at the speed of a jet
airliner and a mighty wall of water 50 metres high will hit the coast of North
America, surging up to 20 kilometres inland and engulfing everything in its path
. Simon Day of the Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre at University College L
ondon has discovered that a huge chunk of the volcano Cumbre Vieja, which forms
the southern part of La Palma, one of the Canary Islands, is unstable. Day predi
cts that if half a trillion tonnes of rock slides into the ocean it will create
a tsunami wave far larger than any seen in history. The good news is that Cumbre
Vieja will not collapse spontaneously. It would take an eruption to increase th
e likelihood of this happening. The bad news is that once every few decades, the
volcano erupts...
17. New Species Take Over - Not aliens but perhaps beings that live underground
might be preparing to wage war and take back there planet or the planet. If a ra
ce has high technology they can do almost anything invade, take, enslave or kill
A chimera originally the fabulous Greek mythological creature with a lion s head, a go
at s body, and a serpent s tail has come to mean any hybrid of two or more creatures.
Nowadays the use of genetic engineering raises a number of concerns. By far, the
greatest public concern is over the mixing of human and animal genes. After all
, both cell fusion and recombinant DNA techniques allow species barriers to be r
eadily overcome.
Human beings are changing the world at an ever-increasing pace. New crops appear
almost every day. It is certain that we will be using genetic manipulation to c
hange life forms themselves in the coming decades. Of course, we should be more
alarmed about manipulation of animals than of vegetation and microorganisms.
There is a threshold of cross-species research that must never be stepped over,
lest we walk into a minefield. We must not create situations where humans make l
ife or death decisions without reference to God. We must be cautious not to crea
te interspecies chimeras that would be able to replace or destroy Homo sapiens.
18. Time Travel - If we were to learn the ability of time travel which has been
done only a few cases but if one thing were changed we say this could cause mank
ind to be wiped off. Such as lets say Joe goes back in time to kill a scientist
that has the cure for a disease. So the scientist dies which is a setback to fin
ding the cure by then its to late many die and therefore you or I do not exist.
19. Gas Explosions - Under the earths crust there is gas the pressure builds up
and it could ignite possibly and if lets say all if it ignited at once earth wou
ld be a ball of fire. Its believed the incident in Russia with Tesla that this i
s what occurred some said it was a meteor impact others say there are signs that
the explosion seemed to come from the ground and up.
20. Evil Rayne's On Earth - There are demons good versus evil what if evil won w
hat if demons were unleashed on earth, great evils do you think they would let u
s live and be merry? The earth could plunge into darkness anytime if the balance
of good is off.
21. Mega Nova - Lets say a star explodes close by for what reason perhaps its ab
out to super nova what would be the effects here on earth. Would it block out th
e suns rays, destroy our atmosphere, etc?
There is no work in all literature that has been more misunderstood, prostituted
, exploited and abused than the Bible's final book, titled simply in the Greek,
"Apocalypse of John." The phenomenon is evidenced daily in the quite incredible
fascination of our culture just now with "end times" and apocalyptic scenarios o
f every kind.
A recent Time Magazine/CNN poll found that 59 per cent of Americans actually bel
ieve the "end-of-the-world prophecies" in the Book of Revelation will come true.
About 25 per cent believe the attacks of Sept.11, 2001, were predicted in the B
ible. About 17 per cent believe the world will "end" in their lifetime.

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