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IntraVenous Infusion

- Intravenous Infusion is an efficient and effective method of supplying fluids directly

into the intravascular fluid compartment.

1. To supply fluid when client are unable to take in an adequate volume of fluids by
2. To provide salts needed to maintain electrolyte balance
3. To provide water-soluble vitamins and medications
4. To provide glucose the main fuel of metabolism
5. To establish a lifeline for rapidly needed medications.

1. Isotonic – same concentration of solute to your blood plasma.
2. Hypertonic – greater concentration of solute to your blood plasma
3. Hypotonic – lesser concentration of solute to your blood plasma

Category of Solutions According to their Purpose

1. Nutrient Solutions – rich in calorie, carbo etc.
2. Electrolyte Solution – ions/cations
3. Alkalizing Solutions – To counter act metabolic acidosis
4. Acidifying Solutions – To counter act metabolic alkalosis
5. Blood Volume Expanders – use to increase the volume of blood following severe
blood loss.

Intravenous Equipment
1. Solution Container – available in various sizes
2. Infusion set:
Insertion Spike – kept sterile and inserted into the solution container when the
equipment is set up and ready to start
Chamber – Permits a predictable amount of fluid to be delivered.
Micro drip Chamber Set – has a needle
Roller Valve/Screw Champ – which compresses the lumen of the tubing, controls the
rate of the flow
Protective Cap Over the Needle Adapter – Maintains the sterility of the end of the
tubing so that it can be attached to a sterile needle inserted in the clients vein
IV Port – required to administer secondary infusions/medications
3. IV Pole/rod – needed to hang the solution container also called as IV stand.
For Demo
1. Confirm the physicians order or check the patients chart
- To check the right procedure to the right patient
2. Do handwashing
3. Prepare the needed materials
- dry cotton balls
- wet cotton balls
- bandage scissor

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- plaster 3-5 inches long #3 pieces
- receptacle
- sterile cap for KSS (keep set sterile)
- new bottle of solution (for the termination/disposable)
4. Go to the patients room.
- Knock on the door; greet the patient; introduce yourself and verify the clients
identity by asking the patients complete name.
- Explain to the patient what you are going to do and why it is necessary.
- Assist the patient to a comfortable position.
Termination/Discontinue IVF
5. First I am going to demonstrate how to terminate IVF and we do this whenever
patient no longer need any solution or if the patient is going to be charge. We
actually throw all the materials used.
6. Make the patient comfortable. Close the roller valve in order not to be messy.
7. If the patient has splint, cut the plaster and remove the splint.
8. Get wet cotton balls soaked in an alcohol, start removing the plaster by applying
wet cotton balls on the plaster starting from the peripheral side of the IV. Then
lastly, on the needle side. Then inform the patient that you are going to pull the
needle, pull the needle slowly. Apply pressure on the area and get a dry cotton
balls on the needle site and put a plaster on it to prevent bleeding.

For KSS (Keep Set Sterile) - client not to be discharge or there might be possible
1. Remove the needle from the insertion point then cover the needle adapter with
sterile cap.
2. Then return the tubing and hang it on the IV stand.
3. Instruct the patient that someone will go to her to insert an IV needle on the other
part or area.
4. Do after care, handwashing and document.

Follow-up IV (needs another solution)

1. Enter patient room with a new bottle
2. Close roller bulb
3. Get the IV bottle
4. Kink
5. Hold the IV solution in upright position using the non-dominant hand then remove
the insertion spike from the IV solution using your dominant hand.
6. Get new bottle
7. Open bottle-insert-release
8. Place on IV pole
9. Open roller valve
10. Do after care, handwashing and document such as any sign of inflammation,
edema, redness and pain.

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