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Waged Against Renters

2016 by David v. GOLIATH

Dictionary Definition of WAR

2. a. A condition of active antagonism or contention: a war of words; a price war.
b. A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious: the war
against acid rain.
2. To be in a state of hostility or rivalry; contend.
IDIOM: at war
In an active state of conflict or contention.
Greed is a hunger that will feed on anyone for the sake of profits. Like a cancer tumor, its growth can't be stopped until it
eventually devours its host. DvG

A Challenge for People Who Think They Are Safe from Eviction
This is not meant to be exclusively for them, but for anyone who wants to be informed of the unseen war
going on right under your nose. It's the battle for Los Angeles, and without realizing it, you are losing heavily.
Your city is being taken over by financial terrorists and most of you aren't even aware that there is a fight
occurring. That is precisely why you are losing it!
You probably know that some of the events are happening around you, but you are unaware of the
magnitude and how devastatingly the outcome will affect you. There are already tens of thousands of casualties
in your local neighborhoods that you most likely don't even know about, and the frequency of these injuries is
rapidly rising. The greatest contributor to this tragedy is that people like you, the citizens of L.A., are completely
oblivious to the significance of its occurrence.
Hordes of invaders are already all around you, and you see the destruction going on all through the city,
but you don't realize just exactly how bad it really is. This report will shock you if you dare to read it clear
through. Although it sounds more like a work of fiction than fact, it will become a revelation of the startling truth.
You may have lived there for years, always paid your rent on time, never caused any trouble for your
neighbors, and maybe even have a good relationship with your landlord. If you've always followed all the rules
and never given any reason for anyone to be unhappy with you, you know that nobody has any cause for
complaint. You could even be the ideal tenant, but none of that makes any difference at all. There is no
immunity from disaster in this war. No renter is ever really safe from attack.
For those of you who have always had an excellent relationship for years with a great landlord, you may
think you are above the fray. Circumstances can change overnight. What do you expect is going to happen
when an avaricious annihilator offers him more money than he ever thought it would be worth for this property?
Where will you be then? If you are in the way of greater riches for the profiteers who take over the property
where you live, it is too late to do anything about it then. Absolutely nothing you can do or say will stop the rolling
bulldozer from knocking down your walls. The best you can do is to fight for a little more time before they come
down, and maybe for a little higher payoff when you are forced to leave.
If you are willing to temporarily suspend your disbelief and daring enough to accept this challenge, you will
likely find that your beliefs will be dramatically altered. Following up by reading some of the persuasive
supporting media accounts from the links at the end of this document should be more than adequate to convince
any reasonable doubter of the facts. The only thing you have to lose is your false sense of security if you think
that what you read is true, while what you have to gain could be to keep everything you already own and to
continue your current way of life. Knowledge is power and that knowledge can be a decisive factor in winning
this war in which you could become an unwitting victim.
This challenge is dependent upon whether you think that you are open minded enough to consider the
possibility that you may not already have enough facts to make what could turn out to be one of the most
important decisions of your life. On the other hand, if you are still reading this report but are firmly entrenched in
your disbelief, and are afraid to have it shaken by the information that follows, then maybe youd better stop
reading it right here.

C.L.A.S.H. Citizens of Los Angeles for Saving Homes

There are two categories of evictions that can take place in Los Angeles. They are about the same in
other locals with rent control, and are called at-fault and no-fault. People are usually familiar with the former
because they need to be aware of the reasons to avoid committing them. What they don't think about is the latter
kind, because it ordinarily doesn't occur very often due to the fact that it can be quite costly for the owner. What
tenants don't recognize is that by using these exceptions, all landlords can still create an excuse to throw anyone
out on the street if they are willing to pay the price.
There are also two categories of money gobbling monsters who will not hesitate to destroy people's lives
to fatten their coffers. The first one is the group of white collar criminals pretending to be landlords who, without
hesitation, break the laws that are designed to protect tenants, and they know how to get away with it repeatedly.
They have always been there, but now they are increasing in numbers and combining forces. While some of
them are still acting individually, many have loosely organized into what can best be referred to as a white collar
mafia. Because they are not nearly as abundant as the ones in the other group, they don't have to worry about
being in competition with each other. That is why they can afford to work together here in L.A., and what
increases the danger from them to inhabitants. That is also the reason they have become more daring in their
law breaking activities, because people's attention is more focused on the larger threat.
These are the only problems that have been addressed on the Tenants Joining Resources (aka 10JR)
web pages until now. The reason is that the people who have been involved with this group came together to
deal with the troubles they were having that were caused by these crooked pseudo-landlords. None of them
were any more aware of the disasters being caused by the other group of predators than most of you were.
Even though there were only a handful of them, by combining their efforts, almost all of them were able to
recover their losses nearly every time, and helped cause prosecution. That shows the value of working together.
Despite that, these same crooks have continued their illegal activities unperturbed against many other
renters. Still the damage that they wreak is miniscule in comparison to the other group of villainous owners. It is
like trying to stop a burglary ring in the neighborhood while a gang of home-invading killers is operating there.
The second category consists of big so-called developers, real estate companies and rich investors who
are snatching up property to gentrify neighborhoods all over the city. They are legally abusing the law and
decimating people's lives by obliterating residents homes by the hundreds. The problems caused by those in
this category dwarf those created by the other one, because they utilize evictions on a massive scale, and have
been made legal by some really bad decisions of the state lawmakers. Everyone needs to recognize the
enormity of the menace posed by this batch of freebooters, because if left unchecked, they will eventually
eliminate ALL rent control in the city and take over ownership of Los Angeles! This also applies to other smaller
cities in the state once this one has been picked clean, and probably even before then, too.
Apartment residents in the city of L.A. have increasingly become the targets of opportunity by mercenary
profiteers who are now legally allowed to take over any buildings and evict everyone in them, replacing them with
more expensive units. This is what is known as gentrification. Even though this law is unbelievably
discriminatory, it has been on the books for over two decades. Yet it has only recently been seized upon by
increasing multitudes of greedy profit mongers without morals who will devastate anyone's lives in the name of
The Ellis Act is the best kept publicly known non-secret never exposed. Most people have heard of it, but
don't realize the danger in which it puts apartment renters. They are generally more conversant with the term
gentrification, which is the result of that law. It is a license to wipe-out entire communities, one building at a
time. It's like a firing squad, lining up all the inhabitants in front of a machine gun and decimating all their lives in
one burst. Who cares what happens to them afterwards, the law says that's not the shooters obligation. They
just want to kick everyone out of the way of their anticipated profits. A petty buy-out offer they may make won't
even pay a year's rent in another place.
Too many people don't realize that the Ellis Act gentrification law completely overrides every single tenant
protection in the entire city, turning L.A. into a wide open shooting gallery, and all renters into stationary targets
with huge bounties on their heads. The atmosphere reverts to the old days of the Wild Wild West. There is no
safe place to hide from them. Tenants can not only be shot on site, but out of sight as well. With such
opportunities to capitalize on the plight of the less fortunate which are available to anyone rich enough to afford it,
carpetbaggers from all over the world are rushing to cash in on them.

B.E.W.A.R.E. Business Enterprises War Against Renters by Evictions

This war is no joke; it is not even an exaggeration. It is a real war being waged against the citizens of Los
Angeles. It already has more than 50,000 actual casualties. It is not a normal kind of war, but it is every bit as
dangerous to our citizens as those being fought in other countries.
There are a number of differences between the assaulting invaders in this one and the normal concept of
war. One of the major differences that give the attacking forces a huge advantage is that this is a silent war. It's
not a secret one, because the city officials know all about it, and it's been reported in all the newspapers and the
other media, yet almost nobody but its victims have tried to do anything about it. As the casualties grow, there
are starting to be a greater number of people who recognize the significance of the disaster that is unfolding as a
result of it.
One of the major differences that will likely be a chink in the armor of the enemy is that they are not an
organized entity. They are a bunch of individual greedy mercenaries that are competing with each other for the
right to evict all the occupants and demolish rent controlled apartments in Los Angeles. The objective is to
replace them with high priced buildings that have a small percentage of supposedly affordable housing units for
a much higher rent. The only thing they can come together on is to join against any attempt to make changes in
the laws that would stop their destruction.
Another difference is that they are mostly not foreigners, but money hungry American capitalists who won't
hesitate to throw seniors, disabled, minorities and low income earners out of their homes in an instant for a quick
profit. That is exactly what they are doing with the mass evictions which are now permitted under the law known
as the Ellis Act.
Still another difference is that their weapons are not guns, but deeds of ownership; their ammunition is not
bullets, but dollars. When you're kicked out of your home into the street, it doesn't matter what they use to do it,
the consequences are the same. Families are broken up, jobs are lost, possessions are damaged and lost, the
elderly and handicapped are forced into group homes, children wind up in foster care, the homeless ranks swell,
crime increases, local businesses lose customers, neighborhoods deteriorate, the economy takes a dive, and
people actually even die as a result. Even if you still have your home, the effects will disrupt your life, and you
may yet be in the next batch of victims.
This really is a clear and present danger. If you currently rent an apartment in Los Angeles, and especially
if it is under rent control, or you are on a fixed or low income, you are a prime target. If it is not stopped in time,
sooner or later it will definitely happen to you, too. Keep in mind that most of those whose lives have already
been decimated by this war never thought that it would happen to them, either. They are the ones that got hit the
hardest and hurt the most because it was a completely unanticipated surprise.
You have probably noticed that the landscape is changing dramatically. The city is filled with detours,
empty lots and construction sites. What do you suppose happened to the people who used to live in those
buildings? Where do you think all these tens of thousands of homeless people in our city came from? New York
has twice the population of L.A., yet Los Angeles is the homeless capital of the entire United States.
Wake up Los Angeles renters! A major war is raging in your back yard, and you're sound asleep at the wheel!
Sneak Attack
The sneak attack to which the subtitle refers is not like the one on Pearl Harbor where it is done in one
single unified totally destructive blow. It is instead more like foreign sleeper agents, as they try to come onto the
scene subtly without drawing attention to themselves so their victims won't become aware of their intentions.
Then they strike singly, usually at one building at a time, surprising their unsuspecting targets in small groups
once their preparations are done behind the scenes and their weapons are fully loaded. That way what little
resistance they encounter from the shocked tenants can be much more easily put down.
By making sure that they follow the minimal procedures established by the law, there is no possibility of
any timely rescue for their victims because the letter of the law is completely on their side. Any attempts to fight
back by their prey because they thought they were under the protection of the law are totally futile. They are
met by Sheriffs officers who will proceed to throw them out on the street if necessary to defend the rights of the
perpetrators who coordinated the attack.

That is when the soon to be or now former residents finally become aware of what is going on.
Unfortunately, that is more than just a little bit too late, as they now must concentrate on surviving this tragedy.
Meanwhile those around them observe what's happening, but go on with their lives knowing that it can't possibly
happen to them. Until it's too late! Thats how this catastrophe is perpetuated.
The unwitting targets have no chance of doing anything to prevent this assault on their lives because they
don't believe that this is happening all around the city. They are caught completely off guard until they are
personally victimized by it. It is their disbelief that makes a major contribution to the success of the marauding
If they could be made seriously aware of the underlying situation enough in advance to organize and join
together, then they would have a good chance to put a stop to it. As it is, the only ones that know about the
disaster that continues to unfold are those that experience it up close and personally, after the fact.
It is a one-sided war that is being fought on your own home grounds, because there is no way to defend
against an enemy that you don't even know is attacking you. The only way to unite the victims is to educate them
before it happens. But that presents a huge obstacle to surmount due to the fact of their disbelief.
Before a plan to solve a problem can be implemented, a solution must be determined. Before that can
occur, alternatives have to be considered. Before this can take place, the problem has to be acknowledged.
Before that is possible, it must be recognized. In order for that to happen, the people who will experience it have
to know that it exists. That can only be done by making them aware of it by means of providing them with that
That is the primary purpose of this report, but that in itself is not nearly enough to alert the hundreds of
thousands of occupants in the second largest city in America. Merely offering that information for them to
discover on their own does not overcome that hurdle. Instead of waiting for the people to find it, an active
campaign of education needs to be implemented. The knowledge has to be brought directly to them. If that
challenge can be met, the forces against the enemies of the people can be enough to fully overwhelm them and
stop the invasion in its tracks. This is the missing key to success in this drive to win the war.
A War We Can't Afford to Lose
Make no mistake about it; this is an actual war by any definition of the word. It is the first one to be fought
wholesale in Los Angeles, and it is coming right to your doorstep sooner or later if it is not won first. Without the
knowledge of what is taking place right under your nose, you have no chance of victory against a well-armed
combatant. If you're totally unarmed and unaware of the consequences of losing the battle that you don't even
know you are about to have to fight for your life in, how can anyone expect to avoid losing. The cost of that loss
could be everything of importance to you, even the life of a loved one, which has actually happened to some
people before as a result of these assaults.
War is not an activity that you can accept coming in as the runner-up. The cost of being a casualty is too
great. Even if you don't really believe it is coming where you are, doesn't it seem reasonable to be prepared?
You're not expecting an earthquake right now either, but chances are you have taken some measures for when it
happens anyway. This is something you can prove to yourself by just doing a small amount of research on the
subject. Look up the laws and see for yourself. Read the dozens of links from the local media sources, some of
which are provided for you at the end of this document.
If you discover the truth behind these statements, you can do things in advance of the impending doom
and help to prevent it, or at least be prepared. The first step to do that is to become informed of it. Knowledge is
power, and what you don't know can do much more than just hurt you. In this case, it can literally destroy your
life. If you really believe it is a hoax and you are right, you have nothing to lose but the time to check it out. If it
turns out to be true, the only thing you have to lose is your false sense of security, which is a lot better than losing
your home. Either way you lose nothing, but you could win everything you already have by being able to keep it
when the enemy comes to obliterate your building.

Hint of the Holocaust

In this struggle for possession of their homes, some people refer to tenants as being relative to David
versus Goliath, but there is really no comparison. David had several distinct advantages as opposed to renters in
this series of battles.
1) He had time to prepare because he knew the fight was coming.
2) He could make sure his weapon was in good working order.
3) He was able to gather what he thought was appropriate ammunition.
4) He was allowed to at least take a swing at his opponent before it was over.
The first indication that unsuspecting residents get is the notice that their fight has ended and they have
already lost their home. Then they have only days to get out or they'll lose all their possessions, too. This can
really interfere with people's schedules for the rest of their lives. It's less like David and Goliath and more like
what happened to the Jews in the Nazi prison camps, except that it's a little slower and most of the victims are
not quite as dead yet.
Wealth supremacists are collectively committing mass evicticide against the largest and most vulnerable
segment of the population of the second largest city in the entire nation. They're doing this to wring out the
monetary juices for the greatest amount of profits possible. This can only be obtained at the cost of the lives and
livelihood of potentially hundreds of thousands of inhabitants, without regard to any effects on the city as a whole.
L.A. isn't the only city that is being plundered by these gold-digging moneygrubbers. They are ravaging
any city that has rent control in California and can even attack ones that don't. Their primary targets are naturally
those that have the highest property values and the most sheep to shear. This is a major threat that is already
happening in metropolitan areas and can occur anywhere in the largest state in the country.
This war is as far from fair as you can get. Apartment occupants are cast in the role of bullseyes in a
shooting range. They don't even get a chance to duck because they didn't know they were about to be shot. Its
like BANG, BANG, you're dead, so you can't live anymore, at least not in your home. Now your abode will be
replaced with 5% affordable units at double the rent. Good luck finding a place to stay while you're out on the
The only way to avoid any chance of becoming an evictim is to win the battle against evicticide by
following David's lead in the fight against GOLIATH. You have to take the first punch and make it count!
Throwing the First Punch
The only organization that seems to be accomplishing anything significant in this surprise war that the
State of California sprang on us with the Ellis Act is the Renters Day Coalition. They are doing a good job of
trying to unite the other agencies and organizations, and planning strategies together to combat this invasion of
the home snatchers by these green vampires.
The only major flaw in their haste to get results is that they haven't concentrated enough on making the
residents aware of the impending disaster they are unknowingly facing. Instead of just having a couple of
hundred or so local citizens behind them supporting their efforts, they should have a couple of thousand backing
their moves to action by now.
This can only take place with concerted efforts to alert and educate the portion of the population of the city
that is at the greatest risk. Preliminary focus needs to be on gathering a larger army to impose the need for
change where it has to be made. It has been estimated that over one third of Los Angeles's population still lives
in the remaining rent controlled units here. Even a couple of thousand people is less than .002% of those
residents, but it can really make a much more emphatic looking force than a couple of hundred could. It's kind of
like staging a sit-in at the mayor's office with twenty people instead of just two. A couple of people would be very
quickly escorted off the premises. Twenty would make a lot more imposing statement and get much better
If only half of the occupants who live under S.O.L.A.R. the Stabilization Ordinance for Los Angeles
Rents (aka RSO) actually recognized the reality of the invading forces, the number of people who would respond
could be almost, if not completely overwhelming. This is where the real power behind the movement needs to be
generated. The defensive attack needs to be tempered with a focused recruitment plan to harness this decisive
power. An army of enlightened tenants would be an enormous help to accomplish that goal.

Vanishing Homes Accelerate Inflation

About a decade ago, the local Housing Dept. records said that there were 644,000 rent controlled
apartments in Los Angeles. In 2016 their site says that number is 624,000. While you might think that's because
of a typographical error, the links in this report will verify that is not the case. They will also tell you what
happened to the missing 20,000 units. They were eradicated, taken off the market, demolished; they no longer
exist. That naturally reduced the supply and simultaneously increased the demand for apartments in L.A.
That doesn't mean that 20,000 people lost their homes. With an estimated approximation from about ten
years ago of an average of 2.7 people in each one, that represents over 50,000 people promiscuously dumped
out of their homes into the streets to fend for themselves. Today that average is probably closer to three. What
do you suppose happened to those occupants? Who knows? That is their problem, not the perpetrators.
That is exactly what the residents who are yet to go through it tomorrow, next month, and on into the
future will have to deal with. When your building is chosen, that is also what you and your neighbors can look
forward to experiencing, too. There are no reprieves. When you first get the notice, it's too late because it's
already a done deal.
The only way to do anything about it is before it happens. Remember, they don't warn or threaten you
first, they always shoot first. That's the way the process is designed to work. The army of renters who can stop it
from continuing needs to be built up from folks just like you. Right now they just have mostly former and current
victims. Why wait until that describes you to actively participate. Like it or not, being a renter here means that
you are already involved. Now is the time to act, before the war makes you and your family into more casualties.
Otherwise all you can do is to wait until you wish you had acted when you first heard about it. Today you can still
make that wish come true, but only if you do something about it first before it's too late.
The website for the Renters Day Coalition gives a list of more than 30 organizations that are combining
efforts to help you save your home. Pick one or more of them and help them do it. The other alternative is to just
stick your head back into the sand and keep hoping they won't notice and will skip over you, but do you really
think that is likely to be the case? With bulldozers running amuck here, there are only three options: stop them,
leave the state, or wait for one to hit you. It's all up to you.

Supporting Documentation Links

If you are not yet convinced after reading this far, the links below will connect you with numerous media
reports which will verify the information contained in this report, although somewhat less vehemently. Reading all
of them will take more time than you expect, because many of them have their own links included within their
articles. The highlighted ones are direct links to sources of information, including some of the actual laws
themselves. These are not the only ones available since our search was not exhaustive and new ones are
published frequently, so feel free to add your own research to these. If you send us additional links that you find,
we may be able to incorporate them here. You can contact the author of this report at 10JR[at]

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