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Rawganic Vegan
While most people throw them away, papaya seeds are not only edible, small
amounts of them in your diet can be VERY good for you.

They have a strong flavor, kind of like pepper. IN FACT! Many people dry them in the
sun or in a dehydrator and then use them in a pepper mill as a seasoning.

Papaya seeds contain high levels of proteolytic enzymes like papain which breaks
down protein waste, and can also naturally help keep parasites at bay.

Papaya seeds also contain a unique anthelmintic alkaloid called carpaine that has
been shown to be very effective at killing parasitic worms and amoebas.

Papaya seeds are also a great liver tonic. You can grind up a teaspoon of seeds and
mix them with a tablespoon of fresh lime juice, and drink twice per day to help your

The seeds of papaya also have shown to have an antibacterial and antiinflammatory effect on our digestive systems. Studies have shown that they may be
effective against E coli, Salmonella, Staph and other dangerous bacterial infections.

*** As a precaution, pregnant women should not use papaya seeds.


Rawganic Vegan

Why Raspberries?
Raspberries are not only super high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents,
but in studies done on breast, cervical, colon, esophageal, and prostate cancers,
raspberry phytonutrients have been shown to play an important role in lowering
oxidative stress, and altering the development of cancer cells. Phytonutrients in
raspberries may also change the signals that are sent to potential or existing cancer

With existing cancer cells, phytonutrients like ellagitannins in raspberries may be

able to decrease cancer cell numbers by sending signals that encourage the cancer
cells to being a cycle of programmed cell death called "apoptosis".

With potentially cancerous cells, phytonutrients in raspberries may be able to

trigger signals that encourage the non-cancerous cells to remain non-cancerous.

Why fresh coconut meat?

Coconuts contain 3 fatty acids that enable them to have very potent anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties: lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid. They
control inflammation caused by any type of infection.

Coconuts are healthy for you because they contain medium-chain fatty acids
(MCFA's). By eating MCFA's with other foods you will have better absorption of
nutrients from all of the food you are eating with the coconut. So, remember the
raspberries and all of their amazing nutrient benefits? Well when combined with
coconut, you will be getting an even higher level of absorption.

Eating coconut meat can also provide relief from digestive issues like bloating, gas,
constipation, diarrhea or cramping.


Rawganic Vegan
Get Juiced! (The Healthy Way)
In several recent studies, beet juice has been found to enhance athletic
performance. In one study, cyclists who ingested half a liter of beetroot juice before
a 2.5-mile or a 10-mile time trial were almost 3 percent faster than when they rode
without the beet juice! They also produced more power with each pedal stroke.

As a result, beet juice was apparently a staple among British track and field athletes
at the Olympics, and among several of the United States Olympic marathon
runners, many other nations runners, swimmers, rowers and cyclists, and a number
of Olympic soccer players.

Beet juice improves blood and oxygen flow to muscles, according to Andrew Jones, a
professor of applied physiology at the University of Exeter in England, and one of
the lead study authors. Beet juice also prompts muscles to use the oxygen more


Rawganic Vegan
The combination of carrot, apple and yam is extremely healing for the body. The
falcarinol in carrots has been found to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Carrots can also: enhance the quality of breast milk, improve the appearance of the
skin, hair and nails, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, it is also supportive of the
adrenal glands, and can help improve eye health.

Important minerals present in carrot include sulfur, phosphorous and magnesium.

Phosphorus is essential for the health of skin, hair and nerves. The magnesium

helps with mental development, digestion of fats and the metabolism of mineral
salts such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Sulfur also forms a
major ingredient of insulin, the hormonal function of which is to convert
carbohydrates into energy.

Apple juice helps to maintain the levels of a brain chemical called acetylcholine,
which is vital for memory and brain health. Low levels of acetylcholine is linked to
Alzheimers Disease.

Sweet potatoes contain very large amounts of anti-inflammatory compounds, which

are very important for everyone.

By adding organic vegetable JUICES to your daily life, you will be providing your
body with the best possible nutrition.


Rawganic Vegan
Mood enhancing foods:
Red Maca: Maca has been shown to ease anxiety and depression in studies. Red
maca has the same nutritional profile and all of the same beneficial properties as
regular maca, but phytochemical analyses showed red maca to have greater
amounts of the compounds responsible for antioxidant and antitumor activity than
other types of maca.

Orange: Oranges contain folic acid which is a mood enhancing vitamin.

Banana: Bananas produce dopamine quinine, which is a form of dopamine that

occurs naturally in the environment. And the brown spots on the banana actually
contain the highest levels! For people whose dopamine levels regularly drop in the
evening bananas can help curb the effects.

Cashews: Cashews are such an amazing nut with amazing mood benefiting
ingredients. The tryptophan in cashews can boost your brains production of
serotonin, which promotes a stable mood. A September 2007 Canadian Journal of
Physiology and Pharmacology study concluded that protein-source tryptophan
along with carbohydrates, such as cashews, significantly improves symptoms in
people who suffer social anxiety disorder. Cashews are also an excellent source of
magnesium, more than other nuts including almonds. Increased magnesium intake
is associated with better mental health; according to a January 2009 The Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry study.


Rawganic Vegan
The Dragon fruit, also known as Pitaya is one of the most nutritious fruits youll find.
It has a light, sweet taste and can be either white flesh or pink flesh.

Dragon fruit is high in Vitamin C, and also in phosphorus and calcium which are
minerals that reinforce our bones, promote healthy teeth and tissue formation.

Dragon fruit was shown in studies to help decrease aortic stiffness and the increase
in blood pressure caused by stiff arteries. Consuming dragon fruit was shown to
increase antioxidants in the blood, which helps to limit oxidative stress.


Rawganic Vegan
Pomegranates can help prevent acne by promoting healthy circulation of the blood.
Pomegranates are very rich in iron, which helps absorb oxygen so it can be carried
to the skin cells, making the skin look radiant.

Pomegranates are a GREAT source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant which

protects the skin from damaging free radicals, and it also helps regulate the
production of sebum, an oily substance that is one of the main causes of acne.

Pomegranate juice can also help with damaged skin by assisting to prolong the life
of fibroblasts -- cells that are responsible for producing elastin and collagen.

Cucumber juice has long been known as a skin beautifier. In fact, you could either
drink this juice recipe, or leave out the apple and use a cotton swab and put the
pomegranate and cucumber directly on your face if you have acne!


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