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Happy Birthday Claire!

By Sophie Biro
Todays Claire Robertsons birthday, and she is
turning 18. I have known Claire since she was a
first year CIT, and I was a first year camper. Today
she is turning 18! This means that

Volume 44a, Issue 11b

All the news that fits, we print!

The Guest Artists, and the Project!
By Katie Predella
Today me and a few other Daily Double
representatives (most likely the longest word Ive used
in an article) went down to the tent stage to ask the guest
artists Joe Quinones and Maris Wicks some questions,
along with the campers working on the project with them.
They were making comics with the campers, but in a really
cool way. They started the comics, and they each drew a
panel. The other campers could draw any scene they want,
as long as they made the scene fit in with the one before
it. The campers could draw in any panel they wanted to
draw in, posing a little more of a challenge for the campers
who wanted to the draw a panel before or after it. Those
campers would have to make their scene fit with the scene
before it, and lead into the scene after it! Joe and Maris
both liked being back at camp after working for it. Maris
even worked at a camp, based off of this one, in upstate
New York for 9 years! They helped the campers figure out
what to draw, or exactly what they were drawing. They
brought some comic books they worked on for inspiration
for their giant comic. It looked like so much fun! Great
job if you were one of the ones who worked on it!

1. She can vote

2. She can get a drivers license
3. She can go to college!
4. She is an adult
5. She can be a counselor!
Happy birthday Claire! I hope your birthday is as
fun as writing this article!
Editors note: We love Claire! She is a beautiful
and wonderful human and we are so proud of
her! She is an essential part of the Daily Double! Congratulations on turning 18 Claire!

How often is a baby born and a person dies

By Ryan Kane
On average, a baby is born every 4.2 seconds and on
average, someone dies every 13 seconds, about. So in the amount
of time it took for you to read this article, a person died. So sad.
But, if you look on the bright side, 6 babies were born when you
got to this point in the article!
Editors note: Happy Birthday Ryan! Youre awesome!

Puppies and Kittens

By Julia Wilson

Breaking News! Puppies and
Kittens have been flying everywhere! I
saw my puppy dalmation named spot fly
into space! Says Jenn Teller pet. Meow
Meow Meow! Says Tom Linners cat.
I dont know the %^*$!# my kitten has
been! Then it starts raining kittens and
puppies from space. Watch out! You
never know where a cat or dog could
land. Ever!

Movie review
By Nathaniel Ames

The movie review I am writing about is the
movie called 9. The plot line of the movie is that
there was an apocalypse in which war robots took
over the world, and there are 9 doll creatures that
brought an evil robot, that makes other robots, to
life. I would give these movie 5 stars out of 5 stars
raiding because it involves adventure and mystery
into an entertaining plotline. The movie is rated PG
and I think people 5 and up could definitely see this
movie. Thank you for reading this and I hope you
see this movie.
Word Fun Issue #2
By Roxanne Glassenberg
Dear Readers,
This is the second issue of Word Fun! Thank
you to the camper who put todays word of the
on my sheet. Remember, if you put a word on
the Word Fun sheet (located outside the Daily
Double room) you will get your word published
AND a big thank you in the news paper for all
of CRCAP to see! So please, PLEASE, give
me some words!
Thanking you in advance,
Roxanne Glassenberg
Word of the Day: Dichotomy
One Sentence with the word Dichotomy in it:
There is a dichotomy between good and evil.
5 Fun Words:
C.I.T., smoked, edible, percent, cursive.
Super Challenge: Write a sentence using two of
the Fun Words. Write on the line! __________
Super Awesome Challenge: Write a sentence
using three or four the Fun Words. ________
Complete, Full-on Challenge: Write a sentence
using all of the Fun Words. _______________

Google tricks
By Grace Arendell
If you have nothing to do and are on your computer
here are a few fun things that you can do on Google.
All you have to do is look it up and click the first
1. Google gravity: its so cool
2. Google mirror: it turns everything backwards
and it gets really confusing
3. Google underwater: there are fake fish
4. Google pacman: a mini version of the game
5. Google rainbow: its very colorful
6. Google guitar: it actually plays
7. Google snakes: its a super fun game
8. Google epic: its just fun
9. Annoying Google: Its Googles annoying cousin
10. Disappearing oos: Click on the double oos in
Google and they will disappear

Favorite Colors
By Hannah and Mya
We took a survey of favorite
colors here are the results:
Pink (4)
Turquoise (2)
Teal (1)
Blue (10)
Yellow (1)
White (2)
Green (3)
Red (1)
Rainbow (3)
Purple (8)
Light Blue (2)
Silver (2)
Hot Pink (1)
Orange (1)
Gold (1)
Bronze (1)
The End

The Insane Adventures of Will and Katie

By Will Edwards and Katie Predella
One day we were just writing in the Daily
Double room, when Will saw a rift in space time. So
he grabbed Katie and jumped through it, thinking it
would increase his chances of becoming the Doctors
next companion (which annoyed Katie, who wasnt
a Whovian). Katie didnt really know how all this
Doctor stuff worked, so she just followed Will
around everywhere, hoping that she would actually
have a chance of understanding this space time stuff.
Eventually they ended up in the Marvel universe, and
met the Young Avengers. Then Harry Potter characters
showed up. This eventually resulted in all of us going
to war (Us vs Young Avengers vs Hogwarts), we didnt
even know why (though they seemed like competition
for Doctors companion status) Katie was so torn! She
loved the Harry Potter characters, so she ran away from
the big war, and went to the library with Hermione,
who was the only character who wasnt a Whovian. Of
course, she had to suffer through the whole Goodbye
Hermione I may never see you again kisses from Ron,
but it was sort of worth it.
Meanwhile, Will decided Katie could just stay
in the Library and teamed with Wiccan and Harry to
become the Doctors next companions. Thankfully, it
wasnt that hard to get rid of some of the big names.
It helped that Voldemort was chopped into pieces for
insulting the Ninth Doctor and Loki decided it was
getting too crazy even for him.
Back in the Library, Hermione and Katie
found a portal behind the bookshelves, and opened
it. Immediately, the Seven were in the library. Katie
had been waiting her whole fangirl life (about three
months) to meet Leo. Hermione also decided to ditch
Ron in favor of Leo, so Katie and Hermione had a trivia
war, which didnt end well.
After finally getting rid of Neville (Will lied
and said he could be the companion after the alliance),
the rest of the war was easy. Wiccan recruited Hulking
to the cause, so they had to kill Harry to make room for
him in the alliance. Then the TARDIS showed up after
they finished hiding the bodies. The Doctor ended the
main conflict of the current Young Avengers volume
in one episode and the want to become companions
alliance (Will, Wiccan and Hulking) became the
Doctors companions. Will went on to win the record
for most useless companion for the longest amount
of time, (he became useful after his second season)

Wiccan and Hulking proved to be more useful. And

because they died in the Marvel Universe, all of the
people killed came back to life in two months, which
happened after the next paragraph (how confusing).
After suffering through Hermione giving
Jason a concussion (with a brick of course), saving
(kidnapping with a burlap sack) Leo and Percy, and
tying Hermione to that chair that she used to try and kill
Percy, Katie ran outside to check on Will. She noticed
that the war over becoming the Doctors companions
was over. She wondered where everyone was. Then
she walked down a street and saw the body of Harry
Potter behind a garbage dump. Katie went to weep in
the corner of the ally she was in, and cry over what she
was going to do for the rest of her life. Then Leo and
Percy (still in the burlap sack) got a little restless, so
Katie went to find a way home. When she got back to
the Daily Double room, there was a fangirl fight over
Leo and Percy (Tossed around the room in the sack),
which Katie ended by pulling out Harrys glasses,
which she had taken as a souvenir. Everyone started
sobbing, which gave Katie enough time to get back
home and invent a portal to Camp Half Blood, where
she happily ran around forever, until she died of too
much fangirling while eating nachos on the Argo 2.
And that wraps up the Insane Adventures for
today. We hope we will get to do more of this weird
and wacky stuff!

Basketball Hoop
By Emily Lucas
Flying through the
Sky, Like a big bounce
Ball. hey Look my
Home sweet hoop!

Basketball Poop
By Natalie Burr

By Emily Lucas
Orangeish brown,
Black lined,
And purple-eyed.

I saw a tall basketball hoop

It reminded me of a basketball poop.
Above the poop a dog would snoop
The dog felt sick so he drank some soup
And he joined a radical feminist group

Bronies, Ponies, and Kippys thoughts.

By Eleanor and Kippy

A Minecraft article
By Corey Predella

E: Kippy, for those people out there who have no

idea what bronies are, do you care to explain?

The person who invented minecraft (witch his
name is notch) had to be rich cause over 1,000,000
people got it and I play it to. I think people like it
because they get to build their own terrain and you get
to do whatever you want you could even jump off the
empire state building and survive weird right you could
meet someone new on it and be friends.

K: Basically its anyone who is outside of the

target demographic for the TV show My Little
Pony: Friendship is Magic. This means anyone
who is not a 6 year old girl. Most bronies are male
but there is a subcategory of females commonly
referred to as pegasisters.

The end

E: Then I guess that Im a Pegasister. Do you

know why there is no recognition for the comics,
which are darker, and way more serious, and
everyone thinks its just rainbows and lame
jokes and truly girly pink TV based lame comic
K: Well, thats not entirely true. Within the
fandom of Bronyism the comics are really
popular, but if you are not in the fandom you
dont get the memo on these comics because
youre probably a little girl meaning youre in
the target demographic. If youre a brony you
know AAAALL about the dark stuff.
E: I heard from an anonymous source that there
are very scary videos on the internet, and its not
all rainbows and magic. So, tell us, is there a
separate show thats darker, and for older kids.
Or is there just one show, with rainbows and
sparkles for 6 year old girls, or is a mix of both
or something else thats not in the list?
K: There is 4 levels. The first level is rainbows
and sparkles and ooh, Pinkie Pie is so Pretty!
Level 2 is like Bronies, which is like oh lets
make crazy awesome fan art, and music and
be generally awesome, without being dark, or
inappropriate. Level 3 is like the comics, pretty
dark, and like were getting attacked by demons
that are way too scary for little kids! Level 4 is
just you probably dont want to go there. Its like
Chainsaws, and stuff you DO NOT want to see.
E: Thank you Kippy! I hope that changed your
opinion on my little pony, and I hope you dont
have the wrong idea anymore.

By Eleanor Dunne
This article is all pig Latin after this 2 sentences. If
you know pig Latin, you will be able to decode this
article, so please enjoy.
Ihay histay rticleaay siay eryvay andomray
osay I opehay ouyay ancay nderstanduay histay
This was the only pig Latin article ever made. I hope
you enjoyed it.
Editors Note: What????

The origin of wolficorns part 2

By Alexa Orent
There is a tree in a forest somewhere. All unicorns
come to this tree once a year to make an offering to
the unicorn god. They pray for health and happiness,
and peace with the wolfs. There is a mineral in the
deepest caves more valuable than all minerals and
gems put together. Every year at the same time all
the wolfs come to this tree and pray. They pray for
health and happiness, and peace with the unicorns.
The history of the wolfs and the unicorns go back
to the first of these two species. The wolf stole
the sapling for the unicorn tree thus the war that
followed. This war had been going on for billions
of years. The war continued till something strange
and wonderful happened.
The unicorn tree:
He helped his father carry the bodies back to the
clearing. His mother came out into the clearing
and gasped but was silenced by a glance from her
husband. Months passed and still no sign of waking
up. Though they hated the wolfs, they showed
respect and buried the older wolfs body the same
way they buried their uncle after a wolf attack
before the young unicorn was born. First they dug
a eight foot by eight foot hole. Then they covered
the inside with grass. Then took a stone from within
the roots of the unicorn tree and placed it next to the
head of the wolf, the most intelligent part of him.
His mother wove a mat the size of the hole from the
roots of the unicorn tree. They filled the hole with
loads of fruits. They placed the mat on top of the
grave. His father lit fire to the mat. That fire burned
all night. With no sign from the injured wolf, they
went to bed. The next morning was a dull one. He
woke up with this question in his mind.
When will the injured one wake up? he asked his
Maybe never said his dad.
Months passed and still no sign of waking up.
Finally after three years, she stirred to life.
The wolfs mineral
Though she slept for three years she had but 3
dreams. The first was about her father. It was as if
she was seeing his past. As she thought about him
she reflected on how much she hated the unicorns.
A shout cried out. She turned her head to find a

huge heard of unicorns thundering toward her. She

couldnt move though she tried to sprint away. She
closed her eyes and waited for the impact. But the herd
thundered in a different direction and she could move.
She watched as the herd was stalked by her own kind.
She went up to who she suspected to be the leader. He
didnt notice her and moved on. She didnt want to
obtrude so she stayed behind they last wolf.
pst she turned her head but didnt see anything.
pst this time she saw a tail sweep behind a tree.
She went over to see what it was. And a female wolf
stepped out. Its no use trying to talk to them she said.
Not even I can see or hear you. I can see the future
though. They all hate me because Im different. Your
father is in that pack over there. The wolf told her her
fathers past. About how there was one unicorn who he
and his father almost killed but escaped and how he
searches for that unicorn.
That single unicorn hides the secret to ending the war.
Your father wants you to know that your training was
all for that secret and now its your turn to take up the
quest. However as you will discover soon he has no
idea he hides it.
Who is he?She asked as the dream faded away

Coco Cookie adventure part 2

By Abby St.Amand

When Coco got to creep woods, he was
scared. He walked slowly until a big wolf tried to eat
him! But since Coco was so sweet, inside and out,
when Coco touched the wolf he turn into a puppy.
Coco ried the puppy through creep woods, turning it
into sweet woods. Then they reached hack cliff and
Coco was snached by a hawk!!
To be continued

Leslie Wong
By Grace McDonald

So my friend Leslie Wong she is doing
the swimming tournament and me and my
Friends at camp are going to make a poster
that sais GO LESLIE GO! (By the way my
friends are Claire McDonald my sister Lauren
Wong Franny Lepieno and Me!) What if Leslie
does not win the I will scream. Always when I
scream I would say is a person does not get here
in 3 seconds I will scream 3 2 1 AHHH! Then
I start running around like a crazy person then
my sister start to try to catch me so I will stop
embarrassing her but she does not catch me!
To be continued . . .

Whats Your Favorite Candy

By Liam Salerno
Candy cane (2)
Dont have one (2)
Gummy bears (2)
M +ms (3)
Milk Duds (1)
Starbursts (2)
Milkey way (2)
Choclot (5)
Sky bar (1)
Kit cat (1)
Twisalers (1)
Reases (3)
Candy rasberrys (1)
Snow caps (1)
Sour pach (1)
Swedish fish (1)

Snickers (1)
Now and later (1)
Twix (1)
Chocolate wins!

Are you an explosive superhero toad with a

By Tillie Slosser
1. Do you explode?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Is that wrong?
2. Do you fly around with a pretty toad-girl in
your arms?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I kiss them while flying
3. Do you wear a cape with ST (Super Toad)
on it?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No, it says SAT (Super Awesome Toad)
All As- yes
All Bs- no
All Cs- definitely

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