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Darkness is ignorance. It is the "Unknown". It is thought of as the nothing, being that you cannot see in darkness.

Darkness is also referred to as Evil, but only when it has something to compare it too. In the beginning was God. God is the great mniscient one in that !e knows all things, but !e is also the ""ll #hings" that e$ist, regardless of what level of life. Darkness was upon the face of the deep% &o we see though God e$ist, !e is unknown% thus is why !e is referred to as Darkness. &o for anything to come forth from this great unknown darkness, it would have to be "'ight". #he first thing upon meeting someone whom you don(t know is, !ello my name is ))))) *ou "reveal" yourself to that person you are meeting. &o a "+ord" was what was needed as a way and pattern of communication for two things to communicate. #here has to be a purpose for the unknown to ever reveal itself to you, and that would have to be, it wants to make myself known. &o if 'ight is a ",evealer". #hen we understand that the -'* thing that could come forth from God would have to be "'ight" as he began to make !imself known% +hatever ",eveals" is known as "'ight". &o all that come forth from God, who was and is all knowledge, wisdom, and under standing could only be "'ight" as whatever !e would say would reveal something about !im. #hough "+ord" or "'ight" came forth from God, is it not still "God" appearing in another form) &o instead of seeing one as Good and one as Evil, we see one as ".ysterious" and "Unknown" and one as "/nowledge and Understanding, and ",evelation" and "/nown". #hus a ".anifestation" of God which is 'ight% &o we see how though God was Darkness, when comprehended fully by 0esus 1hrist, !e is now known as 'ight eternally for God has been manifested, made known and revealed% !e is e$hibited and shown and revealed by 0esus the 1hrist% #he transition period from darkness to light created a temporary world of twilight. +hen one has faith.... not 2ust faith...but... "#he 3aith" then !e is 'ight and the knowledge and wisdom and understanding of who !e is has brought about a conviction of 3aith 4'ight5. &o we was darkness and we became light, but in the pre e$istence world or that which is before time, we see in that we are God...that we was knowledge, wisdom and understanding, but we were unknown and unmanifested. &o if light is referred to as understanding then we see how we fell and was cast out from darkness so we could become light, though the very instant we was cast out, we was already changed from darkness to light because all that came from God who was unknown had to be light% &o we see 'ight veiling itself in darkness and also darkness transforming into light. +hen we say God is making man into !is Image, the emphasis is always the man, but in all reality it is God reproducing !imself, man was 2ust the tool needed. "ccording to your 3aith... so be it unto you. more to come 666666

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