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Archangel Michael: The New Earth Energies

Channeler:Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, in this time of intense Shift and
Change, and Emergence, you are feeling the Turbulence of
the Birthing of the New Galactic Human within the New
Golden Rose Galaxy. You are becoming accustomed to the
New Energies and the Frequencies of the New Reality. We
would like to say to you that coping with this New reality is
very Simple if you remember just One Thing that
Everything is Energy and Frequency!
Its All About Frequency!
Finding your bearings in this New Reality and finding Peace,
Harmony and Abundance is a Simple Matter of Frequency. It
is a matter of Aligning with and Resonating with the
Frequency of Divine Love and Compassion, the Frequency of
Divine Creative Intelligence that flows from the Divine
This is not something that you have to work hard to achieve,
or to study for, to suffer for or to be good enough for. You do
not have to heal yourself or remove blocks, it is your
birthright and you simply have to make a Choice and Step
into It! It is a Frequency that is Within You, and you simply
have to find it within your Heart and align your being with
this Frequency.
All the mind chatter about wounding and being fallen and
blocked and not good enough is simply your mind
attempting to justify an inability to align with the Frequency
of Peace and Abundance, as if it were very difficult to
achieve. There must be something wrong with me, it says,
and then spends time trying to find out what is wrong.
Beloveds, nothing is wrong when you drop out of
Frequency. Do not judge yourself, simply find your way back!
Stop! Breathe! Ground Yourself, connect with your Higher
Aspects, and return to the Frequency of Peace and
Abundance. It is there for you!
So, you might ask, what is this Frequency of Peace and
Abundance, and how do I make this connection?
As We have explained to you before, it is the Flow of Divine
Love and Compassion from the Heart of the Cosmos, the
Heart of God, the Divine Creative Intelligence. It issues forth
from the center of All That Is, and is transmitted to You via
the Sun at the Galactic Center. In the past, these
transmissions of Light Codes and Information from Source

were of such High Frequency that they were diverted via

Sirius and the Pleiades, among other Suns, and then
transmitted to you by the Frequency Keepers, Higher
Dimensional Angelic Beings of Light who were charged with
the work of Assisting the Development and Evolution of the
Earth. Now, since the 2012 Transit, the Earth is fully Reconnected to the Galactic transmissions and has no need of
intermediaries. The Transmissions are received directly from
the Galactic Center via Solaris, or your Sun. You, as
Awakened beings, are now receiving the frequency
transmissions directly from the Divine Heart into your
Hearts and Light Bodies.
This Full Reconnection, Beloved Ones, has created a
Turbulence that we call Dimensional Instability or
Dimensional Imbalance. The Earth is now situated in the
Fifth Dimension and is aligned with the incoming Light Code
Transmissions, mainly through Multi-Dimensional individuals
who can hold these energies in their Light Body fields, and
also through some Sacred Sites and Spaces where the
Energy is held and transmitted by the Site or Space itself. In
this way, the Flow of Divine Peace and the Frequency of
Abundance is anchored on the Planet. This Frequency is
Powerful, Pure and Clear, and when you are aligned with it,
everything in your life flows with Grace and Ease.
But, in the present time, most people are unable to find this
Frequency fully, seeking for it outside of themselves, and
not in the Heart, where it is anchored and from where it
Flows. This external seeking creates anxiety, stress and
projection dramas, which means that people fall away
from the Frequency of Peace and Harmony and Oneness and
drop into the illusions of the past, duality and fear and
judgment. This creates an unstable environment that is
explosive and flammable. That is why, Beloveds, you are
seeing so much instability and anxiety, because the external
anchors of the Third Dimension are gone, and people are
still learning how to anchor themselves in their own Sacred
Space within the Heart and to manifest this in a Grounded
way on Earth.
Beloved Family of Light, it is simply a Frequency of Energy
that you seek, and that is located within you. The Divine
Light is not an external force that you must seek because
you are separate from it. Know that Divine Light lives within
you in the Sacred Temple of your Heart. When you Align your
being with this Light, you can anchor yourself in this Flow
and transmit and project these Light Codes. You become an
Anchor and Transmitter of Galactic Frequency, of the Heart
and Love of the Divine Intelligence.

Beloved Ones, it is simply a matter of being Aware, Awake

and Empowered, and of choosing to align with the
Frequency of Divine Love and Compassion. You will feel that
Frequency within and you will manifest and experience
Peace, Love and Abundance in the New Reality.
Galactic (Re)Connection Vortices
Beloved Family of Light, each of you who is Awakened and
Conscious becomes a Galactic Connection Point, a living and
breathing Point of Light on the Grid of Living Hearts of the
New Earth. Your Light Body becomes a Transmitter of
Galactic Codes and Frequencies. The Sacred Spaces that you
create, both within and in your Environment, become Anchor
Points for Divine Light and Wisdom, beyond Fear and
But, also at this time, many points on Earth are being
activated, or reactivated, as Galactic Connection Points. In
the past, many of the guiding Star Civilizations created
Galactic Vortex Points, or Stargates, where they could link
the Earth with their own home Stars and assist in the
Evolution of the Earth according to the Divine Plan as
expressed through the Light Codes. These Vortex Points
included Ancient Egypt (Sirius), Iran and Iraq (Nibiru) and
the Aegean (Andromeda), as well as many other Galactic
Reconnection Points.
Now, the Earth has ascended into her New Reality Grid, and
these Connection Points are being reactivated as direct
lines of Communication to the Galactic Center with the
assistance of those who created them in the service of
Divine Light. Also, many new Galactic Connection Points will
be activated to assist the Earth in her Ascension to a full
Galactic Entity in the Golden Rose Galaxy and a Full Member
of the Galactic Council.
Many of you will be called to assist in this work of Galactic
Connection and with the Establishment of Galactic
Connection Vortices on the Earth. These will be your
connection and communication points with the Galactic
center and the Galactic and Solar Councils of Light. Some
will also be called to be Ambassadors of Light to the Solar
and Galactic Councils.
The Galactic Human Evolution 2013 and Beyond..I AM/WE
Beloved Family of Light, in this Turbulent time of Change you
might ask What is human evolution and what does it
mean to me as an Awakened Being of Light?.
We can explain, briefly, that All That Is is in a constant
state of Evolving and Becoming, according to the Energy or

Consciousness of the Divine Creative Intelligence. These

impulses of Evolving Consciousness are transmitted to All
Creation via the Light Codes that carry the Imprints of
Divine Consciousness. As All That Is evolves to new levels of
Awareness and Being, so also Humanity evolves and
Becomes in its Journey through Time and Space in the Fifth
Dimension. Most recently, Humanity has evolved from the
Third Dimension of separation and duality and into MultiDimensional Purpose and Oneness of Being. The Planet has
begun to become aware of itself as one through the
Consciousness and Interconnection of Humanity.
In this Shift into the New Reality, Beloved Ones, you have
moved from the old stories of victimhood and
disempowerment into a new sense and perception of
yourselves as Human Angels, Empowered beings of Light
who co-create reality with the Divine Creative Intelligence.
In this new space of Power, you connect fully with your I AM
presence, the work of your Soul, and the Flow of Divine
But, Beloveds, what is new is that this Transformation is not
only about you and I Am, but also about the Global
Community and We Are. It is a fine point of Balance
between individual Soul Expression and the needs and
creations of the Collective Community, the We Are.
Seeking only your own Abundance and Highest Good will not
bring Joy, it is only when this Journey of Self-Expression is
undertaken within the complexities and challenges of the
Global Community that the Soul finds its true expression of
Divine Love and Compassion.
Beloved Ones, this is why many of you seek and yet do not
find. Your Higher Self seeks to express and create within the
Community of Light and not just for yourself. Beloveds, if
you look at those beings who are most Joyful and Successful
in the New Reality, you will find that it is those who have
found the point of balance between I Am and We Are,
between knowledge of the Self and Knowledge of the Self
within a Community, a Global Community of Interconnection
and Oneness.
In this New Reality, it is indeed true that what you do to
others, you do to yourself, for your actions have
repercussions and reverberations in the wider community
that will come back to you on the same frequency as they
are put out. If you work on the frequency of Love, Peace and
Harmony, so It Will Be. If you work on the frequencies of
Dimensional Imbalance, you will experience
turbulence,anxiety and stress.

Your work, Beloved Ones, is to hold that Frequency of

Balance and Alignment in yourself and to Anchor It for the
Wider Community. To Flow with Harmony and Abundance,
and not to allow others to pull you into Dimensional
Imbalance and Illusion.
Beloved Ones, the past is behind you and the future is yet to
come. Now is the moment when you can anchor he
frequency of Peace and Abundance and serve as a Galactic
Connection Point and Transmitter of Light Codes for the
Global Community. In so doing, you are aligning with the
work of the Earth Keeper Council and the Council of Elders,
who serve to focus Divine Love to those places where it is
most needed to being the Community into Balance and
Alignment with the Frequency of the Divine Heart.
Beloved Ones, our message to you at this time is to stay
focussed and committed to the Frequency of Divine Light. Be
powerful and Strong, be Clear and true to Yourself and your
Vision. Remember that you have evolved into a MultiDimensional Being of Light that expresses I AM and WE ARE.
What you were before is not what you are now! It is a New
Day and a New Reality. We wish you Joy and Abundance as
you Evolve into your New Reality as Galactic Humans and
part of the Galactic Communication Grid.
2006-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild
Global You are free to copy,
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may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not
alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or
distribution, you must make clear to others the license
terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if
you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other
purpose of use must be granted permission by author.
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Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn Living in the New Earth

You and Your crystalline Body, Part II 5-31-06

There is absolutely no doubt that there have been wonderful and

miraculous transformations of the human body into a multidimensional vehicle for Human Angels or the Beings of Light that
we all are. In Part One, with the help of Archangel Michael, we

discussed how Light and Energies were being transmitted from the
Lightbody to the Physical body. In this article, we will discuss that
moment when balance is achieved and the Physical body and the
.Lightbody become One
We have all felt the changes, but I was excited when I was able to
actually see these changes in visible form. I connected with Sheila
Moore of San Diego, California, USA, who works with Aura imaging.
Sheila has many years experience in working with Human Aura
imaging and interpretation. She sent me the images that appear
.here below, with her permission
The image in the top right-hand corner is the aura of the new
Human Angel. The Aura is filled with white light and the chakras
are calibrated at one hundred percent active (see the colored blocks
underneath the image). This is an energetically powerful being. I
have worked with Aura Imaging as well, and I have never seen an
aura like this before. This is an ascended being, a Human Angel!
Sheila says she sees about one or two of these a month!
Archangel Michael explained to me that this person has recalibrated
their Lightbody to the correct spin ratio to produce white light.
Archangel Michael spoke about the recalibration of the Lightbody in
his January channel for Starchild. This represents the moment when
the Crystal adult or Human Angel becomes fully activated. This
being is a powerhouse ready to create miracles.
The image just below the Human Angel Aura image shows a person
still in transition. The Aura is white/violet/indigo, showing a high
degree of consciousness, but the chakras are low in energy. The
other two images are also people in transition. The depletion of the
chakra energy accounts for the exhaustion that is a feature of the
transitional phase.
In the transitional phase, the Lightbody is being re-wired and
activated. The Higher Self allows the activation at a pace with which
the person can cope safely. But the spin ratio is kept low, to
prevent the person from suffering the side effects of electrical
imbalances in the Lightbody.
However, in January of 2006 it was decided by Spirit that the planet
was ready for recalibration and reconnection with the Galactic grid.
And so, those who were ready increased the spin of their
Lightbodies to the extent that the chakra energies blended to
produce white light in the aura! The recalibration also brought the
chakras up to full power. The Human Angel expresses the full power
and potential of the original Human Angel template created by the
Elohim to be the vehicle of the Paradise Consciousness.
Holding the Balance

My own experience with this increased spin is that it is absolutely

essential that you be able to stay grounded and hold your twelve
chakra system in balance. Otherwise, you will experience the
power surges and power drops that are experienced by those
beings who are coming on-line to full Human Angel power.
If you are ungrounded, when the power increases you are likely to
lose your connection with material reality and become focused
into the higher dimensions. When this happened to me I had a most
wonderful time with the Star beings and Lightships, even taking
photos of Lightships around my house. But my journeys started
going higher, and I realized that if I did not ground soon, I would
be leaving the planet. So, my guidance ensured that I grounded my
energy into the material plane to hold the balance for the Higher
It was actually hard work to ground, but in the process I had to go
through what I call the final clearing of the grounding chakras,
the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus. A Human Angel is a Hybrid of
Human and Angel. There is a tendency in the Lightworker
community to focus on the angel or extraterrestrial aspect and
ignore the human aspect. This process is not about transforming
from a human to an angel, but about blending the human and the
angelic in a perfect balance within our beings.
So, in order to support the Higher Angelic being, the lower chakras
have to be absolutely clear and open and ready to spin at one
hundred percent power. This means that each human angel is totally
grounded and at ease with their material reality. Abundance is a
reality and a right. Human Angels always have what they need in
material terms. That is the gift of the fully powered Base Chakra.
What is needed is drawn into their lives, there is no lack or struggle.
The Human Angel is also completely free of Emotional dramas. The
fully active Sacral Chakra means that the being has moved beyond
sin and karma to a place of total acceptance and inner peace
with All That Is. Human Angels create peace because they know that
the Earth is a gentle and loving place, supported by the Love of All
That Is, and that emotional dramas and violence are games of
illusion played by spiritual children. When the Sacral spins to full
velocity, all emotional dramas are spun off to create complete
clarity and peace.
The Human Angel is also not dominated or controlled by the Solar
Plexus energy of the mind. For many, this is the most difficult
step,as the ego mind resists being spun off as the Solar Plexus
reaches full spin velocity. At full power, the mind becomes what it
was meant to be, a part of the whole and not the dominant energy
of the Being. You may find that your mind goes into overdrive as it
attempts to deal with the increased spin of the whole Lightbody. But

it will settle and accept the new balance once it realizes that it is
safe in this new energy field of white light.
And so, when this essential grounding is in place, the Heart Chakra
can function as the center of the Being, giving access to the
Higher Dimensions of Consciousness.
Facing Yourself: The Human Angel Breakthrough Moment
As you reach this place of full calibration, there is a pause or a
moment in time and space when nothing seems to happen. This is a
void or womb-like space in which you are able to be fully with
yourself and who you are as you integrate all the new aspects of self
and birth your new persona or energy as a Human Angel.
This pause can be several months long, as your inner vibrations
increase and the outer vibrations seem to slow down. Many of you
experience this as feeling exhausted and being unable to cope with
your normal workload. In effect you are experiencing a rapid rise in
your spin ration, and you do need to slow down in the external world
to allow the internal recalibration.
In this void or womb-like space you will encounter yourself, your
original face as it were, to quote the Zen koan. You will embrace
your Divinity or your God self, and you will release the fears and
insecurities of your lower being. You will discover that you are and
always were, safe and protected. You will discover the Love and the
Peace within you. You will find your Inner Peace.
At that moment, you will spin into White Light! Another Human
Angel is Born into the New Earth!
To find out more about Sheila Moore and her work,
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under
the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may
not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter,
transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you
must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of
these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted
permission by author.
2006-7 Celia Fenn and Starchild
This message was originally posted here
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Archangel Michael Vis Celia Fenn You and Your Crystalline

Body, Part 3 Coping With Ascension Symptoms

Image by Suzan Hafma

This channel was given in response to a Lightworker who was
experiencing severe Ascension Symptoms.
That which you call Ascension Symptoms, are the physical
imbalances that occur when a being becomes fully Multidimensional, but is unable to hold their center or keep their balance,
when the Cosmic energies become very strong.
Now, the energies of the Rising New Earth will continue to be strong,
and until ascended humans learn to hold their balance in these
energies, they will continue to experience the ascension
So, what we will say to you now is, we hope, a way of guiding you
and leading you to such a place where you will be able to move
through future stargates and energy vortexes, without losing your
balance to such an extent that you become ill and disoriented, as
you have in the past.

The key to this is to integrate fully your Higher and Lower energies,
and that means to be completely GROUNDED and then to be able to
align your grounded physical vehicle with your Higher Energy
Bodies, which are your vehicles for Multi-dimensional consciousness.
You see, often people who have a strong spiritual mission on the
Planet, spend so much time in the spiritual realm that they become
severely ungrounded, and they do not have the strong foundation
on the Earth plane that is needed to hold and carry the powerful
ascended energies of the New Earth. So, at times when the energies
are particularly strong, then they lose their balance and the physical
vehicle is put under great strain, which creates illness and
All the physical symptoms that manifest are a result of the higher
and lower bodies not being fully aligned and balanced. For when the
bodies are in balance and the HEART is functioning fully, then the
energy is able to flow clearly from the higher levels through the
Heart chakra and into the Earth, as it is meant to. At this time, many
people are unable to transfer the energy from the higher to the
physical, and this is felt as heart palpitations and spaciness, as the
energy backs up in the higher bodies. The lower body feels tired and
weak and unwell, because it is vibrating out of harmony with the
energy of the higher.
Also, you may find that you will become overly emotional and angry,
or tearful and depressed. Or you may become very self-absorbed
and play out ego and control dramas. These are not evidences of a
need to heal your inner child, since most ascended beings have
passed through that basic healing already. It is an evidence of the
lower chakras being pushed out of balance by the powerful energies
that are active in the higher chakras. Imagine, if you will, that the
lower chakras are coming up to speed, and in this process there is
a little speed wobble and a little distortion as the chakras become
used to their new spin ratios.
Many people have said to us that they do not understand why they
feel so angry or so emotional or so out of balance. Or that they
cannot do anything about it. Well, this is true. Once the lower
chakras start to spin at the ratio needed to balance out with the
higher chakras, there is little that you can do except allow the
process and know that soon you will feel the benefits of the
alignment process. But know also, that this balancing process is
natural and automatic, and the higher energies will achieve this
balance if they are allowed the time and space.
This is only a temporary alignment phase, and in time your energy
bodies and your physical bodies will have worked out how to
balance and align. You can help this process if you understand that
it is primarily an alignment process, and that aligning higher and

lower will alleviate these symptoms. Of course, the KEY is the

HEART. The Heart must be fully open in order to allow the full flow of
Cosmic Creative Energy through the system. When the bodies are
aligned and the Heart is Open, then the physical body functions as it
should, as a channel for the Divine Creative Energy.
In this full alignment and flow, the space is created for the
experience of miracles. For the flow of Divine Creative Energy is so
intense and powerful that almost anything can be achieved.
But it is achieved through the flow of the Heart energy and not
through the head. As soon as the head or the ego tries to control
the process, then the flow cannot proceed. And the manifestation of
miracles is blocked. What results is a feeling of being in limbo, as
though nothing is happening in your life. In fact, it is you yourself
who are creating the energy dead-ends by not being willing to
accept the miracles that happen in your life. Your rational mind says
-no this is not possible and so you close off the energy and refuse
to allow the manifestation. And so you live in a place of seeming
nothingness, when you could be in place of great richness and
abundance if you would just allow your heart to lead you there. And
all that is required is that you let go and just experience what you
need to feel, and cease always needing to judge and analyze with
your head and then react with your ego.
The ego will need to be trained to work in harmony with the heart,
and to allow the Heart to be the Leader. Only then, will you enter
fully into your HEARTSPACE and will you be able to balance the
energies and manifest what you desire. Often, so much energy goes
into resisting what you desire to manifest and what the Universe
desires to give you, that you exhaust yourself trying to hold old
programs and beliefs in place.
It is time to let go and allow the abundance of love and material
well-being that the Flow of Divine Creative Intelligence wishes to
bestow on you at this time.
And so, we would also say, that as the energies begin to accelerate
once more as you move towards the 11:11 stargate and then the
12:12 gate and the midsummer solstice, that you make these
simple changes in your life.
Ensure that you spend some time each day outside, either walking
in nature or working in a garden space. This will help you to get
Try to eliminate all processed food and focus on fresh organic fruits
and vegetables, eating brown rice and legumes or bean sprouts.
This will bring you fresh and strong earth energy through your food.

Spend some quiet time each day with personal meditation and
growth for you alone not for the planet or for others, but for you.
Consider your own growth as a person and what your soul and spirit
might need from you to assist it with its earth walk. Give
unconditional love to yourself, and then you can share it with others
and with the planet.
And then, as you approach these new energetic high points, you will
feel more grounded and you will cope far better.
We would also suggest that as a daily practice that you visualize
yourself standing with your energy flowing into the earth. See the
enegy streaming into your crown chakra from the Cosmos, and then
moving down into your heart, and then down your body and into the
earth and your Earth Star chakra and then into the crystalline grids.
This will set up a flow of energy that will allow you to remain
centered and open without losing your balance and allowing your
chakras to spin out and distort, causing imbalance and discomfort.
2006-7 Celia Fenn, Suzan Hafma, and Starchild Global
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Archangel Michael The Physical Body and the

New Energies Ascension Update Channeller
Celia Fenn
14 October 2013

As the deep shifts occur, your Physical Body will begin the process
of adapting to the New Reality and the Higher Consciousness Grids.
There are two processes involved here. The first is a very deep
cleansing and throwing off of anything that is heavy, low frequency,
toxic and limiting to you and others. You may notice your body
seeking changes, in diet, exercise, sleep patterns and ways of
expression. This process of clarification is necessary for the next
step, where the body begins to breathe light in the Cells.
The process of breathing light is a Cellular Process and it occurs
spontaneously in the Cells when the Body is at a High enough
Frequency and ready to make the switch. At this point, the Body will
derive about 50 percent of its nutrients from Light in an intracellular
synthesis process, and about 50 percent from Physical Nutrition.

We would say, however, that this shift only occurs when the Body is
clear, grounded and aligned with the Light Body. It is a Spontaneous
Evolution and occurs when you are ready. At that point you become
a Shining One as you begin to radiate Light and Energy from your
Cells. This is the First level of the Shift from the old Carbon based
Physical Form to the New Crystalline Light based form.
Beloved Ones, we ask you not to try to force this process, but to
listen to your body and what it needs. If you are not ready for the
Shift you may still need more traditional methods of nutrition until
your body is ready. Even after the shift, you will need to monitor
your nutrition and energy levels to ensure that your body is
maintaining its new pattern of energetics and radiance.
Once you have made the shift you will find it very difficult to be in
close proximity with people and environments that are toxic and
polluted. Your new energetic structure is designed for the New Earth
and desires clean air, light and nutritious food, and a light filled and
harmonious environment.
This shift of the Physical/Energetic functioning will also be felt on
the Emotional and Mental levels. Your Emotional and Mental
energies my be unstable for a while, and fluctuate quite widely as
your System integrates accelerated light energies travelling through
the nervous system and firing the hormonal system and the brain
cells. You may find yourself responding very swiftly with strong
emotions in some situations. Just know that it will take a while to
adjust to the accelerations in your system.
Beloved Family, over time we have shown you how to ground
yourselves into the Earth Star Chakra and the Earth Center, and how
to align with the Cosmic Heart. This is an essential daily practice as
you work to integrate the light breathing and the acceleration of
light impulses in the nervous system.
When this process is complete, you will feel yourself aligning in to a
new sense of yourself and your power as a Master of Light. You will
have more confidence in your ability to manifest abundance through
working with the Divine Light and shaping it into Co-creations with
the Divine Source.

Celia Fenn ~ The Incoming Wave Of

Light & The Lions Gate 2013
Excerpt from

Beloved Ones, as you enter into this Golden Wave of Light, it is

important that you simply remember to remain in your center
which is your Heart, and to keep the Light Body radiant and clear.
Remember that in your Multi-Dimensional state your center of
gravity is your Heart. Breathe from your Heart, breathe Light and
Love from that center that is your Sacred Heart.
Then, remember always to GROUND yourself by connecting into
your Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet, and then into the Earth
Heart at the center of the Earth and allow your Heart to synchronize
with the pulsations of the Earth as it pulsates in harmony with the
Cosmic Pulse of Life.
Then also, remember to connect with your Soul Star Chakra which is
above the Crown Chakra and where your Soul is seated. Draw that
energy through the Crown Chakra and into the Heart, so that it
ignites the Divine Spark in the Heart. Feel how your Soul and Spirit
blend with the Divine Spark to create the Divine Flame of your
Angelic Being in your Heart.
Then also, feel how your Solar Chakra opens to absorb and integrate
the energies from the Sun and distribute them in your Light Body.
Also, the Galactic Chakra allows the Waves of Light from the
Galactic Center to be integrated into the Light Body and to fill the
Light Body with Radiant Light of the Divine.
The Divine Energy and Radiance is integrated and shared on the
New Earth Grids of Light from Heart to Heart!
Feel how that Radiant Light is passed around the Planet on the Heart
Grid from Light Workers to Light Warriors to all Family of Light as the
New Earth manifests!
And know that no matter where you are and what you are doing
YOU are a Beacon of Light and a Radiant Shining channel for the
incoming Wave of Light!
2013-14 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global
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The Energies of March 2009

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

"Snowheart" by Iris Kaufman of Germany at
"Keepers of the Sacred Grids" image provided by David Lawrey of the United Kingdom

In the wake of the new Light Codes that were activated within
the Sacred Earth geometric grids in January and February at
the Solar and Lunar eclipses, you are feeling the shifts and the
changes within your lives. YourHigher Self is gently aligning you
with the New Light and bringing you into alignment with the
Great Heart of All, the One Heartbeat or Pulse of Love at the
Center of the Cosmos.
Beloved Ones, in the process of the recent alignment, you are
now moving into inner harmony with the Diamond Light Grid of
Cosmic Unity, or theSacred Heart energy. As you feel this inner
alignment, you are experiencing a need to release everything that
is not entirely in harmony with your inner Divine Essence, or
Godself. This may represent a time of difficulty for many of you,
for you are experiencing a "cleansing" and a "re-calibration" of
the frequencies of your closest personal relationships in order to
allow for alignment with the deep soul essence of each person.
This inner alignment, Dearest Ones, is affecting especially those
who are working with the Twin Flame grid aspect of the Sacred
Heart. Many of these relationships are going through a period of
testing and transmutation to ensure that the relationship exists
in absolute integrity with the Twin Flame template energy. Some
of these partnerships will be dissolved, according to the highest
good of each soul, and some will be re-formed at a higher level of
Light. Beloved Ones, if you are going through any of these painful
relationship "re-formulations", allow the process to flow under
the direction of your Higher Aspect, and trust that all in the
process is for the Highest Good.
It is a powerful time for this process of inner Twin Flame
alignment within the Sacred Heart of God. This energy of
alignment and power will climax at the Equinox on the 20th
March. At this time, wherever you find yourself, this will be an

optimal opportunity to align your inner masculine and feminine

energies with the Flow of Spirit from Heaven to Earth within
your ownSacred Heart center.
Beloved Ones, know that the primary energy of the Twin Flame of
the Sacred Heart is within you. It is your own beautiful Heart
that is the mirror of the Great Cosmic Heart of All That Is. Your
Heart yearns to pulse in complete harmony with the Great Cosmic
Heart of the One. And so, at this time, you are shifting
your Inner Light into this realignment. And so, you are releasing all
that is not a reflection of your inner God Light on Earth.
Beloved Masters of Light, you know that you have chosen to be on
this Earth to be a manifestation of Divine Light in material form.
You have chosen to inhabit a material body so that you may shine
your Light as part of the Symphony of Light that is All Living
Beings on Earth. And so, it is important that you bring the light
of Heaven into your material form and that you radiate light from
this material form. For indeed, Beloveds, this is what
"enlightenment" means, to bring the Light of your Divine Inner
Being into manifestation through physical form, and to do so in a
conscious and focussed way. In this "illumined" state, every
choice and decision that you make will be illuminated by the Love
of Source, and will be a demonstration of Divine Unconditional
Love in action in your life. This is indeed what it means to
"ground" the Divine Light into your life through conscious choice
and intention.
And so, Beloved Ones, as you create this continuum of Light,
from Heaven to Earth, you are able to balance the Masculine and
Feminine complementarities of the Divine Light in your acts of
Co-Creation with Spirit. This perfect inner union will enable you
to create and manifest with ease and fluency in your New Earth.
And so, we can say that the recent Cosmic and Stellar Light
Codes that have entered your Planet's grid field have been
designed to awaken your Sacred Heart to the Light of Divine
Love within. Then, once this channel is fully open, then it is
possible to manifest an external reflection of this inner harmony
within a beloved partnership with a Twin Flame partner.

Beloved One, accept this time of cleansing and alignment with

grace, for soon it will bring great and manifest blessings into your
The Equinox, March 20th, and the New Earth Paradise Grids
Dearest Lightworkers, as you feel this inner alignment into
Harmony with the "One" energy within your own Heart and within
your relationships, so you will also feel this alignment in your
relationship to the Elemental kingdoms and the animal, plant and
mineral kingdoms and their Sacred Grid Keepers.
At this Equinox celebration of the 20th March, the Sacred
Keepers of the New Earth grids, the Paradise grids, will work
closely with you to create this new alignment of Oneness and
Harmony on the New Earth grids. Those of you who participate in
the March 20th Equinox ceremonies will be working with your
inner Sacred Animal and Elemental energies, and uniting with the
Sacred Earth Keepers.
Beloved Ones, it will be a Joyous Celebration of the Harmony of
the "One". Allow the rising consciousness of the "One" to enter
into your Hearts and Minds and begin preparing you for the
Planet's first New Earth experience of Harmony and Alignment
between the Lightworker "Earth Keepers" and the Sacred
Keepers of the other Sacred Kingdoms.
For, it is given at this time by Sacred Edict from the Highest
levels of Spirit and the Heart of Source, that this is the right
time for this Sacred re-unification and manifestation of the
Planetary Sacred Heart on Earth. The Sacred Keepers of the
Earth grids have given their consent for a unification and
harmonization of all the different levels of Sacred Life on Earth,
and so, at this time, the "family" on Planet Earth comes together
once again.
Now, we know that many of you who are Lightworkers have held
the Sacred Connection in many lifetimes, and you have worked
with the Keepers in Sacred partnerships. But now, as the Earth
begins its realignment into Sacred Relationship and Harmony with
All Kingdoms, this is a special time of Joy and Celebration. The

energy held for so long by the few dedicated souls of Love and
Light, is now being made available to the Planet once again. From
the 20th of March, the harmonious love of all the Keepers of all
the Kingdoms will flow though the Paradise grids to recreate
Heaven on Earth as a great and sacred partnership of Love
between all who inhabit this Earth.
It is indeed a time for Celebration and Gratitude.
The Energies for March 2009
The Full Moon falls on the 11th of March, in the sixth house of
Virgo, associated with the Earth energy. Since Saturn is also in
Virgo, this creates a powerful energy of transformation and
restructuring for the Earth. The new Light Codes are allowing a
new structure of reality to emerge on the Earth. The New Earth
grids are being suffused with Divibe Light to allow for the
emergence of a New Society on Planet Earth.
The Equinox falls on the 20th of March, and at this time you will
celebrate the creation of the Harmony of One on the Planet in
this energy of Global Balance that comes to the fore at the time
of Equinox.
The New Moon will be on the 26th of March, and this will fall in
Aries, the first sign of the zodiacal New Year. In the North,
Spring will be coming in, together with the energies of a new
cycle. The Aries New Moon is always a good time to plant the
seeds of intention that will grow and flourish in the next Earth
cycle. Consider what paths of Light you may follow to fulfill your
soul's highest potential on this Earth, and what Joy you are
willing to accept from the Flow of Divine Abundance that
emerges from the Throne of God.
We wish you Joy and Peace in the Month of March.
2009-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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