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A Lenin hoped it would incite similar socialist rebellions throughout

1. How did Lenin hope that the Russian Revolution of 1917 would
impact the rest of Europe? (14.1)

A The Russian people were restless because of social inequalities

and the ruthless treatment of the peasants.
2. What were the conditions in Russia prior to revolutions of 1917?

A The Bolsheviks
3. What was the revolutionary group that wanted to gain broad
popular support before seizing power? (14.1)

A Defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, repeated losses by the

Russian army in WWI, and negative influence of Rasputin.
4. What were the factors that led to the downfall of Nicholas II?

A Deciding to continue fighting in WWI

5. What was the biggest mistake made by the provisional
government? (14.1)

A Most organized opposition group and had the best leadership.

6. What were the major strengths of the Bolsheviks? (14.1)

A Leon Trotsky
7. Who was the military commander of the Red Army who led the
Bolsheviks to victory in the Russian Civil War? (14.1)

A The government took control of most major industries but

allowed smaller businesses and farms to operate privately.
8. What e economic policies were adopted by Lenin after the
Bolshevik Revolution? (14.1)

A To create a large middle class for economic and political

9. What is the ultimate goal of communism? (14.1)

A Leon Trotsky
10. In the struggle to gain control of the Soviet Union in the 1920s,
who was Stalin's chief political rival? (14.2)

A Agrression

11. From the perspective of Western leaders, what values were

reflected by Stalin's actions as leader of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republic? (14.2)

A Government officials alone

12. Under Joseph Stalin's command economy system, who made
all economic decisions? (14.2)

A Collective farming
13. Why did the Soviet government decide to eliminate kulaks?

A Opposition to Stalin's power

14. Between 1934 and 1939, what was the Great Purge designed to
eliminate? (14.2)

A The value of hard work, the glory of Soviet life, and the
achievement of Stalini.
15. What values were stressed by socialist realism? (14.2)

A A state in which the government controls of every aspect of

public and private life.
16. What is a totalitarian state? (14.2)

A Economic development
17. What was the purpose of the Soviet state's Five-Year Plans?

A Used terror tactics against political opponents.

18. How did both the Italian Fascists and the German Nazis gain
power? (15.3)

A The economic crisis brought on by the Great Depression

19. What caused Germans to start taking Adolf Hitler and his
message seriously? (15.3)

A Benito Mussolini
20. Who was the first fascist leader in Europe that became a model
for other fascists? (15.3)

A Extreme form of nationalism, desire for more territory, favored

the wealth and business classes.
21. What are the characteristics of fascism? (15.3)

A Mein Kamph
22. What is the title of Hitler's book which outlined his ideology and
blue print for Nazi Germany? (15.3)

A Gestapo
23. What did Hitler call his secret police which were used to
terrorize German citizens to obey Nazi rule? (15.3)

A The Enabling Act

24. After the Nazis won a majority of seats in parliament, what law
gave Hitler absolute power? (15.3)

A Hitler Youth
25. What was the organization called that Hitler used to indoctrinate
young people into Nazi ideology? (15.3)

A Nuremberg Laws
26. What laws stripped Jews of their rights as German citizens?

A Kristallnacht
27. What was the evening of violence against German Jews called
that was organized by the Nazis and signaled the beginning of their
elimination from the country? (15.3)

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