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There are 9 Classes of dangerous goods with a particular category of hazard:

Class 1


Class 2


Class 3

Flammable Liquids

Class 4

Flammable Solids

Class 5

Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxides

Class 6

Toxic or Infectious Substances

Class 7

Radioactive Substances

Class 8

Corrosive Substances

Class 9

Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods

Each dangerous goods class has a coloured hazard label that is denoted by a dangerous
goods hazard diamond or class label, containing a diagram or symbol of the class hazard, class
name and class number. To store the chemical, there are some general requirements which
should be apply to store and handle of chemical in laboratories, they are
1. Chemicals shall be segregated according to their dangerous goods class and stored
separately to minimize risk of interaction.
2. Ensure that incompatible substance are stored and handle separately in order to prevent
interaction and reaction
3. All chemicals shall be kept in a secure lockable storage area which is suitably identified

and not exposed to direct light or heat

All chemical storage containers should be appropriately labeled
Volatile and toxic materials may require special storage
Corrosive substance should be stored in approved corrosives or acid cabinets
Small quantities of acids can be stored on suitable spill capture trays in under bench

8. Most other chemicals can be stored on shelves in a designated chemical storage area.
Spill containment trays should be used for storage of chemicals on shelves
9. All container of liquids should be stored on lower shelves
10. refrigerated storage of chemicals may be required, however, domestic refrigerators must
not be used for the storage of flammable chemicals;
11. poisons and drugs should be stored according to relevant statutory requirements;

12. when transporting dangerous goods they must be packaged in approved containers that
are in good condition and properly closed to prevent leakage, spillage or shifting during
But particularly to store chemicals in the laboratory, it must base on their
compatibility groups and not base on their alphabetical order, as this might place incompatible
chemicals next to each other (examples include acetic acid and acetaldehyde or sodium cyanide
and sulfuric acid) which can increase the potential for accidental mixing of incompatible
chemicals. These compatibility groups should be stored separately, especially chemicals with an
NFPA 704 or HMIS reactive rating of 3 or higher and in dedicated and labeled cabinets. These
are the recommended compatibility grouping
Group A Acids and Corrosive Substance
Generally acid is corrosive. It means a substance that causes destruction or permanent
changes in human skin tissue or highly destructive to steel. So, Store large bottles of acid in
special acid cabinets, cabinets under lab benches, or on low shelves. Place acids in plastic trays
for secondary containment in case of breakage. Segregate inorganic and oxidizing acids from
organic compounds including organic acids (e.g., acetic acid) and other combustible materials.
Segregate nitric acid (>40%) from other inorganic acids. Store acids separate from bases and
other reducing agents.

Inorganic salts, except those of heavy metals, may be stored in this

group. Glacial acetic acid should be stored with flammable and combustible materials since it is
combustible. For corrosive liquid, it should be stored below eye level and the containers and
equipments that is used for storage and processing of corrosive materials should be corrosive
Group B - Bases
Segregate bases from acids and oxidizers on shelves near the floor. The
preferred storage container for inorganic hydroxides is polyethylene instead of glass. Place
containers in trays for secondary containment in the event of leakage or breaks.
Group C - Organic chemicals

Segregate organic compounds from inorganic. Organics and inorganic with NFPA 704
or HMIS reactive hazard rating of two (2) or less may be stored together. Chemicals with a
reactive hazard rating of three (3) or four (4) are to be stored separately.
Group D - Flammable and Combustible Organic Liquids
Flammable materials have flash points about less than 100 oF (37.8oC), so store it in
NFPA (National Fire Prevention Association-an organization created to establish rules and
guidelines that will help to prevent fire) approved flammable liquid containers. The flammable
and combustible liquid storage per room is limited to 10 gallons (37.9 liters) in open storage and
use, 25 gallons (94.7 liters) in safety cans, and 60 gallons (227.3 liters) in flammable storage
cabinets. Remember that only 30 gallons (113.6 liters) of Class I liquids are permitted per room,
and International Fire Code restrictions might limit this even further if the lab is located
on an upper floor in a new or renovated building. Store flammable and combustible
materials away from sources of ignition such as heat, direct sunlight, sparks, heat sources,
open flames, and segregated from strong oxidizers.
Group E - Oxidizers and Salts
Oxidizer is the agents which are known to readily give up oxygen and gain hydrogen
so that they are able to make fire and kind of explosion hazards. So, store oxidizers in cool, dry
containers with tight fitting screw top lids and place away from combustible materials such
as zinc, alkaline metals, formic acid, flammables, organics and other reducing agents. Inorganic
salts may also be stored in this group. Store ammonium nitrate separately.
Group F - Organic Peroxides and Explosives
Peroxides contain a double-oxygen bond (R1-O-O-R2) in their molecular structure.
They are shock and heat sensitive (e.g. benzoyl peroxide), and readily decompose in storage.
Store shock and heat-sensitive chemicals in a dedicated cabinet. Some non-peroxide chemicals
can readily form shock-sensitive, explosive peroxides when stored in the presence of oxygen.
Examples include ethyl ether, tetrahydrofuran, and cumene. Dispose of, or use, these by their

date. Common






nitroglycerin, and several metal fulminates and azides. 2,4,6-trinitrophenol, also known as

picric acid, is normally sold as a saturated solution containing at least 40% water, and classified
as a flammable solid. If allowed to dry to less than 10% water, picric acid becomes a DOT Class
1.1 explosive. Nitroglycerin in research is usually sold as a tincture mixed with alcohol, but if
the alcohol evaporates, the result is explosive nitroglycerin.
Group G - Reactive
Water Reactive.

Store water reactive in a cool dry place protected from water

sources. Alkali metals (lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium) should be stored
under mineral oil, or in waterproof enclosures such as glove boxes. A Class D fire extinguisher
should be available in case of fire. As an added precaution, store containers in trays or other
secondary containers filled with sand.
Pyrophorics (Air Reactive). Store pyrophorics in a cool, dry place, and provide for an air-tight
seal. Store white or yellow phosphorous under water in glass-stopper bottles inside a metal can
for added protection.
Group H - Cyanides and Sulfides
Cyanides and sulfides react with acids to release highly toxic gases. They must be
isolated from acids and other oxidizers.
Group I - Carcinogens, Highly Toxic Chemicals, and Reproductive Toxins
A dedicated lockable storage cabinet in a "designated area" for carcinogens and
highly toxic chemicals is the preferred storage method. Stock quantities of reproductive
toxins are to be stored in designated storage areas. Use unbreakable, chemically resistant
secondary containers.

Post the storage cabinet with a sign stating CANCER-SUSPECT


separate inventory of all highly acute toxics, carcinogens, and reproductive toxins.

Anonymous,(2013),Laboratory Safety Manual, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina
Anonymous,(2010),University of Western Sydney Laboratory Safety Guidelines,Sydney,The
University of Western Sydney

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