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Submitted to The English Education Program of STKIP Garut as a Partial Fulfilment
of English for Social Science Education

Written By:
Yanisa Yovita


Ayu Aisha Agustina


Gista Diani M.P


Ayu Sri Rahayu

Irfan Sofiyan

English Education Program

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan


A. Reading
About you
What do you think of education in our country in general? In general, education in
our country is ....
a. Very good
b. Good
c. Undecided
d. Fairly good
e. poor


Before Reading
1. Ask your friend about his/her attitudes toward higher education using the given guided
a. What do you think of higher education ?
b. How do you look like your school?
c. Do you think that your education will help you to get a good job?
d. Do you think that higher education is important for your future career?
e. Do you think that the education provided by your school is reevant to your needs?
2. After you talk to your friend , write down your friends answers in the following table.
Your Questions
Your Friends answer
a. What do you think of higher education ? a. Its so important for me. Because I think
b. How do you look like your school?
Higher Education support me a good job,
c. Do you think that your education will help
Career and of course that make me to get
You to get a good job?
d. Do you think that higher education is
b. I like school very much.
important for your future career?
c. Yes, of course.
e. Do you think that the education provided d. Yes, right.
by your school is relevant to your needs?
e. Maybe not always. I have god and I believe
f. Is your country same as other
my destiny.
countries that higher education will help a
f. No. As we know that Indonesia is develop
good job, career, and maturnity?
Country and there are many problem of
Education. So, education doesnt guarantte
about our job or career, but for developing
countries that higher education is guarantte
very much to your job or career. If we talk
about maturnity is base on the individuals.
3. Based on your friends answer to the questions, what dou you think of your friends
attitude toward higher education? If it positive, explain why it is so? if it is negative,
Positive, Because she think that higher education is very important. It can get joob or
career beside that can get a good maturnity is good attitudes.
Read the text carefully!


Most students now look upon higher education principally as training for a particular
kind of job, and it is the hope of well-paid, interesting work, together with a superior social
status, that provides most young people with the impetus to study. Kebanyakan siswa sekarang
memandang pendidikan tinggi terutama sebagai pelatihan untuk jenis pekerjaan tertentu, dan itu
adalah harapan bergaji, menarik bekerja, bersama-sama dengan status sosial yang unggul, yang
menyediakan sebagian besar anak muda dengan dorongan untuk belajar. Governments also tend to

see higher education as a course of training for future workers. Pemerintah juga cenderung
melihat pendidikan tinggi sebagai suatu program pelatihan bagi pekerja masa depan. This is

particularly true of developing countries, where there is an urgent need for specialists of all
kinds and governments expect a direct return for the money they have invested in education.
Hal ini terutama berlaku untuk negara-negara berkembang, di mana ada kebutuhan mendesak untuk
spesialis dari semua jenis dan pemerintah mengharapkan pengembalian langsung untuk uang yang
mereka telah berinvestasi dalam pendidikan.

The goal of higher education has become the

acquisition of a highly specialized expertise which can be put to practical use in a career.
Tujuan pendidikan tinggi telah menjadi akuisisi keahlian yang sangat khusus yang dapat dimanfaatkan
secara praktis dalam karier. A university course, in whatever subject, is seen as a basic

requirement for many professions. Sebuah universitas, dalam mata pelajaran apapun, dipandang
sebagai kebutuhan dasar bagi banyak profesi. Some institutions prepare students from the start

for one specific type of work, for example, teacher training colleges, or schools of medicine
or agriculture. Beberapa lembaga mempersiapkan siswa dari awal untuk satu jenis pekerjaan
tertentu, misalnya, perguruan tinggi pelatihan guru, atau sekolah kedokteran atau pertanian. At the

same time the traditional seclusion of the scholarly community has been disrupted. Pada saat
yang sama pengasingan tradisional masyarakat ilmiah telah terganggu. Increasingly, universities

and colleges are becoming part of the wider community, instead of standing apart from it.
Semakin, universitas dan perguruan tinggi menjadi bagian dari komunitas yang lebih luas, bukan
berdiri terpisah darinya. Students have become directly involved in the affairs of the country,

especially in developing countries, where some young people have worked for a few years
before embarking on their studies, are students in general are extremely conscious of their
role as the leaders of the future. Siswa telah terlibat langsung dalam urusan negara, terutama di
negara berkembang, di mana beberapa orang muda telah bekerja selama beberapa tahun sebelum
memulai studi mereka, adalah mahasiswa pada umumnya sangat sadar akan peran mereka sebagai
pemimpin masa depan. It is now quite common for students to lead political demonstrations;

they usually play a prominent role in revolutions; and they have even wielded international
power by taking diplomats as hostages. Sekarang cukup umum bagi siswa untuk memimpin

demonstrasi politik, mereka biasanya memainkan peran penting dalam revolusi, dan mereka bahkan
telah memegang kekuasaan internasional dengan mengambil diplomat sebagai sandera.

Nevertheless, many people think that in focusing upon expertise rather than upon
wisdom, modern education is missing out what is of most value. Namun demikian, banyak
orang berpikir bahwa dalam memfokuskan pada keahlian bukan pada kebijaksanaan, pendidikan
modern adalah kehilangan apa yang paling nilai.

It is still vital that from higher education

students should above all acquire wisdom, that is, a sense of responsibility for the application
of their knowledge, an understanding of how their work is related to other areas of life, and a
sense of values in their own lives. Hal ini masih penting bahwa dari mahasiswa perguruan tinggi
harus di atas semua memperoleh kebijaksanaan, yaitu, rasa tanggung jawab untuk aplikasi
pengetahuan, pemahaman tentang bagaimana pekerjaan mereka berhubungan dengan bidang
kehidupan lainnya, dan rasa nilai-nilai dalam mereka hidup sendiri. This does not mean that moral

values should be dictated from above, but that students should be confronted with general
ideas as well as specialized information, and that they should have the necessary solitude and
leisure for private thought before committing themselves to public action. Ini tidak berarti
bahwa nilai-nilai moral yang harus didikte dari atas, tetapi siswa harus dihadapkan dengan ide-ide
umum serta informasi khusus, dan bahwa mereka harus memiliki kesendirian yang diperlukan dan
rekreasi untuk berpikir pribadi sebelum melakukan diri untuk aksi publik. If students remained

uncommitted observers rather than premature participants, the benefits would ultimately be
greater for society as a whole. Jika siswa tetap tidak terikat pengamat daripada peserta prematur,
manfaat pada akhirnya akan lebih besar bagi masyarakat secara keseluruhan.

1. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to text.
Then, you write the letter T for true or F for false in the given space.
a. (T) Higher education trains students for a specific job. (line 2 3)
b. (T) In developed countries, governments expect direct return from higher
education. (line 10 12)
c. (T) The goal of higher education is to get a specific expertise for a certain career.
(line 12 - 15)
d. (T) Higher education prepares students for a specific job. (line 17 18)
e. (T) Students who are in higher education become involved in political affairs.
(line 25 26)
f. (T) Sense of responsibility and wisdom should be acquired by students. (line 40
g. (F) Moral values should be given to students. (line 45 46 )

h. (T) Students commitment to moral values would be beneficial for society. (line
52 53)
i. (T) Students must get moral and religious instruction.(line 40 41)
j. (F) Students should be able to defend their own opinion. (tersirat)
2. Discuss with your friend the following questions based on your reading the text and
your knowledge.
a. What is the role of higher education for students? Role is very important, because
with higher education we are going to get a suitable job anyway.
b. What should university provide for students? Prepare students from the start for
one specific type of work, for example, teacher training colleges.
c. What qualities are needed by students? Beside expertise, students must have a
good moral and a good attitude.
d. What do you think of students involvement in political affairs? Very well,
because the involvement of students can provide an important role in the
3. Refer to the relevant contexts in the text and replace or expand the expression or word
in italics with other expressions or words which make the meaning clear.
a. This is particularly true of developing countries where there is an urgent need for
specialists. (line 8 10) Higher education
b. They have in vested in education. (line 11 12) Governments
c. Increasingly, universities and colleges are becoming part of wider community,
instead of standing apart from it. (line 22 24) Seclusion
d. This does not mean that moral value should be dictated from above. (line 44 46)
4. Compare what you read about modern higher education with what you know about
traditional higher education using the following table.

Traditional higher education

Goal: Wisdom

Modern higher education

Goal: Specific job

Range of studies:

Range of studies:

Relation to society: Its relation, because Relation to society:

with wisdom we can responsibility for the





understanding of how their work is related

to other areas of life, and sense of values in
their own lives.
Effect on personality: Of course

Effect on personality:

B. Speaking
1. Work in a group of four or five. Make a survey of how the people in your group react to the
role of higher education in our society by using the given questionnaire.
2. Fill in the results of survey on the given sheet. Put totals as well as percentages.


: .


: .

1. Do you like your school?

Yes / No

2. Do you like the subjects taught in your

Yes / No

3. Do you like your school environment?

Yes / No

4. Do you like the way your teachers teach

Yes / No

the class?
5. Does your school provide you with what

Yes / No

you want to learn?

6. Do you get knowledges and skills needed

Yes / No

for future career?

Results of Survey

1. People interviewed

100 %

2. People like school


3. People like the subjects


4. People like school environment


5. People like the way teachers teach


6. People get knowledges and skills


needed for future career

C. Writing
1. Write down the main idea of each paragraph using the following diagram!

Most students now look upon higher education principally as training for a particular kind

Paragraph 1 of job, and it is the hope of well-paid, interesting work, together with a superior social status, that

provides most young people with the impetus to study. Governments also tend to see higher
education as a course of training for future workers. This is particularly true of developing
countries, where there is an urgent need for specialists of all kinds and governments expect a direct
return for the money they have invested in education. The goal of higher education has become the
acquisition of a highly specialized expertise which can be put to practical use in a career. A
university course, in whatever subject, is seen as a basic requirement for many professions. Some
institutions prepare students from the start for one specific type of work, for example, teacher
training colleges, or schools of medicine or agriculture. At the same time the traditional seclusion
of the scholarly community has been disrupted. Increasingly, universities and colleges are
becoming part of the wider community, instead of standing apart from it. Students have become
directly involved in the affairs of the country, especially in developing countries, where some
young people have worked for a few years before embarking on their studies, are students in
general are extremely conscious of their role as the leaders of the future.It is now quite common
for students to lead political demonstrations; they usually play a prominent role in revolutions; and
they have even wielded international power by taking diplomats as hostages.

Paragraph 2

Nevertheless, many people think that in focusing upon expertise rather than upon wisdom,
modern education is missing out what is of most value. It is still vital that from higher education
students should above all acquire wisdom, that is, a sense of responsibility for the application of
their knowledge, an understanding of how their work is related to other areas of life, and a sense
of values in their own lives. This does not mean that moral values should be dictated from above,
but that students should be confronted with general ideas as well as specialized information, and
that they should have the necessary solitude and leisure for private thought before committing
themselves to public action. If students remained uncommitted observers rather than premature
participants, the benefits would ultimately be greater for society as a whole.

2. Compare and write what you know about the topic with what you learned from the text
using the given table.

What I know about the topic

What I learned about the topic

a. We can know about higher education

1. We can learn about education is very

principally as training for a particular kind

of job.
b. Provides most young people with the

important for our live.

2. We can learn about differences of

impetus to study.

traditional and modern higher education.

c. Higher education as a course of training

3. We can learn now quite common for

for future works.

students to lead political demonstration.

d. Prepare students from the start for one

4. We can learn about moral and religious

specific type of work.


e. Governments also tend to see higher

5. We should be able to defend our own

education as a course of training for future




A. Reading
About You

1. Which system of education do you prefer, the East or the West one? Tick () your


2. Why?
Because the system of this education /is primary learn in group. They are work
together, help one another on assignment.
Before reading
1. Why do different countries have different methods of education?
Every country has different language, history, and culture.
2. What are the advantage and disadvantages of different teaching methods?
a. Togetherness.
b. Discipline and self control.

a. Individualism.
b. Plagiarism.

Read the text carefully and answer the question that follow.
A teacher from a Western country recently visited an elementary school in an Asian
country. In one class, she watched sixty young children as they learned to draw a cat. The
class teacher drew a big circle on the blackboard, and sixty children copied it on their papers.
The teacher drew a smaller circle on the top of the first and then put two triangles on top of
it. The children drew in the same way. The lesson continued until there were sixty-one
identical cats in the classroom. Each students cat looked exactly like the one on the board.
Seorang guru dari Negara barat akhir - akhir ini mengunjungi sebuah sekolah dasar
di negara Asia. Dalam kunjungannya pada sebuah kelas, dia menyaksikan 60 siswa belajar
menggambar kucing. Guru kelas tersebut menggambar lingkaran besar di papan tulis, dan
para siswa mengikuti gambar lingkaran tersebut di buku mereka. Guru kembali menggambar
lingkaran, lingkaran kecil yang di simpan diatas lingkaran besar sebelumnya dan kemudian
membuat 2 buah segitiga di atasnya. Para siswa menggambar hal yang sama. Pelajaran
berlangsung sampai 61 gambar kucing yang sama dikelas. Setiap gambar siswa terlihat sama
persis sesuai yang ada di papantulis.
The visiting teacher watched the lesson and was surprised. The teaching methods
were very different from the way of teaching in her own country. A childrens art lesson her
own country produced a room full of unique pictures, each one completely different from the
others. Why? What causes the difference in educational methods? In a classroom in any
country, the instructor teaches more than art or history or language. He or she also teaches

culture (The ideas and beliefs of that society). Each educational system is a mirror that reflect
the culture of the society.

Guru tamu tersebut menyaksikan pelajaran dan dia terkejut. Metode pengajaran yang
sangat berbeda dengan system pengajaran di negaranya. Siswa dalam pelajaran seni di
negaranya menghasilkan kelas yang di penuhi dengan gambar yang unik, gambar yang
berbeda satu sama lain. Mengapa? Apa penyebab perbedaan pada metode pendidikan? Pada
kelas dibanyak negara, para guru mengajar lebih banyak seni atau sejarah atau bahasa. Dia
juga mengajar kebudayaan (ide dan kepercayaan masyarakat tersebut). Setiap system
pendidikan mencerminkan kebudayaan masyarakat mereka.
In a society such as the United States of Canada, which has many national, religious,
and cultural differences, people highly individualism-the differences among people. Teachers
place a lot importance on the qualities that make each student special. The educational
systems in these countries show these values. Students do not memorize information. Instead,
they work individually, and find answers themselves. There is often discussion in the
classroom. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions.
Dalam sebuah masyarakat seperti di United States Kanada, dimana banyak Warga
negara, agama, budaya yang berbeda, orang - orang dengan nilai individu yang tinggiperbedaan /setiap orang. Guru tempat penting dimana setiap siswa menjadi special. Sistem
pendidikan di Negara ini menunjukan nilai nilai ini. Para siswa tidak menghafal informasi.
Terlebih, mereka belajar secara individu, dan menemukan jawaban sendiri. Disana ada juga
diskusi kelas. Pada tahap awal, siswa belajar untuk membentuk ide dan pendapat mereka.
In most Asian societies, by contrast, the people have same language, history, and
culture. Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in much of the Orient reflects
societys belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism. Children in China,
japan, and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments. In the classroom,
the teaching methods are often very formal. The teacher lectures, and the students listen.
There is not much discussion. Instead, the students recite rules or information that they have
Kebanyakan masyarakat Asia, dengan kenyataan, orang - orang yang memiliki
bahasa, sejarah, dan budaya yang sama. Mungkin dengan alasan ini, system pendidikan
dinegara oriental dengan kepercayaan akan kebersamaan, dan tujuan bersama di bandingkan

individual. Anak - anak di Cina, Jepang, Korea belajar bersama dan membantu satu sama
lainnya dalam tugas. Dikelas, metode pengajaran juga sangat formal. Guru mengajar, dan
para murid mendengar. Tidak banyak diskusi. Terlebih, para siswa menghafal rumus atau
informasi yang mana mereka telah ingat.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these systems of ducation. For
example, one advantage to the system in Japan is that students there learn much more math
and science than American student learn by the end of high school. They also study more
hours each day and more days each year than North American do. The system is difficult, but
it prepares students for a society that values discipline and self-control. There is, however, a
disadvantage. Memorization is important learning method in Japanese schools, yet many
students say that
( Kirn and Hartaman, 1977: 4-5)
1. Answer the questions according to the text. Which statements apply to which
system s of education. Write W ( Western) or A (Asian) on the lines
a. ( W ) The society values individualism highly. (P3, L3)
b. ( A ) Most of the people in the country have the same language, history, and
culture. (P4, L1-2)
c. ( W ) Students have to find information themselves, and there is a lot of
discussion. (P3, L 3-4)
d. ( A ) The system prepares students for a society that value discipline. (P 5, L
e. ( A ) Students listen to the teacher and memorize information and rules. (P 4,
L 4-6)
f. ( A ) The teacher draws pictures that the children copy exactly. (P 1, L 1-2)
g. ( W ) Each child draws a difficult picture; the teacher help individuals. (P 2, L
For point h, answer the following question briefly!
h. How is the system of education in most Asian countries different from the
system in many western countries?
In most Asian societies, by contrast, the people have the same
language, history, and culture. The educational system in much of the Orient
reflects societys in group goals and purposes rather than individualism.
Children in China, Japan, Korea often work together and help one another on
2. Find the meaning of the italic words in the preceding list. Write them on the lines.


The differences among people
Learn and remember
Way of teaching
The ideas and beliefs of society
Completely different

Completely different
The ideas and beliefs of society
The differences among people

Western societies highly value individualism.

Most Asian Societies value discipline.
The instructor also teaches culture.
A childrens art lesson produced a room full of unique

e. Way of teaching

Each educational system is a mirror that reflects the

value of society.
f. Learn and remember

Student memorize not only information but also basic

rules and facts.

g. Place
h. Shows

People in western cultures value individualism highly.

The teaching-methods of the western societies were

different from ours.

i. Drew

The teacher drew a big circle on the black board, and

the children copied it.

B. Speaking
These are expressions which are commonly used in giving reasons.
1. Study those expressions, and try to understand the meaning. And then use it in the
discussions in your group work.
a. The main reason is that .
b. The basic reason is that .
c. The fundamental reason is that .
d. I think . Is right/ justified for the following reasons .
2. Discuss with your friends the importance of education for our life.
The following outline may help you start the discussion.
Education is very important for the following reasons;
First, .
Second, .
Third, . Etc.

C. Writing
1. Study the text again. Now, you are hoped the rewrite the text in your own words. You are
hoped to develop a paragraph with the following pattern:
One topic sentence + two supporting sentence
Here is an example:
Education helps individuals attain prestigious and prosperous life. Educated people get
wider access to better jobs. They also get more respect from other members of the society.
2. Now write three similar paragraphs here.
1. Education makes people more appreciated in Indonesia. More educated people are
sought to occupy a job. They also usually get a larger income.
2. Governments across the world are prioritizing education with various considerations
and opinions. That is why education categorized as critical to improving the social to
an extent, the level of employment, attitudes, ethics behind the wheel or appreciated.
3. Out there are some people who cant prove the title that they get (such as S.Pd, ME, M.Pd,
etc.). There are also some people who have higher it doesnt education but cant do anything
and guarantee, that they can get a good job.

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