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The cause of global warming

Gas emission from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead
to global warming, which may lead to a devastating effect on the
planet in the future.
~ As many developing countries are becoming industrialised,
emission from factories are expected to rise. Furthermore, the
number of cars on our streets is growing all the time, and cheap air
travel is making flying accessible to more and more people.
Consequently, the amount of greenhouse gasses released into the
atmosphere shows no sign of decreasing.

Deforestation also contributes to the global warming. Famers clear

huge areas of rain forest in places such as Amazon to produce
feeding land for cattle or wood for building.
~ Although the forest plays a critical role in cleaning the air we
breathe, a huge areas of forest has been cleared such as in Amazon
to make space for cattle and soybean production.

As the human population increases, we are producing greater

quantities of waste, which contaminates the earth and pollutes
rivers and oceans.
~ When the population growing, the great quantities of waste is
going to pollute the planet and contaminates rivers and oceans.

Effects of global warming


Global warming will have a significant impact on our planet.

Rising temperature will cause melting of the polar ice caps.
Sea levels will rise.
~ More water is poured into the sea, as a result sea levels will rise

We can expect more extreme weather conditions.

~ Flooding and droughts may become more common.

Impact of humans on the environment

- The increasing world population is putting pressure on natural

We are destroying wildlife habitats.
~ In many countries, the governments could not control the
poaching and hunting well, and many more animals are becoming
endangered species.
Enormous areas of rainforest are being cut down in favour of human

~ Farmers clear huge areas of forest in places such as Amazon to

produce feeding land for cattle and wood for building.
All of such greedy human behaviour has led to the extinction of
many species of animals and plants.

Solution to environment problems


Government should introduce laws to limit emission from factories.

Government should introduce policies, provide fund to encourage
people to use public transport instead of personal cars.
This could be achieved by improving public transport such bus,
train, and green taxes can be imposed on drivers and airline
companies to encourage people to use public transport.
They should invest in renewable energy from solar, wind or water
Government should promote recycling.
Natural areas and wild animals should be protected strictly by laws.
Individuals should also try to be greener.
We should take fewer flights aboard for holidays.
We should take public transport or bicycle rather than driving.
We should choose products with less packaging.
Recycling should be considered as much as possible. Many markets
now sale products with biodegradable packaging and also give you a
discount if you bring your own re-usable bag.

The amount of waster we produce has increased, and this problem is a result of our
consumer culture.
- Products nowadays are not made to last; if something breaks, many
people simply throw it way and buy a new one.
- Most foods are sold in non-biodegradable packaging especially the
fast food.
- The amount of household waste is growing as many furniture still
works but they would be replaced by new advanced one.


Many people do no think about the consequence of dropping

rubbish, they argue that keeping street clean is the job of street
sweaper not their responsibility.
Plastic packaging does not recycle easily, and most of them seen on
the streets is fast food packaging.

Recycling and other solutions:


Company should make goods that last longer with better quality.
They should not use so much packaging or use much biodegradable
packaging if possible.

Governments should be stricter about waster produced by

companies, some rules should be introduced in order to enforce the
way corporations processing the rubbish.
They should also put legal limit on packaging or encourage
companies use reusable material.
Consumers should avoid buying over-package products, we should
recycle and reuse useful material.
Households can use several rubbish bins to separate waster, this will
help the recycling process since different litter has different ways of

Nuclear power: Positives


There are several benefits to build more nuclear power stations.

It is one of cleanest energy source in term of carbon dioxide
emission for decades, it outperforms conventional fossil fuel energy
such as gas, petroleum that is mainly responsible for greenhouse
effect and global warming.

Fossil fuel like crude oil and natural gas are running out.
Nuclear power is sustainable energy source.
It can be used to produce electricity without wasting natural
It could be replace the use of natural resources like coal, oil and gas.
Nuclear power stations are cleaner than fossil fuel power stations.

Nuclear power: Negatives


The most concern about nuclear power is the safety of power

station. Chernobyl is the well-known example of nuclear power
failure that could lead to disastrous consequences both to
environment and human being.
Another issue is raising amount of nuclear wastes that comes from
nuclear power plants. Although many scientific group have pursued
way to safely dispose nuclear waste, it has been not a significant
Furthermore, many people worry that terrorists could steal
radioactive materials and use it to attack against big cities, they
argue that we should use another clean energy from solar, wind or
water power.

11. Family

Family size
As countries have developed there has been a trend towards smaller
family size. Why does it happen? How does it affect society?
- Families in many countries are not as large as they used to be.
- Ever since the industrial revolution, rising cost of living in cities
compelled people to shrink the size of their family due to economic

Such as circumstance has resulted in that people become more

career-oriented, and the starting and expansion of family has moved
to the bottom of the pecking order of many peoples priorities.
o The advert of technology has removed human intervention in
many jobs, as a consequence, more people have to compete
for fewer available occupation nowadays.

- The smaller family have both positive and negative impact on the
- One of positive effect is that the population would fall, which lead to
less strain on public service and less completion in sacred resource.
The parents also can provide better education to their children as it
will cost less, which will benefit to society as a whole.
o A study conducted by Save the Children, a non-profit
organization, found that the children of the modern era
perform better than their earlier counterparts in the schools
and college.
- However, a possible negative impact is that there will be fewer
young people in the workforce in the future, thus making the
sustainability of economy growth less certain.
o Many western economies, for instance, have experience
deflation and negative economy growth for many years, and
this does not seems to be ended soon.

Working parents
In many countries there has been an increase in social problems involving
teenagers in recent years. Many people believe that this is due to modern
lifestyles because parents spend more and more time at work and have
less time to supervise their children. To what extent do you believe this is
Parents bear some responsibility for the actions of their teenaged children.
- This is particular true when the parents are absent from the home
and not in the position to control their children.
- The argument is that if they were at home, they would be able to
make certain that their offspring did not join any group of violent
criminal and spent their time on socially acceptable activities.
- Moreover, the children especially in teenager age is still not enough
mature, if the parents travel frequently for business trip, they have
to solve their own social problem without the parents guidance and
it is a important factor causing juvenile crime.
However, it can be also said that working parents are in fact setting a
good example to their children.
- It is very often the case that teenagers who come from hardworking
families spend their time on schoolwork and conduct themselves
- The teenagers who do create social problems by, for example,
getting drunk or painting graffiti come from homes where parents
are unemployed.
Other factors are relating to the educational system.

This is due to the fact that many teenagers leave school aged 16,
and cannot find job because of lack of qualifications.
As the result, they spend time on the street with nothing productive
to do.
Likewise, social problems with teenagers can be the consequence of
poor discipline at school with teacher failing to control their classes.

Family closeness
Nowadays, families are not as close as in the past and a lot of people have
become used to this. Why is this happening? Do the advantages of this
trend outweigh the drawbacks?
The cause
- [Working] Due to cutting-throat competition in modern work,
parents spend more working time than ever in the past. As the
result, they are frequently away from home and hardly have time to
take care their families.
- [Entertainment] There are many ways to entertain nowadays
comparing to the past, they are easily taking members of family
away from the family activities. In the past,
The closeness would make family members more engaged and happier.
- The most important of closeness is to improve mutual
understanding between people in families.

Negative effects on Children


Father stay at home

- Equal right movements have made a great progress, it is getting
normal for women to gain qualifications and pursue a career. It had
also socially acceptable for men to stay at home and look after
- The rising cost of living lead both marriage partners to work and
earn money before starting a family. Therefore, when getting
marriage they may discuss who works and who stay at home and
bring in children.
- The changes made a positive progress on societies.
- We should be happy to live in societies in which men and women
have equal position, and in which women are not put under pressure
to sacrifice their career. Equally, It seems only fair that men leave
their job if this is what they wish to do.
- Couples should be left to make their decision depending on personal
preference, and on who earn most money.

12. Crime

Crimes cause and solution

In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think
are the main cause of crime? How can we deal with those causes?
- The increase of crime rate is pressing problem.
o The reason of increasing criminal activities is basically linked
to poverty and vulnerable judicial system.
o Better social-economic condition and strict laws could be the
possible solutions to tackle the problems.
- Crime is getting worse around the globe, especially poverty-stricken
o In the poorer nations, many people do not have a stable job,
and if they are paid for offending activities, they tend to do
them without hesitation. This is because they need it severely
for their survival.
o e.g. pandemic poverty plagues Somali that many people try to
escape the poverty by becoming pirates or robbery.
o Most of the people in poverty ridden nations have lost their
faith in the judicial system.
o The criminals have committed heinous crime are set free or
punished not harsh enough due to loopholes in the system.
o In this way, the culprits have no fear for the law and they take
part in criminal activities again and again.
- Government should devise a program to alleviate poverty and
should pass strict law to reduce the offending rates.
o To improve social-economic condition in poverty nations,
crime rates could be reduced significantly. That is to say that
introducing a program in favour of development so that
private sectors can create more job opportunities, and more
and more people can afford their own expense and their
familys basic cost living, hence reducing crime.

Fear of crime
Some people think nothing can be done to reduce the fear of crime.
- Disagree.
- People think little can be done to reduce the levels of crime
o They think that a fear of crime is a state of mind that
perpetuated by the media.
(ex.) we are constantly bombarded with negatives news
stories about crime and violence on the streets.
>> The belief is that whatever we do to reduce the criminal
rate, people will still be scared.

o Another belief is that the crime is caused by wider structure

issue in society that is difficult to tackle, such as the growing
income gap between the rich and the poor.
o Little then can be done about this issue in our capitalist
There are solutions that will ensure people feel safe outside their
o Government should increase the numbers of police in local
communities and more neighbourhood watch program
should be encouraged, both of which will increase safety and
deter crime.
o The media should also encouraged to present more positive
stories in the new about how the crime is tackled rather than
the focus in the negative.
o In terms of the structure issues, governments should attempt
to tackle issues of poverty through better income distribution.

Violent crime and youngsters

Some claim the basic reason for increasing in violent crime among
youngsters is that children these day are not getting enough the
social and emotional learning from parents and teachers.
Lack social, emotional learning >> young children involved in crime.
- Agree
- Teachers
>> It is undeniable that many teachers are in favour of oldfashioned approach to students academic performance.
~ The modern education system enforces students to obtain
tangible achievements rather than ethical perspectives.
o At school, there is too much emphasis on the academic result
of main subjects such as math, literature, and the social
subjects are often underrated.
o A large number of students are outstanding in their disciplines
but they do not have full awareness of violences definition,
potential causes and severe consequences. As a result, the
lack of realistic perception, that should be taught by teachers,
creeps up on children to commit violent crime.
~ I remember that there was a girl in my high school who
performed well academically. Although she frequently
offended other classmates with foul words, she was
continuously favoured by teachers, as a result many students
thought that the most important goal is to get the high mark
not practice the good manner.
o As a result, the lack of realistic perceptions creep up on
children to commit violent crimes.

>> Parents increasing occupational commitments have limited
their opportunity to guide the children in the right direction.
o Parents these days are extremely busy with their works, and
the longer extra hour they work in the office or meet business
partners, the fewer interaction and guidance they give to their
o Being devoid of love and sympathy, children would become
cruel and unsociable to others.
o Getting out of parents control may expose children to
damaging website including rebellious actions. They easily to
imitate what they see and behave in negative ways.
o Many adolescents cannot control their emotion, and they tend
to act violently especially when they are bullied frequently at
o No one guides children in the right direction, the friends they
make easily sway them into the life of crime, and with plenty
of free time they easily engage in criminal activities such as
shoplifting, petty theft.

13. Gender

Gender and education

University should have equal numbers of male and female students.
- Disagree
- Unrealistic
o (Fact) students numbers depend on the applications.
o Need enough applications. It is difficult since the applicants
choose the subject based on their favourite, and it could not
decided by the university.
o Many courses are more popular with one gender than the
o (e.g)Nursing courses tend to attract more female applicants.
o Some area of works or related study are not appropriate to
one gender.
o (e.g) Many female students do not choose the construction
engineering because they know that the job and the
education requires heavy physical activities that are normal to
- Unfair to base admission to university on gender
o (Fact) university should continue to select the best candidates
for each courses according to their qualifications.
o (Fact dev) In this way, both men and women have the same
opportunities, and they know that they will be successful if
they work hard to achieve good grades at schools.

o (e.g) If a female student is the best candidate, it would be

wrong to reject her in favour of a male student with lower
grades or fewer qualifications.
14. Global

Arguments for immigrations:
- As births rates plummet in the developed countries, immigrants
would keep the developed economies afloat.
o They will account for a great increase in the developed
countries workforce, while the working-age population in
those countries is decreasing in a signification rate.

It is fairly unethical and immoral for developed nations to turn their

back on the people who lost everything and fled civil war, or natural

Immigration workers can be more efficiently matched to demand,

and make the economy more resilient by doing jobs that natives will
not do or cannot do.

Arguments against immigrations:

- Immigrants can put pressure on local communities, and high rates
of arrivals can temporarily strain on schools, housing, and public
Against: It is challenged, but it can be done. The smart investment
is possible to mitigate the problems, and government need to
manage the cost, which tend to be short-term and local. For
example, since 1990 many cities in Chinese have received influx of
huge number of Chinese have moved from the countryside to cities
for work, and it shows that it is entirely possible to build new homes
for hundreds of millions of immigrants given a couple of decades.

Many people argue that wages would go down as labour supply

increased, and natives might well lose jobs to immigrants.
= One of the dominant, but empirically unjustified images is of
masses of people flowing in, taking away jobs, pushing up housing
price, overloading on public services.
Against: However, the knock-on economy effect is that increased
labour also brings an increase in profit, which business owners can
invest more in production. They can also diversify and create more
opportunities for a broader ranges of workers.

The multi-cultural experiments in Europe have not always exceeded,

and immigrants have often suffered badly from racism, and others

Many people against the refugee accept just because they are too
anxious that the people fleeing war and turmoil will bring violence,
disease to their countries.
Against: However, this viewpoint is too overstated, the negative
consequences are possible to be controlled by a limited acceptance
rates, considerate resettlement program of governments, and a
great support of local communities.

Solution for refugee issue:

- Local community involvement should be considered as a core
component of the resettlement program, and it plays a critical role
in helping to rebuild their lives.
- On practical level, refugees are sometimes better of receiving aid in
their native land than begging on the streets in a country where
they cannot speak the language. Many so-called economic
immigrants end up returning to the country of their birth.
Conclusion for refugee issue:

In conclusion, developed nations can help to solve global issue by

taking in more refugees, but only in restricted numbers and in
extreme cases. I also believe that there needs to be a global effort
to provide aid, political dialog to solve the problems that causes

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