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MYP Unit Plan

Unit Title
Orchard Hideout
Subject and Grade
Mathematics MYP Year 5
Time frame and
4 weeks
Area of Interaction focus
Significant concept(s)
Which area of interaction will be our focus?
Why have we chosen this?

What are the big ideas? What do I want my

students to retain for years into the future?

Human Ingenuity: Geometrical

principles underpin many significant
areas of human development

Geometrical thinking is relevant

because of the precision of thinking
required and the use of logic.

MYP Unit Question

How can geometrical thinking assist in
the solution of complex problems?
What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?
What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what
they have understood?
Students will complete a unit test (Criterion A) that will focus on geometric skills
Students will carry out investigation, On Patrol (Criterion D)
Students will be required to maintain a learning journal as they develop
understanding through the unit. This will include responses to questions within
each activity. At the conclusion of the unit the journal will be assessed (Criterion C)
Students will be required to maintain an organised electronic folder to
demonstrate the development of skills.
Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?
A: Knowledge and Understanding

Know and demonstrate understanding of the concepts from the branches of

mathematics (specifically Number and Statistics)

Use appropriate mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in both familiar
and unfamiliar situations, including those in real life contexts

Select and apply general rules to correctly solve problems, including those in reallife contexts
C: Communication

Use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology) in written


Use different forms of mathematical representation (formulae, diagrams, tables,

graphs, models)

Move between different forms of representation

D: Reflection in Mathematics

Explain whether their results make sense in the context of the problem

Explain the importance of their findings

Justify the degree of accuracy of their results

Suggest improvements to the method when necessary.

Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?
A Knowledge and Understanding
C Communication
D Reflection In Mathematics

What knowledge and skills (from my course overview) are going to be used to enable the
student to respond to the guiding question?
What (if any) standards/skills are to be addressed? How can they be unpacked to develop
the significant concept(s) for stage 1?
Use the distance formula
Use the standard form of the circle equation (center and radius)
Determine the equation of a given circle
Use the midpoint formula
Use the formulas for circle area and perimeter
Understand the theorems of angles at the circumference and center of a circle.
Determine formulas for polygon circumscribed about a circle
Construct perpendicular bisector, angle bisector, incircle and circumcircle of triangles
Utilize algebraic skills (completing the square and equating coefficients) to transform
circle equations to and from ( x k ) 2 y h 2 r 2 and x 2 y 2 ax by c 0
Understand and appropriately use the trigonometric ratios
Use the inverse trigonometric functions appropriately

Approaches to learning
How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general
approaches to learning skills?

Self-evaluationincluding the keeping of learning journals and portfolios, reflecting at

different stages in the learning process
Applying knowledge and concepts including logical progression of arguments
Identifying problemsincluding deductive reasoning, evaluating solutions to problems
Inquiringincluding questioning and challenging information and arguments,
developing questions, using the inquiry cycle.

Learning experiences

Teaching strategies

How will students know what is expected of

them? Will they see examples,
performance indicators, and templates?
How will students acquire knowledge and
practise the skills required? How will they
practise applying these?
Do the students have enough prior
knowledge? How will we know?

How will we use formative assessment to

give students feedback during the unit?
What different teaching strategies will we
How are we differentiating teaching and
learning for all? How have we made
provision for those learning in a language
other than their mother tongue? How have
we considered those with special
educational needs?
Monitor progress when working through
exercises and support and extend as
Working in the GSP environment
Guidance with GSP and geometric concepts
Use of Geometers Sketchpad activities.
Mother-tongue texts and pre-reading

Expectations and outcomes of the unit

will be explained to them at the start of
the unit.
Series of GSP activities (Angles formed
by intersecting lines, arcs and angles,
chords, distance point to line, parallel
lines, angle bisectors, perpendicular
Activity 1: Modeling the Orchard using
GSP and graph paper, students explore
the nature of the problem. The concept
of sightlines and geometric
terminologys are introduced through
group discussion, use of orchards
powerpoint and google earth circular
orchards file.
Activity 2: POW 2, Equally Wet
Exploring the problem develops the

concept of perpendicular bisectors,

working in GSP.
Activity 3: Trigonometric Ratios
Utilizing GSP the nature of the
relationship between side ratios in right
triangles are explored. This is
developed through formal work solving
problems using the trigonometry ratios
in right angle triangles.
Activity 4: Sprinkler in the Middle
Using GSP students explore this
problem and develop concepts that
lead to Cartesian formula for a circle
centered at (a,b) and a known radius r.
Activity 5: POW 3 On Patrol. Exploring
this problem using GSP introduces the
develops the concept of angle bisectors
Activity 6: Trig ratios and the unit circle,
formally defining sine, cosine and
tangent functions. Exploring function
curves on the calculator and through
GSP activities.

What resources are available to us?
How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to
facilitate students' experiences during the unit?
Interactive Mathematics Program Year 3: Orchard Hide Out; Key Curriculum Press
Maths for the CSF 10; Nelson, Chapter 2, 11 and 15
Maths Quest 11General Mathematics; Wiley, Chapter 8A, Ch 14 and Ch 15
Exploring Geometry with Geometers Sketchpad; Key Curriculum Press, activities on pages 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 25, 26, 73, 75, 121, 123, 124, 125, 170, 171, 195, 199.

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