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7th Grade Science

Course Syllabus
2016 - 2017
Teacher: Mrs. Sandoval Email Address:
Welcome to 7th Grade SCIENCE! I am so excited to have the privilege to teach
you this year! I hope you are just as excited. We will be covering a wide range of
topics. In chemistry, students increase knowledge about the periodic table,
create chemical reactions and recognize balanced chemical equations. Students
will investigate forces and motion in the world around us, such as rocket
launches and amusement parks. The space unit investigates the solar system
and manned space exploration. In earth science, students will learn how matter
and energy cycles and determine mans effects on land, water and air. The final
unit is about plants and human body systems, including cells and organelle
Required Course Materials:
1 Composition Notebooks
Color Markers
Pencils (#2)
Colored Pencils
Glue sticks

Wish List (Optional):

Zip-lock bags, sandwich or gallon
Dry Erase Markers
Clorox Wipes (any brand)
Paper plates

Homework/Late Work/Absences
I follow the district policy for homework, late work and absent work. It is
expected to be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date. Points will be
deducted for late work. If the student is absent, refer to our website Content for each day will be online, so
you can learn science even when you are out! It is your responsibility to
complete make-up work. Many assignments will be in Schoology. This allows you
to complete make-up work from home. You are responsible for contacting the
teacher after class to receive notes/assignments and to make up quizzes/tests.
Cheating is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. There are many opportunities
for a student to receive assistance if there is any work that is not understood.
Cheating includes but is NOT limited to the following:

Students copying another students paper (both students will receive


Students taking another persons work and claiming it to be their own.

Parents or siblings doing a students work for them.

Lab Safety
Once students return a signed safety contract, they will be able to participate in
labs. Violation of Lab Safety Rules (that puts the student or others at risk) results
in immediate removal from that lab. Several violations result in office referral.

Come to class prepared (Composition Notebook)

Once you enter the room, you are to begin the Please Do Now (PDN).
Be in your seat and QUIET when the bell rings.
Practice behaviors that are courteous, supportive, and respectful. Respect
your teacher and your classmates.
5. Perform at your maximum level.
6. Be persistent in following all school and classroom/laboratory rules.

Verbal Warning
Student-Teacher conference and documentation of behavior.
Parent Contact and documentation of behavior.
Lunch detention, documentation of behavior.
Office Referral to assistant principal for multiple offenses (3 or more)

** Severe offenses will be referred to the assistant principal immediately!!

**Violation of Lab Safety Rules results in immediate removal from lab **

Classroom Procedures
What is Expected of You?
A. Beginning the Class
You should enter the room ready to learn. There should be no talking or at a
level 1 until I ask you for responses from the Please Do Now. (we will practice
If you are not inside the classroom before the door is closed, you are
considered tardy. You must sign the tardy log when you do walk into class. Do
this quietly. Students will already be working when you enter the classroom.
You will not be assigned seats, unless behavior deems necessary. As the year
progresses, the seat assignments may change at my discretion.
To get your attention any time during the class period, I will raise my hand and
ask for 100%. When you see my hand raised, you should:
1. Freeze.
2. Turn and face me, pay attention, and keep your eyes on me.
3. Be ready for instruction. I will have something to say.
When announcements are given over the PA, stop all communication and
movement. Listen.
B. Classroom Management
When I am lecturing or giving you instructions of any kind, do not leave your
seat or communicate with your peers.
No hall passes will be issued during the first and final 10 minutes of class. If
hall pass permission is abused, you may not be issued one at all.
If you need help with your work, the first step is to ask the other members of
your group to explain the concept to you. If you still dont understand, raise
your hand and I will be happy to assist you. I will not give you the answer, but I
can guide you in the right direction.
Be sure to use your indoor voice (level 2) while engaging in group discussions.
There will be times when we will move around the room to different stations.
Move quickly and quietly from one station to another. (We will practice this.)
If you would like to be recognized during instruction, raise your hand. You will
be recognized.
When your peers are having oral discussions or giving a presentation, there
should be no talking or movement. We will respect the person who is leading
the discussion. Refrain from making negative comments about your peers.
Pencils must be sharpened before the tardy bell rings. Supply boxes are will
contain pencil sharpeners for use during class.
C. Dismissal from Class
When it is time to move to the next class, remain seated and quiet until I tell
you that you are dismissed.
If you need additional help, I encourage you to come during lunch or after
school for individualized tutoring.
D. Course Outline
Be sure to write the objective, standard and essential question in your
notebook daily. This should be done upon finishing your PDN.
E. Most Importantly Teacher Interaction
You are important to me!!! I will always treat you with respect. Consequently, I
expect the same in return. Disrespect is not allowed.

Signature Page
8th Grade Science Course Requirements, Grading Procedures, and Expectations
STUDENT: I have read and reviewed the 8th Grade Science Course Requirements, Grading
Procedures and Class Expectations. I have also read the Safety Contract (separate). I fully
understand what will be required of me in this class and agree to adhere to the procedures.
Student Signature


PARENT / GUARDIAN: I have read and reviewed the 8 th Grade Science Course
Requirements, Grading Procedures and Class Expectations. I have also read the Safety
Contract (separate). I fully understand what will be required of my child in this class and
agree to adhere to the procedures.
Parent/Guardian Signature


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parent / Guardian Contact Information



Cell Phone & Home Phone #: __________________________________________

Hours of Preferred Contact: ____________________________________________


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