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The Heidi Sawyer Institute of Psychic Development

New Year Special

After plotting your own
codes on the map of
the Tree of Life now
work out the codes of
your loved ones,
friends and family.
Remember to add
Plot their Life Code numbers on your map to
together all the num- reveal the basis of your relationship. By
bers of their birthday looking at each of the descriptions you will
see how some of the relationships in your
individually then add life work, and others are not so strong.
the end figure together
to get a number The Life Codes provide the basic personality
and outline character of each person. The
between 1 and 11. position of your Life Code as it fits into the
Tree of Life is essential to gain an insight into how you react to others in
your life. Plot everybody you know especially those who have caused you
the most challenges in your life, all may have an important impact on any
movements forward.

For instance, if you and your partner have the same life code like a 4 you
will both have similar views and direction. Life Code 4 is a sensible ener-
gy, stoical and reliable. With both of you in that energy you may find your
relationship has become stagnant. If you know the reasons as to why,
then you have the choice and ability to adjust it.

When I give a personal reading that involves the Tree of Life and the
Codes I look at all the parts that make up the whole. This is a very pow-
erful tool for understanding aspects of your life and how to adjust it.
Learning how the Tree of Life and
the Life Codes interact is incredibly

One young woman asked me

about her life as far as her 'sort of'
partner was concerned. He had
expressed a strong interest in her
but was very flimsy in showing any
form of commitment or longevity if
pushed. This had been bothering
her for some while.

Many people around her had sug-

gested leaving the situation but
she was finding that a very difficult
option. We had a look at her Life
Code and the way things were
positioned on the Tree of Life for
her. We also looked at her partner.
It was very clear with looking at a
variety of aspects including using
psychic and tarot guidance within
the map, that she as the 4 energy
needed to feel things were secure
and he as a 5 had been spooked
by previous situations. Those with the Life Code 5 like their freedom and
take a while to heal from anything that has knocked their confidence. She
could see quite clearly on the map how he would never commit as their
energy on one level was very compatible but the more she pressured for
some sort of future the more he went into his spooked energy from previ-
ous relationships. Due to the fact she could see for herself very clearly
within the map how that worked she suddenly realised she didn't need to
take it personally. She then set about enjoying the relationship for what it

I have to admit this is only the start of a quite involved charting process
of the Tree of Life and the Life Codes but it will still give you many

I do have attended courses: Secrets of Your Life Code to provide a much

fuller understanding to Psychic Gym and Circle members, full details on
the website:

New this year: Life Codes Revealed a live video link with fully explana-
tion of the Tree of Life and how your Life Code fits into the scheme of life.

Remember Life Code 11 is also a 2, there are the two energies to refer to
on the document should any of your codes become 11. This is a Master

I hope you find the Life Code and the Tree of Life useful and very helpful
in discovering yourself and insight to those around and your future and
look forward to working with you in future through the Psychic Gym.

Much love,
The Institute of
Psychic Development
1/10 The Body & The Ultimate
Spiritual + strong willed + organiser + leader + well balanced +
ambitious + overbearing + stubborn + opinionated + egotistic

When using the Tree of Life to identify your life code you will notice on
the map a 1/10 is indeed the bottom but also the top. Top is bottom and
bottom is top. The bottom is labelled the body and the top the ultimate.
This symbolic meaning says that not one energy is more important than
another, that 1/10s are actually both very physical in nature but also
very spiritual.

Life Code 1/10 means in spirituality it

suggests you are very much in touch with
the idea of there being a bigger world
outside of the human experience but you
may wrestle significantly with it, fighting
off your own or other people's disap-
proval. You will have kept your spiritual
life to yourself you may have been
embarrassed by it. For people who have
no spiritual or self-awareness interest but
are the 1/10 energy will firmly believe there is no such thing as the wider
picture, 'you are buried in the ground when you die and that's that'.
A strong individual, you can organise a business, group or household
very effectively. When in your 'physical' mode you are very determined
at times ambitious. You are best when you start any project from its birth
place and learn from your mistakes but for those who are unaware of
their 1/10 energy at the top of the tree you get stuck in selfishness and
a fixation with the material world. Combining the two energies of the
1/10 from the Tree of Life perspective means you are easily able to
apply a balance in your life when you put your mind to it.

Life lesson for a Life Code 1/10: Learning to manage the spiritual with
the physical to achieve a life of harmony.

Other 1/10: Kate Winslett, George Clooney

2 The Father
Cooperative + ideal partner + peace maker + charming + creative
+ independent + moody + indecisive + susceptible

The Life Code 2 energy is about the ultimate male frequency and vibra-
tion. It is the Guru energy, the Buddha, Christ, or whichever belief system
you may follow that involves a male as the figurehead. The energy of this
area of the Tree of Life is non-physical it is thought before form.
Whatever you deem as the life force, its frequency is this intelligence.
Life Code 2 means you are the ideal partner whether that is in love,
friendship or business. Disharmony and unpleasant situations disturb you
and you seek to create peace in troubled waters. You are very pleasing
to people, your charm ignites a room and impresses even the most sullen
of individuals. You are capable of mastering any group or environment
without friction. You have a great ability for concentration and cooperation
the rewards of which others spend their lives searching for, but comes
naturally to you. Ideas are moulded into reality in your
hands but you need the help and cooperation of others to
bring them properly into fruition.
Your nature is to understand and forgive easily as you find it
easy to see things from the perspective of others. Within
troubled marriages Life Code 2 will do their best to resolve
difficulties and will initiate change for the better. Your forgiv-
ing nature may at times be a little too forgiving. Those of
less integrity will attempt to take advantage of this.
You have an unusual ability to be comfortable on your own
if you have to, a spirit of independence that makes you the
perfect partner but also the closeness to feel emotional inti-
macy from any relationship from friends to lifetime partner-
ships. Your darker energy is moody, undecided and over-
sensitive and easily incensed but you calm quickly to a
place within yourself where you forget what you were both-
ered by.

Life lesson for Life Code 2: Harmonious relationships

Others at Code 2: Jennifer Lopez, Declan Donnelly, Meg Ryan

3 Mother
Bubbly + entertaining + friendly + easy leaner + enthusiastic +
good lover + smotherer + obsessive + fanatical

The Life Code 3 energy is about the ultimate female vibration and fre-
quency. This is the earth energy, Mother Nature, the Virgin Mary.
Symbolically this refers to an energy frequency in its true state, holds the
key to life. It is the point of which all energy passes through in order to
become physical. All humans and mammals pass through the female
energy in order to become physical. We are yet to see
males giving birth. If that day comes, it goes so far
against the natural grain of how the universe works it is
bound to have serious problems and implications.
Regardless of sex, we all have a male and a female ener-
gy. Those with the Life Code 3 will be learning in life to
express the female energy in a coherent and balanced
Life Code 3 means you are bubbly to be around and
hugely entertaining. A great friend, you are fun to be
around and lift anyone who's a bit down. You learn easily
and quickly anything that catches your eye but once
you've a good understanding of it you tire and move on
rather than delve into it too deeply. Enthusiastic, you get
very excited about things to then find the enthusiasm
drifts and you suddenly drop that interest and move onto
something else.
Your greatest happiness is feeling loved. The mother energy of the Life
Code 3 means you are capable of great love but also need to receive it.
It is a necessity for you to be emotionally involved therefore this great
need for love makes you the ideal partner as long as your partner shows
you the affection you crave. However, this energy in its darkness can
make you smothering and obsessive. It can also drive you towards a
'who cares' attitude where your talents and skills become wasted.
The Life Code 3 is a beautiful and powerful energy but it is also a hugely
destructive energy and one to be respected. Think about the earth ener-
gy as a whole, it gives life but at the blink of an eye it can take it away.

Life lesson - feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Others at Code 3: Felicity Huffman, Cameron Diaz, Pierce Brosman

4 Abundance
Planner + thinker + logical + calm + stable + patient + tolerant +
dependable + picky + obstinate + envious

A Life Code 4 means you are not one of life's fleeting energies. You are a
strong, solid foundation you have the natural capacity for abundance and
abundant thinking if you set your
mind to it. Everything you build has
a firm, logical and lasting founda-
tion. If you are familiar with 'The
Secret' a spiritual book and DVD,
you will have a good idea of the
energy of the Life Code 4. You are
a calm and stable energy that
holds itself together when all about
is falling apart.

Not one for wandering you stay

firmly put once you've decided
where you want to be. Your Life
Code means you like to work
steadily towards your goal, step by
step thinking and planning on the way, once attained you'll then address a
new goal moving methodically and practically. Always working, always
building, you have a sound capacity for patience and are very well pre-

At times you can get bogged down in your own details and can lose sight
of the big picture. You can be extremely stubborn and jealous if pushed
into a corner. Ready to take on anything you are dependable and loyal.

Life lesson for Life Code 4: Learning heart -felt expression.

Others at Code 4: Nicole Kidman, Keanu Reeves, Colleen Rooney

5 Spiritual Strength
Witty + humourous + captivating + go-getter
+ achiever + perfectionist + self doubting +
temperamental + inconsistent

Those with the Life Code 5 are learning to

achieve spiritual strength. This energy in terms
of looking at the Tree of Life as a map is about
facing all your fears. These are not little fears
these are the largest fears of the personality in
order to make the transition into your spiritual

Everyone has spiritual strength when they

engage with it. It is the settling of the personality into a calm state and the
strongest elements of your character achieving its state of 'perfection.' But
with a Life Code 5 you will find this energy follows you around nudging
you constantly to extend your comfort zone and boundaries.

Code 5s are inconsistent in your temperament but would be the last per-
son to admit it. In your life you will have experienced strong highs and
lows a chameleon variance of mood, those around you will have found it
difficult at times to access where you are. A combination of great wit and
humour when in the right frame of mind makes you a very attractive and
fascinating energy.

You love your freedom and need that in order to explore your Life Code.
Your energy needs to be able to move around quickly in order to have the
opportunity to experience the things in life that push your boundaries.
Even though you may think you crave stability and consistency you actual-
ly thrive on change.

Life lesson for Life Code 5: Transforming self doubt into self confidence.

Others at Code 5: Colin Farrell, Terri Hatcher, Sarah Jessica Parker

6 The Soul
Educator + catalyst + achiever + progressive + selfless + bright +
altruistic + charming + flighty + meddler + over protective

If you look at the map you'll see the life code 6 is right in the middle of the
Tree of Life. If you look again you'll see there is lots of connecting path-
ways (the psychic pathways) that link into the soul energy. This means
those with this Life Code cross pollinate constantly within the life of oth-
ers. You are a catalyst for change in people, you are the life changer, the
person people learn from. You will meet many changes, opposition, opin-
ions and responsibilities. Some of the experiences will have been
unpleasant but always a huge opportunity to learn and progress. If you
face your challenges straight on you will find happiness
and contentment. For those with the Life Code 6,
stalling and putting things off means that events get
desperately uncomfortable. This does not mean they
become instantly uncomfortable it is something that pro-
gresses over time because your energy is progressive
and it hates to be held back.

Code 6 people have unselfishness as one of your main

characteristics, consequently you struggle with the word
'no' and find yourself saying yes when you barely have
time or energy for yourself. Relationships are a strong
learning curve for you in both a romantic and platonic sense. You will
either master this energy in your life-time or find yourself moving from
friendship to friendship or in relationships that work perfectly or not at all.
An all or nothing person, in your balance you are a very bright, happy per-
son in your unbalanced state you meddle in things that don't concern you
and can be overprotective.
Beauty, peace and harmony in the home are important to you. Once you
have achieved this your attentions are turned to extending the warmth of
your personality and charm beyond the peripheries of your immediate sur-
Life lesson for Life Code 6: Achieving the authentic self. Once achieved,
helping others with the confidence to find their authentic self.

Others at Code 6: Meryl Streep, Victoria Beckham, Justin Timberlake

7 The Emotions
Passionate + romantic + poetic + knowledgeable + understanding +
appreciative + emotional + self-deprecating + unsure + over delicate

Those with a Life Code 7 from the perspective of the Tree of Life are
learning about love. They are life's true romantics and lust after a life of
poetic pleasure. This is the energy and frequency of
fantasy, the world of nature spirits and elementals. You
have much to learn about love and if you do so in your
life time, you have tremendous knowledge to offer to
those around you. In your true self you appreciate
beauty, in your damaged self you suffer from extremes
of emotional pressures and self-deprivation.

You delve into everything in an effort to find out exactly

the reason behind it. You cannot accept anything at
face value and push to see that your opinions are
sound. When an idea is absorbed into the deeper lay-
ers of your psyche you will dwell on it, meditate on it,
and talk about it, until you have dissected it into tiny
pieces playing it over and over again. This often leads
you to great philosophical truths which you use for your
own advancement and an understanding of others.

Deeply psychic, you have an amazing capacity within

meditation, and the healing arts. Code 7 s look at all things beautiful
and impress you, both in an intellectual and physical sense. Life is dis-
appointing to you, and you are often faced with sorting through uncom-
fortable emotions. More delicate than most, you are easily wounded. It's
never good for you to hurry; easily flustered it's beneficial for you to
take in the scenery of life.

Life lesson for Life Code 7: Follow your heart's desire with passion once
you've found it.

Others at Code 7: Keith Ledger, Julia Roberts, Ewan McGregor

8 The Intellect
Intuitive + kind + controlling + prosperous + perceptive + resourceful
+ realist tendencies to panic + worrier + forgetful + trivial

The Life Code 8 when using the Tree of Life as the life map means you are
learning the merits of the intellect from the higher frequencies. You are
learning the frequency of the Higher-Self and the highest aspects con-
sciousness. Your life will have encountered its fair share of other people's
challenges and you will have endured a lack of imagination in finding a way
to solve them. Panic may have been your theme in the past but it is usually
the case for a Life Code 8 to find problems have solved themselves without
much intervention from you. You like your emotional
needs to be taken care of and ponder little on the
true worries of your world preferring to leave that to
other people. You do though worry about trivial mat-
ters until you get bored with it to the point of forget-
ting what the original worry was all about.

Code 8 s have the ability to be very prosperous and

powerful but may seek to leave that energy alone in
your life time. Remember that ultimately this was
your choice and be careful not to blame others. You
are perceptive and understand human nature there-
fore you have great empathy with those less fortu-
nate. Material things are certainly within your grasp
and are yours without much effort. They will though
fall short of true enjoyment if they are acquired with-
out the feeling of achievement.

As you are the path of the intellect, imagination is

not your strong point therefore your life lessons involve the development of
a degree of efficiency within all that you do.

Life lesson for Life Code 8: Enjoy the fruits of life and appreciate all that
you have. Refrain from believing the 'grass is always greener'.

Others of Code 8: Penelope Cruz, Amy Whinehouse, Richard Gere

9 The Subconscious
Sensitive + understanding + good partner + perceptive + subservient +
uncertain + dissatisfied + forager + acquiescent + frustrated

The Life Code of a 9 from the perspective of using the Tree of Life as the map
means you are experiencing the path of the sub-conscious in your life time.
Your extreme sensitivity makes you understand and respond to people very
quickly. You take instruction well and respond to it effectively even though you
don't like to admit it.

You do well on your own but even better if you have

direction. Life Code 2 as a friendship or partnership
is deeply rewarding for a 9. The amalgamation of the
2 & 9 energies from the perspective of the Tree of
Life is a soul mate combination.

As a Life Code 9 you are deeply perceptive and look

for the meaning in anything you come across. A
'searcher' you will always be looking throughout your
life. Uncertain of what it is you are looking for, you
will experience a profound interest in anything that is
deep and searching.

Wrestling with your emotions, life will have strong

ups and downs but the embracing of your metaphys-
ical interests will soften this energy into a deep place
of enlightenment.

Life lesson for a Life Code 9: Mastery of emotions to

achieve stillness of the mind & inner focus. Once
achieved a Life Code 9 can achieve anything they
set their mind to.

Other Code 9:
Sean Bean, Patrick Demsey, Rachel Weisz
Charismatic + leadership qualities + intuitive + sensitive + influential
+ powerful + controlling + slow developer + nervous + irrational

Master number 11 possesses more potential than the other numbers.

Those who are an 11 are also a Life Code 2. Master number 11 is a highly
charged version of the 2. 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers, it is the
number of the psychic. Those with this master number possess the ability of
illumination and act as a channel to the subconscious. They have insight
without rational thought and find fulfilment only by focusing on a goal bigger
than themselves.

The path of the 11 within the map of the

Tree of Life walk three paths in life rather
than the standard one path each of the
other numbers follow. This means 11s
have a chaotic life that's littered with new
roles and responsibilities. Waiting for the
day for it to all calm down is futile.

Life Code 11s develop slowly in life

because they need more time to mature to
prepare themselves for the bigger goals
and challenges they must face. If 11s fail
to focus their energy on goals beyond the
self the energy turns inward to create fears
and phobias.

Charged with charisma, inspiration and leadership the 11 walks the fine line
between greatness and self-destruction. Their sense of peace is found in
faith rather than logic, their psychic and intuitive insights when used proper-
ly, give them the edge over most situations.

11s live a life of responsibility and feel a strong urge to step up to be seen.
Plagued by sensitivity, nervous energy and shyness the 11 can find their
path intimidating. But, this is the path of leadership and transformation, used
in its balance this is one of the most powerful energies of all.

Others at Number 11: David Beckham, Daniel Craig, Andrew Lloyd Webber
The Heidi Sawyer Institute of Psychic Development
New Year Special

Life Codes
Many people ask me
to give them personal
readings based on
their Life Codes and
have been amazed on
the accuracy of such
readings. This is my Life Code 5 Life Code 4
reading for Angelina
Jolie and Brad Pitt,
being famous and
constantly in the news, Angelina is Life Code 5 energy within the
Tree of Life, her relationship with the Life
you are able to follow Code 4 energy of Brad will be about
their relationship with learning the experiences of the 19th
path. The 19th path on the map is the
psychic pathway between the Life Code
4 and Life Code 5.
This is the journey of a Life Code 5 learning to master their insecuri-
ties using the stabilizing energy of the 4. Angelina will have looked to
Brad as her rescuer, a buoyant and safe energy that would help her to
relax and drop some of her nervous energy. This will have worked well
in the beginning, a dream-like and idyllic situation. Angelina will have
dreamed of the safety and security energy like Brad could provide. He
will have been brilliant with her adopted son leading her on to the
creation of the bigger picture, a whole brood of children leading the
Mary Poppins lifestyle with Brad firmly and loyally in tow. His Life
Code 4 energy will have agreed, for he does not give up on his
responsibilities lightly.

The big but... What will Angelina do when her Life Code 5 energy
becomes bored and needs to move on from the 4? It is sure to do so
Life Code 5 will struggle with how stoical and resilient the 4 can be. It
is evident within her energy she has not moved through her
insecurities in fact it is likely they have increased. A glamorous outer
will be hiding a very damaged inner world this can be seen clearly
with her strong need to have many children in a short period of time.
Life Code 5 when they go into panic mode will start obsessional
behaviour. She will still be experiencing a feeling of a lack of
satisfaction and an increasing panic to break out. Life Code 5s crave
stability but actually thrive on change, she will be bored with Brad's
dependability and he will be fed up with her constant mood changes.

Brad was in fact more suited to the 11 (2) energy of his ex-wife
Jennifer Aniston but at the time of his divorce will have been going
through a period of worrying about the fact he wasn't needed. 11's do
very well in relationships but are fine on their own if they need to be.
Jennifer will have been a more secure person so Brad as a Life Code
4 will have mistakenly assumed he wasn't needed and felt a spare
part, the alluring nature of the Life Code 5 will have seemed at the
time more appealing because he felt 'needed'.

On a personal level as individuals Brad as the Life Code 4 will be

learning the 15th psychic path on the map. This is the path that
inspires him towards a devotion to his 'great work'. Within his working
life his dream will be to be respected within a legendary role. Until he
achieves that everything else he's done will pan into insignificance. It
is interesting how he changes and adapts his image to fall into the
path of previous legends. The Tarot symbolism for this pathway is The
Emperor, the strongest male energy of the Tarot deck, arguably the
respected leader. It's curious how Brad's latest look resembles Robert
Redford, one of Hollywood's greatest legends.

Angelina as a Life Code 5 on a personal level is learning the 16th

psychic pathway on themap. In Tarot this is the energy of The
Empress, the symbol of fertility and womanhood.

The many children Angelina has will be her pathway and evidently
more of her choice rather than Brad. She will be learning the merits of
motherhood whilst her path is to settle her inherited fears and to allow
what she currently views as vulnerabilities into flowering and appealing
personality traits.

This relationship from an energetic standpoint feels doomed. But this is

not to say that all partnerships of this nature are incompatible, the
importance of this combination is to honour each others strengths and
respect the weaknesses as a reflection within the self. If approached
this way, this combination works as each can learn and grow from the
other. If ignored, one will go in one direction and the other becomes
resentful. This eventually leads to separation due to a lack of
communication and a lack of common interests. If worked on though,
this is one of the most supportive relationship combinations you can
have, it doesn't come naturally though, it has to be worked at.

Further infomation on personal Life Code readings, please go to the

The Heidi Sawyer Institute of Psychic Development New Year Special

Life Codes
What’s in
store for 2010
Life Codes are a
Each year I normally select a celebrity
powerful way of couple to do their Life Codes so you can
deciphering the track the progress of what I have said
energy to see the throughout the following year. Each time I
patterns of events, have done this, the media has reported
much of what I have said months after I
relationships, life have published my thoughts. My thoughts
situations and how on the couple are based purely on the Life
they will work out. Codes of the individuals. This is how
powerful the Life Codes are! They
are a fantastic way to predict possi-
ble outcomes of many a situation.

The Life Codes are based on two

ancient tools to decipher how life
works. Those tools are a combina-
tion of Qabalah and Numerology
mixed in with a little Tarot and
Archetypes when you want a deep-
er look at the person as an individ-
ual. We are all different in our little
ways and sometimes the added
tools are suitable to unravel hidden
aspects of our unconscious pat-

Many aspects of Qabalah and Numerology can be extremely complicated

and confusing. However, with Life Codes these systems are simplified dra-
matically, anyone with a little bit of guidance can begin to use this amazing
tool to map out their own life.

Your Life Code

To work out your Life Code add up all the numbers in your birth date
and then apply it to the 'map' which is The Tree of Life. Add up all the
digits in your birth date until you are reduced to a single figure. The
17th May 1953 becomes 1+7+5+1+9+5+3 = 31 then 3+1= 4 The Life
Code is 4.

Once you have your Life Code you can then glance at the Tree of Life to
see which energy it is you are expressing through your life time. The Tree of
Life will show you your dominant energy for your life expression; this energy
will influence all your movements and decisions in life.

The Year 2010

The energy of 2010 within the Life Codes expresses the 'mother' or female
energy of Binah. This doesn't mean that everyone will start to want to moth-
er people during this year it is the expression of a very powerful energy.

Within this area of the Tree of Life it is a continuation of the balance of

the ultimate male and female energy of nature's yin and yang. The yin and
yang energy represents the natural balance of the universe, from night and
day to our own internal psyche.

Within the Life Codes the 'mother ' energy is a holding energy. It is a pausing
energy rather than a push energy. As you read this, refer to the Tree of Life
diagram, you will see under the Mother energy lies strength (5) and intellect
(8). These two energies in traditional terms are thought of as more male than
female. They are however, female energies. 2010 will be about waiting, paus-
ing and restoring balance.

The world events of the past year or so will be set to continue until 2011. The
economic recovery will be slower than we'd like, but if we treat it well and
learn from the mistakes the recovery of 2011 will be lasting. If we fail as indi-
viduals to learn from the mistakes then the 2010 energy will be a hard energy
to take. The 'mother' energy is firm in its restoration of balance, it does not
suffer fools, it holds steady in its holding / pausing time. It will not be rushed.

Everything in our physical world has passed through the female energy; it is
the expression of how things materialise from the world of thought. From
every human being, to the chair you are sat upon, was at first a thought, this
thought passed through someone's 'female energy' for it to become physical.
When the thoughts are ready, that's when they enter the male world of the
'push', into the physical plane.

The push energy will not be active again until 2011 when the universal flow
switches from the female into the male energy of Chesed, the energy of
abundance (4). Until that time we need to appreciate, and work with what
we've got. The pausing energy is about reflection, taking time to see what's
already around you, rather than pushing for more. Over the past year people
have begun to move away from viewing their worth in terms of what they
have in the material. If they want the latest Versace handbag it's because
they want it, and have to save for it, rather than want to be seen with it.

We've seen over the last eighteen months the balance begin to adjust itself.
We've seen the removal of credit (push energy), we've been forced into
steadying things, pausing for reflection. This is very typical of the female
energy in its Binah form; this is an energy not to be messed with. If your Life
Code is 3 this is your year. Anyone who knows you will know you are gentle,
calm and loving. Push your buttons though, or push you too far, your wrath
is a force not to be reckoned with. The earth energy is the 3 energy, 2010
will see more and more climate debates and decisions to respect the earth.
Those who resist that adjustment will find things very difficult. They will be
seen as the source of tremendous difficulty, the world eyes will be thrust
upon them, they will be shamed into adjustment. That's how the 3 energy
works, it is non-violent but when disrupted to the point of complete
imbalance it has no choice but to force a change. We can see this clearly
with how the earth energy works, no human can control it. If it wants to
express its imbalance it will do, we will see more and more oddities it
terms of weather during 2010, until we achieve a greater respect for the
need for balance. 2011 will then see those oddities calm down.

If we fail to see our own lessons within the

year of the Binah energy (3), then we will
also suffer our own 'wrath'. If we continue to
'push' while the energy requires a steadying
hand then all that we 'push' for in 2010 will
fail to materialise. If you are currently going
through tremendous change, take that
change as a positive indication. It is not
there to punish you, take it as an opportuni-
ty to notice where your responsibility lies, if
you do, 2010 will be a magical year...

Soul Lessons for your year ahead

Each Life Code will have a unique experience of the year ahead. The
dominant energy will reflect itself in different forms for each Life Code. This
is what makes us different from the person next to us; it is our energy, and
the expression we wish to exercise within our life time.

2010 for Life Code 1/10

Those who work their Life Code 1/10 in the positive have
seen themselves through that period of time where they
separate their internal world from the external. Life Code
1/10's are used to living a very expressive life but their
private world is completely cut-off from their physical life.
For some, those who have not had the opportunity to work their 1/10 ener-
gy in the positive it is an isolating experience with no sense of belonging.
From a higher consciousness perspective the Life Code 1/10 energy is the
leader energy to bring about a connection between the physical world and
the non-physical world free of conflict. This is the recognition that all things
are equal regardless of material status in the world. A challenging energy to
match, it reflects the soul challenge to feel comfortable with a non-physical
experience in a physical body. It is the harmonising of the emotional
experience of the spiritual essence, for the essence self (the spirit) to enjoy
this experience as part of the physical world rather than for the physical self
to reject it as something different.

Life Code 1/10 during 2010 will have the opportunity of becoming very
comfortable with themselves. The 3 energy expressed during 2010 will be a
comforting energy, one that gives a silent reassurance that 'All will be OK'
you won't know how that will happen, in fact life might be showing you
something completely opposite but you'll have a silent inner knowing that
everything will work out just fine. Life Lesson for 2010: Faith

2010 for Life Code 2/11

For those working the Life Code 2 energy will struggle a little
bit with the 2010 energy. The reason is they will be forced into
a pausing energy. Life Code 2 is not used to pausing, it is a
busy energy that is always on the go. It leads a rushed life
crammed full of everything and anything it can get its hands
on. Life Code 2 struggles with saying 'No'. When working in its
positive it wants to experience everything, when working in its
negative it procrastinates to the point of forcing something that should have
been done a long time ago into a push energy. This usually works for the
Life Code 2 energy, but 2010 will want things done differently.

From a higher consciousness perspective the Life Code 2 energy is the

ultimate father or male energy. It is the frequency that pushes the waiting
energy of the female into action. The female energy will not be pushed until
it is matured, it will not budge unless it is ready. The lesson of the male
energy is to notice the timing, to notice when it is the correct time to push
something into a physical reality. For those who notice this timing, when
they do push, things effortlessly take shape. The temptation for most though
is to push all the time. The world frequency has become in recent years
trapped by the temptation to keep pushing when the energy has in fact
shifted to a hold position. From a higher perspective, the Life Code 2
energy is about listening to our intuition and recognising the right time
rather than listening to the empty timings of people's panic which is to push
before it is ready, or after the time has passed.

Life Code 2 will truly learn their soul lessons this year by having to ponder
things and complete things earlier. They will have time on their hands,
something they are really not used to. For some Life Code 2's the time will
bring up insecurities because they are used to being needed. If however,
Life Code 2's leave things this year in their usual pattern of procrastinating
to the point of forcing a push energy, all will crash around their ears
because the earth flow is not in the push energy for 2010 and they'll find the
time they usually wait to 'push' will be one step too late.
Life Lesson for 2010: Organise and wait

2010 for Life Code 3

For those working the Life Code 3 energy 2010 is your year.
Life Code 3's are in the habit of expressing two different
types of energy. One can be a bit bossy and the other can
be too mild. This year is about you achieving your balance
between bossy and mild. If you are too mild usually, you'll
find 2010 is your opportunity to be heard. People will start listening to you,
taking your opinion seriously.

From a higher consciousness perspective the Life Code 3 energy is the fre-
quency of the ultimate female energy. This means it is our ability to wait, to
allow things to develop before we push them into the physical world. In
recent years we've forgotten how to wait for things, we have pushed them
before they are ready and now it is a time of accepting those conse-
quences. The 3 energy is a reflection of our intuitive thoughts, if we 'wait' for
a moment to listen, we can hear the inner most, quiet thoughts of the
female vibration.

For the Life Code 3 if you are normally a bit bossy then you'll find 2010 is
the year where you don't have to be so bossy, you'll learn you achieve more
in your observations before action. You'll wait before you judge something
or someone, you'll feel more confident in giving people the opportunity to
change and you'll feel less hurt than usual if they choose not to adjust.
If you have someone around you who is a Life Code 3 working in the negative,
then their lessons will be hard lessons this year. They will have to change, they
will have it forced upon them. When the universe is expressing the 3 energy
then it enhances the energy of those carrying that vibration. You'll notice the
Life Code 3 person becoming more of who they've been. If they've been super
bossy then their attitude will be forced into balance, people will not listen at all
to them, they will refuse to co-operate in the normal fashion. The Life Code 3
will then be forced into considering a different approach or risk losing every-
thing. If they are sensible, then they will listen to their inner world which will
suggest the milder approach. If they listen, the transformation will be amazing.
Life Lesson for 2010: Internal balance

2010 for Life Code 4

For those with the Life Code 4 vibration 2010 will be a confus-
ing year. It will be a preparation year for Life Code 4.
Everything you 'prepared' for in the transformational year 2009
and expected to materialise in 2010 will not be as amazing as
you first thought. This will inevitably send you into confusion.
Fear not, 2010 is a year to fine tune your preparations and to iron out the
From a higher consciousness perspective the Life Code 4 vibration reflects the
energy of abundance. It is the frequency that provides the link between the
worlds of thought into the world of physical manifestation. Those with the Life
Code 4 vibration are brilliant at manifesting their thoughts into reality, if only
they have faith in their capabilities. Once they do, the world is their oyster, Life
Code 4 working in its positive likes to share their riches created from the
unmanifest world into the physical. They are natural fundraisers, mind- chang-
ers, and creators. Oprah Winfrey for instance is a Life Code 4. She has decid-
ed for 2010 to embrace the energy that is ideal for her vibration, she has
pulled back to reflect.
This year will offer you the most fabulous opportunity you've had in a long-
time. Normally for the Life Code 4 you like a bit of time to ponder and to think
about how you will put your plans into action but rarely is there the time to pon-
der, action or reaction to someone else's drama is usually necessary before
you've had your pondering time. This year will come as a surprise to you; you'll
have your pondering time, at first you'll be suspicious of the energy this year,
waiting for the rug to be pulled from beneath you. There will be no rug pulling,
unless of course you choose to manifest it to affirm your first thoughts. 2010
will be about gaining or regaining your confidence and self-belief in preparation
for your year, 2011. Life Lesson for 2010: Trust
2010 for Life Code 5
It is rare to find those who are interested in their inner
purpose and spiritual development carrying the Life Code
5 vibration. For those who are a Life Code 5 such
interests are usually beyond them, they know best and
therefore the thought of engaging in something that is not
stored in their immediate knowledge base, suggests they
are vulnerable and therefore weak. Spiritual development in their mind is for
the weak willed and ill of mind.

From a higher consciousness perspective the Life Code 5 energy is about

spiritual strength and having the courage to find it. This energy reflects the
troublesome times we all go through where we feel 'tested' to the point of
having the strength to find our real internal strength and direction.

If you are a Life Code 5 and reading this you are a much evolved soul. You
will have spent quite a bit of your life wrestling your inner demons; in order to
come to the point of wanting something more than your external world can
offer you. With the Life Code 5 vibration, you have pushed yourself further
than most 2010 for the evolved Life Code 5 is a very comforting year; this is
your opportunity to accept people into your life, into the deepest parts of your
core energy. To realise people are not out to 'get you' or hurt that vulnerable
core, they are there to offer a helping hand and friendly protection. You don't
have to bite their hand off or humiliate them, or go back to your cave to lick
your wounds, growling or attacking anyone who comes close to the cave
door. For Life Code 5 you'll find 2010 allows you to express your fears, to
realise you are not a weak person if you leave your vulnerabilities open,
you'll see that you have friends within those connections and people who
want to help you over the humps of life. This year is about you accepting
that helping hand of friendship, to take the opportunities when offered to you,
and not to 'bite the hand that feeds you.'
Life Lesson for 2010: Growth

2010 for Life Code 6

Those carrying the Life Code 6 energy are usually the cen-
tre of everyone else's world. They have the habit of helping
everyone else out and working things out for a lot of other
people but for themselves the opportunity is rare. Their
mantra should be 'What about me?' If you look at the Tree of Life diagram
you will notice a lot of the connecting pathways of the other numbers link
firmly towards the Life Code 6. This means Life Code 6 people are often
dealing with everyone else's dramas. From a higher consciousness perspec-
tive the Life Code 6 energy reflects the soul energy. For all of us, this is posi-
tioned in the region of the solar plexus. For the Life Code 6, they are the
centre of the solar plexus energy. They feel things strongly, they have excel-
lent intuition and psychic impulses if only sometimes they could hear them or

2010 will be an intense expression of the Life Code 6 energy, more than it
has been in preceding years. If you are a Life Code 6 and you're considering
a career change into the holistic field, then 2010 will be the year to do this,
you will be very busy. The only challenge within this, is your ability to
actually ask for what you want, therefore charging for your services is
going to be one of your sticking points. People are used to receiving
your time and energy for free, so for you to suddenly be asking for a
return will be strange to those around you. This year for Life Code 6 will
be about boundaries. There will be plenty to keep you busy should you
wish to engage in helping out friends, relatives, or volunteering your
time, but you will need to be more aware of how you manage that, as a
3 year for a Life Code 6 can easily become a year of overwhelm if you
become the person who attends to everyone else's needs rather than
your own.

This year will be about you as the Life Code 6 having the confidence to
speak up without allowing it to get to the stage of anger. Life Code 6
energy can get into the habit of the victim mentality if it keeps quiet for
too long. 2010 will be about having the confidence to speak your needs
first, to state the rules of play rather than trying to instate rules half way
through the game. The calming influence of the vibration for the year is
there to give you the confidence to speak. Once you find that confi-
dence, your career and home path will flourish. Life lesson for 2010:
Confidence to set boundaries.

2010 for Life Code 7

Life Code 7 is the most delicate of all the life codes. It is
the vibration that can see the beauty in life itself. From a
higher consciousness perspective the 7 energy is the
beginning of the shift from physical into the non-physical world which is
why Life Code 7 people find it difficult to keep their feet on the ground.
Life Code 7's do not see a flower; they see the beauty of nature, the
colour, the meaning of the flower. They are life's poets when left to their
own devices. Give Life Code 7 something to create, once they have
gone beyond their panic, they will create something truly magnificent
and beautiful, something us mere mortals would have trouble even
conceiving in our comparatively limited creative mindsets.

Life Code 7 cannot help but take things personally. They see the world
as a challenging place to be in, they do not flourish with confrontation or
unpleasantness, and those behaviours harm them tremendously. Life
Code 7 is a hugely emotional energy whether working in its positive or
its' negative. For some Life Code 7s the realities of life are too
challenging to deal with. If life circumstances are too much, they will
shut off completely and find their inner world something difficult to relate
to, for other Life Code 7's their inner world is all too much, they find
their emotions in overwhelm and difficult to handle. Life Code 7s can be
prone to addictive or dependent behaviours.

2010 is a very favourable year for the Life Code 7 if they stay away
from reading the newspapers. Positivity is flavour of the year for Life
Code 7s for 2010. The 'mother' energy of the 3 year will offer Life Code 7s
the security they need. This year for the Life Code 7 is about learning how to
parent the self and to heal past hurts and worries. If those carrying the Life
Code 7 vibration learn during this year how to embrace this, they will set
themselves up for a very secure and settled future. This does not mean
material security, Life Code 7 does not need that, they are more than
capable of finding themselves drawn towards, and experiencing material
security if they want to. The security will come from within, it will offer them
the ability to properly live their life path of exceptional creativity.
Life Lesson for 2010: Healing.

2010 for Life Code 8

Life Code 8 flourishes if given adequate direction during their
formative years. If they did not receive adequate direction in
their early life they find it difficult to re-direct, and change their
early programming while other Life Codes will find it easier.
Repetition works well for Life Code 8s the only problem is, if
that repetition hasn't been positive they find it very challenging
to change things because their psyche's usually set themselves in one direc-
tion with flexibility being something they have to force upon themselves,
rather than readily accept.

Life Code 8 is the energy of the intellect, it is from a higher consciousness

perspective the layer of the higher-self; the all knowing part of our psyche as
a whole. 2010 for Life Code 8 will be about listening to the higher-self energy
more, it will be about trusting intuition and hearing it before, rather than after
the event.

2010 will be more of a settled year for the Life Code 8 energy. There will have
been quite a few disruptions during 2008 and 2009 for Life Code 8, so 2010
will be a welcomed break from having to consistently adjust to what can be
extremely confusing. It is not a year though to allow your Life Code 8 energy
to get into a rut. You've been forced out of your rut in more recent years,
those will have been changes forced upon you, you've begun to accept them
and get used to them. It doesn't mean you can now fall back into the safety of
a previous rut. 2010 will be an encouraging year for you, the 3 energy will be
there to encourage you rather than force you into change and a greater ability
to be more flexible. The coming years beyond 2010 will require more
flexibility, the Life Code 8's who are awake, such as yourself, can use 2010
as a time to get used to things, you will find life will move into a smoother and
fulfilling groove, not a rut.
Life Lesson for 2010: Accept change rather than resent it.

2010 for Life Code 9

Life Code 9 likes to take direction, then they will digest
that direction and steer others towards it. They are the
absorbers of information, they like to learn and learn. Life
Code 9's who have awakened to their spiritual potential
like to attend courses and workshops on subjects that
fascinate them. Often, they like to attend with someone
who is likeminded or if not like minded then someone who loves them enough
to accept their interests and at least experience them the once. Life Code 9
like to feel stretched, but not too stretched.
From a higher consciousness perspective, the Life Code 9 energy is about
the sub-conscious. This is the energy of the self that does not experience
emotion but accepts instruction. If the instruction in this part of our psyche is
faulty, the instruction will impact our lives when we least expect or want it to.
These are the things we see as repeating patterns and can't understand where
they come from or why they are happening. The question is 'Why me? What
have I done to deserve this?' There is nothing in your life where you can recall
encouraging this particular outcome, it could be something your soul energy has
programmed into your life experience, or it could simply be an old pattern
trapped in the sub-conscious that you're responding to. The key is to notice
these patterns and unlock the energy. Once the pattern is noticed by the
conscious mind, often it releases from the sub-conscious with little effort.
For those carrying the Life Code 9 energy you will find you are very good at
noticing the patterns of other people and responding to them. Your response will
not necessarily be a conscious response, unless you take a step back to notice.
You will act out the unconscious of other people. This can be anything from their
insecurities to their courageous acts.You will have found at some point in your
life it is easier for you to follow the track of others rather than find your own
As an awakened Life Code 9 though, you will have found your direction changed
considerably. You began to find yourself on your own track but are uncertain as
to how you found yourself there. It is likely you had a helping hand from another
Life Code, quite some distance from your own; Life Code 9 finds the energy of a
Life Code 2 or Life Code 3 particularly helpful.
The energy of 2010 (because it is a 3 energy) therefore offers the Life Code 9 a
helping hand. This year will be your opportunity to spot your own direction and
interests rather than consistently take them from others around you. You'll find it
easier to respond when required, rather than wait to be directed. You will have
started this in 2009 but 2010 will affirm it is OK to do this. From all that you have
learnt from recent years, 2010 will help you take what resonates with you as
your own truth, and you'll feel confident to put to one side what isn't for you. In
previous years you've never been sure what you should put to one-side.
2010 is about you building your confidence to the level of understanding and
listening to what your inner world wants. The more you are able to do this for
yourself, the smoother your path will be, and the more you can 'see' into the life
of others. After all, you are 'their' sub-conscious, the unseen patterns for
correction. Life Code 9 is the necessary parts for the spirit self to access the full
realms of the physical world.
Life Lesson for 2010: The courage to be yourself.

Whatever your Life Code, may your 2010 dreams come true, love Heidi

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