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Dear Timothy A.

We at the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) are writing to acknowledge your letter regarding traffic
flow along North Capitol Street. Your observations and suggestions have been shared with the appropriate
administrations in DDOT for consideration.
Our expert traffic engineers have taken time to respond to some of your observations and suggestions. Below
are insights/information about traffic designs and plans at some of the locations you cited.
At P Street
The north-bound left-turn at P Street is already restricted at all times. The south-bound left-turn is
controlled by an arrow.
At L Street
A left-turn arrow is provided for the south-bound left-turn at L Street. If north-bound drivers are
turning left at this location, that is an enforcement issue as well because L St is one-way.
At Massachusetts Avenue
At Massachusetts Avenue, the north-bound left-turn is also restricted at all times. The south-bound
left-turn is permitted without a dedicated turn phase and arrow. We will evaluate this location for a
left-turn arrow or turn restriction.
At New York Avenue
There are long-term plans to improve this intersection.
The intersection was studied during the Mid-City East Livability Study, and several improvements
were recommended.
These improvements have moved into the design phase.
Median Breaks at M Street and Massachusetts Avenue
The majority of the median breaks between M Street and Massachusetts Avenue are provided to
allow full access in and out of developments located on either side of the roadway.
Closing the median breaks would inhibit access to development parcels and could lead to an
increase in illegal U-turns at the signalized intersections.
At Florida Avenue
A Customer Service Request has been generated to prompt an inspection at this location.
If additional signage is warranted, the inspector will recommend additional signage to the DDOT
Field Operations Division.
The Customer Service number for this request is 16-00644675.
At H Street
A Customer Service Request has been generated to prompt an inspection at this location.
Further action will be based on recommendations by the inspector.
The Customer Service number for this request is 16-00644721.
Illegal U-turns and Left-turns
We will forward your letter to the Department of Public Works and the Metropolitan Police
Department, which handle enforcement issues, including illegal U-turns and illegal left turns.
We hope this information helps. If you have further questions regarding, you may reach Ms. S.T. Montgomery
in the DDOT Customer Service Clearinghouse at 202-671-2376. Thank you for contacting DDOT.
DDOT Clearinghouse
S.T. Montgomery

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