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World Geogrpahy Pre-AP Course


Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends.

Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies.
Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder... U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Class: World Geography

Teacher: Mr. Andrew Gault B-153
Contact Information:, (956)574-5600
Conference Times: 9:40-10:10 AM, 2:40-3:05PM

Course Description/Objectives:
This course offers an in-depth, comprehensive study of the Earth and the internal,
external, and human forces which shape it. Students will be introduced to geographical themes
which include significant cultural, economic, political and social factors that play a vital role in
the shaping of the world they live in today. Students will be expected to integrate other social
studies areas such as history, economics, and government with World Geography. This course is
also designed to help students develop basic social studies skills and test taking strategies.
Furthermore, students will also examine and use problem solving and decision making skills to
discuss and answer historical questions from a global perspective.


1 six weeks- Unit 1 The World, Unit 2 The United States and Canada
2 six weeks- Unit 2 The United States and Canada, Unit 3 Latin America, Unit 4 Europe
3 six weeks- Unit 4 Europe, Unit 5 North Africa
4 six weeks- Unit 5 Southwest Asia and Central Asia, Unit 6 Africa South of the Sahara
5 six weeks- Unit 6 Africa South of the Sahara, Unit 7 South Asia, Unit 8 East Asia
6 six weeks- Unit 8 East Asia, Unit 9 Southeast Asia and the Pacific World
It is very important that students and their parents/guardians be aware of the
accountability that this campus holds in preparing students for the next grade level and
future University work. We will work hard together to achieve success with the unified effort
of all teachers, students, administrators and parents.

Required Text: World Geography McGraw -Hill

At the present time, books will only be available in the classroom and not for check-out.
I will be posting assignments on Edmodo and will print out needed documents for
students who cannot access the materials online.
Other texts that will be used in the classroom will include; Mastering the TEKS in
World Geography and The Nystrom World Atlas.

Attendance Policy
Any student with less than 90% attendance of the required number of days that a class is offered
in a marking period shall be subject to loss of credit in the course(s) where excessive absences
have been recorded. A grade/or credit may be reinstated if the student is approved for such by an
attendance committee composed of a teacher, a counselor, and an administrator. The student may
appeal the decision of the attendance committee to the Board.

Make-up Policy
No student, who has an excused or unexcused absence, will be refused an opportunity to make
up work if he/she is absent. The student will be given the same number of days to make up the
work and turn in their work that as the number of days he/she was absent.

Class Rules and Expectations:



Be on time and seated in your desk ready for class to start! Tardiness will be
documented and excessive tardies will be documented on Review 360 and subject to the
discipline policy.
Be prepared to work. ALWAYS bring your notebook, paper, pens, pencils, etc.
Be respectful and courteous. Respect teachers, administrators, peers, and other
peoples property and opinions.
Electronics: A student shall obtain prior approval before using personal
telecommunications or other electronic devices for on campus instructional purposes.
The student shall also acknowledge receipt and understanding of applicable regulations
and shall sign the appropriate user agreements.
It is your responsibility to obtain notes/materials when youre absent. Please let me know
if you were absent as soon as you return to class so that you do not fall behind.
Food and drinks are allowed in the classroom as part of the BISD breakfast program.
You may bring a water bottle to class for your own personal use.


1 Offense: Verbal Warning with Review 360 Documentation

2 Offense: Student Conference with Review 360 Documentation
3 Offense: Parent/Teacher Conference with Review 360 Documentation
4 Offense: Notify Administrator and Parent with Review 360 Referral

Student Responsibilities
1. All students are responsible for turning in all assignments, including homework, when the
assignments are due.
2. Late work will be accepted on an individual basis. Please note that points may be
deducted for late work as determined by the teacher.
3. Students must have a colored hall pass in order to leave the classroom during instruction.
Academic Dishonesty/Cheating [EIA Local] A student found to have engaged in
academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary
penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes but not
limited to cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized
communication between students during an examination. The penalty for cheating will be a zero

for work involved and the student will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action in cheating
offenses. All students involved will be subject to disciplinary action. The determination that a
student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom
teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written
materials, observation or information from students. a. Cheating is interpreted as a procedure
which involves the unauthorized giving or receiving help, offering or seeking aid, or the use of
material prepared in advance for use on an assignment/assessment. Cheating also involves the
use of electronic devices, books, or notes in any form being used during an examination without
the permission of the teacher. Retesting will not be allowed in this situation. b. Plagiarism
consists of representing another persons ideas or writings as ones own, including but not
limited to cutting and pasting from Internet sources. Plagiarism will be considered cheating, and
is subject to EIA [Local]. c. If a student cheats on any part of a test and/or assignment given in
parts that is administered on separate days, he will receive a zero(s) only in the part where the
cheating occurred. d. All students involved in academic dishonesty may be subject to
disciplinary action stipulated in the EIA [Local} and BISD Student Code of Conduct. A teacher
that determines the student has violated the academic dishonesty policy is required to file a
discipline referral and must notify the childs parents or legal guardians of the academic
NOTE: Involvement in academic dishonesty may affect a students eligibility for student
honors, student leadership positions, and membership in some student organizations. A discipline
consequence may be assigned to a student found guilty of cheating.

Required Materials:
1. 5 Star Notebook or binder
2. # 2 pencils and/or pens
HISTORY FAIR: While not mandatory, it is expected that Social Studies students participate
in this enriching and fun event, History Fair is a stepping stone for future academic success.
PROJECTS: Every six weeks period will have a project. Students will be informed at the
beginning of each six weeks as to the due date of these projects. The projects will be a test grade
for that six weeks.

Grading Policy
- Six Weeks Period:
-1 six weeks 25%
-2 six weeks 25%
-3 six weeks 25%
-Semester Exam

Daily Work
Tests (assessments) 67%

The students six weeks grade is based on the following scales and calculations:
A 100-90

B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59-below

Retesting a. Retesting will take place upon student failure and student request except for
research papers, major projects, benchmarks, six weeks test(s) and semester exams. It is the
students responsibility to make arrangements for the retest. No retests are available for semester
exams or for student who received a 0 for cheating. b. The student must schedule the retest
within five (5) school days after earning the failing grade, except under extenuating circumstance
determined by the principal. c. The student may raise his/her score to a maximum of 70 on the
test by taking the retest. d. A student may not be retested more than one time for any given
original major assessment. e. Retesting Procedures apply to all students. Dual Enrollment must
follow University grading procedures.
Edmodo: I will post many assignments and various other articles on Edmodo. I will
give you the sign-up information.

NOTE: Please return the last page signed by student and parent as soon as possible.

Dear Parents:
Allow me to express that Im fully committed to your childs education. Be
assured that I am always available to any parent and I welcome your
communication. You may reach me by phone at Veterans Memorial High School
(956) 574-5600 or via email at
Below is a copy of the student/parent/teacher contract for you to sign. Please make
sure to review the guidelines, procedures, and expectations for 9 grade World
Geography discussed in this syllabus.
Thank you and I look forward to working together with you throughout the year!
Mr. Andrew Gault
Student/Parent/Teacher Contract
I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Mr. Gaults World
Geography class and have shared them with my parent(s) or legal guardian.
Students name:
World Geography Class Period:
Students Signature:
Parents Signature:
* Parents: I welcome discussions regarding your child; please let me know the
best way to contact you by filling out the information below. Write any
preferences, comments, or questions in the section below.
Parent(s) Name:
Contact Phone Number:
Parent Email Address:

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