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The Edited Versions
Finding Your Cancer Cure

- A basic guide to surviving cancer

Compiled by Jenny Marsh (Updated 22 Oct 2015)

IF YOU ARE READING THIS, chances are that you (or someone close to you) have been diagnosed
with cancer. When we first hear the terrible diagnosis, the natural reaction is shock and often denial.
Sometimes we will literally shake with fear for days afterwards. This fear is usually accompanied with
sadness and/or anger for a life that we feel is being denied us, and for the impending loss of loved
ones and their loss of us. These are understandable reactions as most people unfortunately regard a
cancer diagnosis as a death-sentence.
"Why me?"
This is one question that everyone diagnosed with cancer asks themselves, and one that has only
one answer "Why not me?" Today, cancer has overtaken heart disease as the number one killer in
the Western world, with one in three of us being diagnosed with this condition at some point in our
lives (by 2018 it is estimated that this figure will be closer to one in two). Cancer today has become
pandemic throughout the world, and whatever the conventional therapy propaganda machines keep
telling us, the "war on cancer" being waged by the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical
companies is unquestionably being lost.
The first step on being diagnosed with cancer is:
Don't Panic! - Cancer is NOT a death sentence; people ARE cured.
The problem with cancer is that no single therapy is likely to cure it, and indeed, no single
combination therapy is likely to be successful with all sufferers. Cancer is a systemic disease an
umbrella label given to an array of diseases that have uncontrolled cellular proliferation in common
and as a systemic disease only "whole body" treatment programs such as dietary and lifestyle
changes, psychological programs and nutritional supplementation are likely to be effective (however,
conventional treatments such as surgery can be effective in some situations and should not be
Factors unique to your particular situation which you need to take into consideration include: the type
of cancer diagnosed; how early it is detected; whether it has metastasised or spread; orthodox
treatment success rates; alternative treatment success rates; complementary treatment effectiveness;
and dietary, lifestyle and psychological changes we are prepared to make. Get the program
combination right for you, and you maximise your chance of a complete cure.
So a cancer diagnosis is actually a call for you to become a private investigator so that you can
uncover an effective treatment program for you, and perhaps the right health practitioner to help
supervise aspects of that treatment program.
So it is important to try to reduce panic as much as possible so that you can make responsible

The second step is to collect as much information as possible.

You need to be very blunt with your doctor and insist that he or she tell you the long-term survival
statistics for the combination of your particular condition and the treatment he or she is offering you.
So you must insist your doctor get you the long-term survival rates for others who have had your
particular condition and who have undergone the same orthodox treatment that is being offered.
If your doctor is not forthcoming with survival-rate information, then switch to a more open doctor or
find the information that you need on the internet. The other invaluable source of information is the
internet where you can find a wealth of information, much of it relatively accurate, although don't fall
for any "quick cure" or "magic bullet" promotions. (Cancer generally takes 5, 10 or 15 years before a
tumour shows and so a particular health supplement is unlikely to cure it overnight!)
Books are a fantastic source of information, and will give the information needed to make an informed
treatment choice. Also, check out some of the following two DVDs which can be easily purchased

The third step is to make a decision on what treatment program to follow.

Once you have the information you need, you have to make a choice as to which one of the follow
four options will be best for your particular condition:
The option that you choose will depend on your condition, your temperament, your belief systems and
your social support structure.
Option 1- Take the orthodox treatment on offer with nothing else.
is generally for those who prefer to transfer responsibility for their health to a doctor, and prefer to
defer choices to "the experts". But please really question your doctor about each aspect of the
treatment program that he or she proposes. But you can still do a few things to minimize the sideeffects. For example, eat a very healthy diet during treatment, take regular exercise as far as
possible, cut out alcohol and sugar, and take a strong probiotic supplement (as chemo kills gut
Option 2 - Take the orthodox treatment on offer along with complementary extras an
integrative approach.
is generally for those who either want the best of both the orthodox or alternative worlds (they hedge
their bets) or have a very aggressively developing cancer that needs the orthodox blunderbuss to
give the body more time by rapidly reducing the number of cancer cells. If you are in this group,
please consider some of the supplementary practices outlined in Option 1 above as this will minimize
the side-effects of the conventional treatment component.
Option 3 - Opt for a completely alternative treatment program.
is generally for those who really do take responsibility for their health as any person who shun
doctors' advice has to have some confidence that there is a better way.
Option 4 - Choose to do absolutely nothing and keep going as you are.
is generally for those who are either in complete denial, have a very slow developing cancer (often
associated with cancers in older people), are option 1 type people with a cancer that is untreatable by
orthodox means, or are too old or frail to go through the often long and draining conventional healing

process. Even if you choose this option you should really consider basic lifestyle changes to increase
general health, well-being and longevity.
Remember that whatever treatment route you choose to take, ask your doctor or alternative health
practitioner for 5-year survival statistics with and without the treatment being advised.
There are now a number of diagnostic labs tests that you can have that will help to evaluate what is
likely to be the best course of treatment for you. These are invariably supervised by an integrative or
alternative doctor or practitioner, and include: Nutritional Evaluation Tests ,Chemosensitivity Tests &
NMR Metabolomic Analysis

Whatever treatment regime you choose, the following section outlines the fundamental lifestyle
changes that you need to make to maximise your chances for a cancer cure.

What is Cancer?
First of all, we need to know what cancer is. Cancer is a blanket label for any situation where there is
disruption in the lifecycles of cells in our bodies, so that these cells resist normal cell death or
apoptosis. (In normal healthy tissue, cells are born, live out a functional life, and then die so that new
cells can take their place.) As a consequence of their new immortality, they keep proliferating madly,
usually forming tumours (unless they are blood cancers) which can grow so large that they obstruct
vital organs. These proliferating cancer cells also steal nutrients from neighbouring healthy cells, so
that the body become depleted supporting this false growth.
Whereas orthodox medicine sees cancer as occurring largely by chance with genetic mutations, most
unorthodox cancer practitioners see it largely as a consequence of metabolic imbalances which are in
turn determined by our lifestyle choices such as diet etc. So an orthodox doctor will focus almost
exclusively on killing the cancer cells, whereas an unorthodox doctor will focus more on restoring the
inner biological environment that encouraged the cancer to form in the first place (unless there is an
urgent need to quickly reduce the size or remove a tumour that is obstructing the function of some
vital organ).
So orthodox treatments are probably the one that your doctor will recommend to you. Bear in mind
that directly killing cancer cells does have its place, especially when the cancer is fast-growing, and it
can be successful with diffuse blood cancers.The second approach is generally regarded by those
outside the orthodox profession as far more likely to bring about a long-term cancer cure.

Foundations of a Cancer Cure

The presence of cancer in the body is actually a symptom of metabolic imbalances caused by:

toxicity from our diets and the environment

low oxygen levels in the body (hypoxia)

lack of optimum levels of nutrients in the modern diet for our particular metabolism

the high level of sugar, animal protein and long-chain saturated fats in the modern diet

lack of exercise

excess body fat

physical and psychological stress

psychological conflicts

exposure to harmful radiation

weak immunity

low-level and chronic bacterial and viral infections

chronic inflammatory metabolic expression

internal fungal invasions

genetic predisposition to cancer

These factors together create an environment inside our bodies that is toxic, sluggish, acid,
inflammatory and anaerobic (low-oxygen). And because this unhealthy internal environment is
extremely detrimental to our health, the body in its wisdom starts to convert normal cells to cancer
cells because the latter can function more efficiently in such a toxic environment.
So cancer is primarily a cellular environment problem rather than a genetic problem. And whilst it is
true that faulty genes do cause cancer, if the cell that has those genes is in a healthy microenvironment, the gene is less likely to get switched on. This has led Professor Rosalie David to state:
"There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be down to pollution
and changes to diet and lifestyle Data from across the millennia has given modern society a clear
message cancer is man-made and something that we can and should address."
Having a healthy lifestyle seems like the best idea for everyone, whether they are recovering from
cancer or trying to avoid it. So this is why it is so important to focus on WHOLE BODY HEALTH rather
than just cancer cell destruction (unless a tumour is so aggressive it is immediately life-threatening).
This is the fundamental principle of any successful cancer treatment. Whole body health, therefore, is
the fundamental principle of any successful cancer treatment.

Primary Rule: Focus on becoming healthy, not on destroying the cancer.

How do we become healthy? By making the following changes:
Now let us look at each of these in depth as they form the foundation of any potential cancer cure.

1. Dietary changes- Make permanent dietary changes so that it becomes largely vegetarian,
fresh, nutritious and organic. CUT OUT SUGAR, DAIRY PRODUCTS, MEAT, MICROWAVE
Dietary changes are of paramount importance to cancer sufferers. We need to eat a nutritious, lowtoxin diet that is anti-inflammatory. And the only diet that truely fits this bill is generally a vegan one,
possibly with fish added (although fish are now becoming an increasingly contaminated food source
as the oceans get more polluted). Researches show definitive scientific evidence that a plant-based
low-protein and low-glycemic diet is the most healthy in terms of cancer prevention and recovery.
Most importantly, cut out all sugar and other simple carbohydrates. Avoid all dairy products these
not only contain growth hormones (such as IGF-1) that encourage cancer-cell proliferation, but the
milk proteins themselves (casein) has been shown to be extremely carcinogenic. Cut out animal
protein intake as there is a strong correlation between animal protein intake and cancer rates.
Get an allergy test. If you are allergic to certain foods in your diet then eating these will cause an
inflammatory response in the body, something those with cancer are especially trying to avoid.
Cut down on salt (sodium) and increase intake of magnesium instead. Reduce your fat intake
generally as it increases estrogen levels in the body.
Considerably increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits that you eat (preferably choosing
organic to avoid chemical pesticide residues and avoiding excess amounts of high-starch foods like
potatoes and bananas). Consider increasing your intake of vegetables via vegetable juices which are
very cleansing to the system, again provided that they are not too sweet. Juice from sprouts is one of
the best options. Select phyto-oestrogen rich foods as they block both excess oestrogens and
oestrogen-like compounds (PCBs, dioxins, pesticides) from the cell receptors. These include beans
such as chickpeas, lentils, nuts, seeds- especially flax and pumpkin. When cooking vegetables, using
steam methods that minimise nutrient loss. Boiling destroys nutrients and frying creates harmful freeradicals. If you must fry, use an oil that is stable at high temperatures such as organic sunflower oil,
peanut oil, macadamia nut oil and unhydrogenated coconut fat.
Eat slowly, chewing carefully and avoid heavy meals. Instead have smaller more frequent meals and
avoid eating late at night as it increases the liver's work during the healing hours of sleep. Try and eat
a wide variety of different vegetables, fruit, grains (such as oats, rice, millet, quinoa, buckwheat,
amaranth and barley) pulses, nuts and seeds to provide plenty of different nutrients and not to get
into a dietary rut. Eat in a relaxed environment and try to relish every mouthful- this will enhance

2. Detoxify the body- Detoxifying your body both by reducing toxin input and increasing toxin
The diet given above will reduce the amount of toxins entering our body, especially if the foods
selected are organically grown. And in much the same way it is important to make sure you diet is
high in fibre so that waste products in the intestines are quickly eliminated before they produce toxins
which can affect the body. (Meat products are known to increase the risk of bowel cancer.) This can
be aided by colonics, which are great for bowel detox.
Toxins produced by parasites can be reduced by taking anti-parasite herbal formulas to kill the
parasites (tinctures of black walnut, wormwood and clove).

To rid the body of toxins already in the body requires us to first drink plenty of pure water (NOT tap
water which has chemicals in it, including urinated-out pharmaceutical drugs that are not removed in
the normal re-cycling water purification processes). One good life practice (it won't suit everyone but
is worth considering) is to have one day a week when we only drink vegetable juices and water, and
to drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning to flush out toxins that have built up in your
system during the night.
The other path way of elimination, one that is invariably overlooked, is that of the lungs. It is very
important to practice deep abdominal breathing as this is not only an important avenue of the
elimination of toxins (mostly volatile compounds) but also because movement of the diaphragm is the
main "pump" for the lymphatic system, which is a central component of the immune system (a
sluggish lymphatic system is often seen in those that develop cancer). The other method of getting
oxygen levels up and circulation moving in the body is regular exercise. This is also very beneficial
psychologically and can help relax the body in day-to-day living.

2. Increase oxygenation to cells- Increase oxygenation to your cells by breathing exercises,

supplements, dietary changes and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
The dietary aspect has been covered above, so here we will focus on methods to increase cellular
oxygen levels, and obviously the primary way to do this is via our breath. Most people shallow
breathe, their chest and abdomen barely moving during the respiration cycle. This is caused by long
periods slumped in chairs and on sofas, the stress of modern life and emotional issues. Most of the
blood in our lungs is actually at the base of the lung (due to gravity) and so if we can learn to breath
into the bottom of our lungs by taking deeper breaths, we will increase the oxygenation in our body
This can easily be done by learning to belly-breathe, making sure the stomach balloons out at the inbreath and flattens during the out-breath. Alternatively, there are many Eastern healing methods such
as Pranayama (yoga of breath) and Chi Kung. Another way to increase oxygen levels in the body is to
take regular light exercise such as daily walks.
Cancer sufferers looking for a powerful clinical way to oxygenate the body might consider the use of
hyperbaric oxygen chambers or undergo ozone therapy.
Other ways to increase cellular oxygen are to take oxygen health supplements (such as hydrogen
peroxide). Also, sure that you do not have excess protein, which some naturopaths believe inhibits
the ability of red blood cells to oxygenate our general body cells. Products that also increase cellular
oxygenation are: Klamath algae, chlorella, dark green leafy vegetables, Co enzyme Q10 and
cordycepts (medicinal mushrooms).
3. Alkalise the body- Alkalise the body so that cancer cells do not have an acidic environment to
thrive in by dietary changes and supplements.
Ideally, we should aim for 80% alkaline-forming foods (most fruits and vegetables) and only 20% acidforming foods that said, it might be wise to avoid meat and dairy products altogether because of the
growth hormones they usually contain, as well as their acidifying effect. And especially refined white
flour products, sugar (even honey and especially soft drinks) and alcohol should be avoided.
One of the very best ways to reduce acid in the body is to daily drink vegetable juices, especially
green ones. Strong powdered green foods such as Klamath blue green algae and barley grass can

also be extremely effective. If you want to use a sweetener, you could try xylitol which is alkalising to
the body unlike natural sugars and even honey, which are acidifying.
There are, however, certain tools that can be used specifically to reduce acid levels in the body, the
most important of which is sodium bicarbonate. This is an inexpensive mineral salt used in cooking
which can easily be found in any supermarket.
4. Reduce inflammation- Reduce chronic inflammation in the body because it is often associated
with cancer development, again primarily through dietary changes and supplements.
The best way to reduce inflammation in the body is to go on an anti-inflammatory diet. (Dietary
changes mentioned in section one will be largely anti-inflammatory.) So it is important to cut right
down (or ideally cut out) meat, dairy products, refined grains, processed food and of course sugar. All
these are pro-inflammatory foods. Vegetables and fruits, on the other hand, tend to be antiinflammatory, and so we need to increase our intake of these. (As mentioned before, foods we are
allergic to create inflammation in the body, which is why it is important to get an allergy test to find
which foods we are allergic to and to then eliminate them to reduce overall inflammation.)
Omega 3 containing foods include fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices, flax seed and pumpkin
oils, and fish if you must have meat. If radical dietary changes are too drastic for you, you might
consider Omega 3 supplements, usually from fish oils. If you are vegetarian, you might go for flax
seed oil supplements, but beware that conversion is not good in the body as these contain short
chain Omega 3 fatty acids. Fortunately, there are now vegetarian "algae oil" capsules available that
do have bioavailable long-chain Omega 3.
Supplements for reducing inflammation in the body include: curcumin, ginger, holy basil, Klamath blue
green algae, rosemary, oregano, resveratrol, gingko, green tea, bromelain and aloe vera. Also
Biobran (see below) is an immune system supplement that also has strong anti-inflammatory
It is important to reduce stress as the secretion of adrenalin and cortisol in the body lead to activation
of the inflammatory mechanism in preparation for repair of a potential wound. Caffeine and other
stimulants are also important to cut out.

5 a. Food supplements- Undertake a strict food supplement regime to put nutritional components
back into the body and in quantities that are therapeutic.
Supplements are essential to cancer patients to give the body the nutritional components it needs to
function optimally. Also, certain supplements can significantly boost the immune system, an essential
consideration for those with cancer. This is because it is our immune systems that not only kill cancer
cells (or residue cancer cells in the case of conventionally treated patients) but restore the body to
health after more intense treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Many nutrients also
have direct anti-cancer properties quite apart from their ability to stimulate immune function, and
antioxidants can help to prevent DNA damage.
It is also believed that cancers can begin due to specific nutrient shortages in the diet which weaken
immune function.

Please remember to check your supplement list with your healthcare practitioner to make sure
that none of these are contraindicated with any medication. Depending on your type of cancer,
your practitioner might recommend specific supplements for your condition.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Proteolytic Enzymes, Vitamin B complex, Multi-Vitamin and Mineral,
Omega 3 / Fish Oil, Vitamin D3, Salvestrols, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Beta-Carotene, Vitamin E,
Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, CoQ10, Lycopene, Curcumin Complex, Chrysin, Biobran,
IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate), Green superfood, Iodine, Probiotics

5b. Useful herbal supplements

Certain herbs can also be extremely beneficial because of their anti-cancer effect and their support
for a strong immune system. Again, check with your healthcare practitioner to make sure that none of
these are contraindicated with any medication.
Wormwood, Walnut Hull, Clove Bud, Pau d'Arco, Astragalus, Carctol, Methylglyoxal, Prostasol,
PC-Spes or Prostectan,Indole-3-Carbinol, Graviola, Black Cumin, Essiac Tea, Green Tea,

5c. Other supplements

Melatonin, Natural angiogenesis inhibitors, Amygdalin / Laetrile / Vitamin B17,
Zeolite supplements, NKCP or Nattokinase, DCA (dicholoacetate), Mastic gum,
Isoflavones / Genistein, High quality hash/hemp oil (RSO Rick Simpson Oil)
On a final note, be careful of supplements like colostrum which certainly do boost the immune
system. However, they many also contain growth hormones which are not a good idea for cancer
sufferers to take.
Do I need to take ALL of these?
It is certainly a good idea to take most of the nutritional ones (never leaving out the pancreatic
proteolytic enzymes) and maybe pick one or two of the herbal ones, again, provided your healthcare
practitioner does not believe that any will specifically do you any harm. (A closed-minded doctor may
believe you are wasting your money by taking them, but you can live with that.)
A normal healthy person can get away with a good multivitamin and mineral, extra Vitamin C,
flaxseed/fish oil, acidophilus and possibly a green superfood like algae. Someone with cancer,
however, needs much more to help rectify a crisis situation in the body. Health supplements,

therefore, have to not only be more extensive but also taken in therapeutic doses. This can put some
strain on the liver, which is why it is vital to do regular liver cleanses and detoxification.

6. Reduce harmful radiation- Restrict mobile phone use and throw out your microwave oven.
Avoid unnecessary x-rays and especially CT scans.
Ionising radiation like x-rays are extremely harmful to the body, which is why everybody should
avoid x-rays as much as possible. Even preventative x-ray use such as mammograms are
questionable because they can themselves cause cancer. (A safe and effective alternative to
mammograms is breast thermography, but make sure they do a proper cold-challenge.) Highaltitude plane flights also expose us to unhealthy levels of cosmic rays and should therefore be
reduced as much as possible.One of the very worst sources of damaging radiation are CT scans.
Non-ionising radiation the radiation emitted by mobile phones, power cables, microwave ovens,
televisions, Wi-Fi devices such as wireless computer networks, and mobile phone masts and
domestic electrical leads and sockets is considered relatively safe in comparison with x-rays. But
this is a lie, often put out by those with a vested interest in technologies that produce this type of
radiation, or those afraid of the legal consequences of admitting danger. Whilst non-ionising radiation
is certainly safer than ionising radiation, there is no doubt that chronic exposure to it can also be
extremely dangerous.
7. Actively reduce stress & emotional conflict- Resolve psychological conflicts and let go of old
hurt and grudges. Go on regular holidays and actively practice relaxation and meditation to reduce
stress levels.
We say actively because unless you really do something to reduce stress in this frenetic world it just
doesn't seem to go away on its own, unless you are lucky enough to be able to spend a few months
in the middle of nowhere. But don't get stressed about it! Saying you have "no time" for any of these
is absolutely no excuse when health is on the line.
Working on stress might involve making the time to go through a particular relaxation exercise or a
meditation technique / prayer time twice a day. Regular massage is also a great support. There are
some effective stress reduction audio CDs on the market that allow you to enter deep states of
relaxation relatively easily. A cancer patient might also consider seeing a counselor to help him or her
to release old grudges, regrets and other psychological conflicts an essential requirement for
peace of mind. One of the key factors in psychological stress is emotional conflict. Emotional
resolution should be a part of everybody's cancer treatment.
One of the important ways to reduce stress for those with cancer is to avoid being around
conventional hospital environments and other cancer sufferers (unless they are part of a specific
support network). Stay as much as possible in healthy, natural and relaxing environments.
These "mind" healing techniques will seem merely like "feel good" methods to augment "proper"
treatment. And that is what they will be for many people. However, for others, these techniques have
been the primary treatment that have literally cured them of cancer. One cannot overestimate the
effect unresolved emotional issues on our health and wellbeing. This is definitely the medicine of the

8. Stop taking contraceptive pill and HRT - Women should stop taking the contraceptive pill or
HRT as these can cause cancer.
Women with cancer, especially a hormone related cancer, should stop taking the contraceptive pill
and HRT, if they are on these. The reason for this is that there is evidence that these actually cause

9. Make future plans and goals - Start making future plans and goals so that you have something to
live for.
However, the effect of the emotion of hope on our health and disease recovery should not be underestimated. Hope for a future is vital if you are going to have the strength of will and focus to get
through cancer, and one of the very best ways of cultivating hope is to make future plans and goals.
Don't let a disease that has been given a name stop you.

10. Touch what is divine for you - Touch what is divine for you, so that your life becomes part of
something bigger.
One might consider spiritual healing or prayer as these can make a huge difference to some people.
From this divine perspective cancer sometimes becomes an opportunity for inner growth, a challenge
that can change us quite profoundly.
Ultimately, a divine outlook helps many to drop their fear of death, and in so doing a deep relaxation
takes place in which the outcome of our cancer becomes less important as the individual faces the
infinite. This is NOT for everybody but only those with a spiritual temperament, and for such people
this step should not be omitted, for it can actually be the most important factor in the cancer-cure

What about "proper" treatments?

This question arises from ignorance of what lifestyle changes and specific health supplement regimes
can actually do. There are many individuals who have used combinations of the lifestyle changes and
health supplements described above to successfully treat their cancers. Indeed such changes are so
effective that they tend to form the basis of almost all alternative and complementary treatments.
However, sometimes the above is not quite enough the cancer might be too aggressive or
advanced, not responding, or you may just be psychologically unhappy not getting a "proper
treatment" of some kind. If this is the case, there are many treatment options available to you.
Remember, however, that any cancer treatment should always integrate the basic lifestyle changes
described above, as these will give any "proper treatment" its best chance of working. Treatments
undertaken in isolation of the above have a good chance of failing, and this applies to BOTH orthodox
and alternative therapies.
"Proper treatments" are invariably the realm of the professional doctor and healthcare practitioner,
and so your best option is to find a practitioner who is successful with your particular type of cancer,
and then decide whether the treatment regime offered is right for you and whether you feel confident

with the practitioner (an important consideration). Ideally, find one who is qualified to advise you on
both alternative and orthodox treatment programs, and/or combination programs. This way you have
much more choice and can put together a program that is right for you, one that gives you the best
chance of success.

Following these steps WILL make a difference to your situation. And if you get the details right, you
will find your cure for your cancer. But it may take some fine tuning and detective work to discover
what works for you. Just remember, nothing is written in stone and people have got well despite the
most dire of prognoses.
And what is very important to bear in mind is that one third of cancer survivors have physical or
mental problems. Cancer and cancer recovery is traumatic on many levels. This is why post
treatment is also very important, and the steps above, such as having an anti-inflammatory diet,
should be continued long after the cancer has disappeared. Remember to always think about the
micro-environment you cells are in, and that if the environment is allowed to deteriorate because we
return to our old unhealthy ways, the cancer will return. Cancer is therefore a walk-up call for us to
become healthy overall.
Many people after recovering from cancer make donations to cancer charities because they have
witnessed the devistation and hardship usually involved in recovery. But many of the standard cancer
charities are not particularly supportive to integrative/alternative approaches to cancer treatment, and
therefore, we strongly urge you NOT donate to the large conventional-treatment-focused charities.
These massive organisations end up pushing conventional therapy which makes many of us whether
they have hidden links to the pharmaceutical industry. If you want to make a difference, donate to
hospices (who do a wonderful job) and small integrative-approach charities which really give patients
the opportunity to make meaningful life-saving choices. Once such charity in the UK is Yes to Life and
their website is:
I wish you all the very best in your endeavour and I salute your spirit at taking responsibility for your
own health, happiness and future. May you find YOUR cancer cure.

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