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1.Cardiac tamponade after traumaa . i s s e l d o m l i f e t h r e a t e n i n g b . c a n b e e x c l u d e d b y a n u p r i g h t , AP c h e s t x - r a y

c.can be confused with a tension pneumothorax
d.causes a fall in systolic pressure of > 15 mm Hg ith expiratione.most
commonly occurs after blunt in!ury to the anterior chest all".#hich one of
the follo ing statements regarding patients ith thoracic spine in!uries is $
%&'(a.)og-rolling may be destabili*ing to fractures from $-1" to )-1.+ P&$
$ P'/0 radio A'/ options%adios 2A)&'/ " > AC%34&$$3 H$)irectb.Ade6uate
immobili*ation can be accomplished ith the scoop stretcher.+ P&$ $P'/0
radio A'/ options%adios 2A)&'/ 7 > AC%34&$$3 H$ ) irect c.8pinal cord in!
ury belo $-19 usually spares bo el and bladder function.+ P&$ $P'/0
radio A'/ options%adios 2A)&'/ : > AC%34&$$3 H$)irect
d.Hyperflexion fractures in the upper thoracic spine are
inherentlyunstable.<INPUT TYPE! radio N"#E options$adios
%"&UE ' (#")$*+UTT*N HT#&,irect
e.$hese patients rarely present ith spinal shoc; in association ith cord
in!ury.7.Absence of breath sounds and dullness to percussion o<er the left
hemithorax arefmdings best explained bya.
&eft hemothorax
.b.+ P&$ $ P'/0 radio A '/ options%adios 2A)&'/ " > AC%34&$
$3H$)irect cardiac contusion
c.+ P&$ $ P'/0 radio A '/ options%adios 2A)&'/ 7 > AC%34&$
$3H$)irectleft simple
pneumothoraxd . l e f t d i a p h r a g m a t i c r u p t u r e e . r i g h t t e n s i o n p n e u m o t h o r
a x . :.A young man sustains a gunshot ound to the abdomen and is
brought promptly to theemergency department by prehospital personnel. His s;in
is cool and diaphoretic, andhe is confused. His pulse is thready and his femoral
pulse is only ea;ly palpable. $hedefmiti<e treatment in managing this patient
is toa . a d m i n i s t e r 9 - n e g a t i < e b l o o d b.+ P&$ $ P'/0 radio A '/ options
%adios 2A)&'/ " > AC%34&$$3 H$)irectapplyextemal arming de<ices.
+P&$ $P'/0 radio A'/options%adios 2A)&'/ 7 > AC%34&$$3 H$)irectc.
)ontrol internal hemorrha-e operatiely
d . a p p l y t h e p n e u m a t i c a n t i s h o c ; g a r m e n t e.infuse large <olumes
of intra<enous crystalloid solution.5 . $ o e s t a b l i s h a d i a g n o s i s o f
s h o c ; , a.systolic blood pressure must be belo =9 mm Hg.b.+ P&$
$ P'/0 radio A '/ options%adios 2A)&'/ " > AC%34&$$3 H$)irectthe
presence of a closed head in!ury should be excludedc.+ P&$ $ P'/0 radio A '/
options%adios 2A)&'/ 7 > AC%34&$$3 H$)irectacidosis should be present
by arterial blood 0gas analysisd.+ P&$ $ P'/0 radio A '/ options%adios
2A)&'/ : > AC%34&$$3 H$)irectthe patient must fail to respond to intra<enous
fluid infusion.
e.clinical e idence of inade/uate or-an perfusion must be
.A "7-year-old man is brought immediately to the emergency department
from thehospital? s par;ing lot here he as shot in the lo er abdomen. 'xamination
re<eals asingle bullet ound. He is breathing and has a thready pulse. Ho e<er, he
isunconscious and has no detectable blood pressure. 3ptimal immediate

management istoa . p e r f o r m d i a g n o s t i c p e r i t o n e a l l a < a g e . b . i n i t i a t e

infusion of pac;ed red blood cells.c.insert a nasogastric tube and
u r i n a r y c a t h e t e r.
transfer the patient to the operatin- room0 while initiatin- fluid
.e.initiate fluid therapy to return his blood pressure to normotensi<e@.An
electrician is electrocuted by a do ned po er line after a thunderstorm.
Heapparently made contact ith the ire at the le<el of the right mid thigh. n
theemergency department, his <ital signs are normal and no dysrhythmia is noted
on 'C.3n examination, there is an exit ound on the bottom of the right foot. His
urine ispositi<e for blood by dip stic; but no %4Cs are seen microscopically. nitial
managementshould includea . i m m e d i a t e a n g i o g r a p h y .
a--ressie fluid infusion
.c . i n t r a < e n o u s p y l e o g r a p h y . d . d e b r i d e m e n t o f n e c r o t i c
m u s c l e . e.admission to the intensi<e care unit for obser<ation.B.An Byear-old girl is an unrestrained passenger in a <ehicle struc; from behind.
n the emergency department, her blood pressure is B9 9 mm Hg, heart rate is B9
beats per

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